CCIC PROJECT 19 November 2013 Sofia, Bulgaria
CCIC Project Complex Challenges, Innovative Cities Regional Initiative Project under INTERREG IV C Priority 1: Innovation and the knowledge economy Sub-theme: Innovation, research and technology development
CCIC Project Rationale The objectives of the INTERREG IVC programme are based on the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas, thus the contribution of CCIC project to their achievement can be addressed together. ďƒź With respect to the Lisbon Agenda, the current action contributes to the development of the knowledge economy through its stimulation of publicly supported innovation in the private sector and innovation in the public sector itself. ďƒź In support of the Gothenburg agenda regarding the protection of the environment and fostering sustainable development, the project will promote innovation in the public sector and will support public-private partnerships in areas where the private sector alone may not take on the risks for stimulating innovation alone.
CCIC Project Consortium The ideal partnership to face these challenges involves => a variety of skills and expertise, and the idea is that participants together can achieve more than each participant could achieve alone 14 Project Partners 10 Countries => BULGARIA, UK, ITALY, SPAIN, FINLAND, SWEDEN, POLAND, NETHERLANDS, ROMANIA and ESTONIA Balanced geographical coverage that assures wide dissemination Public authorities and experts in FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION => proportionate involvement of the different partners
CCIC Project Objective
CCIC project is designed to improve regional innovation policies by enhancing innovation in the public sector and increasing collaboration between local and regional authorities, public entities and other stakeholders.
CCIC Sub- Objectives /1/: To define common approach for regional/local innovation policies that enables regional/local decision-makers to implement an efficient innovation policy for growth in terms of planning, implementation and monitoring To examine good practices on themes: Innovative financial instruments, Public procurement and innovation, Publicly owned enterprises and innovation, Civil society inclusion in public innovation, and define local/regional blind-spots (horizontal topic - unequal distribution of opportunities within the region) to be translated into policy recommendations.
CCIC Sub- Objectives /2/: To identify and transfer 3 good practices per region for improving knowledge transfer and innovation, leading to planned performance improvement according to EU's "Innovation Union Scoreboard“ To promote innovation support and knowledge-based transfer thru new effective public incentives for fast intelligent economic growth of the cities/ regions. To identify and develop/transfer efficient financial instruments for innovation. To secure inclusive growth thru more open innovation engaging all natural stakeholders, civil society included. To adopt Regional Implementation Plans for Innovation, that fully anticipate both the new financial realities of the EU, the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and the EC's “Innovation Union" initiative.
CCIC Results to be achieved: CCIC will lead to 13 Individual RIPs and Innovation Policy Recommendations, thus raising awareness among local and regional decision makers on public sector innovation. CCIC will contribute to the local/regional policy development for the next programming period thru RIPs and the policy recommendations. CCIC will raise level of knowledge of the involved administrative officers and experts as a result of participation in thematic meetings, study visits and deep delegations. CCIC will significantly strengthen relation between public and private sector and knowledge and research partners to achieve greater outputs for society. Cooperation strategy among the partners for the post-project period during the implementation of the RIPs will be designed in the last semester.
Project key numbers /1/ 14 partners + 1 Technical Secretariat; 36 months activities from 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2014 costs eligible from 15/12/2011 – date of approval by the Monitoring Committee! 3 main components: Management and coordination; Communication and dissemination; Exchange of experience dedicated to identification and analysis of good practices. 7 International meetings among partners; 1 EU WIRE Conference and 12 national events; 5 Deep Delegation meetings and 6 Study Visit meetings;
Project key numbers /2/ A minimum of 40 Good practice experiences; 1 Analytical State of the Art Report on local innovation in the public sector; 4 thematic group reports; 13 Local/Regional Implementation Plans on Innovation; 1 CCIC Innovation Policy Recommendations report; 1 Good practice Guide; 1 Best practice Guide; 13 conceptualized pilot projects ready for implementation by the project partners.
Project key numbers /2/ A minimum of 40 Good practice experiences; 1 Analytical State of the Art Report on local innovation in the public sector; 4 thematic group reports; 13 Local/Regional Implementation Plans on Innovation; 1 CCIC Innovation Policy Recommendations report; 1 Good practice Guide; 1 Best practice Guide; 13 conceptualized pilot projects ready for implementation by the project partners.
Katya Valkova, Sofia Municipality