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Presentation................................................................ 3

II. Why sponsor scholarships in El Salvador?............... 4 III. What is the definition of sponsoring a scholarship?.... 7 IV. What are the purposes of the program?..................... 7 V. Concepts..................................................................... 9 VI. Types of scholarships by model of study..................... 11 VII. Selecting scholarship recipient ................................... 13 VIII. Profile of sponsored individual.................................... 14 IX. Components................................................................ 15 X. Accountability.............................................................. 17 XI. How can you sponsor?................................................ 18 XII. Antonia´s story............................................................. 19


I. Presentation. The scholarship program seeks to address the issue of inadequate access to educationfor students who lack the economic resources to support their educational goals. This FUNDEMAC project is holistic and comprehensive in nature. It concentrates on issues linked to education such as parent involvement, health care, nutrition, and educational innovation.


II. Why sponsor scholarships in El Salvador?. Education, seen and understood as a pillar of human development and established as a universal human right, becomes transcendental in the lives of people and a need for the advancement of societies. When education is linked with other rights such as health and employment its importance is even more dramatic in achieving these rights.

Most children in rural areas only reach the fourth or fifth grade.


Education is the best way to create opportunities and improve the quality of life of individuals, families and communities. It is imperative that children and young people can have the chance to access school with ample opportunities to complete their technical or higher education. The SSP will be a contributing factor in facillitating greater access to education providing material and financial rescources that allow students to continue their education.



III. What does sponsoring a student entail?. A scholarship in the SSP will facilitate a friendship between the sponsor and student that is ethical and that is one of solidarity and respect. The scholarship is for students who are marginalized and will allow the student to excell academically.

IV. What are the goals of the program?. 1. To permit students who are in some way excluded or marginalized in rural, semi-urban and urban areas access to education. 2. To raise the level of education attained by disadvantaged students through scholarships.



V. Concepts. Scholarship. A grant or donation that supports the educational needs of the student in the SSP program that allows he or she to begin and continue their st dies. This grant is intended to cover the costs of school supplies, uniforms, shoes, school fees, transportation and food. Moreover, with this fund, the diffrent program components are implmented.

Friend It is that person or entity that provides economically altruistic benefit of the academic training of children and young people of low income. Also called sponsor.

Scholarship recipient. It’s a child, adolescent or youth who receives a scholarship that allows them to start, continue and finish their studies.

the greatergood of the grant holder. The components are: building friendships between sponsors and grant holders, academic support to the scholarship holder, promote recreation, culture and sport, school innovation, technology and educational management, health support to the grant holders.

Components. The six areas that make up the SSP, which will allow it to be comprehensive and is oriented to



VI. Types of Scholarships by Model of Study. Classroom Education Model. This type of education has a greater link between student and teacher. The student has time to attend the school where he acquires most of their learning through the intervention of a teacher.

Semipresential Model. Education on Weekends. This educational model has less contact between student-teacher. Spends more individual time during the week, depending on their schedules. The advantage is that you can combine work and study in a more optimal way.

Distance Education Model. Distance education is an educational approach in which no classroom attendance is required in the classroom. Normally, the school provides a computing platform and, through it, the teacher gives classes

The Academic Levels are: Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, High School and Higher Education. 11


VII. Selecting scholarship recipients. The Foundation like their friends from the Scholarship Sponsorship Program wish to benefit the greatest number of children, adolescents and youth, making effective and transparent use of funds received. Therefore, the selection of scholarship holders becomes very important as the donations received will target families with higher levels of exclusion.

The criteria are: 1. The scholarship students will come from areas that have been determined to be in extreme poverty. 2. Reside in areas of social exclusion. 3. The family income should be classified under the same or less than the low income stipulated in the income poverty map. 4. The student should not be awarded with a scholarship from another institution, unless the Foundation has some kind of convention or agreement. 5. The average grade required will depend on the educational stages that are made. 6. Show that the family permanently supports the scholarship holder. 7. The program will focus on the incorporation of girls to education.


VIII. Profile of Sponsored Individual.

The foundation visualizes that the characteristics that every scholarship recipient must have with the purpose of achieving academic success and with the program are: 1. Dedication to study. 2. Engaged and committed to community development. 3. Seeks academic and professional development. 4. Develop their own personal interests. 5. Demonstrate solidarity with their study colleagues. 6. Show good behavior within their community and study center. 7. Demonstrate financial hardship. For those scholarship holders in the stages of early childhood and special education, the open support of the person in charge will be considered.


IX. Components. 1. Building friendships between sponsors and scholarship recipients. The SSP will facilitate and will strengthen communication between the sponsors and the scholarship holders, fostering a bond of friendship based on respect, multiculturalism, ethics, honesty and transparency for both parties. The boy or girl, will send two digital letters in the year, which will be supervised by FUNDEMAC.

2. Financial support for access to education. This monthly, quarterly or yearly fund shall be provided through a fee from the sponsor, this fund is going to be essential for the scholarship itself and the actions to take in the rest of the components.

3. Academic support to the scholarship holder. Contributes to improving academic performance of the scholarship recipient, by identifying and seeking alternative solutions to learning problems, which is realized through tutoring and life education, school resources developing study skills, encourage reading, among others.


4. Promote Recreation, Culture and Sport. Foster access to participation in artistic activities, sports activities and knowledge of the historical and cultural heritage.

5. Health support to the grant holders. Contribute to improving the health status of the scholarship recipient through nutritional care and disease prevention from the community and the school which contribute to their healthy growth and improvement of the learning process.

6. School innovation, technology and educational management. Promote the right to education with equity and quality through continuous innovation and improvement of human and material resources, the strengthening of democratic access and participation of the educational community.


X. Accountability. FUNDEMAC works transparently to ensure adequate implementation of the SSP and the proper use of the funds received by sponsors, companies, associations and others.

Via: • Inform friends, the grantees, educational communities and other local stakeholders on the implementation of activities, achievements, investment, community involvement, limitations and strengths. •Provide accountablity through public events, distribution of digital information and newsletters through the website, reports, including annual reports among others. • Promote community control through knowledge of the operation of the SSP. • Disseminate the results of the audit conducted by outside firms. Put in place a mechanism that allows FUNDEMAC to provide accurate and timely information to all stakeholders related to SSP.


XI. How can you sponsor?. 1. Decide to support a child of any educational level. 2. Choose how often you wish to give your donation effectively. (monthly, quarterly, semi annually or annually) 3. Complement the form through: or by calling 2654-2915 / 2654-0478. 4. Donations can be made via credit card, bank check or wire transfer.


Monthly con

Kindergarden $20 Elementary $20 Junior High School/ Middle School


High School $50 Technical studies or Associate´s Degree


University (3 years and 6 years)



XII. Antonia´s story... From fourth grade onwards I worked to continue studing, I attended high school in the blended model, while woring selling things I had made and took care of my daughters. When I finished high school, I applied for an education scholarship in the distance education model which was offered by FUNDEMAC and the University Jose Simeon Cañas. When you have a goal you must fight to accoplish it. I always had to bring my one-year-old daughter with me when I had to do leave to study. Back then my resources were scarce. There was a moment when I was about to quit my studies and even my father said that education would never put food on the table, but when I thought about leaving my studies behind… I always thought about the future of my daughters. I am the only daughter among ten siblings that finished school. It has been very important for me complete my education, because now I can help my daughters and we have a different life. I want to help my family and now I can! Besides, as a teacher I contribute with the community by rescuing lost values.

Thank you FUNDEMAC for helping me accomplish this dream!



Foundation for Educational Development Morazan in Action Nonprofit institution whose main area of work is the access and quality of education. Email: Tel: (503)26-54-0478 y (503)-26-54-2915. 4a Calle Oriente, N° 19, Barrio La Cruz, San Francisco Gotera. Morazán, El Salvador, C.A. Fundemac Morazán @FundemacMorazan

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