Want to be healthy and fit? Consider black rice buy online

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Want to be healthy and fit? Consider black rice buy online Black rice is also known as purple rice. The color of the non-cooked black rice is deep black but during cooking, its color turns dark purple. The outer layer of the grains contains a high amount of anthocyanin than any other food. However, the taste of black rice buy online is nutty and mild like brown rice. In addition to that, black rice also contains the same amount of fiber as brown rice.

Despite that, black rice is more nutritious than brown rice. Because ¼ cup of black rice provides 180 calories of energy, 34 gm of net carbs, and 4 gm of protein. On the other hand, brown rice provides 150 calories of energy, 32 gm of net carbs, and 3 gm of protein.

Health benefits of black rice  

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Source of essential nutrients: Black rice is a storehouse of essential nutrients. Such as Iron, calcium, potassium, and fibers. Presence of anti-oxidants: It also contains 23 different types of anti-oxidants. Because of that, black rice is used to decrease the risks of chronic diseases. Such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even some form of cancer. Gluten-free:Black rice is glute free compound. Therefore, those who are suffering from celiac disease may add black rice to their diet chart. Eye health: From the study, it was found that black rice is the storehouse of lutein and zeaxanthin. These two compounds protect the retina by filtering out a blue light wave which is very dangerous for the eye. In addition to that, anthocyanin also helps to prevent retinal damage. Anti-cancer properties: As black rice contains anti-oxidants, several studies concluded that black rice has anti-cancer properties. However, to prove the anti-cancer properties of black rice more extensive research is needed. Support for weight loss: Black rice contains fibers and proteins. Fibers and proteins decrease our apatite and provide sufficient energy for workouts. In this way, black rice will promote weight loss if one adds black rice to their diet chart. Control blood sugar level: Many journals on black rice pointed out that, people who are suffering from diabetes type-2 disease may add black rice to their diet plan to control their blood sugar level. Easy to cook: It generally takes nearly 30 minutes to cook black rice. One can eat black rice with salads, steaks, casseroles, stir-fry, or rice pudding.

You can order black rice and many other quality supplements online now. If you are looking for black rice buy online, you can consider Fitness Universe. Fitness universe delivers 100% organic, stone-free, and premium quality black rice at a very reasonable price.

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