ECTR Round Table Monaco 2018 - Agenda and Participants

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Tackling exTRemism and inToleRance in a diveRse socieTy


ConferenCe organized under the auspiCes of the seCretary general of the CounCil of europe, Mr. thorbjørn jagland

Welcome leTTeR

eCtr round table / WELCOME LETTER

dear ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour to welcome you, on behalf of the european Council on tolerance and reconciliation, to the eCtr round table ”tackling extremism and intolerance in a diverse society” in Monaco. in the last couple of years, the eCtr has organized a number of conferences and forums which encouraged progressive thinking on tolerance and addressed challenges that our societies are facing. the diagnosis of these challenges is already broadly accepted - the financial and economic crisis has undermined social security and stability and morphed into a political crisis. additionally, violent developments outside europe have resulted in an unprecedented wave of culturally diverse refugee and immigration streams. suddenly the continent which was generally free from a major conflict and profited from globalization and open borders, has started to feel vulnerable and insecure. the global, liberal perspective has been overshadowed by the return of isolationism and nationalism. the world for us, europeans has become predominantly a source of threats, rather than opportunities. traditional european political movements – conservatives, liberals and social democrats – are deeply challenged to address these uncertainties properly, trying to manage fast transformations of diverse, and sometimes fragmented, societies. their struggle to adapt is accompanied by relative successes of populist, and very often, extremist political movements. far-right or islamist organizations and ideologies target particular groups with hatred, promote ethnic nationalism, racism and anti-semitism, at the same rejecting the objective of tolerance-based, diverse societies. yet, there is a rising consciousness among policymakers that a liberal regime of rights cannot resist these challenges by itself. international institutions and national


eCtr round table / WELCOME LETTER

administrations are slowly hammering out political responses and legal solutions that intend to prevent the slippery slope of radicalization. it may be related to combating extremism, as in the united Kingdom, or preventing certain manifestations of hate, as in the case of the new german law against hate speech (netzdg). the eCtr has elaborated here its own legal proposals – the Model law for the promotion of tolerance, which includes several innovative legal solutions for european legislatures. this Model law was presented by the eCtr i.a. in the european parliament, Council of europe, osCe/odihr, parliaments of italy, uK, Croatia, estonia, romania, hungary, and to the round table of speakers of parliament in prague, january 2015. the ultimate goal of the Monaco round table is to provide an open and nonbiased platform for debate and progressive thinking on three particular subjects: political radicalization, online hate speech and models for integration of immigrants. these subjects –though they do not cover the list of all challenges - are certainly among the hottest issues on agenda in europe today. at the eCtr we want to further support forward thinking in the area of tolerance and security. it needs to be developed in a variety of contexts and disciplines. philosophy and theology, history and law, sociology and political science together with literature and the arts can contribute to re-imagining tolerance so that it can meet these new challenges. therefore in Monaco the eCtr intends to announce a special grants programme and the establishment of the Kantor prize on secure tolerance. the eCtr will be seeking applications from practitioners of all the above mentioned disciplines, whether they are individuals, groups or organizations, and from those who practice cross-disciplinary approaches. i do hope that our conference will be a thought-inspiring and innovative experience for all of you, resulting in tangible proposals and results. i want to avail this opportunity to express my special gratitude to hsh prince albert ii of Monaco for his openness to our project, his support and hospitality. it is a great privilege for us to hold this round table in the beautiful principality of Monaco.

Moshe Kantor President of ECTR



eCtr round table / AGEnDA

AGEnDA 5th March 2018



Welcome Dinner at Hôtel Hermitage

salon excelsior hôtel hermitage

dinner speech: John Gray English Political Philosopher, Author of “The Soul of Marionette: Short Enquiry into Human Freedom”; “Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and other Animals”.

6th March 2018


9:15 – 9.45

Moshe Kantor

salon bellevue Café de paris

President of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation

Rt.Hon. Tony Blair ECTR Board Chairman, former Prime Minister of United Kingdom

special Welcome Address HsH Albert ii Prince Sovereign of Monaco

9:45 – 10:15

European Medal of Tolerance Award Ceremony Medal bestowed by: Rt.Hon. Tony Blair Board Chairman of the ECTR

Moshe Kantor President of the ECTR


eCtr round table / AGEnDA

ROunD TABLE sEssiOns 10:15 – 12:30

sEssiOn i.

political extremism and radicalization in liberal democracies. Topics to be discussed: Radicalization, populism and nationalism as a new/old phenomena in democratic societies. Internal and external aspects of radicalization. Preventing violent extremism, Islamism and neo-Nazi ideologies.

Moderator: ireneusz Bil Secretary General of the ECTR

introduction: peter neumann OSCE Chairman’s Special Representative on Countering Violent Radicalisation; Professor of Security Studies, King’s College, London; Director, Centre for the Study of Radicalisation;

Hans-Georg Betz Institute for Politicial Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland,

Comments: vaira vike-freiberga Member of the ECTR Board, former President of Latvia

Kjell Magne Bondevik President of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, former Prime Minister of Norway

12:30 – 13:15



eCtr round table / AGEnDA

13:15 – 15:00

sEssiOn ii.

Responding to challenges of the digital revolution: countering hate speech in the internet and digital media. Topics to be discussed: Tolerance and freedom of speech: countering hate speech and combating discrimination on the internet: policies, legal instruments and administrative tools.

Moderator: Edit inotai Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy, Budapest

introduction: Anne Brasseur Ambassador of the No Hate Speech Movement, Council of Europe

susan Benesch Faculty Associate of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society; ‘Dangerous Speech’ Project Leader

Konstanty Gebert Journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Comments: Rachida Dati Member of European Parliament, former Minister of Justice, France

Dan shefet Lawyer and Founder of AAID; Adviser to UNESCO

15:00 – 15:15

Coffee Break


eCtr round table / AGEnDA

15:15 – 17:15

sEssiOn iii.

Migrations crisis or a crisis of European solidarity? integrating immigrants in diverse societies. Topics to be discussed: Europe as a safe haven for refugees and immigrants. Moral & legal obligations, economic & demographic necessities vs. political & institutional constraints and barriers. Perception and misperception of migrants and refugees. Integration of immigrants, concept of national multiculturalism and “secure” tolerance.

Moderator: Ali Aslan Anchor, Quadriga Talk Show, Deutsche Welle TV

introduction: Tomáš Boček Special Representative of the CoE Secretary General on Migration and Refugees

stephan vopel Director, Bertelsmann Foundation

Tariq Modood Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy at University of Bristol, Founding Director of the Center for Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship

Comments: franco frattini Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy and EU Commissioner for Justice

vuk Jeremic Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Serbia; Former President of UN General Assembly and UNSG candidate

17:15 – 17.30

Closing Remarks Antony Beevor English Military Historian, Author of "The Second World War"; "Stalingrad"; "Berlin - The Downfall 1945"

19:00 – 22:00


informal dinner & networking restaurant "Quai des artistes"

BiogRaphical noTes oF paRTcipanTs

eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

List of participants (in alphabetical order)

1. hsh albert ii

23. gray john

2. anselmi laurent

24. ignazi piero

3. art david

25. inotai edit

4. aslan ali

26. jeremić Vuk

5. beevor antony

27. Kalenova raya

6. benesch susan

28. Kantor Moshe

7. betz hans-georg

29. Krekó péter

8. bil ireneusz

30. levy Michael

9. blair tony

31. Modood tariq

10. boček tomáš

32. neumann peter

11. bondevik Kjell Magne

33. pankowski rafał

12. brasseur anne

34. pathé duarte felipe

13. Crickley anastasia

35. pavey Şafak

14. dastyari azadeh

36. rummens stefan

15. dati rachida

37. samuel Michael

16. davidian alison

38. santer georges

17. dynkin aleksandr

39. shear jeff

18. el-Menouar yasemin

40. shefet dan

19. frattini franco

41. Vīķe-freiberga Vaira

20. gardapkhadze Katarzyna

42. Vopel stephan

21. gebert Konstanty

43. Woitchik ariella

22. graiño ferrer guillermo

44. zúquete josé pedro


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

His serene Highness Albert ii of Monaco

Laurent Anselmi

David Art

his serene highness albert ii, sovereign prince of monaco, is the reigning monarch of the principality of monaco and head of the princely house of grimaldi. among other numerous activities and roles, hsh albert ii is the president of monaco’s delegation to the United nations, the president of monaco Red cross, and honorary president of the World association of children's Friends. he is also the parton of peace and sport organisation which exercises missions in post-conflict zones, areas of extreme poverty or lacking social cohesion, making sport a vehicle for tolerance, respect, sharing and citizenship.

laurent anselmi is the director of the Judiciary services of monaco. a graduate in Fundamental public law from nice University, laurent anselmi is an experienced lawyer who has occupied the post of counsel to the cabinet of his serene highness the sovereign prince of monaco. he is presently delegate for legal affairs before the princely government. he has been a deputy member of the Fia’s international court of appeal since 2004. he is also an adjunct professor at the international University of monaco and a representative of the principality at the committee for international law of the U.n.o.

david art is a professor at Tufts University in medford. he researches on extremist political parties and movements, as well as the politics of history and memory. david art is co-convenor of the european consortium for political Research's (ecpR) standing group on extremism and democracy. he is the author of ‘inside the Radical Right: The development of anti-immigrant parties in Western europe’ (cambridge University press, 2011) and ‘The politics of the nazi past in germany and austria’ (cambridge University press, 2006).

ali aslan is a journalist and a Tv presenter. he has worked for global news networks such as cnn, aBc news, channel news asia and deutsche Welle Tv, where he hosted the internationally acclaimed talk show ‘Quadriga’. he has also served as a policy and media advisor to the german government, including the Foreign office. mr. aslan is the first german recipient of the United nations alliance of civilizations international Fellowship and an alumnus of the koerber network Foreign policy.

Ali Aslan


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

sir antony Beevor is the award-winning military historian and writer. his books have appeared in more than thirty languages and have sold over seven million copies. a former chairman of the society of authors, he has received honorary doctorates from the Universities of kent, Bath, east anglia and york. he is also a visiting professor at the University of kent and a Fellow of king’s college london. his book ‘The second World War’ has become a no.1 international bestseller. antony Beevor’s latest book is ‘ardennes 1944 – hitler’s last gamble’.

Antony Beevor susan Benesch is a Faculty associate professor of the Berkman center for internet and society at harvard University and the project leader of the ‘dangerous speech’. she has taught human rights and refugee law at georgetown and princeton, among other universities, and has lectured at yale, duke, Johns hopkins, virginia, and humboldt University in Berlin. in 2012-2013, she was the edith everett genocide prevention Fellow at the Us holocaust memorial museum. susan Benesch also worked at the center for Justice and accountability, amnesty international, human Rights First, and at the war crimes tribunal for the former yugoslavia (icTy).

hans-georg Betz is an adjunct professor in political science at the University of Zurich. he also taught at york University, Toronto, Johns hopkins University, Washington, dc and koç University, istanbul. he is the writer and author of several books and articles on radical rightwing populism in europe and is considered to be one of the major experts on populism. his most known books are ‘Radical Right-Wing populism in Western europe’ and ‘The new politics of the Right: neo-populist parties and movements in established democracies’.

ireneusz Bil is the secretary general of the european council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ecTR) and the director of the amicus europae Foundation in Warsaw. 1997-2006 worked as assistant professor at the Warsaw school of economics. has profound experience in government administration, i.a. as a senior expert in the national security office, the office for european integration in the chancellery of the president of poland. in the years 2005-2006 director of the office of international affairs in the chancellery of the president of poland. Fellowships of the Us department of state, koerber Foundation, Bertelsmann Foundation, munich security conference and the Zeit Foundation.

susan Benesch

Hans-Georg Betz

ireneusz Bil


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

Tony Blair is a chairman of the european council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ecTR). he is a former prime minister of the Uk (1997-2007) and the British labour party leader. he was selected by the “Quartet”— the United states, the eU, Russia, and the United nations—to serve as special envoy to the middle east, where he held the post until 2015. he is the founder and chairman of several non-proft and advisory institutions, including the Tony_Blair_institute_for_global_change, Tony Blair sports Foundation and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Tony Blair Tomáš Boček is the council of europe’s special Representative on migration and Refugees. he gathers information and developes proposals for action on the situation of the basic rights of migrants and refugees in europe. he is a former advisor to the deputy prime minister for european affairs and deputy minister for international Relations and european affairs at the czech Republic’s ministry of Justice, as well as a permanent Representative of the czech Republic to the council of europe.

Tomáš Boček

kjell Bondevik is the founder and president of the oslo center for peace and human Rights. he is a former prime minister of norway (1997-2000 and 2001-2005). he also served as a minister of Foreign affairs and minister of church and education. he was a member of the norwegian parliament from 1973-2005. kjell Bondevik served as the Un secretary-general’s special envoy to the horn of africa in 2006-2007.

Kjell Magne Bondevik

Anne Brasseur


anne Brasseur is a luxembourgish politician and the former president of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe (20142016). she also held a position of the president of the alliance of liberals and democrats for europe (alde) at the parliamentary assembly (2009-2014). From 1999 to 2004 Brasseur was a cabinet minister of luxembourg, minister for national education, vocational Training and sports in the government of prime minister Jeanclaude Juncker. she is the president of the association des femmes liberals

eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

anastasia crickley is president of the Un committee for the elimination of Racial discrimination (ceRd). she was the first chairperson of the Fundamental Rights agency and a chair of its predecessor, the european monitoring centre on Racism. she was a member of the advisory committee for the council of europe's Framework convention for the protection of national minorities and personal Representative of the osce chair-in-office on discrimination.

Anastasia Crickley azadeh dastyari is an assistant lecturer at monash University and a member of the castan centre for human Rights law. she is a cofounder of Ravn, the Refugee advocacy volunteer network at the University of sydney and a member of the founding collective for north West Friends of Refugees. azadeh dastyari has worked closely with various ngos since 1999, including in voluntary capacities with amnesty international, the public interest advocacy centre and the Refugee advocacy and casework service. she is a co-author of the book ‘Future seekers ii. Refugees and irregular migration in australia’.

Azadeh Dastyari

Rachida dati is a member of the european parliament for the european people’s party. she is a member of the committee on civil liberties, Justice and home affairs and has been rapporteur on issues of countering terrorism and the prevention of radicalisation and recruitment of european citizens by terrorist organisations. she was a spokesperson for nicolas sarkozy during the French presidential election of 2007. she hold a position of a minister of Justice from 2007 to 2009. she was elected mayor of the 7th arrondissement of paris in 2008.

Rachida Dati alison davidian is a programme specialist on Women, peace and security with Un Women's Regional office for asia and the pacific. prior to this, she worked with Un Women's peace and security section in new york where her portfolio areas included transitional justice and preventing violent extremism. she worked for over ten years on peace and security, access to justice and gender issues for various international organizations. she has a Ba (government) and an llB from the University of sydney, and an llm from harvard.

Alison Davidian


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

aleksandr dynkin is a Russian economist and academic. he is the president and former director of the institute of World economy and international Relations (imemo) (Russian academy of science). aleksandr dynkin held a position of the economic adviser to prime-minister of Russia (1998-1999). his research interests and publications have been in growth, forecasting, international comparisons, technological innovation and energy studies.

Aleksandr Dynkin

Yasemin El-Menouar

franco frattini

Katarzyna Gardapkhadze


yasemin el-menouar is senior expert for islam in europe and religious diversity at the Bertelsmann stiftung. she coordinates the Religion monitor project which is addressing challenges and chances of the growing cultural and religious diversity in european societies. elmenouar has written articles on islam and integration. she has taught courses on social integration, values, cultural conflicts and fundamentalism at the university of dusseldorf. yasemin el-menouar also worked at the Federal office for migration and Refugees where she conducted research projects for the deutsche islam konferenz. she holds a phd in social sciences.

Franco Frattini is the president of the italian society for international organization (sioi), head of the international affairs department in the people of Freedom party (pdl), co-chair of the new ad hoc epp group for Foreign policy. Franco Frattini was minister for civil service and for the coordination of information and security services from 2001 to 2002. he also held the position of minister for Foreign affairs from november 2002 to november 2004 and from 2008 to 2011. he served as vice president of the european commission and commissioner for Justice, Freedom and security from november 2004 to 2008.

katarzyna gardapkhadze is the First deputy director of odihR, where she oversees activities of the election, democratization, human Rights, Tolerance and non-discrimination. previously, she was the head of odihR's human Rights department. she is an expert in strategic planning and change management, conflict resolution and mediation. she has experience from poland, the United states, Western Balkans, the south caucasus and central asia. in 2003-2011 ms. gardapkhadze led conflict resolution, human rights and child/social welfare reform programs in the south caucasus and central asia.

eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

konstanty gebert is an international reporter and columnist for gazeta Wyborcza, poland’s biggest daily, and an associate Fellow at the european council on Foreign Relations. he is the founder of the polish Jewish intellectual monthly midrasz. he is a board member for the Taube centre for the Renewal of Jewish life in poland and for the einstein Forum in potsdam, germany. he has taught in poland, israel, and the United states. konstanty gebert was a democratic opposition activist in the 1970s, when he was also an organiser of the Jewish Flying University, and is also known as one of the most notable war correspondents of various polish daily newspapers.

Konstanty Gebert

guillermo graíño Ferrer is an associate professor in political Theory at the Universidad Francisco de vitoria in madrid. he holds a phd cum laude in political science at the Universidad autónoma de madrid, and is a phd candidate in philosophy at the Fondazione collegio san carlo di modena. he was a visiting Researcher at the University of Toronto with professor clifford orwin and at the École des hautes Études en sciences sociales with professor pierre manent. he translates and make editions of French philosophy classics at alianza editorial, the most known publishing house in spanish.

Guillermo Graiño ferrer John gray is an english political philosopher, emeritus professor of european Thought, london school of economics. he contributes regularly to The guardian, The Times literary supplement and the new statesman, where he is the lead book reviewer. he has written several influential books, including ‘straw dogs: Thoughts on humans and other animals’ (2003), which attacks philosophical humanism, a worldview which gray sees as originating in religions, ‘al Qaeda and What it means to Be modern’ (2005), and ‘Black mass: apocalyptic Religion and the death of Utopia’ (2007), a critique of utopian thinking in the modern world.

John Gray

piero ignazi is a professor of comparative politics, department of political and social sciences, University of Bologna. he has be chairman of the committee for political sociology of ipsa and isa. he writes regularly for the daily ‘la Repubblica’ and the weekly ‘l’espresso’. he is the author of the ‘extreme Right parties in Western europe’, published by oxford University press in 2003 and numerous articles on the topic of the extreme right in europe and parties in democratic societies.

piero ignazi


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

Edit inotai

edit inotai is an independent journalist and foreign policy analyst of the hungarian business weekly Figyelő (observer) and senior fellow at the centre for euro-atlantic integration in Budapest. Before joining ceid, she worked as the Foreign editor of népszabadság (2010-2014) after serving as correspondent in Berlin (2003-2007) and as a journalist at the Foreign desk of népszabadság (19972003) covering a wide range of topics. her main focus areas were european affairs, spain, latin-america. she worked as a special envoy to madrid, Buenos aires and santiago de chile. edit inotai earned her phd at the corvinus University, Budapest (2001).

vuk Jeremić is the president of the center for international Relations and sustainable development (ciRsd) in Belgrade, and editor-inchief of horizons Journal. in 2012, he was elected as the president of the 67th session of the United nations general assembly. previously, vuk Jeremić served as the minister of Foreign affairs of the Repubic of serbia (2007-2012). in 2016 he was leading candidate for the Un secretary-general, finishing second overall, behind eventual winner antónio guterres.

vuk Jeremić Raya kalenova is the executive vice-president and ceo of the european Jewish congress (eJc). From 2008 till 2012, she served as deputy secretary general and was responsible for the creation and management of the eJc office in Brussels. she is also a member of the Board of the World holocaust Forum Foundation and represents the eJc at the World Jewish Restitution organization and claims conference and member of the Board of directors of the security and crisis center by eJc (sacc by eJc).

Raya Kalenova moshe kantor is the president of the european council on Tolerance and Reconciliation and a prominent Jewish leader and philantropist. since 2007 he serves as president of the europan Jewish congress, which is the representative umbrella organization for over 40 national Jewish community organisations. he is known and recognized worldwide for his fight against antisemitism, racism, neo-nazism and intolerance. in 2012 he has initiated the foundation of the european Jewish congress’ security and crisis center (sacc).

Moshe Kantor


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

péter krekó is the executive director of political capital, Budapest. in 2016-2017, he was a Fulbright visiting professor at the central eurasian studies department of indiana University. he focuses on Russian 'soft power' policies and political populism and extremism in europe. he is the member of the presidential board of the hungarian political science association, former co-chair of the pRevenT working group at the eU Radicalisation awareness network (Ran), and is currently an expert member of the eU Ran centre of excellence.

péter Krekó

lord michael levy is the president of volunteering matters, Jewish care, Jewish Free school (JFs) and Jewish lads' and girls' Brigade (JlgB). he is also the honorary president of UJia. he was a founding member of the Jewish leadership council, the leadership of Uk Jewish community. lord levy spent nine years as Tony Blair's special envoy to the middle east. his autobiography, a Question of honour, was published in 2008.

Michael Levy

Tariq modood is professor of sociology, politics and public policy at the centre for the study of ethnicity and citizenship, University of Bristol. he was awarded a mBe for services to social sciences and ethnic relations in 2001 and elected a Fellow of the British academy in 2017. he served on the commission on multi-ethnic Britain, the national equality panel, and the commission on Religion and Belief in British public life. his books include multiculturalism (2013); as co-editor multiculturalism and interculturalism (2016) and The problem of Religious diversity: european problems, asian challenges (2017). his website is

Tariq Modood

peter neumann is a german journalist and academic, an expert on terrorism and political violence he is a professor of security studies at the War studies department, and serves as director of the international centre for the study of Radicalisation (icsR,) which he founded in early 2008. he also currently serves as the osce chairman’s special Representative on countering violent Radicalisation. peter neumann has authored or co-authored five books, including ‘old and new Terrorism’, published by polity press in 2009; and ‘The strategy of Terrorism’ (with mlR smith), published by Routledge in 2008.

peter neumann


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

Rafał pankowski is a professor at collegium civitas in Warsaw. he studied at the University of oxford and at the University of Warsaw. he is a coordinator of the center for monitoring Racism in eastern europe and a deputy editor-in-chief of the polish magazine nigdy WiĘceJ (eng. never again). mr. pankowski is a member of the board of the network of european non-governmental organization UniTed for intercultural action, amsterdam. he worked, among others, as an expert consultant in the department of Tolerance and non-discrimination osce.

Rafał pankowski

Felipe pathé duarte is and consultant/researcher at visionWare. he is an assistant professor at the higher institute of police sciences and internal security in lisbon and at the autonomous University of lisbon. he is also an analyst for international security at RTp, the public service broadcasting. Felipe pathé duarte was a research fellow at the oxford University (st. antony’s college) and at the counterterrorism and homeland security program of the center for strategic and international studies in Washington dc.

felipe pathé Duarte Şafak pavey is a member of the Turkish parliament from the main opposition Republican people's party (chp). she is a founding member of the Un interagency support group for the convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities. she served in the UnhcR office, being responsible for external relations and humanitarian aid in countries of mena region. she worked as the spokesperson of UnhcR for central europe in hungary and later as the head of human rights treaty body secretariat at the UnhcR office.

Şafak pavey

stefan Rummens


strefan Rummens is a professor at the institute of philosophy and the coordinator of the centre for ethics, social and political philosophy at the kUleuven. he received his phd from kUleuven in 2004 with a dissertation on Jürgen habermas’ deliberative model of democracy. he was a visiting researcher at the new school for social Research in new york (2006) and at the goethe Universität in Frankfurt-am-main (2008). he was previously appointed as an assistant professor at the political science department of the Radboud University nijmegen in the netherlands (2009-2011).

eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

michael samuel has been chairman of the anna Freud national centre for children and Families for 12 years. michael manages five family charitable Trusts and is chair and Founder of Full Fact, a charity that campaigns for accuracy with politics and the political press. he is also involved with projects in Bangladesh and ethiopia and Burma. he is also chief executive of murex energy; non-executive chairman of city car club; non-executive chairman of agl communications; and chairman of muddy puddles. he was chief executive of mayborn group plc from 1980 to 2006.

Michael samuel georges santer is the luxembourg delegate to the international holocaust Remembrance alliance (ihRa) and will chair ihRa in 2019/2020. previously he served as permanent Representative of luxembourg to the oecd and secretary-general of the ministry of Foreign affairs. he also served as an ambassador to germany, holy see, vietnam, china, austria, hungary and slovenia, and was a permanent Representative of luxembourg to the osce and Un agencies in vienna.

Georges santer Jeff shear is a ceo of the solid management, london. he is one of the leading Uk fundraisers, specialising in major donor campaigns. Jeff shear has led many successful fundraising campaigns and, since becoming a consultant, has worked with a wide range of charities across the Uk. Well-known to both donors and fundraisers, shear’s unique expertise helps charities enhance their major donor programme. Jeff also leads our popular training course, which has been developed to help fundraisers hone their skills.

Jeff shear

dan shefet, a French lawyer born in denmark, is an individual specialist at Unesco, paris. dan shefet holds a philosophy degree and a law degree from the University of copenhagen. specialized in european law, competition law as well as human Rights in general and in the iT environment in particular, he is also a gives conferences in academic venues on iT law, data privacy and human Rights on the internet. in 2014 he founded the association for accountability and internet democracy (aaid) the main objective of which is to introduce a general principle of accountability on the internet in order to secure the protection of human integrity.

Dan shefet


eCtr round table / BiOGRApHiCAL nOTEs pARTiCipAnTs

vaira vīķe-Freiberga is former president of latvia (1999-2007) and the member of the Board of the european council on Tolerance and Reconciliation. she is currently the president of the club de madrid. vaira vīķe-Freiberga was instrumental in achieving membership in the eU and naTo for her country and was special envoy on Un reform. she was vice-chair of the Reflection group on the long-term future of europe, and chaired the high-level group on freedom and pluralism of media in the eU in 2011-12. in 2015 she was a member of two high-level groups on european security and defense.

vaira vīķe-freiberga stephan vopel heads the Bertelsmann stiftung´s programs on “living values” and “germany and asia”. his areas of work focus on social and economic development and transformation, the role of culture, religion, and values, german-israeli and german-Jewish relations, innovation and leadership. stephan vopel studied sociology, social anthropology, and history, and is a graduate of the hebrew University of Jerusalem (Ba), and of the University of Bielefeld (ma).

stephan vopel ariella Woitchik is the director of legal and public affairs of the european Jewish congress (eJc). her responsibilities involve raising awareness among members of the european parliament, eU officials, diplomats, ngo’s and representatives of various faiths about the issues faced by the 42 european Jewish communities represented and federated by the eJc. ariella also acts as the secretary general of the european Jewish Fund. she has a law degree from the Free University of Brussels (UlB) and worked as a lawyer from 2003 till 2010.

Ariella Woitchik José pedro Zúquete is a political sociologist and an associate professor at the lisboa University, portugal. his research focuses on comparative radical politics, social movements, and the impact of globalization. after receiving his phd from the University of Bath (2005), Zúquete was a researcher at the minda de gunzburg center for european studies at harvard University. Zúquete was also a visiting professor at the instituto de estudos sociais e politicos (iesp) da Universidade estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UeRJ).

José pedro Zúquete



eCtr round table / ECTR

The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation the european Council on tolerance and reconciliation is an international ngo, established in october 2008, on the initative of Moshe Kantor, aleksander Kwaśniewski and Vaclav havel. the idea of the Council dates back to the international stockholm forum on the holocaust organized by the swedish government on the 26-28 january 2000, which emphasized that the whole international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight such evils as extremism, racism, anti-semitism and xenophobia. the european Council on tolerance and reconciliation is a non-partisan and non-governmental institution. it is envisaged to be an opinion-making and advisory body on international tolerance promotion, reconciliation and education. it fosters understanding and tolerance among peoples of various ethnic origin; educates on techniques of reconciliation; facilitates post-conflict social apprehensions; monitors chauvinistic behaviors, proposes pro-tolerance initiatives and legal solutions. the european Council on tolerance and reconciliation consists of distinguished representatives of the civic society in europe and beyond. eCtr Members have all proven with their past and current activities the importance they attribute to the remembrance of the past, promoting tolerance and combating racism and xenophobia today in europe. the seat of the eCtr in brussels.


eCtr round table / ECTR

ECTR Members Moshe Kantor - president of eCtr, president of the european jewish Congress Tony Blair - Chairman of the eCtr board, former uK prime Minister Jose María Aznar - former prime Minister of spain Erhard Busek - former special Coordinator for the stability pact for southeast europe and former Vice-Chancellor of austria igor ivanov - former foreign Minister and secretary of the security Council of russia Milan Kučan - former president of slovenia Alfred Moisiu - former president of albania Göran persson - former prime Minister of sweden Rita sussmuth - former speaker of the german bundestag; vilma Trajkovska - president of the boris trajkovski international foundation, Macedonia George vassiliou - former president of the republic of Cyprus vaira vīķe-freiberga - former president of latvia


eURopean medal oF ToleRance

eCtr round table / EuROpEAn MEDAL Of TOLERAnCE

ECTR European Medal of Tolerance

the Medal is to be awarded to persons, groups of persons, non-governmental, governmental and intergovernmental organizations and institutions for exceptional contributions to, and leadership in, the promotion of tolerance and reconciliation on the european continent, the fight against the most odious forms of intolerance such as xenophobia, anti-semitism, aggressive nationalism, political extremism and racially-motivated hate crime. the Medal may also be awarded to the families of outstanding individuals who have lost their lives in the struggle against intolerance. the recipients of the award are chosen by decision of the eCtr board, based on incoming nominations.


eCtr round table / EuROpEAn MEDAL Of TOLERAnCE

the purpose of the award is to honor and reward extraordinary creative achievements in the promotion of tolerance and/or reconciliation. the ultimate aim is to draw attention to successful undertakings that may serve as models for others in the field of tolerance, peace-building and reconciliation. the award recognizes effectiveness as well as vision; impact assessment is a part of the nomination and evaluation process. this award is dedicated to effective implementation of the principles of tolerance in both public and private spheres, in particular in the policy making process, legislative action on the national and regional level, and law enforcement activities as well as in the arts, education, culture, science and communication. the award is in form of a gold 'european Medal of tolerance' presented to the recipient as a concrete and lasting token of the award.



eCtr round table / nOTEs

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eCtr round table / nOTEs

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eCtr round table / nOTEs

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eCtr round table / nOTEs

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