Fundación Chile - english version

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The 30 Years of Fundaci贸n Chile

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Contents Letter from the President and the General Manager


Fundación Chile


Fundación’s Working Models


Seed/Risk Capital


The History


Some Innovative Products Introduced to the Country by Fundación Chile


Fundación Chile in Knowledge and Technological Innovation Projects under Development


Portfolio of Companies


International Alliances


Open System of Innovation and Knowledge in Networks


Financial Statement


Personnel of Fundación Chile and Subsidiaries



The Fundación Chile “model” has been successful. In all its areas of work its aim has been to provide a high impact technological response to the country's important needs and opportunities through transfer, adaptation, research and development, empowered by the management of key local and international networks. This in turn has given rise to scale-ups via the creation of companies and alliances, as well as to the sales of technology packages and certification services; in order to reduce the asymmetry of information with our target markets. The contributions made in agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, the environment, education and job competencies can be measured in many thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars generated in sectors and enterprises initiated by Fundación. We should not be surprised by the interest in our “model” shown by the World Bank, the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), institutes for innovation in developing countries, prestigious international news media like Business Week and The Economist and several Latin American countries that aspire to duplicate this experience, with our help. In recent years our work has focused on high impact topics in each one of the areas in the institution's Technological Center, which is its search and development engine for great ideas and innovative ventures. In agribusiness we are collaborating fully in that enormous field of opportunities provided by Chile's exceptional agricultural conditions, that have led to the national conviction that Chile is already an emerging food power and can become a “worldwide food power”. Contributions to cattle and sheep development opened up by the FTAs, the development of Crop Check systems, to transform the depressed local rice production sector into an export sector, the experimentation with new varieties of seeds, the biotechnological progress in fruit production undertaken with U.S. research centers, are all examples of this contribution to a strategic sector for growth in production and jobs in all of Chile's regions. Marine Resources has been a star area for our Fundación. Salmon, whose farming we introduced into Chile, now amounts to US$ 1.7 billion annually, making it the world's biggest exporter of this species. Today we continue contributing to this sector, with biotechnological developments in vaccines for diseases that cause high mortalities in the salmon farming industry, the development of natural pigmentation sources, the introduction of turbot and abalone, the restocking of species like Chilean flounder for artisenal fisheries or the experimentation with new coldwater species - like southern hake, corvina and sea bass - in our world class experiment station located in Quillaipe, Region X. A highlight of the forestry area is the securitization program, that with private contributions, has helped to sustain small farm owners with thousands of hectares of forest land who cannot wait years to receive some income. We have successfully placed bonds for US$13 M and we have started another, larger one with a goal of US$ 40 M. We have also undertaken work for managing the native forest, which with an area more than six times greater than that of the industrial forest


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his Report from our Fundación comes to you at a very special time in its life. We are completing 30 years of service in the name of innovation and entrepreneurship in Chile, with measurable and concrete contributions to the country's development and with full recognition of its specific model in the international arena. As an organization committed to innovation, this is also an occasion to look ahead and see how changes in the worldwide and national scene are calling us to innovate in our work.

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Letter from the President and the General Manager

plantations has been the biggest focus of depredation from indiscriminate felling for fuel or simply to make room for subsistence crops. We also participate in the international certification of our products and recently we have created a biotechnology company for the selection and propagation of highly productive trees. Our forestry orientation is to boost primary production, to develop sustainable models for the native forest, to generate an independent timber supply, to position the forestry industry socially and environmentally and to increase the industry's added value. Our environment and chemical metrology area has mainly focused on two highly interesting and current topics: industrial wastewater treatment and the search for new sources of renewable energy. Our wastewater project for the use of advanced oxidation catalysts, together with private partners, is strategic for vital production sectors of the Chilean economy and testing to date has proven successful. We are working as well with wastewater treatment in the mining sector. On the energy front, we have been working in geothermal energy, in generation from forest biomass and in energy efficiency, especially with appliances and housing. In metrology we are defining reference standards that are keys to the certification of our exports that are going to ever more demanding markets. Our Human Capital area, covering education and job competencies, is a key activity in our Fundación where innovation is the center. Innovation is not possible if there are no people able to perform it, and this is a task that must begin from the earliest education, continuing throughout a lifetime. We are the technical secretariat for a successful volunteer program to evaluate and boost the quality of education, without public financing, in 1200 of the country's high schools. We are also working with digital literacy and on the Educar Chile internet portal, that with backing from the Ministry of Education, offers support to teachers, students and parents, receiving more than 4.4 million hits per month. In the job competencies area, 17,000 workers from 15 productive sectors have participated in these programs. FCH decided to adapt its Information Technologies area (ICTs) to a business incubation model, to respond to a more mature market and to the growing need and interest among young entrepreneurs for support in strengthening their knowledge of the market, technology management, different business models, access to networks and intelligent capital. The incubator bases its activity heavily on key networks in advanced technology both nationally and internationally. We continue to work on specific ICT projects, especially those in the copper mining sector. An important part of Fundación Chile's work lies in the creation of businesses as a means of transferring technology, always in association with privately owned companies. This process follows a strict course, given that we place ourselves in the initial stages of business projects where the highest mortality occurs. In our case this risk increases even more because we are dealing with innovative projects, invading markets where they were not previously present. The classic literature of technological innovation calls this space “death valley”. So great precision is needed in defining our projects. Our model has to balance a process of “failing quickly and cheaply and going ahead with success” and along the way, we must learn from our failures as part of the management of knowledge that enriches our model, and leads to innovations and undertakings with greater impact.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a This work could not have been done without the local and international networks in which FCH operates. We work closely with top level companies, centers and universities in the developed world and we have created a network of successful Chileans living abroad (ChileGlobal), which has yielded results in research, the creation of companies and internships for Chilean students abroad, etc. If we add this most recent work to that which has already been completed since its creation, without doubt FCH's performance is impressive. But it is not enough to think about the future. We have the advantage of going forward with an accumulated baggage of 30 years, but that is no guarantee of success if we do not constantly recreate ourselves to meet the needs of the market, of our country and of worldwide changes. Chile has changed. Innovation has become a national slogan. The President of the Republic has defined it as one of the four pillars of her government program together with incentives for new undertakings. A National Council for Innovation has been created, to be financed by increased resources. Our companies and institutions have been very innovative over the last 20 years; their achievements are measured in the growing and diverse exports going to different places around the world, as well as in free trade agreements with markets that cover 80% of the global market and in international risk classifications that rank Chile in the lowest spreads among emerging economies. The mass of professionals and scientists dedicated to applied sciences and technologies has grown. The awareness of and possibilities for development that is better distributed in Chile's regions appeals to our Fundaci贸n which has worked on projects from one end of the country to another. Thanks to the Internet and other networks, information is now less of a privilege. We are not alone in the task and that is both good news and a challenge. Nevertheless, after these 30 years we know that to go beyond the talk about innovative practices is a tough job. It takes a lot more than a good laboratory or an imaginative and successful entrepreneur. It is a difficult change in our society, in our national culture. Today FCH's know-how is more important than ever. We having already traveled the roads of innovation that Chile needs now and declares that it wants to travel along. In this sense, if there is anything that defines FCH's work today, it is its capacity for continually consolidating its work with companies and with the State together with its close relationship to our society in order to know its needs and its problems. This process provides feedback for our model, leading to successful results, innovations and undertakings that improve the quality of life and opportunities for all Chileans, particularly for the most disadvantaged. When it is about building an innovative society moving our personnel, no matter how valuable they are, is not enough. We have to understand that we only reproduce ourselves within our society: in its people who seek knowledge and skills, in its companies that sometimes ignore the answers that science and technology already have for those who are vigilant, and in its institutions. Of course, we must always innovate in management quality, especially in how to administer more efficiently the risks inherent in our mission. So we should bring together in one single institution, the curiosity and creativity of the seeker of opportunities, the perseverance and resilience of the entrepreneur, the coolness

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In these years we have created more than 70 companies or associations with individuals in the aquaculture, forestry, ICT, biotechnology, environment and agribusiness areas, which export products or services to different destinations worldwide.

and analytical ability of the financier, and the seduction of the salesman in order to attract partners to this crusade. We must be more an institution that uses its knowledge and experience of transverse sectors and technologies, with a shared vision. We must be more able to communicate locally the what and the how of our work, which is so internationally well-known and valued. But above all we have the obligation to be active protagonists in creating an innovative country. The investment that Chilean society has made in FCH - public and private - has been profitable. However, its biggest contribution to Chile comes now, when the innovation of our society is part of the daily agenda and the country has few sources like FCH to facilitate success. In conclusion, we wish to thank all those who have permitted us to further our mission. Firstly, the contributors to FCH's endowment, ITT, BHP-Billiton Escondida and the Chilean Government. To CONICYT, CORFO and the private sector who have placed their bets on us. This is not a formal thank you to just the institutions, but also to those within them who have arranged for this support. And we leave until the end a special recognition for the men and women who have been the protagonists of this Fundaci贸n, from the founders 30 years ago to the people who are continuing today with this work, because Fundaci贸n Chile is not its buildings or laboratories, but all the people who make it a living body and creator. To all of you thank you and happy birthday.

Oscar Guillermo Garret贸n

Marcos Kulka


General Manager

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Board of Directors

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Organizational Structure

President Oscar Guillermo Garretón Purcell

Vice-President Diego Hernández Cabrera

Board members appointed by the Government of Chile Directors Oscar Guillermo Garretón Purcell Carlos Alvarez Voullieme Vivian Hayl Chiappini Ana María Correa López Iván Lavados Montes Mario Montanari Mazzarelli

Alternates Mariano Pola Matte Jean Jaques Duhart Saurel Francisco Javier González Díaz Juan Rada Claudia Peirano Rodríguez Fernando Ortiz Cruz

Board members appointed by ITT Industries Directors Juan Capello Roger W. Thomas Eladio Susaeta Sáenz de San Pedro Bernardita Méndez Velasco

Alternates Vincent Maffeo Emb. George W. Landau Javier Zaldívar Larraín José G. Cox Donoso

Board members appointed by BHP Billiton, Escondida Mining Directors Diego Hernández Cabrera Mike Anglin

Alternates Mauro Valdés Raczynski Raúl Podesta Gregorio de Las Heras

Director Emeritus Jorge Schneider Hernández

Ex-officio members appointed by: National Agriculture Society Luis Schmidt Montes

Chilean Institute of Engineers Roberto Fuenzalida González

Secretary Oscar Agüero Wood

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President and Vice-President

Management General Manager Marcos Kulka Kuperman

Deputy General Manager and Manager of Investments and Companies Javier Duarte García de Cortázar

Manager of New Technology Businesses and Markets Marcelo Vásquez Rico

Manager of Development Claudio Maggi Campos

Manager of Corporate Affairs René Esquivel Cabrera

Manager of Human Capital Joaquín Cordua Sommers

Manager of Agribusiness Gonzalo Jordán Fresno

Manager of Environment and Chemical Metrology Marcela Angulo González

Manager of Marine Resources Luis Pichott de la Fuente

Manager of Human Resources Claudia Nario Larrondo

Manager of Forestry and Forestry Industries Aldo Cerda Molina

The 30 Years of Fundación Chile

Management and Board Staff In the photograph some of Fundación Chile's management and board of directors team, from left to right, Marcelo Vásquez, Marcos Kulka, Gonzalo Jordán, Marcela Angulo, Joaquín Cordua, Oscar Guillermo Garretón, Claudio Maggi, Claudia Nario, René Esquivel and Javier Duarte.

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Fundaci贸n Chile

created in 1976 by the Government of Chile and ITT Corporation of the United States. In 2005, BHP Billiton, Escondida Mining, became a co-founding partner. Its mission is to introduce innovations and to develop human capital in the Chilean economy's key clusters through technology management and in alliance with local and global knowledge networks. Its vision is to become the country's leading technological institution, acclaimed nationally and internationally, for the creation and dissemination of innovative businesses that have a high impact on the institution's target sectors.

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undaci贸n Chile is a privately owned, non-profit institution,

Fundación Chile mainly undertakes projects related to technology transfer, involving institutional articulation and added value in productive sectors based on renewable natural resources. Furthermore, it fosters the development of human resources, improving the quality of education and training. Many of its contributions have added new and successful foreign technologies to the country's economy. Currently, it interacts in the following productive sectors: •


Marine Resources


Environment and Chemical Metrology

Human Capital

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Structure Members appointed by the Board of Directors

founding partners, co-founders and adherents.

Corporate Holding

Headed by the

(Management and support activities)

General Manager.

Identify the Business Unit

strategic opportunities,


develop, adapt


and transfer



and Investment

Sale of products and technology services

Manage companies created together with investor partners

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innovations. The working model includes three phases. The first one identifies an opportunity to add value through innovation. The process begins with an exploration of market needs and its evaluation. The institution carries out innovations that involve changes in the products, services, productive processes and modifications in the business models, in order to offer a proposal of unique value to its target clients. It also actively participates in correcting market imperfections, mostly public goods, by significantly improving the management and elimination of information asymmetries. The innovations in products, services and productive processes often occur with the creation of a new company or with the sale of a technology package to a strategic agent who is able to place this technology in the relevant markets.


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asically Fundaci贸n Chile's contribution consists of promoting and carrying out

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Fundaci贸n's Working Models

In the case of products and processes, the innovations realized by Fundación Chile are rarely “absolutes”, that is, the world's first successful use of a technology. Generally they will be “relative” innovations, the first use of a technology in the country or in a new productive sector. The second phase involves obtaining the technologies. Fundación Chile uses three procedures for this stage: transfer and adapt a technology furnished by an outside supplier; develop it using a Fundación R&D process; or generate it through the work of a network of key R&D institutions, now called connectivity and development.

Fundación Chile Model

Identification of Opportunities and FCH Technology Management


Transfer and Adaptation

2 Internal R & D transfers with specific support from national and foreign scientists

3 R & D management in Networks with technology centers, universities and companies

Scale-up and Dissemination

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and its dissemination. This is especially important


because it generates the innovation's social benefit.

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The third phase is the scale-up of the technology

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In Fundación's model, as shown in the table below, dissemination occurs through the following products:

Creation of innovative companies, always with strategic partners.

Sale and licensing of technologies

Supply of technological services undertaken by Fundación's different areas and business units.

Certification and implementation of standards.

Broad dissemination through training, seminars, publications and Internet websites.

Diagram of Fundación Chile's Work

Outside Sources of Technology*

Technology + Center


Companies in

Alliances with Companies/Partners


Business Unit

Corporate Holding

Scale-up of Innovation



(Seed Capital)

(Competitive Funds) Sale Tech. Licenses Broad dissemination

Internal Sources of Technology

Technology services and certification Final Clients

* Universities, Research Centers, Companies, Sector experts, etc.

The Technology Center handles the search, development, adaptation and dissemination of the innovations. Its work involves promoting the interaction between the different sectors and the key transverse technologies, so that market opportunities can be identified and materialized in innovations and undertakings that are critical for our economy.

Sectors Agribusiness

Marine Resources





Biotechnology and Analytical Chemistry

Financial Engineering and Management of Production Horizontal Technologies (*)

Development of Information Technologies and Communications

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Environmental Techniques

Management and Formation Techniques

Competencies Development

(*) Dynamic diagram over time.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in The control of transverse technologies is essential for materializing and maintaining the competitivity of the productive sectors where Chile has advantages. Information technologies, biotechnology, engineering services, human resources management and environmental technologies allow us to find creative solutions to the specific problems in the different sectors of the economy. The main business model developed by Fundaci贸n Chile begins with the identification of an innovative opportunity with high potential, based on a technology transfer or development, that is then adapted to the local conditions. Financial viability in the early stages has been provided by competitive funds from Corfo, Conicyt and the private sector. Then strategic partners are invited to create a company that uses the new technology, financing is obtained and the scale-up process is defined. Over the last 20 years the institution has created more than 70 companies in the most diverse sectors and technologies. This cycle is continuously repeated, contributing to the creation of new technologybased businesses. As Chile's economy moves ahead and specializes there is an increasing need for R&D projects, carried out by Fundaci贸n Chile as well as by networks formed by national and international companies and technology institutes.

Seed/Risk Capital


valuable Fundaci贸n Chile initiative has been the provision of seed/risk capital not only for initiatives originating in its technology center, but also for projects proposed by third parties. The initial phase of innovative projects in the country can rarely count on financing sources. This is basically due to the high risk and difficulties in evaluating this type of investment. All the above gives special value to the initiatives developed by Fundaci贸n in creating seed capital funds. In these cases it has financed the development of the technology, the first scale-up and the initial growth of the companies. Among the funds created with this aim, in collaboration with privately-owned companies, CORFO and the IDB, are the Chiletech Fund, the Regional Businesses Fund and lastly the Fund for Innovative Investments, which is owned 100% by Fundaci贸n Chile. In the operation of the funds, Fundaci贸n Chile has achieved high leverage of its investment, which has not only lowered the financial risk, but has involved the contribution of intelligent capital from investors, which is essential for increasing the probability of success of the undertakings.

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proposed to the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT) the joint creation of an agency dedicated to research and technology transfer, as part of a transaction agreement in return for the expropriation of the Chilean Telephone Company, owned by ITT. The proposal was enthusiastically accepted by the President of ITT's Board of Directors, Harold Geneen. As a result of that agreement, in August 1976 Fundación Chile was created as a private, non-profit corporation, provided with an endowment. The creators state that the aims of the institution were “scientific and technological research, its development, and subsequent application to the economy”. It was mainly about bringing into the country proven technologies that had been developed elsewhere.


at that time Minister for Economic Coordination,

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n October 1975 the well known engineer Raúl Sáez,

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The History

Initially, it worked in those sectors where the country had deficiencies and where ITT could contribute to projects. These areas included nutrition, food technology and telecommunications. Over the course of the first ten years the founding agencies contributed US$ 25 million each to Fundaci贸n Chile's endowment. During this period the administration was handled by International Standard Electric, an ITT subsidiary. Initially, those responsible for Fundaci贸n Chile's different units were foreign specialists hired by ITT, headed by the General Directors Robert Cotton (1976-1977) and Wayne Sandvig (1978-1985). The first projects were a series of jobs for the solution of social problems. Then it began providing technical services and assistance in areas such as fruit and vegetable production. One of the outstanding projects in this field was the quality control and certification of fruit exports. Gradually, Fundaci贸n Chile diminished its activity in telecommunications, where technology was mainly supplied by big international companies. It began progressively focusing its work on the renewable natural resources sectors: at first in agribusiness and marine resources. Then in the forestry industry. Until the start of the 1980s financing for the projects came almost entirely from the institutional endowment. At this time the policy was established of requiring a growing level of self-financing for Fundaci贸n Chile's projects and programs.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Level of operation YEAR

Millions of US$ at 2005













2005 (1)




(1) Includes activities resulting from the merger with Intec

The greatest income came from increased charges for Fundación's products and services, fully using the competitive funds created by Corfo and Conicyt and from contracts with public organizations for social interest services. In 1982 the depressed Chilean economy led to a big increase in the exchange rate and lower interest rates. This meant that many innovative projects that had been previously discarded now became profitable given these new conditions. However, faced with this crisis situation many business people were not interested in taking risks with an innovation. Under these conditions, the institution decided to invest its own resources in its most promising projects, creating the following companies: •

Farmed Pacific oysters in Tongoy

Salmones Antártica in Curaco de Vélez

Boxed beef in Osorno

Raspberry and blueberry crops in La Unión

The latter two companies together with local business people. The model of creating companies in order to introduce and disseminate a new technology is one of Fundación Chile's biggest methodological contributions.

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The following table shows how the level of self-financing increased over time.

Its principal advantages are:

It facilitates broad dissemination of the new technologies by reducing the risk for the innovation's followers, who can observe a company in operation before investing.

It supports companies in a specific business leading to the mass creation of other companies in the same business.

It generates an important social benefit by speeding up the innovation and its dissemination compared to the time it would take without this creation.

It allows the innovating company to recover its investment in a better way: it receives a better price when selling a technology already incorporated in an operating company than if selling it as knowledge.

Investment by Industrial Sector (Capital of Companies)

ICTs Others

Aquaculture 37%


Agribusiness 22% Forestry 29%


ICTs 4% Agribusiness

Others 8%

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in The new companies have been increasingly created with private partners, who together with financing, contribute their management skills and knowledge of the business. For some years now Fundaciรณn Chile has filled the role of minority partner in the new creations. In response to the growth of the national economy, the institution has included new strategic lines such as work in biotechnology, information sciences and the development of human resources. The Education and Job Competencies programs are important parts of the latter area. Its R&D activity has also grown, especially in those economic sectors where Chile has taken a leading position. In 2002, Corfo proposed that Fundaciรณn Chile merge with the Instituto Tecnolรณgico de Chile, Intec, in order to strengthen a leading institution in technological innovation and management. This merger has allowed the institution to take advantage of Intec's transverse technological skills to support Fundaciรณn Chile's sector areas, especially in information sciences, chemical metrology, environmental technologies and renewable energies. Fundaciรณn Chile has progressed towards a matrix structure that facilitates the collaboration of experts in technologies with specialists in different productive sectors.

At the same time, the support provided by the corporate holding was reinforced in the merged institution, including the functions of corporate management, human resources, strategic development, new businesses, enterprises and investments. The new businesses unit includes an incubator for innovative undertakings, which arise within the Fundaci贸n itself or from external sources. This initiative complements the formation of a greater number of innovative undertakings, which in the past was performed as well by funding from seed/risk capital that Fundaci贸n Chile has been administering since 1995 (Chiletec and regional businesses). One of Fundaci贸n Chile's biggest recent achievements has been the incorporation of BHP Billiton, Escondida Mining as a co-founding partner. As a result of this both the mining company as well as the Chilean Government made important contributions to the institution's endowment.

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Some Innovative Products Introduced to the country by Fundaci贸n Chile


n its 30 years of life the institution has contributed many innovations, in products, services and productive and management processes. Some of these innovative projects are described below:

Securitized Forestry Bond The forestry securitization bond is a pioneering financial innovation in Latin America, developed by SIF, a Fundaci贸n Chile subsidiary. The fixed income instrument, acquired by investing in capital markets, is backed by usufructs on 4,600 ha of young radiata pine forests and 3,100 ha of land planted by SIF with eucalyptus and radiata pine in Regions VII and VIII. With support from Corfo and the Ministry of Agriculture, the bond resolves the needs of small farm owners and at the same time generates environmental benefits in the country's south. The logging work is contracted out to Forestal Mininco and Forestal Masisa. This financial innovation represents a big opportunity to significantly develop the financing of forest plantations on the two million exposed hectares in the dry inland of the country's south central zone. The successful placement of the first bond for US$13 million, with AA minus and A plus classifications, at an 8% rate of issuance, opened the way for generating a virtuous cycle of economic, environmental and social benefits. This project generated an investment of US$40 million and one additional forestation of 15 thousand hectares.

Sustainable Forest Certification Given the growing requirements of environmental and social sustainability in forestry exports, Fundaci贸n Chile and the Forestry Institute (Infor) fostered an initiative in 2000 that led to the creation of Certfor, with contributions from Corfo. The National Certification Standard for Sustainable Forest Management, co-validated by PEFC, covers radiata pine and eucalyptus plantations and natural forests of lenga and new growth (saplings). This certification system of sustainability has allowed more than half the Chilean forestry sector to supply international markets.

Latest Generation Vaccines Testing of the experimental antigen candidates for recombinant vaccines is being carried out in the Quillaipe experiment station under the aegis of the program for developing latest generation vaccines led by Fundaci贸n Chile together with Fundaci贸n Ciencias para la Vida. A group of Fundaci贸n Chile professionals has developed highly efficient methodologies for testing in vivo the efficacy of active ingredients, selecting them and defining the application amounts for salmonids. The program began in 2001 and the results to date have been the development of a recombinant protein vaccine against SRS, the main disease affecting the salmon industry, generating direct and indirect annual losses of over US$ 150 million. The vaccine has an 80% to 90% degree of protection and was licensed to the drug company Novartis, who will launch this product on the market in 2006. Currently, there are three new vaccines for aquaculture in the development process. Perfecting the technologies for in vivo trials with bioactive products has broadened the spectrum of development to the field of treatments, leading to the start of a biotechnology project for the production of clean anti-fungal agents for aquaculture.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a One of the major challenges for the salmonid feed industry is to change the sources of nutrients, replacing fish meal and oil with plant-based products. Among these products are lupin, canola (rapeseed) and soy, which are under increasing demand from the salmon feed processing industry that supplies the burgeoning salmon production industry. Fundaci贸n Chile together with the von Baer family, Schiess group and Claudio Dumont created Oleotop to produce canola oil for salmon farming. It is also investigating the use of a number of other plant inputs for salmon nutrition.

Berry Crops and Exports The program aimed to introduce new species and varieties of berries and to expand their growing zone. It also introduced production techniques recently introduced in the United States and Europe. Genetic material was imported; varieties selected; specialists in berry production and processing were brought in; and courses and seminars were offered in the southern regions.

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Plant-based Feeds in Salmon Nutrition

Cultivation of Asparagus Varieties

In 1979 Fundación Chile initiated the “Asparagus Cultivation” program, providing technical assistance to farmers and encouraging its export. At the same time, it introduced the green asparagus variety, since this was the variety most in demand in U.S. and European markets. The institution fostered the opening of international markets, dealing directly with the producers, in order to increase the area planted with asparagus. Fundación Chile operated 40% of the national acreage dedicated to asparagus crops. As a result of this program cultivation techniques were adopted that led to improved product quality and to considerably increased exports.

Boxed Beef In 1982 the institution developed the “Boxed Beef” project, which aimed to process cattle in the livestock production areas and to transport the meat to consumption centers, in vacuum packaging. This facilitated the movement of the final product, improved the quality and allowed the supply of cuts to be adjusted to the current demand at each sales point. Procarne was created, which was later transferred to the private sector. The main impact of this initiative was the creation of a new industrial activity, which together with creating jobs introduced more hygienic and better quality products.

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developed the cereal extrusion technology and protein sources for obtaining foodstuffs. With this technology Craval first produced Fortesán and then several other formulations that were distributed by government children's nutrition programs. The extrusion technology also contributed to the production and sale of extruded soy protein, known as “plant meat”. For the first time in Chile this product entered the market, in the form of sausages and hamburgers, with excellent results and economies for the country.

First Abalone Farms The abalone is a gastropod mollusk, the symbol of family prosperity and a delicacy in the far east. Its texture, color and taste are highly appreciated in the Japanese market, where Chile is among its biggest suppliers. The first abalone aquaculture ventures were carried out by Fundación Chile in 1989 in Tongoy and Chiloé. Later, in 1993 the subsidiaries Semillas Marinas (abalone seed production) and Campos Marinos (abalone grow-out) were created. Progress in the technology led to the addition of new investors in this growing aquaculture industry. Fundación Chile currently participates as a shareholder in Spasa (South Pacific Abalone), which produces green and California red abalone seeds and grow-out in Los Molles, Region V.


Chile, Intec, which in 2003 merged with Fundación Chile,

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At the end of the 1960s, the Instituto Tecnológico de

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Child Nutrition

Salmon Farming Development Fundación Chile has played a very big part in the development and consolidation of the local salmon farming industry. Its participation goes back to 1981 when it acquired Domsea Pesquera Chile Ltd., which owned the Curaco de Vélez salmon farm. With this acquisition it created Salmones Antártica Ltd., which began salmon ranching activities. In 1984 it began farming Coho salmon in net pens in Changuitad, in Chiloé, and at Puerto Chacabuco, in Aysén, as well as offering technical assistance services. In the following years the institution built a moist feed plant and another plant for salmon processing in Dalcahue. Later, it created Salmotec and Salmones Huillinco, the first company to produce Atlantic salmon juveniles. All these companies were subsequently transferred to the private sector.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in Introduction of the Pacific Oyster The Pacific oyster was introduced by Fundaci贸n Chile in 1979. Seeds were imported and growth trials were carried out in the laboratory and well as in the ocean. The product adapted well to Chile's oceanographic characteristics, developing well in the country's ocean waters. Later, Cultivos Marinos Tongoy was created, to become the country's first commercial Pacific oyster and seed production center. This subsidiary produced and sold Japanese oyster seeds (Crassostrea gigas), generating a new activity for the local aquaculture industry.

Center for Cleaner Production The National Clean Production Center, NCPC, was created in 1999, with financing from FDI-Corfo. It aimed to generate environmental protection techniques within the framework of globalization and the free trade agreements. Intec, together with FUNDES and with contributions from the German agency GTZ, implemented the project. The National Clean Production Center issued seven documents for dissemination, 20 technical bulletins, numerous training courses as well as audits and diagnostic activities in companies.

Air Quality Measurement In 1978 Intec's Air Pollution Area, now merged with Fundaci贸n Chile, was created. Among its most important achievements are the studies in support of the government agencies responsible for the environment; having been pioneers in measuring particulate material in stationary sources; the development of sampling methods and analytical techniques; the first diagnosis of air pollution in Santiago and the development of a system to predict the dispersal of air pollutants in Chuquicamata and Greater Santiago.

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Fundaciรณn Chile in Technological and Knowledge Innovation Projects under Development

Fundaciรณn Chile has developed many innovations throughout its history. Currently it is introducing, adapting and managing numerous projects of great benefit to the public and private sector. In the area of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), Fundaciรณn Chile has some years of experience exploring and developing projects and new ICT intensive businesses that present opportunities for improving productivity in the Chilean economy's key clusters. Among the models that have been maturing over time, the incubation of new business undertakings has proven to be an efficient mechanism for transferring these innovations to the market. In 2006 a transverse incubator structure was created for Fundaciรณn Chile, under the New Businesses Area. The incubator provides support to entrepreneurs who want to develop technologybased industries where Fundaciรณn Chile's networks, business experience and sector expertise can play a catalyzing role. The following are some examples of research, development and innovation:

Main Projects and Companies Under Development

REGION I New Fruit and Vegetable Alternatives (kumquat) Job Competencies

REGION II Mining, Job Competencies

REGION III Identification of Agricultural Alternatives Pigments for Salmon Farming Restocking Chilean Flounder

REGION IV Subsidiaries Cultimar (oysters and turbot) Granjamar (turbot and Chilean flounder)

REGION V Subsidiaries SRC and SPASA (abalone and turbot) Stone Fruit Biotechnology Subsidiary Semillas Marinas Genetics in Stone Fruit and Grapevines REGION VIII Subsidiary GCL (quality) Subsidiary SIF Pesca Sur Fair New Plant Ingredients Certfor, Forest Certification

REGION IX Development of Feed Ingredients Subsidiary Oleotop (rapeseed oil)

R.M. Subsidiary Vitro Chile Subsidiary Chevrita (gourmet goat cheese) Stone Fruit Biotechnology Children's Nutrition Subsidiary CCE (Chilean Sterilization Company) Subsidiary GCL (Quality Management and Laboratory) Subsidiary Certifica Habitability Bioenergy Chemical Metrology Center Educar Chile and Relpe School Management Subsidiary Technopress Subsidiary Negocios Regionales Subsidiary Inversiones Innovadoras

REGION X Wheat Program Development of Feed Ingredients Subsidiary Genfor (forest biotechnology) Quillaipe Experiment Center (hake, corvina, vaccines) Aquasur Fair Subsidiary Aquagesti贸n, Health Services Subsidiary Inacui Eco Management Project, Native Forest

REGION XII New Magallanes Lamb Development

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in MARINE RESOURCES

Farming Marine Fish White meat fish represents 10% of the international fish trade, or, US$45 billion, excluding China. This market poses an opportunity for Fundaci贸n Chile, opening up possibilities for developing breeding and production technologies of marine species juveniles for commercial farming or for restocking. With this in mind an experimental program for the production of southern hake was initiated in 1997 with support from Fondef and the participation of privately owned companies. At first the work focused on capturing live juveniles, in order to evaluate the rate of growth and survival under captive conditions and to implement a broodstock. The results led to the formation of a technology of farming under controlled conditions, which is now fully underway. The farming of corvina and sea bass was also undertaken. Techniques for spawning and juvenile production were developed in the Quillaipe Experiment Center. Studies are now in progress to define the future potential of these two species.

Chilean Flounder Restocking Fifty-three thousand, 10 g Chilean flounder juveniles have been released into the Bay of Tongoy in order to test the feasibility of restocking to boost the fishing of this resource. This FDI-Corfo project has been developed jointly with the Fundaci贸n subsidiary Granjamar and the Association of Artisenal Fishermen in the zone. The industrial production of Chilean flounder juveniles should help to reclaim an economically relevant productive activity for the zone, providing an alternative income for Tongoy's artisenal fishermen.

Pigmentation from Microalgae Near La Serena is an industrial research center that produces a pigmenting agent for salmonids, composed of astaxanthin from microalgae. A synthetic product, approved in 1996 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has been used for more than 20 years to obtain the typical salmon coloring. Among the natural sources of astaxanthin are oil, krill meal and yeast. However, in recent years microalgae meal, which contains higher levels of pigment, has been developed. So the institution began growing the microalgae H. pluvialis, as well as creating a laboratory and a propagation unit and reactors for the mass production of this microalgae.

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Worldwide the seaweed industry generates almost US$6 billion in products for different uses in many productive sectors. In Chile, production comes to US$100 million and could grow substantially with greater processing and product



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seaweeds for human consumption, for the generation of functional foods and nutraceuticals, for the development of biochemicals for cosmetics and pharmacology, and for the creation of extracts for agriculture and salmon farming. The Catholic University's Ecology Department, Federico Santa María University's Biotechnology Center, the University of Nantes, France, and France's Center for Seaweed Valuation are also working on this undertaking.

Human Capital

Education Five years ago, Fundación Chile together with the Ministry of Education decided to create the Internet portal, that has become a basic pillar of the national school system. It already contains 27,000 educational resources covering the entire curriculum, which are freely available to teachers, students and families. The Portal receives 4.4 million hits per month and is the country's seventh most visited site. The innovation and excellence of the Portal has been praised internationally and has received a number of distinctions - such as the INELAM 2006 Award. Educarchile has also fostered the formation of an active Network of Latin American Education Portals (RELPE). Together with developing ICTs in education, Fundación Chile is working in the area of school management. It has developed a Seal of Quality that establishments can obtain through a certification process administered by the National Certification Board. Forty establishments have obtained this seal and more than eight hundred have initiated the process. About 130 School Management Consultants have been trained to provide technical support to schools. The weakest establishments (“critical schools”) have received concentrated technical assistance, which has resulted in improved educational outcomes for these schools.

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Given this scenario, Fundación Chile began a program that involves the use of

Job Competencies Program The mission of the Job Competencies program is to innovate in the management and development of human capital, by introducing and disseminating standards and methodologies to identify, develop and administer peoples' competencies in job contexts, in support of companies' competitivity and people's employability. From 1999-2006, the Job Competencies Program has impacted a total of 34,000 workers and students. Many educational institutions and companies have been part of this effort to improve the formation of Chile's human capital. The program develops practical experiences in three areas: certification of job competencies, formation and job market, and management of human resources. In the first area, the program has designed the institutional and methodological criteria for a National System of Job Competencies Certification based on demonstration experiences in 12 key sectors of the national economy. A special focus of work has been the improvement of basic competencies in the use of ICTs, through the International Computer Driving License (ICDL). The Formation and Job Market area introduces methodological and institutional innovations in training systems to help develop the employability skills that young people need to enter, stay and develop in the working world. Lastly, the Management by Competencies area helps companies to incorporate the application, supports networks of innovative companies for managing peoples' talents and develops the skills needed for productive work in competitive scenarios.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in Agribusiness

Plant Ingredients for Food In the area of foodstuffs, consumers today are concerned about eating products that allow them to be healthy and maintain their well being, as well as to prevent the development of diseases through their daily nutrition. As part of this objective, the Agribusiness Area is developing different functional ingredients that aim to lower the risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, by enriching cereals with betaglucane and other ingredients. Together with investors, it has also created a rapeseed oil processing plant in Region IX. Investment studies have been completed as well for the creation of a processing plant for legumes and cereals, a collector and processor of lupin and protein peas for salmon feed and other animal feed applications. In the area of cereal production, it has helped to generate an exportable supply of prime quality rice in the country. Among the results are the exports to Brazil by producers from Regions VI to VIII (SMSEs). It has contributed as well to the development of a vision of wheat as an economic cluster that focuses its supply on selected varieties, following quality standards.

Biotechnology Fundaciòn Chile together with nursery owners, private partners, INIA, Interlink and Cornell University, U.S. has created national and international technology platforms in the biotechnology field. Some of the innovative projects undertaken by these platforms are: grapevines resistant to fungus diseases (Botrytis cinerea); virus-resistant grapevines; functional genomes in grapevines, solution of disease problems and development of seedless table grape varieties. It has also worked with browning and mealy resistance in stone fruits. Currently, Fundaciòn Chile owns three companies for selling the technologies coming from the development programs: Genvitis and VitisBiosciences - companies created in the U.S. and located in Cornell's technology park - in the area of grapevines and Carogen in the stone fruit area.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in Forest and Forestry Industries

Biotechnology Fundaciรณn Chile has led the development of clonal silviculture of radiata pine in Chile. The institution owns exclusive rights over the sale to third parties of the best clonal material from Arauco and created a biotechnology company together with private owners to sell this material. With this technology the associated plantations will achieve 25% better yield. Given that the road to genetic transformation offers a broad range of opportunities for reducing the cost of timber formation together with increasing its quality, Fundaciรณn Chile also administers a line of research in genetic engineering within the Forestry Genome Consortium. The Consortium brings together leading sector companies (Arauco and CMPC), the University of Concepciรณn's Biotechnology Center, CEFOR and Fundaciรณn Chile. This is the culmination of six years of work, which has consolidated a group of leading investigators and a specialized laboratory, the successful production of transgenic trees and a quarantine greenhouse.

Native Forest Although there is a huge availability of native forest in Chile, it represents an insignificant share of the forest industry supply, because of the low quality of the accessible resource, the absence of incentives and markets to make its management profitable and the lack of a social agreement to resolve the tension between use and conservation. Fundaciรณn Chile has created a company, Ecomanagement & Trading, to sustainably manage the native forest belonging to small and mid-sized forest owners in alliance with ForestEthics, a North American NGO, leader in the development of marketing campaigns in the U.S., Canada and Chile. ForestEthics will manage the social-environmental side of the company and will provide support in the development of niche markets, where this focus carries weight.

CERTFOR Fundaci贸n Chile, with contributions from Corfo, Corma, the Foresty Institute, Conaf and Conama, developed the Chilean forest certification system, CERTFOR. This system certifies the sustainability of forest management of companies and individual owners. With its validation by the world's biggest certification system, PEFC, Chilean producers can accede to the most developed and sophisticated markets under the umbrella of this international seal. To date 1.6 million hectares have been certified and there are nine chains of custody representing more than 50% of Chile's forestry exports.

Bioenergy-pellets Anticipating the new domestic and international energy scene, Fundaci贸n Chile has been developing lines of research in the field of bio-energy based on forest wastes. The company Eco-Pellets was created, for the production of wood pellets targeted for export markets in Europe and Japan. In the mid-term the domestic market for bio-fuels will be developed, as a complement to the Area's work in carbon markets and the generation of productive options for undervalued products from the native forest.

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Clean Technologies, Waste Assessment and Treatment This program aims to adapt and develop innovative and cost-effective technologies for clean production, waste assessment and final treatment of effluents, that provide solutions to the local industry's chief problems, allowing it to meet standards and improve its competitive position. The main projects carried out involve improved use of water in mining and industrial processes and the development of technologies for treating effluents containing heavy metals and contaminants such as arsenic, sulfates and molybdates in mining and persistent organic compounds such as phenols or AOX in the cellulose industry.

Risk Evaluation and Environmental Remediation It aims to adapt and develop management solutions, tools and technologies for the remediation of contaminated sites and aquifers, in order to reduce the risks to the population's health and the ecosystem, to increase the value of the soil resource and to reduce the country's environment liability. The main projects deal with the creation of new risk management tools in mining operations based on GIS and remote perception, as well as the development of remediation technologies for soils and waters contaminated with hydrocarburates, metals and persistent organic pollutants. A line of management is now being carried out with environmental mining assets (tailing dams, lixiviation piles, dumps, etc.) and environmental innovations for the closure of mining operations.


ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in

Environment and Chemical Metrology

Sustainable Energy Its aim is to promote the efficient use of energy and to develop innovations that transform waste into energy as well as to incorporate renewable energies into the national energy matrix, by taking advantage of locally available resources and applying flexible commercialization mechanisms for greenhouse gas reduction to improve its profitability. This area promotes energy efficiency in the public, residential and industrial sectors, the production of bio-energy from agribusiness wastes and forest biomass and the development of small and medium scale geothermal energy for the generation of electricity as well as for direct heating.

Chemical Metrology Center for Water and Foodstuffs This unit aims to ensure traceability and international comparability for the chemical measurements undertaken in Chilean laboratories in water and in major food products, with special emphasis on export products that go to highly demanding markets. It develops and validates analytical methods, produces and certifies reference materials and offers testing laboratories such services as training and technical assistance for ISO Guide 17025, with metrological backup and inter-comparison trials. The sectors it focuses on are fruits and vegetables, aquatic and fishery products, meat and dairy products, wines and a wide variety of agribusiness products. Its main parameters of specialization are heavy metals, organochlorate and organophosphate pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, fungicides, toxins, carbamates and PCBs.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a In the last 20 years Fundaci贸n Chile has established over 60 companies in innovative sectors, creating new products by using the country's natural resources and generating value, quality jobs and new exports.

CULTIMAR Created: 1982 Sector: marine resources Manager: Luis Pichott Cultimar produces and sells oysters (seeds, larvae and adult oysters) for the local market, South America and Africa. Its production capacity is 2 billion larvae and 45 million seeds/year.

GRANJAMAR Created: 1990 Sector: marine resources Manager: Luis Pichott Granjamar produces and sells turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). It has a hatchery with a production capacity of 160 thousand juveniles/year, a nursery of conditioned broodstock, that can produce eggs and larvae year around and a grow-out facility for 40 tons/year of adult turbot As a way of diversifying its production, Chilean flounder (Paralichtys adpersus) and hirame (Paralichtys olivaceus) have recently been added to its product line.

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Portfolio of Companies

CENTEC Created: 1991 Sector: wood remanufacturing Manager: Ram贸n Navarrete Centec is the first Chilean company to export furniture parts and pieces to the U.S. The company produces furniture, components, and parts and pieces using radiata pine and lenga (Nothofagus pumilio). All production is carried out in accordance with the features and specifications that the client requires to satisfy his/her needs in the North American market. The plant's production capacity varies from 15 to 20 40' containers/month. About 760 m3 of solid volume are sold monthly.

SRC Created: 1992 Sector: marine resources Manager: Carlos P茅rez Seafood Resources Chile produces turbot following the highest sanitary and quality standards in farming this fish. It is now one of the world's main producers and the biggest in Latin America. The company has a hatchery and a grow-out facility. Its production capacity is 330 tons/year. In 2000 it built its own processing plant, completing the vertical integration of all the turbot production processes. The hatchery, with an annual capacity of more than 1,000,000 juveniles, supplies SRC's pre-grow-out and exports to other countries.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in CHEVRITA Created: 1994 Sector: agribusiness Manager: Manuel Zamora This company produces and sells gourmet goat cheese under its own brand and for third parties. It has also initiated a new production and commercialization process for cow's milk cheese. The plant, located in Quilapil煤n, Colina, has approximately 1,850 goats and installations for producing 450 tons of cheese annually. The company is a joint venture between the French firm Lescure Bougon and Fundaci贸n Chile.

TECHNOPRESS Created: 1995 Sector: publishing and exhibitions Manager: Margarita Vergara Technopress, belonging in equal shares to Fundaci贸n Chile and Editec, was founded in August 1995. Its mission is to contribute to the growth, development and national and international positioning of the aquaculture, fisheries and forestry industries. Some of its products are the trade magazines Aqua, Lignum, industry directories and the international trade fairs Pesca Sur and Aqua Sur.

SPASA Created: 1996 Sector: marine resources Manager: Carlos P茅rez South pacific Abalone (SPASA) began its activities with technology and broodstock imported from the U.S., and today it is the fifth largest exporter of abalones to Japan. Spasa produces abalone that meets the quality demands of the highest gastronomic standards, given the strict cultivation and processing procedures carried out for the two farmed species: Japanese green abalone (Ezo Awabi) and California red abalone. The production plants are located in Chile's central zone, in Los Molles and Las Cruces.

SIF Created: 1999 Sector: forests Manager: Michele Golodetz SIF, Sociedad Inversora Forestal, belonging 100% to Fundaci贸n Chile, aims to revert the falling plantation rates in the country and to provide forest owners with a way of clearing their investment. The company offers owners of small and mid-sized properties a novel and profitable alternative for participating in the forestry business, with two modes of action: a)Sale of the right to use the soil for planting and b) Anticipated sale of the right to use the forest. These business practices known as forest securitization represent an innovative financing option for the owners of small and mid-sized farms, when they do not have sufficient resources to exploit their own lands, but are interested in ensuring an immediate income from their forests and in holding ownership over their land. The first forest securitization project, implemented by SIF for owners in Regions VII and VIII, was sponsored and supported by Fundaci贸n Chile, the Ministry of Agriculture and CORFO. The forest assets are administered by two big companies with vast experience in the forestry business: Masisa and Forestal Mininco.

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Operations manager: Juan Carlos Carmona Genfor is the result of a joint venture between the Canadian company Silvagen, Interlink from the United States, and Fundaci贸n Chile. The company is now owned 100% by Fundaci贸n Chile, having signed royalty agreements with Silvagen. It manufactures products and provides specific services such as assistance with clonal development, clonal multiplication programs on an operational scale, and consulting in genetic improvement in forestry, genetic tagging programs to facilitate the genetic selection process, genetic engineering for the transformation of germplasm, and the eventual supply of top quality genetic material.

CERTIFICA.COM Created: 2000 Sector: digital Manager: Alejandro Fosk is Latin America's biggest web site certifier, with a presence in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Puerto Rico. Thanks to its measuring methodology, clients have access to a functional management tool, that allows them to understand the behavior of their audience and, therefore, to generate better business, service, distribution, and communications strategies depending on the objectives of their web sites.


Sector: forest genetics

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Created: 1999

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CCE (Compañía Chilena de Esterilización) Created: 2002 Sector: agribusiness Manager: Cristóbal Salinas Company founded by a joint venture between Fundación Chile and the Brazilian Sterilization Company ( CCE offers solutions for increased quality, safety, competitivity, reduced losses and modification of materials in different products, through the use of the modern technology of ionizing energy, via gamma radiation with cobalt 60 isotopes. It has the support of government institutions and professionals trained in technical areas, quality and research and development.

INACUI Created: 2002 Sector: marine resources Manager: Gonzalo Quesada The aquaculture engineering company INACUI S.A. offers services that include the design and construction of water recirculation plants for farming salmon. The demonstration plant is located in Río Chico, 15 kilometers outside Puerto Montt, and has an annual production capacity of one and a half million juvenile salmon, or, smolts. INACUI was created by Fundación Chile, Indura and Cape-Idepe to offer a solution to the freshwater limitation for smolt production, through the use of cutting-edge technology. This technology helps to boost production, to maintain strict sanitary control and to accelerate the growth of the fish by controlling the temperature and photoperiod.

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ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in VITRO CHILE Created: 2003 Sector: agribusiness Manager: Ximena Henzi In order to take advantage of the growth in the worldwide market for flowers and flower bulbs, Vitro Chile was created in 2004 in Casablanca, under an association between Fundación Chile and the Viollier family. The biotechnology company has the technical capacity and infrastructure to provide services in the micropropagation of genetic material, originating in the Netherlands, to be exported to Europe. It aims to produce grown out bulbs to supply local companies and potentially expand operations, based on the incorporation of new producers in the area.

GCL (Gestión de Calidad y Laboratorio) Created: 2003 Sector: quality Manager: Dora Romo GCL's main objective is to provide support for industry by improving its quality standards, in Chile as well as abroad. It meets this objective through the following lines of business:

Laboratory Services

Product Certification

Certification of Timber Quality

Assistance and Projects

Training for Companies

OLEOTOP Created: 2004 Sector: agribusiness Manager: Karina von Baer Oleotop produces canola oil (rapeseed) for the salmon feed industry, and sells bran in bulk or pressed as a byproduct. Fundación Chile, Granotrop, the Schiess Group and Claudio Dumont are partners in this venture. Its mission is to provide new opportunities for agriculture in southern Chile, with the development of feedstuffs for the salmon farming industry. The modern plant has a processing capacity of some 24 thousand tons of rapeseed per year, producing around 8,500 tons of oil.

AQUAGESTION Created: 2005 Sector: recursos marinos Zone manager: Lucía Alvarado The goal of Aquagestión S.A. is to provide an integral service to the national aquaculture sector and to food companies. This company aims to satisfy the growing demand in the country's southern regions for:

Production and sanitation services

Control and certification of aquaculture products

Personnel training and project development in aquaculture health, hygiene and nutrition

Consulting in quality management systems and environment

The company, created in 2005, is the result of a partnership between Fundación Chile, ABT Technologies and related companies.

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International Alliances Fundación Chile has established a series of alliances with international organizations for the development of its innovations:

Bundesanstat für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany

Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standard Program (CLASP): Network with headquarters in the U.S.A.

Consejo Minero, Chile

Chile Alimentos, Chile

Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, France

Centro regional de Investigación INIA, Tamel Aike, Chile

Cornell University and Vitis Biosciences, U.S.A.

ENAMI, Chile

ECR Technologies, Inc. U.S.A.

GTZ, Germany

Microsoft Chile, Chile

Microsoft Corp., U.S.A.

Oxiquim S.A., Chile

RELPE Network, all of Latin America

ChileGlobal Network, Canada, U.S.A. and Europe

Torino Wireless Network, Italy


Secretary of Education, Dominican Republic

University of Nantes, France

Catholic University, Chile

UC Davis and CIFAR (California Institute for Food and Agricultural Research), U.S.A.

Adolfo Ibáñez University and University of Chile, Chile


Open System of Innovation and Knowledge in Networks Fundaci贸n Chile: a node of communicational and business access

Cornell U. Okanaga Biotechnologies Companies University of Chile International Research Centers


Regional Universities

Agrifood Canada

Fundaci贸n Chile

Catholic University

Export Destinations of Subsidiaries' Products

Peru Argentina Mexico Brazil Puerto Rico Subsidiaries

United States Europe China Japan Colombia

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Financial Statement

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Financial Information

Current Assets

Current Liabilities

M$ 10,453,968

M$ 7,773,813

Fixed Assets

Long Term Liabilities

M$ 9,813,636

M$ 16,039,134

Other Assets


M$ 26,879,494

M$ 23,334,151

Total Assets

Total Liabilities

M$ 47,147,098

M$ 47,147,098

Equity Financial Investments M$ 8,750,000 10,000,000

Investments in Affiliates M$ 8,602,587 5,000,000

Fixed Assets 0



M$ 9,813,636 Working Assets M$ 2,680,155 Other Assets M$ 9,526,907


Other Liabilities M$ -16,039,134 -20,000,000

Total Equity M$ 23,334,151

Personnel in Fundaci贸n Chile and Subsidiaries Distribution by Gender

Women 120 Men 126 Total 246

Distribution by Academic Degrees

Doctorates 14 Master's 51 Graduate studies 16 Professionals with undergraduate degrees 100 Technicians 33 Administrative 33

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Published by Fundaci贸n Chile Area de Comunicaciones Design & Production

Fundaci贸n Chile Address: Avenida Parque Antonio Rabat Sur 6165, Vitacura Phone: 2400300

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