Innovage cluster set up day2vf

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Cluster set up Training Session 21 th November 2013

Today’s objectives

• • • •

Provide you with a summary of insights from previous day Introduce how collaborative networks work Provide additional return on experience based on Medicalps story Develop additional success factors when managing a cluster (from project to legal entity) – – –

• •

Governance Execution (competencies) KPI (key performance indicators)

Define a service portfolio and business model Define the roadmap for a given case (if any volunteer)

Proposed agenda for the ITF meeting – Day 2 9:45 – 19:00 / Thursday, November 21 th Time 9:45 -10:15

Agenda • Summary of insights from previous day

10:15-10:45 • Setting up clusters – Clusters are networks


Module - Description


• The results of the “Day 1” discussion of the teams are summarized in the plenary as a basis for the work on Day 2


• Cooperation network • REX Medicalps

10:45-11:00 • Coffee break 11:15-12:15 • Working session • “What does the cluster set up journey look like ?

3 cluster teams

Round 2 12:15-13:00 • Share


13:00-14:00 • Buffet lunch

• “3 topics covering :

• Governance (cluster supportive organization) • Execution (skills, culture, competencies….) • Monitoring (KPI)

• The teams will share what they have developed – the other teams give comments

14:00- 15:00 • Defining Cluster business service portfolio Round 3 15:00- 16:00 • Business model • Round 3

3 cluster teams

• Brainstorm to develop a service offering

3 cluster teams

 Value the service offering

16:00- 16:30 • Report out

Team presenter

• What can we offer as a cluster ?

16:30- 17:00 • To be for or against service Audience is divided portfolio 17:00- 18:30 • Implementation 18:30-19:00 • Closing and celebration

• Have all pros and cons listed along each idea of service generated

For those want to join Setting up a cluster in ….(concrete example to be defined for coaching) & coach • Implementation plan • Feed back & next steps

Your expectations


Day one

Return on experiences/ different approaches

Methodologies to set up Define the needs of each stakeholder

Mix theory/ practice

H2 to convince to create a cluster ?

H2 encourage existing networks to a higher level of organization ?

Learning by doing, stakeholder management

H2 commit on the long term?

What are the key successful factors ? H2 accommodate interest between public & private ?

Day two

Your expectations Expectations

Day one

H2 get money ? How networks work ? Is it interesting to join international networks? H2 translate practice in the paper work ? H2 catch the interest of the policy group ? H2 assess the availability of partners ? What are the funding mechanisms ? H2 pick a winner from all the ideas I get ? H2 ensure the sustainability of what we do ? H2 structure clusters ? (need for a legal entity to answer EU calls) What are the specific competencies to manage a cluster ? H2 better involve policy makers and end users ?


H2 cooperate at the different levels and manage relationships with University ?


Day two

Key take away messages from day one 1.

There is no shared definition of what a cluster is, so you need to define yours driven by your purpose and specific context of its use and stick to it


There are at least 5 essential attributes for a clusters: strategic intent “a strong willingness to implement something new� translated into strategic objectives, specialization, geographic concentration, various actors, interactions


There are evidence that clustering leads to regional economic performance


Clusters are complex constructs of different dimensions that make them difficult to analyze or compare


A cluster can start in a number of ways but needs a strategic intent


Spatial boundaries are variable, you need to think in terms of travel conditions, personal preference, culture when cluster is growing. Face to face interactions are key

Key take away messages from day one


Clusters are defined by relationships not memberships. Trust is key and can be defined as trust = credibility x intimacy/ risks. It needs proximity (not necessarily from a geographic perspective)


Overtime clusters tend to develop social glue (norms, institution, personal network) that holds the different interlinked actors


Each cluster tells its own story, you cannot replicate a model

10. Cluster organizations (legal entity) are service providers that create an infrastructure to support cluster but there is often co-opetition 11. Prior to the creation of a cluster legal entity, be pragmatic and start doing a project involving inter-organizations collaboration (but might be very soon an issue if apply for EU grants). Avoid collaborative R&D projects that could be too lengthy for SMEs

Key take away messages from day one 12. Clusters undergo different phases through their life cycle: set up, start up, grow up and scale up Size, specialization and focus can be chosen to assess whether the cluster has reached a "specialized critical mass" likely to spillover and develop positive relationships. 13. Cluster faced many challenges: H2 build a sense of community ?, H2 to measure economic impact ? H2 develop a sustainable model for a cluster supportive organization ? 14. Relying on a pool of expertise (flexibility/ agility) in team and take a step ahead by decoding policy drivers are a key success factors (Setha) 15. Providing service for free is doubled edged 16. Clusters are dynamic constructs, you need to take into consideration each stakeholders interests to join and regularly “confirm� the mission statement

Cluster Day 2 : The Cluster set up journey

Network design and rules

Tips to set up a network

1. Design teams per topic, onion skin and/or multiple role models 2. Provide Personal networks (mentoring, counselling‌) 3. Define networks rules and roles, standardized processes 4. Generate topics 5. Create face to face events 6. Develop network communication

Medic@lps: a practical cluster case study  Step 1: to know each other Create and animate a professional community  Step 2 : to exchange and learn from each other Cluster : a peer by peer learning institution  Step 3: to work with each other Build partnerships and synergies : collaborative projects (research/industry) Making business along the « value chain » &/or between SMEs and Big companies

Medic@lps uses a set of methodologies and tools to support its operations


•Newsletter (85 sent since 2000 at 480 persons

•Google like (identity partners in Alpine Space) •Mindbrowser (ideation and collaboration solution)

•Interview guide

•Press releases •Portal of service technology platforms

•Working groups

•Targeted mailings •Trademark: Medic@lps • Advertising flyers

•Satisfaction survey

•Medic@lps Film •USB keys

•Mapping of RhoneAlpes Medtech companies •Internet job fair

3) Animation et fédération des acteurs : BioBiz Club 2013 : 6 membres : BlueOrtho, Fluoptics, Eveon, Uromems,Imactis, Mellitech 3 nouveaux membres potentiels : AraymondLife, BT3, Advicenne Pharma

Calendrier des 3 réunions annuelles : - avril 2013 : intervenant Pacte PME - juillet 2013 : intervenant CSO Sorin - décembre 2013 : intervenant Johnson&Johnson

3) Animation et fédération des acteurs 5 ateliers thématiques organisés en 2013: Sous forme de petit-déjeuner de 8h30 à10h30

1er petit-déjeuner, vendredi 8 février « Comment réussir un « Soft landing » sur le marché US » Bilan sur la première année du poste mutualisé à Boston créé par MEDIC@LPS en 2012 Présentation des offres d’accompagnement 2013 de MEDIC@LPS et de Hubtech 21 pour l’accès au marché Nord-Américain. 15 participants Réalisation d’un leaflet de présentation des offres d’accompagnement Intervenants: Agnès Aizier (Imactis), Pierre-Alix Dancer (Fluoptics) et Valérie Ayache (Medic@lps)

2ème petit-déjeuner, mercredi 20 mars « Futurs réglementation sur les Dispositifs Médicaux: Quels Changement, Quels impacts ? Intervenant: Céline Garcia, TÜV Rheinland France

3ème petit-déjeuner, jeudi 18 avril « Présentation des bourses Cifre » Intervenant: Carole Miranda, ANRT

A cluster will perform well if it is well governed

There is no common strategy without a well structured governance Governance is defined as an organized structure with a hierarchy of authority • You need to define the governance architecture • You need to define the decision making body and the related process (steering, reporting…) • You need to define roles and responsibilities


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the measures of how well we are delivering what we are aiming for Definition

• • •


• Really important to strategic business objectives


• Measure of our achievement.


• Shows how well we are doing strategically, in process performance terms, in terms of fundamental improvement.

KPIs drive activity through their regular performance assessment review KPIs should be balanced, i.e. financial, people, customer and operations, and should reflect the key benefits a project or operation brings to the business. Aspects that define good KPIs: • • • •

Important to the business Agreed and Used by management Give insight to business performance Actionable and accountable


Balanced Scorecard is one of the main tools to define a good KPI’s Systems The BSC differs substantially from traditional measurement approaches ... • • • • •

Based upon the strategy implementation into the daily operations Purpose is to communicate and not only to control Designed in a dynamic way driven by future actions Cascaded in a consistent way within the company on key individual value drivers Focused ultimately on factors that create long term value: – Partners – stakeholders – process, – workers, – … ...

Starting with a Strategy Map (Kaplan & Norton) - Basic template for a private company


Medic@lps: a practical case study  Step 7: to measure cluster’ performance: KPI • Survey on objective, tangible indicators : evolution of members, actions, funding, satisfaction of the members • Tracability on more sophisticated indicators: • How to trace and measure the cluster’s impact on the enlargement of the professional network of each cluster’s member ? • How to trace and measure the cluster’impact on new partnerships and businesses between its members, on the development of new products and services, etc…?

Key Perfomance Indicators: Members Number of Medic@lps members evolution 57 44






2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


medic@slp members since


Key Perfomance Indicator: Actions

123 events organized by Medic@lps since 2000

72 internal events to strengthen

Conferences and networking events organized in Grenoble


the links between members

51 broader events to enlarge the network (eg EuroMedtech)

10 events per year (1 per month)


33 International Exhibitions and Partnering Events

16 BioBiz (Business club)

Information and Training Sessions

Key Perfomance Indicator: funding 700.000 €

581.178 €

600.000 € 500.000 €

439.925 €

400.000 €

272.387 €

300.000 €

Cotisations perçues Subventions collectivités locales Fonds levés suite à dépôt de projets collaboratifs

200.000 € 100.000 € -

€ 2008





2012 Total

invested by local authorities


1,94 €

of economic benefits fot the territory

Enquête de satisfaction > 10 réponses Diriez-vous que Medic@lps est :

Recommanderiez-vous l'adhésion à Médic@lps ?

Label 8% 20%



Outil de développement économique

29% 20%

Sans avis


Incubateur de projets


Outil de valorisation pour la filière santé sur l'Arc Alpin Guichet unique

Qu'est-ce qui motive votre adhésion à Medic@lps ? Contacts avec les autres acteurs 30%


Etre représenté Participation aux actions collectives

5% 20%


L'accès à l'information Soutien à la filière

Enquête de satisfaction > 10 réponses Définition / Points forts - Medic@lps : o Accélérateur de notoriété o Cluster des entreprises Biotech en RA o Le spécialiste santé

Quel intérêt portez-vous aux services et actions collectives mis en oeuvre par Medic@lps ?

o Présence / Ancrage local fort Moyenne sur 5

o Taille & Proximité o « Les pieds sur terre » o Ecoute personnalisée o Club Bio Biz 2,7

Quels autres services aimeriez-vous avoir : o Animation au niveau de Biopolis o Aide au montage de projets européens o Renforcement des formations / ateliers o Ouverture club entrepreneurs > sociétés de services o Communication






Clusters Day 2: Working sessions – Round three “Service portfolio and business model”

Medic@lps with you

ď ą A local and a long-term support

ď ą Mutualized and tailored services for each company (according to their sector, size, age, business model) ď ą Shared and efficient tools

Medic@lps offers a variety of shared to tailored services to its members Mature companies Tailored services targeting mature companies

Medic@lps movie

• International promotion of the trade mark • European project engineering • Business club • Shared Bus Dev office (Boston) • Business partnering

Tailored services

Shared services

Shared services targeting young companies • Information • Training • International fairs • Networking

Start up

Medic@lps’ services 1.

Integrate a network and boost your visibility

Optimize your visibility on the Medic@lps website(+ 16,000 annual visitors), social networks (Twitter, Linkedin, P360) and our targeted promotional tools.

Disseminate your information on our website, social networks and quarterly newsletters: + 500 qualified readers…

Customise our Medic@lps ecosystem film for your corporate communication.

Share experiences and entrepreneur ‘s good practices at the C.E.O Biobiz Club

Keep up to date with market’s access news , thanks to "Medic@lps petit déjeuner “


Maximize your participation in fairs / business partnering

Selection of an agenda of qualified events.

Negotiation of discounts (Sponsor delegation).

Access to a global and collective package which included training sessions (elevator pitch and partnering tools) and highlight your visibility through (shared stand, banners, posters ...) at a mutualized price .

2012 Events: -

EuroMedtech 2012, Grenoble : 305 delegates, 755 one-to-one meetings


AdvaMed 2012, Boston : Sponsor Delegation of 6 Medic@lps companies

Medic@lps’ services 3.

Participate in European projects multi partners and close to the market

Contact point in the Grenoble health sector, get a first approach of the European market through collaborative projects.

According with your needs, your participation strategy will be defined and specific support will be implemented: •

MEDIC@LPS is a partner of 4 European projects.

* Success rate: 71%

More than 100 members participated in events organized in the framework of EU projects in which MEDIC@ LPS is a partner.

*: Number of projects funded by the EC / number of submitted projects - projects that MEDIC@LPS is coordinator or partner.


Benefit of a "soft landing" to develop your company in the U.S. market (first market for medical innovation)

Secure your development in the U.S. market with a long term approach.

Support "step by step" to qualify your approach .

Benefit from experienced, shared and effective tools.

Clusters Day 2: Working sessions – Round three “Service portfolio and business model”

We have identified 5 principles for a successful cluster initiation A Cluster supportive organization that…


2 3 4 5

…Defines a vision, mission statement and objectives for the cluster … Involves the different players in the design of the cluster incl. governance mechanisms and KPI definition … Is supported by a strong partner for getting resources and lobbying support … Contributes to the community building by promoting shared interest and fostering networking … Develop standardized process and knowledge management (project, partners) Those 5 principles have to be translate into operational recommendations


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