Fulbright - a lifetime experience

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FRONT COVER: Dr. Lajos Arday is standing directly behind Senator Fulbright; next to him is the senator’s wife, Harriett Fulbright. The photo was taken at a Christmas party for Fulbright grantees hosted by the International Student House in December of 1991.

Fulbright A Lifetime Experience

Fulbright alumni Dr. László Szendrődi

National Expert European Commission DG Research Environmental Technologies Fulbright Research Grant State University of New York Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse, NY, AY 1993-1994 I worked as a Fulbright Research Scholar at the State University of New York, Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) in Syracuse, New York for 10 months in 1993-94. My main task was to develop and finalize the mathematical model for modeling the biomass growth of fast growing poplar plantations for bio-energy purposes.

Dávid Szesztai

Third Secretary, Foreign and Security Policy, OPCW. Embassy of the Hungarian Republic in the Netherlands Fulbright Student Learning „inside the Beltway” Georgetown University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, AY 2001-2002 Having just finished a report for Budapest on the Dutch views on non-proliferation issues and prepared a brief for the Ambassador on current security issues in Afghanistan, and planning in the near future to debrief Dutch officials after their Prime Minister’s visit to the United States, I have no doubt that my foreign policy studies in America supported by the Fulbright Program are being put to extensive use for Hungary. As a graduate of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, I decided to try to accomplish an old dream and enroll in Georgetown University’s graduate program in Washington, D.C. It turned out that

I have thought of everything I can think of, and the one thing that gives me some hope is the ethos that underlies the educational exchange program. That ethos, in sum, is the belief that international relations can be improved, and the danger of war significantly reduced, by producing generations of leaders, who through the experience of educational exchange, will have acquired some feeling and understanding of other peoples' cultures ... and of differences among these cultures. It is possible - not very probable, but possible - that people can find in themselves, through intercultural education, the ways and means of living together in peace."

(J. William Fulbright, 1905-1995)

My international career would definitely have remained a dream forever without the training and experiences in the USA supported by the Fulbright Research Program. I think, this peaceful program better serves sustainable development as well as international security and safety than any guns and armaments. Since my Fulbright experience I have been motivated and obliged to work for the common future of Europe in close cooperation with the Americans. being selected to be among the 100 students in the Master of Science in Foreign Service program is not the most difficult part - covering expenses is. The Budapest Fulbright Office not only solved this issue but also gave me much more assistance. Being a Fulbright student in Washington, D.C. opened many doors to professors, researchers and politicians “inside the Beltway.” Studying at Georgetown University, and witnessing the city and the government awakening after September 11th were a once in a lifetime experience. Now I am a Hungarian diplomat in The Netherlands. The skills and the knowledge I gained during my Fulbright studies are tested and used every day. I am really thankful for the Fulbright Scholarship granted to me in 2001.

Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg President and CEO of Strategic Investment Group Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg is the president and CEO of Strategic Investment Group, which designs and implements global investment strategies for large institutions and individual investors. The group manages over US$ 35 billion for more than 400 investors in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. She is the Managing Director of Emerging Markets Management L.L.C. and a Member of the Board of Directors of the World Bank/International Monetary Fund Credit Union. She was selected by the Fulbright Association to receive its 2005 Lifetime Achievement Medal. She is a chartered financial analyst (CFA) and received her MPA. from the John F. Kennedy School of Harvard University. A Fulbright-Hays Fellow, she is a Doctoral Candidate in Finance at the Harvard Business School.

Fulbright alumni Dr. Lajos Arday

Lecturer, Corvinus University Institute of International Studies Fulbright Lecturer Grant Georgetown University Department of History, Washington, D.C. AY 1991-1992 The Fulbright Grant for the 1991-92 academic year provided me with the possibility to collect material – mainly archival– for a book on American and British policies towards East Central Europe after 1948. Previously, going back to the early

Dr. András Csillag

College Professor University of Szeged, School of Education Department of Modern Languages and Cultures Fulbright Research Grant Columbia University, School of Journalism AY 1987-89; and American Hungarian Foundation, New Brunswick, NJ. AY 1999-2000 I spent two academic years at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University researching the life and career of Joseph Pulitzer, the founder of modern journalism and the prize named after him. On my return home, I was able to utilize the experience and knowledge I acquired in the United States in my job teaching American Cultural Studies to undergraduate students. As a result of my research project, I was able to write the first scholarly monograph on Joseph Pulitzer published in Hungary.

1970s, I had dealt with the nationality-minority problems of our region, first of all in Yugoslavia. My stay in the U.S. coincided with the break-up of our southern neighbour, so I, as an expert from that part of Europe, was welcomed as a lecturer on the historical background and recent events of the fratricidal war in the former Yugoslavia in various academic institutions, including my host school Georgetown University, and others in Ithaca (Cornell), Seattle, Bloomington, Indianapolis, Buffalo, Rochester, Toledo, Chicago, New Brunswick, Ada (Ohio), Toronto and the Library of Congress, in Washington, D.C. In our case the basic purpose of the Fulbright Program was fully realized: there was consensus and a friendly relationship among scholars from all continents, and, more important, among those who had come from the crisis areas in Central and South Eastern Europe. There is no question that besides the professional rewards that scholarships can provide the Fulbright Program has additional benefits. International participants can see interesting places, they can learn more about the American cultural scene, the arts, the media, the educational system. And they can get to know the American people. An important benefit of the Fulbright Exchange Program is that while scholars or students get a chance to spend a longer period of time in the United States they are most likely to develop a special connection with the American people based on mutual interest, better understanding, commitment and friendship.

Jean-Pierre Garnier former CEO of GlaxoSmithKline On Jan. 17, 2000, two of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, SmithKline Beecham PLC and Glaxo Wellcome PLC, announced that they were merging. The two British giants had tried to join forces in 1998, but the deal had fallen through largely because of a disagreement over who would head the combined firm. This time around, the companies agreed that there was only one man suitable for the position—French business executive Jean-Pierre Garnier. Without him, according to industry observers, the merger that produced Glaxo SmithKline could not have been achieved. Garnier studied at Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, where he earned a master’s degree in pharmaceutical science and a PhD in pharmacology. In 1974, as a Fulbright scholar at Stanford University, Garnier obtained a master’s degree in business administration. Beginning his business career in the U.S., he quickly achieved success.

Ambassador April H. Foley’s Statement One of the great pleasures of my job has been to promote international education exchange. The Fulbright program is the flagship of U.S. government efforts in this field. Among the honored alumni from around the world are 18 heads of state, 11 members of the U.S. Congress, 37 recipients of the Nobel Prize, one Secretary General of the United Nations and one Secretary General of NATO. As a potential donor to the Fulbright exchange program, you have a unique opportunity to do something for your country. The Fulbright Program is not just about increasing the technical knowledge of an individual, but rather about making better citizens who understand and promote the values of democracy. Senator Fulbright, who established this program more than 60 years ago said it best: “Creative leadership and education are the first requirements for a hopeful future for humankind. Fostering these - leadership, learning, and empathy between cultures - was and remains the purpose of the international scholarship program that I was privileged to sponsor in the U.S. Senate.” Our two governments have done their share over the years, maintaining a steady budget that currently sends 30 Americans to Hungary and 30 Hungarians to the United States each year. By turning now to the private sector in Hungary, I want to improve the already excellent Fulbright Program and to continue to make the program relevant to today’s Hungary. We have created the possibility for individuals and companies to step forward and give something back to Hungary. By donating to today’s Fulbright Program you will be promoting Hungary’s future. By giving a multi-year grant you have the possibility to add your or your company’s name to the Fulbright banner and to participate in Fulbright events in Hungary. Take a moment to read a few of the testimonials in this brochure. I am certain that you will be convinced of the value of the Fulbright Program, and the fact that it gives individual students and scholars the most rewarding personal and professional experiences of their lives. The Fulbright Program enriches both of our societies, offering continuing benefits for years to come.

The Mutual Educational Exchange Program of the Fulbright Program named in honor of Senator J. William Fulbright - who first proposed it - was established by the U.S. Congress in 1946. The main objective of the Program is "to enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the United States and the people of other countries and thus to assist in the development of friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations, between the United States and other countries of the world". The program operates in around 150 countries worldwide. Since its inception over 60 years ago, approximately 300,000 Fulbrighters have participated in the program including many heads of state, prime ministers and ministers of foreign affairs, artists and ambassadors, professors and physicians, court justices and CEOs. These Fulbrighters, past and present have enabled the Fulbright Program to become the world's largest and most prestigious scholarly exchange program.

Fulbright alumni

THE FULBRIGHT PROGRAM Géza Jeszenszky Former Minister of Foreign Affairs AY 1984-85 University of California Miklós Persányi Former Minister of Environment and Water Director, Budapest ZOO Prof. Dr. Zoltán Abádi-Nagy Former Rector, Univ. of Debrecen AY 1987-1990 University of Minnesota University of Oklahoma University of California, Irvine Dr. Zoltán Fejős Director, Museum of Ethnography AY 1992-1993 Ms. Éva Tóth Writer, Vice President Hungarian Pen Club AY 1992-1993 Ms. Judit Elek Film Director AY 1993-1994, Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Hungary joined the Fulbright Program in 1978 when the United States returned the Hungarian Holy Crown and other coronation regalia which it had held in Fort Knox for safekeeping since World War II. For many years, the program was managed by the Embassy of the United States in Budapest and by the Hungarian Ministry of Education. After the political changes, the Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission was established in 1992. The Executive Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Hungary established the authority of the Commission to conduct a program of educational and cultural exchange between the two countries using the funds made available by both governments; to organize regular open, binationally planned and executed competitions for scholarship; to provide educational advising services; and to serve as a focal point for the organization of activities of an alumni association. Over the last thirty years, around 800 Hungarians have traveled to the U.S. as Fulbright grantees and around 850 American citizens have come to Hungary. Many of the Hungarian grantees have gone on to take leading roles in government, business, education and the arts (see on the sides.)

Prof. Dr. Katalin Nagy

Dean, University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry Fulbright Research Grant Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, AY 2002-2003 As I have been involved in the post-operative restoration of head and neck tumor patients for years, I was overjoyed to be given the opportunity to be able to spend three summer months of 2002 in one of the world’s most renowned institutions, the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. What also pleased me was the fact that the institute is located in the most exciting city of the U.S., Manhattan, New York. My supervisor at the Center, Dr. Ian Zolotow, was one hundred percent dedicated to his vocation and worked 10 to 14 hours a day and taught me a method that I have tried ever since to help my patients with back in Hungary. I learnt a method by which we can restore the defects that are created as a result of the tumor opera-

Dr. Beatrix Kotlan

Research Fellow National Institute of Oncology Fulbright Research Grant John Wayne Cancer Institute, Santa Monica, CA. AY 2006-2007

tions on the head and neck areas, thus allowing the patients to fully reintegrate into their families and society. Besides the hard work, I also tried to take at least a fraction of all the wonderful opportunities that New York City offers in the summer months.

The past seven years have brought fundamental changes in my life. My co-workers and I have created the rehabilitation center at the Szeged University of Sciences which cares for the patients not only of the region, but the whole country.

With the Fulbright Grant I was able to build a new “international scientific bridge”, long and strong enough to reach from Budapest to Los Angeles. My Fulbright Scholarship opened a new window in my life and helped to achieve further technological developments useful for the clinical application.

My work involves innovative biotechnology and leads to new cancer diagnostic and therapeutic developments. The host department of the American Institute was interested, as exploring special tumor cell membrane structures, investigating their biochemistry and therapeutic potential was of mutual interest. I came home with lots of “scientific luggage” in terms of knowledge, documents of evaluated data and my frozen sample preparations in many boxes. Using all this, I can continue my work in a new institute in order to lead this project to cancer therapeutic usage.

Andrea Fitting Founder and CEO of the Fitting Group Andrea Fitting founded Fitting Group in 1986. She has put together a team of professionals who have been selected primarily for their exceptional problem-solving abilities. Andrea holds BA and PhD degrees in Anthropology/Archaeology from the University of Pittsburgh and is a former Fulbright Scholar.

Staff of the Hungarian Fulbright Commission

In addition to the numerous accolades and honors received by Fitting Group for branding, marketing and creative work, Andrea has been recognized for her work and her involvement in the entrepreneurial community. Some of these awards include the YWCA/ NAWBO Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, Best 50 Women in Business in Pennsylvania, and Girl Scouts Trillium Council Woman of Distinction Award.

Fulbright alumni Dr. Mária Gödény-Polony PhD National Institute of Oncology

Fulbright Research Grant: University of California, San Fransisco, Department of Neuroradiology, AY 1996-1997

cisco was my host university and in 1996 I spent four months there at the Department of Radiology. My professional project was head and neck tumor imaging, computer-tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Upon completion of the UCSF Visiting Fellowship and Tutorial Fellowship, I had an increased understanding of a very specialized area of head and neck medical imaging, CT and MRI. It was extremely valuable for me to carry out this special research program and to gain knowledge in the field of head and neck imaging techniques of such a high standard.

I am a radiologist, and it was a great honor for me to be awarded the Fulbright Scholarship and become one of the members of the “Fulbright Family”. The University of California in San Fran-

Prof. András Lánczi

Director of the Institute for the Political Science Corvinus University of Budapest Fulbright Research Grant Louisiana State University, Eric Voegelin Institute, Baton Rouge, LA AY 1997-1998 Together with my family, I spent nine months at the Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, between 1997-98, which also hosts the Eric Voegelin Institute. Eric Voegelin was one of the most outstanding political philosophers of the 20th century. He left Austria after the Nazi occupation, and I had the privilage, with the generous scholarship of the Fulbright Commission, to study the roots of American constitutionalism with the tacit correlation between Hungary’s new politi-

I have been working since January 1997 for the National Institute of Oncology in Budapest, where I was asked to head the Department of Radio-diagnostics. As it is the main Hungarian cancer institute, it is certainly the best in cancer care. In addition to my own enrichment, many of my colleagues have been able to learn from my Fulbright experience in the U.S. cal beginning in the early 1990s and that of the New World. Thanks to the favorable circumstances, I could complete a book entitled „Democracy and Political Science” that has been used as a textbook ever since. The year I could spend in the United States gave me an impetus to take more responsibility in the public life of my home country. A few years later I was elected the Chair of the Department of Political Science, at Corvinus University in Budapest, which I have been leading ever since.

Richard A. Debs former President of the Morgan Stanley International He joined Morgan Stanley in 1976 as the founding President of Morgan Stanley International to develop the investment bank's international business, now a major part of its global activities. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley in 1976, Dr. Debs served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Dr. Debs is Chairman of the Board of the American University of Beirut, Chairman Emeritus of Carnegie Hall, trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Trustee of the Institute of International Education. He is also a member of the Fulbright Association and was the first recipient of its Lifetime Achievement Award. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Egypt, where he subsequently held a joint Harvard-Princeton research fellowship.

IN HUNGARY The program is open to individuals in every field in the arts and sciences. The Commission seeks to achieve a balance between natural sciences and social sciences. Awards go not only to individuals from the academic world but also to specialists in increasingly important areas such as environmental protection, business, art and culture stewardship, public health and health management, entrepreneurship and information technology. The Commission also focuses special attention on fields where Hungarian-American cooperation promises longterm benefits. During the last few years, the Commission has encouraged greater participation for applicants in the professions, business and the arts. The following grant opportunities are available for Hungarian applicants: • • • • •

Post graduate student grants for further study and/or PhD related research Research grants for junior and senior researchers Grants for university lecturers Teacher exchange grants Supplementary grants in all categories for those who need some additional financial support

Dr. József Temesi Vice Rector, Corvinus University AY 1994-1995 University of New Hampshire Ms. Szilvia Perényi Former Vice President of the Organizing Committee of Paralympic Games, Atlanta 1996 AY 1994-1995 Florida State University Ms. Réka Szemerkényi Former Secretary of State Foreign and Security Policy Office of the Prime Minister Dr. Zoltán Illés Member of Parliament AY 1995-1996 University of North Carolina Prof. Dr. Sándor Damjanovich Member of the Academy AY 1996-1997 National Cancer Institute Bethesda, MD Dr. András Nagy Former President of the Hungarian Centre of the International Theatre Institute AY 1998-1999 St. Olaf College

FULBRIGHT COMMISSION Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange 1082 Budapest Baross u. 62. http://www.fulbright.hu Tel.: (+36-1) 462-8040 Fax: (+36-1) 252-0266

Fulbright alumni

Fulbright alumni Tamás Bőhm

Doctoral Candidate Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics Fulbright Student: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, AY 2004-2005

As a Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher, I conducted research for my PhD on speaker recog-

nition by humans and personalized speech synthesis technologies, at the MIT Speech Communication Group.

Máté Csanád

Working in an interdisciplinary area such as speech science and technology requires one to gain some level of understanding of various disciplines (phonetics, psychology, signal processing, acoustics and anatomy). I had the opportunity to attend a number of MIT courses that helped me to obtain a background in a number of these areas.

Fulbright Student: Nuclear physics and the beaches of Long Island, Brookhaven National Laboratory AY 2005-2006

My year as a Fulbrighter had a great impact on my further career. It was amazing for me to realize how prestigious the Fulbright Scholarship is in the U.S., even at an elite university like MIT. As I got to know other Fulbrighters, I could see the reason: the Fulbright community is an exceptional assortment of people from around the globe with very diverse backgrounds but with exceptional skills. These people form a great community, both in Hungary and in Boston: the Fulbright alumni associations organize various programs and outings in order to promote informal relationships in this community.

Gyula Fekete

Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Fulbright Student: Northwestern University, School of Music AY 1994-1995 My experiences in America proved beneficial in so many ways. I became familiar with current American compositional techniques, and learned how to appreciate many different musical ideas and points of view, including

those I did not generally enjoy. This sense of openness to a variety of art forms and styles is one of the most important lessons one can learn in the United States, and is the one I now consistently impress upon my own students at the Liszt Academy.

Craig Barrett former Chairman of the Intel Corporation Craig R. Barrett became Chairman of the Board of Intel Corporation on May 18, 2005. He became Intel’s fourth President in May of 1997 and Chief Executive Officer in 1998. He was elected to Intel’s Board of Directors in 1992 and served as Chief Operating Officer from 1993 to 1997. Barrett began his tenure at Intel as a Technology Development manager in 1974. Under his leadership, the world's largest chipmaker Intel Corp has reaped the benefits of the dot-com boom but also managed to stay profitable when the bubble burst.

Teaching Associate Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Atomic Physics

II was a visiting researcher with a postgraduate Fulbright Scholarship at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the State University of New York at Stony Brook (2006-2007). I worked at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Long Island. In the very high energy collisions of RHIC, circumstances are assumed to be similar to the ones present at the very beginning of the history of our Universe. For me the most important reason to apply for a Fulbright Scholarship was the fact that most of the experts in our field are concentrated

Zita Zoltay Paprika, PhD

Associate Professor, Chair Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Decision Sciences Program Director, International Study Programs Office Fulbright Research Grant: California State University, Sacramento, Faculty of Business Administration AY 2005-2006 I was awarded a Fulbright Research Grant for the 2005/2006 academic year and spent the year at the California State University Sacramento (CSUS) Faculty of Business Administration. My research focused on the methodology of strategic decision making with an emphasis on the role of rationality and intuitive thinking.

around RHIC, as this is the most cutting-edge experimental facility in high-energy nuclear physics. With my Fulbright experience, I am enhancing the potential of my home university in highenergy nuclear physics. Besides my professional results, I gained many unforgettable experiences and memories that will last decades.

In my work I interviewed top managers responsible for strategic decisions. Colleagues assisted me actively in organizing and conducting the interviews, while I helped them by including in my questionnaire topics of interest to their own research. Before returning to Budapest, I received a photo album from my American friends entitled “California On My Mind” and to be honest, California has not left my mind since then.

Amar Bose MIT Professor former Chairman and Founder of the Bose Corporation An American electrical engineer of Bengali descent, he was listed on the 2007 Forbes 400. Bose entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating with a BS in Electrical Engineering in the early 1950s. He spent a year in Eindhoven, Netherlands, in the research labs at NV Philips Electronics and a year in New Delhi, India, as a Fulbright student. He completed his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from MIT. Following graduation, Bose took a position at MIT as an Assistant Professor. Today, the Bose Corporation is a multifaceted entity with more than 12,000 employees, worldwide, that produces products for home, car, and professional audio, as well as conducts basic research in acoustics, automotive systems, and other fields.

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