Education Brochure 2021

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Education Program


Who we are We are a program of FUNDAP that was constituted in 1992, and is dedicated to the design, execution, and validation of projects and / or educational programs and professional technical training, which have the characteristics of relevance, innovation, and integrality, directed especially to the most vulnerable Guatemalan communities; to direct their own development through the local organization that allows them to believe in themselves and generate growth, respecting their values and decision-making power.

What we do The program constitutes one of FUNDAP’s avenues for the promotion of development whose objective is: to promote the development of the people and their community, through the access and use of formal education and professional technical training programs. Our purpose is to help the underprivileged population, especially children, young people, and women, have access to training programs that contribute to their integral development. At the same time, we work with key community leaders so that, based on their organization, management, and leadership, they can promote educational actions for their population.

How we work With the vision of serving different segments of the population and their needs, the Education Program has established two different lines of action: the community support sector for education, which seeks access to and permanence in basic education, strengthening local organization, updating and teaching qualification under the principles of access, quality, and equity; the sector of generation of capacities for the labor insertion, whose strategic axes are the competitive and high-level technical business training, the strengthening of entrepreneurial ideas, and education for work, in order to achieve a decent job for everyone.

Where we work The Education Program focuses its initiatives in the regions of the central highlands, north and southwest of the country of Guatemala, serving both the urban area as well as rural ones. The territory served covers an area of 34,374 km2, which represent 31.57% of the national territory.

Development with dignity —

Education initiatives

Scholarships for Girls This initiative supports groups of vulnerable girls and young women in achieving permanence in school, allowing them access to opportunities for improvement, both for themselves and for their families. This initiative includes extracurricular training and family support so that, together, they can design the path of their own development.

Educational Centers In the Comprehensive Maturity Training Centers, the primary purpose is to provide educational services to young workers and adults who, due to personal circumstances linked to their socio-economic and cultural situation, dropped out of school. It offers general and business training, thus generating conditions for job placement.

Promotion of Educational Quality The purpose of this initiative is to promote the permanence of children in the classroom, reducing repetition rates and strengthening the educational community, by supporting rural schools with pedagogical, technical, and administrative inputs to achieve an improvement in the quality of the education.

Business School This program seeks to transform the business practices of microenterprises, so that they are sustainable and are able to generate employment, through two methodologies: A) Boost, aimed at incipient businesses so that they know and apply good practices; B) MBA, a transformative model that promotes the development of skills and pursues business success.

Institutes by Cooperative An important part of the program are the junior high and high school-level educational centers that, based on community participation, promote the training of school age young people, empowering them to work, and furthermore, promote the development of the rural environment and socioprofessional assimilation.

Technical Training The purpose of this program is to contribute to the development and/or strengthening of occupational skills as a means for job placement. The training plans are comprehensive, with humanistic, business and leadership themes. It has two modalities: A) CEDES, occupational technical training directly in the communities; B) Technical Centers, which are physical facilities provided with training workshops in different areas, located in converging cities.


Community educational support Sector

Installed capability for labor insertion Sector Business School

Scholarships for Girls

MBA & Impulsa

Entrepreneurial Development Centers

Promotion of Educational Quality in rural schools

CEDES & Centro Técnico

(Dely Gourmet, Tecnicentro Los Altos, El Refugio)

Integral training centers for adults CIEM

Promotion of rural entrepreneurship and local development

Access to basic education (kindergarten, elementary school, high school)

High-level business technical training Strengthening of entrepreneurial ideas

Strengthening of the local community organization

Strengthening of local economy

Training and qualification of teachers

Education for labor insertion

Results in 2020

48,724 1,781 1,921

people were served through the Education Program in 11 departaments of Guatemala, of wich 56% are women. students improved their education thanks to the training of teachers and directors of 26 Institutes by Cooperative. people acquired or strengthened labor and technical skills, which enables them to start an economic activity and / or enter the labor market.

Results since 2000

3,501 817 808 123


Education 3ra. Calle 15-16, Zona 1, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. PBX: (502) 7794-2300 / E-mail: Web:

vulnerable girls and young women were assisted in the Scholarship for the Girl project, emphasizing that 99% of them will complete the program satisfactorily. micro-enterprises of different sizes were assisted through the Business School. young people finished their secondary education through accelerated programs and maturity based programs. collaborators comprise the Education Program team.

aid provided through the Education Program.

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