FundBook MidMonth Update

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The FundBook May 2011 Mid-month Update

Upcoming Grants Timeline Grant descriptions follow

y Ma


e Jun


15 One Month From Now

Jun 8

May 25 DOJ: COPS Hiring Program - p.16

HUD: Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency Program - p.20 DOJ: COPS Secure Our Schools Program - p.4

Jun 3 Jun 1 DOI-FWS: Challenge Cost Share - p.14 DOI-FWS: Habitat Restoration and Visitor Services - p.16 HUD: Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly - p.11

May 23

DOJ: COPS Child Sexual Predator Program - p.6 DOT: Transportation, Community, and System Preservation - p.25

HUD: Asthm Assisted M

Jun 10 EDA: Joint Public Works, Economic Adjustment, and GCCMIF Programs - p.8

DOT: Public Lands Highways Discretionary (PLHD) Program - p.26

DOJ: Community-Based Violence Prevention Demonstration Program - p.22

HUD: Healt - p.6

HUD: Lead Grant Prog

DOT: Ferry Boat Discretionary (FBD) Program - p.25

EPA: Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring - p.21

p. ~ The Fundbook | May 2011

Jun 9

HUD: Lead trol Grant P

Jun 13 NETL: Clean Cities Community Readiness and Planning for Electric Vehicles Infrastructure - p.17

Jun 15 USDA: REAP - Energy Efficiency Improvements- p.12

Jun 29

HUD: Public and India tunity and Self-Suffici dinators Program- p.1

Icon Legend


Housing -

Commerce/Business -

Museums/Art /Educ-

Health/Medical -

Green/Environment -

Ocean/Coastal -

Emergency/Disaster -

Rural -

Water/Wastewater -

Transportation -


Two Months From Now




s gu

5 y1

Three Months From Now

Jun 30 USDA: REAP - Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance - p.13 USDA: REAP - Feasibility - p.14 HUD: Lead Technical Studies and Healthy Homes Technical Studies - p.20

ma Interventions in Public and Multifamily Housing - p.7

thy Homes Production Program

Hazard Reduction Demonstration gram - p.7

Based Paint Hazard ConProgram - p.5

Jun 24 HUD: Street Outreach Program - p.17 HUD: Basic Center Program - p.15


EDA: Planning and Local Technical Assistance - p.10 Agriculture: Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan Guarantees Program - p.11

an Housing Resident Opporiency (ROSS) Service Coor15

May 2011 | The Fundbook ~ p.

How to use the grants section of The FundBook


roadly, The FundBook is split into two sections; this latter grants half focuses exclusively on currently open grant programs which are of interest to local governments. Grants are chronologically listed on the timeline on the previous page, and their descriptions are grouped together thematically in the following pages. Each program description has three multicolored boxes that are color-coded to indicate the due date, amount of funds to be awarded, and projected number of grants. Favorable attributes are green, less favorable are yellow, and least favorable are red. A caveat is that these colors can be misleading as a “small” (colored red) grant program may

still be exactly what your community is searching for regardless of program size. Additionally, larger programs often draw more applicants, so smaller grant programs may be less competitive. There are links included in many of the grants descriptions and in the index at the end of the grants section. Each link is shortened so that it is easier to type into your web browser. The FundBook uses “” as the format for these links. Please be aware that the shortened links are case-sensitive. The process of applying for federal grant funding is almost always done through the website If your commu-

COPS Secure Our Schools Program The Basics: This program provides funding to help schools with a demonstrated need for both improved security and financial assistance to address growing safety concerns.


Soon: Jun 8, 2011 Medium: $13,000,000

More information is available at

Number of Awards

Amount Available

Unknown Agency

Department of Justice

CFDA # 14.871



or any other measure that may provide a significant improvement in security Local cost match is 50 percent. §

As part of a broader COPS program providing funds to ensure safer schools. Related programs include the COPS in Schools, SchoolBased Partnerships, and the Safe Schools Initiatives. Funding can specifically be proposed for placement and use of metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures, security assessments, security training of personnel and students, coordination with local law enforcement,

p. ~ The Fundbook | May 2011

nity does not yet have an account on this site, it is advisable to sign up as soon as it is convenient. The process includes verification steps that can take as little as three business days or up to one month to complete. Please keep in mind that any listed grant program’s attributes are subject to change without warning from The FundBook. Although every effort is made to ensure that details are correct at the time of publishing, be sure to closely monitor deadlines of any upcoming grant(s) your community might pursue. Additionally, grants included in this section are at the discretion of The FundBook. §

Flashback! Read previous issues of The FundBook The FundBook April 2011

Fighting red ink, new economic development options abound p.18

The war on arts and Congressman Jim Himes on federal arts funding p.12

Reducing the administrative burdens of grant funding p.26

Timeline of current grants p.34

Helping communities find the federal funding they need.

In the April Issue. . The April issue includes articles and congressional interviews on the subjects of local economic development funding options, and the battle over whether the federal government should finance the Arts. Also of interest is our coverage of a national coalition that trying to simplify and standardize grant management practices amongst the federal, state and local levels. • The war on arts • New economic development options abound • Reducing the administrative burdens of grant funding In the March Issue. . The March 2011 issue of The FundBook provides in-depth analysis of those major federal funding programs modified through the FY11 and FY12 budget developments in View from the Capitol and in By the Numbers. • Local airports face uncertain grants picture • Opinion: Commercial rest areas would drastically reduce tax revenues for local governments • By the numbers: FY12 to be hard on local aid


Soon: Jun 9, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $100,000,000+ Number of Awards



Dept. of Housing & Urban Development



The FundBook March 2011

Helping communities find the federal funding they need.

Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grants Paint Hazard Control (LBPHC) Grant Program or the Lead Hazard This program provides funds for Reduction Demonstration (LHRD) comprehensive programs to idenGrant Program but not both. The tify and control lead-based paint maximum grant amount for new hazards in eligible privately owned rental or owner-occupied housing. applicants is $1.15 million for new applicants and $3.15 million for Broadly this program was cre- current or previous grantees. A ated in 2009 in order to improve minimum local match of 10 perhousing conditions across the cent federal funds is required. § country. Applicants can also re- More information is available at quest up to $150 thousand dol- lars through their applications to this program to address multiple health related hazards as identified in the Healthy Homes Production program. Up to $5,000,000 will be set aside specifically for new applicants to this program. Applicants an apply to either the Lead-Based

The Basics:

May 2011 | The Fundbook ~ p.


Soon: Jun 9, 2011 Amount Available


Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development



Healthy Homes Production Program weatherization, energy efficiency improvements, and other housing This program provides funds to improvement programs will be fatake a comprehensive approach vored as applicants. to addressing multiple childhood A minimum local match of ten diseases and injuries in the home. percent federal funds is requested. Applicants will be favored when The Healthy Homes Program is matching funds above the required designed for applicants to specifi- amount. § cally focus on allergens and asthma, asbestos, combustion of heat- More information is available at ing and cooking appliances, insect and rodent pests, lead paints, mold Program staff say that and moisture, pesticide residues, radon progeny, hazardous factors although this program was taken home from outside/work, new last year, local govand other unintentional injuries or fire. Projects that integrate ernments have applied and healthy homes principles and prac- been selected for funding in tices into existing housing reha- that competition round. bilitation, property maintenance,

The Basics:

COPS Child Sexual Predator Program The Basics: This provides funds to reduce and prevent child endangerment and protect invited communities from sexual predators.

More information is available at

p. ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month



Soon: Jun 3, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $9,000,000 Number of Awards

Note that this grant application is only available to invited communities. About twenty communities have been invited by either the United States Attorneys’ Offices or the United States Marshals Service. Program money can be for sex offender registration programs or functions, managing high-risk offenders, or enhancing any other efforts to locate, arrest, and prosecute known child sex offenders. §

Medium: 20+ Agency

Department of Justice

CFDA # 14.871


Asthma Interventions in Public and Assisted Multifamily Housing The Basics: This program provides funds to fund demonstration projects to improve asthma control among children and others currently residing in federally assisted multifamily housing developments.


Soon: Jun 9, 2011

years. There is no required cost match, but “leveraging” resources will be favored. §

More information is available at

Soon: Jun 9, 2011 Amount Available


Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development




Number of Awards


This demonstration program is designed to specifically develop interventions, protocols, programs, policies, and evaluation procedures for controlling asthma in federally assisted housing. Applicants should be sure to describe how they will incorporate meaningful community participation. The maximum size for proposed projects is $500,000 per year for three


Amount Available


Dept. of Housing & Urban Development



Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration The Basics: This program provides funds specifically for urban jurisdictions’ comprehensive programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned rental or owner-occupied housing.

Applicants an apply to either the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control (LBPHC) Grant Program or the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration (LHRD) Grant Program but not both. The maximum grant amount for all applicants is $3.5 million. A minimum local match of 25 percent federal funds is required. §

More information is available at

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.

Joint Public Works, Economic Adjustment, and GCCMIF Programs Opportunity The Economic Development Administration recently announced that for FY11 it will no longer process applications for its Public Works, Economic Adjustment Assistance, and GCCMIF programs on a continuing basis. Instead, the agency will implement a new process under which it considers applications at a set time in roughly quarterly funding cycles. This new process is intended to enhance the competitiveness, transparency, and efficiency of EDA’s grants-making process. EDA will continue to accept applications on a continuing basis, but if an applicant wishes to be considered for a particular funding cycle, EDA must receive a complete application before one of the FY11 funding cycles closes. For FY11, the funding cycle deadlines are as follows: December 15 for funding cycle 1; March 10 for funding cycle 2; June 10 for funding cycle 3; and September 15 for funding cycle 1 of FY12. Applications for financial assistance submitted under EDA’s Planning, Partnership Planning, Local Technical Assistance, University Center, and Research and National Technical Assistance Programs are not subject to same deadlines. Because EDA is currently operating under a continuing resolution that allocates funding based on FY10 funding levels until the enactment of the FY11 appropriations, we are still left to speculate how much funding will be available for the first cycle of the above grant programs. Assuming EDA p. ~ The Fundbook | May 2011


Round 3: Jun 10, 2011

receives FY11 appropriations of Amount Available approximately the same level as in Large: $25,000,000 FY10, EDA expects to use approximately 30 percent of its appropriations for the Public Works, EcoNumber of Awards nomic Adjustment Assistance, and Unknown GCCMIF programs to fund those applications submitted before the publication of its recent announceAgency Economic Development Agency ment. The remaining 70 percent will be used to fund three funding cycles in FY11. During each of the first two funding cycles, EDA expects to fund projects totaling approximately 30 percent of EDA’s FY11 appropriation for the three programs. In the third cycle, if FOA # funds remain, EDA expects to fund EDA10142010EDAP projects with the remaining 10 percent of the agency’s FY11 appropriation and with any funds EDA allocated $133,280,000 for that may become available during the Public Works and Economic the first two funding cycles. Development Facilities Program in FY10. The average size of a Public Works & Economic Development Facilities Program Public Works investment was apEDA will provide strategic Pub- proximately $1.7 million, though lic Works investments to support investments ranged in size from the construction or rehabilitation $500,000 to $2,000,000. of essential public infrastructure and facilities to help communities Economic Adjustment and regions leverage their resourc- Assistance Program Through the Economic Adjustes and strengths to create new and better jobs, drive innovation, be- ment Assistance Program, EDA come centers of competition in provides a wide range of constructhe global economy, and ensure tion and non-construction asresilient economies. For example, sistance, including public works, EDA may provide funding to a technical assistance, strategies, and county to expand a rural economic revolving loan fund (RLF) projects, development center, allowing the in regions experiencing severe ecocenter to increase its capacity to nomic dislocations that may occur provide services to the State’s most suddenly or over time. This prounderserved and vulnerable com- gram is designed to respond flexibly to pressing economic recovmunities and small businesses.

ery issues and is well suited to help address challenges faced by U.S. communities and regions. For example, EDA might provide funding to a university or community college to launch a Regional Innovation Cluster (RIC) strategy that supports or provides technical assistance to smaller manufacturers to promote the growth of varied industrial clusters, stem job losses in manufacturing businesses as a result of foreign competition, accelerate the commercialization of research, support high-growth entrepreneurship, and promote the successful diversification of the region’s economy. As another example, EDA might provide funding to a city for the construction of a multi-tenant business and industrial facility to house early-stage businesses that successfully graduate from a business incubator that EDA also funded.

EDA allocated $38,620,000 to the Economic Adjustment Assistance Program in FY10. The average size of an Economic Adjustment Assistance investment was approximately $550,000, though investments ranged from $100,000 to $1,250,000.

Global Climate Change Mitigation Incentive Fund

finance a variety of sustainability focused projects, including renewable energy end-products, the greening of existing manufacturing functions or processes, and the creation of certified green facilities. For example, EDA might provide funding to a non-profit working in cooperation with a county to construct a technology-focused business incubator that achieves platinum status under the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and to expand job training opportunities in industrial and green technologies. EDA allocated $25,000,000 in FY10 for the GCCMIF, with investments ranging between $200,000 and $1,500,000. §

EDA allocates funds for the Global Climate Change Mitigation Incentive (GCCMIF) to support projects that foster economic competitiveness while advancing the green economy. Grants awarded support projects that create jobs through and increase private capital investment in initiatives to limit the nation’s dependence on fossil fuels, enhance energy efficiency, curb greenhouse gas emis- More information is available at sions, and protect natural systems. GCCMIF assistance is available to

Percent of funding allocated to the four FY11 application rounds 30%

1st Cycle (FY 2012) September 15, 2011

3rd Cycle June 10, 2011


2nd Cycle March 10, 2011


1st Cycle December 15, 2010


Pre-Notification Cycle Applications Submitted Before October, 2010

Percent of total FY11 Funding

May 2011 | The Fundbook ~ p.


Not soon: Nov 29, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $5,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development



Emergency Capital Repair Grants for Multifamily Elderly Housing Projects The Basics: This program provides funds to make emergency capital repairs to multifamily projects that are designated for occupancy by elderly tenants.

More information is available at

“Emergency capital repairs” are repairs at a project to correct a situation that presents an immediate threat to the life, health and safety of project tenants. Applications are processed on a firstcome-first-serve basis, so while the closing date for applications is almost a year away, it is best to apply as soon as possible. The maximum grant size is $500,000 with no local cost match requirement. §

Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs Opportunity a Comprehensive Economic Development (CED) plan will allow The Local Technical Assistance the local community to more efProgram helps community leaders fectively pursue additional funds create regional economic developfrom the EDA and other agencies. ment plans in order to stimulate and Total funds will be divided beguide the economic development efforts of a community or region. tween the six regional offices. Subject to the availability of appropriTechnical assistance grants are ations, there will be approximately perfect for smaller communities to 4.5 projects per region. § pursue because they can generally More information is available at demonstrate the greatest need for such technical assistance. A typical project might include figuring out how to better utilize an abandoned facility in the area in keeping with a larger regional strategy. An additional positive aspect of this program is that once created,

The Basics:

p.10 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month



Amount Available

Small: $1,350,000 Number of Awards

Medium: 27 Agency

Economic Development Agency



Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly


Soon: Jun 1, 2011

The Basics:

Amount Available

This program provides non-profits with capital advances and contracts for project rental assistance.

Large: $371,000,000

This program is not available to local governments, but if your area has a lack of elderly housing, this would be good to refer to local non-profits. Capital advances through this program must be used for the construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of a structure. 85 percent of the total capital advance amount is allocated to metropolitan areas and 15 percent to nonmetropolitan areas. §


Number of Awards


Dept. of Housing & Urban Development


More information is available at



Amount Available

Large: $700,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Department of Agriculture

CFDA # 10.886


Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan Guarantees Program The Basics: This program makes loans and guarantees to finance the construction, leasing, improvement, acquisition, refinance loans on rural broadband infrastructure.

As the two examples of successful projects in Alabama and Michigan illustrate, by providing access to 6,000 and 5,000 residents over areas of 3,500 square miles, this program is intended for rural applicants only. Loans can be one of three types: at the cost of interest that borrowing from the department of Treasury is, at a flat 4 percent cost of interest, or a private

loan which the Rural Utilities Service will guarantee 80 percent of. §

More information is available at

Program staff say that local governments have applied to and been successful with this loan program before. Staff specifically advise local government applicants to know the requirements for this kind of business and have experienced staff on hand to implement the operation.

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.11




Soon: Jun 15,2011 Amount Available

Large: $70,000,000 Number of Awards

Many: 2,000 Agency

Department of Agriculture


Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements (REAP) The Basics: This program provides funds to install renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements in rural areas.

While eligibility is typically thought of as mostly agricultural producers and rural small businesses, rural electric cooperatives are also eligible to apply. The best way to proceed with this, and other REAP grants, is to get in touch with your state REAP coordinator. ยง

More information is available at


Supplemental Appropriations Disaster Relief Opportunity The Basics: This program provides funds to help devise long-term economic redevelopment strategies and carry out implementation activities and public works projects to address economic development challenges in regions impacted by certain severe storms and flooding.

jump-start infrastructure formation and job creation. Currently only applicants in the states of Rhode Island, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Kentucky are eligible to apply because of their having enough counties with such disaster declarations between March and May 2010. ยง

More information is available at EDA encourages (and favorably selects for) the submission of applications geared to the development and implementation of long-term, regionally-based, collaborative economic redevelopment strategies. EDA will give further priority to applications that propose early construction start dates to

p.12 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month


Not soon: Feb 9, 2014 Amount Available

Large: $49,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Economic Development Agency



Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance (REAP)




Two months: Jun 30, 2011

The Basics:

Amount Available

This grant program provides funding for energy audits and renewable energy development assistance grants.

Small: $2,800,000 Number of Awards

Many: 30

With competitive awards ranging up to $100 thousand dollars, a 25 percent local cost match is required. The best way to proceed with this, and other REAP grants, is to get in touch with your state REAP coordinator. §


Department of Agriculture

More information is available at




Not soon: Jul 30, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $300,000 Number of Awards

Medium: 10 Agency

Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service

Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation The Basics:

Program staff say that, while local governments are eligible, they cannot remember one below the size of a state applying. This is because the projects are More information is available at generally large and region al, and they are unsure how a local government might be able to contribute in that capacity. Brownfields Assessment Grants provide funds to empower states, communities, tribes, and nonprofits to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites.



May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.13


Soon: Jun 1, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $600,000 Number of Awards

Many: 70 Agency

Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service



Challenge Cost Share The Basics: This program provides funding opportunities for both wildlife and habitat conservation and visitor services (outreach and education) in National Wildlife Refuges in the northeast.

More information is available at

All projects must be on or near National Wildlife Refuge land. To progress in the application process, get in touch with the appropriate refuge field station. Note that all National Wildlife Refuge are mandated to have comprehensive conservation plans (CCPs) created by 2012, and so this is the final year of this competition before the CCPs are instated. This program has a cost share of 50 percent. ยง

Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) - Feasibility The Basics:


Two months: Jun 30, 2011 Amount Available

The program provides funds to conduct feasibility studies for renewable energy systems.

Small: $2,000,000

While eligibility is typically thought of as mostly agricultural producers and rural small businesses, rural electric cooperatives are also eligible to apply. The best way to proceed with this, and other REAP grants, is to get in touch with your state REAP coordinator. ยง

Many: 75

Number of Awards


Department of Agriculture

More information is available at



p.14 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month



Basic Center Program


Two months: Jun 24, 2011

The Basics: This program provides funding to to the organizations and shelters that serve and protect runaway, homeless, and street youth.

Amount Available

Medium: $17,875,000 Number of Awards

Projects should aim to increase young people’s safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency, and to help them build permanent connections with caring adults through providing emergency shelter, counseling, and aftercare services. Basic centers funded under this program should house between 4 and 20 street youth at any given time. Applications should be for 3 year periods with funding reconsidered each year. §

Many: 107 Agency

Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families



More information is available at Deadline

Two months: Jun 29, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $35,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

CFDA # 14.870

p.15 ~ The Fundbook | January 2011

Public and Indian Housing Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinators Program The Basics: This program provides funds for the provision of a Service Coordinator to coordinate supportive services and other activities designed to help Public and Indian housing residents attain economic and housing self-sufficiency.

no matching funds and provides funding for a one year term. Local governments are not eligible to be the primary applicant to this program, but they can team up, encourage, or support Public Housing Authorities, non-profits, or Resident Associations to apply for the local community. §

Resident Opportunity and Self- More information is available at Sufficiency (ROSS) service coordi- nators are essentially the staff that work to make the PH FSS and HCV FSS programs function. These staff work to develop a local program to improve the lives of public housing residents. This program requires a

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.15


Soon: Jun 1, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $1,000,000 Number of Awards

Many: 70 Agency

Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service



Habitat Restoration and Visitor Services The Basics: This program provides funding opportunities for both wildlife and habitat conservation and visitor services (outreach and education) in National Wildlife Refuges in the northeast.

All projects must be on or near National Wildlife Refuge land. To progress in the application process, get in touch with the appropriate refuge field station. Note that all National Wildlife Refuge are mandated to have comprehensive conservation plans (CCPs) created by 2012, and so this is the final year of this competition before the CCPs are instated.

COPS Hiring Program The Basics: This program provides funding for entry-level salaries and benefits for 3 years for newly-hired, full-time sworn officer positions or for rehired officers who have been laid off, or are scheduled to be laid off, as a result of local budget cuts.

This program has a cost share of 50 percent. ยง More information is available at


Soon: May 25, 2011

Funds can be requested for up to 5 percent of their force strength and has a maximum of 50 officers. If a force has less than 20 officers, they may apply for funding for one officer. ยง

Large: $200,000,000

More information is available at


COPS is one of the most wellfunded avenues of local assistance for enforcement programs. However, because of its near monopoly of this function, competition is fierce and the application deadline is quick. As this is such a large program however, there are many good resources and advisable professionals who know quite a bit about it.

p.16 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month

Amount Available

Number of Awards


Department of Justice

Relevant Downloads: List of COPS CHP 2010 awards

CFDA # 14.871

Clean Cities Community Readiness for Plug-In Electric Vehicles Infrastructure The Basics: This program provides funds to plan and implement policies, procedures, and incentives that facilitate putting 1 million advanced technology vehicles on the road in the United States by 2015.

Two months: Jun 24, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $2,100,000 Number of Awards

Medium: 21 Agency

Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families



Soon: Jun 13, 2011

item. This is a planning grant only and funds may not be used for the purchase and/or installation of any fueling infrastructure. ยง

Small: $5,000,000

More information is available at

Number of Awards

Amount Available

Medium: 15 Agency

The result of the project should include all the necessary activities required prior to actual installation of related infrastructure and should identify typical schedule barriers such as obtaining funding commitments, site selection criteria and specifics of planned user analysis, site agreements, construction permitting, and training as well as the plan to address each



National Energy Technology Laboratory



Street Outreach Program The Basics: This program provides funds for services to youth living on the streets and in unstable situations by reaching out to them with the goal of getting them off the streets.

sidered each year. A 10 percent local cost share is required. ยง

More information is available at

Proposed projects must use a Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach including a flexible staffing plan and schedule, outreach to local homeless youth, engage such youth, offer education and prevention services, respond to immediate survival needs of such youth, and help those youth exit the street to a stable living environment. Applications should be for 3 year periods with funding recon-

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.17


Not soon: Sep 30, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $60,000,000 Number of Awards

Many: 1,000 Agency

Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service



Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program The Basics: The Partners program provides direct technical and financial assistance to private landowners interested in restoring, enhancing, and managing fish and wildlife habitats on their own lands.

This program provides funding to assist staff of cultural institutions obtain the knowledge and skills needed to serve as effective stewards of humanities collections.

More information is available at

While the prospect may sound cumbersome, wildlife management projects can fit well with many types of land use -- especially farming and ranching. Types of restoration projects vary by state and the types of natural resources present in each region. Projects in the Partners program are typically small, but are a welcome funding aid to for conservation efforts. This annual program

Preservation and Access Education and Training Grants The Basics:

is quite reliably funded and as it generates significant local interest and cost-matching. The first step for this program is to contact your local state program coordinator. §

it or university. Local cost share must be at least twenty percent of the project costs. §

More information is available at

Two months: Jun 30, 2011 Amount Available


Number of Awards


Projects are intended to be regional preservation field services that provide a wide range of education and training, master’s degree programs in preservation and conservation, or workshops that address preservation and access topics of national significance and broad impact. While local governments are eligible to apply, the more typical lead applicant is a local nonprofp.18 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month



Endowment for the Humanities



Community Economic Development (CED) Projects The Basics: This program funds Community Development Center projects that enhance job creation and business development for low-income individuals.


Two months: Jul 11, 2011

interested applicants should register at ยง

More information is available at

Two months: Jun 29, 2011 Amount Available

Medium: $15,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

CFDA # 14.877

Amount Available

Medium: $16,000,000 Number of Awards

Medium: 20

This program is specifically targeted to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients, or others whose income does not exceed 125 percent of the federal poverty level. Unlike previous years, this year there is coordination with food desert programs through the federal Healthy Food Financing Working Group. There will be a webinar for interested applicants on May 27th,





Administration for children and Families



Public and Indian Housing Family SelfSufficiency Program Under ROSS The Basics: The purpose of this program is to provide funding for a local worker to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources and help families progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency.

ceive annual funding again. Funded projects consist of salary and fringe benefits for a Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) coordinator who works with families to connect them with the supportive services they need and builds partnerships with local employers and ensures that FSS participants are moving forward effectively. Local governments are not eligible to be the primary applicant to this program, but they can team up, encourage, or support Public Housing Agencies and Tribally Designated Housing Entities are apply in their community. ยง

This, as with many HUD programs, brings a live-in coordinator to assist families secure jobs, find job training, and eventually achieve self sufficiency. It should be noted that existing 5-year projects which have been funded in the past and have met or exceeded More information is available at their goals will take priority to re-

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.19


Soon: Jun 8, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $59,880,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

CFDA # 14.871

Housing Choice Voucher Family SelfSufficiency Program HUD programs that may be directed to the same geographic areas and The purpose of this program is to populations which should be coorprovide funding for a local worker dinated between so that there is no to coordinate the use of assistance overlap between active projects. under the HCV program with pubLocal governments are not elilic and private resources and help families progress toward economic gible to be the primary applicant independence and self-sufficiency. to this program, but they can team up, encourage, or support Public Housing Agencies are eligible to Funded projects consist of salapply for their community. § ary and fringe benefits for a Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) coordi- More information is available at nator who works with families to connect them with the supportive services they need and builds partnerships with local employers and ensures that FSS participants are moving forward effectively. There are a number of similar

The Basics:

Lead Technical Studies and Healthy Homes Technical Studies Programs The Basics: This joint program announcement provides funding for detecting and controlling lead-based paint and other housingrelated health and safety hazards.


Two months: Jun 30, 2011

nical Studies, and $500 thousand is for the Lead Technical Studies. Funds are set aside specifically for new applicants. §

Small: $2,500,000

More information is available at

Number of Awards

Lead Technical studies is specifically to improve the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of methods for evaluation and control of residential leadbased paint hazards. The Healthy Homes program’s goals are to mobilize public and private resources, and build local capacity to operate sustainable programs. Of the $2.5 million available, $2 million is for Healthy Homes Tech-

p.20 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month

Amount Available

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

CFDA # 14.902



Coastal Program The Basics: Through the Coastal Grants Program, established by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (Act) of 1990, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) provides matching grants for acquisition, restoration, management or enhancement of coastal wetlands. The FWS expects that approximately $16 million will be available for grants in FY11. Awards typically range from $200,000 to a maximum of $1,000,000, and award announcements are expected in December 2010 or January 2011. Coastal States bordering the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific and the Great Lakes are eligible to apply for this funding. While only State agencies can apply for and receive grants from this


Soon: May 23, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $4,500,000 Number of Awards

Medium: 20 Agency

Office of Justice Programs




program, FWS encourages partnering with local governments on projects. §

Not soon: Sep 30, 2011 Amount Available

More information is available at

Medium: $16,000,000 Number of Awards

Many: 200


Department of the Interior

Program staff’s most important tip for local governments is that they should “engage other local conservation partners to identify shared priorities and contact the local USFWS Coastal Program.”

Fish and Wildlife Service



Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring The Basics: This program provides funding to identify, profile, assess, and characterize local air toxics problems, and track the progress of air toxics reduction activities.

be applied to other areas with that pollutant as well. Proposals that involve Environmental Justice communities are favored. No cost sharing is required for this program. §

More information is available at

The program is designed to bring the flexibility to address local trends to the nationally available prescripProgram staff say that tive measures and also to integrate program management efforts across local governments have appollutant groups. Proposed projects can address one of the follow- plied for and been successful ing: community-scale monitoring, with this program in the methods evaluation, or analysis of past. They refer applicants existing data. Ideal proposed projects will involves characterization to to of particular pollutants or a source explore previous successful category so that the knowledge can


May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.21


Two months: Jun 23, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $114,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Dept. of Housing & Urban Development



Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities The Basics: This program provides funding for the development and operation of supportive housing for very low-income persons with disabilities who are at least 18 years old.

More information is available at

While local governments themselves are not eligible for this funding, local nonprofits are. Applicants can request a waiver for their housing to be a specific type of disabled person-only. Applications must be submitted through your state’s single point of contact. Deadlines for this may vary by state. There is no local cost match required. §

Community-Based Violence Prevention the perceived risks and costs of involvement in violence among This program provides funding high-risk young people. to support federal, state, and local Applicants must demonstrate partnerships to replicate proven a significant crime and violence multi-disciplinary, communitybased strategies to reduce violence. problem affecting youth (specifically, high levels of shootings and The program’s overall goal is killings over an extended period to replicate programs, such as the of time) to be eligible for this proBoston Gun Project, the Richmond gram. § Comprehensive Homicide Initia- More information is available at tive, and the Chicago CeaseFire model, to reduce violence in targeted communities. These models each changed community norms regarding violence, provided alternatives to violence when gangs and individuals in the community are making risky behavior decisions, and increased awareness of

The Basics:

p.22 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month


Soon: May 23, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $2,200,000+ Number of Awards

Few: 1+ Agency

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention



Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals The Basics: This program provides funds to support the development and/or expansion of local implementation and community infrastructures that integrates treatment and services for mental and substance use disorders, permanent housing, and other critical services for individuals who are chronically homeless.


Soon: May 27, 2011

well as access to integrated behavioral health and primary care services. ยง

Small: $6,584,450

More information is available at

Number of Awards

Medium: 14 Agency

Dept. of Health & Human Services Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

The primary goal of this program is to ensure that people who are chronically homeless due to mental and substance use disorders have a supportive, permanent place to live that promotes wellness and sustained recovery from addiction and mental disorders as


Soon: Jun 7, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $98,000,000 Number of Awards

Medium: 19 Agency

Dept. of Health & Human Services Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration


Amount Available



Services Grants for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women The Basics: This program provides funds to expand the availability of comprehensive, residential substance abuse treatment, prevention, and recovery support services for pregnant and postpartum women and their minor children.

More information is available at

Services should be delivered with the family and important relationships in mind. Focus populations for projects should be women, 18 and older, who are either pregnant or recently had a child, and have limited access to such services already. ยง


May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.23


Soon: Jun 13, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $550,000 Number of Awards

Few: 2 Agency

Bureau of Justice Assistance



National Initiatives: Enhancing Law Enforcement The Basics: This program provides funds to help local communities improve the capacity of state and local justice systems and provides for national support efforts including training and technical assistance programs strategically targeted to address local needs.

BJA intends to make two awards through this program; one for conflict mitigation with a focus on retaliatory shootings, and one for developing smart phone applications relevant to police. For the conflict mediation program the successful applicant will More information is available at demonstrate a solid grounding in

Publishing Historical Records The Basics: This program provides funds to promote the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture.

conflict mitigation theory. By providing education, training, and technical assistance in the theory and practice of conflict mitigation, this project would aid the efforts of law enforcement agencies interested in enhancing their ability to explain and predict conflicts, diffuse tensions, and transform the circumstances that often lead to lethal activity. For the smart phone application program, applicants should propose the smart phone application’s purpose and content and detail its potential use and intended impact on the end user’s way of doing business. §

and other aspects of the national experience. The historical value of the records and their expected usefulness to broad audiences must justify the costs of the project. Cost sharing is required and can include both direct and indirect expenses, in-kind contributions, non-Federal third-party contributions, and any income earned directly by the project. The Commission ordinarily provides no more than 50 percent of total project costs for publishing historical records projects. This announcement is specifically for Colonial and Early National Period Projects. §

Grants are awarded for collecting, describing, preserving, compiling, editing, and publishing documentary source materials. Grants do not support preparation of critical editions of published works unless such works are just a small portion of the larger project. Projects may focus on the papers of major figures from American life or cover broad historical movements in politics, military, More information is available at business, social reform, the arts, p.24 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month


Not soon: Oct 6, 2011 Amount Available


Number of Awards

Many: 30 Agency

National Archives & Records Administration



Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program The Basics: This program provides funds for planning and implementation grants, and research to investigate and address the relationships among transportation, community, and system preservation plans.


Soon: Jun 3, 2011

ment patterns which achieve these goals. Unlike previous years where this grant program has had many earmarks, there are none this year. This means more of the available money is attainable through competitive applications. Local cost share is 20 percent. §

Specifically funds are for improving the efficiency of the More information is available at transportation system, reducing environmental impacts of transportation, reducing the need for costly future public infrastructure investments, ensuring efficient access to jobs, services and centers of trade, and examining development patterns and identify strategies to encourage private sector develop-




Soon: Jun 3, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $47,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Department of Transportation

Federal Highways Administration

FOA # n/a



Amount Available

Large: $61,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Department of Transportation

Federal Highways Administration

FOA # n/a

Ferry Boat Discretionary Program The Basics: This program provides funds for the construction of ferry boat and ferry terminal facilities.

Such ferry boat facilities can only be built in areas where more standard structures -- bridges, tunnels, or otherwise -- are unfeasible. Importantly, each state is asked to prioritize the applications from entities within it, so a good ranking on your state’s priority list is tantamount to being required. It is unlikely that projects proposing above $3 million will receive funding due to the high number of project proposals. §

More information is available at

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.25




Soon: Jun 3, 2011 Amount Available

Large: $98,500,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Department of Transportation

Federal Highways Administration

FOA # n/a

Public Lands Highways Discretionary The Basics: This program provides funds for transportation planning, research, and engineering and construction of, highways, roads, parkways, and transit facilities that are within, adjacent to, or provide access to Indian reservations and Federal public lands.

This program provides funds to promote, demonstrate, evaluate, and document the application of innovative designs, materials, and construction methods in the construction, repair, and rehabilitation of bridges and other highway structures.

Some goals of the overall program include development of new, cost-effective, innovative highway bridge applications, construction techniques to increase safety and reduce construction time and traffic congestion, a reduction of maintenance costs and life-cycle costs of bridges, and development of highway bridges and structures

More information is available at

Potential projects for these funds include transportation planning for tourism and recreational travel, vehicular parking areas, interpretive signage, acquisition of necessary scenic easements, provisions for pedestrians and bicycles, and construction of roadside rest areas. An interesting use of these funds is that they may be used for the State/local matching share for

Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment Program The Basics:

apportioned Federal-aid Highway Funds. §

that will withstand natural disasters. Importantly, each state is asked to prioritize the applications from entities within it, so a good ranking on your state’s priority list is tantamount to being required. §

More information is available at

p.26 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011 Mid-month


Soon: Jun 3, 2011 Amount Available

Small: $4,500,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Department of Transportation

Federal Highways Administration

FOA # n/a



Truck Parking Facilities Program


Soon: Jun 3, 2011

The Basics: This program provides funding to address the shortage of long-term parking for commercial motor vehicles (CMV) on the National Highway System.

Amount Available

Small: $7,500,000 Number of Awards


In order to apply, applicants should be able to justify their project in terms of Average Daily Truck Traffic (ADTT) the current presence, and use of existing parking facilities. Items to be addressed include relevant data for the trucking corridor, expected effects of the project, and cooperation with other local organizations. ยง


Department of Transportation

Federal Highways Administration

More information is available at




Soon: Jun 3, 2011 Amount Available

Medium: $10,000,000 Number of Awards

Unknown Agency

Department of Transportation

Federal Highways Administration

FOA # n/a



FOA # n/a

Delta Region Transportation Development The Basics: This program provides funds to support and encourage multistate transportation planning and corridor development, provide for transportation project development, facilitate transportation decision making, and support transportation construction in the Delta region.

wide planning issues. Priority consideration will be given to projects that involve state and local official cooperation, and to projects with multimodal or specific operational components including economic development, greater mobility of goods, and emergency evacuation. There is a local cost share of just 20 percent. ยง

The Delta region includes the More information is available at portions of Alabama, Arkansas, Il- linois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee under the authority of the Delta Regional Authority. All projects should relate back to sections 134 and 135 of title 23, United States Code concerning metropolitan planning and state-

May 2011 Mid-month | The Fundbook ~ p.27

Upcoming Grants Index Grant Name



COPS Secure Our Schools Program NEW 4 Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grants 5 Healthy Homes Production Program 6 NEW COPS Child Sexual Predator Program 6 Asthma Interventions in Public and Assisted Multifamily Housing 7 Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration 7 Joint Public Works, Economic Adjustment, and GCCMIF Programs 8 Emergency Capital Repair Grants for Multifamily Housing Projects 10 Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs Opportunity 10 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly 11 Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan Guarantees Program 11 NEW Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements (REAP) 12 Supplemental Appropriations Disaster Relief Opportunity 12 /7HdDO Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance (REAP) NEW 13 Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation 13 Challenge Cost Share 14 Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) - Feasibility NEW 14 Basic Center Program 15 Public and Indian Housing Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinators Program NEW 15 Habitat Restoration and Visitor Services 16 COPS Hiring Program 16 Clean Cities Community Readiness for Plug-In Electric Vehicles Infrastructure 17 Street Outreach Program 17 Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program 18 Preservation and Access Education and Training Grants 18 NEW Community Economic Development (CED) Projects 19 Public and Indian Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program Under ROSS 19 Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency Program 20 NEW Lead Technical Studies and Healthy Homes Technical Studies Programs 20 Coastal Program 21 Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring 21 Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities 22 Community-Based Violence Prevention 22 Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals 23 Services Grants for Residential Treatment for Pregnant Women 23 National Initiatives: Enhancing Law Enforcement 24 Publishing Historical Records 24 NEW Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program 25 Ferry Boat Discretionary (FBD) Program NEW 25 Public Lands Highways Discretionary (PLHD) Program NEW 26 NEW Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment Program 26 NEW Truck Parking Facilities Program 27 NEW Delta Region Transportation Development 27 p.28 ~ The Fundbook | May 2011

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