2011-03 FundBook March Issue ID

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The FundBook ID State Edition

March 2011

Helping communities find the federal funding they need.

The View from Idaho State


daho lawmakers plan to write a state budget that will require nearly $92 million in cuts in funds to state agencies for the next fiscal year. The budget setting agenda has not yet been released, but the target date for completion of budget setting is Friday, March 11. The Governor’s state budget plan for Education Reform and Health Care will be the cornerstone for many of the cuts. Proposed Federal cuts are expected to have a severe impact on Idaho communities. With so many unknowns, how can project planning for grant proposals be developed?

The Winning Strategy

The winning strategy is supported by innovative collaboration that results in new paradigms for budget components for Match. Winning proposals will have a minimum 50/50 match and often more. To identify, document and utilize a high match will require a series of activities that push entities into new territory. How does an agency or department develop increased grant match without taking in additional funds? To start, there needs to be close work between the department and the finance office. This may require that personnel work out of their ordinary assignments, but in the long run will benefit every one. Together, they will analyze the department revenue to identify dollar amounts resulting from a variety of revenue streams. Included are those generated by fees, licensure, committed multi-year grants by source, and state and federal non-completive flow through. Previously funded grant budgets will be reviewed for how match was identified and utilized. This provides updated information on categories of match that is available to use when applying for different categories of grants. Pre-developed match scenarios will use this information to assist decision makers to respond quickly when federal and state allocations are set and RFPs are released.

An Innovative Regional Case Study

Anticipation of reduced federal funding and increased competition for fewer dollars brought together a coalition of regional multistate agencies.

They met to identify federal grants that would reoccur in yearly cycles for the following four years. Through cooperative planning, decisions were reached regarding which agencies would propose for what funding in a given year. Nonproposing agencies collaborated with propsers by participating in the project to the extent that they could legitimately provide match. This strategy has won multiple funded grants in the first year of the 4 year cycle. Pre-developed match scenarios available from collaborating agencies are ready for the next round of RFP’s. This enables the identified proposer to respond to RFP guidelines and rules on short timelines.

Concluding remarks

The challenges presented by the spending cuts currently under discussion at both the state and federal level will further define the winners and losers in grant competition for not only for 2012/13 but for years to come. Competitive proposals resulting in funded projects will require new thinking, collaborations, partnerships, and cooperation. The winning strategy will change the landscape in arenas where turf wars have been common in the past. § This article was contributed by Janet Bourque of Bright Star Grant Consultants. Bright Star is very knowledgable of the grants and funding territory in ID and works with local governments and nonprofits on grants-related services and capacity building

Bright Star Grant Consultants, Inc. 810 Victorian Dr, Coeur d’ Alene, ID, 83814 (208) 964-0402 janet@brightstarconsultants.com www.brightstarconsultants.com

Bright Star Grant Consultants is a full service capacity building firm. Supporting government agencies, non-profits, and universities with: • Fund, resource, and program development • Strategy and expansion • Assessment and evaluation • Training and Coaching

Grants are the cornerstone of building a diversified funding portfolio

Sample Consultation Feasibility Study: Preliminary Non-Traditional Grant Funding Strategy: City of Pinehurst, Idaho Role: Research and development of deliverable documentation that included non-traditional grant seeking strategies, organizational readiness evaluation, readiness task list, strategic alliances profiles, and recommendations.

Bright Star Grant Consultants worked carefully to understand the needs of our projects and community and provided creative funding opportunities that will expand the reach of our projects and increase our sustainability. - Principal, Terra Graphics Engineering (www.tgenviro.com)

www.brightstargrants.com/fre .asp www.brightstargrants.com/fre .asp http:/www.facebook.com/brightstargrants

Thumbnail primer on matching funds


ost Federal grants require match including cash or confirmed funding commitments from other sources. Very few Federal grants can be matched by other federal grants. In-kind matching contributions for federal grants that conform to the provisions of federal 7 CFR 3015.50 and 7 CFR 3019.23, as applicable, can be used as matching funds. (Current versions can be found through grants.gov.) Matching funds are subject to the same use restrictions as grant funds and have to be tracked and documented. Determining match for grant applications to any Federal Agency should be a coordinated process at the State and local level. It is highly recommended that programmatic staff at the State and local level consult with their State level program officers prior to submitting any grant applications Those that identify cash or in-kind match must meet the requirements of provision 7 of CFR 3015.50 and 7 CFR 3019.23.

Types of match: Cash Match (hard) for federal grants includes nonFederal cash spent for project-related costs, according to the program guidance. Allowable cash match must only include those costs which are in compliance with 2 CFR Part 225, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments (OMB CIRCULAR A-87) and 44 CFR Part 13, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. It may also include awarded grants from foundations, general fund monies, cash donations and cash corporate sponsors.

as income in the budget, it must also show the corresponding expenses. An item donated at a major discount is shown at the whole expense. It is listed as the portion being donated under in-kind contributions. In-kind contributions can be important as they demonstrate all the ways the community or other agencies are supporting the project as well as the true cost of the project. Depending on the required budget format, in-kind contributions can be entered into the budget or listed as a footnote. Each RFP guideline should be carefully examined for the rules on in-kind contributions for that particular proposal. Savvy grant seeking entities will have done their homework so that they can quickly respond to funding conditions that are predicted to be more demanding than ever. Thoughtfully considered approaches, high match ratios, and timeliness will give you an edge. § This article was contributed by Janet Bourque of Bright Star Grant Consultants. Bright Star is very knowledgable of the grants and funding territory in ID and works with local governments and nonprofits on grants-related services and capacity building Idaho resources for developing “Just in Time” responses to Federal RFPs. Idaho legislative websites Senator Mike Crapo http://goo.gl/GwyTn Senator James E. Risch http://goo.gl/Ra4cF

In-kind Match (soft) means contributions of the reasonable value of property or services in lieu of cash which benefit a federally assisted project or program. This type of match may only be used if not restricted or prohibited by program statute, regulation or guidance. It must be supported with source documentation. For Federal grants, only property or services that are in compliance with program guidance and/or program regulations, 44 CFR § 13, and 2 CFR § 225 are allowable.

The Idaho Fiscal Sourcebook, 2010 Edition details the sources and uses of funds for state agencies. It includes those funds specifically appropriated by the Legislature and those funds that are continuously appropriated or limited only by revenues as provided by statute. This publication organizes each department that has spending authority for the listed funds into six broad functional areas: 1) Education, 2) Health and Human Services, 3) Public Safety, 4) Natural Resources, 5) Economic Development, and 6) General Government http://goo.gl/6MwXQ

In-kind contributions: Gifts of goods or services instead of cash can include donated space, materials or time, for instance. If in-kind contributions are listed

Follow weekly activity by the Idaho legislature Follow bills by topic at http://goo.gl/UbF0k Follow bills by bill number at http://goo.gl/9arSz

The FundBook

Actionable funding information, visible results.

The purpose of The FundBook is to empower America’s local governments by increasing their awareness of, and ability to pursue, federal financial assistance for local projects. This is via a monthly publication which describes federal programs that are currently available, how to best pursue available funds, and trends in federal funding for projects relevant to local governments. Our product is designed to be the most user-friendly federal funding awareness resource for all sizes of local government.

• In-depth articles with analyses and recommendations of how to pursue federal funding for different capital improvement projects. • A single local government’s subscription can be sent monthly to as many full-time staff as requested.

• Dual focus on both grants and appropriations for expanded options and security. yo u r nce t e n h a ic le fl e e g to n d in n t’ s ve h fu g e in F in d g ove r n m l lo c a Dem nom

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FY10 this program consisted of $15.5 million split among 20 awards and will almost certainly be available again in the coming year. The application period closed September 8 this year, so there is some time to plan a competitive grant before the new application cycle begins. The EDA’s Global Climate Change Mitigation Fund (GCCMF) was established to strengthen the linkages between economic development and environmental quality. One of the project types supported through this program is new construction or renovation that leads to a “green buildingâ€? with an LEED™ or comparable certification. Projects that are chosen must lead to a net positive outcome in terms of energy, materials, and/or water use efficiency. In FY10 this program consisted of $25 million and will almost certainly be

available again in the coming year. The application period is rolling, so there is as much time as necessary to plan a competitive grant before applying. (See p.11 Demystifying the EDA Grant Process Additionally, one of the most promising resources for local governments looking for this kind of federal funding is through their state’s State Energy Program (SEP). However, SEPs vary as the Department of Energy emphasizes the state’s role as decision maker and administrator for SEP activities within each state. Priorities, and the amount available for this project type, are set by the state. To find out if funding is available in


%1/2.'5'& 8*+%* +0%.6&'4 # 5*13 16)* 7+46#. 4+5' #44'44/'05 #0& #0 '9#/+0#5+10 1( *+4513+%#. &1%6 /'054 #0& +0(13/#5+10 %10%'30+0) 5*' 2312'35: 22.+%#054 5*#5 *#7' %1/2.'5'& # *#4' 13 *+)*'3 #4 4'44/'05 8*+%* +0%.6&'4 4%+'05+(+% p.26 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010

5+/'.+0' #((13&'& 51 5*' 9< AssessG =><?->?<+6 >2/ 79=> :+<> 1<+8>= DHS-11-MT-047-000-99 <+85 =?,+::63-+8>= !9,,C C9?< =>+>/ 9003-/ 09< + 199. <+85381 51 5*'/4'.7'4 51 09< 2'3(13/ %.'#062 +8. 898 =><?->?<+6 </> ment #0& Cleanup :<9>/->381 Programs :?,63- ,?36.381= 9< :<3 <9H3>>381 9H /B3=>381 ,?36.381= +8. #%5+7+5+'4 = 5*' *#4 # (+7' :'#3 2'3+1& 1( p.18 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010 0+-363>3/= 09< A36.H3</ =/3=73- A38. @+>/ </=3./8-/= +</ >2/ +A+<.= 79=> 2'3(13/#0%' &&+5+10#..: H699.A+66 =C=>/7= >2+> +</ ./ 9< H699. 2+D+<.= -69=/6C +==9-3+>/. A3>2 % " )236/ )3#054 %#0 $' #8#3&'& 62 51 =318/. =:/-3H3-+66C >9 :<9>/-> -<3>3 G 7389< =><?->?<+6 2+D+<. -98><96 >2/ 7+49<3>C 9H :<91<+7 0?8.381 3= FOA # FOA # Deadline /+..+10 &1..#34 3#5*'3 5*#0 %#22'& -+6 0+-363>3/= +8. >2+> .9 89> -98 9< :<9>/->398 :<94/->= >2+> 7+C Not soon: Dec 3, 2010 =:/8> 98 73>31+>398 :<94/->= + :9< EPA-OSWER-OBLR-10-11 EPA-OSWER-OBLR-10-10 .3. >2/C </-/3@/ >23= '&! 1<+8> 38 #5

5*164#0& &1..#34 .+-' 5*' =>3>?>/ + =/->398 9H + 6+<1/< H699. 38-6?./ @/1/>+>398 7+8+1/7/8> >398 9H >2/ 0?8.381 3= =:/8> 98 >2/ ./ $->9,/< ,?> >2/C +6=9 </ -98><96 =C=>/7 =>9<7A+>/< 7+8+1/7/8> 9< '/@/</ &/:/>3>3@/ !9== '&! 1<+8>= @/69:7/8> +8. 37:<9@/7/8> 9H =>+>/ -/3@/. + &/:/>3>3@/ 699. 6+37= Amount Available G 2+D+<. "3>31+>398 %6+88381 =29</638/ 6+8.=63./ =>+,363D+>398 +</ ./=318/. >9 </.?-/ H699. .+7 +8. 69-+6 2+D+<. 73>31+>398 :6+8= 8 1<+8> 09< >29?=+8. 38 /+<6C October 2010 | The Fundbook ~ p.27 www.fundbook.org www.fundbook.org "+8+1/7/8> 9=>= F Large: $100,000,000 +1/= >9 </=3./8>3+6 :<9:/<>3/= >2+> * 09< 38=>+8-/ :6+88381 1<+8>= G 69-+63D/. H699. -98><96 :<94/->= '/:>/7,/< F =?-2 += -/<>+38 <381 6/@//= +8. 2+@/ /B:/<3/8-/. =/@/</ </:/>3 7+./ ?: +679=> :/<-/8> 9H >9>+6 >3@/ 69==/= ?8./< H699. 38=?<+8-/ 1<+8>= =/6/->/. 09< Number of Awards -9@/<+1/ +8. >2+> A366 </=?6> 38 0?<>2/< </@3/A > PDM Project Grant Selectivity (%) PDM Planning Selectivity (%) Many: 50 >2/ 1</+>/=> =+@381= >9 >2/ # % 3= 37:9<>+8> >9 38 >2/ =29<>/=> :/<39. 9H >37/ 89>/ 29A/@/< 8 >2/ 6+<1/=> '&! 0?8.381 Agency >2+> +->?+6 0?8.381 Department of Homeland Security </-3:3/8>= A/</ !9?3=3+8+ (/B+= +79?8>= 09< :6+8 Federal Emergency Management Agency +8. #/A /<=/C 9A/@/< >2/</ 8381 +</ ;?3>/ 69A +</ 0?8.= 38 9>2/< =>+>/ :<9:9< ?<381 * >398+6 >9 >2/ =>+>/E= 8//.= :6+88381 1<+8> +: 8 /B+7:6/ 90 + '&! 1<+8> :63-+>398= =/6/->/. 0?8./. >23= C/+< 3= 7366398 >9 09< 0?<>2/< </@3/A !3>>6/ +66= # 09< + :<94/-> >2+> >9>+6/. 986C

A366 /6/@+>/ 297/= 9?> 90 >2/ 69 7366398 9?> 9H + >9 FOA # -+6 0699. :6+38 !3>>6/ +66= 3= +8 38 >+6 9H 7366398 DHS-11-MT-110-000-99 >/</=>381 /B+7:6/ ,/-+?=/ 89> 986C % " 3= +8 ?8 * * * ?=?+6 :<91<+7 38 +</ 37:9<>+8> 98/ :<91<+7 =>+8.= 9?> +7981=> >2/ </=> A2/</+= >2/

your state, contact your area State Energy Office.

Other funding mechanisms There are also other funding types available for local government energy efficiency in buildings projects, though most are available at the state, not federal, level. An excellent resource that lists state programs relevant to this project type is the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency, which can be accessed at goo.gl/h4b6 One federally available option is Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) which can assist financing qualified energy conservation projects – a term that includes energy efficiency capital expenditures for public buildings. QECB funding is available on a state-by-state basis, based on whether the federally issued funds have already been committed. Interested officials should contact their State Energy Office for additional information about availability. >


Severe Repetitive Loss Program

(2/ +=3-=

PDM Funding (millions)

p.30 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010



Upcoming Grants Timeline Grant descriptions follow

r be



Icon Legend









be em ec


One Month From Now


Housing -

Commerce/Business -

Museums/Art -

Health/Medical -

Green/Environment -

ry ua

Two Months From Now

Ocean/Coastal -



Rural Transportation -


Three Months From Now

Nov 10 DOC Grant: MBDA Business Center (MBC) - p.24

October 2010 | The Fundbook ~ p.31

Nov 22 HUD Grant: HOPE VI Revitalization Grants Program - p.34

Nov 1 NOAA Grant: Community-based Marine Debris Removal Project Grants - p.37 IMLS Grant: Museums for America - p.29

HUD Grant: Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program - p.35

Nov 17

Oct 28 FWS Grant: North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants - p.33

• Actionable quantitative analyses of current grant opportunities available to local governments.

Nov 18

HRSA Grant: Health Center New Access Points Program - p.25 Flood Mitigation Assistance Program - p.32

Oct 27

Oct 26

Severe Repetitive Loss Program - p.30 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program - p.31

HUD Grant: Choice Neighborhoods Initiative - p.34

Oct 15 EPA Grants:

Brownfields Assessment Grants - p.27 Brownfields Cleanup Grants - p.26 Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants - p.27

DOT Grants:

FY 2011 High Priority Grant Opportunity - p.28 FY 2011 MCSAP New Entrant Funding - p.28

Dec 3

Repetitive Flood Claims Program - p.32

EPA Grant: Market Based Approaches to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions - p.38

FEMA Grants

Dec 10

NOAA Grant: Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program - p.37

Nov 16 HUD Grants: Hazards in Housing (1) - p.39

Dec 15 IMLS Grant: Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program - p.29

Dec 22 USDA Grant: Rural Community Development Initiative - p.33

Nov 8 HUD Grants: Hazards in Housing (3) - p.38, 39

Dec 31

USDA Grant: Solid Waste Managment Grant - p.40 MMS Grant: Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) - p.36

p.22 ~ The Fundbook | October 2010

• According to the Office of Management and Budget, the costs of subscriptions to business professional and technical periodicals are allowable expenses, meaning you can use your federal grants funds for this subscription.


October 2010 | The Fundbook ~ p.23

• Timeline of current grant opportunities to ensure that you and your staff stay organized and don’t miss important application deadlines.

Get more information or subscribe today by visiting www.fundbook.org or contacting our office at 202-681-FUND (3863)

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