Abercrombie and Kent Escape Brochure

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eSCaPe 2011/12


miDDLe eaSt, north afriCa anD ethioPia

inDia, himaLaYa anD Sri LanKa

auStraLaSia anD the far eaSt

Latin ameriCa





abercrombie & Kent Ltd, St George’s house, ambrose Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 3LG, uK tel: 0845 0700 600 • fax: +44 (0)1242 547 707 • abercrombiekent.co.uk You are welcome to visit us in our Cheltenham offices or alternatively visit: abercrombie & Kent Private travel, at harrods, 87 – 135 Brompton road, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7XL, uK tel: +44 (0)20 7173 6440 • fax: +44 (0)20 7173 6441


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06/03/2011 11:43

further information P83

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considered by some insurers as ‘hazardous’, for

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UK passport holders. On average, a minimum of

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Vaccinations. You should familiarise yourself,

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Your holiday begins at 30,000 feet which is why

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whether financial or otherwise – of any failure on

before you book your holiday, you should

Most countries now insist upon at least six

the part of the client in this respect.

exact locations.

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• Department of Health ‘Health Advice for

these cabins include larger seats with more

06/03/2011 11:43

Dear Traveller I founded Abercrombie & Kent in East Africa nearly 50 years ago with little more than a Land Rover, a couple of tents and the all-important icemaker. Little did I know at the time I was creating a blueprint for a travel company that now takes people to every corner of the world in comfort, style and absolute safety. The key to our success? We believe in leaving nothing to chance. We believe in service. We believe in getting to know our clients so we can anticipate their individual needs. We believe that focusing on the little details can elevate a journey from being a great holiday into the experience of a lifetime. We believe that by religiously following these principles, clients will keep coming back to us for their holidays. They do. Now it’s your turn‌

Geoffrey Kent Founder, Chairman and CEO

Four SeaSonS Landaa Giraavaru, MaLdiveS

Honeymoon Gift List We have just relaunched our online Honeymoon Gift List Service, which offers wedding guests the opportunity to contribute towards your honeymoon by purchasing a speciďŹ c experience or making a more general contribution. This new interactive service, coordinated by your experienced travel consultant, will offer you a personalised honeymoon itinerary, discretely available online to your wedding guests using a password. It also enables you to send messages and thank you notes to family and friends attending the wedding. On return from your honeymoon, you will receive a guest contribution honeymoon album, detailing the gifts, contributions and messages. To help you get started in planning your honeymoon, our Honeymoon Destination Planner highlights month by month some of our favourite luxury honeymoon destinations and properties around the world. We pride ourselves on offering a truly memorable travel experience. Our new facility offers an easy, relaxed and accessible way for family and friends to contribute towards your honeymoon and for their messages to be included in your lasting honeymoon memories. To ďŹ nd out more about the service or to order a Honeymoon Destination Planner please go to

www.abercrombiekent.co.uk/giftlist or call 01242 547 700

CarLiSLe BaY, anTiGua


TanjonG jara reSorT, MaLaYSia


East Africa

Introduction .....................................................................8

Introduction .................................................................. 32

Antigua..................................................................... 9 – 10

Kenya Coast.......................................................... 33 – 34

Barbados ................................................................. 10 – 11

Tanzania Coast .................................................... 35 – 36

BVI’s ............................................................................... 12


St Barths ......................................................................... 12

Introduction .................................................................. 37

The Grenadines .............................................................. 13

Quirimbas Archipelago ................................................. 38

St Lucia .......................................................................... 13

Benguerra Island ........................................................... 39

Turks & Caicos ............................................................... 14

Indian Ocean

Grenada.......................................................................... 15

Introduction .......................................................... 40 – 41

Jamaica........................................................................... 15

Maldives ............................................................... 42 – 48


Mauritius ............................................................. 49 – 53

Introduction ................................................................... 16

Seychelles ...............................................................54 – 57

Sardinia .......................................................................... 17

Thailand and Malaysia

Sicily ............................................................................... 17

Introduction .................................................................. 58

Greece ..................................................................... 18 – 19

Thailand............................................................... 59 – 63

France ............................................................................ 20

Malaysia ............................................................... 63 – 65

Portugal ......................................................................... 20


Cyprus ............................................................................ 21

Introduction .................................................................. 66

Spain .................................................................... 22 – 23

Bali, Moyo Island and Lombok ............................. 67 – 71

Italy ............................................................................... 23


North Africa and the Middle East

Introduction .................................................................. 72

Introduction .................................................................. 24

Baja Peninsula and Pacific Coast .......................... 73 – 75

U.A.E ............................................................................. 25

Riviera Maya ......................................................... 75 – 77

Egypt ............................................................................. 26


Jordan ............................................................................ 27

Introduction .................................................................. 78

Oman ................................................................... 28 – 29

Bahia and Buzios ................................................. 79 – 80

Tunisia........................................................................... 29

Paraty and Florianopolis ................................................ 81

Morocco ................................................................. 30 – 31

Further Information .......................................... 82 – 83


call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

RELAX The idyllic islands of the Caribbean never fail to enchant with their powder-fine beaches, turquoise

bays, natural beauty and laid-back atmosphere. The Caribbean has something for everyone, whether it be snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, the tropical birds and lush vegetation of St Lucia, the watersports of Antigua or the superb sailing waters of the British Virgin Islands. The Caribbean appeals to golfers and fitness enthusiasts alike for the world-beating facilities, as well as to those looking to be pampered by spa treatments or those simply looking for a beautiful and secluded destination in which to relax. You’ll dance to rhythms of reggae, salsa and soca. You’ll eat fresh seafood and spicy stews, and spend lazy days enjoying the wonderful climate. And yes, you’ll probably have some drinks garnished with little umbrellas as you watch the sunset from a beautiful white-sand beach.

CARIBBEAN The Caribbean inevitably conjures up images of palm-fringed white-sand beaches – the perfect antidote to busy modern life.

FOOD AND DRINK Caribbean cuisine is a fusion of African, Amerindian, British, Spanish, French, Dutch, Indian, and Chinese flavours. As you’d expect, seafood is widely enjoyed throughout the Caribbean, and often each island will have its own speciality. Some favour lobster or conch, while others prefer certain types of fish or sharks. BEst tImE tO BE thERE The most popular time to visit the Caribbean has nothing to do with the weather

there but is all about the weather here: mid-December to mid-April is a popular time to flee winter for the balmy climes of the islands. This is high season when it is necessary to book well in advance to avoid disappointment. Tropical winds and rains can sometimes occur from June to October. The best time for visiting many of the islands is November and early December. Rates are reasonable and the weather is good.


call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk


CARLIsLE BAy Old Road, Antigua IN thE KNOw

Carlisle Bay is one of the most talked about resorts in the Caribbean. With a backdrop of rainforest covered hills, it brings chic contemporary luxury to the beach and offers a haven of tranquillity and sophistication. With a myriad of facilities, such as the Blue Spa, an excellent children’s club, non-motorised watersports and film-screening room, there is little reason to leave this resort.



The 82 suites are irresistibly spacious with cool, calm interiors and ocean views, and beautifully decorated with bespoke furniture, original photography, delicate silks and crisp white Frette linen. Thoughtful extras include Gaggia espresso machines, fresh fruit and water delivered daily, natural bath products and day beds on the terrace. 7 nights from £2,395 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Garden Suite including breakfast. Hotel Closed 3 September – 14 October. RESTAURAnT IndIgO, CARLISLE BAY


hERmItAgE BAy Antigua IN thE KNOw

Acres of lush vegetation and terraced gardens in a beautiful secluded corner of the island surround 25 private individual cottages that are landscaped into the natural beauty of Hermitage Bay. The resort is Caribbean in flavour and modern and environmentally friendly in approach, bringing a style of its own to Antigua. Understated quality, peace and tranquillity all merge together to create a memorable stay. ACCOmmODAtION

Eight cottages sit next to the bay while the remaining cottages dot the terraced hillside gardens. All have complete privacy and are extremely spacious with veranda, ocean view, air-conditioned bedroom and lavish bathroom with outdoor garden shower. Plantation-style chairs and shutters that capture the charm of the island’s colonial past are blended seamlessly with modern amenities such as ipod docks and WIFI. 7 nights from £2,575 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Beach Cottage Suite with all inclusive. Hotel Closed 03 September – 05 November.


call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk


JumBy BAy, A ROsEwOOD REsORt Long Island, Antigua IN thE KNOw

Tropical foliage and spotless white beaches characterise this enchanting private island, a secluded hideaway accessible only by boat from Antigua. Jumby Bay is legendary for providing world-class service, a languid pace of life and elegant facilities including a stunning new oceanfront infinity pool. Beach enthusiasts will love the collection of beaches and food connoisseurs the fine cuisine at the two restaurants. ACCOmmODAtION

40 beautifully refurbished rooms and suites, 12 villas and a collection of impressive estate homes are spread across Long Island. Each of the rooms and villas embody the unique style of the island, combining colonial furniture with soothing palettes of beige and cream. Relaxation comes naturally in sitting areas with oversized pillows, private verandahs with elegant teak furnishings and spacious bathrooms. 7 nights from £3,295 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Rondavel room with all inclusive. COLLETOn SUITE POOL, COBBLERS COVE


Speightstown, Barbados IN thE KNOw

Cobblers Cove is your home away from home – a blend of traditional courtesy, the elegance of an English country house and the charm and character of Barbados. It is the only member of Relais & Chateaux in Barbados and welcomes children, offering an arts and crafts room to keep them busy. The tranquil ambience and secluded setting at the palm-shaded entrance of the coral sand beach ensures its guests return again and again. ACCOmmODAtION

40 spacious suites are clustered around the main Plantation House in sprawling gardens of hibiscus, mussenda and tropical palms. Stylishly furnished air conditioned bedrooms lead to breeze-cooled living areas that open onto a balcony or patio. The Camelot and Colleton Suites in the Great House are the epitome of comfort, ideal for those in search of romance with private plunge pool either overlooking the ocean or just metres from the sea. 7 nights from £1,875 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Superior Suite including breakfast. Hotel Closed 4 September – 15 October.



call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk


sANDy LANE Sandy Lane, Barbados IN thE KNOw

Sandy Lane has an unrivalled setting along a sweeping bay on the island’s legendary Platinum Coast. Since opening in 1961 the hotel has been the favourite haunt of the glitterati and royal society, and after a 21st century makeover it will undoubtedly continue to be favoured for years to come. Framed by 300 acres of tropical gardens that lead down to one of the best beaches in Barbados, Sandy Lane is a treasured hideaway whose classical Palladian-style interior exudes elegance and whose attentive staff ensure exemplary service. Equally as impressive are the recreational facilities – three golf courses (two of which were designed by Tom Fazio), nine floodlit tennis courts and a 4,000 square metre spa. Here you can be as active as you wish, relaxing by the tranquil freshwater pool in the gardens or taking advantage of the many activities provided at the Beach Club. From the moment you arrive at Sandy Lane, you will realise you have reached the premier address in the Caribbean. ACCOmmODAtION


Choose between ocean – or garden-view rooms, a variety of suites or the Sandy Lane Villa. The hotel’s 112 rooms and suites are exceptionally spacious, averaging 900 square feet, and are luxuriously appointed to the very highest standards. Each uniquely decorated bedroom has Italian marble floors, plantationstyle furniture, a large private verandah, flat-screen television with in-room entertainment system and a personalised private bar. 7 nights from £3,095 per person, including international flights and transfers in an Orchid Room including breakfast.



call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

ROsEwOOD LIttLE DIX BAy Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands IN thE KNOw

Tucked away on the shores of Virgin Gorda and lapped by gentle blue waters lies the Rosewood Little Dix Bay, a timeless boutique resort offering a serenity found nowhere else in the Caribbean. A garden paradise surrounds this beautiful bay protected by a coral reef – an ideal setting for either an active or relaxing holiday. It instantaneously rewards you with an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. ACCOmmODAtION

Along the half mile crescent-shaped beach at the end of winding shaded footpaths are 100 spacious and newly renovated rooms, suites and villas. The Tree House Cottages are built on stilts in the gardens and the Beachfront Cottages are only a stone’s throw from the shore. For the ultimate in elegance, we recommend the Beach Houses with private pools set around a secluded cove. 7 nights from £2,325 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Garden View Room on a room only basis.




This boutique hotel on the edge of one of the most idyllic beaches in St Barths, the Baie de Flamands, effortlessly unites the charm of the West Indies with the sophisticated style of the French Riviera. The elegant but casual Case de l’Ile serves gourmet cuisine in the most beautiful natural open-air setting overlooking the ocean. This is a secluded retreat that offers chic elegance with warm service and attention to detail. ACCOmmODAtION

This plantation-style estate encompasses 37 guest rooms from beachfront rooms and junior suites to Garden Bungalows set amidst the lush tropical gardens. The four glamorous Beach Suites sit directly on the beach and feature private infinity plunge pools. The decor in the rooms has a chic contemporary feel with vintage French fabrics and sheer linens in natural hues complementing St Barth’s indigenous colours. 7 nights from £3,225 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Beach Room including breakfast. Hotel closed 31 August – 15 October.


call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk


COttON hOusE Mustique, The Grenadines IN thE KNOw

This contemporary hotel is constructed around an 18th Century coral warehouse and enjoys a reputation as an elegant and fashionable yet private retreat. Natural charm and traditional features carefully blend with modern luxuries. It is a hotel that never seems crowded; here you can delight in the magnificent beaches, enjoy a sea salt body scrub or laze over a delectable fresh fish lunch under swaying palms.




All 17 guest rooms use the hotel’s excellent hillside location to their advantage providing wonderful views that complement the cool sophisticated palette of pastel and natural tones, yet character and layout are unique to each. The Duplex is perfect for families, the Seafront Suites ideal for honeymooners and we recommend the Cotton Hill Residence for the ultimate private hideaway. 7 nights from £2,425 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Cottage including breakfast.


EAst wINDs INN La Brelotte Bay, St Lucia IN thE KNOw

This charming Caribbean-style inn is one of the oldest and most established resorts in St Lucia, proudly offering the easy-going experience that travellers to the Caribbean have come to expect. There is nothing ostentatious here, just beautiful tropical gardens, a peaceful beach and friendly service. All meals and fine wines are included, adding to the indulgence of your stay. Once discovered, you may find there is no need to look elsewhere. ACCOmmODAtION

The 30 rooms are dotted around the resort’s tropical gardens; the majority in individual single-storey duplex cottages in either African rondavel or gingerbread cottage style. The design is simple and elegant with decor that highlights the bright colours of the tropical flora and fauna of the island. All rooms enjoy a private shady patio or terrace leading to the gardens and a fridge stocked daily with soft drinks and beer. 7 nights from £1,995 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Superior Garden Cottage with all inclusive. Hotel closed 1 – 30 September.


call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk


PARROt CAy & COmO shAmBhALA REtREAt Parrot Cay, Turks & Caicos IN thE KNOw

Devotees of intimate Caribbean retreats should consider the seductive Parrot Cay, a private island surrounded by dreamy beaches and clear waters. Here you can delight in miles of unspoilt coastline while indulging in the personal service, fine cuisine and pampering of the world-class COMO Shambhala spa experience. Parrot Cay is a destination that revives all the senses so often dulled by the busy modern world. Stroll along deserted beaches and feel the sand under your feet and smell the heady scent of rich spices from the Lotus restaurant wafting through the salty air. Treat your tastebuds to the finest selection of Mediterranean dishes and world class cheeses at Terrace, or perhaps choose the sweetest and most succulent of seasonal island fare, the local lobster. Finally, let your body feel the restorative effects of marine algae therapy and your mind discover peace and equilibrium through Pilates, Pranayama yoga or meditation overlooking the surrounding tropical forest landscape. ACCOmmODAtION

Rooms and suites are interspersed within the tropical hotel gardens, while the villas and houses benefit from an oceanfront location along the tranquil expanse of beach. All have teak beds swathed in white muslin and Eastern-inspired furniture blending with simple designs of terracotta tiled floors and cool white linens. French doors open to the soft sea breeze on your private terrace or balcony. 7 nights from £2,450 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Garden View Room including breakfast. Hotel closed 7 September – 19 October.



call 0845 0700 614 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk



Grand Anse, Grenada IN thE KNOw

The name Spice Island is a reminder of a bygone age when Grenada was the world’s cherished source of exotic spices. Today it serves as a metaphor for the colour and style found at Spice Island Beach Resort, owned and run by Sir Royston Hopkin and his family. Original design and modern flair spill directly and delightfully onto the Grand Anse beach – both hotel and beach are treasured secrets among visitors to the Caribbean. ACCOmmODAtION

The 64 fabulous suites range from the lovingly-named Oleander and Sea Grape to The Royal Collection and Cinnamon Suites. Vibrant colours accentuate the contemporary Caribbean décor and great attention is paid to the finer details. We recommend the Cinnamon and Saffron Beach Suites which are unmatched in elegance and open out onto the beach, and the Pool Suites in the beautiful gardens with private pool and complete privacy. 7 nights from £2,395 per person, including international flights and transfers in an Oleander Ocean View Room with all inclusive.


JAmAICA INN Ocho Rios, Jamaica IN thE KNOw



Quintessentially Jamaican and described as ‘a small grand hotel’, Jamaica Inn harks back to a more gracious era but nonetheless translates equally delightfully into a fabulous destination for the present day. The hotel faces into its own stretch of beach just metres away from the outdoor living rooms that are an integral part of the accommodation. With its new design throughout and fabulous open-air spa, Jamaica Inn offers a relaxing retreat on this beautiful island. ACCOmmODAtION

The 47 spacious suites and cottages are spread out over six acres, with plantation-style décor in their large sitting areas, full-size sofas, traditional wing chairs, breakfast tables and writing desks. Each suite benefits from a private balustrade balcony or large veranda where refreshing sea breezes filter through the louvred shutters. There are no televisions or radios here, just the tranquil surround sound of the ocean itself. 7 nights from £1,525 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Superior Balcony Suite on a room only basis. Hotel closed 2 September – 10 October.


call 0845 0700 619 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

RELAX For chic and sophisticated beach life, enjoy France’s Côte d’Azur, Italy’s coast or Portugal’s Algarve,

EUROPE Few places pack the punch of Europe; its mix of culture, history and beaches, such a short distance away, are perfect for a few days break, or a three week island hopping escape.

or discover your own piece of pristine beach on the gem-like islands of Cyprus and Croatia. Greece has some of Europe’s best beaches, a lively sense of pleasure, distinctive cuisine and a rattling, revitalising selection of wines and spirits. Croatia stands out with its huge number of beautiful islands, totalling 1,185. Portugal’s bestknown holiday region is the Algarve, famous for its year-round championship golf courses, lively social scenes and golden sand beaches. Alternatively travel slightly further south to semi tropical Madeira, its picturesque terraces and vineyards providing the perfect landscape for a relaxing mini break. The Amalfi coast is without compare for more than its breathtaking scenery. The food and wine are as indulgent and sophisticated as the service you will receive during your stay here. fOOd And dRink Choose between simple Mediterranean cooking that you can find in every village or

the more elegant gourmet dining that each of our hotels can provide. Fish of course is an integral part of the cuisine, from grilled sardines of Portugal, to kalamari in Greece, a bouillabaisse in France or a selection of fresh grilled fish with the local wine of Istria. bEst timE tO bE thERE Europe has a high season with the warmest months being June, July and

particularly August. For this reason, by far the best months to travel in Europe are May, June and September. However, April is particularly good to view the spring flowers of Crete and Cyprus, while Portugal generally stays warm in October, and Madeira can be visited year-round.



call 0845 0700 619 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk

CHIA LAGUNA Sardinia, Italy IN tHE kNOw

One of Sardinia’s finest locations, this resort is perfect for a family holiday. Pamper yourself at the health and beauty centre and indulge in a massage while your children are well looked after at the nursery and children’s club, catering for those up to 12 years of age. Here you will be spoilt for choice for places to dine, it even has a dedicated children’s pizza restaurant. ACCOMMODAtION

The 372 air-conditioned guest rooms are a mix of contemporary and classic design. Cottages are surrounded by natural vegetation, while 72 contemporary Italian style rooms are built on rocks overlooking the gorgeous blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Many feature a private balcony or terrace with spectacular views of the sea and lagoon. 7 nights from £850 per person, including international flights, private transfer (45 minutes) and half board in a Cottage classic double or twin. ChIA LAGUNA




Sicily is an island of incredible beauty with a wonderful mild winter climate – the perfect setting for Rocco Forte’s first luxurious resort. Relax by the 60 metre two-tier swimming pool, or take a short stroll to the private beach. If you are feeling more active there are two 18-hole and one 9-hole golf courses, while the tennis centre provides a welcome distraction. Youngsters will enjoy the crèche, children’s club and ‘hang out’ area for teenagers. AmBASSADOR SUITE BEDROOm, VERDURA GOLF & SPA RESORT


The spacious rooms are designed in a fresh and contemporary Sicilian style, located close to the sea, all featuring uninterrupted sea views, private terrace and king-sized bed. Upgrade to a range of suites, including the Grand Suites and Landscape Villas with private, large separate living room, kitchenette and an extremely spacious bedroom. 7 nights from £1,895 per person, including international flights, car hire from the airport (30 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Deluxe double room.


call 0845 0700 619 to speak to an expert or visit www.abercrombiekent.co.uk


sAni bEACh hOtEL Halkidiki, Greece in thE knOw

The Sani Beach Hotel promises excellent family accommodation and certainly delivers with its miles of golden sands stretching far into the distance, its enticing spa where tired bodies can rejuvenate, and splendid restaurants with their choice of international flavours and Greek cuisine. Most importantly, there are many children’s activities at the Melissa Crèche, mini club and teenagers club, with their own programme of sports, dance classes and beach fun. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

The 475 rooms of the resort are furnished in a contemporary style and have stunning views of the Aegean Sea. Choose from a double room with balcony, open plan junior suite or spacious standard suite with separate living area that is excellent for families of four. On the seven kilometres of pine-fringed beach you will find the Bousoulas Beach Bar, just one of the many places in the resort to enjoy a sundowner. 7 nights from £998 per person, including international flights, private transfer (50 minutes) and bed and breakfast in Standard Suite.

thE ROmAnOs


Costa Navarino, Greece in thE knOw

The addition of this luxurious new resort to the Peloponnese is breathing new life to this region that is most famous for its olives, unspoilt countryside and archaeological treasures. This is the setting for The Romanos, a beautiful retreat with a large spa and Thalassotheraphy centre, incredible facilities for the whole family, and without a doubt the best children’s club we have ever seen. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

The Romanos features 321 guest rooms and suites, with more than 120 private infinity pools. All rooms have sunset views. Suites vary from the Grand Suite with pool and sea views, to the Ambassador Suite with outdoor Jacuzzi and BBQ. For something truly spectacular, have an unforgettable stay in the Presidential Suite with its private spa room, gym and media room. 7 nights from £1,345 per person, including international flights, private transfer (40 minutes) and bed and breakfast in Deluxe double or twin with garden view.



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ELOUndA GULf ViLLAs & sUitEs Crete, Greece in thE knOw

A member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World, this family-owned and run boutique property is an exclusive haven overlooking the spectacular Gulf of Mirabello, designed to be in perfect harmony with the Cretan landscape. Each villa’s fabulous infinity pool with Jacuzzi seems to flow directly into the azure seas beyond. The interiors blend tasteful antiques with contemporary furnishings to create a warm, inviting ambience that matches the superb 5 star service and facilities. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

Each of the 10 suites and 18 pool villas is an architectural masterpiece, individually designed with its own character and style. Spacious living area and bedroom, marble-lined bathroom with trompe-l’œil ceilings and secluded pure white balcony or sea view terrace with dining area grace every suite. In addition, villas benefit from private pools with Jacuzzi, and the Spa Villas offer private gym room, sauna and steam bath. 7 nights from £1,375 per person, including international flights, private transfers (45 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Luxury Senior Suite.

VEdEmA Santorini, Greece in thE knOw

Built around a 400-year-old wine cellar, Vedema is a village of 45 whitewashed Cycladic-style villas that immerses guests in the relaxed philosophy that characterises Santorini. Refined dining options range from the atmospheric wine cellar to vivid poolside bars. By day, soak up the sun on the private black-sand beach or take a sailing yacht to the volcano, before returning to the first-class spa; Vedema offers a myriad of ways to escape. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

Radiant colours and distinctive island-style interiors welcome you into the Vedema’s suites, all with dramatic sea, village or vineyard views, and some with private pool and Jacuzzi. The majestic fully renovated lodges feature bedroom, living space and marble bathroom. Exquisitely furnished, delicately situated on a matchless Aegean isle and equipped to meet all needs of the body and soul, Vedema will feel like your private paradise. 7 nights from £1,675 per person, including international flights, private transfers (45 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a 1 bedroom Dorian Suite.



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fOUR sEAsOns REsORt PROVEnCE Cote D’Azur, France in thE knOw

Escape to the hills of Provence and stay in one of the 114 guest suites and villas oozing Provençal spirit and contemporary natural décor. Here you can indulge in the spa, hone your skills at the David Leadbetter academy before a round on one of the two 18-hole year-round golf courses, or enjoy a set or two of tennis on one of the two floodlit courts.




Choose a suite with your own living room and private dining terrace, or opt for one of the private villas with pool. Children will love having their own pool as well as the complimentary Children’s Club for those aged 2-12 years. Dining is a true delight; choose from the Michelin-starred Faventia or a relaxed lunch by the pool at Tousco Grill. 7 nights from £1,995 per person, including international flights, private transfers (45 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Superior Suite 1 bedroom. FOUR SEASONS RESORT PROVENCE


shERAtOn ALGARVE hOtEL & PinE CLiffs Algarve, Portugal in thE knOw

Standing proudly on a spectacular cliff top setting, the Sheraton Algarve at Pine Cliffs Resort overlooks miles of unspoilt beaches that border the clear Atlantic Ocean. Porto Pirata, one of the best seasonal children’s clubs in our portfolio, can be found here. Enjoy the exciting 9-hole golf course and golf academy or a game of tennis, before pampering yourself at the beauty centre. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

The 215 spacious rooms and suites are designed with a subtle Portuguese flavour, all offering private sun terrace or balcony and many are interconnecting. The two and three bedroom Golf Suites apartments and Pine Cliffs Residence apartments all have kitchens and their location close to the children’s club makes them ideal for families with small children. Eight restaurants (some seasonal) and bars offer a comprehensive range of sumptuous cuisine. 7 nights from £795 per person, including international flights, private transfers (25 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Deluxe Double with Sea view.


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AnAssA Latsi, Cyprus in thE knOw

On the unspoilt northwest coast of Cyprus alongside the town of Polis and the charming fishing village of Latsi, Anassa recreates the mood of a typical island village. Its polished operation, cool understated Mediterranean elegance, quality amenities and stylish ambience make it a natural choice for discerning families and escapists. Gourmet heaven is to be found in the four restaurants that are supplied with local produce. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

White villas clustered beneath tiled terracotta roofs are linked by pathways that meander through shaded landscaped gardens of olive, eucalyptus and carob trees. Upgrade to a suite to enjoy your own plunge pool or outdoor Jacuzzi. 7 nights from £1,425 per person, including international flights, private transfers (30 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Studio Suite.

COLUmbiA bEACh REsORt Pissouri, Cyprus in thE knOw

Designed in the style of a Cypriot village, this truly exclusive resort has a beautiful setting overlooking Pissouri Bay. Choose from the Dionysos for imaginative fine dining, try a Cypriot meze at the Apollo Taverna or enjoy a cocktail at the Eros Bar while watching the sun set over Pissouri Bay. For the active, there are tennis and squash courts, a fully equipped gym and the hotel’s own water sports centre on the beach. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

All 94 beautifully designed suites have balconies or terraces, most overlooking the sea with a few facing inland over the unspoilt countryside and the resort’s superb gardens. Vaulted airy ceilings and natural fabrics set the tone. For families, interconnecting rooms or one- and two-bedroom suites are available. 7 nights from £998 per person, including international flights, private transfers (30 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Junior Suite with garden view.



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AbAmA hOtEL & sPA REsORt Tenerife, Spain in thE knOw

Abama Hotel & Spa Resort is a 160-hectare ‘finca’, or estate, situated in the peaceful area of Guia de Isora on the west coast of Tenerife. Its cliff top setting ensures spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean and the island of La Gomera. Enjoy the array of facilities including the Wellness & Spa Centre with hydrotherapy pool, thermal water circuit and complete fitness centre, while its secluded golden sandy beach is perfect for pure relaxation.




The 328 guest rooms are located in the Citadel at the heart of the resort with Moorish décor and architecture allowing for light and spacious rooms. In addition, there are 148 more private villas and suites with shared pools. Sports enthusiasts will love the resort’s 18-hole 72 par golf course, tennis academy and the choice of four swimming pools. Children are well catered for with an excellent Kid’s Club. 7 nights from £1,145 per person including private transfers (45 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a double or twin room. ABAmA HOTEL & SPA RESORT


ALVA PARk Near Barcelona, Spain in thE knOw

Alva Park is located in Platja de Fenals, an ideal base to explore Barcelona and the surrounding coastal villages. Relax on the aquatic sunbeds and let the outdoor pool and children’s pools take the heat out of the day. For dinner, delight your taste buds at the gastronomic A Flor d’Aigua or the over-water Minamo Japanese Restaurant. End the day with a relaxing treatment at the Molton Brown Spa. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

The spacious and sumptuously decorated Junior Suites and Suites each have a terrace with views over the sea or gardens. Elegance and comfort reign supreme in the décor and furnishings of the bedrooms and bathrooms. Along with the hydromassage baths, showers and separate dressing areas, luxuriant touches such as complimentary Fortnum & Mason teas and a Nespresso Siemens coffee maker in each room ensure that you won’t want for anything. 7 nights from £1,695 per person, including international flights, private transfers (30 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Junior Suite.


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LA REsidEnCiA Mallorca, Spain in thE knOw

La Residencia by Orient-Express in Deià is an award-winning luxury hotel and spa resort hewn from local stone and tucked into the foothills of the Tramuntana Mountains on Mallorca’s north-west coast. It is the height of relaxed luxury with beautiful pools, tennis courts and the award-winning gourmet El Olivo and more informal Son Fony restaurants. La Residencia is the perfect place to enjoy a secluded break in paradise. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

Single and double rooms are elegantly styled with romantic corners and original works of art. The superior rooms are larger with separate seating area, antique furniture and beautiful views. The award-winning spa has seven therapists to pamper and spoil you, or there are mountain bikes, jogging paths, tennis courts and a large gym to work out in before diving into one of the indoor or outdoor swimming pools. 7 nights from £1,315 per person including private transfers (60 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Classic double. LA RESIDENCIA


GRAnd hOtEL sERbELLOni Lake Como, Italy in thE knOw

This grand 18th Century hotel on the shores of spectacular Lake Como is surrounded by glorious gardens whose magnolias and camellias frame breathtaking views of the encircling lake and mountains. Here you can relax on the private beach or at Villa Serbelloni Spa, take a motorboat trip on the lake to the historic gardens, work out in the gym or on the tennis courts before a swim in the freshwater pool. ACCOmmOdAtiOn

The rooms here are opulent in décor with neo-classical furnishings, elaborate Murano chandeliers and soaring frescoed ceilings. Choose a deluxe room for an unforgettable lake view or the larger Executive rooms and suites that are ideal for longer stays. Experience the world-class Michelin-starred cuisine of Ettore Bocchia at Terrazza Serbelloni in the unrivalled lakeside terrace location, or try Mistral if you want more casual dining by the swimming pool. 7 nights from £1,695 per person, including international flights, private transfers (30 minutes) and bed and breakfast in a Classic double or twin with park view.




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RELAX Soaked in sunshine all year round, Egypt’s Red Sea coast offers white sand beaches, a myriad of

NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Experience an Arabian paradise, enhanced by our unique access to the people and places that make it special.

watersports and colourful reefs teeming with underwater life. The lowest spot on earth is the Dead Sea in Jordan, now a mecca for pampering with soothing mudpacks and natural spa treatments. Beguiling Beirut awaits, with smart shops, bars serving world class Lebanese wines, trendy nightclubs and luxurious hotels with fabulous spas, served with a European twist. Venture to Morocco for a hint of spice, learn to make a tagine or enjoy a jaunt into the desert on a camel. Oman offers relaxation on the beaches of Muscat, or the opportunity to head off on a day trip for more insight into the country’s culture. Travel east to Tunis for a wealth of cultural interest and glorious beaches. Visit cosmopolitan Dubai, showcasing pristine sandy beaches, warm blue waters and one of the largest gold souks in Arabia. Authentic and sophisticated, this region remains a firm favourite, not least due to its superb beaches and winter sun. FOOD AND DRINK Food plays an integral part in the way of life in North Africa and the Middle East. It focuses on herbs, spices and the freshness of ingredients; the assortment of dishes and combination is almost limitless. A treat awaits your taste buds; from Om Ali, a sweet dessert, to stuffed vine leaves, from falafel to mezze dishes. Soak up the atmosphere of aromatic coffee houses and enjoy freshly squeezed fruit juice or karkade, a hibiscus tea. bEST TIME TO bE THERE Given the geographical spread of the region, it can be visited throughout the year

and it is best to talk to one of our experts about individual countries and when it is best to visit them. Arabian resorts can be hot and humid in the summer months. That said, many of the Middle Eastern resorts are a popular antidote to the long nights and cold days in the European winter.


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Located adjacent to the world-famous Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club, this waterfront retreat, decorated in Moorish style, is a haven of tranquillity within the vibrant city. The pool and terrace are surrounded by palms and ideal for watching the sunset with champagne in hand. The delicate specialities from the pastry boutique are not to be missed, nor is a Shiffa Rose Bliss massage using balm from a thousand Damascus roses. ACCOMMODATION

Natural light floods the elegant interiors of the rooms and suites created with an inspired Moorish and Mediterranean design. Open bathrooms feature a deep freestanding oval bathtub and separate rain shower, and the furnished balconies of the spacious Park Terrace rooms and suites have views across Dubai Creek. With a comprehensive mini-bar and impeccable room service, you won’t want to leave this peaceful retreat. 5 nights from £1,330 per person, including international flights, transfers (25 minutes) SUITE, PARK HYATT DUBAI

AL MAHA DESERT RESORT & SPA Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, U.A.E IN THE KNOw

Located within the desert plain of one of Arabia’s largest nature reserves, Al Maha is a superb place from which to enjoy the laid-back atmosphere and experience pursuits that embody its Arabian heritage. A field guide will take you into the desert to try your hand at falconry or archery with traditional wooden bows, keeping your eyes peeled for the shy Arabian oryx after which Al Maha takes its name. ACCOMMODATION

The tented-style suites of this sanctuary in the sands are themed either red for sand, blue for sky or green for oasis and feature Arabian antiques and handcrafted furniture. The sitting areas overlook the resort’s temperaturecontrolled swimming pool in the Bedouin Suite and the private deck is ideal for dining under a million stars with views of the desert panorama beyond. 5 nights from £2,250 per person, including international flights, transfers (50 minutes) and full board in a Bedouin Suite.

and breakfast in a Park Deluxe Room.




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The Kempinski Soma Bay is built in the style of a Moorish fortress located on a private sandy beach on the Red Sea coast. The surrounding grounds feature a myriad of impressive waterfalls and lagoons and the children’s club will keep youngsters perpetually entertained among the pools, playground and lazy river. The Health Club & Spa offers a wide range of wellness treatments and the atmospheric dining venues promise to indulge all the senses.




Contemporary décor meets Oriental flair in the interiors that complement the architecture of the building. Each individually furnished room has been carefully designed with warm touches and all the amenities you expect from Kempinski. Spoil yourself in the ambience of the bright and airy Deluxe Sea View suites or enjoy an exclusive breakfast and lounge with panoramic bay views in a Laguna Club room or suite. 6 nights from £1,195 per person, including international flights, transfers (40 minutes) and breakfast in a Sea View Room.


This unparalleled seaside resort is in an oasis of green against the surrounding desert and soaked by sun all year round. A relaxed sophisticated atmosphere is evident throughout, whether enjoying a bedouin breakfast on the terrace or a martini in the candlelit Observatory Lounge overlooking the Red Sea. Lush gardens surround the swimming pool, snorkeling on the beautiful coral reef is just seconds away and children will enjoy games and kite flying on the beach. ACCOMMODATION

Rich middle-eastern style graces the spacious rooms and suites with luxurious touches and great attention to detail. The laid-back atmosphere invites you to laze in the sunshine on your balcony or terrace with dazzling sea views or take advantage of the large bathroom with a long soak in the deep tub. The suites each have private plunge pool and the Residential Suites have enhanced space for families and are conveniently close to the Kids Club. 6 nights from £1,450 per person, including international flights, transfers (10 minutes) and breakfast in a Deluxe Double Room.



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EvASON MA-IN Ma-in, Jordan IN THE KNOw

Hidden in a mountain enclave, Evason Ma’in takes full advantage of its unique location directly under a therapeutic natural hot spring waterfall that elegantly cascades into the spa pool. Adhering to the principle of uncompromised responsibility to the environment, its locally-inspired architecture blends beautifully with the peaceful surroundings. The clifftop restaurant provides a wonderful dining experience of home-grown organic produce with superb views over the Dead Sea. ACCOMMODATION

The interiors are designed to harmonise with the surroundings – traditional Jordanian style, barefoot fabrics and natural materials of the region are complemented by abundant and ever-present Arabic hospitality. Spacious suites afford views of the hot springs from the balcony, and your butler will be on hand at all times to ensure you want for nothing. 5 nights from £1,095 per person, including international flights, transfers (60 minutes) and breakfast in an Evason Room



Movenpick Resort sits on the shores of the Dead Sea where you can watch the sun set over the infinity pool as it flows out to the waters of this lowest point on earth. Prepare to be tempted by the complete spa experience – pronounced ‘World’s Best Destination Spa’ by Conde Nast Traveller – offering the therapeutic benefits of its surroundings. The sophisticated Asian restaurant, offer fine dining. Home-made pasta is on offer at Luigi’s and the Khayyam Bar & Lounge has a wonderful ambience for pre or post dinner drinks. MOVENPIcK RESORT & SPA, DEAD SEA


Rooms and suites are dotted throughout the resort with a variety of views and all luxuriously furnished with a blend of oriental flair, traditional local stone and natural colours. Our favourite is the Beach Suite with its intimate atmosphere, sea views, oriental style bathroom and extravagant terrace. 5 nights from £995 per person, including international flights, transfers (45 minutes) and breakfast in a Standard Double Room


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Between the rugged mountains of the interior and the azure waters of the Gulf of Oman stands this spectacular InterContinental resort that is fit for a king. Steeped in the mystique of this oldest of nations, the Al Bustan Palace offers fine dining in its signature French restaurant, fabulous cocktails in the magnificent lobby bar and lavish pool areas which overlook the sweeping curve of white sand. ACCOMMODATION

The rooms and suites of this jewel of the Sultanate reflect both local traditions and art deco influences. The rooms have intricate handcrafted wall coverings that exude the richness of Arabian culture, art and history. The spacious private patios of the Lagoon Room’s overlook the emerald green oasis of palm-shaded gardens filled with lagoons and fountains. 5 nights from £1,240, per person, including international flights, transfers (40 minutes) and breakfast in a Deluxe Mountain View Room. AL BANDAR – SHANGRI-LA BARR AL JISSAH RESORT & SPA



One of three hotels comprising the Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa, the vibrant Al Bandar is at the heart of the resort along a 450 metre stretch of private beach on the Gulf of Oman. Middle Eastern inspired touches are found throughout – whether you are dining in an Arabian tent with enticing dishes prepared for you at the open cooking station, discovering the Omani Heritage Village or experiencing the healing benefits of rasul therapies in the spa. ACCOMMODATION AL BANDAR – SHANGRI-LA BARR AL JISSAH RESORT & SPA

With its lush landscaped gardens and pools facing the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Oman and a personal host service on request, Al Bandar is an oasis in the desert. Rooms and suites are designed in contemporary Arabian style to reflect the traditional elegance and spirit of Oman. The dramatic coastline can be appreciated whether soaking in the bath of the Moroccan style bathroom or relaxing on the balcony of your spacious suite. 5 nights from £1,240 per person, including international flights, transfers (45 minutes) and breakfast in a Deluxe Room.


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Musandam Peninsula, Oman

Musandam Peninsula, Oman IN THE KNOw

This secluded resort is located in the private marina on the northern Musandam Peninsula, edged by mountains on one side and a mile-long sandy beach at Zighy Bay on the other. The romantic setting of the hilltop restaurant affords wonderful views over the crystal waters at Zighy Bay. Try snorkelling, kayaking or traditional hand line fishing on a dhow in the turquoise ocean to work up an appetite while the chef prepares a gourmet lunch for you. ACCOMMODATION

The 79 pool villas are designed in indigenous village style with rustic chic décor and subtle earthy yellow and beige hues. The spacious villas have a traditional Arabic summer house, indoor and outdoor showers, infinity pools and open deck with large day bed – barefoot luxury at its best. Choose a spa villa suite with direct access to the beach, or the Private Reserve with butler service for the ultimate pampering. SIX SENSES ZIGHY BAY


5 nights from £1,860 per person, including international flights, transfers (90 minutes THE RESIDENcE

from Dubai) and breakfast in a Pool Villa.

Tunis, Tunisia THE RESIDENcE


The Residence marries Moorish architectural splendour with sophisticated modernity on a stretch of fine golden sand. Les Thermes Marins de Carthage Spa recreates the atmosphere of ancient Rome and a rich variety of aromas and colours will tempt you in the Tunisian and Mediterranean restaurants. Indoor and outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, catamaran sailing and kayaking are all on offer while fun-filled activities in the Children’s Club (July and August) will keep youngsters happily occupied. ACCOMMODATION

The 170 luxurious rooms and suites are light and airy, decorated in cream hues and adorned with luxurious fabrics and oriental paintings. Each one features a private terrace with garden or sea views, marble bathroom with separate walk-in shower and bathtub, air-conditioning, satellite television and mini-bar. For families, we recommend the interconnecting rooms. 5 nights from £915 per person, including international flights, transfers (20 minutes) and breakfast in a Sea View Room.



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DAR AHLAM Skoura, near Ouarzazate, Morocco IN THE KNOw

This red-brick fortress was once part of a medieval sultan’s private hunting ground in the Skoura Oasis. Surrounded by a palm grove this ‘House of Dreams’ is perfect for quiet contemplation, and is a luxurious base from which to explore the surrounding desert by camel or jeep and take a picnic to the Valley of the Roses. Back at base, enjoy a Moroccan lunch in the herb garden, a pampering Thai massage or Moroccan mud scrub in the spa and champagne on a secret terrace. ACCOMMODATION

The softly styled suites and private villas are adorned with unusual antiques and silk curtains that merge French chic and Moroccan influences. Open fireplaces in the living areas are surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colours and look out to views of the Atlas Mountains. For complete privacy, we recommend one of the three independent villas on the edge of the grounds, each with central patio and private plunge pool. 4 nights from £2,485 per person, including international flights, transfers (4 hours) and DAR AHLAM



Marrakech, Morocco IN THE KNOw

The walled enclave of Amanjena is a superbly crafted interpretation of Moorish opulence, lying in an oasis of palms and olive trees, dotted with fountains and pools and embellished with zellij mosaics. The heart of the resort is the central basin that reflects the pink stone facades of the pavilions. The heated pool and terrace bedecked with chaise longues is a glorious suntrap while a golf course awaits the active, set against the backdrop of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains.

full board in a Suite.



The spacious Pavilion has a private courtyard with pillared minzah and marble fountain. High domed ceiling, brass lanterns and Berber carpets in the living area discreetly reinforce the Moroccan theme and bathrooms feature a columned soaking tub of green Moroccan marble. Choose between views of the golf course or courtyard with orange trees. Lavishly appointed two bedroom Maisons and Maisons Jardins feature private pools or an extended private garden. 4 nights from £1,995 per person in a Pavilion (room only), including international flights and transfers (20 minutes).



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HEuRE bLEuE PALAIS Essaouira, Morocco IN THE KNOw

Built on the site of an ancient fondouk, l’Heure Bleue Palais is an elegantly restored Moroccan palace, located in the heart of Essaouira’s bustling medina. Although traditional in appearance, the palace is the most luxurious riad in Essouaira, offering every comfort of a five star hotel, complete with a billiard room, home theatre, hamman and spa offering a range of treatments, and spectacular rooftop pool and terrace. The hotel has acquired an enviable reputation for its cuisine which can be enjoyed in the opulent Moroccan-styled gourmet restaurant, the beautiful courtyard amid palm trees and fountains or the panoramic terrace. ACCOMMODATION

With just 33 rooms in total, the luxurious bedrooms are decorated in colonial African style, while each of the suites evokes a different period in Essaouira’s intriguing history, encompassing Portuguese, English colonial, African and Oriental decor, several with their own fireplaces. 4 nights from £1,165 per person, including international flights, transfers (3 hours) and breakfast in a Classic Room.



KASbAH TAMADOT Atlas Mountains, Morocco IN THE KNOw

Escape to the clear mountain air at Kasbah Tamadot where a warm Berber welcome awaits. This wonderfully restored Kasbah lies midway between two traditional Berber villages in the High Atlas Mountains. You cannot escape the spectacular panoramic views whether venturing into the hills on a day trek, working up an appetite on a floodlit tennis court or feasting like a king on Berber specialities in Kanoun Restaurant (don’t forget to try ksra bread!) ACCOMMODATION

The russet exterior of Kasbah Tamadot is perfectly complemented by the warm hues of the beautiful rooms and suites. Slip on your Babouches and relax on your private terrace, or you may prefer one of the new Berber Tents with its own plunge pool. The Atri room (meaning ‘star’) has a small terrace with perfect views at night for star gazing. 4 nights from £1,235 per person, including international flights, transfers (1 hour) and breakfast in a Superior Room.


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RELAX Scattered on the coast and across the islands are a number of beachfront retreats offering barefoot

EAST AFRICA Kenya and Tanzania are renowned as safari destinations, but have miles of idyllic coastline, white sand beaches lapped by the warm turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean.

luxury and sophisticated seclusion. All offer wonderful beaches, delicious fresh seafood and a variety of watersports, from kitesurfing to swimming with dolphins, from snorkelling to exploring mangrove creeks by kayak. If that sounds a little too energetic, just enjoy strolling along deserted beaches, unwinding with a good book or taking a cruise on a traditional wooden sailing dhow to appreciate the coastline. South of Mombasa, palm fringed white beaches and the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean meet beautiful coral reefs. Located off Kenya’s far north coast, Lamu is the perfect place for a beach safari. Step back in time by exploring the old town with its narrow streets and bustling markets. South of Malindi, Watamu is a Marine National Park. The coral gardens are just 300 metres from the shore making it an ideal location for divers and snorkellers alike. Zanzibar, Tanzania’s ‘Spice Island’, has a rich cultural history and is surrounded by tropical beaches and coral reefs. Food And dRInK Coastal Swahili cuisine is delicately flavoured with spices and coconut milk and features fragrant rice, grilled fish and seafood curries rich in spices with the clear Indian influence. Popular Swahili cuisine includes pilau and wali (rice cooked in coconut milk) served with a thick meat stew or fish. bEST TImE To bE ThERE Due to Kenya’s and Tanzania’s proximity to the equator the climate is generally

warm year round ranging between 25°C to 32°C, there are however regional variations. With two rain seasons, the ‘short rains’ fall between November and December while the ‘long rains’ are between April and into early June. The best time to travel is between December and March and July and October.


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PEPonI Lamu Island, Kenya Coast In ThE Know

Peponi Hotel, located at the quiet end of Lamu Island, was first opened in 1967 by the Korschen family and is still run by them today. Small and personal, it has retained much of its original charm and character and is the perfect hideaway for rest after a safari or simply to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life. Thanks to the great work of The Lamu Conservation Trust, established in 1992 at Peponi, turtle projects in the area increase in scale each year. Tropical palms and exotic plants gardens create a relaxing haven, while innovative menus and stunning dining settings are guaranteed; cuisine as Peponi is taken very seriously. ACCommodATIon

There are just 24 rooms at Peponi and all have ocean views. The superior rooms are differentiated from standard rooms by their larger size, location and private outside area with its own swing bed. 5 nights from ÂŁ1,318 per person in a Superior Room on a full board basis, including flights from Nairobi and transfers. PEPONI

mAndA bAy Lamu Island, Kenya Coast In ThE Know

Situated on the northern most peninsula of Manda Island on the Lamu-Kiwayu archipelago is the small private lodge of Manda Bay, surrounded by magnificent coral gardens, empty beaches and indigenous woodlands. Here you are assured of total privacy and serenity, yet are just a 20 minute boat ride from the fascinating towns Shela and Lamu. ACCommodATIon

Each of the 16 spacious en-suite cottages, 11 of which line the shore, has its own shaded veranda overlooking the calm waters of the bay. Along with rich marine life, you will encounter pristine coastal bush with a surprising number of animals and birds in this peaceful sanctuary. The cuisine embraces the rich flavours of not only the sea but also of Swahili culture and European tastes. 5 nights from ÂŁ1,830 per person in a Beach Front Cottage on a full board basis, including flights from Nairobi and transfers.




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FunzI KEyS Mombasa, South Coast, Kenya In ThE Know

Located on its very own unspoilt island in the Indian Ocean, yet just 15 minutes by air from Mombasa, Funzi Keys offers glorious seclusion within a beautiful natural landscape. Funzi Keys has just 17 individually designed cottages, nine of which are positioned along the high-water line blending unobtrusively into the idyllic beachfront setting.



Each room has its own unique hand carved king-sized four-poster bed and is furnished with colourful fabrics and local wooden artefacts; beachfront cottages have the addition of a private Jacuzzi. Life here can be as relaxing or energetic as you like, with activities such as sailing, fishing or scuba diving. 5 nights from £1,885 per person in a Deluxe Beach Front Cottage on a full board basis, including flights from Nairobi and transfers.


ThE mAjLIS Lamu Island, Kenya In ThE Know

This privately owned resort has a superb beach-front location with breathtaking views over Shela and the Ras Kitau Bay; the perfect setting and ideal base from which to explore the surrounding area. The Majlis is tastefully designed and decorated to reflect the heritage of East Africa, housing an exquisite private art collection which mixes local tradition with a contemporary twist. ACCommodATIon

With just 25 rooms, this boutique property is filled with the intimacy and ambience of a private home. Each of the hotel’s air-conditioned rooms is unique in style and character, featuring high beamed ceilings and terraces with magnificent views of the beach, landscaped gardens or the mangrove forests. Many activities can be arranged; kite-surfing, windsurfing, water-skiing, and wake boarding. Alternatively take a visit to Lamu Town or the Takwa Ruins for an insight into Lamu’s past. 5 nights from £1,490 per person in a Superior Room on a full board basis, including flights from Nairobi and transfers.


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zAnzIbAR SEREnA Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania In ThE Know

The Zanzibar Serena is ideally located on the sea-front on one of Africa’s most vibrant and ancient towns. Once you have strolled around Stone Town, taken an enchanting spice tour or taken a dhow cruise, spend some time at the exotic Mangapwani Beach Club enjoying the sun, sand, sea and a sumptuous seafood lunch. ACCommodATIon

Constructed in the traditional Swahili manner with high ceilings, shuttered windows and white walls, the Serena is a peaceful retreat from the heat and dust of Stone Town. All rooms have four-poster beds draped with muslin nets and their own balconies overlooking either the bustling square or the ocean – perfect for watching traditional dhows sailing by. 5 nights from £934 per person, including flights from Dar es Salaam and transfers and breakfast in a Prime View Room.



mnEmbA ISLAnd LodgE Mnemba Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania In ThE Know

The pristine white beaches of Mnemba and warm blue waters of the Indian Ocean combine to make Mnemba Island your very own intimate tropical paradise. The island is on the north eastern tip of Zanzibar and is surrounded by a coral atoll, making it home to a staggering diversity of marine life – the only living creatures you will see other than the lodge staff. ACCommodATIon

Ten simple yet luxurious palm-fronted ‘bandas’ are hidden amongst the tropical beach forest and fringed by the white coral sand beach. Between your banda and the sea shore you will find your very own Zanzibari beach bed, perfect for reading, sleeping and just watching dhows gently sail by. Romantic meals are served either on the beach or in the thatched dining area. 5 nights from £5,175 per person in a Banda on a full board basis, including flights from Dar es Salaam and transfers.



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bARAzA Bwejuu, Zanzibar, Tanzania In ThE Know

At Baraza, the perfect start to your day is a yoga session or relaxing spa treatment, or perhaps a stroll on the award-winning Bwejuu beach. If you prefer something a bit more energetic, snorkelling or scuba diving on one of the many coral reefs is not to be missed. After a morning of activities enjoy lunch at the Ocean Lounge Bar & Restaurant. ACCommodATIon

Baraza’s 30 villas have a unique fusion of Indian, Arabic and Swahili design in their handmade furniture, intricate lanterns and wonderful antiques. An expansive terrace with private plunge pool is perfect for cooling off during the heat of the day, and a meal at the Sultan’s Dining Room will infuse you with a delicious taste of Zanzibar. 5 nights from £2,144 per person in a one-bedroom Bahari Ocean View Villa on a full BARAZA

board basis, including flights from Dar es Salaam and transfers.


mATEmwE RETREAT Kigmani, Zanzibar, Tanzania In ThE Know

Built by local craftsmen using locally produced materials, Matemwe is a haven of stone walls and makuti roofs, with furnishings made out of coconut wood. Set in the small picturesque village of Kigmani on one of Zanzibar’s quieter stretches of coastline, Matemwe offers you the ultimate escape. ACCommodATIon

There are just three fabulous villas at Matemwe Retreat, south of the Matemwe Bungalows and directly opposite the Mnemba Atoll – a diving and snorkelling paradise – and each with rooftop private plunge pool, sun and shade decks, and private cocktail bar. Great service and sublime fresh seafood dishes define the cuisine at Matemwe. 5 nights from £1,998 per person in a Retreat Villa on a full board basis, including flights from Dar es Salaam and transfers.

mozAmbIQuE P37

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RELAX Southern Mozambique is home to the beautiful Bazaruto Archipelago, whereas the quixotic

mozAmbIQuE Mozambique is one of the most fashionable destinations in luxury travel. It is easy to see why: its myriad of islands and pristine beaches are the perfect escape.

Quirimbas archipelago lies to the north. Both offer exclusive, boutique accommodation of the highest calibre and complete seclusion and privacy amongst some of the finest and most pristine waters and beaches in the world. There is also a marine national park, Benguerra Island spanning 55 sq/km which has a wide variety of ecosystems. Below the water there are marine grass meadows, making it a refuge for dugongs, and for the water sports enthusiast, Benguerra offers a range of activities as well as snorkelling, scuba diving and deep-sea fishing. Your lasting impressions of the Mozambique coast will be the brightness of the sun, the wind rustling the palm fronds, the evocatively jaunty angle of dhow sails, the nostalgic smell of sea air, the peace. Food And dRInK The cuisine revolves around fresh seafood and a variety of spices, including garlic and peppers; a Portuguese influence. Seasonal fresh fruit (Mozambique’s papaya and pineapples are known as some of the juiciest in the world) and puddings made of fruits and rice and fried balls of flour paste (similar to doughnuts) make a delicious ending to any meal. bEST TImE To bE ThERE The best time to travel to Mozambique is between June and August, when rainfall

is low and temperatures warm in the low to mid twenties. The rainy season runs from November until March.


P38 mozAmbIQuE

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Ibo ISLAnd LodgE


Quirimbas Archipelago, Mozambique In ThE Know


Ibo Island Lodge is nestled in the beautiful Quirimbas Archipelago on Ibo, described one of the most unique and atmospheric islands in the world. Explore the crumbling ruins of a town that is rich in history and culture with its Arab, Indian, Portuguese and African influences. A large number of the population of Ibo is involved with the Lodge, so your visit will make a difference to the lives of this community. ACCommodATIon

The nine en-suite bedrooms are built within three mansions which are over one hundred years old. The rooms are air-conditioned, with thick coral walls, lofty ceilings and original beams, and have wide verandas – excellent viewing platforms to watch the dhows sail out at high tide. The lodge has two swimming pools and cultural experiences aplenty. 5 nights from £1,575 per person in a Standard Room on a fully inclusive basis, including flights from Pemba and transfers. STANDARD ROOM, IBO ISLAND LODGE

VAmIzI ISLAnd Quirimbas Archipelago, Mozambique In ThE Know

The whale-shaped curved beach and the many spectacular dive sights off the shore of this 12 kilometre-long island make Vamizi much more than just a beach resort. It is a sanctuary for Samango monkeys, coconuts crabs and many species of tropical birds, and a nesting site for around a hundred turtles which are irresistibly drawn to the solitude, peace and sanctuary of the island year after year. ACCommodATIon

Vamizi’s 13 villas are well spread out with spacious veranda and private beach access. Most of the villas accommodate just two people, with the exception of two which cater for four, and the family villas which have a room for up to three children. Marine activities include world-class fishing and fly fishing, as well as scuba diving and snorkelling. 5 nights from £1,996 per person in a Beach Villa on a fully inclusive basis, including flights from Dar es Salaam and transfers.


mozAmbIQuE P39

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Benguerra Island, Mozambique In ThE Know

Think of deserted white beaches, turquoise seas, sunny days and swaying palms and you have Azura. Entirely built by and operated in partnership with the local community, Azura is one of the first truly luxurious ‘eco’ boutique properties in Mozambique. Days can be spent relaxing on the beach, fly fishing, snorkelling or diving. ACCommodATIon

The villas are a chic blend of styles that incorporate the tradition of Mozambique – a haven for those wanting to escape the rush of modern day life yet still enjoy its luxuries. With a large expanse of space and your own plunge pool, you can directly access the pristine white beaches and turquoise seas beyond. 5 nights from £3,380 per person in a Luxury Beach Villa on a fully inclusive basis, including flights from Johannesburg and transfers.



mARLIn LodgE Benguerra Island, Mozambique In ThE Know

Along the pure white beach of Flamingo Bay on the south western shore of Benguerra Island, Marlin Lodge is perfect for those wishing to explore beneath the surface of the turquoise ocean, home to over two thousand varieties of fish and many coral species in the snorkelling sites. Back on dry land, there are almost a hundred species of birds that have been sighted in the different habitats. ACCommodATIon

Marlin Lodge is made up of just 14 Beach Suites and 3 Executive Beach Suites, all with air-conditioning and a four-poster bed with muslin netting. The veranda is perfect for watching the sunset, followed by a romantic dinner for two prepared with the freshest ingredients that have been home-grown in the chef’s garden or caught from the seas below. 5 nights from £2,938 per person in a Luxury Suite on a full board basis, including flights from Johnannesburg and transfers.


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INDIAN OCEAN The Indian Ocean islands are synonymous with tropical paradise. RELAX Lying off the southern tip of India is the slender chain of coral islands known as the Maldives. Here

you will enter a world of pure escapism, a world where time stands still in a place of powdery white sand and aquamarine lagoons. Resorts in the Maldives have been called ‘the last paradise on earth’, and if your idea of paradise is a pristine tropical island with swaying palm trees, pure white beaches and brilliant turquoise waters, then the Maldives will not disappoint. By contrast Mauritius is defined by its hospitable people, delicious cuisine, miles of sandy beaches and array of watersports activities, making it a special place for honeymooners, couples and families seeking a relaxing beach holiday. Without doubt, Mauritius offers some of the finest hotels in the Indian Ocean. Meanwhile the seductive islands of the Seychelles offer unspoilt beauty in a natural setting, whether on a flat coral castaway atoll or an island carpeted by rich vegetation and dominated by rugged granite mountains. fOOD AND DRINk As you would expect of island nations, the sea provides much of the food served in

the Maldives, Mauritius and the Seychelles. Fish is prepared in stews, skewered on bamboo sticks or stuffed with garlic, chillies and spices before being wrapped and cooked in banana leaves. Cuisine is an inspiring combination of Indian, Creole, French and Chinese influences that are adapted to the local produce. bEst tImE tO bE thERE The islands of the Seychelles enjoy a year-round warm tropical climate, generally

governed by two opposing trade winds. Mauritius experiences a hot and humid summer from December to April and cooler, drier conditions from May to November. The best time to travel to the Maldives is during our winter months when the humidity is lower and the temperature more comfortable.


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COCOA IsLAND South Malé Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw

Floating elegantly on sparkling shallow lagoon waters, the timber dhonis and villas of Cocoa Island are the ultimate in luxurious private accommodation. The handcrafted suites and villas are linked by a timber walkway leading to a private island where you will find the COMO Shambhala Retreat Spa, gourmet restaurant, swimming pool, all-day lounge and watersports centre. At the COMO Shambhala Retreat you can choose between the purification, relaxation, rejuvenation or restoration path to help rediscover a sense of mindbody balance. Or take advantage of the undisturbed waters around this quiet atoll and join a dive boat for some of the world’s best diving off the Kandooma Channel. Closer to home you can snorkel straight from your room around the shallows to the spectacular house reef. End the day with sand between your toes and a private romantic dinner on the beach. Whatever you choose, you are sure to return home feeling completely rejuvenated. ACCOmmODAtION

The 33 suites and villas at Cocoa Island are all positioned overwater, in a manner that maximises privacy. All rooms are furnished with wooden floors, white linens and floating muslins, conveying a simple elegance. The Dhoni Suites and more spacious Dhoni Loft Suites – inspired by local dhoni fishing boats – are adjoined by simple wooden walkways built above the shallow ocean. From your room, walk out on to a private terrace; from your terrace, slip into the warm Maldivian sea. 7 nights from £2,395 per person, including international flights and transfers (30 minutes on a speed boat) and breakfast in a Dhoni Suite.




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huvAfEN fushI North Malé Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw

Set within its own lagoon, Huvafen Fushi by Per AQUUM is a naturalist’s wonderland, where the landscape above and below the waterline is an attraction in itself. Huvafen Fushi is dedicated to delivering an experience beyond your dreams, whilst maintaining sustainable and sensitive development of the natural resources of the island. If you fancy a change from your bungalow, explore further afield with a night on board one of the resort’s 65-foot dhoni sailboats with stateof-the-art facilities. Even more luxurious is the 68-foot vessel Sensuelle featuring private Jacuzzi, spa room and spacious deck – one of the most romantic voyages you’ll ever make. LIME is the world’s first underwater spa – take time to experience the antiageing and healing properties of sustainably-sourced coconut oil as you watch a vibrant cast of fish swim by. Enjoy an evening in the wine cellar with the resident sommelier surrounded by over 6,000 bottles and dine with the Island Chief. HUvAFeN FUSHI

DeLUxe beACH bUNgALOw wItH prIvAte pOOL


The Beach Bungalows and even larger Deluxe Beach Bungalows face the lagoon and all have direct beach access. Spanning two floors, the two-bedroom Beach Pavilion is pure indulgence with a large fibre optic-lit infinity pool that looks out over the lagoon. If you would prefer to be overwater, all the 12 Lagoon Bungalows and 12 Ocean Bungalows have a split-level sun deck, infinity pool and a freestanding bath cantilevered over the ocean. 7 nights from £2,795 per person, including international flights, transfers (30 minutes on a speedboat) and breakfast in a Beach Bungalow.



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sONEvA GILI by sIX sENsEs Lankanfushi Island, Maldives IN thE kNOw

Spacious villas are connected by jetties threading across crystal clear water in one of the largest lagoons in the Maldives. This tiny island provides an intimate atmosphere where you can escape the cares of the world. Try a traditional Maldivian sand massage at the spa while observing the underwater world through the glass floor, or have a romantic sunset cruise on a traditional dhoni and gourmet dinner for two under the stars. ACCOmmODAtION

The 37 overwater Villa Suites and Residences line three jetties that stretch out from the island, ensuring total privacy. Each villa has king-size bed, open-air bathroom and rooftop sun deck, and has been designed with the utmost attention to detail. For the ultimate privacy, seven ‘stand alone’ Crusoe Residences are accessible only by boat, while The Private Reserve is the largest overwater presidential suite in the world, comprising five separate buildings over 1,400 square metres.

SONevA gILI by SIx SeNSeS, OverwAter SpA

7 nights from £3,395 per person, including international flights, transfers (15 minutes on a speedboat) and room only in a Villa Suite.



sIX sENsEs LAAmu Laamu Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw

Six Senses Laamu on privately owned Olhuveli Island has an individual ecofriendly design that blends with the island’s vegetation. A myriad of activities awaits – spend an afternoon in a cooking class, meet the ocean’s marine life on a canoe trip, or cocoon yourself in a Bamboo Nest at the spa. Pick out your chosen vintage in the glass Wine Cellar Tower and end your day with a star-lit movie at the open-air cinema. ACCOmmODAtION

The Villas and Suites are elegantly designed with a focus on natural materials. Beach Villas have a raised sundeck for romantic dinners or sleeping under the stars. Water Villas have an outdoor area with glass floor so you can observe the underwater world while relaxing or dining. If you are travelling as a family, we recommend the Water Villa Suites that have a second bedroom for children and waterslide for direct access into the lagoon. 7 nights from £2,425 per person includes: international flights, transfers (55 minutes on a domestic flight and speedboat) and room only in a Beach Villa.


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bAROs mALDIvEs North Malé Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw

Located in the shimmering waters of a shallow lagoon, the tropical island of Baros is ringed by a house reef, vibrant with marine life and excellent for snorkelling or diving. Elegant villas of timber and sandstone are positioned over the lagoon or on powder white sands, ensuring perfect privacy in a peaceful environment, undisturbed by the sounds of the modern world. During the day, head out on a dhoni with a picnic lunch, keeping an eye out for a pod of dolphins, or join the experienced dive team who will choose the best site according to the moon, tides and currents. By night, discover a whole other world with the resident marine environmentalist. Make sure you visit the overwater Lighthouse, a unique structure and the resort’s signature restaurant. After dinner relax in the Lighthouse Lounge where the chillled sounds of music accompy the spectacular floodlit views of the Indian Ocean. ACCOmmODAtION

Deluxe Villas sit amongst tropical foliage with a large teak-floored bedroom opening onto an ocean-facing verandah, with a fabulous bathroom extending into a walled open-air flower garden. On a crescent-shaped boardwalk, the Water Villas inspire romance with a king-sized bed, sumptuous bathroom and wooden steps leading down from your private sundeck into the lagoon. For a true hideaway, the ten Baros Pool Villas and Baros Residence have generous living space, their own pools and a dedicated host. 7 nights from £1,785 per person includes: international flights, transfers (25 minutes on a speedboat) and breakfast in a Deluxe Villa.



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bANyAN tREE mALDIvEs vAbbINfARu Vabbinfaru Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw


Cast away on a secluded coral atoll, Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru is a charismatic island retreat that has set itself the objective of pioneering projects that support marine life, helping to increase the ecological awareness. The dives and eco-safaris are a must for all ages – marine biologists conduct these in small groups so everyone receives individual attention. Learn about the lotus and turtle research projects while gaining a broader understanding of the ocean and its mysterious creatures. ACCOmmODAtION

The 48 conical villas are furnished with a stylish amalgam of rattan, Balinese woods and indigenous objets d’art. Each of the thatched Beachfront Villas have a private garden to the rear and large terrace at the front, while the Jet-Pool Villas have a pavilion on the beach. The pinnacle is the Vabbinfaru Villa – an extravagant beach hideaway where you can drift off in the bubbling waters of the jet pool to the sound of lapping waves. 7 nights from £2,585 per person includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes on a speedboat)and full board in an Oceanview Villa. bANyAN tree, DeLUxe OCeAN vIew vILLA

sONEvA fushI by sIX sENsEs Kunfunadhoo Island, Maldives IN thE kNOw

The remoteness of Soneva Fushi is central to its charm – a Robinson Crusoeinspired barefoot escape in the midst of a reef-protected lagoon where understated sophistication blends with the natural environment. Enjoy a delicious feast at The Organic Garden Restaurant, reached by rope-bridge over the banana plantation. As night falls, make your way to Ever Soneva So Celestial. Here, in the observatory, you will be able to get closer to the night sky, by looking through a super high-tech telescope at the craters of the moon and blanket of stars overhead. ACCOmmODAtION

The 65 Crusoe and Soneva Fushi Villas and Suites are hidden amongst lush vegetation and have their own terrace leading to the beach, some with private pools. All are decorated with the woods and fabrics of Asia and have open-air bathrooms and secluded walled gardens. If you have small children, opt for the ultimate Jungle Reserve that features a villa, sitting room, spa suite and treehouse complete with bunk-beds and waterslide down to the private pool. 7 nights from £2,895 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (25 minutes in a seaplane) and room only in a Crusoe Villa.



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fOuR sEAsONs LANDAA GIRAAvARu Baa Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw

Fringed by one of the Maldives’ most spectacular turquoise lagoons and surrounded by powder-soft, whitesand beaches, this 44-acre private island is home to some of the richest waters in the country. The resort’s Marine Research Centre runs pioneering conservation projects while children will enjoy learning about the fragile ecosystems alongside a multitude of activities at the kids’ club. The award-winning Spa and Ayurvedic Retreat has a resident physician and chef who will create a personal wellness plan for you. ACCOmmODAtION

Crafted in contemporary Maldivian style, the thatched Bungalows and Villas blend beautifully with their Indian Ocean setting, with sundecks, spacious bathrooms, outdoor Maldivian showers and luxury amenities. The Beach Villas on the south side of the island have direct access to the beach and lagoon, 12 metre lap pool for an aquatic workout and a loft level with views of the azure waters. As Landaa Giraavaru is a perfect family choice, there are also five Two-Bedroom Villas offering plenty of space for everyone. 7 nights from £3,385 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (40 minutes on a seaplane) and breakfast in a Beach Bungalow.


CONrAD mALDIveS, OverwAter SpA

CONRAD mALDIvEs RANGALI IsLAND Rangali Island / Rangalifinolhu Island, Maldives IN thE kNOw

This twin island resort, containing a luxurious range of Beachfront and Overwater Villas, is connected by a wooden footbridge and regular dhoni service. The buildings are created in typical Maldivian style with natural materials of wood, thatch and palm leaf. Outside, iridescent white sand leads to a crystal-clear reef-protected lagoon. The Spa Retreat, the only destination spa in the Maldives, offers nine treatment rooms, a spa cuisine restaurant and individual Spa Water Villas. ACCOmmODAtION

On Rangalifinolhu Island, the luxurious Beachfront Villas have private terraces and open-air bathrooms. The Overwater Villas on Rangali Island are all finished with oak floors, cedar walls and teak decks that blend with the natural environment, while the two Sunset Water Villas come with private butler and jet-boat shuttle. For spa aficionados, we recommend the Spa Water Villas built over the lagoon at the tip of the island, each with its own treatment room and Jacuzzi. 7 nights from £2,195 per person includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes in a seaplane) and breakfast in a Beach Villa.


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w REtREAt & sPA Fesdu Island, Maldives IN thE kNOw

w retreAt & SAp, SeASCApe eSCApe

W Maldives is an ultra-chic wood and glass retreat on a small private island that is surrounded by a spectacular house reef. After spending time with the resident marine biologist, watch the sun go down at the SIP lounge. Try a selection of gourmet delights, whether it is dining barefoot under the stars at FIRE, or tasting the catch of the day at FISH. Finish the night at 15 Below, where the DJ plays chill beats nightly while you indulge in a Fashionista martini. ACCOmmODAtION

Beautifully designed Beach and Ocean Lagoon Oasis retreats sit on the water’s edge or stretch out across the sheltered waters of the lagoon. Glass floors in the lounge and bathroom are lit at night for watching the seabed’s nightlife. Three Seascape Escapes have their own swimming pools and the Ocean Haven has floor-to-ceiling windows for panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. You can even cook your catch-of-the-day on your own private barbecue. 7 nights from £2,995 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes in a w retreAt & SAp, beACH OASIS

vILLINGILI REsORt & sPA Addu Atoll, Maldives IN thE kNOw

This exotic hidden treasure stretches across the fine sands of the southernmost tip of the Addu Atoll. Exploration is the order of the day – follow the nature trails and search for the Noni plant, believed to treat certain ailments; or board a boat to explore further afield, meeting locals on Gan Island or diving among British royal relics. After an active day, savour an aromatic curry or plate of dim sum at the distinctive Eastern-style restaurant. ACCOmmODAtION

142 Water, Pool and Beach villas are decorated with Asian and Middle Easterninspired furnishings. The Villa Muthee and Villa Laalu, meaning pearl and diamond respectively in local Dhivehi language, are the ultimate luxury, and the Tree House Villas perched on stilts three metres above the ground are the perfect adventure hideaway. Take in heightened panoramic views of the lagoon as you dine alfresco on the wooden sundeck or watch the ocean waves roll in from the seclusion of your own infinity pool. 7 nights from £2,525 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (75 minutes on domestic flight and speedboat) and breakfast in a Pool Villa.

seaplane) and breakfast in a Beach Oasis.

vILLINgILI reSOrt & SpA, tree HOUSe vILLA


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CONstANCE LE PRINCE mAuRICE North East Coast, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

Named after Prince Maurice van Nassau, the pioneer of the spice trade in the Indian Ocean, Le Prince Maurice awakens the grandeur of a distant era. Surrounded by a protective reef of sand bars, this five-star hotel sits in a calm turquoise lagoon with sparkling white beaches and tropical vegetation where you can relax on the beach or play golf at its sister hotel, Belle Mare Plage. ACCOmmODAtION

76 Junior Suites are arranged along the beach, in the tropical gardens or on stilts overlooking a natural fish reserve, each decorated with wooden furnishings and colours reflecting the spice route. The larger villa-style Senior Suites have a separate living and dining area if you are looking for a little more space. 7 nights from ÂŁ2,155 per person in a Junior Suite on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.


beLLe mAre pLAge

preStIge rOOm, beLLe mAre pLAge

bELLE mARE PLAGE North East Coast, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

Established on one of the most beautiful beaches on the north eastern coast of Mauritius, the Belle Mare Plage offers a range of water and land-based sports and its two 18-hole championship golf courses make it the ideal location for golfers (beginners and professionals alike). The two kilometre stretch of white sandy beach is perfect for a walk after a long lunch at La Citronelle. ACCOmmODAtION beLLe mAre pLAge

The choice of accommodation at Belle Mare Plage offers something for everyone. Prestige Rooms provide enough space for three people, interconnecting rooms are great for families, and Junior and Deluxe Suites are the perfect option for those who want a bit more space. For complete privacy, the 2 and 3 bedroom villas with private pools are perfect. 7 nights from ÂŁ1,420 per person in a Prestige Room on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.


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fOuR sEAsONs REsORt mAuRItIus At ANAhItA East Coast, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

The endless views of the blue waters of the Indian Ocean and the backdrop of green-blanketed mountains enclose the Four Seasons at Anahita into its own private sanctuary. It is here you will find Mauritius’ first overwater spa with regionally inspired treatments. The Ernie Els 18-hole championship golf course with six ocean-sided holes provides a challenging yet beautiful setting. The Kids for All Seasons Club provides hours of entertainment for youngtsers, whether it be crab hunting, mini tennis or baking their very own cookies. ACCOmmODAtION

The villas have been designed to connect with the natural surroundings – tranquil décor rich with natural woods, volcanic stone and other indigenous materials brings the flavour of Mauritius indoors. The Garden Pool and Mangrove Pool Villas sit on the mainland, while Lagoon Pool Villas are located on the private Ile aux Chats facing the turquoise lagoon. All residences feature a private landscaped terrace with plunge pool. 7 nights from £2,655 per person in a Garden Pool Villa on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.

ONe & ONLy St gÉrAN

ONE & ONLy st GéRAN East Coast, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

Basking on the golden peninsula of Belle Mare, this tropical paradise has over a mile of coastline that is almost entirely surrounded by coral reefs. Under the calm sway of countless coconut palms, the hotel is situated amidst 60 acres of lush tropical gardens that lead onto fine white sand and clear turquoise waters. ACCOmmODAtION

148 Junior Suites are styled with Dutch and French colonial influence, and 12 Ocean Suites each encompass a separate lounge and two secluded terraces that lead to sumptuous master bedrooms. The pinnacle of luxury is the Villa with its separate entrance, private swimming pool and private position in a peaceful corner of the estate. 7 nights from £2,326 per person in a Junior Suite on a bed and breakfast basis, including international flights and transfers.

ONe & ONLy St gÉrAN


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tHe reSIDeNCe

thE REsIDENCE East Coast, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

Inspired by a bygone era of plantation houses, the elegant colonial Residence nestles between white powdery sands and lush tropical gardens. Relax on the veranda with fresh prawns, Creole-style snapper and delicious guava ice-cream. Beach butlers are on hand to ensure you have plenty of fresh juice to quench your thirst and even clean your sunglasses! ACCOmmODAtION

163 Colonial Garden View, Ocean View or Ocean Front Rooms and Suites are spacious and attractively furnished with dark woods and cooling shades of white and beige. Families will relish the Garden View Senior Suites, the ultimate in expansive indulgence accommodating two adults and two children, with separate bedrooms, living area and an outdoor terrace complete with sun loungers. 7 nights from £1,998 per person in a Garden View Room on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers. Le tOUSSerOK

LE tOussEROk East Coast, Mauritius IN thE kNOw



Beautifully positioned overlooking Trou d’Eau Douce Bay, Le Tousserok captures the cultural warmth of Mauritius. A wooden footbridge leads you to Frangipani Island where you will find the Givenchy Spa. Excellent golfing is available on a course designed by Bernhard Langer. ACCOmmODAtION

The resort area spreads across two wings – the Hibiscus Wing and Coral Wing – on the mainland, and Frangipani Island which is home to the more contemporary styled Junior Suites featuring plasma screens, funky egg-shaped baths and butler service. Three villas are located in the quiet corner of Hibiscus Beach. 7 nights from £1,992 per person in a Deluxe Room on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.


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PARADIs hOtEL & GOLf CLub Le Morne Peninsula, Mauritius IN thE kNOw


Tucked between the dramatic Le Morne Mountain and a stunning seven kilometre stretch of golden sand, Paradis offers a host of activities ideal for sports enthusiasts and for families with children of all ages. The hotel also offers an eclectic dining experience in its four restaurants, plus access to four others at the neighbouring Dinarobin Hotel. ACCOmmODAtION

Large bedrooms, bathrooms and spacious terraces overlooking the lagoon are features of Paradis’ Superior and Deluxe rooms, and the Junior Suites reflect a nautical design with lounge area and private balcony. For families we recommend the generously proportioned Family Suites which accommodate two adults and up to three children. 7 nights from £1,998 per person in a Deluxe Room on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers. pArADIS HOteL AND gOLF CLUb


ROyAL PALm Grand Baie, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

Within walking distance of the cosmopolitan Grand Baie, Royal Palm is an oasis of calm set in lush tropical gardens overlooking turquoise seas. This charming hotel is a blend of understated elegance, combined with impeccable service and the famous Mauritian hospitality. ACCOmmODAtION

All 84 spacious suites, each with marble bathroom and private veranda, are decorated in an elegant Mauritian style with warm colours and individual objets d’art, and have views through the lush tropical gardens towards the tranquil waters of the Grand Baie lagoon. 7 nights from £2,975 per person in a Junior Suite on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.

rOyAL pALm


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LUxUry SUIte vILLA wItH pOOL, mArADIvA vILLAS reSOrt & SpA

mARADIvA vILLAs REsORt & sPA Flic en Flac, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

A haven of solitude, Maradiva Resort spreads through 27 acres on the west coast of Mauritius, overlooking the soft sands and clear blue waters of Tamarin Bay. No detail has been overlooked with interiors taking inspiration from African, Indian, Arabic and French colonial design. A visit to the Spa is a must during your stay; a haven of relaxation encompassing tranquil pool area and softly lit treatment rooms each with private garden, shower and steam room. ACCOmmODAtION

Each of the 65 villas has an individual plunge pool adjacent to a private alfresco living area. Designed with an emphasis on calm and relaxation, the soft tones and natural materials cocoon you in a haven of tranquillity. The Suite Villas have a terrace with dining table and shaded sofa seating area. 7 nights from £3,170 per person in a Luxury Suite Villa with Pool on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.

tHe OberOI

tHe OberOI

thE ObEROI Turtle Bay, Mauritius IN thE kNOw

Sitting on three crescents of soft white sand, this stylish resort is surrounded by beautiful subtropical gardens and reflects the island’s rich multicultural heritage, incorporating Oberoi’s unparalleled hospitality and legendary service. The Oberoi Spa offers a myriad of treatments including Ayurvedic or aromatherapy massages. tHe OberOI


The sugar-cane thatched Pavilions and Villas are decorated in beige and cream with furnishings from Africa and Bali. The 48 stylish Luxury Pavilions each have an outdoor terrace overlooking the gardens and Indian Ocean. If you are looking for the ultimate in privacy, 24 Luxury Villas are dotted amongst the lush gardens and come with a private pool or garden, and outdoor dining pavilion. 7 nights from £2,420 per person in a Luxury Pavilion on a bed and breakfast basis, including international flights and transfers.


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CONstANCE EPhELIA Mahé, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

Commanding a unique location overlooking the marine national park of Port Launay sits Constance Ephelia. Set within 120 hectares of land, this stunning resort has two of Mahe’s most beautiful beaches. Constance Ephelia has the largest spa in the Indian Ocean. ACCOmmODAtION

The Junior Suites are designed in arcs around the pool making for an intimate feel. They all face out onto the beautiful Anse Islet. The Senior Suites and Villas are situated on the secluded and beautiful North Beach of Port Launay. Each of the rooms and villas are finished to a very high standard including mac mini (iPod connection, CD & DVD) as well as complimentary Wi-Fi. The villas have their own butler who will be on hand to assist with anything you require. The Spa Villa includes its own dedicated treatment area. 7 nights from £1,870 per person in a Junior Suite on a half board basis, including international flights and transfers.



Praslin Island, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

Surrounded by rare vegetation and lapped by the warm waters of a turquoise lagoon, Lemuria Resort enjoys an idyllic location on the northwest coast of Praslin. Created with natural materials to work in harmony with the environment, even the lighting has been ingeniously designed so as not to disturb the turtles as they come ashore at night to lay their eggs on the secluded white sand beaches. ACCOmmODAtION

The Junior Suites and Senior Suites are scattered behind the two beaches of Petite and Grande Anse Kerlan, peeping between the trees to the ocean beyond. Each room is decorated in a minimalist yet luxurious style with terrace and beachloungers in the shade of overhanging palm trees. Villas face directly onto the beach of Grand Anse Kerlan and come complete with a private pool, relaxation pavilion and personal Villa Master to cater to your every need. 7 nights from £2,155 per person in a Junior Suite on a bed and breakfast basis, including international flights and transfers.




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North Island, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

The Seychelles’ North Island combines pristine white sands with an unspoiled interior of rugged granite mountains and lush jungle. This private island sanctuary is dedicated to preserving nature and is ideal for honeymooners, romantics or pure escapists. A time of peace and seclusion is ensured in this beautiful and environmentally sensitive setting. ACCOmmODAtION

The 11 lavish guest villas are lovingly handcrafted with natural woods, local stone and thatch, with the emphasis on textures, with soft rugs and textured wood flooring underfoot. Large en suite bathrooms have a sunken marble bath and outside shower. Your Villa Master will be on hand to prepare private meals from the small kitchen-area, leading from the expansive sun-deck and private plunge pool. 7 nights from £14,210 per person in a Villa on a fully inclusive basis, including international flights and transfers.

FrÉgAte ISLAND prIvAte

fRéGAtE IsLAND PRIvAtE Frégate Island, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

Once the preserve of pirates, Frégate Island Private is now an exclusive holiday paradise of tropical forests, hidden coves and seven dazzling beaches. But what really makes this resort unique is its highly successful ecological programme – saving the rare magpie robin from extinction and restoring the island’s flora and fauna to its original state. ACCOmmODAtION

16 Indonesian-inspired villas are hidden amongst tropical foliage – hand carved timbers, Botticino marble floors, Thai silks and Egyptian cottons add to the aura of luxury. The large bedrooms feature four poster beds and floor-to-ceiling windows. The villa has a wraparound wooden sundeck, with a large infinity swimming pool, Jacuzzi and magical ocean views. 7 nights from £11,130 per person in a One Bedroom Villa on a full board basis, including international flights and transfers.


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mAIA LuXuRy REsORt AND sPA Mahé, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

Named after one of the stars in the Seven Sisters constellation, Maia captures the style and culture of the East in a Seychelles setting. 30 acres of lush tropical gardens and pristine beachfront at Anse Louis provide a haven of tranquillity to renew the spirit and soothe the soul. Take time out to enjoy leisurely walks and romantic dinners on the sand, or borrow a kayak and some snorkelling equipment to explore the surrounding ocean. ACCOmmODAtION

Eight Ocean Front Villas, three Ocean View Villas, 11 Ocean Panoramic Villas and eight Maia Signature Villas are beautifully decorated with warm earthy tones, Thai silks and teak woods. Outside, a private 8 x 4 metre pool and an oversized sunken bath await, allowing you to bathe under the stars while gazing out to the ocean. The adjacent gazebo with oversized day bed and bar is perfect for alfresco dining or private spa treatments. 7 nights from £5,484 per person in an Ocean View Room on a bed and breakfast basis, OCeAN vIew rOOm, mAIA LUxUry reSOrt AND SpA

fOuR sEAsONs REsORt sEyChELLEs Mahé, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

The Four Seasons Resort Seychelles spills dramatically down a lushly forested incline to the white powder sands below. Designed to blend in with the natural landscape, villas and resort buildings are made from hand-split local granite. Secreted amongst the idyllic beauty of the south-west shores of Mahé, this new retreat will surely be one of the most sought-after hideaways in the Seychelles. ACCOmmODAtION

62 Villas and five Suites are hidden amongst the lush vegetation of the hillside. Generous outdoor living space comprises a large sun deck, infinity plunge pool, relaxation pavilion, outdoor shower and dining area. Garden Villas have quick access to the beach, making them ideal for families while the Ocean View and Hilltop Ocean Villas offer breathtaking views across the ocean. 7 nights from £2,946 per person in a Garden Villa on a bed and breakfast basis, including international flights and transfers.


including international flights and transfers.



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DENIs IsLAND Denis Island, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

This private 375-acre coral island, protected by reefs amidst the vivid crystalline waters of the Indian Ocean, is named after Denis de Trobriand who landed here in 1773. Rustic cottages front onto the beach, and the only sounds to be heard are fairy terns flying overhead and waves lapping the shore. Here you will find peace, hospitality and a home-away-from-home experience in a beautiful castaway setting. ACCOmmODAtION

25 island-style cottages sit among casuarina and coconut trees bordering the beach. Each has a high woven coconut-grass ceiling and king size bed, romantically draped with muslin nets and the softest Indian cotton sheets. The bathroom opens onto a private courtyard, and a sitting area is equipped with a mini-fridge. 7 nights from £3,376 per person in a Deluxe Cottage on a full board basis, including international flights and transfers. tOby tHe tOrtOISe, DeNIS ISLAND


COusINE IsLAND Cousine Island, Seychelles IN thE kNOw

This tiny island paradise, located just four degrees south of the equator, is dedicated to the preservation of nature. At certain times of year, hawksbill turtles come ashore to nest as does the occasional green turtle, a rare occurrence in the Seychelles. Hidden amongst the foliage are four colonial-style villas accommodating up to ten guests in total – perfect for a peaceful romantic escape or family getaway. ACCOmmODAtION

The elegant and spacious villas are nestled amongst vegetation just 30 metres from the beach. The large bedroom opens onto a veranda, providing magical views of the ocean beyond. From the veranda, walk through your private garden and straight onto soft white sands. 7 nights from £5,838 per person in a One Bedroom Villa on a full board basis, including international flights and transfers.


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RELAX Thailand and Malaysia have a wealth of luxurious world class resorts, wonderfully located on superb golden

THAILAND AND MALAYSIA Thailand and Malaysia are the land of smiles, and a perfect retreat for total relaxation and luxury.

beaches, perfect for a romantic getaway or a pampering retreat. Step into paradise under swaying palms on Koh Samui off the eastern coast of Thailand. From Phuket take a cruise to Phang Nga Bay where giant limestone rock formations rise out of the sea. Enjoy the pristine seven miles of white sand along Thailand’s Andaman coast on Khao Lak and the tropical rainforests and crystal-clear seas that surround Koh Kood. In Malaysia, the mix of ancient and ultramodern makes it a fascinating place to visit. Langkawi Island is brimming with mysteries and legends. In Penang, a gentle trek through the Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, crisscrossed with beautiful trails will lead you to isolated beaches where you may glimpse a Hawksbill turtle heading for the sea. Lose yourself in the exotic paradise of Pantai Dalit on Borneo, just 40 minutes from Kota Kinabalu and yet a world away. FOOD AND DRINK The coconut plays a prominent role in Southern Thailand’s cuisine, its milk tempering the heat of chilli. The most popular dish, Kaeng matsaman, is a mouth-watering beef curry cooked with peanuts, potatoes and chopped red onions in a thick coconut cream sauce. The distinct Malaysian style of cooking is infused with Malay, Chinese and Indian influences; traditional ingredients may remain the same but each state delivers its own taste. BEST TIME TO BE THERE Thailand is best visited November to March during the cool season. The southwest

monsoon brings heavy storms from April to October and in the east heavy rain falls September to December. Malaysia’s climate is tropical and humid. The temperature rarely drops below 20°C and climbs to 30°C during the day. Langkawi’s stable climate makes it suitable for visiting year round. Borneo’s wet season runs from October to March.


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AMANPuRI Phuket, Thailand IN THE KNOw

Elevated walkways weave through statuesque palms in this secluded coconut grove, past the slate-blue pool and down to the crescent-shaped beach where the gentle fragrance of the frangipani flower scents the sea air. Nearby Shark Point is renowned for its tame leopard sharks; here you can dive the clear shallow waters to see purple sea anemones and schools of moray eels. Authentic Kaiseki cuisine at Naoki restaurant blends the finest French techniques with Japanese artistry.

PAvIlIoN bedRooM


Understated luxury is evident in the locally inspired interiors, beautifully decorated with Thai furnishings, art and antiques and complemented by outside Thai salas or private dining deck. Choose between Garden Pavilions interspersed among the coconut palms and Ocean Pavilions with spectacular views. For exclusive family accommodation we recommend the Villa Homes. 7 nights from £2,295 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes by car) and room only in a Garden Pavilion. AMANPURI

bANyAN tRee, doUble Pool vIllA


Banyan Tree Phuket is an oasis of tranquility, bordered by pristine golden sands and the gentle waves of the Andaman Sea. Wile away your days by the pool, be pampered with indulgent treatments at Banyan Tree spa, or practice your swing at the 18-hole championship Laguna Phuket Golf Course. At night, more than 12 dining options await. Yield to French-Vietnamese temptations at Tre or experience a romantic dinner cruise for two on board Sanya Rak, the resort’s traditional long-tail boat. ACCOMMODATION

The 173 immaculately-styled Thai villas are a study in timeless elegance, set in fragrant private gardens and each with open-air sunken bathtubs and a private pool. Our favourite for romantic stays are the spacious Double Pool Villas, featuring a floating bedroom pavilion with full length glass windows and 15 metre infinity pool that stretches into the lagoon. A personal villa host is on hand to attend to your every request around the clock. 7 nights from £2,225 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes by car) and breakfast in a Deluxe Villa.


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Sitting between sun-soaked beaches and verdant hills, Anantara Phuket is just steps away from the waters of the Andaman Sea. It is perfectly placed for wandering the viewpoints and waterfalls of the island’s unseen hinterlands, or taking a luxury yacht to explore the mysterious karsts of Phang Nga Bay. At the Sea.Fire.Salt restaurant you can feast on freshly grilled seafood enhanced to perfection by suggestions from the resident sommelier. ACCOMMODATION

The One and Two-Bedroom Villas echo the syle of southern Thai villages with locally inspired architecture that complements their indigenous garden setting. Relaxed interiors embrace contemporary Thai design with light natural hues, high ceilings, wooden furnishings and local prints, textiles and paintings adorning the walls. Open outdoor spaces and private pools take advantage of the cool sea breeze. 7 nights from £2,465 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (15 minutes by ANANtARA PHUKet, Pool vIllA INteRIoR

car) and breakfast in a Pool Villa.


Nestled in a series of cascading terraces on a private hill cove on the south-eastern coast of the island, this unique resort offers luxury, relaxation and tranquility. Spend your days by your own private pool, unwinding at the award winning Banyan Tree Spa or The Rainforest, Koh Samui’s only hydrotherapy wellness facility. In the evening dine at one of the iconic outlets on offer; from contemporary Thai cuisine overlooking the bay to the beachside grill with the sand between your toes. ACCOMMODATION

Banyan Tree Samui features 78 stunning villas, each with their own breathtaking view over the turquoise waters of Lamai Bay. The traditional Thai interiors merge seamlessly into exterior, where your own private pool and sundeck await you screened by lush greenery. The villas offer a truly luxurious experience, from the Beachfront Villa, just a stone’s throw from the white sands, to the Royal Banyan Villa with its spectacular views of the bay. 7 nights from £2,395 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes by car) and bed and breakfast in a Garden Pool Villa.




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SIX SENSES SAMuI Koh Samui, Thailand IN THE KNOw

Six Senses Samui on the northern tip of Samui Island is the only resort to enjoy both sunset and sunrise views over the Gulf of Siam. You will find a wealth of options for exploration of the surroundings – shops and restaurants, hikes, jungle drives and boat trips to deserted islands. The hot basalt massage at the spa is a must, as is the wonderful New-Asian cuisine at the ‘Dining on the Rocks’ rooftop restaurant. ACCOMMODATION

With just 66 villas Six Senses creates an atmosphere of calm seclusion. Pure white walls complement the authentic Thai décor of bamboo screens, light natural fabrics and thatched roofs, while large windows and outdoor areas create a sense of space and light that overlook the Gulf. Our favourites are the Pool Villa Suites that provide spacious accommodation, private sala decks, comfortable daybeds, and your own infinity pool. 7 nights from £1,915 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (10 minutes by sIX seNses sAMUI

car) and breakfast in a Hideaway Villa. FoUR seAsoNs ResoRt KoH sAMUI

FoUR seAsoNs ResoRt KoH sAMUI, beAcH vIllA


Cascading down a hillside rich with coconut trees, the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui is hidden away in a private cove on Lam Yai Bay beach. Traditional touches create an environment that is totally in tune with its surroundings. Here you can wander the tropical gardens, lounge by the secluded beachside pool, enjoy therapeutic treatments at the spa, or take a speedboat trip to the islands of the Angthong National Marine Park. ACCOMMODATION

Elegant alfresco living areas and spacious bedrooms nestle beneath thatched canopies in the exclusive villas that are hidden amongst coconut groves. Private terraces feature infinity pools and beautiful views of the Gulf of Siam. For families we recommend the Deluxe One-Bedroom Villas with masses of indoor living space, private sundeck, dining area and a 25 square metre infinity pool. 7 nights from £2,875 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (10 minutes by car) and room only in a One Bedroom Villa.


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THE SAROjIN Kao Lak, Thailand IN THE KNOw

This stylish award-winning boutique hotel is beautifully located on an unspoilt stretch of Thailand’s Andaman coast. The seven mile white sand beach provides year-round bathing in an exotic setting. The Sarojin’s ‘Imagineer’ guides are always on hand to design activities just for you, whether you want a private charter on the luxury ‘Lady Sarojin’ or a jungle adventure and picnic lunch by a waterfall. As the sun goes down enjoy a romantic barbecue for two on a secluded beach. ACCOMMODATION

Arranged around a giant fig tree that is the spiritual heart of the resort, the 56 residences are entered via a private garden terrace. Cool interiors are counterpointed by lavish outside spaces with private sala gardens and sun decks. For even more space, we recommend the sumptuous Sarojin Suites that feature additional lounge area, outside garden terrace and stone relaxation pool. 7 nights from £1,945 per person includes; international flights, transfers (50 minutes by car) and room only in a Garden Residence. tHe sARoJIN

soNevA KIRI by sIX seNses


Soneva Kiri is located on Koh Kood Island off the east coast of Thailand, surrounded by tropical rainforests and waterfalls on one side and white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters on the other. A diversity of dining options includes menus created by Michelin-starred Catalonian chef Jaume and authentic Thai dishes prepared by Khun Benz. An extraordinary dining pod hoisted into the tree tops literally takes cuisine to new heights and the wine cellar holds a variety of vintages to enhance every dish. ACCOMMODATION

In harmony with its pristine surroundings, Soneva Kiri is a model of sustainable design that echoes the traditional village life of ancient Thailand. The oversized Villas sit along the beachfront or on the lush hillside overlooking the Gulf of Thailand, linked by winding pathways that can be travelled on foot, by bicycle or electric buggy. Stylish living spaces are complemented by sun decks, private pools and alfresco dining areas. 7 nights from £3,995 per person, includes: international flights, air transfers (1 hour from Bangkok Airport to Soneva Kiri Resort) and room only in a Hill Villa Suite.


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SIx SeNSeS YAo NoI Phang Nga Bay, Thailand IN THe kNow

Picturesque Koh Yao Noi Island in Phang Nga Bay is the glorious setting for the Six Senses Yao Noi. The elevated hillside position of this secluded paradise provides dramatic views of the turquoise sea punctuated with the famous jagged limestone outcrops. Make the most of your private terrace dining with your personal chef and waiter serving a champagne breakfast or barbecue beneath the stars. Budding chefs can join the Cooking School to learn the secrets of Thai classics such as Tom Yum Kung and Pad Thai. ACCoMMoDATIoN

The generously proportioned Pool Villas, Hilltop Reserve and Retreat all represent uncompromised luxury and attention to detail. Each villa has its own infinity pool with sundeck and is attended by a personal butler who will anticipate your every need. The Pool Villa Suites have split-level bedrooms, large terrace for alfresco dining, and a spa sala for private treatments – the perfect place to escape the pressures of modern life. SIx SeNSeS yAo NoI, HILL top ReSeRve bedRoom


Shangri-La Rasa is in a world of its own, stretching alongside the exquisite Pantai Dalit Beach in a luscious tropical setting. Within the 400 acres lies a unique nature reserve where the resort is committed to rehabilitating the endangered orangutan, as well as being home to an abundance of wildlife. The ecological design of the 18-hole championship golf course highlights the resorts commitment to combining tourism with ecological sensitivity. ACCoMMoDATIoN

7 nights from £1,295 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (45 minutes by car) and room only in Garden Wing Superior Rainforest.

motorboat) and breakfast in a Garden Pool Villa.


Borneo, Malaysia

Each of the 420 guest rooms has a distinctly Malaysian feel, with soft earthy tones and intricately carved panels in keeping with the ethos of the resort. Many pleasurable pastimes are on offer – a few hours in the spa, an invigorating jet-ski ride or a guided walk through the Nature Reserve. As evening beckons, enjoy a Sabah-style beef satay at Tepi-Laut Restaurant and a cocktail at the beachside Sampa Bar.

7 nights from £1,995 per person, includes: flights, transfers (60 minutes by car and



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PANgKOR LAuT RESORT Pangkor Island, Malaysia IN THE KNOw

On a private island off the west coast of Malaysia in the Straits of Malacca, Pangkor Laut Resort is as unique as the age-old rainforest that surrounds it. Pangkor Laut and its eight estates occupy just part of the island’s acres, yet all its secluded bays and sandy beaches are accessible exclusively to guests of the resort. Treatments at the award-winning four-acre Spa Village are inspired by healing therapies of the region. ACCOMMODATION

Designed in the style of traditional Malay houses, each villa complements the jungle habitat with interiors that exude comfort and warmth, wooden buildings that curve around foliage as if nature had been the architect. Signature Sea Villas stand elegantly on stilts above the waves, while the Garden and Hill Villas place you within a few steps of the abundant wildlife. Wide verandahs are perfect for watching the colours of the sun painted across the sky as it rises and sets. 7 Nights from £1,655 per person, includes international flights, transfers (30 minute ferry from Lumut) and room only in a Garden Villa. PANGKoR lAUt ResoRt

TANjONg jARA RESORT Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia IN THE KNOw

On the east coast of Malaysia, Tanjong Jara Resort is fronted by vibrant turquoise waters and a crescent-shaped beach shaded by tall palms. The philosophy of the resort is based on the Malay concept of Sucimurni that emphasises health and well-being and the staff epitomise the legendary Malaysian warmth and hospitality. Here you can explore teeming coral reefs, discover the natural charms of sleepy fishing villages or indulge in Malay treatments at the award-winning Spa Village. ACCOMMODATION

Designed to reflect the elegance and grandeur of a 17th century Malay palace, each of the 99 comfortable and spacious rooms have been designed with authentic rich fabrics and local hardwood of the region. Bumbung rooms are situated on the first floor overlooking the South China Sea; Serambi rooms have serene terraces shaded by the tropical gardens; and the luxurious Anjung rooms have beautiful sunken outdoor baths within private courtyards.


7 Nights from £1,585 per person, includes international flights, transfers (60 minutes by car) and room only in a Bumbung Room.



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Four SeASoNS HoTeL LANgkAwI Langkawi, Malaysia IN THe kNow

In the dramatic Langkawi archipelago, Four Seasons Langkawi is a paradise that sits on one of the region’s best beaches, Tanjung Rhu, and combines indigenous architecture with a level of service said to be unmatched in Malaysia. It is perfect for families – children can learn to spot tropical animals in the complimentary Kids For All Seasons programme, while parents enjoy well-earned ‘me time’ by the quiet pool or pampering at the spa with a Malaysian Mist treatment. ACCoMMoDATIoN

The Pavilions and Villas are soothed by the murmur of the Andaman Sea. Soaring ceilings and open verandahs create a sense of space and the vibrant décor is inspired by traditional Malaysian design. Each of the 20 Beach Villas has a prime beachfront location and comes complete with private plunge pool, spa treatment room for two, large Terrazzo bath tub, outdoor shower and private terrace. 7 nights from £2,335 per person includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes by

Four sEAsons HoTEl lAnGKAWI, bEAcH vIllA bEDroom

car) and room only in a Lower Melaleuca Pavilion.

THE DATAI, supErIor vIllA EnsuITE

THe DATAI Langkawi, Malaysia IN THe kNow

This exclusive hideaway famed for its friendly service is on the north western tip of Langkawi Island. Footpaths weave past caves and waterfalls in the rainforest that has inspired local legend for generations, emerging onto a white sand beach. Here there are many water sports to choose from, indulgent spa treatments such as the Datai Massage to rejuvenate body and soul before ending the day with an unforgettable candle-lit beach dinner under the stars. ACCoMMoDATIoN

The Datai’s rooms, villas and suites are inspired by local architecture, featuring exposed beams, polished wooden floors and bamboo screens. Amazing views of the lush jungle or the shimmering Andaman Sea, where only Tarutao Island punctures the horizon, are enjoyed from private verandahs. The Superior Villas have free-standing suites sheltered under the rainforest canopy for total privacy and are connected to the main resort by stone pathways. 7 nights from £1,825 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (30 mins by car) and room only in a Deluxe Room.


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RELAX The tropical paradise of Bali is arguably the jewel in Indonesia’s crown; Ubud offers a wealth of arts

and crafts while Nusa Dua is an ideal base to explore the nearby beaches of Sanur, Legian and Kuta. Both offer magnificent hotels renowned for their exceptional service and outstanding settings. East Bali offers a hypnotic mix of religion, royal culture and architectural splendour and is often referred to as ‘Old Bali’. The region is packed with villages whose way of life has changed little over the centuries, such as the closed, religious community of Tenganan – it is a must for every Indonesia holiday. Bali’s beguilingly beautiful and lesser-known neighbour is Lombok, where green rice terraces, intriguing temples, ancient palaces and unspoilt beaches await exploration. From Lombok you can take a short boat trip to the Gili Islands, offering white sand, vivid waters and spectacular diving opportunities. The same can be said for the adjoining island of Moyo, which has a timeless quality of peace and serenity.

INDONESIA Indonesia is the largest archipelago and home to some of the finest beaches in the world.

fOOD AND DRINk Indonesia’s spices make its local cuisine unique. Specialities include rijstafel (a Dutch concoction consisting of a variety of meats, fish, vegetables and curries), and saté (chunks of beef, fish, pork, chicken or lamb cooked on hot coals and dipped in peanut sauce). Seafood is excellent with salt and fresh water fish, lobsters, oysters, prawns, shrimp, squid, shark and crab all available. bESt tImE tO bE thERE Indonesia is located very close to the Equator which means there are 12 hours of

daylight throughout the year. It is a year round destination with the western monsoon bringing the wet season from October to April providing pleasant, warm temperatures and rain in the afternoon – perfect for a nap, especially with a twist of sea-breeze in the coastal areas.


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AmANkILA East Coast, Bali IN thE kNOw

Amankila, meaning ‘peaceful hill’, perches on a hill above the Lombok Strait. It is the definition of understated chic, drawing inspiration from the architecture of the surrounding Karangasem Regency. Take to the sea in a traditional Jukung outrigger or embark on a fascinating cultural excursion for an authentic taste of Bali. End the day with a sunset satay feast with views across rice fields to Amuk Bay.



34 freestanding suites are fashioned as beach houses and connected to the reception, restaurant and pool areas by stepped walkways enveloped in the scent of frangipani and tuberose. Relax by one of the three terraced pools, enjoy an indulgent spa treatment or descend to the beach where you can soak up the tropical sun from the comfort of a secluded bale. 7 nights from £2,765 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (60 minutes by car) and room only in a Village Suite. AMANKILA, suIte bedrooM



AmANuSA Nusa Dua, Bali IN thE kNOw

Amanusa is a secluded retreat in Bali’s southern peninsula with views of Nusa Penida Island and the distant Gunung Agung volcano. It is a relaxing microcosm of all things Balinese, thoughtfully designed to create a sense of space and with a warm service that echoes Bali’s spiritual roots. For a taste of vibrant local culture, stroll the bougainvillea-lined streets of nearby Nusa Dua, where boutiques and restaurants abound. ACCOmmODAtION

The elegantly furnished thatched suites have four-poster beds, garden courtyards and outdoor terraces with shaded daybeds. All are set behind stone walls seeded with mosses and fragrant flowers, and joined by raised walkways leading to one of the region’s most prestigious golf courses. In the Amanusa Beach Club, private grass-thatched shelters provide refreshments and delicious treats on one of Bali’s finest beaches. 7 nights from £2,765 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (30 minutes by car) and room only in a Garden Suite.


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kARmA kANDARA Kandara, Bali IN thE kNOw

Kandara is a Sanskrit word meaning great cliff or cave temple and this resort effortlessly lives up to its name. Perched above sweeping cliffs, Karma Kandara overlooks what is regarded by many as Bali’s most beautiful beach with azure waters stretching to the horizon. The beauty of the location itself is enhanced by the sight of the towering Mount Agung in the distance. Treat yourself to a sunset massage at the Karma Spa, offering glorious views over the vast Indian Ocean.



The natural setting of the Villas and the rhythmic sound of waves on the beach create an extraordinary calming environment. Each villa has a Balinese-style garden with pool and sits atop the bukit land at the southernmost tip of the island. Choose between the one, two, three and four-bedroom Pool Villas, the more spacious Cliff Front Villas, or the exclusive four-bedroom Grand Cliff Front Villas. 7 nights from £2,255 per person includes: international flights, transfers (60 minutes by car) and room only in a One Bedroom Luxury Pool Villa. KArMA KANdArA

Four seAsoNs resort bALI At JIMbArAN bAy, deLuxe oceAN vIew oNe bedrooM vILLA


fOuR SEASONS RESORt bALI At JImbARAN bAy Jimbaran Bay, Bali IN thE kNOw

Clinging to Bali’s South-Western coast, the Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay has sweeping views of sacred Mount Agung and Jimbaran Bay beyond. A delightful beach lies at the foot of 35 acres of landscaped gardens, terraced with sparkling infinity pools and secluded villas. Inspired by the Indonesian specialties on offer at the open-air restaurants, broaden your own repertoire at the cooking school, or take advantage of the array of adventure activities on offer. ACCOmmODAtION

Taking inspiration from traditional Balinese architecture, each villa is built around a private, landscaped courtyard with sunloungers, a plunge pool and thatched alfresco dining area. Separate sleeping, bathing and living pavilions are open and airy with cool linens, wooden furnishings and natural colours to give a sense of space. For exclusive spacious accommodation, the resort’s Residence Villas offer the ultimate in luxury, with two, three and four bedroom accommodation available. 7 nights from £2,455 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (15 minutes by car) and room only in a One Bedroom Villa.


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FOur SEASONS rESOrt BAlI At SAyAN Ubud, Bali IN thE kNOw

This acclaimed resort tumbles down a picturesque hillside extending deep into the sacred Ayung River Valley. Stylish secluded accommodation complements the atmospheric Ayung Terrace restaurant serving delicious Pan-Asian cuisine from its position on the crest of a gorge. The resort lies within easy reach of the island’s renowned cultural centre at Ubud and many activities – from elephant trekking to golf. ACCOMMODAtION

60 generously proportioned suites and villas are designed to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, while each villa has a living area decorated with indigenous art and furnishings opening out onto a private sun terrace with plunge pool and alfresco dining area for complete exclusivity. The signature Royal Villa offers palatial, split-level accommodation in a prime river-front location. A stylish haven of tranquility, the Four Seasons Sayan boasts a fabulous spa complex, including traditional Ayurvedainspired treatments 7 nights from £1,945 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (60 minutes by car) and room only in a Suite.

uMA uBuD



Ubud, Bali IN thE kNOw

Uma Ubud lies at the heart of the Balinese island. The hotel, occupying a threehectare site, is hidden on the fringe of Ubud, overlooking the Tjampuhan Valley. Ubud, where you will find numerous shops, galleries and local restaurants, is a five-minute drive, or 20-minute walk away. The property is designed to feel like a rural home in the hills. Facilities include Kemiri restaurant and the holistic Asian-inspired COMO Shambhala Retreat spa. ACCOMMODAtION

There are 29 rooms, suites and villas at Uma Ubud. Carved panels open up rooms to integrate views and the scent of the forest, while the simplicity of pared-down walls keeps light flowing through interiors, from the bedroom through to garden terraces, private courtyards and infinity-edge plunge pools. Indigenous materials include thatched woods and alang-alang roofs, modern accents introduced in sleek black and white bathrooms. 7 nights from £1,415 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (60 minutes by car) and breakfast only in a Terrace Room.



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AmANDARI Near Ubud, Bali IN thE kNOw

Just ten minutes from the creative community of Ubud in central Bali, Amandari is the perfect base from which to explore the island. Temple ceremonies, gamelan performances, village festivals and exhibitions and the resort’s full moon celebrations give you a unique view of Balinese cultural traditions. We recommend an elephant safari through the tropical forest landscape of rivers, volcanic mountains and rice terraces to get up close to nature. ACCOmmODAtION

River-stone walkways weave through lush vegetation that is interspersed with thatched-roofed suites. Each of the suites is fronted with a Balinese-style gateway and uses local teak and coconut wood detail for an elegant simplicity of décor. With wall-sized glass doors opening onto beautiful garden courtyards, the suites are a model of al fresco living, enhanced by glistening pools, a relaxed spa and restaurant with panoramic gorge views. 7 nights from £2,765 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (45 minutes by car) and room only in a Garden Suite. AMANdArI

coMo sHAMbHALA estAte

COmO ShAmbhALA EStAtE Near Ubud, Bali IN thE kNOw

COMO Shambhala Estate is a residential health retreat located near Ubud, Bali. State-of-the-art facilities include a Vitality pool, treatment area beside the River Ayung, climbing wall, outdoor gym and yoga pavilion. The Estate has a number of Resident Teachers including a Fitness Instructor, Yoga Master and martial arts teachers. The property also provides Guides for outdoor activities. Completing the holistic approach, The Estate offers a wide selection of healthful COMO Shambhala cuisine. ACCOmmODAtION

Accommodation at the Estate is among the most spacious of its kind. Built into jungle clearings and above the Ayung River, there are five unique themed Residences, each with four or five suites, airy living areas and a large swimmingpool. Five Retreat Villas and four Private Villas ranging from one, two and three bedrooms are also provided. On arrival you are assigned a Personal Assistant to help ensure a seamless stay. 7 nights from £2,155 per person includes: international flights and transfers (60 minutes by car) and half board in a Garden Room.


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thE ObEROI LOmbOk Medana Beach, Lombok IN thE kNOw

The Oberoi Lombok is an idyllic hideaway along a stretch of a private beach. The Indonesian style of thatched roofs and terraced pavilions in acres of tropical gardens provides an intimate and informal ambience. The resort’s Turtle Release Programme allows you a unique view of turtle hatchlings in their natural habitat. A candlelit dinner on the golden sands lapped by the waves of the ocean is not to be missed.

tHe oberoI LoMboK


The Villas and Pavilions are full of local character and each has a large shaded terrace with raised dining pavilion and gardens enclosed by walls of pink-tinged limestone. If you are looking for extra space, we recommend the Two Bedroom Villa. It is the height of luxury with over 375 square metres of living space, a palatial courtyard, its own shimmering pool and beautiful ocean views. 7 nights from £1,585 per person, includes: international flights, transfers (45 minutes by car) and room only in a Luxury Pavilion Garden View.

tHe oberoI LoMboK

tHe oberoI LoMboK, Luxury vILLA


AmANwANA Moyo Island IN thE kNOw

The wilderness hideaway of Amanwana is located on Moyo Island, a nature reserve off the coast of Sumbawa. For a once-in-a-lifetime experience, join experienced rangers on the Amanwana Komodo Dragon Expedition to observe these endangered creatures. Komodo National Park is also home to a unique mix of wildlife and features one of the most pristine marine environments in the world where you can snorkel in the coral reef teeming with colourful marine life. ACCOmmODAtION

Amanwana has 20 luxury tents sheltered under the rainforest canopy in a secluded cove overlooking Amanwana Bay. The spacious tents set on coral stone decks and enclosed by solid stone walls and teak framed windows create the ambience of camp life. While the elegant décor, polished hardwood floors and air-conditioning add to the feeling of luxury. Sand pathways lead to the Amanwana Spa, the restaurant and beach. 7 night journeys from £3,685 per person, include: international flights, transfers (3 hours by domestic flight and boat) and all inclusive in a Jungle Tent.


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RELAX With stunning beaches, beautiful bays and teeming reefs, Mexico is a wonderful destination for

MEXICO A holiday in Mexico can take in glorious cultural and archaeological highlights, as well as the extensive Pacific and Caribbean coastline.

relaxing in luxury. Mexico’s Caribbean waters hide tropical coral gardens and kiss the powdery white sands of the Riviera Maya, while being only a short distance from many legendary Maya ruins. Mexico’s Pacific coast offers unlimited possibilities in both accommodation and setting. Whether you are looking for a secluded, all-inclusive resort or a DIY fishing village, the range is endless. With activities that include, but are not limited to, surfing, snorkelling, whale watching, scuba diving, and sport fishing, the Pacific coast of Mexico rivals (and possibly surpasses) any area in the world. Luxury hotels can be found on both coastlines and offer an abundance of activities, accommodation options and excellent service and cuisine. fOOd And dRInk Mexico is a food lover’s paradise. Unusual moles of Puebla and Oaxaca; crispy fish and prawn tacos of Baja California; earth cooked, banana leaf wrapped chicken and pork pibil of the Yucatan Peninsula and a host of world renowned regional specialities are now enhanced by recently acclaimed Mexican wines from the Northern Baja regions, finely aged tequilas and mezcals from Mexico’s highland interior. bEst tIME tO bE thERE November to April. The rainy season works its way up from the south beginning in

May and running until September. There is also hurricane season in the Caribbean from July to October.


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LAs VEntAnAs AL PARAIsO, A ROsEwOOd REsORt Baja Peninsula In thE knOw

On the tip of the Baja California Peninsula by the sparkling Sea of Cortes, Las Ventanas al Paraiso redefines style and service. Merging the striking desert environs and Mexico’s unique flavours with lavish suites and al fresco communal areas, Las Ventanas is literally ‘a window to paradise’ as its name translates. The casual restaurant serving innovative Bajan-Mediterranean cuisine is a real highlight, as is the Ceviche Bar where you can sample traditional Mexican delicacies and some of the country’s finest tequilas. Private dining on the beach can be arranged for that special romantic evening, or you can learn from the masters with your own personal cooking lesson. The award-winning Spa at Las Ventanas offers massages-à-deux complete with champagne and strawberries, or bask in a purifying bath of aromatic oils and herbs while you ponder whether to choose the cruise or the beach for the next day. A Mini Cooper is perfect for exploring the peninsula if you can pull yourself away from this magnificent resort. ACCOMMOdAtIOn

The 90 sumptuous rooms and suites include the Garden View Junior Suite, Rooftop Terrace Suite and Spa Suite with secluded terraces, large bathrooms, personal telescopes and terracotta fireplaces for winter evenings. All suites are lavishly appointed with marble showers and Cochuela limestone floors while intricately carved furnishings and native paintings vie for your attention against the backdrop of Baja’s white and blue hues.


7 nights from £2,875 per person, including international flights and transfers (20 minutes) in a Garden View Junior Suite.


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CAPELLA PEdREgAL Baja Peninsula In thE knOw

This new resort has a privileged location at the point where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortes near the legendary rock formations of Lands End. Accessed via a private tunnel from Cabo San Lucas means you are within easy walking distance of the village, its artisan boutiques and restaurants, and the marina where you charter a yacht from Capella’s private club. ACCOMMOdAtIOn

Beautifully appointed rooms and villas are immersed in the natural environment of Los Cabos where desert meets the ocean each featuring handcrafted Mexican details throughout. Refined upscale touches such as carefully selected reading material, premium bedlinens, ocean view terrace and private plunge pool add to your pampered existence at this elegant private resort. 7 nights from £2,775 per person, including international flights and transfers in an Ocean View Room on a room only basis. PEDEGRAL SUITE BEDROOM, CAPELLA PEDREDAL



Costalegre, Pacific Coast In thE knOw

Las Alamandas is a stunning boutique retreat on Mexico’s Pacific coast that is ideal for honeymoons or a family get-together. Managed as a private estate, here you are accorded the highest standards of hospitality and cuisine. Mosaic tiled pathways wind from villas hidden among palms, through tropical gardens dotted with pink sunbeds, past the relaxing pool area and thatched bar, to the deserted beach beyond.



This beachfront hideaway on 1,500 acres of unspoilt tropical paradise has just six villas accommodating a maximum of 33 guests for complete exclusivity. Tiled roofs, shaded terraces and ceramic floors proudly highlight Mexico’s finest craftwork and traditional designs. The Casa del Sol Villa contrasts sunshine yellow with fuschia pink while the Casa Azul cooly mixes hues of blue and terracotta. 7 nights from £2,275 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Casa Azul Junior Room on a room only basis. LAS ALAMANDAS


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LA CAsA quE CAntA Zihuatanejo, Pacific Coast In thE knOw

Perched on a cliff overlooking atmospheric Zihuatanejo Bay, La Casa que Canta is as idyllic as it is unique. Its terracotta adobe houses topped with thatched palapa roofs are the very quintessence of Mexico. From the freshest Mexican seafood to the beautiful infinity pool that cascades into the ocean, the romance of the ‘House that Sings’ permeates throughout this special hotel. ACCOMMOdAtIOn LA CASA QUE CANTA

Bright local colours feature in all the rooms of La Casa que Canta and handpainted furniture, artisan woven hammocks and hand-embroidered linen are evidence of a lavish attention to detail. The 25 suites each have a private terrace with views over the bay, and the two sumptuous Private Residences offer free form plunge pools, outdoor dining areas and private access to the beautiful Playa la Ropa. 7 nights from £2,475 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Terrace Room on a room only basis.


EsEnCIA Riviera Maya In thE knOw

Esencia is a perfect example of how elegance and simplicity excel in such a perfect setting as Xpu-Ha beach on the Riviera Maya. The heart of Esencia is the beautiful Catalan dome roof of the Casa Grande overlooking the beachside pool. This small resort benefits from the discerning taste of its former owner, an Italian duchess, from the casual al fresco setting of Sal Y Fuego restaurant to the organic treatments at Aroma Spa. ACCOMMOdAtIOn

Choose from one of 26 individually designed rooms, cottages and suites featuring high ceilings and fresh white walls that contrast with native hardwood furniture, mahogany doors and large windows framing the blue ocean. Egyptian cotton linens and Molton Brown amenities add special touches to the simple and elegant décor and options such as private plunge pools, high-tech media rooms and private terraces ensure a luxurious stay. 7 nights from £1,998 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Garden Room including breakfast.



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MAROMA REsORt & sPA Riviera Maya In thE knOw

Maroma’s white stucco architecture looks out over 200 acres of jungle reserve emerging onto a mile-long beach of perfect white sands and the azure Caribbean waters of the beautiful Riviera Maya. Maroma is assuredly the place to enjoy the legendary style and service of an Orient Express property with the vibrant flavours of Mexico in its elegant artisan constructed rooms and El Sol al fresco restaurant. ACCOMMOdAtIOn

All 60 rooms and suites are made unique by the use of hand-painted colourful ceramic tiles, soft wool rugs and original art and furniture from the Yucatan region. Nestled in lush gardens many of the rooms have ocean views and all have ample private terraces. For real opulence, we recommend the romantic Sian Nah suites situated beside the ocean where you can enjoy spa treatments from the privacy of your room or a dip in your private pool. 7 nights from £1,995 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Garden Room including breakfast.



bAnyAn tREE MAyAkObA Riviera Maya In thE knOw

Mayakoba, the Mayan word for ‘village of water’, is inspired by the freshwater lagoons and canals found meandering their way around the resort. A harmonious blend of nature and luxury, the hotel is the first all-pool villa resort in the Riviera Maya with an award-winning spa, two stunning pools and several excellent dining options. The epitome of resort living, Banyan Tree brings Asian hospitality and style to the beautiful Caribbean Coast of Mexico. ACCOMMOdAtIOn

The resort’s private villas spread out along the waterways with a concept drawn from the Far East, where each villa curls around its own individual garden, complete with a pool and sundeck whilst also offering a frontage onto a river or lagoon. Outdoor baths or showers in many suites add to the romantic tones while the decor draws on Mexican culture including Maya decorative patterns and local arts and crafts. 7 nights from £2,525 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Garden Pool Suite including breakfast.


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ROsEwOOd MAyAkObA Riviera Maya In thE knOw

On the white shores of the Riviera Maya in the emerald embrace of the surrounding tropical vegetation is Rosewood Mayakoba, a welcome addition to Rosewood’s lavish portfolio and a perfect escape from everyday life. The resort features a championship golf course, spa island, lecture programme on culture and ecology, children’s activity club, diving on the world’s second largest coral reef and even tequila tasting sessions.



Just over 100 spacious terrace suites with garden showers are hidden among mangroves, either suspended over sparkling lagoon waterways or gracing the resort’s sandy shores. Here you can take a reviving dip in your private plunge pool or retreat to your secluded rooftop deck to gaze at the stars. The Deluxe Island Suite even has its own en-suite treatment room. 7 nights from £2,550 per person, including international flights and transfers in a Lagoon Suite on a room only basis.



ZOEtRy PARAIsO dE LA bOnItA Riviera Maya In thE knOw

Paraiso de la Bonita near Puerto Morelos is renowned for its exceptional Thalassotherapy spa. The resort offers an Endless Privileges programme to its guests, dedicated to providing the highest levels of service. Take a sunset tour on board the resort’s own luxury catamaran ‘La Bonita’ and dine on sumptuous cuisine at one of the four gourmet restaurants, from Mexican to fresh seafood to the casual beachside grill. ACCOMMOdAtIOn

The beachfront suites on the estate’s private beach each have a large private terrace looking out to sea. Additional touches such as handpicked antiques, delicate Frette linen and handmade beach bags, private chauffeured transfers and daily replenished minibar with snacks and champagne add to the general pampering at this paradise. 7 nights from £2,175 per person, including international flights and transfers in an Oceanfront Suite with terrace with all inclusive.



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RELAX Rio de Janeiro is one of the liveliest and most beautiful cities in the world with breathtaking views

from Sugarloaf Mountain. Ipanema and Copacabana Beaches may be on everyone’s fantasy list, but there are many others along the coastline that are well worth a visit. On the northern coast, the towns of Ilheus, Natal and Salvador da Bahia come complete with pristine golden beaches, while south of Rio there are more than a hundred beaches edging the Atlantic rainforest – it is easy to see why honeymoons in Brazil are so special. Bahia, ‘the land of happiness’, is one of 26 states in Brazil, and is located in the north eastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast. With a coastline a thousand kilometers long, it offers endless sandy beaches and an ideal climate for escaping to the sun year-round. The ‘Bahians’ are a very friendly people and you can be sure of a good welcome on your visit to Bahia. Additionally some of Brazil’s best beaches are found in Natal in the north eastern region.

BRAZIL A Brazilian holiday instantly brings to mind beaches, bikinis, carnivals and samba, but also offers much, much more.

food And dRInk Brazilian food and drink is as diverse as its people, from churrasqueira, barbecued meat on skewers to acarajé, a kind of muffin made of onions and beans. Cachaça, the local rum, is best enjoyed as Caipirinha, mixed with lime and sugar, while Rio juice bars serve up delicious fruits such as acerola or caqui. BEst tImE to BE thERE As Brazil is such a large country, the climate varies widely throughout. The

Brazilian winter is from June to August. In summer (December to February) Rio is hot and humid, but during the rest of the year the average is usually around 25°C. The rainy seasons occur from January to April in the north, April to July in the north-east and November to March in the south-east.


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Named after the Polynesian black pearl, Kiaroa is a sophisticated resort on the Peninsula de Marau, one of the most beautiful, untouched places in Brazil and with miles of deserted beach in either direction. Isolated among 240 square km of environmentally protected reserve surrounded by Atlantic forest, Kiaroa has its own private airstrip accessible by small plane from the colonial city of Salvador on Brazil’s northern coast. Exceptional haute cuisine is served with Brazilian flare in the beautiful restaurant and the open-air Tetiaroa beach bar where romantic candlelit dinners can be arranged. There is a large ocean-front swimming pool, excellent Armonia Spa and many exciting day adventures to explore the natural surroundings of the peninsula such as the Trebembe Falls. The hotel’s private boat can be hired for excursions out to Camamu Bay and picnics on nearby islands. ACCommodAtIon

Kiaroa’s 28 rooms and bungalows are influenced by the tropical elements of Bahia, French Polynesia and Africa and built in harmony with the environment using local, natural resources. All rooms feature Trussardi Egyptian cotton linen and Natura Ekos toiletries. Look out over tropical gardens from a hammock on the verandah of your luxury room and the more private and spacious Moorea, Bali and Malindi Bungalows have private plunge pools. 7 nights from £2,992 per person, including international flights, transfers (35 minutes by air from Salvador de Bahia) and breakfast in a Moorea Luxury Bungalow.


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tXAI REsoRt Itacare, Bahia In thE know

This secluded resort is scattered throughout 250 acres of coconut groves fringed by a picturesque white sand beach and only nine miles from the small laidback Bahian town of Itacaré. Several pools are dotted around this former cocoa farm and great beach service is complemented by excellent restaurants serving fresh organic fare influenced by local Bahian and European cuisine. The miles of beach are perfect for a leisurely stroll or horseback ride. ACCommodAtIon

The palm-thatched bungalows at Txai are set among the coconut groves either on the hillside surrounded by tropical vegetation or close to the beach. Each of the bungalows has a beautiful wooden deck or terrace, outside shower and typical Bahian décor with cool linens, natural tones and local wood. For the most exclusive retreat, we suggest the Premium Bungalow with its large private terrace and pool overlooking the Atlantic forest. 7 nights from £2,595 per person, including international flights, transfers (60 minutes from Ilheus) and breakfast in a Superior Bungalow.



Buzios In thE know

This boutique hotel has an unrivalled location on the edge of one of the most beautiful beaches in Buzios, a pretty town full of lively bars and fashionable restaurants. Day beds are on hand to relax by the pool, as are bicycles and the hotel’s two boats for exploring the surrounding area. The fantastic FrancoBrazilian cuisine using the freshest seafood, for which Chef Rocha is celebrated, is not to be missed. ACCommodAtIon

The 12 rooms are uniquely and lovingly designed by the French owner Emanuelle Meeus de Clermont-Tonnerre who tours the world sourcing new furniture and fashions. Each room reflects her passion for Brazil and display aspects of national culture, art or fashion while remaining elegantly simple and stylish. Of particular note are the recycled rubber carpets made by the inmates of Muzambinho and the Claudia Andujar photography adorning the walls. 7 nights from £2,375 per person, including international flights, transfers (3 hours from Rio de Janeiro) and breakfast in a Superior Bungalow.




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CAsA PARAty Paraty In thE know

The charming Casa Paraty takes full advantage of the pretty yet dramatic location of Paraty nestled between the imposing mountains and the ocean. The simple colonial exterior of this private house hides a luxurious property bursting with state-of-the-art features and the very best accommodation in the region. Choose to dine inside or outside by the barbeque with meals prepared by your local cook. ACCommodAtIon

This beautiful house has a kitchen, open plan lounge and dining room opening out to a walled garden and pool. The elegant Master Suite and ensuite twin room are on the first floor, and the triple attic bedroom on the second floor has great views out to sea. The Casa has a full staff during the day and its own schooner which can be hired for touring the bays and islands off the coast. 7 nights from £2,450 per person, based on four sharing the Casa exclusively, including international flights and transfers (4 hours from either Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo). CASA PARATY


PontA dos GAnChos Florianopolis In thE know

Considered Brazil’s most exclusive hideaway, Ponta dos Ganchos overlooks a private sandy bay on Brazil’s southern coast and enjoys the atmosphere of a guest house with the sophistication of a five star resort. Snorkeling and canoeing can be arranged but this is one place where you may just want to spend lazy days stretched out under the sun. If you are on honeymoon, a private à la carte dinner on a small island can be arranged. ACCommodAtIon

Dotted around the private peninsula are 25 rustic-chic style bungalows with simple fabric accents and flooded with natural light from the floor to ceiling windows. All are completely private with open fires for cooler winter nights, a wine cellar and sundecks with hammocks overlooking the sea. For that extra touch of decadence, stay in one of the fabulous Villas with Jacuzzi bath and private plunge pool. 7 nights from £2,995 per person, including international flights, transfers (60 minutes from Florianopolis) and full board in a Luxo room.

P82 airline information

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Departing from London Heathrow Terminal 5, British Airways offers you an extensive worldwide network. Flying Club World is an opportunity to make your time your own. From the calm of the lounges to the comfort of your own cocooned environment onboard, you have the personal space, privacy and flexibility you need to sleep, work or relax as you choose. Club World has a 6’ flat bed and Audio Video on Demand is available with 200 chanels of entertainment. Customers in Club World can also help themselves to drinks and snacks from the Club Kitchen.

Upper Class guests are pampered before they have even left the UK, with a separate check-in area and a quick transfer through a dedicated security channel so that you can make full use of the Clubhouse lounge before your flight. Generous seat pitches are available in Economy (32”) and Premium Economy (38”). In all cabins you have personal television screens with hours of entertainment from the latest blockbuster movies to the hottest television shows as well as dedicated children’s channels. Virgin Atlantic flies daily from London Gatwick to Barbados, Antigua, St. Lucia, Grenada, Mozambique and East Africa.

Emirates is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world and since its inception in 1985, has won more than 400 international awards for excellence. Emirates operates 14 daily flights from 6 UK airports to Dubai, connecting to over 100 destinations including the Middle East, Maldives and Thailand. Once onboard, customers can enjoy ice* our state-of-the-art, award-winning inflight entertainment system, providing personal on-demand viewing - you can start, stop, rewind or fast-forward a choice of over 200 movies, 100 TV channels, 500 radio and CD channels and more than 100 games.

Award-winning airline offering daily flights with brand new A380 and B777-300ER from London Heathrow Terminal 3 and Manchester Terminal 2 to South East Asia via the leading Asian hub, Changi Airport. The airline offers the widest seat in business class and individual service in all cabins even other airlines talk about. KrisWorld, the on-demand inflight system with individual high resolution LCD screens in all classes, offers more than 1000 entertainment options.

further information P83

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specifically tailored to your journey Visit:

Kent Ltd, to provide travellers with a consistent

eight weeks of departure, you should forward

depth and how to get out. Get to know the


standard of expertise and excellence in travel.

full payment for your holiday with your

escape route from your room in the case of fire.

Booking Form. Your holiday tickets and travel

Any change to your diet may cause an upset

Travellers’ publish information, visit:

airLine PartnerS

documents will be dispatched 10-14 days prior

stomach and local water, ice and salads may not


Your holiday begins at 30,000 feet which is why

to your departure.

help. You can reduce the risk of insect bites by

we use only scheduled flights and handpick our

using repellents and dressing in clothing that

DriVinG When aBroaD

airline partners with your contentment and

BroChure DeSCriPtionS

covers the skin especially when insects are at

If you plan to drive whilst abroad you must

comfort in mind.

The information shown in this brochure has

their most active – at dawn and dusk. Crimes

ensure that you have a valid licence. For some

been compiled as accurately as possible and

against people and property are a fact of life

countries you may require an international

To insulate our clients from the stresses of

has been checked at the time of publication.

throughout the world and you have the same

driving licence. You should also make sure you

travel, flight upgrades to premium cabins can

We are not responsible for facilities outside the

responsibility for your own safety as at home. In

are aware of the local driving laws.

be arranged at competitive prices. Typically

accommodation in which you are staying and

all countries it is important to take care of your

cannot guarantee that these will be available

own safety and avoid attracting unwelcome

Your reSPonSiBiLitieS

legroom and extras such as the use of airport

all year round. Maps shown are for general

attention by not wearing expensive jewellery

Passport, visa and health requirements can

lounges so that you arrive more refreshed and

information only and may not accurately show

and accessories.

change at any time. It is your own responsibility

relaxed. Many of these cabins are available at

to ensure that you seek advice from a professional

special limited rates. Please check our dedicated

hoLiDaY DoCumentation

source and comply with all requirements.

flight offers page www.abercrombiekent.co.uk/

foreiGn offiCe aDViCe

Passports. A full passport valid beyond the

Abercrombie & Kent will not be held responsible

flightoffers for up-to-date savings.

The Foreign Office (FCO) provides information

duration of your holiday and for entry to all

in any circumstances for the consequences –

for British nationals. For the latest information,

countries included in your holiday is essential.

whether financial or otherwise – of any failure on

before you book your holiday, you should

Most countries now insist upon at least six

the part of the client in this respect.

exact locations.

48568_FC_BC.indd 2

• Department of Health ‘Health Advice for

these cabins include larger seats with more

06/03/2011 11:43

eSCaPe 2011/12


miDDLe eaSt, north afriCa anD ethioPia

inDia, himaLaYa anD Sri LanKa

auStraLaSia anD the far eaSt

Latin ameriCa





abercrombie & Kent Ltd, St George’s house, ambrose Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 3LG, uK tel: 0845 0700 600 • fax: +44 (0)1242 547 707 • abercrombiekent.co.uk You are welcome to visit us in our Cheltenham offices or alternatively visit: abercrombie & Kent Private travel, at harrods, 87 – 135 Brompton road, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7XL, uK tel: +44 (0)20 7173 6440 • fax: +44 (0)20 7173 6441


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06/03/2011 11:43

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