Message from Jurek Owsiak Dear friends, It seems like it was yesterday – a cold Sunday, January 3rd, 1993. No one expected that our fun-filled, one-time initiative will grow into a symbol which will unite millions of Poles across the world. It’s a challenge to include all elements of our vibrant activity, all of our achievements and accomplishments in this booklet. That’s why when we remember that winter Sunday almost 30 years ago, we want to jump to the present day and ask each and every one of you to find your place in that beautiful history. Remember that our charitable Orchestra is a summary of our common involvement and energy. We – as the staff working at the charity – are busy the entire year making sure that the public money is spent wisely. We also do our best to share the phenomenon of our work with all of you, to make you proud of how effective our initiative proves to be. We want to encourage you to keep playing, keep fundraising, and to keep thinking about supporting those who are weaker, those who need our help every day, regardless of all that might divide us: borders, views, politics, religion. This booklet is the most rudimentary guide about our work. It contains our financial statements, lists our nationwide medical initiatives and encourages you join our initiative – volunteer with the Peace Patrol at Pol’and’Rock Festival or shop for our merchandise at SiemaShop. We play for your sake and with you – so bear in mind that we want to hear from you and draw inspiration from your ideas and messages. Thank you for being with us! Thank you for your support! Thank you for your contribution in creating the strongest brand in Poland. Our charity leads in all opinion rankings among all NGOs and public organizations working in Poland when it comes to public trust. - Jurek Owsiak, founder and chairman of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation
In 29 Grand Finales we have raised over
PLN 1,5 billion
(EUR almost EUR 330 000 000) and donated over 67 300 medical devices* in aid of public health care in Poland. Thank you for your support! * as of September 2021
Our Mission There are few non-governmental initiatives which have helped shape the social landscape of a country in the way that the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has influenced Poland. Our charity, established by Jurek Owsiak, has been working since 1993 and it grew to be one of the best-known charities in the country. Our work is now synonymous with charity, voluntary service and social involvement for citizens of Poland and Polish community overseas. We work to improve the conditions at public hospitals in Poland, mainly focusing on different branches of paediatrics. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has raised over PLN 1,5 BILLION. We purchased 67 300 pieces of medical equipment such as CT scanners, incubators, surgery and rehabilitation equipment, medical devices for oncology wards and equipment such as hospital beds and other furniture. We aim to buy only the best, most advanced medical devices to ensure that all children in Poland have access to top-quality medical care. The charity has initiated, finances, and helps run eight medical projects, which systematically transform Polish medicine. The charity also promotes first aid and CPR knowledge by running an educational initiative. We introduced CPR training to almost 3 000 000 children from primary schools across the country.