Programme of activities January — April 2018

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Programme of activities January April 2018


Contents Pg. 4

Pg. 12

Pg. 18


Temporary Exhibitions

Photography in the Foyer

From 1 March to 20 May

Until 28 January

From 16 February to 20 May

Pg. 8

Ito Shinsui. Tradition and Modernity Until 21 January

Sumer and the Modern Paradigm Joan Miró Collection

Joaquim Gomis From 30 January to 13 May

Toni Garcia

Pg. 20

Espai 13 From 19 January to 11 March

Lucía C. Pino From 23 March to 17 June

Bárbara Sánchez Barroso

Pg. 23

4 and 18 March

Let’s Not Stop. Pollination. Let’s-NotStop Pol-li-na-tion! Families 2 and 21 January and 25 March

With All Five Senses 3 and 4 January and 22 April

ABC Miró 14 January and 27 and 28 March

Prying Eyes 28 January

11 March

Where the Wild Things Are 29 March and 29 April

Look What I Found! 8 April

Gnome 15 April

The Island of Stormy Stories

21 January, 18 February, 18 March and 15 April

The Barcelona GATCPAC 18 February

Open Day celebrating the Santa Eulàlia holiday 18 February

Santa Eulàlia: Image Workshop Pg. 34

Constellations 4 February

Pg. 32

Hunters of Lights and Shadows

Friends of the Fundació

11 February

The Imagined City 25 February

The Island of Second Chances

Other Activities

Pg. 36

7 January, 4 February, 4 March and 1 April

The Fundació. Architecture, Art and Landscape

General Information

Temporary Exhibition


Anne Marie Maes. Honeybee Glossa (x 500 magnified) © ANNE MARIE MAES AND VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSELS (ALEX LUTZ)

From 16 February to 20 May Curated by Martina Millà Events throughout the city: from 15 March to 17 June Follow this exhibition: #BeehaveBCN

Beehave is an exhibition project that reflects contemporary artists’ growing interest in the survival crisis affecting honey bees and many other insect pollinators. Beehave also addresses the current debate about urban beekeeping, a practice that is not yet widespread in large cities in Spain. Accordingly, Beehave broadens the scope of the exhibition to span the entire city with ten urban interventions carried out by local and international artists. The exhibition at the Fundació Joan Miró will include a series of newly-produced installations that will invite visitors to approach a variety of aspects of the cognitive world of bees while providing them with transformative immersive experiences. The show will also include a room with pieces by the artists responsible for the urban interventions. From March to June, Beehave will also unfold throughout Barcelona with actions aimed at raising citizen awareness concerning the important role that honey bees play in preserving biodiversity, on which the endangered balance of our planet’s ecosystems depends. One of Beehave’s objectives is, as its title suggests, to educate and foster greater knowledge of these insects, thus broadening the boundaries of our anthropocentric perception.



Beginning 24 February

Free guided tours Catalan: Saturdays at 11 am Spanish: Saturdays at 12:30 pm

Àlex Muñoz and Xavi Manzanares. Swarms Project. Design process for the installation

Saturday, 24 February at 12:30 pm

Sign language tour

Sunday, 18 March at 11 am

Guided tour for the visually impaired

A publication will be available at the Fundació bookshop, including essays by Martina Millà, Xavier Theros, Domenic Leo, Anna Febrero, Jordi Bosch and Jaume Cambra

Thursday 26 April at 7 pm

Bees and Literature Bees play an important part in Death in Spring, by Mercè Rodoreda. Poet Arnau Pons, the author of the epilogue to the new Catalan edition of the novel, will offer us a reading and commentary.

With the collaboration of:






Joan Mirรณ Collection

Triptych Painting on white background for the cell of a recluse, 1968


Free guided tour Catalan: Saturdays at 12:30 pm Spanish: Saturdays at 11 am English: Thursdays at 1 pm

The Fundació Joan Miró is a remarkable space created by Joan Miró himself with the idea of making art accessible to all. The collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures and works on paper displayed at the Fundació is one of the most comprehensive selections of Miró’s oeuvre, offering a thorough overview of all the stages of his life and career. A variety of spaces allow visitors to venture into an interdisciplinary exploration of the highly personal language and production of one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. A series of overarching themes illustrate key concepts in Miró’s work and in the thinking of his times, while reflecting the artist’s desire to transcend conventional painting. The paintings related to Surrealism and the works based on the Spanish Civil War are particularly noteworthy due to their artistic and poetic significance. Other important pieces include the large canvases Miró produced from the late seventies onwards, which are characterised by large fields of colour and free gesture. The Fundació also devotes a room to the Kazumasa Katsuta collection, which allows visitors to explore a dialogue between East and West, highlighting the universality of Joan Miró’s work. Joan Miró Collection



Joan Mirรณ Collection


Permanent collection rooms

Joan Miró Collection


Temporary exhibitions


From 1 March to 20 May

It Shinsui Tradition and Modernity Curated by Akiko Katsuta Follow this exhibition: #ItoShinsui

In the late nineteenth century, Japan experienced a process of modernization and industrialization that threatened its more traditional art forms, one of which was ukiyo-e. That universe of 'pictures from a floating world,' inhabited by courtesans, samurais, geishas and actors from the Japanese kabuki theatre, was jeopardized by the growing Western influence which, in turn, in the course of its experimentation with new techniques, materials and forms of expression, incorporated elements of Japanese printmaking into art nouveau. Several years later, in the early twentieth century, a group of artists and publishers rekindled traditional Japanese art through shin-hanga, an art movement that followed in the footsteps of ukiyo-e and succeeded in preserving a space for the printmaking tradition in the context of the new times, endowing it with a new sensibility. In collaboration with:

Ito Shinsui. Before the mirror, 1916 / Woodblock prints with ink and pigments on paper Š TAIYO NO HIKARI FOUNDATION, JAPAN, 2018

Temporary Exhibitions



Temporary Exhibitions

In this exhibition the Fundació Joan Miró is featuring the work of one of the great masters of shin-hanga, It Shinsui (1898-1972), whose artistic and aesthetic approach helps us reveal, once again, the subtle and deep connections between the work of Joan Miró and Japanese art and thought. A serene observation of objects and a search for new perspectives capable of reaching beyond the influence of old images and traditions, are some of the conceptual and creative coincidences between the two artists.

Ito Shinsui. Woman with a chignon, 1924 / Woodblock prints with ink and pigments on paper © TAIYO NO HIKARI FOUNDATION, JAPAN, 2018

Portrait of Enric Cristòfol Ricart, 1917 / Oil and pasted paper on canvas / The Museum of Modern Art, New York © SUCCESSIÓ MIRÓ, 2018

Temporary Exhibitions


Temporary Exhibition

Until 21 January

Sumer and the Modern Paradigm Curated by Pedro Azara Follow this exhibition online: #ParadigmaSumer

In collaboration with:


The Sumer and the Modern Paradigm exhibition elicits a conversation between Mesopotamian art and the works of modern artists, particularly during the interwar period (1918-39). At the same time, it aims to explore the reasons for the modern fascination with the findings from the ancient Near East. The exhibition includes ancient and modern works as well as documents connecting both periods which allowed artists such as Willem de Kooning, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti, Joan Miró and Henri Michaux to become acquainted with Mesopotamian art. Sumer and the Modern Paradigm traces the history of these ancient pieces and explores the reasons why they turned into ethic and aesthetic models.

Free guided tours Catalan: Saturdays at 11 am Spanish: Saturdays at 12:30 pm

Saturday, 13 January at 6 pm The publication based on the exhibition, available at the Fundació bookshop, includes essays by Pedro Azara, Marc Marín, Brigitte Pedde and Zainab Bahrani

Lecture “Modern Art and Sumer (II): The Epic of Gilgamesh” Pedro Azara and Joan Borrell

Temporary Exhibitions


Photography in the Foyer


The Fundació Joan Miró has been programming photography exhibitions to showcase the Joaquim Gomis archive and the work of other photographers who, like Gomis, combined the practice of photography with other professional activities.

Until 28 January

From 30 January to 13 May

Joaquim Gomis Photographs selected by Josep Mañà

Toni Garcia Returning Light

Joaquim Gomis, a close friend of Joan Miró who documented the artist’s output, produced a large body of work that tied into the most ground-breaking artistic approaches of his times. In his selection, Josep Mañà has chosen a series of photographs in which Gomis faithfully captures Miró’s interest in and penchant for the artistic expressions arising from folk culture.

His relationship with beeswax has led chandler Toni Garcia to venture into photography. Addressing the synergy that emerges between light and darkness, Garcia observes his surroundings from a different perspective. The possibility of capturing moments becomes his return ticket to memories charged with sensations, textures, and colours that configure a personal record of the instant.

Photography in the Foyer


Espai 13 The Possibility of an Island Programme curated by Alexandra Laudo Follow this exhibition programme on social media: #illaEspai13

An island is a symbol of independence and selfsufficiency, but it can also be a place of segregation and confinement. It can evoke images of paradise, but also of self-contained tourist resorts. Historically, islands have been objects of colonial power, but also places for social and political utopias. Perhaps, above all, an island is a metaphor for a state of solitude, retreat and introspection. The exhibition programme titled The Possibility of an Island explores some of the

symbolic and socio-cultural meanings that islands –those paradigmatic spaces in our collective imagination– have had over the course of time, with the aim of raising questions and reflections about these meanings that may be pertinent to our contemporary context.

Thursday, 1 February at 7 pm

The Library of the Islands Reading club: “Islands, Dystopias and Post-Humanism in Science Fiction Literature,” led by Teresa López-Pellisa

With the collaboration of:

More information about family activities is available on page 27


From 19 January to 11 March

Non-Slave Tenderness LucĂ­a C. Pino In Non-Slave Tenderness, LucĂ­a C. Pino undertakes a sculptural investigation to build a future island stronghold, a semi-isolated science fiction landscape where the toxic and waste element is inseparable from the biotic, a place where cables, glass, tubes, light, water, sounds and even people establish a relationship of equivalence with one another. The landscape is made up of a variety of materials emerged from an imagined liquid environment, like a sea or an ocean. Either from the effect of the waves or due to processes of compacting,

fusion, care, forcing and technological regulation, these materials have become hybrid objects, conglomerates of heterogeneous sediments. The setting invites the viewer to slow down, proceed carefully, and even adopt a contemplative approach. The sculptures, conceived as live bodies, prefigure a postanthropocentric environment where relationships of extraction and submission have fallen behind, and where a new system of correspondences based on care and tenderness emerges.

Thursday, 18 January at 6:30 pm Guided tour led by the artist and the curator

Espai 13


From 23 March to 17 June

The Odyssey Bรกrbara Sรกnchez Barroso

Thursday, 22 March at 6:30 pm Guided tour led by the artist and the curator


Espai 13

In her project for Espai 13, Bรกrbara Sรกnchez Barroso uses the theme of travel as a metaphor for a personal search. The artist recasts the myth of Odysseus stripping it of all epic and heroic qualities, placing it in relation to her own journey out to sea in a quest to reconstruct her own background. In this piece, Sรกnchez Barroso explores the intersecting areas between fiction and biographical writing, between literature and life itself.

Families ‘A piece is now presented more as a “duration” that must be experienced, as an invitation to unlimited dialogue.’ Nicolas Bourriaud

Our programming for families includes a broad range of activities and experiences for people of all ages aimed at sparking individuals’ curiosity and encouraging their personal connections to art. The activities are grouped into three areas: experiences related to the Joan Miró collection that stimulate creativity beyond contemplation; interdisciplinary activities based on temporary exhibitions and the Espai 13 exhibition programme, which provide a broad interpretation of reality as presented by the museum; and, last of all, other explorations regarding the Fundació and its context, the paths that lead there, the landscape, the neighbourhood and Montjuïc, viewed metaphorically as a magic mountain that opens up new learning paths. In collaboration with:


Activities for different age groups:




For all ages

Look What I Found! pg. 27

Prying Eyes pg. 26

Constellations pg. 26


The Island of Second Chances pg. 27



With All Five Senses pg. 25

Let’s Not Stop. Pollination. Let’s-Not-Stop Pol-li-na-tion! pg. 28

ABC Miró pg. 25

Where the Wild Things Are pg. 29

The Imagined City pg. 30

The Island of Stormy Stories pág. 29

Gnome pg. 31

Hunters of Lights and Shadows pg. 30



Prices of the activities: €7 per person €6 Family card €3.5 Friends of the Fundació Tickets for family activities are available at the Fundació website: families_en

Joan Miró Collection

Tuesday, 2 January; Sunday, 21 January; and Sunday, 25 March at 11 am With All Five Senses A creative experience based on the Joan Miró collection, in which participants discover the museum’s secrets beyond simply viewing the actual pieces. The experience is summed up in a postcard of the tour.

Family visit Activity designed by M. Carmen G. Mahedero Suggested ages: 3 to 6

Wednesday, 3 and Thursday, 4 January; and Sunday, 22 April at 11 am ABC Miró A tour of the Fundació based on ABC Miró, a book by Mar Morón and Gemma París. The activity involves identifying the pieces featured in the book, relating them to shapes, words and the stories behind them, while inspiring participants’ creativity.

Family visit Suggested ages: 4 to 8



Joan Miró Collection

Sunday, 14 January; Tuesday, 27 and Wednesday, 28 March at 11 am Prying Eyes A workshop for experimenting with the everyday objects in the Fundació Joan Miró. The Espai Taller at the Fundació becomes a laboratory for testing all the particularities of the selected objects.

Family experience Activity designed and led by Experimentem amb l’ART Suggested ages: 5 to 8

Sunday, 28 January at 11 am Constellations Three women and one man tell stories about travels, colours and landscapes in front of works by Joan Miró. Stories for all ages. For toddlers, with stories by Ada Cusidó, and for boys and girls of ages 3 to 99, with stories by Mon Mas, Noemí Caballer and Yoshi Hioki.



Storytelling For all ages

Thursday, 29 March and Sunday, 29 April at 11 am Look What I Found! This workshop involves collecting objects in the Cypress Garden, following Miró’s own habit of collecting and classifying objects and items from nature that he happened to find during his walks. Things that we usually overlook become the protagonists of the game and the experience.

Family experience Activity designed and led by Experimentem amb l’ART Suggested ages: 1 to 4

Temporary Exhibitions and Espai 13

Sunday, 25 February at 11 am The Island of Second Chances Have you ever travelled to an island? Is an island always a paradise? What do pigs eat? What would you take with you to a desert island? What would you buy as a souvenir? All the answers to these questions await you at The Island of Second Chances.

This reading lab is intended to engage families in the art projects featured in Espai 13, based on creative writing and poetic imagination As part of Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura Suggested ages: 5 to 8



Temporary Exhibitions and Espai 13

Sundays, 4 and 18 March at 11 am Let’s Not Stop. Pollination. Let’s-Not-Stop Pol-li-na-tion! Are there bees in our city? Where are they? Are they black and yellow? Do they die after they sting? Is honey being made in Barcelona? Have you seen any beehives in the city? What else do bees make, aside from honey? Setting out from the Beehave exhibition, participants will explore Montjüic mountain at an insect’s scale in a performative walk focused on bees and pollination.



A family experience Activity designed and led by the Nyamnyam cultural association and Vanessa Tedejo Suggested ages: 5 and above

Sunday, 11 March at 11 am and 12:30 pm* Where the Wild Things Are This storytelling and shadow play performance is based on the story by Maurice Sendak. Max is punished and sent to bed without eating anything, but that night a forest grows in his room, and an ocean tumbles by with a boat. Max sails off through night and day to where the wild things are. This is the story of a journey through light and shadows.

Shadow play Sherezade Bardají Length: 50 minutes Suggested ages: 5 and above * Sign language interpreting provided

Sunday, 15 April at 11 am The Island of Stormy Stories Based on Buñuelos de huracán (Hurricane Fritters), the book by Pep Bruno and Carla Besora published by A buen paso, you will find out about a baker who cooks fritters that are capable of whisking you off on a trip you’ll never forget.

Discovery workshop Activity designed and led by Les Baladar, Glòria Gorchs, Marta Roig and Anna Juan. With the participation of Arianna Squilloni. As part of the Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura project Suggested ages: 6 and above



Architecture and Landscape

Sunday, 4 February at 10:30 am Hunters of Lights and Shadows We will meet at the Fundació and go for a walk in Montjüic, an area where urban nature will be our learning space. Equipped with an exploration kit, we’ll collect all sorts of samples. When we get back, we’ll share them at the Workshop Space and turn them into a unique piece made of lights and shadows.

Workshop/walk Activity designed and led by Alehop! [Urban Explorers] Suggested ages: 5 and above

Sunday, 11 February at 11 am The Imagined City This workshop involves collective planning, design and construction of a city taking into account sustainability criteria in order to reduce its environmental footprint.

Architecture workshop Activity designed and led by El globus vermell Suggested ages: 5 to 8



Sunday, 8 April at 11 am and 12:30 pm* Gnome Gwendolyn the gnome and her friend Matilda the bird have built a house so they can live together. They’re very excited about it, but they gradually realize that sharing a home isn’t that easy. Gwendolyn likes doing things one way and Matilda likes doing them another. Living together isn’t as much fun as they expected. One day, Gwendolyn receives an invitation to her sister’s birthday party. What happens next changes her relationship with Matilda. Gnome is a puppet show about the challenges of living together, friendship, differences and accepting others as they are.

Puppet show Pea Green Boat Length: 45 minutes Suggested ages: 3 to 6 * Sign language interpreting provided



Other activities

Sundays: 7 January, 4 February, 4 March and 1 April

Sundays: 21 January, 18 February, 18 March and 15 April at 11 am

The Fundació. Architecture, Art and Landscape

The Barcelona GATCPAC

Guided tour of the Josep Lluís Sert building Catalan: at 12.30 pm English: at 11 am Activity led by El globus vermell

An itinerary of avant-garde architecture through Sant Gervasi Price: €10 per person. Friends of the Fundació: €5 per person Ticket sales available at the Fundació website Activity led by El globus vermell


Sunday, 18 February, from 10 am to 3 pm

Sunday, 18 February, from 11 am to 1 pm

Open Day celebrating the Santa Eulàlia holiday

Santa Eulàlia: Image Workshop After exploring and getting to know the landscape surrounding the Fundació, we will imagine and reconstruct images full of memories using photography and Super 8 film. Participants will work with different file types and combine them to explore and experience a different way of seeing. Participatory photography and film activity led by CliCme and Laboratorio Reversible Free admission for all ages


Friends of Fundaciรณ Joan Mirรณ


Activities Programme Tuesday, 16 January at 6:30 pm Guided tour to the After the End of the World exhibition at the CCCB, led by its curator José Luis de Vicente Tuesday, 23 January at 6:30 pm Guided tour to the Joan Ponç. Diàbolo exhibition at La Pedrera, led by its curator Pilar Parcerisas

March Visit to the studio of artist Jesús Galdón April Guided tour to the William Morris and the Arts & Crafts in Great Britain exhibition at the MNAC Visit to the Fundació Mas Miró in Mont-roig del Camp, led by its director Elena Juncosa

Thursday, 15 February at 6 pm Guided tour to the Beehave exhibition prior to the opening, led by its curator Martina Millà

Friends of Fundació Joan Miró


Friends of the Fundació Space

Friends have a designated meeting space at the Fundació's café on Thursdays from 5 to 9 pm.

The Friends’ Voice

Do you want to contribute to the Fundació’s blog? Write an article about an exhibition or an activity and share your views and opinions about contemporary art and culture-related subjects.

Become a Friend! #AmicsFJM 36

Friends of Fundació Joan Miró

General Information Opening hours* Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays November to March: 10 am — 6 pm April to October: 10 am — 8 pm Thursdays 10 am — 9 pm Saturdays 10 am — 8 pm Sundays 10 am — 3 pm Mondays except public holidays Closed

Admission General admission: Joan Miró collection + Temporary Exhibitions Single: € 12 Concessions**: € 7 Temporary Exhibitions: Single: € 7 Concessions**: € 5 Espai 13: € 2,5 Free: children under 15 and the unemployed (proof required) Special rates for groups with advance reservations: check our website Annual Pass: € 13 Multimedia Guide: € 5

* Access to the Fundació 30 minutes before closing

* *Students aged 15–30 and seniors over 65


Articket BCN


Visit 6 major art centres in Barcelona for € 30

Buses 55 (Plaça Catalana – Parc de Montjuïc) and 150 (Plaça Espanya – Parc de Montjuïc)

Montjuïc Funicular Metro Paral·lel, integrated fare Jacques Dupin Library The Library specialises in Joan Miró and the art of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries Josep Lluís Sert Archive Tuesday to Friday 10 am — 2 pm 3 pm — 6 pm Mondays and Saturdays 10 am — 2 pm Admission free Browse the Library’s online catalogue.


Bookshop and Gift Shop The Bookshop specialises in Joan Miró and contemporary art in general, and stocks books, magazines, prints and posters. The Gift Shop sells a wide variety of designer articles, stationery, educational toys, etc. Open during general opening hours. Admission up to 15 minutes before closing time.

General Information

Miró Shop


Visit, the Fundació’s new online shop, where you will find a wide range of publications and articles on sale. Follow us Follow the activities of the Fundació on:

Venue hire The Auditorium, with seating for 180, gardens and other areas of the Fundació may be hired for corporate and private functions.

And subscribe to our newsletter through the web page:

Bar-Restaurant Bar-Restaurant with garden terrace Reservations: T +34 933 290 768

Unless stated otherwise, the photo credit is: Pere Pratdesaba / Pep Herrero / Hisao Suzuki / Llibert Claver © Fundació Joan Miró Credits of the works by Joan Miró: © Successió Miró, 2018 Fundació Joan Miró is an environmentally friendly organisation

General Information


Acknowledgments Institutions Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Catalan Government Barcelona City Council BBVA Foundation ”la Caixa” Foundation

Corporate Support Han Nefkens Foundation Banco Sabadell Foundation Hotel Alma Mercès Oriol Balaguer Vidres Viola

Cercle Miró Friends of the Fundació Joan Miró

Miró Partners Bodegas Torres Coronas Advocats ERM Risk Management ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation Fundació Puig Helvetia Iberia Mayoral Galeria d’Art

Cover image: Detail of Mutual Relationships, a project by Jerónimo Hagerman for Beehave. Design:


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