AMBRE, DANIEL THOMAS Surname, Given Name
PLYMOUTH, MN Employer City, State
ASNT VA3 / ISO CAT IV. Latest Certification
MARCH 25, 2016 Date of Last Certification
Full Spectrum Diagnostics provides Training and Certification in Vibration Analysis Technologies from the Basic Principles through Advanced Diagnostic concepts. Our training and certification is in accordance with guidelines set forth by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
AMBRE, DANIEL THOMAS Surname, Given Name
FULL SPECTRUM DIAGNOSTICS Employer @ Time of Certification
FSD / RELIABILITY WEB.COM Certification Issued By
ASNT IVA / ISO CAT I. Certification
MARCH 25, 2016 Certification Date
Instructor Signature
Full Spectrum Diagnostics provides Training and Certification in Vibration Analysis Technologies from the Basic Principles through Advanced Diagnostic concepts. Our training and certification is in accordance with guidelines set forth by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
AMBRE, DANIEL THOMAS Surname, Given Name
FULL SPECTRUM DIAGNOSTICS Employer @ Time of Certification
FSD / RELIABILITY WEB.COM Certification Issued By
ASNT VA1 / ISO CAT II. Certification
MARCH 25, 2016 Certification Date
Instructor Signature
Full Spectrum Diagnostics provides Training and Certification in Vibration Analysis Technologies from the Basic Principles through Advanced Diagnostic concepts. Our training and certification is in accordance with guidelines set forth by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
AMBRE, DANIEL THOMAS Surname, Given Name
FULL SPECTRUM DIAGNOSTICS Employer @ Time of Certification
FSD / RELIABILITY WEB.COM Certification Issued By
ASNT VA2 / ISO CAT III. Certification
MARCH 25, 2016 Certification Date
Instructor Signature
Full Spectrum Diagnostics provides Training and Certification in Vibration Analysis Technologies from the Basic Principles through Advanced Diagnostic concepts. Our training and certification is in accordance with guidelines set forth by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
AMBRE, DANIEL THOMAS Surname, Given Name
FULL SPECTRUM DIAGNOSTICS Employer @ Time of Certification
FSD / RELIABILITY WEB.COM Certification Issued By
ASNT VA3(a) / ISO CAT IV(a) Certification
MARCH 25, 2016 Certification Date
Instructor Signature
Full Spectrum Diagnostics provides Training and Certification in Vibration Analysis Technologies from the Basic Principles through Advanced Diagnostic concepts. Our training and certification is in accordance with guidelines set forth by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
AMBRE, DANIEL THOMAS Surname, Given Name
FULL SPECTRUM DIAGNOSTICS Employer @ Time of Certification
FSD / RELIABILITY WEB.COM Certification Issued By
ASNT VA3(b) / ISO CAT IV(b) Certification
MARCH 25, 2016 Certification Date
Instructor Signature
Ambre, Daniel Thomas Surname, Given Name
Full Spectrum Diagnostics, PLLC Employer @ Time of Certification
PdM Specialist Title
ASNT VA2 / ISO CAT III. Certification
March 25, 2016 Certification Date
Ambre, Daniel Thomas Surname, Given Name
Full Spectrum Diagnostics, PLLC Employer @ Time of Certification
Mechanical Engineer Title
ASNT VA2 / ISO CAT III. Certification
March 25, 2016 Certification Date
VIBRATION ELEMENTS CERTIFICATION PASSPORT This Certification Passport produced by Full Spectrum Diagnostics, PLLC in association with Reliability Web as a summary of the Analyst’s Training and Certifications. Full Spectrum Diagnostics provides Training and Certification in Vibration Analysis Technologies from the Basic Principles through Advanced Diagnostic concepts. Our training and certification is in accordance with guidelines set forth by the American Society of Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards Organization (ISO). The Analyst’s Training and Certification Summary in this Passport was carefully prepared by professionals in the vibration field and is believed to be correct. However, Full Spectrum Diagnostics makes no warranties respecting it and disclaims any responsibility or liability of any kind for any loss or damage as a consequence of anyone’s use of or reliance upon such information contained within. Comments or questions can be directed to Full Spectrum Diagnostics at the address below. Copyright © 2016 Full Spectrum Diagnostics, PLLC Daniel T. Ambre Full Spectrum Diagnostics, PLLC 3625 Rosewood Lane Plymouth, MN 55441 (612) 875-9959 (cell) (email) (web)
Full Spectrum Diagnostics, PLLC