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Canadian Fulbright Students
Ms. Christine Ackerley, Simon Fraser University to University of Washington
Research on communication and implementation of evidence in practice and policy settings
Ms. Hannah Allen, University of Western Ontario to Harvard University
Study in the Field of Public International Law and Specifically Focus on the Right to Selfdetermination
Ms. Rachel Beth Cooper, University of Waterloo to Harvard University
Ethically Centering the Voices of Lived Experience in Medical Education and Health Policy Contexts
Mr. Grant Fahlgren, University of British Columbia to Harvard University
Reconciliation through Urban Design - Masters of Landscape Architecture in Urban Design
Ms. Vivian Giang, University of Alberta to University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
New approaches to communities, communication and consultation on geothermal energy development on Indigenous traditional lands
Mr. Alexander Michalatos, University of British Columbia to Stanford University
Maximizing Private Sector Infrastructure Investment in the Public-Private-Partnership (P3) Procurement Model
Ms. Hajer Nakua, University of Toronto to Stanford University
Addressing Mental Health in North America: Advancing the Conceptual Framework of Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors Using the Latest Computational and Statistical Approaches
Ms. Khushi Nansi, University of Toronto to Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Master’s in Language of Dress & Adornment in South Asia and Architecture of the Medieval Islamic Underworld
Ms. Kathy Pham, University of Calgary to University of California, Riverside
Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing: Exploring Alignments in Asian Canadian and Asian American Literatures
Mr. James Ross, Independent to University of California, Los Angeles
The Embodied Archive: Video art and the intergenerational transmission of LGBTQ civil rights history in North America
Mrs. Kharoll-Ann Souffrant, University of Ottawa to University of Pennsylvania
Intersectionality, Rape Culture and #MeToo: An Exploration of Canadian Black Women’s Digital Feminist Activism in Quebec