25 Great Essays from Argentina

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he production and publishing of essays have a long-standing tradition in Argentina. For decades, local scholars and critics have been writing on an equal footing with other thinkers around the world and their original perspective on society and culture has taken an active role in contemporary discussions. From their experiences, these writers have produced some of the most original books in Latin America. However, the translation of these essays into other languages has not been as frequent as they deserve. Perhaps it is because, despite efforts and good intentions, there are not enough networks to connect these books with their potential readers throughout the world.



For seven continued years, Fundación TyPA has been building these connections. After the successful release in 2008 of the catalogue of fiction writers, 30 Great Authors from Argentina, the Foundation decided to raise the stakes for this new catalogue. Thus, we have devoted the new catalogue to outstanding writers in Social Studies and Humanities: 25 Great Essays from Argentina. To make sure there was impartiality and diversity in the selection of material, the appointed committee of experts was made up of some of the most remarkable Argentine intellectuals: researcher and cultural critic Beatriz Sarlo, anthropologist Alejandro Grimson, critic David Oubiña, writer Damián Tabarovsky, and historian Horacio Tarcus. 1

The ultimate goal was to choose 25 contemporary essays from Argentina, published either by small, independent publishing houses, or international ones, that had not been translated into other languages. Although this criteria left out some great classics and books that had already been translated, the central purpose was to offer an open, diverse selection. Priority was also given to those authors who are at the peak of their production, in the hope that new translations will promote their original and challenging work. In this catalogue you will find works written by young authors as well as by essayists with a well-established oeuvre; in all, a set of pieces addressed to a vast audience, about current problems, told from new perspectives and experiences. In short, this is a carefullychosen collection that we hope will help bring the Argentine contemporary essay, with all its richness, to the rest of the world.

Américo Castilla

Gabriela Adamo


Programme Director

Selection Committee


Alejandro Grimson holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Brasilia, he is a researcher at CONICET and a tenured professor of Contemporary Anthropological Theories at the National University of San Martín. At present, he is the Dean of the Institute of Advanced Social Studies at that same university. He has done research and published works on immigration, frontier regions and their culture, ethnic and national identifications, social movements and urban transformations, from a particular perspective that interweaves varied cultural and political processes. Some of his most notable works are: Relatos de la diferencia y la igualdad (1999), La nación en sus límites (2003), Interculturalidad y comunicación (2000) and La cultura en las crisis latinoamericanas (2004). David Oubiña holds a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires, he is a researcher at CONICET and he teaches at the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Cinematic Arts and New York University. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Bergen and a visiting researcher at the University of London. He has regularly collaborated with different magazines, like Punto de vista, El amante and Babel, among others. At present, he is a member of the editorial committee of Las ranas magazine (art, essay and translation)


Project Co-ordinator: Valeria Añón

and of Cahiers du cinema (Spain). He has been a fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, The Fulbright Commission, The British Council, Fundación Antorchas and Fondo Nacional de las Artes. His latest books are: Filmología. Ensayos con el cine (2000), El cine de Hugo Santiago (2002), Jean-Luc Godard: el pensamiento del cine (2003), Estudio crítico sobre La ciénaga, de Lucrecia Martel (2007), Una juguetería filosófica. Cine, cronofotografía y arte digital (2009) and El silencio y sus bordes. Discursos extremos en la literatura y el cine argentinos (forthcoming). Beatriz Sarlo studied and taught Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. She has published several books on literature, intellectual history and the history of ideas, and cultural and urban critique. Some of her most notable books are: El imperio de los sentimientos (1985), Una modernidad periférica: Buenos Aires 1920 y 1930 (1988), La imaginación técnica (1992), Borges, un escritor en las orillas (1993), Escenas de la vida posmoderna (1994), La máquina cultural (1998), La pasión y la excepción (2002), Tiempo pasado. Cultura de la memoria y giro subjetivo (2004), Escritos de literatura argentina (2006) and La ciudad vista; mercancías y cultura urbana (2009). From 1978 to 2008 she was the editor-in-chief of the magazine Punto de Vista, which was founded to facilitate intellectual resistance against the military government. She currently writes for La Nación and Perfil newspapers (Buenos Aires).

Damián Tabarovsky graduated from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Paris). He directed Ciudad Abierta, a cultural television channel of the city of Buenos Aires. He was editor-in-chief of the publishing house Interzona, and of the culture section of Perfil newspaper. He has published his essay Literatura de Izquierda (2004), and the novels Fotos movidas (1992), Coney Island (1996), Bingo (1997), Kafka de vacaciones (1998), Las hernias (2004), La expectativa (2006) and Autobiografía médica (2007). Several of his works have been published in Spain and in different countries within Latin America; and they have been translated into French, Russian, Greek and Portuguese. Horacio Tarcus holds a Ph.D. in History from the National University of La Plata. He is a Professor and researcher of Social Studies at the University of Buenos Aires. In 1998 he was co-founder of CeDInCI (a Research Centre of Social Issues). He is the author of El marxismo olvidado en la Argentina (1996), Mariátegui en la Argentina (2002), Diccionario biográfico de la izquierda argentina (2007), Marx en la Argentina (2007) and Cartas de una hermandad (2009). He is a member of the editorial committee of the magazines Políticas de la Memoria (CeDInCI) and Crítica y Emancipación (Clacso).

Past and Present War, Dictatorship and Society in Argentina

240 pages


Siglo XXI, 2009

Past and Present is a critical reflection on the social experience of State terrorism. Hugo Vezzetti looks at Argentina’s recent past, and its consequences in the present, by thoroughly exploring the development of collective memory and the methods of inquiry into extreme experience. Focusing on the connection between dictatorship and society, he critically analyzes the imaginary construction of war. Special sections are devoted to the famous Juicio a las Juntas (the judging of the military leaders) and the consequences of a crucial investigation known as Nunca Más (Never again). The author creates a text that is central to understanding Argentina’s recent past and captures critical aspects of those times for readers who were not part of it.

Hugo Vezzetti is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires. He has been a member of the editing committee of Punto de Vista magazine. He is a visiting professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris, and the Instituto Iberoamericano in Berlin. Other works by this author: La locura en la Argentina (2002) Sobre la violencia revolucionaria: memorias y olvidos (2009)


Foreign Rights: Siglo XXI

Hugo Vezzetti

Hugo Vezzetti

The Long-Established Union Leaders and Perón On the Origins of Peronism

256 pages



How did Peronism come into being? This question has led to a wide array of historical and sociological studies in the past sixty years. In this book, Juan Carlos Torre looks at the alliance between long-established union leaders and Perón. Through an analytical perspective, the author examines the process of industrialization that Argentina was experiencing in those times and the influence of labourers and union leaders on Perón’s political consolidation. The author has created a text that refreshes the picture of Peronism and sheds new light on a vital piece of Argentine history.

Juan Carlos Torre was born in 1940. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris, and he currently teaches at the Torcuato Di Tella University. Other works by this author: El proceso político de reformas económicas en América Latina (2002) Historia de la Argentina (ed.) (2001) El 17 de octubre de 1945 (1995)


Foreign Rights: EDUNTREF (Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero)

Juan Carlos Torre

Juan Carlos Torre

The Excluding Society Argentina under the Sign of Neoliberalism

346 pages


Taurus, 2005

This book draws a picture of the recent past in Argentina, focussing on the changes its society has undergone during the past thirty years due to the implacable enforcement of Neoliberalism. Drastic economic deregulation, together with the weakening of the social function of the State, resulted in new and severe dislocations of social exclusion. Maristella Svampa, one of the most remarkable sociologists in the Spanish-speaking world, reflects upon the causes and the instruments of this metamorphosis. The Excluding Society presents a critical, committed view of contemporary Argentina and its future prospects.

Maristella Svampa holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris. In 2006 she received the Guggenheim Fellowship.

Otras obras de la autora: Entre la ruta y el barrio. La experiencia de las organizaciones piqueteras (2003) Cambio de ĂŠpoca, Movimientos sociales y poder polĂ­tico (2008)


Foreign Rights: the author

Maristella Svampa

Maristella Svampa

Anarchists Culture and Libertarian Politics in Buenos Aires (1890-1910)

368 pages


Manantial, 2001

This book introduces a new view on Anarchism in South America. The author analyzes the cultural and political practices of this important social movement which, at the beginning of the 20th century, struggled against the injustices occasioned by economic development. To reach their aims, the Anarchists created their own symbols and promotional tools and founded many cultural centres, schools and libraries, where they intended to show a new alternative to workers. With a suggestive prose, Juan Suriano has written an original text that casts a new light on a movement of crucial importance in Western history.

Juan Suriano holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Buenos Aires and teaches at the Universities of San Martín and La Plata. He is the executive editor and a founding member of the magazine Entrepasados, which won the Ford Foundation’s Award for Journals of History and Social Sciences. Other works by this author: La protesta social en Argentina (2003) Dictadura y Democracia, 1976-2001 (2005)


Foreign Rights: the author

Juan Suriano

Juan Suriano

The Nation and Its Others 350 pages


Prometeo, 2007

This book poses innovative questions about race, ethnicity and religious diversity in times of multiculturalism and identity politics. It does so through a detailed analysis of various issues in Latin America, such as the AfroBrazilian religious discourse in Brazil and Argentina, the evangelical expansion across the Central Andes, and the uses of the concept of race and its articulation with the idea of nation. Rita L. Segato’s sharp, critical perspective reveals the inequality behind invocations of identity and culture. This book favours diversity, and shows different ways to perceive the other while giving him a place in present society.

Rita L. Segato holds an M.A. in Anthropological studies from the Queen’s University of Belfast in Northern Ireland and currently teaches at the University of Brasilia.

Other works by this author: Las estructuras elementales de la violencia (2003) La escritura en el cuerpo de las mujeres asesinadas en Ciudad Juárez (2006)


Foreign Rights: Prometeo

Rita Laura Segato

Rita Laura Segato

Borges as a Critic


FCE, 2007

Jorge Luis Borges’ works have always provoked strong debate. Although he is famous for his tales and poems, Borges, an avid reader himself, frequently wrote about authors and books from a very controversial point of view. Pastormerlo’s text depicts a critical Borges and analyzes the place of criticism in his works, as well as the effects his reviews had on the literary scene. By these means, through the figure of Borges, the author writes a charming treatise about literary criticism, its role and its aims, its expectations and its restrictions.

Sergio Pastormerlo was born in 1962. He holds a Ph.D. in Literature from the National University of La Plata and he is a professor at the same university and at the National University of the South (Argentina). Other works by this author: Literatura argentina. Perspectivas de fin de siglo, with María Celia Vázquez (2001) Payró en Pago Chico (1887-1892), forthcoming.


Foreign Rights: Fondo de Cultura Económica

Sergio Pastormerlo

198 pages

Nicolás Correa

Sergio Pastormerlo

Salt in the Wounds The Falkland Islands in Contemporary Argentine Culture

480 pages


Sudamericana, 2007


How can we think about the Falkland Islands War after twenty-five years? To what extent can we use that tragic experience to re-evaluate the present? Vicente Palermo dives into Argentina’s recent past to examine the causes that resulted in war and its devastating consequences. He analyzes the political circumstances leading up to the war, the post-war period, and the restoration of democracy, in order to dismantle any simplistic explanation about sovereignty and defeat. In the process, much is at stake: the question of identity, the idea of nationhood, and the complicity between civil society and military institutions. The resulting study is a polemic, a challenging text that proposes an original perspective on a conflict whose wounds are still very much open. In 2009, Salt in the Wounds received the Premio Iberoamericano from the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Vicente Palermo was born in 1951. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He has taught postgraduate courses at universities in Argentina, Brazil, Spain and Uruguay. Other works by this author: Del otro lado del río. Uruguayos y argentinos entre el ambientalismo y la política (2007) A ditadura argentina (1976-1983) (São Paulo, 2007) Manual para bohemios de las lenguas y las culturas (2008) Foreign Rights: the author

Vicente Palermo

Vicente Palermo

Musical Invention On History, Form and Representation


Paidós, 2004


This fascinating book is made up of interrelated sections that approach music from three distinct perspectives: progress, form, and representation. The concept of “musical invention” is analyzed as a reflection of historical progress as well as in its metaphorical form. The first section focuses on the musical articulation between progress and history, which leads to the second section, in which the author reassesses the concepts of form and structure from the second half of the 20th century onwards. Finally, the third section raises the question: what is the nature of musical form?, leading us to consider the representative dimension of music, by means of the “metaphor”. Through his questions and thoughtprovoking discussion, Federico Monjeau presents progress, form and representation as “musical motifs”, that allow us to revisit themes central to musical aesthetics from the 19th century onward and to uncover some of the most stimulating debates of modern time.

Federico Monjeau was born in 1957. He is a tenured professor of Musical Aesthetics at the University of Buenos Aires. He was a member of the advisory committee of Punto de Vista magazine; he is a music critic for Clarín newspaper.

Foreign Rights: Paidós

Federico Monjeau

194 pages

Ricardo Cárcova

Federico Monjeau

From the Di Tella Institute to “Tucumán Arde” Avant Garde and Politics in Argentina, 1968

486 pages


Eudeba, 2008


This text describes the radical experience of a group of avant garde artists who proposed their exploratory works as contributions to the revolutionary process in the 1970’s Argentina. By doing so, the artists were able to redefine ways in which art and politics articulate. This book is a critical retelling that joins art and politics in order to bring a unique experience back to life. As such, its first-hand view of the recent past gives it an important place in contemporary debates. Originally published in 2000, the book received the Jorge Barón Biza Prize – which is awarded by the Argentine Association of Art Critics – and the “Teatro del Mundo” Award from the University of Buenos Aires.

Ana Longoni was born in 1967. She holds a Ph.D. in Art, and she teaches at the University of Buenos Aires. Other works by this author: Traiciones (2007) El Siluetazo (2008)

Mariano Mestman was born in 1968. He has a Ph.D. from the School of Philosophy and Liberal Arts, Autonomous University of Madrid. He has done research work for the Department of Euro-American Studies at the University of Rome.

Foreign Rights: the authors

Longoni / Mestman

Ana Longoni y Mariano Mestman

Life in the Factories Work, Protest and Politics in a Working-Class Community

334 pages


Prometeo, 2004

From the beginning of the 20th century, work and labourers have played a central role in all modernization processes. This is valid for Latin America, too. Life in the Factories is a detailed investigation of the life of workers in Swift and Armour’s big meat processing plants in Buenos Aires, between the years 1904 and 1970. Lobato describes different forms of protest, labour unions, links with political parties, and gender relations, among many other issues. The result is a vivid tale that helps to answer present-day questions by re-reading the past.

Mirta Zaida Lobato holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a professor at that university and the National University of San Martin.

Other works by this author: La prensa obrera (2009) Historia de las trabajadoras en la Argentina, 1869-1960 (2007)


Foreign Rights: Prometeo

Mirta Zaida Lobato

Mirta Zaida Lobato

Twentieth Century Architecture in Argentina Jorge Francisco Liernur 448 pages


Fondo Nacional de las Artes, 2001


In this book, Jorge F. Liernur offers a critical analysis of architectural development in Argentina, depicting the changes in socially symbolic images during the 20th century. The outcome is a beautiful text, rich with pictures and intelligent analyses of the uses of space in relation to social change. From the building of an urban country, starting at the end of the 19th century, to the architecture of the “empire of frivolity” in the closing years of the 20th, Liernur creates an historical-cultural journey articulated in terms of aesthetics and technique, and with thoughtful acuity discusses a history of ideas in 20th century Argentina and its inscription in urban space.

Jorge F. Liernur is an architect and Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Studies at the Torcuato Di Tella University.

Other works by this author: Hannes Meyer en México; la sombra de la vanguardia, with Adrian Gorelik (1993) El umbral de la metrópolis, with Graciela Silvestri (1993) Escritos de arquitectura del siglo XX en América Latina (2003) Trazas de futuro. Modernidad y arquitectura en América Latina (2007)

Foreign Rights: the author

Jorge Francisco Liernur

The Construction of Modernity

Fornication and Murder The Issue of Abortion Laura Klein


Planeta, 2005


What are we talking about when we speak of abortion? This essay is the result of the author’s determination to get to the bottom of one of the most controversial issues of humankind. Laura Klein approaches the question of abortion with all the tools provided by critical thinking. She goes from the history of pregnancy and the female body to the actual circumstances within which moral and practical choices get made. She analyzes the most important ethical positions, including those of the Catholic Church. Fornication and Murder is an example of kind of audacity that takes nothing for granted; it dismantles all discourses, and it tackles controversial issues like human rights, sex, life, and death. Above all, it is an intelligent invitation to thinking.

Laura Klein was born in 1958. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a poet and essayist.

Other works by this author: Essays “La filosofía no consuela” (1996) “Cómo pensar el aborto terapéutico” (2000) “Del erotismo sagrado a la sexualidad científica” (2000) Foreign Rights: the author

Laura Klein

312 pages

A Sociology of Amateur Crime 298 pages


Paidós, 2006


Crime, insecurity, unemployment, social exclusion… In A sociology of Amateur Crime Gabriel Kessler offers a piece of research essential to an understanding of contemporary societies. This book lays the foundation for a serious debate on crime, urban violence, and related social issues. It merges strong research with solid theoretical reflections, while it tackles the issue of youngsters accused of committing crimes on private property. It deals with young people’s socialization and their relation with work, the police, and their victims, as well as the use of guns and drugs, and the broader context within which people are integrated: family, school and community. Kessler’s book tears down stereotypes, for it allows us to understand the problem of crime as part of a widespread process that concerns all modern societies.

Gabriel Kessler holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). In 2003 he obtained the Simón Bolívar Chair at IHEAL, University of Paris IIISorbonne Nouvelle.

Other works by this author: Seguridad y ciudadanía (2009) Violencias, delitos y justicias en la Argentina, with Sandra Gayol (2002)

Foreign Rights: Paidós

Gabriel Kessler

Gabriel Kessler

Between Pen and Rifle Debates and Dilemmas of the Revolutionary Writer in Latin America

430 pages


Siglo XXI, 2003


Between Pen and Rifle is a thought-provoking book. The author analyzes connections among intellectuals, artistic projects, and political circumstances that characterized a volatile period in Latin America (the 1960’s and part of the 1970’s) and determined the fate of those who variously left in exile, were disappeared, or managed to survive. This book examines the seminal figure of the Latin American intellectual, which often triggered sharp criticism and resistance. As “the Revolution” seemed imminent, the loose organization of Latin American intellectuals strengthened and expanded, though it also experienced great schisms. Hence, the two divergent elements analyzed in the book: the Cuban Revolution, on one hand, and its apparent contradiction: the Padilla affair, on the other. In this text, Claudia Gilman portrays the vicissitudes of the time, and invites us to reflect upon freedom of expression through the figure of the Latin American intellectual.

Claudia Gilman was born in Buenos Aires in 1961. She holds a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires. She is also a translator, poet, teacher, journalist and visual artist.

Other works by this author: Novel Preciosas cautivas, con Graciela Montaldo (1999) Poetry Mejor mañana (2004)

Foreign Rights: the author

Claudia Gilman

Claudia Gilman

The Right Shot Modern Film: From Ozu to Godard

228 pages


Santiago Arcos, 2008

The goal of this book is to make the reader think about film: what it is like, and what it ought to be like. Rafael Filippelli, a filmmaker and critic, uses the classical form of the essay to analyze modern film. The first part “History and Theory” - examines the different ways in which films have pictured the city, ponders problems of film language, and pays attention to the peculiar connection between movies and their audiences. The second part - “Filmmakers and Movies” - offers a personal take on modern film, from Hitchcock to the Nouvelle Vague. Finally, The Right Shot introduces us to the lucid and original points of view of one of Argentina’s most outstanding filmmakers.

Rafael Filippelli was born in 1938. He is a filmmaker and Head of the Filmmaking Department at the Universidad del Cine (Argentina).

Other works by this author: Música nocturna (2007) La mirada febril (2008) Secuestro y muerte (2009)


Foreign Rights: Santiago Arcos

Rafael Filippelli

Rafael Filippelli

The Bemba On Prison Rumours

60 pages


Siglo XXI, 2005

The Bemba is a profound reflection on how rumours are spread in prison. Emilio De Ípola, who was a political prisoner during the last military dictatorship in Argentina, uses his own experiences to analyze the production, distribution and reception of this universal communicative practice, whose colloquial name in Spanish dates back to the radios-bembas (rumours that were spread by word of mouth before the Cuban Revolution). In this book, the author reflects upon the quality of discourse in the contemporary social universe. An essential text for understanding the intricacies of human communication, as well as the limits of any power that tries to be absolute.

Emilio De Ípola is Professor Emeritus at the University of Buenos Aires and holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Paris.

Other works by this author: Ideología y discurso populista (1982) Investigaciones políticas (1989) Las cosas del creer (1997) Metáforas de la política (2001)


Foreign Rights: Siglo XXI

Emilio De Ípola

Emilio De Ípola

A Thousand Cups of Tea 90 pages


La Bestia Equilátera, 2009

Which peculiar circumstances link Miguel de Cervantes with the Argentinean poet Osvaldo Lamborghini? Is Cesar Aira’s pampa more exotic than Robinson Crusoe’s island? Luis Chitarroni invites the reader to come along on an extraordinary and captivating journey through literature, creating new connections where critics usually see only barren plains. A Thousand Cups of Tea is a personal, remarkable text that engages with literature as pleasure. Sceptical and enlightened, ironic and to-the-point, Chitarroni reconsiders the paths of literature and modifies its view of our future.

Luis Chitarroni was born in 1958. He is a writer, critic and editor.

Other works by this author: Novels Siluetas (1992) El carapálida (1997) Miopía progresiva (forthcoming, 2009)


Foreign Rights: La Bestia Equilátera

Luis Chitarroni

Luis Chitarroni

The Vacillating Point On Literature, Ideas and Private World


Norma, 2005


The Vacillating Point is a book that challenges the nature of literature. What is a classic? What will literature be like in the future? What kinds of issues arise in, and from, Latin American Jewish literature? What is the link between literature and its audience? This book puts forward a range of questions and arguments common to all great literatures that forms a large part of the everyday task of any writer – and reader. Sergio Chejfec resorts to an adjective, a detail, a single phrase underlined in one of his books, to start these thrilling tales. In this way, he composes innovative, subtle and personal texts that vibrate with the connections between literature and politics.

Sergio Chejfec was born in 1956. He writes narrative texts, essays and poetry. He currently lives in New York, where he teaches at New York University Other works by this author: Novels El aire (1992) Los planetas (1999) Boca de lobo (2000) Los incompletos (2004) Baroni: un viaje (2007) Mis dos mundos (2008) Poetry Gallos y huesos (2003) Foreign Rights: the author

Sergio Chejfec

220 pages

Ednodio Quintero

Sergio Chejfec

Power and Disappearance Concentration Camps in Argentina

176 pages


Colihue, 2004


Power and Disappearance is an extraordinary book. Calveiro examines the politically and socially difficult phenomenon of concentration camps in Argentina during the last military dictatorship. She analyzes the connection between these camps and the society that bred them (even as it pretended to ignore their existence). In this text, concentration camps are introduced as political devices, illuminating the complex conceptions of humanity operating in a regime of horror and torture. Moreover, the text helps the reader understand how such monstrous crimes could arise, and persist, in a highly educated but terrified society that was, itself, complicit in the “disappearances” of thousands. Pilar Calveiro offers an outstanding reflection on the limits of politics, and writes a crucial book about humankind.

Pilar Calveiro has been living in Mexico since 1979. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science; she is a professor at the Autonomous University of Puebla and the Autonomous University of Mexico City.

Other works by this author: Redes familiares de sumisión y resistencia (2004) Familia y poder (2005) Política y/o violencia (2007)

Foreign Rights: the author

Pilar Calveiro

Pilar Calveiro

History, Art and Culture From Aby Warburg to Carlo Ginzburg

200 pages


FCE, 2007


In recent years, Aby Warburg – a German historian of the Renaissance – has been sparking renewed interest in the Spanish-speaking world, thanks to the research and writing of José Emilio Burucúa. In this volume, the Argentine historian dives into the essays of Warburg, focusing on three principal matters: his novel conception of the Renaissance, his central interest in ethnology, and his research methods in cultural studies. Moreover, Burucúa analyzes the historiographic work of numerous intellectuals linked with the Warburg Institute. He describes various works published in the 1920s and pieces of research carried out after World War II, important among them Carlo Ginzburg’s own research and writing. In combining these interrelated matters, Burucúa has created an outstanding book of cultural history.

José Emilio Burucúa was born in 1946. He is a professor at the National University of San Martín. He has been Directeur d’Études at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Other Works by this author: Corderos y Elefantes (2001) Historia y Ambivalencia (2007) Cartas norteamericanas (2008)

Foreign Rights: Fondo de Cultura Económica

José Emilio Burucúa

José Emilio Burucúa

Argentine Cartographies Indigenous Policies and Formations of Alterity in the Provinces

288 pages


Antropofagia, 2008

Argentine Cartographies analyzes the influence of indigenous settlements in Argentina, and their impact on national culture. By exploring the experiences of indigenous groups in different provinces of Argentina, this book helps the reader understand the economic, political and ideological processes involved in cultural diversity. It examines various inclusion and exclusion mechanisms used to enforce governments’ indigenous policies. In doing so, Argentine Cartographies reassesses the geography of Argentina, and offers a map of the country based on a heterogeneous and diverse concept of nationhood.

Claudia Briones holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. She also teaches at the Universities of Buenos Aires and RĂ­o Negro.

Other works by this author: La alteridad del cuarto mundo (2004)


Foreign Rights: Antropofagia

Claudia Briones

Claudia Briones (ed.)

Peronism and Left-Wing Culture 144 pages


Temas Publishing House, 2001


Peronism and Left-Wing Culture is a crucial book for understanding Argentine history in the 20th century. Carlos Altamirano combines political and intellectual history to produce a history of ideas about Peronism. He reflects upon the way in which Peronism as an ideology affected the concepts of social class and people – two words which gave rise to central political disputes in Peron’s time. The text analyzes the first stage of Peronism (19461955), the later experience of proscription and persecution (1955-1965), and the period of the Montoneros in the 1960’s and 1970’s. None of these transformations of Peronist ideology, or their interconnections with leftwing culture, is left unexamined by the author. The result is a captivating text that has already earned an important place in the history of political ideas.

Carlos Altamirano was born in 1939. He teaches at the National University of Quilmes, where he conducts the Latin American Intellectual History Programme. He currently coordinates the series Historia de los intelectuales en América Latina – its first volume published in 2008. Other works by the author: Para un programa de historia intelectual (2005) Bajo el signo de las masas. 1943-1973 (2007) Intelectuales. Notas de investigación (2007) Foreign Rights: the author

Carlos Altamirano

Carlos Altamirano

Football and Homeland Football and the Narratives of the Nation in Argentina

222 pages


Prometeo, 2007


What is football for? Where do cultural analysis, Diego Maradona, and the narratives of the nation meet? Is it possible to think of a country in terms of its sports heroes, its glorious victories and defeats — always dramatic, and lending potential significance to events in larger arenas? Football and Homeland unravels these knots through a provoking, innovative analysis. From the author’s point of view, football is not a minor matter, but a crucial field where one can read the construction of a nation’s self-image, where sports can shape the idea of a country and impose its template on other areas of social and civic life. In this revealing book, which examines Argentine culture in the 20th century, football provokes both reflection and debate, in the tradition of the best Latin American essay.

Pablo Alabarces was born in 1961. He is one of the founders of the studies of sociology of sport in Latin America and holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Brighton. He is a tenured professor at the University of Buenos Aires. Other works by this author: Entre gatos y violadores (1993) Crónicas del aguante (2004) Hinchadas (2005) Resistencias y mediaciones, with María Graciela Rodríguez (2008)

Foreign Rights: the author

Pablo Alabarces

Pablo Alabarces

Dictionary of Latin American Authors


Emecé – Ada Korn, 2001

A singular book that provides a highly personal guide through five centuries of Latin American literature. Both erudite and meticulous, it revisits essential canonical figures while skilfully including uncommon and eccentric writers. From an avid reader’s perspective, Aira has provided a rich and unprejudiced introduction to narrators, poets and playwrights; historians, scientists and journalists; idealists and amateurs. As a whole, it represents an exciting journey through Latin American literature, by one of Argentina’s most remarkable contemporary writers.

César Aira was born in 1949. He is a novelist, translator, playwright and essayist.

Other works by the author: Essays: Copi (1991) Alejandra Pizarnik (1998) Las tres fechas (2001)


Foreign Rights: Michael Gaeb

César Aira

636 pages

Noemí Aira

César Aira

A History of the Argentine Middle Class Peak and Decline of an Illusion, 1919-2003

432 pages


Planeta, 2009

In this book the reader will come to understand a phenomenon that is fundamental to Argentina: its middle class. The evolving identity of this class is tightly linked to the idea of “being Argentine”, and it has profoundly affected the history of the nation. The historian Ezequiel Adamovsky writes about the birth and development of that middle class, about the “peak and decline of an illusion” and the ways in which it continues to influence contemporary society. The result is a critical, thoughtprovoking analysis of a social process that is foundational throughout the Western World. A profound and well-researched text, it will appeal to the interests of a broad audience.

Ezequiel Adamovsky was born in 1971. He holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of London. He has been a guest researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France. He currently teaches at the University of Buenos Aires. Other works by this author: Historia y sentido (2001) Euro-Orientalism (2006)


Foreign Rights: Planeta

Ezequiel Adamovsky

Ezequiel Adamovsky


Agents and Publishers


Editorial Antropofagia

Editorial Prometeo



Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Editorial Santiago Arcos

Néstor Ferioli: nferioli@untref.edu.ar


Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica

Editorial Siglo XXI de Argentina

Marina Dominguez Tracey: fondo@fce.com.ar

Carlos Díaz: cdiaz@sigloxxieditores.com.ar

Editorial La Bestia Equilátera

Editorial Sudamericana


Susana Kalusynzki: skalusynski@rhm.com.ar

Editorial Norma

Editorial Taurus

Antonio Santana: asantana@kapelusz.com.ar

Julia Saltzmann: jsaltzmann@santillana.com.ar

Editorial Paidós

Michael Gaeb Literary Agency



Editorial Planeta


Ignacio Iraola: Iraola@eplaneta.com.ar

In those cases where the rights are handled directly by the authors, we’ll be happy to serve as facilitators. Please contact: letras@typa.org.ar

Fundación TyPA runs programmes in the fields of literature, film making, visual arts, and cultural heritage.

TyPA Programmes / Literature


Editors’ Week in Buenos Aires Since 2002, we have organized this programme with the aim of spreading Argentine literature throughout the world. Ten editors from different countries are invited to spend a week in Buenos Aires to become acquainted with our local literary scene. TyPA Catalogues In 2008 our catalogue, 30 Great Authors from Argentina, was introduced at the Frankfurt and Buenos Aires Book Fairs. It was made up of a selection of narrative works that had not yet been translated into other languages. Hence, we initiated a series of catalogues, accompanied by other supporting actions, to promote further creative writing and its translation. TyPA Translation Grants In 2008, three subsidies were granted to different publishing houses. In order to facilitate the translation and publication of books by Argentine authors. The resulting three books are now in circulation.


TyPA Research In 2009, a research was completed on the translation of books written by Argentine authors in Spanish (2002-2009). Published in a digital format for the moment, it offers updated information on their translations into other languages. This kind of activity is part of TyPA’s policy, which seeks to encourage cultural practices in the public and private spheres. With the support of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. TyPA Seminars: Reflecting Upon Translation We have organized workshops that foster critical and theoretical thinking in the complex task of translating literary works, enriched by the exchange of experiences between Argentine and foreign translators. Villa Ocampo and the Buenos Aires Book Fair, among others, have provided the format for these fruitful meetings and debates. TyPA Publishing Concerned with diverse cultural fields, these works’ utimate aims are to promote artistic creation and strengthen intellectual debate.

Idea Crónica. Literatura de no ficción Iberoamericana (2006) Renowned fiction writers committed themselves to write literary non-fiction texts: autobiographies, travel, interviews. Thus, we encouraged a discussion on the boundaries of narrative genders. Published together with Beatriz Viterbo Editora, Argentina. Hacer cine. Producción Audiovisual en América Latina (2008) A group of twenty-three experts examined the different conditions that making films in Latin America entail. Thanks to a grant awarded by the Rockefeller Foundation, we are currently working on a project for its translation into English. Published together with Editorial Paidós, Argentina. Museos y políticas culturales en América Latina (forthcoming) Different authors analyze cultural policies in relation with museums in Latin American countries, from the end of the 19th century to the present.

For further information, please visit: www.typa.org.ar or e-mail us at: contacto@typa.org.ar

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