Fun Love Photography - Investment January 2018

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phot ogr aphy


FI RS TBI RTHDAY(W I 350 TH CAKE)$ eat i vef eecover st hecapt ur i ngofi magesatyour Thecr cus t om, onl ocat i on por t r ai ts es s i on, a wel come package,and a per s onal i z ed onl i ne por t al .I tal s o i ncl udesPr emi er eNi ghti nyourver yownhomewi t h your i mages pr es ent ed i n a cus t om s l i des how, del i ci ous des s er t s and a uni que oneonone oppor t uni t yt odes i gnt hephot ogr aphi car tt hatbes t s ui t syourdr eamsand des i r es .Col l ect i ons ,ar tand i magesar epur chas eds epar at el y ,wi t hnomi ni mums . Doubl eandT r i pl eSes s i onsbook edandpai df oratt he ďŹ r s ts es s i on ent i t l e you t os peci alcr edi t st owar ds pur chas es .




COLLECTI ONS Compl et eandl ux ur i ouspor t r ai tcol l ect i onst ofi l l yourhomeandhear t s wi t hi magesof yourl ovedones . Col l ect i onsar eyourbes tval uet oens ur e youpr es er veyourf ami l ymemor i esandt ak eawayt hear tofyourl i f e. COLLECTI ON ONE $2950 (VALUE$7500) 8x 1 0” Ar tPor t r ai tBoxOR 30pagef ul l yupgr aded1 0x 1 0”Hei r l oom Ar tAl bum 220page8x 8”Hei r l oom Ar tAl bums 30x 40” Wal l MountOR $2000cr edi tt owar dsWal l Ar t 5Gi f tPr i nt s , eachmount edandupt o8x 1 2”i ns i z e 30i mageDi gi t al Col l ect i oni nCol ourandBl ack&Whi t e Per s onal i z edMobi l eAppofyourSes s i onI mages Cr eat i veFeef oryourNex tSes s i on 30%di s countonàl acar t eor der s

COLLECTI ON TW O $1 850 (VALUE$4870) 8x 1 0” Ar tPor t r ai tBoxOR 20page1 0x 1 0”Hei r l oom Ar tAl bum 1 6x 24” Wal l MountOR $700cr edi tt owar dsWal l Ar t 5Gi f tPr i nt s , eachmount edandupt o8x 1 2”i ns i z e 30i mageDi gi t al Col l ect i oni nCol our Per s onal i z edMobi l eAppofyourSes s i onI mages Cr eat i veFeef oryourNex tSes s i on 20%di s countonàl acar t eor der s

COLLECTI ON THREE $950 (VALUE$1 340) 1 2x 1 8” Wal l MountOR 20page5x 5“Mi ni Boar dBook 5Gi f tPr i nt s , eachmount edandupt o8x 1 2”i ns i z e Per s onal i z edMobi l eAppofyourSes s i onI mages 1 0%di s countonàl acar t eor der s

À LA CARTE Whi l et hemaj or i t yofcl i ent swi l lfi ndoneofFunLove' scol l ect i onsj us t per f ect , I offeravar i et yofpr oduct sàl acar t easwel l . Thef ol l owi ngi sj us t as t ar t-t her ei st r ul ys omet hi ng f orever yone -and i fyou want s omet hi ngj us tf oryou, we' l l cr eat ei tt oget her .

ARTP ORTRAI TBOX f r o m $1 280 HEI RLOOM ARTALBUM ( 1 0x1 0” )f r o m $97 0 MI NIALBUMS( 8x8” )f r o m $7 50 W ALL&DES KART f r o m $300 FRAMEDP RI NTS f r o m $350 GI FTP RI NTS( upt o8x1 2” ) $7 5 CUS TOM S TATI ONERY f r o m $1 50f i r s t25, $50add’ l25 DI GI TALCOLLECTI ONS f r o m $1 200

ÀLaCar t epr i cess hownar es t ar t i ngpr i cesf orPr emi er eNi ghtor der sonl y .

Al l pr i cesar ei nCanadi andol l ar sandar es ubj ectt oHST. T r avel f eesappl ybeyondt heCi t yofT or ont oboundar i es . Paymentpl ansar eavai l abl ef ort hi si mpor t anti nves t menti nyourf ami l ymemor i es . Val i dt hr oughFebr uar y201 8.

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