Trevi safe, trauma-informed launch forwomen-only accommodation appeal in the city In celebration of their 30th Anniversary, local women’s charity, Trevi, has launched their Blossom Appeal, which will focus on raising funds for a women-only accommodation service based in the centre of Plymouth for women affected by trauma and abuse.
Covid-19 has brought gender inequalities into shocking prominence. Women have been disproportionately affected - domestic abuse helpline calls soared by 80%, and murders of women have doubled. Chronic poverty has increased: women are affected most. This, layered against an increase in drug use, county lines activity and child sexual abuse, and the cycle of violence against women and girls continues. Blossom Women’s House will be a trauma-informed house for women with complex and multiple needs. It has the capacity to accommodate nine women across three floors. It is a safe, contained, homely space with an enclosed back garden. Blossom Women’s House will be the place where women can find some peace and security and can take some positive steps in their journey of recovery from trauma and abuse.
E M P O W E R I N G W O M E N . H O S P I TA L I T Y . R E TA I L