will never forget the night of the Christmas Pilgrimage in 2014. It was raining cats and dogs which is never good for the Christmas spirit. But the crowds came out in full force anyway. I was welcoming people into the sanctuary and went back into the main foyer (narthex) to help people find their way up the stairs to the balcony. Although few people come in the North Blvd. sanctuary doors, I stuck my head outside to see what the weather was doing. There, at the bottom of those large stone steps, was a woman sitting alone in a wheelchair holding an umbrella. It was just starting to get dark. My heart sank. She couldn’t get up the steps. I went down and told her that there was an accessible entrance at the Aldrich Chapel entrance back the way she’d come. She replied in a friendly tone, “It’s okay, my husband is already inside. I’ll just wait here.” I told her I’d be happy to take her around. She
“There, at the bottom of those large stone steps, was a woman sitting alone in a wheelchair holding an umbrella. It was just starting to get dark. My heart sank. She couldn’t get up the steps.” ~REV. BRADY WHITTON
reassured me, “It’s okay, it will be over by the time I get there. I’m fine.” I could tell she meant it so I left her there. Sitting. In the rain. I felt terrible. I will never forget that feeling. Most of us never think of it. I really didn’t before this incident. There is no immediate access to the sanctuary for those with wheelchairs, walkers, etc. Both the North Blvd. and T.J. Jemison/East Blvd. entrances have steps and cannot be used by people with permanent or temporary disabilities. To get to the sanctuary, you have to come in through the Chapel Building, the Early Learning Center entrance, or one of the America Street entrances. These entrances require people to traverse almost a full city block in order to get to the sanctuary. No easy feat in a wheelchair or with a walker or cane. As part of our sanctuary renovation, we have the opportunity to do something about it. We're asking you to prayerfully consider making a three year commitment, a one year commitment or a one-time gift to this important addition to our renovation plans.
n June 19, the Church Council voted to proceed with implementing significant accessibility improvement at T.J. Jemison Boulevard (East Boulevard). This ambitious plan will allow access to the sanctuary elevation without encountering steps via a new covered drop-off, vestibule, and elevator.
Other elements have been incorporated into our sanctuary renovation to improve the experience for everyone participating in worship. The following improvements will be made:
• Better seating for wheelchairs • A hearing loop, to help those with hearing aid to ‘tune into’ the service • Handicapped-accessible restrooms in the Narthex • A chair lift, to allow access to the pulpit for anyone who cannot climb stairs
We are excited to introduce these changes to our facility because we want everyone to be able to fully participate in worship. Members of our own congregation with disabilities can testify about their challenges on the FUMC campus. As we live out our strategy of “going and finding those who are seeking God”, it’s important that those we “find” face as few barriers as possible in joining us.
have rarely missed Sunday worship in the nearly 20 years I’ve been a member of FUMC, but getting to the sanctuary and to my Sunday school class has been a challenge ever since I suffered permanent damage to my spinal cord almost three years ago. Perhaps you have seen me slowly struggling up or down the ramp in the gym in my walker. It’s a long haul from the America Street entrance to the sanctuary and to the classrooms in the basement. Along East Boulevard, there is a handicap-accessible ramp to the Chapel Building. That ramp is shorter and not too steep, and lately there has been someone standing there to open the door, which is hard for me. That’s a
“Perhaps you have seen me slowly struggling up or down the ramp by the gym in my walker. It’s a long haul from the America Street entrance to the sanctuary.” -MONICA BRADSHER
good way to get to the McKenzie Library or Aldrich Chapel, but to get to the sanctuary one must still go up at least half of that long ramp in the gym. A challenge, but I have found it worth the effort to continue to attend church. The proposed elevator costs a lot. It may seem extravagant to help the small number of people with serious disabilities like mine. I remember when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed requiring cities to put in curb cuts in sidewalks to accommodate wheelchairs. My dad was outraged by the expense of helping the small percentage of Americans in wheelchairs, but the cuts quickly proved popular with cyclists and people pushing strollers as well. I predict that our FUMC elevator will prove popular not only with worshipers in wheelchairs and on walkers but also among those recovering from broken bones and surgeries, those who use canes, and maybe just people in a hurry.
Accessibility Improvement Estimates $9,000
$13,000 $24,000 $82,000 $220,000
$220,000 $1.5 MIL
The cost estimate for this project is $559,000. $220,000 Canopy, Sidewalk Modifications $211,000 New Entrance, Lobby, Elevator $82,000 ADA Restroom $24,000 Chancel Wheelchair Lift $13,000 Hearing Loop $9,000 Accessibility Consultant The members and friends of First United Methodist Church are asked to prayerfully consider how they will contribute to this historic opportunity.
930 North Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 383-4777 | firstmethodist.org