Memoria 2013 inglés

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Impact Report 2013

30 years

Helping people to build society

Letter from the director

Our social impact

Dear friends of Tomillo,

26,300 people supported

5,239 children received scholarly support with additional

This year we have worked to help improve the lives of over 26,300 people, mostly children and youths, along with their families, who are at risk or experiencing difficulty. Our mission is to help them continue to advance in their education, training, and skills for employment, to find a job or create their own business, and for them to be fully integrated and participatory citizens in their respective communities. In this work we have collaborated this year with over 800 people (292 employees and 512 volunteers) and over 120 funders and donors. In this way there are important personal achievements that mark the progress and evolution for each of the children, young people, and people who have been close to us this year. - Moving from primary to secondary school is the first step to overcome: 2 out of 3 children in the fourth grade who have received educational support have moved on to secondary school. - Not leaving school before the end of the compulsory secondary stage is the second step: 7 out of 10 teens that have joined in this challenge have improved their grades and have continued their training. - Starting training with motivation and a desire to learn is the next step: 2 out of 3 students in programs PCPI and Middle Grade level passed the 2012/2013 year, and all of them have had their first true job experience working for a company. - Growing as individuals and learning new skills for employment, and not faltering from their personal plan is next: 9 out of 10 young people trained in specialized computer programs and programming languages have been certified, with 7 of them having found a new job opportunity. - Tackling the challenge of starting a business by creating your own job is bold: 1 in 4 people trained and advised to undertake this immense project have been able to successfully launch their business this year.


These achievements in improving professional knowledge are important to move forward and build a career. Skills are of the upmost importance for the improvement and personal development of the individual. Other skills and competencies are key motivations for life: communication, self-esteem, emotional security, autonomy and critical thinking, and entrepreneurship to name a few. The daily work of Tomillo professionals and volunteers, counselors, psychologists, mentors, tutors, coaches, and educators - focuses increasingly on developing these skills, because it is in these areas - and not in intellectual abilities - where the brakes that hinder learning and progress can be found. This is why this year; we have spent thousands of hours (more than 85,000) in providing care on both an individual and group basis – focusing on the personal development of the people we serve. The following pages have details of many more activities we have you done this year, which marks 30 years in collaboration with many of you - professionals, volunteers, friends, organizations, companies, public and private institutions-, and of course the support of donors and funders. To everyone, I appreciate the help and express how truly thankful we are for it because it not only encourages us, but also enables us to continue to be useful to our community.

support provided for 1,551 families across 142 schools

337 people obtained a job

985 mentored entrepreneurs 154 new businesses 105 business plans 263 jobs created

4,037 students in the Open Center 225 personal development courses 433 youngsters took up internships

4,628 people trained: youth, teachers and mentors 1,483 people received socio labor guidance 683 people assisted in job hunting

Carmen García de Andrés

54 youth in housing assistance 23,800 hours of volunteer support

Contents Pág. 02 Letter from the director 03 Our social impact 04 Who we are 06 Support of school success 10 Career and Employment 12 Entrepreneurship 14 Research and consultancy 16 Tomillo Open Center 17 Bringng the best out of people 18 How we are funded 19 Collaborate with us!


Who We Are

Our Mission We work towards the personal development and social integration of the most vulnerable individuals and groups through education, improving employability, creating direct employment, strengthening social networks, analysis, and innovation. Our activities are carried out by a team composed mostly of teachers, pedagogues, psychologists, and social and labor counselors, who develop various programs aimed at children, adolescents, and their families. Additionally we provide training and professional guidance.

Why Tomillo? We are often asked about the name of our organization, and how it came to be. The foundation is named Tomillo, or ‘Thyme’ because of Javier Lantero, the founder of the foundation, who thought the name appropriate due to the plant being widespread throughout most of Spain, and for the its modest characteristics and healing properties.

Main Areas of Intervention The Tomillo Foundation is an independent, private, nondenominational and non-profit organization that was founded in 1983, with the aim of contributing to social improvement and personal development. 4

Our Vision • To achieve excellence in the quality of our services, coordination and integration of internal activities and external services, whilst responding to the changing needs of individuals and the communities which we serve. • to BE A REFERENCE and a generator of good practices. • SHARING our knowledge within Spanish and International networks alike. • Transparency and accountability in our management.

Our activity is directed within the following areas of intervention: - Support for the educational success of children and youth in difficulty. - Job training for young, unemployed individuals and entrepreneurs. - Support in job searches and self-employment as means of social integration. - Economic and social Research.

Our Values • Humanism

• Commitment • Determination

• Optimism

• Integration

• Rigor 5

Support for school success

Preventing future dropouts through early childhood education Since 2010, we have worked in two pre-schools located in Vallecas and Carabanchel to prevent future cases of academic failure by working within educational guidelines, which are based on a systemic and integrative model, that work with the family and school jointly.

Enhancing School Success We serve the needs of young people, educational, personal, familial, and social, through a multidisciplinary working model, where educators, psychologists, and instructors alike collaborate on comprehensive intervention with the aid of employment counselors, doctors, teachers, family, and any other agent in the minor’s life.


minors received school support


of students continued on from primary to secondary education.

83% of students age 16 continued their studies or began working.

In most cases, problems at school arise as a result of environmental factors, often time from reasons that are beyond the child’s ability to cope with on their own. The occupation and level of education attained by parents directly influences how at-risk a child is for school failure. 44.8% of students hailing from a low socioeconomic status are at high risk for abandoning formal education.

In schools where we work:

Our commitment to education We work to promote school success of young people in difficulty. 6

The main objective is to support the improvement of school performance of children and adolescents, and prevent their dropping out through working on the integration and the family with the student’s school environment.

The average school dropout rate exceeds


35% of students have a school delay of over 2 years. 32% of students having difficulty in school integration. 37% of students lack educational resources. The Caixa Proinfancia Progam, which the Tomillo Foundation is a coordinating entity and collaborator of, complements our comprehensive care model in order to improve the opportunities for social and educational development of more than 783 children in a total of 516 families in 2013. These families received material support (school supplies, glasses, hearing aids, etc.) and specialty care (psychotherapy, tutoring, educational workshops for families etc.).


We encourage creativity, leisure, and sport to promote and favor educational participation and success.

Learning Through Leisure: Tiempo Joven We work in the neighborhoods of Orcasur and La Colonia Los Olivos, which have troubling social indicators, local coexistence conflicts, high rates of unemployment, and a level of school dropouts that are well above that of the national average. These factors favor the emergence of hostile isolation and behaviors that hinder constructive and cooperative participation in the community. This program in particular encourages meetings and exchanges amongst adolescents through various group activities (capoeira, graffiti, break dance, theater, and photography,) which allows for the integration of young people hailing from different cultural backgrounds. The program acts as an “incubator” for youth social entrepreneurship projects, from which young people develop their skills and competencies in order for them to develop their own projects for their participation and improvement of their community through locating resources, managing spaces, hosting and performing at festivals, and various activities in senior centers.

Empowerment Program for adult life: youth in care and transition to autonomy During 2013 we accompanied 39 adolescents ages 15 through 18 with complicated life experiences, and were without referenced adults. This program aims to promote their residential care standard through the integration and their acquisition of key skills through training and professional guidance, to enable them to develop as individuals, and successfully transition to their emancipation and personal autonomy. Upon becoming of age, these youths, who are in a situation of vulnerability, and have no family or social support networks, come to the autonomy program. Here, we offer a comprehensive hosting plan, consisting of training and professional guidance to develop their educational 8

processes and their social integration.

Reading and Theater: important tools for developing creativity, assertiveness, and communication skills. Reading and theater programs emerged in 2004, with the aim of improving reading comprehension and developing communication skills amongst young people who had language difficulties in school. 85% of participating students improved their overall grades. Scenic reading and theater are very powerful tools for the development of other skills such as the ability to deal with reallife situations through fiction and creativity, assertiveness, pre-labor skills such as interview techniques, and public speaking. Additionally, scenic reading and theater allow for the development of the students’ self-esteems. This year, the youth program participants were finalists in the Juan Ramón Jiménez Reading Tournament, where they had to read excerpts from William Shakespeare and Miguel Delibes.

It has changed my son’s life! “My son said he wanted to either be a thief or a garbage collector. Now, he wants to study to become a photographer. I don’t know where he got it from, but now he always wants to take pictures, and that’s much better; I’m happy.” – Ayada (Morocco, 40) mother of Sufian, who is a 14 year old student and involved in our school support program. The youngster is one of the students who has longest been in the hands of the Tomillo Foundations’ educators and psychologists at one of the centers for child support. Backed by both professionals and funding from Obra Social La Caixa, this program aims to look after and guide kids between ages 6 and 16 who are at-risk (broken families, low socioeconomic status) of falling into social exclusion. We work on developing good study habits in the boys, their patterns of relationships with others, the basic rules of hygiene and education, and especially on managing and expressing their emotions. Many of these students have entered a spiral of neglect, abuse, or health problems (disease, drugs and or alcohol abuse) that causes them to lose confidence in themselves with regard to tackling their problems. This inevitably leads to isolation. “Here they don’t judge. They listen and help,” sums up Monica, who is accustomed to acting as a second mother to the attendees.”

Photo by Jorge París / 20minutos newspaper

The Impact of the Reading and Theater Program As measured by the tool “Emplea ”:

100% 70% 75% 90%


of students improved their assertiveness, self-esteem, and teamwork.

improved their pre-employment skills. improved their academic results and continue to study. improved their communication skills.

We encourage young people to lead and manage by themselves the development of their environment. 9

Career and Employment

We are an accredited vocational training center that works in direct connection with companies in differing sectors, offering training in all technical and personal skills to develop a career choice in order to improve the employability of our young people, especially those who are less skilled.

We believe in the future of youths

The training we offer is based on the concept of “career,” linking different training and employment through the design of a learning path, which accompanies people in their working lives, from their initial baseline levels through the needs of the business they are involved in. Disabled Mentors and teachers Unemployed Youth

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Training is offered in the areas of: Management and IT management to varying degrees of expertise, hospitality and cooking, electricity, aiding dependents, and gardening.

With a youth unemployment rate of 55% Our main goal is to empower young people by means of training based on the needs of companies. 10

4,628 1,483

337 people obtained a job

people received job training

people received socio labor guidance


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Training is key to improving the employability of an individual and 2 de cada 3 alumnos for ensuring the social integration de los programas de of young people and others in Formación Reglada difficulty. We work closely with han superado el curso companies to strengthen the 2012/2013 y todos skills that are in demand in ellos han desarrollado today’s job market, and help them su primera experiencia acquire the necessary training for real en empresas. performance.


people assisted in job hunting

Combined with the training process, we work for the full inclusion of youth and adults in society that are experiencing social difficulties through various actions including the full service of professional guidance and support for their employment or self-employment. During 2013 we worked with vocational guidance to redirect training or business interests in a realistic manner that was consistent with the individual’s interests and talents. This was done through group workshops and individual sessions.We have also coordinated vocational experiences for users through company visits, sessions on the topic of careers, and through internships with companies in sectors in line with the vocational interests of the individual as they prepare to enter the labor market in accordance with their individualized pathways. Further training in companies: In 2013 more than 433 young people completed internships. This has allowed us to tailor their training according to the new and changing demands of the labor market. Additionally, we are able to provide skills training, raise awareness on the environment and the work

environmental companies do, and have been able to heighten the value to CV student volunteers from participating companies. In 2013, among other collaborations, we worked with SAP for a course on management tools along, with the VIPS group on training young catering and kitchen professionals, with Iberdrola in the field of electricity, and with the Caser Foundation for the certification of individuals assisting elderly dependents along with internships in retirement homes. A distinctive symbol of our training is that we actively promoting service learning (APS) as a fundamental tool in the education of our young students. Through this, students “teach what they have learned,” sharing their newly acquired skills with people in their neighborhood (older adults, unemployed individuals, etc.). In 2013, 130 young people participated in various training programs, which benefitted over 1,300 people. It has been through these means that electrical checks have been performed in older homes. Furthermore, kitchen or computer techs have been able to use their skills to provide a service, and teach others in the neighborhood, resulting in a major exchange of knowledge in between youngsters. In 2009, a new integration company, Aprento S.L. was created (regulated by Law 44/2007), which aims to facilitate access to employment for disadvantaged groups within a maximum period of three years. The fundamental activity at Aprento is the proper disposal and recycling of old computers in addition to the transportation of senior citizens from their residences to a day center. 11

Entrepreneurship Skills for inclusion

The Tomillo Foundation’s comprehensive program is aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship in all of its activities and projects, by facilitating the creation and consolidation of business initiatives.

confidence,” which in turn facilitates access to funding sources.

Since its origin, the foundation has fostered and encouraged self-employment as a clear formula for social and labor integration (in the last nine years, we have assisted in the creation of 590 new businesses). For this reason, since 2012 we have been working more intensively with youth entrepreneurship, integrating entrepreneurship training modules as an essential part of the overall learning process. It is with this initiative that we aim to encourage the development of skills and including professional and personal, through the creation of community improvement projects that are tailored to the specific needs of the area, promoting the development of engaged citizenship.

Programs that support entrepreneurs include the Business Incubator of Villaverde, and part of the Economic Development Agency of the City of Madrid. They, amongst others, offer advice, training, the commissioning of telematics, and networking.

In order to implement entrepreneurship in the classroom, (with students in PCPI and training) we have counted with the support and experience of Valnalón, management entity that depends on the Ministry of Industry and Employment of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, who has spent 25 years promoting entrepreneurship culture amongst young people. We also have the support of organizations and agencies such as JP Morgan, Accenture, The Telefónica Foundation, The Iker Casillas Foundation, The Ministry of Employment and Social Security, The European Social Fund, and The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid.

In 2013 we participated in the implementation of the project Youth Business Spain (YBS). We belong to the Youth Business International network, and are partners with the CP’AC Foundation, where we provide counseling, mentoring, and access to finance for young entrepreneurs. 12

For the second year in a row, we have continued to promote social entrepreneurship in young people across Spain through the “THINK BIG” project, which received have 1,300 student submissions of ideas concerning social entrepreneurship, environmental improvement, and public awareness. The 300 finalists received financial support for the implementation of their idea along with the support of a mentor. From the first edition, 60 of the projects wanted to expand, of which 34 were chosen to receive greater financial assistance and support along with specialized training. Think Big Red consists of more than 30 social organizations and schools, which have formed 350 mentors accompanying youth entrepreneurs in the development of the final ideas. Our intervention in the form of support for entrepreneurship is takes place from the initial phase of development, is accompanied by guidance in formulating a formal business plan, and is analyzed for technical and financial viability. Our actions are also directed towards facilitating the obtention of a “guaranteed

154 263

new businesses. jobs created.

2,130 social entrepreneurship ideas. 985 entrepreneurs advised. 97% survival in the first year.

A new concept of tourism, Madrid Sensations Tours “The Tomillo Foundation has been a very important factor for my idea to grow into what it is today: an exciting project, and a business that makes me happy. I knew that I wanted to guide tours in Madrid, wanted to show my beautiful city to foreigners who visited, but in a different way than what is normally done; I wanted to make them feel like they were from Madrid for the day. I did not know exactly what steps I had to take to do this, or how to take them. The Tomillo foundation helped me set up a business plan, find out what steps I needed to take, and how to take them. I was also invited to take a free year long course to learn about taxation through YBI. They contacted me, assigned me a tutor to help me out with any questions or doubts that I had about the business world. It is a great tool and help for those of us who still see little, but face our projects with great enthusiasm. Thank you to Tomillo and its team!” Esther Angélica Almena Álvarez 13

Research and Consultancy

Research, Studies and Consulting Socioeconomic From the Department of Research, Studies and Consulting, Tomillo is committed to finding solutions to some of the most difficult problems facing the country: poverty reduction, strengthening employability, improving education, improving training for employment-through designing effective interventions, conducting program evaluations, the measurement of and impact of social policy projects, all with the highest standards of rigor in research and providing technical assistance to create better programs and scale effective interventions.


proyects developed.



Economic and Social Research The main topics of analysis throughout 2013 continued to have been related to the impact of the economic crisis on poverty and social exclusion, employment and social policy, and education. During 2013 we developed 27 projects, among which are:

We work as an independent agent between social organizations, companies, and governments to test new proposals, measure, and communicate those lessons to the officials involved in these fields with the aim of improving the lives of individuals, families, and children at risk. 14

- Comparative Study on Roma students in secondary school. Gypsy Secretariat Foundation. - Design of the synthetic indicator measuring wage inequality. Institute for Women. - Access and use of ICT by persons with disabilities. Vodafone Foundation. - Prospective analysis of the demand for skills for the anticipation of training needs. As Spanish representatives of The European Employment Observatory ( we have prepared quarterly reports on the labor market in Spain and various reports on green employment, and youth entrepreneurship among other topics related to employment.

Impact Measurement During this year we have made progress in evaluating and measuring the impact of social projects developed by Tomillo, as well as other social entities such as Telefónica Foundation and Caixa Foundation.

Action – Research and Consultancy In Europe, during 2013, we continued our participation in the “Networking for Quality” project, which is part of the Transfer of Innovation, and Leonardo da Vinci whose aim is to improve quality and coordination in the work of organizations working against early school leaving We have continued to collaborate on the development of the Reincorpora Program spearheaded by Obra Social La Caixa, which is aimed at supporting, evaluating, and monitoring the development of labor integration Itineraries in inmate populations.


Bring the Best Out of People

Tomillo Open Center During this past year, the open center continued to offer programs, courses, and workshops for personal growth and development on a deeper level, not only as individuals, but also as a society. Our approach this year has kept the usual three formats: short courses serving as an introductory approach to a specific area of knowledge, annual workshops that consolidate and deepen the knowledge or experiences of a group, and finally training courses that focus on the training and creation of new job profiles in various fields. We have expanded the training programs to be longer in duration in order to support professionals in their professional performance as well as in their personal lives, offering courses such as Mindfulness, Continuous Training in Nonviolent Communications Specialist, Practice of Transpersonal Psychology, Master in Emotional Ecology, Specialist Systemic Intervention Strategies, Focusing and Coaching, Psychosocial Intervention, Introduction to Waldorf, Work Coaching, and Pedagogy. During 2013, through the “Casa de la Educación” (“House of Education”) project, we continued training programs using the methodology of “service learning” for professionals of formal and nonformal education. This year we have worked this methodology with 225 beneficiaries, of which 99 are primary, secondary, and vocational teachers. 55 are professors and 68 are professional social entities working in educational sectors around the world. We estimate that there have also been about 6,000 indirect beneficiaries.

The Open Center focuses on education, community, and solidarity.


During 2013 the open center hosted:

4,037 225 81



free lectures.

Testimony on the House of Education Project. “Learning has been enriching and above all hands on. I felt that I left having experienced the ideals on which service learning is actually based. Congratulations on your methodology. I hope to remain part of the House of Education. In the sessions that I have been able to attend, I am still learning and getting to know many people who bring so much into my life and into my work. “


Overall rating score of 10

Marga Fernández Volunteering Manager From the Gypsy Organisation

During 2013, the financial crisis has hit hardest the homes of our beneficiaries, and as a result a joint initiative led by the employees of Tomillo has emerged. The “Emergency Solidarity Fund” is there in order to help users meet certain needs such as buying school supplies, eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc. during times of exceptional needs or situations. The allocation of funds, in addition to the generous support of some companies, had enjoyed the overwhelming support of many teachers, students, and Tomillo employees. Thank you for your support!


Awards 2013

The Board of Directors

This year we received two major awards for the good development of our actions, which fills us with great satisfaction, and helps us to continue to work energetically in for those who need it most:

President: Javier Lantero Rózpide Vice president: Pedro Lantero Cervera Honorary Vice President: Manuel Fierros Fdez. Members:

The Tomillo Foundation was awarded the 2013 Citizen Award in recognition of the work done in the development of the individual, the social integration of citizens and most vulnerable groups, through education and improving employability. We also received the Award for Best Practices in Social Action 2013 from the Spanish Red Cross, in recognition of the Solidarity Service Learning program that takes place at the Tomillo Foundation.

corporate donors. (funding, free assistance, materials, or volunteering).

76 volunteering activities benefitting 1,300 people

Silverio Agea Rodrígez Luis Alonso Casillas César Cort Lantero Santiago de Andrés Solana José Fierros Sánchez Cuenca Carmen García de Andrés Piedad García de la Rasilla Guillermo Gil Escudero

Jorge Lantero Lizcano Teresa Mogín Barquín Jose Luis Pérez Larios Rafael Ruíz Hernández Felipe Ruiz López Luis Ruiz del Árbol Mercedes Valcárcel Dueñas

Testimony “Para mí la Fundación Tomillo ha sido una puerta abierta, he aprendido mucho, no sabía lo que era un ordenador ni sabía cómo encenderlo. Ahora mi vida ha cambiado. He aprendido a buscar trabajo en portales de empleo y de la Administración. También hago cursos de formación. Gracias al Fondo de Emergencia, me ayudan a pagar el transporte para poder asistir a los cursos. Los asesores de Tomillo son grandes profesionales. Gracias a ellos mi vida ha cambiado mucho. Espero que dure mucho tiempo.”

23.800 hours of support from 512 voluneers

Beneficiary of the Solidarity Fund


How we are funded The budget for The Tomillo Foundation was €9.4 million. For a more detailed report on our annual accounts, and the foundation’s audit report, please visit our website at

Major Funders 2013 Thanks to the collaboration of public and private funders, individual donors, our mission has been able to progress each day and has enabled greater efficiency in working with the groups of people that need it most.



¡Leave your mark!

INCOMES 2013 44% 56%

Public fundings Donations and Private fundings

EXPENSES 2013 Support for school success Career and Employment Open Center and Research & Consultancy Central Services Wealth management and exceptionals Fundraising


2% 7%4%



Now, more than ever we need your help


Since the beginning of the financial crisis, more than 427,000 people have become unemployed in Madrid,* which raises the unemployment rate at 20.43%. These figures nearly double in the deprived areas of Madrid where we work. Youth unemployment (under 25) reaches 54%. In addition, nearly 4 out of 10 people in primary education are living in a state of poverty.** How you can help change things?


Transparency The Tomillo Foundation is registered in the Foundations Protectorate of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and its accounts are audited annually. We remain committed to excellence and transparency as priority objectives in our performance. In 2013 we renewed the EFQM seal of quality, reaching 400 points of excellence, something that only a total of seven NGOs in Spain achieved. The foundation holds The Seal of Transparency from the Lealtad Foundation (www. and meets all its principles.


Collaborate with us!

Joining us: Projects are carried out with your help. By selecting the area you want to support the most, you can make a direct donation to the area you believe needs must be suited. The areas in which we operate in are education and the prevention of school failure, job training and employment, and in entrepreneurial projects. Making a donation: Thanks to your contribution, programs are able to operate. Funds are allocated regarding the project in heavy need of funds at the time. Volunteering: Join our team of 512 volunteers and participate in a solidary manner. Build a business partnership with Tomillo. The social responsibility of your company can be reinforced with a partnership that benefits the community in which they operate. Now more than ever, there is a need for the commitment of businesses meeting the needs of citizens. If you belong to a company that shares the values of The Tomillo Foundation, collaborate with us.

How to do it?: - Financing a project and participating in its development. - Share your knowledge and experience with us you can participate actively by developing a free assistance project! - Hire a professional of ours: Work with our employment brokers (job placement available, free of charge. In addition, our students can do unpaid internships at your company.) * EPA data between the first quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2014. ** Arope 2012 (evaluates not only household income but the deprivation of material goods and the low employment intensity in the family home.)

COLLABORATE Phone: 913698201 Ask for: Irene Lantero Account Number: 2100/2133/91/0200322729 Por :

10 € per month

you will help to improve the school performance of a child.

35 € per month

You will help a person to find employment


“I am riding with taut reins and restraining the flight because it does not matter to arrive alone and early, but to arrive on time and all together” León Felipe

Contact us: Tomillo Foundation

School support


Albuñuelas, 15. 28041 Madrid Tel: 91 369 82 01 Fax: 91 369 81 25

Career and Employment


Open Center

Research and Consultancy



Human Resources


Photographers: Carolina Rojas, Juan Murrieta y Jorge París Design by:

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