Programme of activities September — December 2018

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Activities programme September December 2018


Contents Pg. 4

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Pg. 20

Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain

Temporary Exhibitions

Espai 13

From 31 October 2018 to 20 January 2019

Kader Attia Scars have the power to remind us that our past is real

Until 30 September

From 21 September to 4 November

Fito Conesa From 16 November 2018 to 6 January 2019

Lara Fluxà

Pg. 10 Pg. 18

Pg. 23 Joan Miró Collection

Photography in the Foyer Until 30 September

Joaquim Gomis and Magels Landet From 2 October 2018 to 27 January 2019

Esperanza Urdeix

Nadala From 27 November 2018 to 6 January 2019

Patricia Dauder

Pg. 24

Pg. 30

9 and 10 November

Joan Miró: Painting and Poetry Symposium in Paris Families

Other Activities

7 October, 4 November and 9 December

2 September, 7 October, 4 November and 2 December

With All Five Senses 14 October, 25 November and 23 December

A/P (Artist's Proof) 21 October

Look What I Found! 16 December

Constellations 2 December

Looking With Our Fingers

The Fundació. Architecture, Art and Landscape 16 September, 21 October, 18 November and 16 December

The Barcelona GATCPAC

Mas Miró – "Miró's Emotional Landscape" Tour

Pg. 34

Friends of the Fundació

24 September

Free admission celebrating the Festes de la Mercè

11 November, 27 and 28 December

24 September

Mysterious Natures

28 October

18 November

Big Draw

The Imagined City

Until 4 November

Pg. 37

Poetry Collage General Information

Temporary Exhibition

Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain From 31 October 2018 to 20 January 2019 Curated by Eleanor Clayton (The Hepworth Wakefield); Martina Millà and Sònia Villegas (Fundació Joan Miró) Follow this exhibition online: #FJMLeeMiller Organised by The Hepworth Wakefield (Art Fund Museum of the Year 2017) in collaboration with the Fundació Joan Miró

The exhibition Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain provides an insight into one of the most important poles of the Surrealist movement's complex international network. The North American photographer Lee Miller and her partner, the British artist Roland Penrose, acted as ambassadors of the Surrealist cause in London. They were also close friends with Joan Miró, who remained in permanent contact with the Surrealist scene in Britain, culminating with his monographic exhibition at the Tate Gallery in 1964. Sponsored exclusively by:


Lee Miller

The show invites visitors to discover the activities of the Surrealist circle on British soil through the lens of one of its key members, the photographer Lee Miller. With Miller as the pivotal figure, the exhibition covers the 1930s through to the early 1950s in nine chapters that offer a wide selection of works and artists, providing an important insight into the impact of the Surrealist movement in the United Kingdom and its international outreach. The exhibition includes paintings, sculptures and photographs by Joan Miró, Man Ray, Paul Nash, Salvador Dalí, Eileen Agar, Max Ernst, Henry Moore, Leonora Carrington, Yves Tanguy, Roland Penrose and Lee Miller, among others.

Lee Miller. Portrait of Space, Al Bulwayeb, near Siwa (Egypt), 1937 © LEE MILLER ARCHIVES, ENGLAND, 2018

Lee Miller


Lee Miller. Corsetry-Solarised Photographs, Vogue Studio, London, 1942 © LEE MILLER ARCHIVES, ENGLAND, 2018


Lee Miller

Starting on 31 October

Exquisite Bestiary Participatory space (Room 21) Free with the price of admission For all ages

Starting on 10 November

Guided tours Catalan: Sundays at 11 am Spanish: Sundays at 12:30 pm Roland Penrose. Octavia, 1939. Ferens Art Gallery, Hull Museums © THE ESTATE OF SIR ROLAND PENROSE, 2018

Man Ray. A l'Heure de l'Observatoire - Les Amoureux, 1932–4/1970. Collection Clo and Marcel Fleiss, París © MAN RAY TRUST, VEGAP, BARCELONA, 2018

Sunday, 18 November at 12:30 pm

Sign language tour

The publication Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain is available at the Fundació bookshop and at the MiróShop.

Lee Miller


Tuesday, 13 November at 5 pm

as part of the "Per amor a les Arts" series organised by the Filmoteca de Catalunya and the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.

Lee Miller in Film

Filmoteca de Catalunya

Screening of the documentary Lee Miller ou la traversée du miroir (Sylvain Roumette, 1995),

Tickets: 4 €

Related activities


Lee Miller

FILMO10 (10 sessions): 20 €

Saturdays, 17 November and 15 December, at 12 noon

Conversations with Photography: Lee Miller A conversation as we walk through the exhibition and look at Lee Miller's photographs. In conversation, we generously make our own knowledge available to others. In conversation, we listen and exchange views. Free tour, included with admission

Wednesday 21 November at 7 pm

Round-Table Discussion: "Journalism in War Zones"

Joan Miró. Painting (The white glove), 1925. Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona © SUCCESSIÓ MIRÓ, 2018

Lee Miller. Bathing Feature, Vogue Studio, London, 1941

During World War II, Lee Miller worked as a photojournalist for Vogue magazine. She covered the London Blitz and the liberation of Paris and documented the horrors of Buchenwald and Dachau. The discussion will include testimonies from journalists who have experienced the reality of war first hand and who are constantly exposed to it.


Lee Miller


Joan Mirรณ Collection

Collection rooms

Guided tours available in English and French Check our website for more information and tickets


The collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures and works on paper displayed at the Fundació is one of the most comprehensive selections of Miró’s oeuvre, offering a thorough overview of all the stages of his life and career. A variety of spaces allow visitors to venture into an interdisciplinary exploration of the highly personal language and production of one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. A series of overarching themes illustrate key concepts in Miró’s work and in the thinking of his times, while reflecting the artist’s desire to transcend conventional painting. The paintings related to Surrealism and the works based on the Spanish Civil War are particularly noteworthy due to their artistic and poetic significance. Other important pieces include the large canvases Miró produced from the late seventies onwards, which are characterised by large fields of colour and free gesture. The Fundació also devotes a wing to the Kazumasa Katsuta collection, which allows visitors to explore a dialogue between East and West, highlighting the universality of Joan Miró’s work.

Joan Miró Collection


The gold of the azure, 1967

Woman encircled by a flight of birds in the night, 1968

Joan Mirรณ Collection


Temporary Exhibitions

Until 30 September

Kader Attia Scars remind us that our past is real Follow this exhibition on social media: #KaderAttia #PremiJoanMiró

The exhibition featuring French-Algerian artist Kader Attia, the winner of the latest edition of the Joan Miró Prize, is a survey of his most relevant works from the last few years, in a dialogue with new ones created for the exhibition. Selected especially by the artist, these pieces revolve around the notion of repair, one of his main areas of interest. The show includes a series of interviews, partly filmed in Barcelona, that examine the effects of globalisation on individuals. The Joan Miró Prize is awarded every two years by the Fundació Joan Miró and "la Caixa" Foundation, in recognition of present-day work by artists who show the same spirit of exploration, innovation, commitment and freedom that characterised Joan Miró's life and work.

With support from:

Kader Attia. Chaos + Repair = Universe, 2014. Sculpture. Mirror fragments, metal wires. COURTESY THE ARTIST AND GALLERIA CONTINUA © KADER ATTIA, VEGAP, 2018


Kader Attia. Scars remind us that our past is real

Guided tours Catalan: Saturdays at 11 am Spanish: Saturdays at 12:30 pm

Kader Attia. Untitled (Couscous), 2009. Floor sculpture. Couscous, black acrylic paint, spotlight. COURTESY OF THE ARTIST AND GALERIE NAGEL DRAXLER AND COLLECTION FRAC CENTRE-VAL DE LOIRE © KADER ATTIA, VEGAP, 2018

Kader Attia. J'accuse, 2016. Installation. Wooden busts on metallic plinths, wooden sculptures on metallic supports, single-channel video projection, colour, sound. COURTESY OF THE ARTIST AND GALERIE NAGEL DRAXLER © KADER ATTIA, VEGAP, 2018


Photography in the Foyer


The Fundació Joan Miró has been programming photography exhibitions to showcase the Joaquim Gomis archive and the work of other photographers who, like Gomis, combined the practice of photography with other professional activities.

Until 30 September La Ricarda: Two Views Photographs by Joaquim Gomis and Magels Landet Joaquim Gomis photographed La Ricarda – his brothers’s house in El Prat del Llobregat, designed by Antoni Bonet – while it was being built. Once it was finished, he also documented the cultural soirées that were held there. Decades later, the sculptor Magels Landet captured details from the house when it was no longer inhabited and had become a legend of architectural and cultural modernity from the Barcelona of the 1960s.

From 2 October 2018 to 27 January 2019 Look to Learn How to Live Photographs by Esperanza Urdeix Esperanza Urdeix is an Alexander Technique teacher who applies her practice to photography. According to this technique, we have to give ourselves time to make decisions. For Urdeix, observing the objects in her everyday life allows her to stop and gain awareness of how she herself feels during a convalescence.

Photography in the Foyer


Espai 13 A Monster Who Tells the Truth Series curated by Pilar Cruz Follow this exhibition series online: #monstreEspai13

Knowledge about all aspects of existence has evolved over the centuries. According to the philosopher Michel Foucault, one of the ways of controlling that knowledge was through disciplines. Knowing what is accepted as a truth at a given moment in history means understanding its power structures. Fortunately, there are monsters who live outside this truth but who tell the truth; monsters who, placing themselves outside what is accepted within a field of knowledge, end up revolutionizing it. Art can turn into this monster who tells the truth or who at least points its finger at those who tell it. In this series, artists Fito Conesa, Lara Fluxà, Vanesa Varela, Für Alle Fälle, Paco Chanivet and Ro Caminal challenge the boundaries between disciplines and explore the ways in which the margins can be stretched to reflect on the power dynamics that affect knowledge. In collaboration with:


From 21 September to 4 November Fito Conesa Our Own Path Remains When the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt (b. 1935) experienced a professional, artistic and spiritual crisis, he retreated from the creative path he had begun, went into exile, joined the Russian Orthodox Church and returned to the roots of Western music. After this process, he reinvented cultivated music, created a new

musical paradigm, and invented a genre – sacred minimalism – which marked the beginning of one of the most important movements in contemporary music. Years later, the DJs from the Valencian ruta del bakalao club music movement remixed tracks by minimalist composers. Fito Conesa bases his work on Pärt's experience and especially on the concept of crisis as a path of knowledge. With a composition of his own, stylistically influenced by Pärt, the artist builds an acoustic shell, a cave for sensory experiences that ends up reminding us of religious architecture. The exhibition at Espai 13 will be complemented by the screening of Maximizing the Audience, a road movie programmed as part of the LOOP Festival.

Thursday, 4 October at 7 pm

From 12 to 22 November

Guided tour by the artist and curator. Commented playlist with Arnau Horta

Screening of Maximizing the Audience, a road movie programmed as part of the LOOP Festival.

Thursday, 25 October at 7 pm Round-table discussion with Victòria Cirlot, Pilar Bonet and Alberto Soler

Espai 13


From 16 November 2018 to 6 January 2019 Lara Fluxà Verni Laura Fluxà's project for Espai 13 opposes two materials whose qualities make them seem contradictory. On the one hand, the transparency and apparent fragility of glass – solid, clear, clean and ancient. On the other, used motor oil – viscous, opaque, toxic and associated with consumer society.

Based on the relationship between these materials, which have great potential for leading to catastrophe, the artist reflects on the value of the art object and of creative engineering for dealing with consumer society's waste, while experimenting with systems for curbing catastrophes.

Thursday 29 November at 6:30 pm Guided tour by the artist and curator Thursday 20 December at 7 pm Performative tour led by the artist


Espai 13

From 27 November 2018 to 6 January 2019

Nadala Alignments Patricia Dauder Follow this project online: #NadalaDauder Once again, at the end of this year, at the Fundaciรณ Joan Mirรณ, we celebrate the holidays with an art project created specifically for the occasion. This time we will be presenting a piece by Patricia Dauder arising from her research in astronomical phenomena, and, in this specific case, about the

Christmas Star. Patricia Dauder's interest in astronomy and in the importance of the starlit sky in many cultures ties into part of Mirรณ's iconography, in which stars and constellations are key images.



Families Our programming for families includes a broad range of activities and experiences for people of all ages aimed at sparking individuals’ curiosity and encouraging their personal connections to art. The activities are grouped into three areas: experiences related to the Joan Miró collection that stimulate creativity beyond contemplation; interdisciplinary activities based on temporary exhibitions and the Espai 13 exhibition programme, which provide a broad interpretation of reality as presented by the museum; and, last of all, other explorations regarding the Fundació and its context, the paths that lead there, the landscape, the neighbourhood and Montjuïc, viewed metaphorically as a magic mountain that opens up new paths to learning.

In collaboration with:


Activities for different age groups:




Look What I Found! pàg. 27

With All Five Senses pàg. 26

A/P (Artist's Proof) pàg. 26

The Imagined City pàg. 29

Mysterious Natures pàg. 29

Looking With Our Fingers pàg. 27

All Ages




Constellations pàg. 28 Exquisite Bestiary pàg. 28

Prices of the activities: €7 per person €6 Family card €3.5 Friends of the Fundació Tickets for family activities are available at the Fundació website:



Joan Mirรณ Collection

Sundays, 7 October, 4 November and 9 December With All Five Senses Points, lines and spots. Listening to a colour, smelling a shape, touching with our eyes shut, drawing with our bodies. Before we leave, we will each make our own postcard and send it to someone we love.

Interactive tour of Joan Mirรณ's work Suggested ages: 3 to 5 Spanish: at 10:30 am Catalan: at 12 noon

Sundays, 14 October, 25 November and 23 December A/P (Artist's Proof) The shape of letters, the sound of letters, the colour of letters. Combined or mixed letters, which play with forms. Letters and forms printed on a page.

Interactive tour of Joan Mirรณ's work Suggested ages: 6 to 10 Spanish: at 10:30 am Catalan: at 12 noon



Sunday, 21 October at 11 am Look What I Found! Mir贸 collected and classified everyday items and objects from nature which he happened to come across. In this activity, participants discover the little things around us and the experience of combining them and giving them a new life.

Family experience around Joan Mir贸's work Suggested ages: 1 to 4

Sunday, 2 December at 11 am Looking With Our Fingers One of Mir贸's teachers would blindfold him, place an object in his hands, and tell him to draw what he remembered having touched. Can you guess what I'm touching if I tell you it's big, what shape it is, whether it's soft or rough, hot or cold? Why don't you go ahead and draw, and when you're finished we'll see if you figured out what it was?

Family experience around Joan Mir贸's work Suggested ages: 5 and up



Joan Mirรณ Collection

Sunday, 16 December at 11 am Constellations Three storytellers give us their accounts of journeys, colours and landscapes in front of the works of Joan Mirรณ.

Storytelling Suggested ages: all

Temporary Exhibitions

Starting 31 October Exquisite Bestiary Imagine a fantastic creature, an animal that never existed but could have existed. What is its head like? And its body? How many legs does it have? Can it fly? Does it have a tail? Could we put together an encylopedia of all the animals we have imagined and drawn? What will happen if I put my creature's head on your animal?



Participatory space part of the exhibition Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain (Room 21) Free with the price of admission Suggested ages: all

Sunday 11 November, Thursday 27 and Friday 28 December at 11 am Mysterious Natures Several artists have imagined strange and fantastic landscapes and creatures. Rocks, trees and clouds often have mysterious shapes. Light casts enigmatic shadows. Wouldn't it be fascinating to make a map with these wonders?

Exploration tour of the Fundaciรณ and the Laribal gardens Suggested ages: 6 and up

Architecture and Landscape

Sunday, 18 November at 11 am The Imagined City Together we plan, design and build a city. What services do we need to include? Where should we place them? How will we relate to this city? Let's take ourselves and the environment into account.

Architecture workshop Suggested ages: 5 and up



Other Activities

Sundays, 2 September, 7 October, 4 November and 2 December

Sundays, 16 September, 21 October, 18 November and 16 December at 11 am

The Fundació. Architecture, Art and Landscape

The Barcelona GATCPAC

Guided tour of the Josep Lluís Sert building Catalan: at 12.30 pm English: at 11 am Activity led by El globus vermell

An itinerary of avant-garde architecture through Sant Gervasi Price: €10 Friends of the Fundació: €5 Ticket sales available at the Fundació website Activity led by El globus vermell


Monday, 24 September from 10 am to 3 pm

Monday, 24 September from 10 am to 2 pm

Free admission celebrating the Festes de la Mercè

Poetry Collage MirĂł painted moons, suns, birds, hairs and ladders. When you think of a bird, what is it like? Where would a ladder take you? How does the colour blue move? We will fill up tables with rows and columns with visual creations; we will create mural catalogues with many answers. Free activity for all ages

Other Activities


Sunday, 28 October from 11 am to 7 pm

Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November

Big Draw

Joan Mir贸: Painting and Poetry Symposium in Paris

We can draw a house and build it. We can draw a flower and examine it. We can draw a map and follow a path. We can draw for pleasure, just because we like to draw. Big Draw is a celebration of drawing. Open workshops Activity organised by the Museu Picasso and the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona Free activity for all ages


Other Activities

The Joan Mir贸: Painting and Poetry symposium will be held in Paris while the major Mir贸 retrospective is being held at the Grand Palais and will focus primarily on studying Joan Mir贸's contribution to contemporary art by recovering the path that sought to merge painting with poetry, thus overcoming the dualism that separated the image from discursive thought. Over the

course of this gathering of experts, the influence of the French and Catalan poetry traditions on Miró and his contemporaries will be examined. The project, led by the Miró Chair and the Joan Miró International Research Group, is organised by the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona with support from New York University and the Université Paris Nanterre. The programme for the symposium is available on the Fundació's website.

Until 4 November Mas Miró – "Miró's Emotional Landscape" Tour Mas Miró – "Miró's Emotional Landscape" Tour Get to know Miró's roots by visiting the different spaces at Mas Miró: the farmhouse, his first studio, the chapel, the gardens and the landscapes of Mont-Roig that inspired the artist. Audio guide tour of Mas Miró: €8 Guided tour to Mas Miró: €15 More information available at:

Other Activities


Friends of the Fundaciรณ

Friends of the Fundació Activities Programme

Thursday, 27 September at 6 pm

Thursday, 8 November at 6 pm

Guided tour to the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic

Conversations with Photography: Lee Miller

Led by El globus vermell Activity fee: €4 Limited attendance

A conversation during a visit to the Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain exhibition, with photographers Mon Casas and Eugènia Ortiz, from CliCme.

Saturday 6 October at 10:30 am Guided tour to the Gala Salvador Dalí. A Room of One’s Own in Púbol exhibition at the MNAC

Friends of the Fundació


Become a Friend! To be a Friend of the Fundació Joan Miró is to be a member of an active, involved community with close ties to the foundation. To be a Friend is to experience the Fundació Joan Miró’s programming first-hand, to share meeting places, to participate in exclusive activities and to voice your views. To be a Friend is to have an opportunity to learn and grow. Friends Annual Membership:




Individual Friend

Friends under 30 and over 65 years old

Family Friends: 2 individual Friends + children under 18 #AmicsFJM 36

Friends of the Fundació

General Information Opening hours*


Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays April to October: 10 am — 20 am November to March: 10 am — 18 am

General Admission: Joan Miró Collection + Temporary Exhibitions Single: €12 Concessions*: €7

Thursdays 10 — 21 h Saturdays 10 am — 20 am Sundays 10 am — 15 am Mondays except public holidays Closed

Admission to Temporary Exhibitions: Single: €7 Concessions*: €5 Espai 13: €2.5 Free: Children under 15 and the unemployed (proof required) Special rates for groups with advance reservations: check our website Annual Pass: €13 Guia multimèdia: 5 €

* Access to the Fundació 30 minutes before closing

* *Students aged 15 to 30 and seniors over 65

Articket BCN


Visit 6 major art centres in Barcelona for € 30

Buses 55 (Plaça Catalana – Parc de Montjuïc) and 150 (Plaça Espanya – Parc de Montjuïc)

Montjuïc Funicular Metro Paral·lel, integrated fare Jacques Dupin Library The Library specialises in Joan Miró and the art of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries Josep Lluís Sert Archive Tuesday to Friday 10 am — 2 pm 3 pm — 6 pm Mondays and Saturdays 10 am — 2 pm Admission free Browse the Library’s online catalogue.


Bookshop and Gift Shop The Bookshop specialises in Joan Miró and contemporary art in general, and stocks books, magazines, prints and posters. The Gift Shop sells a wide variety of designer articles, stationery, educational toys, etc. Open during general opening hours. Admission up to 15 minutes before closing time.

General Information

Miró Shop


Visit, the Fundació’s new online shop, where you will find a wide range of publications and articles on sale.

Follow us Follow the activities of the Fundació on:

Venue hire The Auditorium, with seating for 180, gardens and other areas of the Fundació may be hired for corporate and private functions.

And subscribe to our newsletter through the web page: Unless stated otherwise, the photo credit is: Pere Pratdesaba / Pep Herrero / Hisao Suzuki © Fundació Joan Miró Credits of the works by Joan Miró: © Successió Miró, 2018

Bar-Restaurant Bar-Restaurant with garden terrace

Credits of the works by Joaquim Gomis: © Hereus de Joaquim Gomis. Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona Fundació Joan Miró is an environmentally friendly organisation

Reservations: T +34 933 290 768

General Information


Acknowledgments Institutions Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Government of Catalonia Barcelona City Council BBVA Foundation Obra Social ”la Caixa”

Miró Protectors Bodegas Torres Coronas Advocats ERM Risk Management ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation Puig Foundation Helvetia Iberia Galeria Mayoral

Corporate Support Abertis Banco Sabadell Foundation Han Nefkens Foundation Hotel Alma Mercès Oriol Balaguer Vidres Viola Cercle Miró Friends of the Fundació Joan Miró

Cover: Lee Miller. David E. Scherman, Dressed for War, London, 1942



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