Botín Foundation institutional information

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THE FOUNDATION In 1964 Marcelino Botín-Sanz de Sautuola and his wife Carmen Yllera established the Marcelino Botín Foundation to “respond to the needs and help foster social devel opment” in Cantabria. Today, after fifty years of progress and still true to the ideas of its founders, the Botín Foundation is Spain’s leading private foundation in terms of the scale of its investment and the farreaching impact of its programmes.

Carmen Yllera

Marcelino Botín

The mission of the Botín Foundation is to contribute to the global development of society. To achieve this, it manages a variety of programmes in education, science, rural development, culture and social work. Its sphere of action focuses primarily on Spain, though it also carries out international projects in Ibero-America and the USA, among others. The Foundation’s programmes reflect its conviction that talent is the main driving force in the development of society and, accordingly, it continually strives to stimulate and support that talent.


Board of Trustees PRESIDENT Emilio Botín TRUSTEES Jaime Botín Emilio Botín O’Shea Javier Botín O’Shea Ana Patricia Botín O’Shea Paloma Botín O’Shea Carmen Botín O’Shea SECRETARY AND MANAGING DIRECTOR Iñigo Sáenz de Miera Cárdenas

Emilio Botín INVESTMENT BUDGET OVER THE LAST 6 YEARS (in millions of Euros)

*Accounts audited by Deloitte


Venues The head office of the Botín Foundation is located in Santander at number 1 Pedrueca Street in what used to be the Sanz de Sautuola family’s house. The Foundation’s exhibition venue is in the nearby the Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola Street. The Promontorio, home of the banker Emilio Botín-Sanz de Sautuola and his wife Ana García de los Ríos, and the Villa Iris are two of the city’s most emblematic venues. The first is used for institutional acts and the second holds exhibitions and workshops. The Technology Transfer Unit and part of the Foundation’s staff operate from the city of Madrid.

In addition to these venues, the Foundation also manages the Casa Rectoral in Puente Pumar, which acts as its operations centre in the Nansa Valley and as an important meeting place and socioeconomic stimulant for the area’s residents.



Since 2004 the Foundation, in collaboration with the Government of Cantabria, has been implementing its Responsible Education Programme at more than 100 schools in the region. The programme encourages children and teenagers’ physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. The objective is to make students feel more comfortable with themselves and to interact in a positive manner with others, thus improving academic performance and avoiding potential psychosocial risks. It employs its own materials and methodology and builds upon international activities such as the United Nations Programme Model: Global Classrooms. In 2009, in order to better promote its activities and findings, the Foundation launched the Botín Platform for Innovation in Education, an international work group that exchanges information about experience and practical improvements in the field of education.


Since it was established the Foundation has helped young people from Cantabria to further their education, and some 2,200 students have benefited from its grants so far. In addition to this, it has developed an Ibero-American Institutional Reinforcement Programme, its first fully independent project in America, the objective of which is to better equip and support the vocation of highly promising young people who wish to pledge themselves to their countries by working in the public services.


The Botín Foundation’s main endeavour in this field is to help improve the technological transfer process from basic research to society at large. Since 2003, the Foundation has been working with some of Spain’s foremost biomedicine research teams on an ambitious project designed to accompany the researchers on every rung of the productive knowledge ladder. The Foundation provides funding for groups to enable them to devote their efforts and resources to the transfer process. At the same time the Foundation’s own team of specialists in this field actively seeks out and identifies “new ideas”, assesses their industrial and commercial viability and supports product development to help them to reach the market. In an effort to share its expertise, the Foundation provides resources and programmes to enhance the training of technological transfer specialists.

Lastly, the Foundation has put in practice a new “Mind the Gap” programme, to allow the development of new companies based on​ advanced technology discovered by these Spanish science groups.


Arts and culture In parallel to a full and wide-ranging schedule of concerts and conferences, the mainstay of the Foundation’s cultural department is its Arts programme centred on research, training and promoting the arts in exhi bitions. Research focuses on exploring and promoting Spanish drawing; training is achieved by means of grants and visual arts workshops that have become well-established and internationally renowned. The exhibition venue, the Foundation’s showcase for its Arts programme, organizes shows of the work being done, thanks to the institution’s support, by grant awardees. The venue also hosts exhibitions related to its Spanish drawing research initiative, not to mention a solo show featuring work by the artist who has been selected to direct the visual arts workshops each year. In summer the venue holds an international exhibition, thus allowing the work of leading artists and institutions to be shown in Santander. Information, photographs and videos about these activities may be found on the website ( It also features the artists who have been grant awardees and workshop leaders, the artists with exhibitions and the art catalogues published by the Foundation. 8

The Music activities organized by the Foundation include two composition prizes (Manuel Valcárcel International Piano Composition Prize and the Arturo Dúo Vidal International Chamber Music Composition Prize), as well as the Centre for Musical Research of Cantabria and a concert programme which is one of the city’s cultural highlights. The Foundation runs a public library specializing in Music and Contemporary Art, and also catering to Education and Rural Development. The library contains 28,000 records includ ing in-depth studies, printed music, sound recordings and videos and it subscribes to 83 periodical art and music publications. Along similar lines, in collaboration with the University of Cantabria and other institutions, the Foundation has developed an innovative semantic web which has assembled and arranged a large amount of data about the region’s historical and cultural heritage.


developm Rural development and heritage

One of the original objectives of the Foundation was the conservation of the heritage of Cantabria and it has significantly contributed to both preserving and understanding it. In the year 2005 it set out to respond to the challenges of rural development by designing a model of global sustainable growth and putting it into effect in a specific area of Cantabria: in the Nansa valley and Pe単arrubia. In this manner the Nansa valley and Pe単arrubia Heritage and Land Programme established a methodology, highly innovative in its transversal approach, in five successive phases, from defining and choosing the land to the practical implementation of a plan of action focussing on socioeconomic incentivisation. Its aim is to promote the global development of the valley by employing resources found in its own nature, landscape and culture.


ment Social work

Since the Foundation was established it has followed the express wish of its founders by carrying out a Social Work programme in Cantabria with the assistance of other institutions that have experience of working directly with the communities they care for. The Foundation is the driving force behind various programmes including schemes for children, assistance for immigrants, caregiving for the elderly, prevention of drug addiction and the integration of disabled people. In addition, it has developed its own job placement plan for the unemployed in institutions in the third sector. The objectives of the plan are to locate talented individuals who have lost their jobs because of the effects of the crisis, to find positions for them in foundations and associations and to stimulate the development and professionalization of the third sector which currently provides employment for 6% of Spain’s salaried work force.


Observatory of trends The mission of the Botín Foundation’s Observatory of Trends is to explore subjects relating to the development of society more fully and to strive to define the trends marking the processes of change in the contemporary world. Its main fields of attention are socioeconomic and political development, education, the management of hydrologic resources (Observatory of Water), the evolution of artistic and social ideas and the new horizons of science. The work being done regarding trends in the field of science, moreover, is planned in partnership between the Collège de France Chair and the Botín Foundation. This collaboration allows leading French and Spanish scientists to discuss and exchange their ideas.


Strategic projects and collaborations In addition to running its own programmes the Botín Foundation collaborates with other institutions to support initiatives of particular strategic importance for Cantabria and the rest of Spain. The Comillas Foundation is a project that aims to benefit Spanish society as a whole by creating, in a privileged spot in Cantabria, the International Centre of Higher Spanish Studies (Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores del Español, CIESE). The united World College of Spain, which will be located in Comillas, is set to become a driving force behind the region’s development and to lead its quest for excellence in education. The Pro-CNIC Foundation brings together some of the country’s leading companies and foundations to present a united front to support the National Centre of Cardiovascular Research. In addition, the Botín Foundation collaborates with social and cultural institutions, especially universities, with which it shares objectives and approaches.


Each and every one of the activities carried out by the Botín Foundation since it was launched is due to the effort of all the people who have worked and collaborated with the institution. Their engagement with the Foundation’s mission and with the global development of society make it possible to continue supporting talent and working towards a better future. The trustees would like to take this opportunity to express their thanks to all those who strive to faithfully respond to the founders’ wishes today.

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FUNDACIÓN BOTÍN Pedrueca, 1 · 39003 Santander (Spain) Tel. +34 942 226 072 · Fax +34 942 226 045 |

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