NEWSLETTER We are finishing 2017, a year full of creativity! Our artyclers had the opportunity to develop their creative spirit and even to show some of their works to the general society. 2018 marks the end of the Artcycling project but we are not sad. We are very proud of the things we have achieved, all the things we have learnt, the people we have known, the great experiences we had the opportunity to feel‌ We still have work to do in the following months, so don’t miss our last issue in April.
Happy New Year!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
TRAINING OUR ARTYCLERS ON SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP These days, the artcyclers in Spain, Hungary and Denmark are attending to a training course about how to be a social entrepreneur. During six months, our artists will learn things like the principles of socially responsible business management, coordinating with colleagues, finances and accountancy, marketing strategies, public relations, etc. The aim is that they learn how to stablish their own art-business, as for instance selling their works on-line. They are also learning how to stablish a social cooperative or how to create a social label. This training is very important in order to empower the Artcyclers and make them think in art as a way to earn their life.
ON-LINE CATALOGUE OF ARTCYCLING PRODUCTS We are now preparing the catalogue of all the artistic products that the Artcyclers are creating thanks to the Artcycling project. The catalogue will be available in the shop of the Artycling website, and anybody interested in it, will be able to buy the works done by our artists. We invite you to enter in our shop, maybe a piece of our universe of recycled art will be part of your home soon!
We will come back in April!
For further information, please contact us via e-mail: You can find us on Facebook as well:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.