The FundBook ID State Edition
July 2011
Helping communities find the federal funding they need.
The View from Idaho State Idaho‘s economy and way of life are largely defined by the characteristics of its land. For example, Idaho boasts an abundance of natural resources, which is at threat in the summer fire season. Wild fire is a danger to lives and livelihoods, and a challenge to municipalities that have to plan for potential, spontaneous disasters. Wild fires can burn in most of the state. National forests occupy nearly 40% of Idaho’s land mass, more than any other state. Of the 20.2 million acres of national forests in the state, over 4 million acres have been designated by Congress as wilderness and reserves from timber harvest. Another 8.4
Notes From the Field
Wild fire prevention and remediation is getting serious attention and funding for collaborations that cross interest groups and constituencies. Here are two successfully funded projects: The Clearwater Basin Collaborative was established in 2008 to bring together representatives from business, conservation, government and tribal interests to resolve land management conflicts in the Clearwater Basin. The Clearwater Basin Area of north central Idaho is famous for its diverse topography of mountains, prairies and river valleys. A mixed business base of forest products, agriculture and tourism is a reflection of the variety of natural resources in the area. Recently, the Clearwater Collaborative received $3.5 million for projects from the U.S. Forest Service for a series of projects that will create jobs and improve the health of the land. Learn more: The Selway-Middle Fork Clearwater Project is a joint-effort between the Clearwater Basin Collaborative and the Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests. The restoration p. ~ The Fundbook - ID | July 2011
million acres are currently without roads. The public is the major landholder in Idaho. The United States government owns 63.8% of all the land and manages nearly three-quarters of the forest. The rest of Idaho’s forestland is divided between public and private ownership. The state of Idaho and other public agencies own 10% or 2.2 million acres Privately held lands are owned by forest products companies who own 5% or 1.1 million acres. The remaining 10%, 2.2 million acres is owned by ranchers, farmers, tribes and other private landowners. project protects communities from wild fire and restores land and water ecosystems. The Clearwater Basin Collaborative, loggers, local officials, environmentalists, sportsmen, the Nez Perce Tribe and motorized recreationists received $1 million the first year. Projects will occur in the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests, in the Nez Perce tribal lands, and in Idaho and Clearwater Counties. For an overview of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration proposal go to: http://goo. gl/z8NZR Progress threatened There is statewide concern about how federal budget cuts will affect other collaborative efforts, including the Payette Forest Coalition and the newly formed Boise Forest Coalition. These efforts have brought together groups that struggled against each other in the late 1980s and early 1990s over logging in roadless areas, protecting salmon habitat and other values previously viewed as competing. What will happen if the budgets are cut and access to forest resources isn’t opened enough to generate jobs and projects they all can agree on? Learn more:
Bright Star Grant Consultants, Inc. 810 Victorian Dr, Coeur d’ Alene, ID, 83814 (208) 964-0402
Bright Star Grant Consultants is a full service capacity building firm. Supporting government agencies, non-profits, and universities with: • Fund, resource, and program development • Strategy and expansion • Assessment and evaluation • Training and Coaching
Grants are the cornerstone of building a diversified funding portfolio
Sample Consultation Feasibility Study: Preliminary Non-Traditional Grant Funding Strategy: City of Pinehurst, Idaho Role: Research and development of deliverable documentation that included non-traditional grant seeking strategies, organizational readiness evaluation, readiness task list, strategic alliances profiles, and recommendations.
Bright Star Grant Consultants worked carefully to understand the needs of our projects and community and provided creative funding opportunities that will expand the reach of our projects and increase our sustainability. - Principal, Terra Graphics Engineering (
Grant Writing on the Edge
Advanced grant writing tools and tips for government entities, schools and non-profits. Wild fire prevention and post-disaster recovery are everyone’s responsibility. Citizen and professional fire departments can access resources to ready themselves for fire and to stay safe. Communities can blend wild fire preparation with other community planning. Grantors are always looking for multiple benefits and outcomes, so consider designing your projects with multiple benefits. For instance, designing a picnic area to function as an emergency shelter works for tourism, disaster preparedness, and community unity objectives. Grants are available to support this kind of development: • Federal grants are available to support the through the National Fire Plan •..Idaho Parks and Recreation: • Idaho Department of Commerce’s Tourism Development Division: • Idaho Department of Fish and Game: Resources Idaho State Departments have roles and responsibilities for managing forests and wildlife. Individual departments provide some grant resources that support their activities. • Idaho Department of Lands provides professional assistance to the citizens of Idaho to use, protect and sustain their natural resources. It maintains fourteen Supervisory Area Offices throughout the State of Idaho. Learn more: http:// • The National Interagency Fire Center p. ~ The Fundbook - ID | July 2011
(NIFC) is the nation’s support center for wildland firefighting. The National Fire Plan is to increase firefighter safety and enhance the knowledge and fire protection capability of rural fire departments by providing assistance in education and training, protective clothing and equipment purchase, and support to public education efforts on a cost share basis. Learn more: Many people will not take wild fire seriously until it is too late. Order a free defensible space video Are we Safe from Fire? Protecting Idaho Communities to see and hear from survivors of wild fire and professionals who explain how to create safety measures for yourself and your property. This riveting award winning video was produced by Framing Our Community, a non-profit group based in Elk City. To obtain a copy of the DVD, contact Ellen Bartlett at (208) 842-2939 or (208) 842-2322 or email - A $5.00 shipping and handling fee will be charged.
This article was contributed by Janet Bourque of Bright Star Grant Consultants. Bright Star is very knowledgable of the grants and funding territory in ID and works with local governments and non-profits on grants-related services and capacity building there.
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