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Eric Brown Shoals Warehouse Assistant

Eric and his wife have a beautiful family of two. He has worked in warehouses off and on for 4 to 5 years. For the last 3 years before he came to work at the Food Bank, he was managing a family business.


Ebony Hickson has an undergrad degree from Oakwood University in organizational management and is obtaining an MBA from University of Alabama Huntsville. She enjoys spending time with her daughter Ryleigh and their cat Chloe that they adopted. She is excited to be a part of the team and make changes in our community.

Allison Parks Special Programs Assistant

Allison Parks is the new Special Programs Assistant at the Food Bank of North Alabama. Allison has always worked with food, from jobs in the service industry and agriculture to her personal love for cooking. Driven by a passion for food access, environmentalism and human well-being, Allison is excited to join the Food Bank in its mission to fight hunger and foster a robust and resilient local food system in North Alabama.

Robin Gilbert Grants Coordinator

Justin Luangkhot Farm Food Collaborative Coordinator

Justin Luangkhot is the dad to Hazel, 4, and Henry, 1, and husband to Amber. They have a farm comprised of goats, chickens, and you-pick produce. By training, Justin is a plant pathologist who is specialized in nematology. The Luangkhot family lived on the West Coast for 7 years prior to moving back to Alabama. Along with working at the Farm Food Collaborative, Justin, helps run the farm, and he is the owner of an agricultural research business. Justin said working with the Farm Food Collaborative is very exciting because he’s able to see all sides of producing for a farm. Connecting with growers and providing healthy local produce to people in North Alabama brings him great joy.

Terrance Lewis Driver

Terrance grew up as a “Military Brat” and lived in four states and the country of Germany. He served in the U.S. Army for two and a half years and was honorably discharged as a disabled veteran. He was an Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist with the Army. Prior to his military service, Terrance earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Alabama A&M University in Business Administration with a concentration in Office Systems Management, where he excelled at following detailed instructions and grasping new tasks quickly. Thank you for your service, Terrance.

Judy Sheats Finance Assistant

Judy Sheats is married, with 3 step daughters, 2 grandsons and 1 new baby granddaughter. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from University of Phoenix. She loves sci-fi, programming and 80’s music as well as to joke and laugh with people. She has enjoyed being a part of the Food Bank of North Alabama and helping people in need know someone does care about them.

Originally from Denver, Robin Gilbert has lived in Huntsville for 41 years. Robin has four awesome children and eight grandchildren (three of whom are 3 years old and no…they are not triplets!) She graduated from Oakwood University, has a Master’s in Divinity from Phillips Theological Seminary, a Master’s in Nonprofit and Religious Organizational Leadership from Newburgh Seminary and is currently working on her Doctorates in the same discipline. Robin stopped volunteering and started serving in the nonprofit world when as a Juvenile Probation Officer she decided that she wanted to reach the kids before they reached her. She loves reading, writing (she has two published books), spoken word poetry and music. Little known fact: Robin was a private investigator and bounty hunter! She feels blessed and is excited to be working with the Food Bank of North Alabama.

Donate today and help us feed the hungry today and create solutions that will end hunger tomorrow! Give using the enclosed reply slip or by visiting www.foodbanknorthal.org/give.

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