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Questions for the Alumni...

If you could go back and change anything, what would you change?

BH: I would have concentrated more in the classroom and taken my academic classes more seriously.


MRO: Honestly, I am not sure I would change a thing. I enjoyed my time at Assumption, I loved that you could be involved in so much.

JB: Honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing I learned from all my mistakes and grew from all my relationships with people. I guess I would just want more time at AC. I enjoyed talking with the brothers and sisters about life and faith, I enjoyed talking with the staff about careers and opportunities but I LOVED my time getting to know my peers!

MRY: Wouldn't change much. I established a lot of meaningful relationships at Assumption, both on and off the field. A lot of lasting memories were made with significant people It helped shape who I ultimately became in my latter / professional years.

JB: Take chances, take risks, find someone you trust and love to take the ride with you. I think it’s better with someone at your side to navigate the bumps in the road. There will be bumps (life lessons, health, work, death..) be with someone that you can count on and makes you the best version of you! Other than that JUST ENJOY life. Don’t live to work Work to Live!!

MRY: Do what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy what you are doing in life, you won't work as hard and you can become complacent. Ultimately, you won't be as successful as you would be if you were happy. Stay active!

MRO: Enjoy the ride and all the ups and downs that come along with it, success is never a straight line and is certainly defined differently for everyone, define your own success and chase it.

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