Spotlight report on Sustainable Development Goals Ukraine - 2019

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GOAL 4. ENSURE INCLUSIVE AND EQUITABLE QUALITY EDUCATION AND PROMOTE LIFE-LONG LEARNING OPPORTNUTIES FOR ALL Target 4.1. Ensure access to quality school education for all children and adolescents Target 4.4. Improve the quality of tertiary education […] Target 4.7. Create a modern learning environment in schools, including inclusive education, through innovative approaches

HOW LGBTQI PEOPLE HAVE BEEN LEFT BEHIND: According to p. 2 art. 3 of the Law of Ukraine «On Education», equal opportunities for access to education are created in Ukraine. No one can be restricted in their right to obtain education. At the same time, list of grounds regardless of which the right to education is guaranteed, DOES NOT include SOGIESC. Although the list is open (ending with «other circumstances and characteristics»), other protected grounds are explicitly mentioned in it (age, sex, race, health status, disability, nationality, ethnic origin, political, religious or other views, skin colour, place of residence, language, origin, social and material position, criminal record). Absence of effective mechanisms for preventing and combatting bullying. • most LGBT students (88,5%) encountered verbal harassment at school (slurs or threats) • 50,3% out of those, who experienced negative remarks about their gender, reported that they heard these types of remarks from teachers and other school staff • 53.5% of LGBT students had been targets of physical violence at some point during the past year • 65.8% of LGBT students who had been victimized had never reported it to school staff members because they were convinced the personnel would not interfere or their interference would not be effective1 Definition, typical characteristics and the procedure of responding to bullying cases and the responsibility of persons involved in are defined by the legislation of Ukraine only since January 19, 2019, as a result of the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying». Only in February 2019 Ukrainian court upheld the first decision on bullying case (yet the case is not related to bullying based on the basis of SOGIESC grounds).

1 National School Climate Survey, NGO Fulcrum UA, 2017. Available at:


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