Spain-Florida Foudantion 500 years Annual Report

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This year the Foundation’s presence and activities have grown to become a success. From schools in South Florida with the representation of Pedro Menendez de Aviles by the actor Chaz Mena, the history Art and Essay competitions, to the presentation of Salvador Larrua’s book. From Tallahassee to St. Augustine, Tampa, Miami or Washington the Foundation is a recognized and respected institution, essential in the organization of Florida’s 500 year centenary celebration. From the history museums in Tallahassee, Tampa and Miami to the proposal of the exhibition “Thread of memory: 300 years of Spanish presence in Florida” in 2013, these institutions have demonstrated a strong support for the Foundation. Furthermore, Carol Damian, Art director at the Frost Art Museum at Florida International University has shown great enthusiasm in coordinating the exposition “Spain in the Americas, 500 years of art,” which will be displayed in 2013. In addition, the new Museum of Coral Gables has requested to work with the Foundation by coordinating an exhibition about the cultural, commercial and historical threads that unite Coral Gables and Spain. A special mention should be made to the enthusiasm and awareness of scholars who have shown interest in interpreting the history of Florida and deciphering the true meaning of the Hispanic contributions in the course of five centuries.

The Foundation is a fundamental part with presence and vote in the Florida’s commission of the V centenary and also in the 450 anniversary commission of St. Augustine. Also an interlocutor of the Florida Humanities Council in the organization of the three academic conferences that will take place during the year 2012 at the University of Miami, the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg and the Flagger college in St. Augustine. A year that has served to expose the role of the Foundation within the state of Florida while the acts of 2013 are starting to run their course, and recently elected Florida Governor Rick Scott means to unite the history and culture of the state in order to promote and reinforce its threads with Spain, their companies and the Hispanic community in the United States. SPAIN-FLORIDA FOUNDATION 500 YEARS


Agreement with the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for the Development (AECID) for the co-publication of the book “Historia de la Florida Colonial Hispana. Tomo I, 1500-1616”. Written by the Cuban historian Salvador Larrua, the first installment in a trilogy, on Spain’s 300year presence in Florida, focuses on key events of XVI and XVII centuries that marked the beginning process of exploration of North America’s vast frontier. Edited by the Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years in association with Santillana USA and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, the work includes a prologue by Dr. Lawrence Clayton, history professor at the University of Alabama.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > January 2010


Meeting of the Board of Directors of the SpainFlorida Foundation 500 years. The Board of Directors welcomes four new members: Univision, IESE, Iberia, and Leslie Pantin.

The development of the Foundation’s Auditing

Candidatura a la beca para el programa de alta dirección Committee integrated by Ramon Ferraz (City National Bank), Jorge Rossell (TotalBank) and del IESE en Miami y Nueva York Guillermo Martinez LLuch (Bancaja).

JAVIER GAZTELU GONZALEZ‐CAMINO Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > February 2010


Participation in “Menendez, Noche de Gala� of St. Augustine. The city of St. Augustine commemorated the birthday of Pedro Menendez de Aviles with a traditional parade and typical clothing of that century. Following the parade, dinner was served accompanied by ballroom dancing which had the presence of General Consul of Spain, Santiago Cabanas, a delegate of the Asturias city of Aviles, and a representative of the Foundation as guests of honor.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > February 2010


The Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years, donated 5,000 dollars to the city of St. Augustine for the restoration of the Monument to the Cadiz’s Constitution and the activities binding it to the commemoration of the 450 anniversary of the city in 2015.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > February 2010


Participants in the New York forum “THE EUROPEAN-USA UNION�: Looking towards the future. The Foundation Euroamerica, presided by the ex ministry of Economy in Spain Carlos Solchaga, organized a forum at the University of New York, the 22 and 23 of March. The objective was to depict the role of the Spanish companies and the opportunities that Spain can develop with the United States, the European Union and Latin America.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > March 2010


Accordance of collaboration Institute of New York.



The Foundation in NPR. Leslie Pantin, member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Spain-Florida 500 Years Foundation, went on National Public Radio (NPR) to explain the importance of events celebrating Florida’s 500th anniversary. The process of editing the book titled “Historia de la Florida Colonial Hispana. Tomo I, 1500-1616” was finished, and the printing of 2,000 copies began. Accordance with the directors at the University of Miami to take part in the different activities of the V centenary of Florida.

Meetings with the department of history at FIU to establish an accordance of collaboration.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > March 2010


Tour of “Menéndez, Claiming la Florida” in Palm Beach county schools. The tour of the Spanish Explorer Pedro Menendez de Aviles represented by the actor Chaz Mena in numerous schools of Florida began in Palm Beach County. Okeeheelee Middle School, New Horizons Elementary School and Berkshire Elementary School were the first to receive the explorer. The three schools have bilingual sections are part of the International Spanish Academies established by the ministry of education in schools of Unites States and Canada. The year is 1567: Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Spanish Navy admiral and founder of St. Augustine, returns to his home in Asturias two years after founding St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States. The students spent some time with Don Pedro at his home in Aviles and had the opportunity of returning to the XVI century in order to remember his adventures in the New World in an interactive, dynamic and educational performance.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > April 2010


Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > April 2010


Meetings with SEACEX in Madrid for the preparation of activities and exhibitions in 2013. Meetings with numerous institutions and representatives of the Spanish administration in Madrid. Trip to Valladolid to meet with the Castilla and Leon committee for the preparation of certain acts of for the 500th year commemoration. The translation to English of the “Historia de la Florida Colonial Hispana. Tomo I, 1500-1616” began. Meeting with the University of Alabama for the publication in English of the “Historia de la Florida Colonial Hispana. Tomo I, 1500-1616”.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > April 2010


Participant of the IV Convention of Hispanic Leaders in Tenerife. The convention was held at Tenerife, under the sponsorship of the government of the archipelago of Canarias, the Carolina Foundation and the Spanish Foreign Ministry. Nearly one hundred people attended. At the round table titled “The Spanish Footprint in the United States: History as Opportunity,” the topics discussed were: The importance of preserving the Hispanic legacy in the United States and the commemoration of the 500 years of Juan Ponce de Leon’s arrival in 1513. The president of the Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years, Emilio Sanchez, acted as moderator and explained the objectives of the Foundation.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > April 2010


Presentation of the book titled “Historia de la Florida Colonial Hispana. Tomo I, 1500-1616” in Miami. The first in a series of books sponsored by the Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years was presented on May 6 at Miami’s Freedom Tower. The discussion was presented not only by the author of the book, but by Santiago Cabanas General Consul of Spain in Miami, Emilio Sanchez, president of the Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years, and the professor Lawrence Clayton of the University of Alabama.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > May 2010


Press release of the book by Salvador Larrua.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > May 2010


Pedro Menendez de Aviles’ tour continues, this time in Miami-Dade schools: Ada Merrit, Key Biscayne K8 Community Center, Sunset Elementary and Coral Way Elementary.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > May 2010


Meeting of the Board of Directors of the SpainFlorida Foundation 500 years. Luncheon in honor of Santiago Cabanas. Before leaving his position, the Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years paid a very emotional homage to Santiago Cabanas, General Consul of Spain in Miami, for his decisive participation in the origin of this organization, as well as his extraordinary labor as consul. The homage, which was in one of the Club Riviera salons in Coral Gables, brought the majority of the members of the Board of Directors together as well as friends and advisors of the Foundation.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years >June 2010


Announcing the grant IESE-Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years. The IESE Business School- member of the board of the Spain Florida Foundation 500 years- together with the Foundation, have made possible a grant covering 50% of the enrolment fees of IESE’s Senior Executive Program for Latin America 2010. Participants were asked to write a detailed essay concerning the following topic: “How to make the most of the V Centenary of Florida so that the Hispanic contribution to the history of the US is recognized and valued?”

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > June 2010


The Board of Directors of the Foundation met with Jorge Dezcallar, Ambassador of Spain in Washington. During the meeting the ambassador was informed about the Foundation’s objectives and structure, as well as its role in disseminating awareness about history and the justification of Spain’s interests in the United States looking towards the 500th anniversary. All participants agreed that the commemorative events are an important opportunity to consolidate our presence in the United States. The ambassador was reminded of the directors desire to count on the Spanish government’s energy, vision and determination. Jorge Dezcallar, who is convinced that working to disseminate awareness of history is an important part of bolstering our presence in this country, expressed his full support for the Foundation and pledged to lend unconditional support to the project.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > July 2010


Participant of the XV Meeting of the Spain-United States Council. The meeting was held at Washington with personnel of the highest class from both parties. The secretary of the treasurer, Timothy Geithner and the Spanish vice-president and Ministry of Economy and Finance Elena Salgado, were among the most distinguished in the meeting which confirmed the excellent level of bilateral relations. The senator Bob Menendez (Democrat of New Jersey) was in charge of keeping the incentive of one of the most productive and most celebrated meetings in 15 years, according to ex ambassador of the United States in Madrid, Richard Gardner. The presence of the Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years provided the different companies an explanation of the activities and objectives of the Foundation, and it also served to shed a light on their future participation. The contacted companies were ATT, Walmart, TALGO, New American Allience, Cesce, Palladium and Grifols. It was expressed to the two presidents of the Board, Bob Menendez and Juan Rodriguez Inciarte (Banco Santander), the importance of taking advantage of the 500th anniversary of Florida, to reinforce the relations between the two countries, and at the same time increase the bonds within the Hispanic community. The Board and the Foundation will work together to organize activities to commemorate the 500th anniversary during the year 2013. Radio Caracol interviews Ana Berenguer for the IESE-Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years grant.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > July 2010


We enhanced our website by adding a new section called Did you know that? We also entered the social network Facebook, and created a Youtube channel. Meeting with the IESE in Madrid with the purpose of preparing a seminar in Madrid for the beginning of 2011. A contract was signed with the Ministry of Education of Spain to publish a children’s book about the Spanish Colonial Florida.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > July 2010


CONCEPTO ¿Cómo se consigue que se reconozca y valore mejor la contribución hispana a la historia

The winner of IESE-Spain-Foundation 500 years grant was announced. The jury composed of representatives from both institutions awarded the grant to D. JAVIER GAZTELU.

de los EEUU? No parece una tarea fácil. Mientras leía y releía el tema de este concurso se me quedaron grabadas dos palabras: reconozca y valore. Las repetía como si de un Mantra se tratara: reconozca y valore, reconozca y valore, reconozca y valore…. ¿Cómo se consigue que se reconozca y valore? Pronto empezaron a surgir las ideas, algunas buenas y otras malas como es de esperar. Había una que surgía una y otra vez, como si de una obsesión se tratara, y esta era que, si quería hacer honor a mi nuevo “mantra”, debía elegir el medio de difusión apropiado. Cada medio de difusión, posee sus pros y sus contras pero si había una característica que

Javier, who has developed his professional career as an engineer between Boston and Miami with the company INIMA USA (OHL group) proposed a medium of great importance such as the television as an ideal tool to understand, value and recognize the immense contribution that Hispanics made to the United States. For that matter Javier has developed an ingenious script that narrates the arrival of Ponce de Leon to the shores of Florida in 1513.

ayudaría a cumplir el objetivo esta era el alcance. Un medio con gran alcance sería la herramienta ideal para conseguir que se reconozca y valore, reconozca y valore… Gran difusión que alcance todos los estratos de la sociedad. Además debe ser entretenido y, porque no, didáctico. Con todos esos ingredientes estaba seguro de que lograría el objetivo. Parece que ese medio lo tiene todo, y es verdad, lo tiene todo, por eso tiene tanto éxito. Parece también que es un proyecto ambicioso, pues al que lo quiere todo se le puede llamar ambicioso. Pues bien, desde este momento aviso al jurado de que mi propuesta es, como se dijo, ambiciosa, pero de metas ambiciosas se han creado grandes cosas a lo largo de la historia. Lo que sigue es el germen, el origen y raíz de cualquiera de las representaciones de este ya inquietante medio de difusión. Da una idea de hasta que punto se puede emplear como herramienta para que se reconozca y valore mejor la contribución hispana a la historia de los EEUU. Y resulta que no es tan inquietante, casi todos tenemos una en casa.

Spain-Florida Foundation 500 Years > August 2010


The Executive Committee of the Foundation held a special meeting to welcome the new Spanish ambassador Cristina Barrios to the General Consul of Spain in Florida. The committees of the Foundation, Board of Trustees, Board of Advisors and the local committees of Tampa and Orlando are formed. A collaboration agreement with the project “The Route to Human Rights” was arranged. The Foundation proposed to work with ISHR in the “Route to Human Rights” project and designate a stop in Fort Mose that would commemorate article number 4 of the universal Declaration of the Human Rights. One of the most important places to the history of the United States is located north of St. Augustine named Garcia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose: the first community of free blacks founded in 1738 by Spaniards, more than a century before President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation (1863).

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > September 2010


Presentation of the campaign Want to become a friend of the Foundation?. All those who make a minimum contribution of 100 dollars or support the Foundation in any aspect or project can become a friend of the Foundation. The monetary contributions will be recognized in the following categories: Silver +250 dollars Gold +500 dollars Platinum 1,000 dollars We unveiled the Newsletter in English.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > September 2010


The Fountain of Youth Project in Coral Gables progresses, as several meeting with the city council take place. The director of the History Museum in Tallahassee, Jeana Brunson, confirms her desire to exhibit “Thread of Memory”, one of the main projects for commemorating the 500 Years Anniversary of Florida in 2013. The director of the Frost Art Museum, Carol Damian, proposes an exhibition titled “España en las Américas, 500 años de arte” as part of one of the several planned projects to commemorate the 500 Years Anniversary of Florida.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > September 2010


The Foundation organized the first edition of the contest “Spanish Heritage History Bee”. Inspired by the well-known “Spelling Bee,” this competition awarded those students who have best demonstrated their knowledge of the history Spanish colonial past in Florida. Throughout the month of October, different schools administered the written portion of the twenty questions exam. A total of 1.641 students from numerous schools in Miami-Dade were given the test. A winner was determined in each participating school based on the highest exam score. Those students represented their school at the Final in the oral portion of the exam. A panel of Judges was responsible for administering the questions the day of the final, which was held in Coral Way Elementary in Miami. All the judges were astonished at the spectacular effort of the students, and thanks to these students they have learned much about the history of North America. Every student exceeded not only the expectations of the judges but of the rest of the attendees. At the end of the contest, all the participants received certificates of participation and prize. The Foundation had the support of the Consulate of Spain in Miami not only throughout the organization of the event but also with the financial responsibilities of the awards.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


The tour of Pedro Menendez de Aviles continues throughout schools in Miami-Dade. This time the Foundation visited the following schools: Conchita Espinosa, Claude Pepper, North Dade, Eugenia B. Thomas, Carver, Shenandoah, International Charter Studies High School and North Beach Elementary.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


Exhibitions for 2013: Meetings with director of the Frost Museum and Miami History Museum. The “La Florida y España” panel in collaboration of the “Asociacion Nacional de Educadores CubanoAmericanos, whith the presence of historian Fran de Varona, Salvador Larrua and the Consul General of Spain in Miami, Ambassador Cristina Barrios.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


The director of the Museum of History in Miami, Joanne Hyppolite, embraces the exhibition “Thread of Memory” and agrees to include the exhibition in her activities program in 2013.

The city of Coral Gables considers financing the project to renovate the Ponce de Leon Park at the Ponce de Leon Boulevard and build an eternal youth fountain in honor of the Spanish explorer. The Museum of History of Tampa receives the proposal for the exhibition “Thread of Memory” to be included in its’ 2013 program.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > October 2010


Paint and essay contest “XVI CENTURY: THE ARRIVAL OF THE SPANISH TO FLORIDA”. Once again the Foundation has collaborated with the Office of Education of the Consul of Spain in Miami in the convocation of the composition and art contest where hundreds of Miami Dade school students participate. The themes for this year were: ELEMENTARY: Spanish legacy and cultural heritage in Florida: Cities, name of places in Florida, the agriculture and cattle industry, the architecture style and language. MIDDLE SCHOOL: The Spanish Explorers: Tristán de Luna, Pánfilo de Narváez, Cabeza de Vaca and Hernando de Soto. HIGH SCHOOL: Landmarks and Historical settlements: Pensacola, Fort Mose, Fernandina Beach, Fort Matanzas or Mission San Luis.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > November 2010


The director of the new Museum in Coral Gables, Arva Parks proposes an exhibition in 2011 depicting the history, cultural and commercial relations between Spain and Coral Gables. The Vice-president of Enterprise Florida, Manuel A. Mencia expresses his desire to take advantage of the 500 Anniversary celebrations to organize panels and activities to expose the shared commercial relations between Spain and Florida. First meeting of the University of Miami’s Assessors Committee (which the Foundation belongs to) in charge of organizing the conference entitled, “Florida at the Crossroads: 500 years of Encounters, Conflicts and Exchanges.” With the financial contribution of Florida Humanities Council, this conference will be the first of a series that will be celebrated across several Florida Universities in 2012. The city of St. Augustine agrees to the Foundation’s proposal to dedicate in February 2011 a marker to the Constitution of 1812 monument.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > November 2010


Meeting in Seville with the director of the Archives of the Indies, Isabel Simo Rodriguez, to continue the preparations for historical exhibitions in 2013.

Award ceremony of the paint and essay contest at the Spanish Cultural Center. Last meeting for the year of the Board of Directors of Spain-Florida Foundation 500 years.

Fundación España-Florida 500 Años > December 2010

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