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Letter From The Editor of Funnel Magazine
Dear Funnel Hackers:
In full disclosure, I used Funnel Scripts and the Origin story to write you this letter. My name is Kate Mikado, and I’m the Editor-In-Chief of the publication you are holding in your hands right now. Let me tell you a quick story about how we came up with the idea for Funnel Magazine. At the time we were having some challenges internally with our company. My husband was trying to put out all the fires. As a result, we realized that our value ladder needed a serious makeover.
And so Funnel Magazine was born, and it’s why our First Edition is all about the Free + Shipping Funnel. I had a passion for writing, and now I was trying to learn how to be an editor of a magazine. I’d never been an editor before, and with this edition coming out January 31st, I had a quick learning curve. It was so amazing working on the whiteboard wall (some of you may have seen the video) and discovering that this was something I could get lost in. If people were going to take us seriously, we HAD to play bigger. Now I was staying at the office until 9 pm and working over the weekend to make sure everything was to the standard of the Impact, Excellence, and Innovation that we at Funnel Magazine strive for. It was easy to have people say yes, and I started adding people right into my phone (you don’t need business cards). By listening to Russell Brunson for three days straight I was able to understand better what Hawk was always going on about. For many of you reading this, that is what funnels do for you.
It’s our Mission here at Funnel Magazine to take a stand against hype internet marketing, the people who are making their money with Facebook Ads teaching about how to make money using Facebook Ads. Now I’m living the dream of getting the amazing content and insights to you, and I never have to worry about making money ever again (well almost never again). And that’s why I’m so passionate about Funnel Magazine. Because it was the beginning of a new chapter in my life and one that I want to be around for many years to come. Thank you for joining us on our journey.
- Kate Mikado, Editor-In-Chief