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ED’s LETTER: Looking forward to an exciting 2021
It is so damn easy to be negative about 2020, it’s been like an apocalyptic movie except it’s been a real life series. It’s also damn easy to get caught up in the negativity and just as you think “stuff that, I’m not going to be negative!” a new 2020 drama presents itself (I would want to use profusely more colourful language but this is a family show)! I mean beaches closed? Being in the fresh air is apparently now more dangerous than a shopping mall - really? It also seems that common sense has also taken a turn for the worse – not only some of the regulations but also people who don’t seem to give a shit about others – what the hell are you thinking? You know who you are! Be responsible dammit, put your mask on and stop being an idiot! Rant over.
This issue has some really great content for you to sink your teeth into; with gravel bikes selling well the popularity of bikepacking has seen a big increase and John Swanepoel and Kevin Benkenstein upack the experience with Kevin giving some sage advice if your contemplating hitting the long and dusty backroads. Take a peek at the Gear section, there are some essential ideas for bike-packing necessities. Seamus takes a look at the event landscape – it’s a murky crystal ball as who knows what awaits us next year – let’s hope that things start to settle down and we get a vestige of normality back! The event industry desperately needs a working chance and we really want to get out there and be part of the mountain biking stage race and event scene again. Covid protocols are going to be with us for a while I suspect so let’s help the industry if and when we are lucky enough to take part in an organized ride. Frans continues the Trailblazer series and we meet Pieter van Wyk the man behind the stunning Welvanpas and the Wild Boar trails in Wellington. Fortunately we are able to get out there with mates and tackle most of the public trails, so if you do anything this holiday period make sure you get out there and take advantage of our amazing trail networks!
I would like to thank all the regular writers, contributors and friends of Full Sus that ensure that the magazine continues to put out fantastic and substantial local content. To those advertisers that have stuck with us through the lockdown and also now on the digital platform – thank you for having faith in the big little title! Finally, thank you to all our readers for continually coming back and reading Full Sus, for your kind words of encouragement, social media interaction and generally sending us MTB love. We really do appreciate it. Keep well, keep safe, chin up and be happy! Oh and put your mask on! Cheers until next year! See you on the trails!

Despite 2020 being virtually (pun intended) a complete write-off of a year I am pleased it has nevertheless flown passed. We can all remember back in March when we first heard about Covid-19 and how millions of South African’s worlds would be changed drastically. The first initial lockdown made us all rethink home exercising. No one in their right mind would ever attempt a 10 or 21 kilometre run around their home - yet we did! I sat on a trainer in my garage for a month just to avoid sitting in a cramped flat. The first outdoor ride back in April was a surreal feeling! Being forced to train indoors with Paarl Mountain a mere five minutes away was torture. That first ride felt like my first ever mountain bike ride. Paarl’s sun, wind and some rad singletracks was thoroughly enjoyed for the entire month of April.
After participating in a few events recently I cannot but be sad for all the respective owners who could not run their annual events. Rides I wish could still have happened in December include the fun but tough Origin of Trails in Stellenbosch and the Southern Cape slog of Windpomp Sjerrie in Stilbaai. Origin’s was marketed as the MTB YearEnd party, but boy, you would have had to work for your beers! Two days of 60 odd kilos would have been perfect to help us forget about this crap year.
To all our readers, supporters, advertisers, writers, and photographers we are thankful that you guys stuck it out with us. We hope to see you on the trails in 2021. And that ’21 won’t resemble ’20.
Season’s greetings
Until then, stay on two wheels!