Newsletter Suvot 7 (english version)

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Fundación INTRAS




Number 7 april 2013

Spicing Up Vocational


w w w. i n t r a s. e s


SUVOT pilots are about to finish and the feedback couldn’t be better. Cooking classes and exercises are running smoothly and participants are more and more motivated, as they are acquired a lot of new competences.

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In this newsletter you will find information about the online cooking show we have created, successful experiences in Slovenia and Germany about how to prepare a big meal and team building and finally a funny article about the view of some of the participants related to our SUVOT recipes. Te a t r G r o d z k i

Enjoy the next pages and come back to us with your opinion in our Facebook page

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CJD Frechen

Suvot TEAM

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Spicing Up Vocational Training

1. SUVOT Cooking show on Vimeo

The SUVOT Spanish team has been filmed during some of the cooking classes and, as a result, several cooking TV episodes have been produced to show you first-hand how to prepare some of our specialities. The leading actors and actress are the participants of the SUVOT course in Spain; they will show you how to cook loin with orange, Polish crepes or pizza, amongst others. We are sure that these recipes will surprise you and that will encourage you to spend more time in the kitchen preparing delicious dishes. Your family and friends will really appreciate that! These videos are available on Vimeo channels/suvotproject (banner in the SUVOT website also included) and there will be also included into the teaching DVD that will be edited by summer this year.



Spicing Up Vocational Training

2. Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch

Before we started with the SUVOT project we were all asking ourselves, how the trainees will react to the project. Will they attend the sessions? Will they be able to pull it through till the end? It is hard to motivate people with long-term mental health disorders for activities that last for some time. But it is manageable, if the activity is interesting and adopted to the abilities of the participants. At the end, we came to the conclusion that SUVOT is just right – interesting, dynamic and attractive. Our particiant, Robi Zajšek, says about SUVOT “We are five participants in the SUVOT group in Ptuj. Recently we were cooking a potato soup. First there is leak – we washed it and sliced it into thin slices. Then we washed and cut the celery and carrots. We then peeled the potatoes and cut it into dices, added different spices – bay leaves, marjoram, salt, pepper, nutmeg and parsily. First we fried the leek, then we added all the other ingredients and water. At the end we added some in slices cut sausages. We cooked the potato soup for about 25 people. Usually the SUVOT team eats first, take photos and discuss about what we cooked. Till now we were always satisfied with what we prepared and also got a positive feedback from the other users in the day center. We also have simulation methodology sessions with Anja. Sometimes also other users join in and it’s very interesting”. The participants are also getting very creative and contribute their own ideas and recipes. We also prepared semolina dumplings and braised cabbage – the recipe was provided by our participant, Slavko Sever: “I remember semolina dumplings from my childhood, because we ate them a lot. The recipe is easy and it’s not hard to cook them. For the dumplings we need wheat semolina, butter, eggs and cottage cheese. The dough must be dry and rough. Eggs and butter should be mixed into a frothy mixture, add wheat semolina, cottage cheese, two pinches of salt, a little nutmeg and knead all ingredients into a dough. We let it rest for about an hour, so the ingredients can absorb. We form dumplings and cook them in slated boiling water. We cut the cabbage into medium large pieces and roast it on butter. We add spices like salt, pepper, some chilli and marjoram. The dish is ready. Enjoy the meal!”. The reasins why the participants decided to join are various – some of them wnated to learn how to cook, some wnated to try something new. Robi Zajšek, one of the participants, shared with us why he decided to join the project and whay is he so satisfied with it: “I joined SUVOT mainly because I wanted to learn how to cook. I like it a lot that we function as a group, that the interpersonal relations in the group are very good and



Spicing Up Vocational Training

that we cooperate very well. This project is very good and has a positive influence on all of us – not just the participants of the pilot group. I like it that it lasts for a year. I have to confess that my cooking skills have improved thanks to everybody involved in the project. I enjoy it much more when we cook in a team than when I cook alone, because we share the work. One of the other participants in the pilot group, Slavko, is very good with spices. Usually it is me who goes to the grocery store in the morning to buy the ingredients – this is also a part of the project. I have some trouble concentrating, sometimes I am distracted. But SUVOT has a very positive influence on me and other SUVOT participants”.

3. Team building in Germany with SUVOT participants

One day on our way up… Since more than six months we are busy preparing international dishes, tasting the different countries´ specialties and working on social skills as communication and working in a team. We passed highs and lows and learned, that there are many similarities between having relationships and preparing dishes… one is the fact, that you might be very surprised if you embark to it. Whether it is about having a hearty bite of Slovenian pork tongue (which you are very skeptical of ) or letting yourself drop backwards, with closed eyes, expecting the group to catch you… in the last months we learned that it´s worth the risk! To strengthen our cooperation and grow together in the team we spent a special day in March: We visited a climbing hall close to CJD and learned what it means to really “be on the ropes”. Entering the hall the first people got weak in the knees, the walls go up until a height of 14 meters! Luckily there were two of us who already had experience in climbing and showed us how to do it. Though their promise “It´s very easy!” was not exactly right… This day every single one of us learned to know his or her personal limit and some even overcame it! Climbing the wall at all and entrusting your life to the person belaying you was a very special experience which let our group grow together much closer. Being on the way up and hearing a voice in your back, shouting “You can do it – you´re almost there!” was a great experience. This summer the project and also our time in CJD will end, but we will keep this feeling far beyond.



Spicing Up Vocational Training

4. SUVOT participants and the recipes, a love story

Participants of our culinary workshops have already learned to cook many Spanish, Polish, Slovenian and German dishes, despite of their disabilities. Many of the recipes in the SUVOT course have enabled them to practice different cooking techniques. The results were excellent and very tasty, so the trainees are very proud of their work. In Spain all the participants of vocational training really enjoyed preparing a completely new dish – Polish potato pancakes. They made it for all their mates at the INTRAS Residency for people recovering mental health. They were very excited about knowing the view of their mates about a meal they had never eaten, and were very pleased when they got positive comments. Please try it, and tell us what you think. •POTATO PANCAKES (Placki ziemniaczane) 3 medium grated raw potatoes 3 table spoons of flour 3 well beaten eggs some salt and sugar You can add 2 tablespoons of grated onion and/or 1 grated garlic clove to the pancake before frying, if desired. PREPARATION Pour off dark water accumulated on top of grated potatoes. Add the ingredients and beat well. With spoon, drop mixture on hot frying pan or griddle in a grill and spread as thinly as possible. Fry on both sides. Fry until brown on the bottom (don’t turn until the pancake is brown or it will stick), about 3 to 5 minutes, reducing the heat to medium, if needed, to prevent burning. Turn the pancake and fry the other side 3 to 5 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Serve piping hot. Some like sour cream on top. Another surprizing discovery, this time for Slovenian and German trainees, was the Spanish garlic soup. This is what the German trainer, Odilia Henkys-Liecks reported: “German trainees were a bit anxious about this recipe. They were worried they would smell like garlic. When they saw how much garlic they had used they didn’t want to try it, but in the end, it was a big success, most of them loved it!”. The Slovenian participants really enjoyed making this soup. Eating it was the high point of the lesson!



Spicing Up Vocational Training

GARLIC SOUP FOR 12 PEOPLE 24 large cloves garlic peeled 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil 3 tablespoon sweet paprika 1,5 teaspoon cayenne pepper 18 cups clear white chicken stock, or use canned 1 cup of sherry 1 teaspoon ground cumin A pinch of saffron threads Salt 12 pieces of crusty bread, 1/2-inch-thick slices 12 large eggs (optional) Freshly grated Parmigiano cheese PREPARATION In a heavy soup kettle or a 2-quart saucepan, gently sautĂŠ the garlic in the oil until the cloves are golden brown, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the garlic and set aside. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the paprika and cayenne. Add the stock and sherry and stir to mix thoroughly. Return to the heat and stir in the cumin and saffron. Crush each of the garlic cloves with a fork and stir into the soup. Taste for seasoning and add salt if desired. Let the soup simmer gently, covered, for 15 minutes. While the soup cooks, toast the bread slices on both sides under a preheated broiler. Set aside. If you wish to add the eggs, poach them, one at a time, in the simmering broth, just stirring the broth to make a whirlpool into which you drop the egg. Poach for 1-2 minutes, just until the white firms up and encloses the egg, or longer if you prefer. Heat the broiler again and fill each bowl with hot soup. Float a slice of toasted bread on top of each serving, sliding an egg (put the egg first, then the toast) under each slice of toasted bread if you are using eggs (the toast will protect the egg from further exposure to heat). Sprinkle the bread liberally with grated cheese and slide the bowls into the oven just long enough to melt the cheese on top. Enjoy it! Bon appetite!



Spicing Up Vocational Training

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci sub-programme) of the European Union“. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”


You will find updated information about SUVOT project in: and also in our facebook page


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