2011-04 April Issue_WA

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The FundBook WA State Edition

April 2011

Helping communities find the federal funding they need.

The View from Washington State


ashington’s tax collections are forecast to be down another $780 million, further deepening the projected deficit. This means that lawmakers must attempt to balance a state budget that could be short by approximately $5.4 billion. The projected revenue decrease breaks down to $80 million for the current fiscal year (which ends in June and is part of the 2009–11 budget) and $700 million for the 2011–13 budget cycle. Lawmakers have been reluctant to talk about raising taxes to fill the gap this session, and have instead focused on cutting state programs. Governor Gregoire’s budget addresses a $4.6 billion shortfall created by dropping revenue due to the national recession affecting virtually every state across the country, and rising costs to provide basic services such as kindergartenthrough-12th grade education and health care. “The safety net will be stretched thin in some places and eliminated entirely in others,” Gregoire said. “For the functions that government no longer will be able to provide, we must turn to neighbors, private charities, faith-based organizations and other local programs. Our communities, more than ever, will be asked to step up.” §

Notes From the Field New regulations on access for the disabled are the first major revision of the Disabilities Act (ADA) in 20 years. The changes will affect more than 7 million facilities across the country, including many used for recreation. New construction and renovation will need to comply with the new requirements. The goal is to have the new regulations fit well with existing local building codes so that architects will have one standard to follow. Grant writers working with budgets for capital projects need to check with project managers to ensure that itemized costs are reflecting these new regulations. For an informational guide for the rules of the Americans with Disabilities Act go to http://goo.gl/4VeUW §

CDBG Planning Only Grants, WA Department

of Commerce (dependent on funding) Applications due: no later than October 31, 2011 All Community Development Block Grant funded activities must meet at least one of three national objectives of the program: 1) Principally benefit persons of low- and moderate-income, 2) Prevent or eliminate slums or blight, 3) Meet urgent needs posing serious and immediate threat to public health or safety. This objective is addressed through the CDBG Imminent Threat Grant program.

http://goo.gl/L6YGj Relevant Download: http://goo.gl/L6YGj Community Development Block http://goo.gl/L6YGj Grants Impacts on Metro Economies http://goo.gl/L6YGj

This article was contributed by Renee Bourque of Bright Star Grant Consultants. Bright Star is very knowledgable of the grants and funding territory in WA and works with local governments and non-profits on grants-related services and capacity building there. p. ~ The Fundbook - WA | April 2011


Bright Star Grant Consultants, Inc. PO Box 725, Clinton, WA, 98236 (360) 556-6744 renee@brightstarconsultants.com www.brightstarconsultants.com

Bright Star Grant Consultants is a full service capacity building firm. Supporting government agencies, non-profits, and universities with: • Fund, resource, and program development • Strategy and expansion • Assessment and evaluation • Training and Coaching

Grants are the cornerstone of building a diversified funding portfolio

Sample Consultation Feasibility Study: Preliminary Non-Traditional Grant Funding Strategy: City of Pinehurst, Idaho Role: Research and development of deliverable documentation that included non-traditional grant seeking strategies, organizational readiness evaluation, readiness task list, strategic alliances profiles, and recommendations.

Bright Star Grant Consultants worked carefully to understand the needs of our projects and community and provided creative funding opportunities that will expand the reach of our projects and increase our sustainability. - Principal, Terra Graphics Engineering (www.tgenviro.com)

http://goo.gl/jv0vc http://goo.gl/jv0vc http://goo.gl/jv0vc http://goo.gl/jv0vc http://goo.gl/jv0vc http://goo.gl/jv0vc


Grant Writing on the Edge

Advanced grant writing tools and tips for government entities, schools and non-profits.


ith heavy cuts in both state and federal funding, the competition for funding opportunities will be rigorous. Watch for Grant Writing on the Edge in The FundBook’s Washington edition. Each month we’ll give tips, tools and resources to put help put your proposals over the top into the winner’s award. Free Webinar: Grant Funding Forecast 2011 & Beyond May 4 Presented by Renee Bourque, President, MEd. GPE, Bright Star Grant Consultants, Inc. Sponsored by NonProfit Webinars, a resource for nonprofit trustees and staff, http://goo.gl/K830a

http://goo.gl/7faMn http://goo.gl/7faMn http://goo.gl/7faMn http://goo.gl/7faMn http://goo.gl/7faMn Grantwriters working with health-related grants need to check out the data set in HHS’s Community Health Data Initiative. It’s a new consumer-based national initiative with online data tool that will assist grantwriters in getting more value out of the Nation’s substantial health data. http://goo.gl/k2z5N Indicators Northwest: States, Tribes, Reservations


Competitive proposals will have solid data support. Learn what’s happening in your county, region and state in trends over time and compare your area to your neighbors. A onestop shop for information about: population characteristics, income & poverty, employment, education, health, p. ~ The Fundbook - WA | April 2011

and crime & safety. Data sources include the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs and other federal and state agencies. Data sources include the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs and other federal and state agencies. PoliceGrantsHelp.com provides members of the first responder community with a comprehensive resource for Police Grants information and assistance. This extensive law enforcement grant database has a library of information for federal, state, local and corporate grant programs Performance-based contracting http://goo.gl/3zJMH The majority of funding opportunities come through contracting. http://goo.gl/fgi49 Part of this year’s budget development process emphasized tying spending in state contracts to outcomes rather than to just cost and deliverables. State agencies were asked to identify activities that could benefit from the use of a performance-based contract. These contracts are reimbursement category payments released according to achievement of predetermined results, or outcomes. Although many agencies are already incorporating performance elements into their contracts, Governor Gregoire is interested in strengthening performance-based contracting efforts across Washington state government. Through Executive Order 10-07, the Governor has directed all state cabinet agencies to meet performancebased contracting standards in all new contracts for products and services, and to review existing contracts prior to renewal and update as necessary to reflect these standards. Executive Order also requires all state cabinet agencies to ensure performance-based contracts are actively managed to meet performance-based standards. § This article was contributed by Renee Bourque of Bright Star Grant Consultants. Bright Star is very knowledgable of the grants and funding territory in WA and works with local governments and non-profits on grants-related services and capacity building there.


The FundBook

Actionable funding information, visible results.

The purpose of The FundBook is to empower America’s local governments by increasing their awareness of, and ability to pursue, federal financial assistance for local projects. This is via a monthly publication which describes federal programs that are currently available, how to best pursue available funds, and trends in federal funding for projects relevant to local governments. Our product is designed to be the most user-friendly federal funding awareness resource for all sizes of local government.

• In-depth articles with analyses and recommendations of how to pursue federal funding for different capital improvement projects. • A single local government’s subscription can be sent monthly to as many full-time staff as requested.

• Dual focus on both grants and appropriations for expanded options and security. yo u r nce t e n h a ic le fl e e g to n d in n t’ s ve h fu g e in F in d g ove r n m l lo c a Dem nom

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FY10 this program consisted of $15.5 million split among 20 awards and will almost certainly be available again in the coming year. The application period closed September 8 this year, so there is some time to plan a competitive grant before the new application cycle begins. The EDA’s Global Climate Change Mitigation Fund (GCCMF) was established to strengthen the linkages between economic development and environmental quality. One of the project types supported through this program is new construction or renovation that leads to a “green buildingâ€? with an LEED™ or comparable certification. Projects that are chosen must lead to a net positive outcome in terms of energy, materials, and/or water use efficiency. In FY10 this program consisted of $25 million and will almost certainly be

available again in the coming year. The application period is rolling, so there is as much time as necessary to plan a competitive grant before applying. (See p.11 Demystifying the EDA Grant Process Additionally, one of the most promising resources for local governments looking for this kind of federal funding is through their state’s State Energy Program (SEP). However, SEPs vary as the Department of Energy emphasizes the state’s role as decision maker and administrator for SEP activities within each state. Priorities, and the amount available for this project type, are set by the state. To find out if funding is available in


%1/2.'5'& 8*+%* +0%.6&'4 # 5*13 16)* 7+46#. 4+5' #44'44/'05 #0& #0 '9#/+0#5+10 1( *+4513+%#. &1%6 /'054 #0& +0(13/#5+10 %10%'30+0) 5*' 2312'35: 22.+%#054 5*#5 *#7' %1/2.'5'& # *#4' 13 *+)*'3 #4 4'44/'05 8*+%* +0%.6&'4 4%+'05+(+% p.26 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010

5+/'.+0' #((13&'& 51 5*' 9< AssessG =><?->?<+6 >2/ 79=> :+<> 1<+8>= DHS-11-MT-047-000-99 <+85 =?,+::63-+8>= !9,,C C9?< =>+>/ 9003-/ 09< + 199. <+85381 51 5*'/4'.7'4 51 09< 2'3(13/ %.'#062 +8. 898 =><?->?<+6 </> ment #0& Cleanup :<9>/->381 Programs :?,63- ,?36.381= 9< :<3 <9H3>>381 9H /B3=>381 ,?36.381= +8. #%5+7+5+'4 = 5*' *#4 # (+7' :'#3 2'3+1& 1( p.18 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010 0+-363>3/= 09< A36.H3</ =/3=73- A38. @+>/ </=3./8-/= +</ >2/ +A+<.= 79=> 2'3(13/#0%' &&+5+10#..: H699.A+66 =C=>/7= >2+> +</ ./ 9< H699. 2+D+<.= -69=/6C +==9-3+>/. A3>2 % " )236/ )3#054 %#0 $' #8#3&'& 62 51 =318/. =:/-3H3-+66C >9 :<9>/-> -<3>3 G 7389< =><?->?<+6 2+D+<. -98><96 >2/ 7+49<3>C 9H :<91<+7 0?8.381 3= FOA # FOA # Deadline /+..+10 &1..#34 3#5*'3 5*#0 %#22'& -+6 0+-363>3/= +8. >2+> .9 89> -98 9< :<9>/->398 :<94/->= >2+> 7+C Not soon: Dec 3, 2010 =:/8> 98 73>31+>398 :<94/->= + :9< EPA-OSWER-OBLR-10-11 EPA-OSWER-OBLR-10-10 .3. >2/C </-/3@/ >23= '&! 1<+8> 38 #5

5*164#0& &1..#34 .+-' 5*' =>3>?>/ + =/->398 9H + 6+<1/< H699. 38-6?./ @/1/>+>398 7+8+1/7/8> >398 9H >2/ 0?8.381 3= =:/8> 98 >2/ ./ $->9,/< ,?> >2/C +6=9 </ -98><96 =C=>/7 =>9<7A+>/< 7+8+1/7/8> 9< '/@/</ &/:/>3>3@/ !9== '&! 1<+8>= @/69:7/8> +8. 37:<9@/7/8> 9H =>+>/ -/3@/. + &/:/>3>3@/ 699. 6+37= Amount Available G 2+D+<. "3>31+>398 %6+88381 =29</638/ 6+8.=63./ =>+,363D+>398 +</ ./=318/. >9 </.?-/ H699. .+7 +8. 69-+6 2+D+<. 73>31+>398 :6+8= 8 1<+8> 09< >29?=+8. 38 /+<6C October 2010 | The Fundbook ~ p.27 www.fundbook.org www.fundbook.org "+8+1/7/8> 9=>= F Large: $100,000,000 +1/= >9 </=3./8>3+6 :<9:/<>3/= >2+> * 09< 38=>+8-/ :6+88381 1<+8>= G 69-+63D/. H699. -98><96 :<94/->= '/:>/7,/< F =?-2 += -/<>+38 <381 6/@//= +8. 2+@/ /B:/<3/8-/. =/@/</ </:/>3 7+./ ?: +679=> :/<-/8> 9H >9>+6 >3@/ 69==/= ?8./< H699. 38=?<+8-/ 1<+8>= =/6/->/. 09< Number of Awards -9@/<+1/ +8. >2+> A366 </=?6> 38 0?<>2/< </@3/A > PDM Project Grant Selectivity (%) PDM Planning Selectivity (%) Many: 50 >2/ 1</+>/=> =+@381= >9 >2/ # % 3= 37:9<>+8> >9 38 >2/ =29<>/=> :/<39. 9H >37/ 89>/ 29A/@/< 8 >2/ 6+<1/=> '&! 0?8.381 Agency >2+> +->?+6 0?8.381 Department of Homeland Security </-3:3/8>= A/</ !9?3=3+8+ (/B+= +79?8>= 09< :6+8 Federal Emergency Management Agency +8. #/A /<=/C 9A/@/< >2/</ 8381 +</ ;?3>/ 69A +</ 0?8.= 38 9>2/< =>+>/ :<9:9< ?<381 * >398+6 >9 >2/ =>+>/E= 8//.= :6+88381 1<+8> +: 8 /B+7:6/ 90 + '&! 1<+8> :63-+>398= =/6/->/. 0?8./. >23= C/+< 3= 7366398 >9 09< 0?<>2/< </@3/A !3>>6/ +66= # 09< + :<94/-> >2+> >9>+6/. 986C

A366 /6/@+>/ 297/= 9?> 90 >2/ 69 7366398 9?> 9H + >9 FOA # -+6 0699. :6+38 !3>>6/ +66= 3= +8 38 >+6 9H 7366398 DHS-11-MT-110-000-99 >/</=>381 /B+7:6/ ,/-+?=/ 89> 986C % " 3= +8 ?8 * * * ?=?+6 :<91<+7 38 +</ 37:9<>+8> 98/ :<91<+7 =>+8.= 9?> +7981=> >2/ </=> A2/</+= >2/

your state, contact your area State Energy Office.

Other funding mechanisms There are also other funding types available for local government energy efficiency in buildings projects, though most are available at the state, not federal, level. An excellent resource that lists state programs relevant to this project type is the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency, which can be accessed at goo.gl/h4b6 One federally available option is Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) which can assist financing qualified energy conservation projects – a term that includes energy efficiency capital expenditures for public buildings. QECB funding is available on a state-by-state basis, based on whether the federally issued funds have already been committed. Interested officials should contact their State Energy Office for additional information about availability. >


Severe Repetitive Loss Program

(2/ +=3-=

PDM Funding (millions)

p.30 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010



Upcoming Grants Timeline Grant descriptions follow

r be



Icon Legend









be em ec


One Month From Now


Housing -

Commerce/Business -

Museums/Art -

Health/Medical -

Green/Environment -

ry ua

Two Months From Now

Ocean/Coastal -



Rural Transportation -


Three Months From Now

Nov 10 DOC Grant: MBDA Business Center (MBC) - p.24

October 2010 | The Fundbook ~ p.31

Nov 22 HUD Grant: HOPE VI Revitalization Grants Program - p.34

Nov 1 NOAA Grant: Community-based Marine Debris Removal Project Grants - p.37 IMLS Grant: Museums for America - p.29

HUD Grant: Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program - p.35

Nov 17

Oct 28 FWS Grant: North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants - p.33

• Actionable quantitative analyses of current grant opportunities available to local governments.

Nov 18

HRSA Grant: Health Center New Access Points Program - p.25 Flood Mitigation Assistance Program - p.32

Oct 27

Oct 26

Severe Repetitive Loss Program - p.30 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program - p.31

HUD Grant: Choice Neighborhoods Initiative - p.34

Oct 15 EPA Grants:

Brownfields Assessment Grants - p.27 Brownfields Cleanup Grants - p.26 Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants - p.27

DOT Grants:

FY 2011 High Priority Grant Opportunity - p.28 FY 2011 MCSAP New Entrant Funding - p.28

Dec 3

Repetitive Flood Claims Program - p.32

EPA Grant: Market Based Approaches to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions - p.38

FEMA Grants

Dec 10

NOAA Grant: Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program - p.37

Nov 16 HUD Grants: Hazards in Housing (1) - p.39

Dec 15 IMLS Grant: Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program - p.29

Dec 22 USDA Grant: Rural Community Development Initiative - p.33

Nov 8 HUD Grants: Hazards in Housing (3) - p.38, 39

Dec 31

USDA Grant: Solid Waste Managment Grant - p.40 MMS Grant: Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) - p.36

p.22 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010

• According to the Office of Management and Budget, the costs of subscriptions to business professional and technical periodicals are allowable expenses, meaning you can use your federal grants funds for this subscription.


October 2010 | The Fundbook ~ p.23

• Timeline of current grant opportunities to ensure that you and your staff stay organized and don’t miss important application deadlines.

Get more information or subscribe today by visiting www.fundbook.org or contacting our office at 202-681-FUND (3863)

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