Suvot Newsletter Nº4 (English version)

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Fundaci贸n INTRAS




Number. 4 may 2012

Spicing Up Vocational


w w w. i n t r a s. e s

Ozara w w w. o z a r a . o r g

Te a t r G r o d z k i w w w. t e a t r g r o d z k i . p l

Here you have the fourth issue of our informative newsletter in which we will explain you about the Training of the Trainers performed in Germany in April and also about the pilot experiences that are about to start during May in Spain, Slovenia and Germany. Enjoy the reading!

CJD Frechen

Suvot TEAM

w w w. c j d - b b w - f r e c h e n . d e



Spicing Up Vocational Training

1. Training of the trainers’ article

Joint intensive training for SUVOT trainers from Slovenia, Spain and Germany

On April 22nd – 27th 2012 SUVOT started to progress to the next project phase: The pilot training. During the week the trainers from Slovenia, Spain and Germany were trained in the methodology and practical cooking parts of the course. Maria Schejbal from Teatr Grodzki (Poland) was responsible for the training of theatre-, psycho- and sociodrama techniques, which are going to be used as a method in the methodology part during the one-year SUVOT training. These are the same methods as described in the simulation methodology curriculum. To prepare the trainers the best way possible Maria conducted a very well organised and structured presentation of the techniques by try. The whole two days of methodology training were dedicated to learning by doing. These very practical exercises brought the group together and the trainers got a clear impression of the methodology part. Being asked about their experiences the trainers expressed strong feelings and intensive learning on methodology. Maria also emphasized that methodology needs much empathy, sensitivity and patience. The group is the centre of all activities and determines the direction and tempo of its development. During two days of methodology training we dealt with courage, self-confidence, fears, hopes and many different kinds of feelings. We believe that this part of the training will push social skills, ability for teamwork and presence of each participant. Valentin Senkic and Claudia Feth were responsible for the cooking part. To practice this, the group learned basics about the cooking lessons in a theoretical session. There is a fixed routine: Each session starts with a short reflection of the mood, goes on to a theoretical part – for example about hygiene, storage, fish... – and then passes over to a practical cooking part. After the joint meal and cleaning the group rounds up the session with a chair circle and a short reflection. During the training in Germany the team cooked paella, laid out a herb garden, baked



Spicing Up Vocational Training

a mango cake and wafers and produced flavoured oil. In this way the trainers got an impression how the cooking sessions are going to work and had the option to experience it in practice. In general the training was very successful and the trainers are well prepared for an intensive training which is going to start in the end of May 2012. We are happy and look forward to the upcoming project phase! During a press conference on April 26 the team explained the project to the German press. Mr Senkic, with two of his trainees, prepared some finger food on-site for all attendants.

2. Explanation about the SUVOT course starting in May

May means the starting of the SUVOT course! We have been waiting and preparing everything during 18 months and finally pilot experiences are about to start in Spain, Slovenia and Germany and will last for a year. SUVOT course is structured in three sessions per week (3 hours per session) and will involve at least 10 participants (people with any kind of mental illness) per organization. There will be two trainers per pilot: one devoted to cooking issues and another one in charge of the simulation methodology exercises, but both of them will be present during all the training sessions to support each other and monitor that everything is running right. Participants will follow the complete manual that SUVOT team has developed, including 96 cooking lessons implemented with simulation methodology exercises that will improve some soft skills of the trainees (team working, hygiene, self-esteem, responsibilities, etc.). During the development of the course, supervisory visits will be made by experts from CJD and Teatr Grodzki to monitor that everything is running as planned and the lessons and exercises are taught properly. In coming newsletters we will show you photos and comments from the participants.



Spicing Up Vocational Training

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci sub-programme) of the European Union“. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”


You will find updated information about SUVOT project in and also in our facebook page


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