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NKBA news

from the president



Being intentional in growth

Being borderless increases our exposure to the world and improves how connectivity is experienced and also broadens our knowledge sharing. This is critical as the rest of the world is also borderless and much of how and what we do plays to that, so to the membership experience does not need to be constrainted to boundaries as we share and connect across our internal borders. Sharing between regions is an important part of the Master Joiners philosophy which was experienced in abundance at the recent Blenheim conference. It was great to see joiners from all over the country coming together to share in the infectious vibe that was shared by everyone in attendance.

Investing in the future of joinery and valuing what we do beyond calling ourselves simply a "Tradie" we are professionals who's staff are made up of a variety of roles such as estimators, production teams, detailers, cnc technicians, installers and of course the in house design teams and sales teams. Are you calling your production manager a factory hand? Is this what they are? A joinery career is no longer limited to being "on the tools" there are pathways to sidestep and take the ball out wide or run it straight up the middle for a try (taking over the bosses business) knowing your professional peers are right there to take the pass and support you along the way. This is a core value of the Master Joiners, to support growth in our industry and to help find pathways to improving ourselves as employers and workmates.

Are we intentional about allowing our teams to grow in preperation for being tomorrows business owners and industry leaders. Being intentional is making sure we off er good pathways for our staff , that includes professional development. Staff retention reduces the need for recruitment and we all know how having to recruite creates business disruption and generally is a pain in the butt! Conference 2023 is "Inspired to grow" what does growth mean for you and your team? Are you winding up or winding down or rinse and repeat. I challenge you to be intentional about what growth is for you, your business and the industry through your teams growth.

Have you signed up for Inspiring the future, yes it is a long game but so is a fi ve dayer at the Basin Reserve in the middle of summer with the sun beating down on your head and warming your beer it's still worth it! Do you remember when you were 13 and couldn't wait to be 18? You woke up one day and you were suddenly 30 almost overnight. Inspiring the future around the country

To get to the game you need to plan in advance. will support procuring our next generation, letting them know what our time tested profession does and how they can have a worthy, intentional career. https:// www.tec.govt.nz/focus/our-focus/ inspiring-the-future/

Be intentional about providing the best service to your customers, embrace customer service standards, good communication, resolve complaints quickly and become brand ambassadors for your business, you profession and Master Joiners.

Have a great Christmas break everyone, enjoy the time off with your families and remember one day you'll wake up and they will have all moved out to start their own paths in life so make the most of the time you have together.


Andrew Reilly

National President Registered Master Joiners

Peter Hay Kitchens p.22

Smart Moves

Use of new technologies, processes and materials are part of the ever evolving world we live in. We have a series of features and storylines looking at how these things are developing here in New Zealand. Smart manufacturing covers a wide range of businesses that do smart things in diff erent ways. Peter Hay Kitchens is a good example with their ongoing improvements moving toward cementing their role as a world class operation. In a diff erent way so is Auckland fi rm Contemporano who off er an interesting combination of product and advice aimed at transforming the cabinetmaking industry. Even the use of effi cient software, labelling systems and storage systems come out to play. ‘Smart’ doesn’t end there either as we look at Smart Living in fi elds such as lighting and heating. Last but not least we have a look at the latest in handles in our Smart Finish feature. Altogether an interesting Christmas issue.

On another matter I must note that our regular Legal Column writer, Auckland commercial lawyer Geoff Hardy has decided to hang up his boots. I am sure in saying that he will be sorely missed for his erudite, informative articles on a wide range of legal issues. He has been a contributor over some twenty one years with about eighty articles. It will be a big gap for us to fi ll! All the best Geoff and thanks for your invaluable contribution to the success of this magazine. This Christmas issue has a lot of other articles of interest including an interview with the Supreme Award winning fi rm Cutting Innovations Ltd and a review of the recent Master Joiners Conference from Blenheim. As always keep an eye out for our 2023 Wall Planner insert, a useful addition to your offi ce in the year to come. You should also keep an eye out for a number of new products coming on the market, something we have made a point of including in the magazine from issue to issue. Finally my Editor Michael and I want to wish all the team at Master Joiners, all our advertisers and of course our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Bob Nordgren


The magazine for the joinery, cabinetmaking & kitchen manufacturing industries

Offi cial Publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation


Michael Goddard michael@joiners.net.nz


Bob Nordgren bob@joiners.net.nz




42 Aldersgate Rd, PO Box 27 - 513, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, 1440, New Zealand. Ph: 64-9-624 4680

Joiners Magazine Online www.joiners.co.nz

ISSN 1173-6836

JOINERS Magazine is the offi cial publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation. It is distributed to members of the joinery, cabinetmaking and kitchen manufacturing industries and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Advertising statements or editorial opinion are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff , the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation Inc., or their executives, unless expressly stated. All articles printed in JOINERS Magazine are subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the Publisher or the authors therein. Advertisements and articles are accepted without liability as to the accuracy or otherwise of the factual matters represented.


a common language connecting machines

A common language to connect all wood processing machines, has been developed over the last three years by seven of the leaders in woodworking machinery, BIESSE, BÜRKLE, HOMAG, IMA SCHELLING, SCM, WEBER and WEINIG.

At Xylexpo 2022, a purpose-built display offering information and running the latest videos on Woodworking made izy provided the opportunity to share with the Italian and international woodworking audience, the novelty of a standard interface as a Woodworking Companion Specifi cation for OPC UA (Open Platform Communications United Architecture) enabling machines from diff erent manufacturers to be easily integrated and connected. Having to programme an individual interface will no longer be necessary, and an overall control of the production process can be set up very easily.

The project has been named izy, inspired by universal languages, and it has solved a communication problem in an easy and streamlined way. It used to take at least 3 days for wood processing companies to network machines with each other and with the MES (Manufacturing Execution System), now it will only take up to 3 hours to just plug in, just as easily as connecting a laptop to the printer with a USB cable.

More at izywoodworking.com

Blum Marketing Manager

Blum New Zealand would like to introduce Kate Kapitonova as their new nationwide Marketing Manager. With over 11 years of marketing experience across retail, FMCG and automobile sectors, Kate is passionate about building strong brands and leading sales-driving marketing campaigns. She loves getting geeky and tracking the entire marketing funnel to continuously improve results for the brand and its partners.

Being a keen traveller, Kate has visited over 30 countries and lived in 5 of them, including New Zealand. Her other hobbies include skiing, ballroom dancing and lawn tennis.

Get in touch with Kate to learn more about how Blum and its top-tier marketing team can support you and your business, her email is kate.kapitonova@blum.com.

PRO100 expert joins Design2Cam

Design2Cam Ltd are very pleased to announce that Roshan Gallage (BSc Eng. MEng (Manufacturing Systems) CA (Int)) has joined the team, increasing our capacity in after sales service and technical support. Roshan has 10 years experience with PRO100, including linking to CNC machines. With his wealth of knowledge and experience he is a very welcome addition to the team.

With the launch earlier this year of the new PRO100 CNC module it has never been easier to link your PRO100 to a CNC machine. Please do not hesitate to contact Roshan if you need any further information on the latest version of PRO100 or the PRO100 CNC Module.

For sales and technical support of PRO100 please contact Roshan: 022 183 1605 or email: roshan@design2cam.com

Manning the stands in Blenheim

Intentional Growth

“Without continual growth and progress, words such as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning”

Benjamin Franklin

The Master Joiners Conference 2022 breakout sessions discussed ideas that incorporated our theme ‘Inspired to lead’. There was no doubt that many conference attendees went back to share their wisdom - and to lead their team in an everchanging world. With leadership, it follows there will be growth, right?

Our theme for the conference 2023 is ‘inspired to grow’. A scary thought for many, to step out of the box that they are so safely in, but you cannot get to where you want to be by remaining where you are. Being intentional can create strategic growth. The meaning of growth is to undergo natural development, increasing in size, changing physically or develop gradually. We can only grow when we are open to it. But what does that mean? How do you begin? Is it just you? Is it your business? Or is it your entire team? Conference 2023 plans to dig deep on how we can as an industry look at all dimensions of intentional growth, and how we can do it together as an industry and a profession. May 2023, save the date. Our member services have grown recently with the addition of the exclusive joinery focussed health and safety resource provided by HASANZ and ACC. This resource can be downloaded from the members resource section of the Master Joiners website and is produced for our members information and guidance on health and safety. It includes a variety of useful tools to support your organisations health and safety systems and process. This is so accessible; it just needs your deployment; the action of bringing resources into eff ective action.

Growth is as growth does, what are your growth challenges? Do you have a growth strategy in mind? Is it about taking on more staff or upskilling your current staff to progress within your business?

Share your views and growth mindsets - attend conference 2023.



SICAM welcomes 8000 companies

Late October saw the running of the 13th edition of SICAM, the international exhibition of components, accessories and semifi nished products for the furniture industry that annually takes place in Pordenone, Italy. The fair welcomes the most qualified professionals of international furniture with a continuously growing number of visitors: more than 8000 companies visiting from 115 diff erent countries from all over the world.

Particularly notable was the attendance of not only from the main markets throughout Europe but also from regions with interesting prospects such as North Africa, Middle East and South and North America.

There was a very radiant atmosphere through the stands during the four days of the fair: this edition has been fi lled with new products presented in all fi elds to

There was a very bouyant atmosphere during the four days of the fair.

stimulate exchanges of ideas and projects between companies and visiting professionals. The desire to establish new business relationships in order to resume those ones that in recent times had been limited only to the online world.

Concurrently with the event, the “Fuori Salone” was even more lively than in the past, which this year found space in various locations in Pordenone and its surroundings. Several corporate conferences and post-fair meetings that international brands of components participating at SICAM organized to bring together their major customers, in a friendly but very efficient business climate. “We are very happy that our ‘machine’ has once again proved itself. This year it has brought together many highprofile professionals from all over the world,” the organizers commented. “The SICAM format, with innovative ingredients presented these days, continues to prove its success in fostering the development of business relationships. The success is also proved by the numerous attending requests that we have already received for the next edition.”

The appointment for next edition of SICAM is from Tuesday 17th October to Friday 20th October 2023 in Pordenone when all the major branches of the international furniture industry will meet again.

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a new visual identity marks Biesse’s evolution

Over the past two years, Biesse have launched a thorough process of modernisation of the group, with the aim of becoming faster and more innovative.

This path allowed us to restructure the company in line with an approach intended to positively aff ect the way we operate and meet customer needs. As such, the project entails the rationalisation of the company structure, as well as its reorganisation at both internal and international levels, with the ultimate purpose of transforming the group into an increasingly more streamlined and effi cient entity featuring simplifi ed processes and the ability to adapt to global contexts that are in constant evolution.

We have adopted a transversal approach meant to ease the implementation process of developing projects. This path will also aff ect our branches abroad, with the goal of strengthening the company’s international network through more effi cient structures.

The new visual identity was deemed necessary to align group positioning and brands, and convey the group’s new values and identity traits while also retaining the distinctive features of the various sectors in which the group operates.

“Biesse’s evolution will benefi t our customers as well as allowing us to compete in an increasingly changeable market. Due to the all encompassing nature of this transformation, we decided to explicitly express it through a new visual identity,” declared Roberto Selci, CEO of Biesse.

All will be revealed to our customers through a step-by-step release of the main touch points, starting at the Glasstec trade fair in Dusseldorf, while full implementation will be accomplished within the next year.

The Biesse team in town to celebrate 20 years. Front Row: (l-r) Michael Bullock, Lee Barlow, Massimo Mina, Dylan Staples, Warrick Small, Geoff Craddock. Back Row: (l-r) Giuseppe Serpentino, Andrew Rogers, Adam Whitehead, Mark Dunlop, Leann Monga, Nigel Kelly.

Biesse celebrates 20 years in NZ

Biesse Group recently celebrated 20 years in New Zealand held at the Biesse Auckland Showroom, 21st – 22nd September.

Since starting as a small family company in 1969, the Biesse Group Australia and New Zealand subsidiaries opened their doors in 2002. To celebrate the occasion Biesse held an Open House to showcase the latest innovative technological solutions on off er in Nesting, Edgebanding, 5 Axis, Drilling, tooling and Software.

The showroom was busy with visiting customer that travelled from around the country to experience the latest technology onsite. Displayed at the Open House was the Rover A high performance nesting machine, providing outstanding results for the manufacturing of furniture and window/ door frames.Live demonstrations were also run on the Akron 1300, automatic singlesided edgebanding machine for companies looking for user-friendly, fl exible solutions in a limited space.

A wide range of virtual demonstrations were also available to visitorsand streamed from the Sydney showroom, giving customers access to a diverse range of Biesse wood, glass, stone and advanced materials machinery. Biesse offers technology of consistent quality that meetscustomer business requirements and handles all machining processes including: CNCs, Edgebanders, beam saws, drilling machines, sanders, handling and more.

Biesse’s Italian hospitality showed through with live Italian music playing along side delicious Italian food. Visitors were welcomed with special deals, gifts and giveaways.

Biesse Group showcased the strength of its history and its ability to provide a wide range of versatile products that will continue to cater to the future of the industry.

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