56 minute read
Due Process
a column by Geoff Hardy
Geoff Hardy has 46 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and is a partner in the Auckland fi rm “Martelli McKegg”. He guarantees personal attention to new clients at competitive rates. His phone number is (09) 379 0700 and email geoff @ martellimckegg.co.nz.
This article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.
When and how can you suspend work?
There are three situations where you might want to suspend work. The fi rst is where you badly need to take a break or it is overwhelmingly in your interests to do so. Examples of that would be where a competitor poaches your senior staff , you suffer a serious illness, the Christmas holidays arrive, you are offered a project in Dubai that will set you up for life, or you win Lotto. The second situation is where you simply cannot continue because a third party has intervened or some natural event has occurred – for example where some critical components aren’t delivered, or your plant and machinery breaks down or is destroyed in a fi re, or you get a lawyer’s letter saying the design you are manufacturing to is someone else’s intellectual property. The third situation is where your customer is in default – such as by not paying you, not issuing directions, or not giving you access to install your product.
It might surprise you to learn that in none of those situations do you have an automatic right to suspend work. Under your joinery contract you have undertaken to work diligently and conscientiously until the project is completed, and unless the contract lets you off the hook, you have to see it through to the end. If you plan to take a holiday midproject, you need to have made that clear at the outset. If you win an all-expenses-paid, two-month trip to the World Cup, that’s too bad, unless you can arrange cover for yourself.
And the most surprising thing of all, is that if your customer is well overdue in payment and has no reasonable excuse, the law still requires you to keep honouring your obligations regardless. That is, unless prior payment is a precondition to you starting or continuing work. Or, the customer’s default is so bad that you can actually cancel the joinery contract (assuming you want to). If you don’t have those rights, then the theory is that you have a process under the contract or under the general law for recovering your payment – whether that be mediation, arbitration, adjudication, the Disputes Tribunals, or the Courts – and in the meantime you have to keep working.
Fortunately there are four exceptions to the rule:
1. If the contract is “frustrated” (which means it become impossible to perform – such as where the building you are making the joinery for disappears into the sea) then the law gives you a get-outof-jail card. However this situation is very rare.
2. Most sophisticated contracts allow you to suspend work in “force majeure” situations where you are held up by things beyond your control like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, fl oods, wildfi res, states of emergency, riots, strikes or lockouts.
However to do so you need to have a written joinery contract that contains a force majeure clause.
3. Regardless of your contract, the Construction Contracts Act allows you to suspend work if you have given your customer a valid payment claim, and the customer either hasn’t given you a valid payment schedule in time, or hasn’t paid what the payment schedule said would be paid. But there are a few traps to look out for here. First, there aren’t many tradesmen who manage to satisfy all the criteria for a valid payment claim under the Act. Secondly, even if you have, you then have to give the customer a special written notice and allow fi ve working days for the notice to be complied with, before you can suspend. Thirdly, as soon as you do get paid you have to resume work immediately – not when it suits you.
4. However the best option of all is to use a joinery contract that allows you to suspend work in situations where it would be unfair to make you behave like a saint when your client is behaving like a sinner.
If you are required to sign up to one of the NZ Standards or NZ Institute of Architects contracts, they do give you some suspension rights, but they are not as favourable to you as they might be. Under the NZS contracts you can suspend work for non-payment or for some other persistent, flagrant or wilful default, but you have to give a written warning and allow the customer time to comply. Under the NZIA contracts you can suspend work if you have not been paid or you have not been provided with security for payment, but there is a similar requirement to allow time to remedy the default. However the biggest obstacle is that you are prohibited from suspending work during a dispute, and there are very few construction projects where an alleged default is not disputed.
Ideally your joinery contract would give you two specific rights to suspend work. The fi rst is where the customer has not complied with his/her/its obligations, whatever those obligations may be. Then you could suspend work as soon as you have given the customer a written notice of suspension that identifi es the particular default relied upon, and states that you will be suspending work. The second situation is where you have reasonable cause for concern about the customer’s ability to pay your future invoices. Under your contract, you could ask for security for payment such as a bond or money paid in advance, and if you don’t get it within a specifi ed number of days, you could then suspend work.
The important point to note is that there would have to be a genuine default on the part of the customer before you can suspend, and there is a process you would have to follow. If you don’t have valid grounds, or you don’t follow that process, then you would be in default and it is you who will be liable to the customer. The process should be outlined in the contract, and chances are it will be more complicated if you are actually installing your handiwork on the customer’s site. In that case it is unlikely that you could just pull your guys off the job and assume that it will be okay. When you send the notice, there are certain issues that it may be important for you to address.
Before you down tools there may be some critical work you need to do to secure the site to prevent vandalism, theft, or obvious health and safety risks, or to avoid damage due to exposure to the elements. Use your common sense here, and take basic precautions before vacating the site. You might even need to remove scaff olding or other plant and equipment to avoid incurring unnecessary hire charges, if the suspension looks like it will last for a while. Ideally all costs and expenses that you incur because of the suspension, including the costs of recommencing work, should be chargeable as a variation under your joinery contract.
The most important point to emphasise in your suspension notice is that you are ready, willing and able to resume work once the default is remedied. This is to avoid the impression that you have abandoned the project for good, or cancelled the joinery contract, which could expose you to a claim for damages for unlawful termination. You should reserve your right to cancel if the delay drags on too long, but make it clear that that hasn’t happened yet. You should also point out that if you remove your plant and equipment off site, that is merely for security reasons so they are not vandalised or stolen, or so that you can use them elsewhere or avoid paying unnecessary rental on them, and it is not to be interpreted as evidence that you have departed for good.
From a practical point of view, you will not be able to eff ectively manage health and safety risks while you are away from the site, so you should put on record that primary responsibility for health and safety logically reverts to the customer during the period of suspension, as the party best able to manage and control what goes on at the site.
Suspension of work should automatically extend any required completion date under your contract. The resulting delay may result in the contract works insurance lapsing before the new completion date, so someone will need to extend the policy. Typically in a renovation that will be the owner, and in a new build it will be the head contractor. Bear in mind that if the cost is on you, you will want the right to recover it as a variation. Once you suspend work you will have to reallocate your resources to other projects to generate income and keep your staff occupied, and it will be diffi cult to predict when you will free up again. It is important that your contract doesn’t require you to resume work immediately the customer’s default is remedied, because that may be difficult for a small joinery business. Your suspension notice should therefore state that the precise date of recommencement will depend on your commitments at the time and will have to be mutually agreed.
Finally, you should bear in mind that any fi xed pricing or cost estimates you gave your customer originally were based on prevailing rates at the time and may not adequately cover your costs at the time of recommencement. If you have cost adjustment provisions in your joinery contract then you will be covered. Although you may need to hold your costs as much as reasonably possible you should be able to reprice the job at the time to ensure that your profi t margin is not eroded.

master joiners
Operations Manager - Allison Delaney, PO Box 12269, Thorndon, Wellington 6011. p: 027 234 1727, e: operations@masterjoiners.co.nz
Advanced Timber Joinery
PO Box 132, Silverdale, 217 Spur Road, Stillwater/Silverdale, Ph 09 426 9785, contact Wade Saunderson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
All Timber Joinery (2017) Ltd
Unit A, 1058 Great South Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 270 9605, contact Rory Johns. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Alpha Joinery Services (2010) Ltd
124D Felton Mathew Ave, St Johns, Auckland, Ph 09 578 0391, contact Juan Whippy. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Art Deco Interior Ltd
6 Grayson Avenue, Papatoetoe 2104, ph 09 218 8079, contact Sam Ju.
Auckland Joinery (2014) Ltd
2 Taylors Road, Morningside, Auckland, Ph 09 846 0346, contact Ross Webster. NZS4211 Affi liated.
bmc limited
Unit E, 191B Archers Road, Auckland 0629, Ph 027 511 3717, contact Sandra & Bjoern May.
BML Builders Ltd
18 Shamrock Drive, Kumeu, Ph 09 412 2350, contact Kaye Butler. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Canam Joinery Ltd
196 Swanson Rd, Henderson, Auckland. Ph 09 836 0732, contact Angus Welton.

Carlielle Kitchens
138 Manukau Road, Pukekohe, Auckland 2120, Ph 09 238 5222, contact Doug McMiken.
Cedarlite Industries Ltd
4 Mahunga Dr, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, Ph 09 633 0410, contact John Harrison. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Continental Stairs Ltd
32 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 836 1935, contact John or Anthony van Erp.
Counties Joinery
36 Sedgebrook Rd, Patumahoe, RD 1, Pukekohe 2678. Ph 09 236 3271, contact Roy McKerras NZS4211 Affi liated.
CT Joinery
48 B Porana Road, Glenfi eld, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9041, contact Geoff Knight. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Cube Dentro
8 Tironui Station Rd, West Takanini, Auckland. Ph 09 297 7830, contact Leonie Hamill.
Cutting Innovations Ltd
70 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland 0610, Ph 09 836 9050, contact Alec Stringer
Dando Doors and Windows Ltd
62 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 629 0222, contact Peter Facoory. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Danska Cabinetmaking
Unit 5, 56 Rewarewa Rd, Raumanga, Whangarei, ph 09 438 1100, contact Aaron & Carolyn Rawson.
Design Timber Doors & Windows Ltd
118 Mangere Road, Otahuhu, Auckland, Ph 021 0868 6770, contact Sailesh Prakash. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Divine Design Ltd (T/A JDC Cabinets) 14 Alfred St, Onehunga, Auckland 2012. ph 09 622 1912, contact Julie Todd.
Doorways (2009) Ltd
428 Church St East, Penrose, Auckland, Ph 09 571 0605, contact Neville Shirley. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Euro Timber Joinery Co Ltd
34 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 837 1833, contact Shane Paterson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Fineline Joinery Limited
4 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 836 2212, contact Richard Schaefer. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Geoff Locke Cabinetmaker Ltd
67 Hodge Road, R D 6, Ruatangata, Whangarei 0176, Ph 09 433 5745, contact Geoff Locke.
Goldfi nch Timber Joinery Ltd
20 D & E Onslow Avenue, Papatoetoe, Auckland, Ph 09 277 8803, contact Harvey Whitehead. NZS4211 Affi liated
Grandvue Joinery
42 Gregory Road, Waitakere. Ph 09 810 9398, contact Robert Piacun. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ltd
8 Rewa Rewa Road, Raumanga, Whangarei, Ph 09 470 0653, contact Peter Dainty.
G & J Joinery (1997) Ltd
372 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 09 818 5585, contact Alan Parry. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Heritage Joinery Ltd
1007 Paerata Road, Paerata, Pukekohe. Ph 09 239 2794, contact Michael Oglesby.
Hewe Kitchens & Interiors
10 Triton Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632, Ph 09 479 6504, contacts Tony Hewetson or Craig Hewetson.
Haydn & Rollett Ltd
1 Warehouse Way, Northcote, Auckland 0627. Ph 09 443 8315, contact Christopher Hartley.
JT Cabinetry Ltd
32 Neil Park Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, Ph 09 279 8984, contact Paul Zwart.
Kay Joinery
1226 Oruru Road, R D 2, Peria, Kaitaia, Ph 09 408 5547, contact Daniel Kay. NZS4211 Affi liated.
KBL Joinery Ltd
7/220 Bush Rd, Rosedale, Auckland 0632. Ph 09 479 6380, contact Samantha Paul.
Kitchen Dynamics Limited
17 Martyn St, Waiuku, Auckland, Ph 09 235 0252, contact Colin Drummond.
Legacy Joinery
34a Leonard Rd, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 953 1465, contact Graham O”Neill. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Leslie A J & Co Ltd
6/95 Ellice Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland. Ph 09 479 4662, contact Steve Leslie. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Mahurangi Joinery Ltd
23a Glenmore Drive, Warkworth, Auckland 0910, Ph 09 425 9849, contacts Joel and Suzannah Hemus. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Matakana Kitchens & Joinery Ltd
50 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana, Ph 09 422 7804, contact Jeffrey Smith. NZS4211 Affi liated.
McNaughton Windows and Doors
42 Frost Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Ph 09 620 9059, contact Andrew Riley or Dave Cunningham. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Meridian Joinery Ltd
18 Parity Place, Glenfi eld, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9247, contact Kieren Mallon.
Neo Design Ltd
96 Hillside Road, Glenfi eld, Auckland. Ph 09 443 4461, contact Wayne Church or Paul Burgess.
Next Level Joinery Ltd
7 Goldfi eld, Wairau Valley, Auckland. Ph 09 600 2726, contact Brendon Sowerby. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Nicks Timber Joinery Ltd
56 Forge Road, Silverdale, Auckland. Ph 09 426 6862, contact Ken Caldwell. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Owairoa Joinery Ltd
9 Carpenter Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland. Ph 09 273 3699, contact Nigel Walker. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Pakuranga Joinery Ltd
3/119 Harris Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland. Ph 09 265 0589, contact Gary Farquhar. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Papakura Joinery Ltd
45-51 Tironui Road, Papakura North, Auckland, Ph 09 298 7145, contact Glenn Haszard. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Popular Cabinets Ltd
(T/A Popular Kitchens), 12 Rylock Plc, Papakura Heights, Auckland, 2140, ph 09 576 6358, contact Sherry Shi.
Regal Plus Joinery Ltd
35 Commerce Street, Whangarei, Ph 09 438 2989, contact Jason Hammond.
Rockfi eld Woodworkers (2003) Ltd
9 Parkwood Place, East Tamaki, Manukau, Ph 09 274 4698, contacts Bryan Hancock and Nick Jones. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Seaboard Joinery 2016 Ltd
59A Leonard Rd, Penrose, Auckland. Ph 09 579 9571, contact Stephen Paterson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Smith & Parker Joiners
35 Waipanga Road, Kamo, Whangarei, Ph 09 435 5415, contact Albert Smith or Simon Parker. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Southey and Knight Group Ltd
258a Roscommon Rd, Wiri, Auckland. Ph 022 455 9975, contact Ryan Southey. NZS4211 Affi liated.
The Kitchen Tailor
536 Mahurangi East Road, Algies Bay, Warkworth, Ph 027 448 1879, contacts Adam & Kirstyn McNeil
Timber Joinery Solutions Ltd
1007 Tauhoa Road, R D 4, Warkworth, Auckland, Ph 09 422 5873, Contact Dave Sattler. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Total Timba Joinery
27 Archers Rd, Glenfi eld, North Shore. Ph 09 444 7772 contact Rob Pickup. NZS4211 Affi liated.
VSP Interiors Limited
36 Parkway Drive, Mairangi Bay Auckland, Ph 021 183 9151, contact Vishal.
Westpine Joinery Ltd
7 Binstead Rd, New Lynn, Auckland. Ph 09 827 6488, contact Bill or Donny Rawlinson. www. westpine.co.nz. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Wendekreisen Travel Ltd
Unit 1, 197 Montgomerie Road, Mangere, Auckland, Ph 03 489 6507, contact Sascha Warnken; Dieter Schuetze
Whenuapai Joinery (1988) Ltd
49 Pupuke Rd, Takapuna, Auckland. Ph 09 416 4995, contact Ian Midgley. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Wood Works NZ Ltd
188B Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland.Ph 021 150 5710, contact Serge Landry.
Advance Joinery 2015 Ltd
71 Higgins Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 846 0026, contact Kris Allen.
Artisan Carpentry Ltd
747 No2 Road, R D 2, Te Puke 3182, Ph 027 344 1918, contact Charles de Lapomarede
Autocrat Joinery
31 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui, Ph 07 574 8162, contact Steve O’Donohoe. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Beaver Kitchens Ltd
28 McAlister St, Whakatane, Ph 07 308 7642, contact Michelle McAnulty.
Classical Doors Ltd
Cnr Chadwick Rd & Sherson St, Tauranga, Ph 07 578 4908, contact Scott Wilkins. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Clearline Ltd
65 Hull Road, Mt Maunganui, Ph 07 572 4307, contact Barry Ririnui. NZS4211 Affi liated.
CM Joinery Ltd
108c Colombo St, Hamilton. Ph 07 846 7192., contact Craig Mackie.
Colourform Joinery
1/28 Kaimiro St, Pukete Industrial Estate, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 6655, contact Jo Clegg. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Concept Kitchens & Bathrooms Ltd
73 Riverlea Rd, Hamilton, Ph 07 856 4705, contact Ross Bones.
Countrylane Kitchens Ltd
343 Wright Road, RD 4, Katikati 3178, Ph 0274 761 315, contact Darrell Garrett.
Cromptons Joinery & Laminates Ltd
13 Miro Rd, Taupo. Ph 07 378 7968, contact Allan Crompton. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Customtone Kitchens
33 Progress Drive, Otorohanga, Ph 07 873 8083, contact George van Boven.
Designline Limited
21 Gateway Drive, R D 4, Whakatane, Ph 07 307 0058, contacts Hayden and Rachel Boyd.
Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery Ltd
Unit 3, 593 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 4844, contact Frank Lawrence. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Fine Woodworking
1536 Main North Road, R D 5, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 6194, David Higgins. NZS4211 Affi liated.

Gartshore Group
211 Taurikura Dr, Tauriko, Tauranga. Ph 07 578 4529, contact Bill Gartshore. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Got It Made Kitchens and Cabinetry 360 Rickit Road, Te Awamutu 3800. Ph 07 871 3998, contact Cherie van der Poel or Eric Prole.
Graft Joinery Ltd
32 Raywood Cres, Taupo 3033. Ph 07 378 8340, contact Craig van Velden.
Harker Laminates
58 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 7745, contact Steve Harker.
HK Kitchens Ltd
144 Taurikura Drive, Tauriko, Tauranga, Ph 07 578 6361, contact Jason Smith.
Hopkins Joinery
126 Taupo St, Putaruru. Ph 07 883 7951, contact Ron or Hilary. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Hostess Joinery Ltd
17 Sunshine Ave, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 3099, contact Peter Clarke.
Huntly Door Systems
22-26 Glasgow St, Huntly, Ph 07 902 5250, contact Shaun Hoskin. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Interior Fittings Ltd
23 White St, Rotorua 3010, Ph 07 348 1041, contact Josh Anderson.
Keith Paton Joinery
15 Carters Crescent, Cambridge, ph 07 827 3249, contact Keith Paton.
King Country Kitchens
49 King St, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 8820, contact Richard Pethybridge. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Kitchen Fx Ltd
801 Arthur Porter Dr, Burbush, Hamilton. Ph 07 849 2801, contact Mark Davies.
Lee Brothers Cabinets & Joinery
120 View Rd, Rotorua, Ph 07 348 0620, contact Paul Ingram. NZS4211 Affi liated.
LPS Cabinetry Ltd
55 Miriama St, Taumarunui 3920. Ph 027 539 4702, contact Lewis or Deborah Stewart
MAKZ Joinery
26 Alexander Ave, Whakatane, Ph 027 284 9412, contact Jamie McConnell. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Montage Kitchens & Joinery
PO Box 5266, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 8479 174, contact Jared Monk. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Morrinsville Industries Ltd
11-13 bank St, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 5199, contact Murray Foster. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Native Timber Joinery Ltd
92 Bruce Berquist Drive, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 6188, contact Stuart Walker. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Pacifi c Coast Kitchens NZ Ltd
471 Omokoroa Road, R D 2, Tauranga, Ph 07 548 0606, contact Eric Thompson.
Plain & Fancy Furniture & Kitchens
2 Lake Rd, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 4563, contact Michael Kenyon.
49A Matai Street, Taupo. Ph 07 378 8049, contact Stu Martin.
St Andrews Joinery Ltd
46 Mahana Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 3050, contacts Stewart and Robert Cunningham. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Treetown Kitchens Ltd
57 Albert Street, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 7309, contact Kevin Middlemiss.
Thames Joinery (1995) Ltd
913 Queen Street, Thames, Ph 07 868 6951, contact Bruce Fulton.
Torrington Stairways
24 Matos Segedin Drive, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 6323, contact Brian Courtney.
Wackrow’s Joinery Ltd
Gillies St, Box 150, Cambridge. Ph 07 827 5981, contact Carl Riley or Liam Wackrow. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Waikato Benchtops Ltd
Glasgow Street, Huntly, Ph 07 902 5353, contact Simon Curran.
Al-Wood Joinery (2019) Ltd
7 Arthur Street, Pahiatua, Ph 06 376 8692, contact Gus Shilvock.
Benchtop Surfaces Ltd
590 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 356 9384, contact James Hurren.
Bespoke Furniture & Joinery Ltd
1 Sutton Plc, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 6429, contact Stuart Robertson.
Careys Joinery (1989) Ltd
7 Bowen St, Marton. Ph 06 327 7949, contact Shaun McDowell.
Counter Concepts
16 Bisley St, Palmerston North, ph 06 355 5971, contact Graeme Andrews.
D-Mac Joinery Ltd
517 Lees Rd, RD5, Feilding, 4775, ph 027 457 0490, contact Drew McBride.
Heritage Doors Ltd
3 Muhunua West Road, Ohau, Levin, Ph 0274 418 934, contact Tod Aitken. NZS4211 Affi liated.
H.R. Jones & Co. Ltd
60 Aorangi St, Feilding. Ph 06 323 4388, contact Mark Pickford. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Hughes Joinery Ltd
30 Connelly Plc, Palmerston North, Ph 06 952 3581, contact Cliff Hughes.
Jeff Clayton Joinery
42c Bennett Rd, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 1736, contact Jeff Clayton.
Lanwood Joinery
26 North St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 4757, contact Andrew Weld.
Mastercraft Kitchens By Healey
127 Keith St, Roslyn, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 4646, contact Kristine Holmes.
Murray Judd Joinery Limited
25 Station Street, Woodville, Ph 06 376 5043, contact Murray & Tessa Judd. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Rob O’Keeff e Joinery Ltd
368 Heads Rd, Wanganui. Ph 06 344 5040, NZS4211 Affi liated.
Reilly Joinery
18A Parkview Ave, Feilding, Ph 06 323 3743, contact Andrew Reilly. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Sayer Industries Limited
12 Waldegrave Street, Palmerston North Pho 06 355 8242
SB Joinery Ltd
2 Edward Street, Pahiatua 4910, Ph 027 979 0368, contact Scott Beales.
TBB Joinery Limited
51 Grey Street, Feilding 4702, Ph 022 633 2928, contact Bruce Birrell.
The Door Shoppe
157 London Street, Wanganui, Ph 06 345 7707, contact Mark & Diane Thompson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Townshends (1994) Limited
59 Makomako Road, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 6699, contact Denise McLean. NZS4211 Affi liated.
The Joiner – Leighton Judd Ltd
50 Johnston Street, Foxton, Manawatu, Ph 06 363 5119, contact Leighton Judd
Tweakit Joinery Solutions
200 Tutaki Road, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 2897, contact Vaughn Tongs.
Princess St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 952 7001, contact Andy Halewood. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Unique Timber Joinery
143B Gillespies Line, R D 5, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 2654, contact James Griffi n. NZS4211 Affi liated.
WDA Installations
12 Serenity Cres, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North, 4414. Ph 027 443 1541, contact Craig Buckley.
Broadway Joinery
381 Broadway, Stratford, Ph 06 765 6829, contact Graham Podjursky.
Elite Kitchens 2004 Ltd
23 Oropuriri Road, New Plymouth 4312, Ph 06 759 8221, contact Sean Rice.
Hawera Kitchens and Furniture Ltd
24 Glover Road, Hawera 4610, Ph 06 278 7044, contacts Klinton Hunt / Lance Hunt.
In 2 Kitchens Limited
78 Portia Street, Stratford, Ph 06 765 4058, contacts Brent and Jo Russ. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Jones & Sandford Joinery Ltd
285 St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9251, contact Roger Jones.
Kitchen Designz NZ Ltd
225-229 Courtenay St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 759 8324, contact Dan Holmes.
KP Joinery Ltd
2 Dowding Place, Waitara. Ph 06 754 4726, contact Ken Parsons.
MacLeod Joinery
42 Beach St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 757 8172, Kieran MacLeod. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Mode Kitchens
77B Hurlstone Drive, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth 4312, ph 027 521 8527, contact Fraser Hall.
New Plymouth Joinery Ltd
10 Cody Place, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 8580, contact Roger Paul or John Ancell. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Newton Gordge Joinery 2016 Ltd
67 Breakwater Rd, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 5065, contact Scott Dudley. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Pace Offi ce Furniture Ltd
113 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth. Ph 06 755 4012, contact Lew Dickie or Bryan Frank.
Prestige Kitchens 2001 Ltd
58 Hurlstone Dr, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9177, contact Mark Schmidt.
Rhys Powell Joinery
7A Euclid Street, New Plymouth. Ph 06 753 3822, contact Rhys Powell. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Awapuni Joinery Ltd
22 Parkinson Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 3301 contact Peter Webster.
Alexander Joinery Ltd
55 Dunlop Rd, Onekawa, Napier 4112. Ph 06 843 2036, contact Jason Collins.
Brittin Builders Ltd T/A Parkhill Joinery
475 St Georges Road South, Havelock North, Ph 06 877 7623, contact Tom Robertson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Burley Kitchens & Cabinetry Ltd
14 Lipton Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5588, contact Craig Burley.
Cherrywood Joinery Ltd
11 PotaeAve, Lytton West, Gisborne. Ph 06 868 0971, Richard Childs.
Christie Builders & Joiners
11 Husheer Place, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 6676, contact Peter Christie. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Classic Kitchens (1977) Ltd
8 Lipton Place, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 6500, contact Larry McKenna.
D Stevens Ltd
336 Childers Road, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 5700, contact Peter Claydon. NZS4211 Affi liated.
European Designer Kitchens
80 Taradale Rd, Napier. Ph 06 843 7319, contact Murray Nattrass.
Gemco Trades Ltd
13 Martin Pl, Havelock North. Ph 06 873 8756, contact Craig Russell. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Green Joinery Ltd
30 Morris St, Napier, 4110. Ph 027 750 8603, contact Jae Green.
Kakapo Joinery
2/19 Mersey Street, Pandora, Napier, Ph 021 0258 9617, contact Robin Holthusen
Kitchen Zone
219 Stanley Road, Gisborne. Ph 06 863 2044, contact Tony & Lynda Sharp. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Molloy Joinery Ltd
14-16 Husheer Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5037, contact Simon Molloy. NZS4211 Affi liated.
MCL Joinery Ltd
1104 Kaipo Rd, Hastings, Ph 06 876 0252, contact John Bower. NZS4211 Affi liated.
McIndoe Kitchens
8 Carnegie Rd, Onekawa, Napier 4110. Ph 06 843 3880, contact Duane Todd.
Peter Norris Joinery Ltd
Unit 9, 28 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 8086, contact Peter Norris. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Rabbitte Joinery Limited
807 Warren St, Hastings. Ph 06 870 8911, contacts Greg & Trudi Rabbitte. NZS4211 Affi liated.

Sunshine Joinery Ltd
44 Pandora Road, Ahuriri, Napier, Ph 06 844 6105, contact Rick Martin
Waipukurau Joinery Limited
2322 Takapau Road, Waipukurau. Ph 06 858 9961, contact Greg O’Kane.
Your Solutions Joinery Ltd
15 Edmundson St, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5954, contact Adam Satherley.
Ace Kitchens & Laminates Ltd
50 Montgomery Crescent, Clouston Park, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 9795, contact Ivan Johnson
Amalgamated Joiners 1977 Ltd
4 Mountbatten Grove, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 8091, contact Paul Pepper. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Bastian Wellington
6 Victoria Street, Alicetown, Wellington, Ph 04 576 0644, contact Sean Fitzgibbon.
Carter-class Limited
72 Sydney Street, Petone, Lower Hutt 5010. Ph 021 246 1648, contact: Noah Edmonds.
Carroll’s Joinery Limited
148 Lincoln Road, Masterton. Ph 06 377 3160, contact Richard Carroll.

Commercial Joinery Wellington Ltd
232 Rongotai Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 2050, contact Grant Smith
David Barker Custom Cabinets
52 Cooper St, Karori, Wellington, Ph 027 248 8140, contact David Barker. NZS 4211 Affi liated.
David Ladd Joinery Ltd
1a Rewa Tce, Tawa. Ph 04 237 9175.
Ferndale Furniture
67 Seaview Rd, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 568 7879, contact Grant MacDonald.
Goldmark Group Ltd
9-11 Jean Batten St, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 8964, contact David Goldsack.
Graedon Joinery
69 Pharazyn St, Melling, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 939 0405, contact Graeme Hopkirk. NZS 4211 Affi liated.
Interbuild Commercial Interiors Ltd
115 George St, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt 5019, Ph 04 939 8760, contact Neil Shackleton.
Joinery Productions Ltd
457 Jackson Street, Petone, Ph 04 569 8808, contact Wayne Wilmshurst. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Kitchen Distinction
4 Wall Pl, Kenepuru, Porirua, Whitby 5024. Ph 04 232 3600, contact: Mark Spencer.
L & P Crown Joinery (2002) Ltd
37 Burden Avenue Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 8895, contact Jeremy Patmore. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Living Timber European Joinery & Furniture Ltd
64 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 2577, contact Horst Mundt. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Maycroft Construction Ltd
16 Gregory Street, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 0014, contact Chris Fayen
NZ Cabinetmaker Ltd
39 Park St, Kingsley Heights, Upper Hutt, 5019, Ph 021 923 231, contact Benn Hamilton.

Orchard Joinery Ltd
14-18 Te Roto Drive, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 298 3380, contact Geoff Orchard. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Paraparaumu Doors & Joinery
14 Manchester St, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 297 2233, contact Tony Thomson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Pete’s Joinery & Building Ltd
205 Main St, Greytown. Ph 06 304 9137, contact Peter Algie, Rhys Severn or Paul Coventry. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Prestige Joinery Limited
140 Perry Street, Masterton, Ph 06 377 1331, contact Gregory Morgan. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Renalls Joinery Limited
147 -155 High St Sth, Carterton. Ph 06 379 8008, contact Trevor Kenavan. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Stylish Interiors Ltd
29D Dragon St, Granada North, Wellington. Ph 04 473 1944, contact Mathew Gubb. NZS4211 Affi liated.
The French Door Factory
14A Kingsford Smith Street, Rongotai, Wellington. Ph 04 387 7822, contact Alan Chambers
The Joinery King Limited
73 Hutt Road, Thorndon, Wellington, Ph 04 473 6367, contact Tony King. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Wainui Joinery (1977) Ltd
34 Burden Ave, Wainuiomata Lower Hutt. Ph 04 564 7011, contact Nikki Wynne. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Well Hung Joinery
21 Lower Tyers Road, Ngauranga, Wellington, Ph 04 494 7230, contact Stephen Fairbrass. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Wellington Joinery and Kitchens Ltd
8a Burgess Road, Johnsonville, Wellington. Ph 04 478 7652, contact Phil Schwartfeger. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Woodhaus Joinery Ltd
54B Kent Street, Carterton 5713, Ph 022 322 0383, contact Andrew Woodhouse.
A K Joinery Ltd
Units 3-5, 28 Dublin Street, Picton, Ph 03 573 6860, contact Andrew Kenny.
Bays Joinery Ltd
6 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Industrial Estate, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0087, contact George Molnar. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Brightwater Cabinetmaker & Joinery Ltd
8c Merton Place, Annesbrook, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 548 6400, contact James Palmer.
Building Connexion Ltd
ITM Joinery, 16-18 King Edward St, Motueka, Ph 03 528 7256, contact Paul Rusbatch. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Cantwell Joinery and Window Centre
15 Bristol Street, R D 4, Riverlands, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 3375, contact Ian Cantwell.
Complete Kitchens Ltd
415 Main Road, Spring Grove, Wakefi eld, Tasman 7095, Ph 03 539 0055, contact Hamish Drummond.
Decade Homes Ltd
31 The Platform Gallery Studio, Founders Heritage Park, Nelson, Ph 027 546 8885, contact Phil or Maree Agnew.
James Neal Joinery
35 Fell Street, Grovetown, Marlborough, Ph 03 577 7872, contact James Neal.
Matai Joinery Nelson Ltd
26 Quarantine Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 7990, contact Greg Couper. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Motueka Joinery Co 2001 Ltd
20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka, Ph 03 528 9012, contacts Phil or Barb Sharkie.
Nazareth Joinery 2017 Ltd
1 Warwick Street, Mayfi eld, Blenheim, 7201. Ph 03 578 8752, contact Leigh Jones.
Orange Building Group Joinery Ltd
16 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson. Ph 03 547 9784, contact John Andrew.
Re Space Limited
2 Kidson Place, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 1636, contact Steven Harvey or Peter Harvey.
Prestige Furniture & Joinery Ltd
38 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 1789, contact Richard Dohmen.
Ruby Bay Joinery Ltd
8 Warren Plc, Mapua, Nelson. ph 03 540 2123 contact Wayne Roberts. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Simply Joinery 2018 Ltd
924 Queen Charlotte Drive, R D 1, Picton, Ph 021 126 2514, contact Glen Godsiff. NZS4211 Affi liated.
The Custom Space
150 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, Ph 03 548 4066, contact Jack Wells.
The Sellers Room
9 Echodale Place, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 547 7144, contact Margarette Sellers
Viking Furniture & Joinery Ltd
88 Vanguard Street, Nelson, ph 03 548 0493, contact Barry Thomas. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Waimea West Joinery Ltd
111 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0177, contacts Kathy & Alan Gibbs. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Adrian Harris Woodcraft
Unit J, 3 Timothy Place, Wigram, Christchurch 8042, Ph 03 348 6996, contact Adrian Harris. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Advanced Joinery Ltd
27 Watts Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 7700, contact Greg Ayers. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Alsop Joinery Ltd
18 Alloy Street, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 4666, contact Paul Baker. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Anderson Joinery Ltd
247 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 2988, email: anderson.joinery@xtra.co.nz, contact Dougal Anderson.
Architectural Joinery Ltd
82 Buchan Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 377 6760, contact Andrew Clark
Ashburton Joinery Limited
8 John Street, Ashburton, Ph 03 308 5059, contact James Donaldson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Bates Joinery (2008) Ltd
101 Shortland Street, Christchurch 8061, Ph 03 388 8111, contact Mark Allworthy. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Bower Joinery
12a Bower Ave, Christchurch. Ph 03 388 2924, contact John Mudgway.
Brent Johnson Joinery Ltd
306 Flaxton Road, Rangiora, North Canterbury. Ph 03 313 6256, contact Brent Johnson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Busch Joinery Limited
1737 Boundary Road, R D 3, Ashburton, Ph 027 563 4537, contact Nathan Busch
Creative Joinery Ltd
Unit 1/ 7 Homersham Pl., Burnside. Ph 03 358 4900, contact Wayne Brown.
Don’s Joinery Ltd
43 Sandown Cres, Christchurch. Ph 03 382 0828, contact Don McClintock.
Douglas Furniture Ltd
80 Hay Rd, Wigram, Christchurch, 8240. Ph 03 377 3597, contact: Howard Nossiter.
Dynamic Joinery & Kitchens Ltd
6b Maces Road, Bromley, Christchurch, Ph 022 087 9918, contact Ben Vyas.
Elite Joinery Ltd
Unit 1, 97A Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui, Christchurch, Ph 03 354 8311, contact Hayden & Sarah Illingworth.
Evolution Interiors Limited
19 Stanmore Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1633, contact Karl Kitchingham.
Finesse Joinery
423 Main North Road, Christchurch. Ph 03 352 3457, contact David Street.
Hagley Kitchens
6 Nazareth Ave, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 961 0703, contact Nathan Moore.
Homeview Building Products Ltd
772 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch. Ph 03 343 9949, contact Howard Stone. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Joinery by Design
15 King Edward Tce, Woolston, Christchurch. Ph 03 384 8461, contact Evan McLachlan & David Phillips. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Joinery Concepts 2006 Ltd
25 Osbourne Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1066, contact Peter Robertson.
LX Joinery
39A Buchanans Road, Sockburn 8042, Christchurch, Ph 03 342 9605, contact Steve Mangan. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Mackay Kitchens Ltd
345 Brougham Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 365 3988, contact Chris Moore.
Misco Joinery
62 Williams St, Kaiapoi, Canterbury 7630, Ph 03 383 4384, contact Penny Abell.
Modern Age Kitchens & Joinery Ltd
127 Montreal St, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023. Ph 03 365 1675 contact Grant Woodham.
Modulink Screen Partitions 2012 Ltd
35 Lunns Rd, Middleton, Christchurch, Ph 03 338 6464, contact Sam Bain.
Murray Hewitt Joinery Ltd
25A Lunns Rd, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 0360, contact Murray Hewitt. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Murray Milne Ltd
231 Cameron St, Netherby, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 8018, contact Murray Milne.
MWF Manufacturing Ltd
Unit 3, 11 March Plc, Belfast, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 6218, contact Gary Altenburg. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Nordzco Joinery
652 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch. Ph 03 348 4890, contact Wayne Melrose.
NZ Doors (2004) Ltd
41 Anchorage Road, Hornby, Christchurch, Ph 03 344 2516, contacts Ron and Lisa Zwarst. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Paul Renwick Joinery Ltd
9 Paragon Plc, Sockburn, Christchurch. Ph 03 349 7049, contact Paul Renwick.
R A Hale Ltd
126 Hazeldean Rd, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 3666 909, contact Donald Bisphan. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Ruben’s Joinery Limited
402 Bethels Road, 4 R D, Christchurch, Ph 03 329 5458, contact Ruben Patchett. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Ryan’s Kitchens and Joinery
9 Kilronan Plc, Wigram, Christchurch 8041, Ph 03 348 7921, contact Ryan Butler.
Sockburn Joinery
33 West Coast Rd, Yaldhurst, Christchurch. Ph 03 342 6044, contact Tony Lemmens.
Sydenham Joinery Ltd
6 Dalziel Pl, Woolston, Christchurch, Ph 03 379 6840, contact Grant Weston. NZS4211 Affi liated.
The Joiner Shop Kaikoura Ltd
19 Beach Road, Kaikoura 7300, Ph 03 319 5562, contact Fraser Syme.
Timber Doors & Windows 2007 Ltd
194 Wordsworth Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 379 1725, contact Martyn Neville. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Timber Tru Ltd
411 Tuan St, Linwood, Christchurch, Ph 03 389 2986, contact Tony van der Plas. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Trends Kitchens Ltd
34A Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 5242, contact James McKeown

Woodshack Kitchens
113 Izone Drive, Rolleston, Canterbury 7675, Ph: 03 347 9790, contact Mark Davis.
Alpine Joinery
480 Fairview Road, No 2 RD, Timaru, ph 03 688 5748, contact Paul Butchers.
Barrett Joinery Ltd
204 Hilton Highway, PO Box 2115 Timaru. Ph 03 688 4738, contact Mark Mitchell. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Duncan Joinery Limited
20 King Street, Temuka, South Canterbury, Ph 03 615 7327, contact Craig Duncan.
Firman Joinery Ltd
10 Endeavour Cres, Nth Oamaru Business Park, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 1561, contact Gary Firman. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Geraldine Timber Products
27 High Street, Geraldine, Ph 03 693 9598, contact Paul Autridge. NZS4211 Affi liated.
J E Dennison Ltd
5 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 0029, contact Gary Dennison. NZS4211 Affi liated.
JMAC Joinery Ltd
7 Laughton Street, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2725, contact Craig Mason. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Joinery Zone 2012 Ltd
27 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 8223, contact Warren Atwill. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Lunds Joinery Ltd
33a Grants Rd, PO Box 128, Timaru. Ph 03 688 9149, contact Mark Albert. NZS4211 Affi liated.
McMaster Joinery
6 Leonard St, Waimate. Ph 03 689 7557, contact Des McMaster. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Millennium Joinery Ltd
2 Regina Lane, Oamaru. Ph 03 437 0227, contact Michael Sandri. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Paterson Joinery
307 Rosewill Valley Road, Timaru. Ph 03 688 7060, contact Alan Paterson.
Rycole Joinery
44 Homestead Road, 1 DRD, Oamaru, Ph 03 434 5012, contacts Darryl and Adrienne Whitburn NZS4211 Affi liated.
Tony Boyce Builders & Joiners Ltd
32 Washdyke Flat Rd, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2181, contact Tony Boyce. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Abernethy Joinery
18 Melbourne Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 456 1654, contact Ian Abernethy. NZS4211 Affi liated.
B & M Joinery Ltd
4 Ree Crescent, Cromwell, Ph 03 265 2077, contact Brendon Munro. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Coronet Woodware (2017) Ltd
99 Glenda Drive, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3700, contact Colin Strang. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Cut-it Joinery Limited
3 Enterprise Drive, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 5031, contact John Titterton.
Elite Joinery Solutions
54 Mersey St, Gore 9710, ph 03 208 5819, contact Regan Hughes.
Fiordland Joinery
10 Caswell Rd, Te Anau, Southland 9600, Ph 03 249 4339, contact Simon Irwin.
Formatt Bespoke Joinery Co Ltd
19 Glenda Drive, Queenstown. Ph 03 441 4944, contact Reuben Bogue. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Gavin Player Furniture & Joinery Ltd
14b Chardonnay Street, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 8136, contact Gavin Player.
Howley Joinery Ltd
224 Mersey Street, Invercargill, Ph 03 214 1055, contact Glen Howley. NZS4211 Affi liated.
JP Quality Kitchens Limited
66 Vogel Street, Dunedin, Ph 021 474 300, contact John Peddie.
Joinery Specialists 1997 Ltd
608 Kaikorai Valley Rd, Bradford, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 2371, contact Graeme Emmerson.
Leading Edge Joinery Specialists Ltd
13 Surrey Street, Gore, Ph 027 6774 729, contact Donald McGuigan. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Leith Joinery
2 Roberts St, Dunedin. Ph 03 477 0115, contact Peter Leith. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Masterwood Joinery 2008
28 McNulty Road, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0313, contact Dave Wilson. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Mearns and Leckie Limited
7 Gow St, Mosgiel 9024, Ph 03 489 2024, contact Matt Fuehrer. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Nasko Factory Ltd
22A Margaret Place, Frankton Industrial, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3206, contacts Stephen Walak, Amanda Trainor. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Nigel Molloy Joinery Limited
300 Great North Road, Winton, Ph 03 236 0399, contact Nigel Molloy. NZS4211 Affi liated.
O’Brien Group 2012
8 Gow Street, Mosgiel, Ph 03 489 3849, contact Peter O’Brien.
Queenstown Joinery
53 Industrial Place, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 7555, contact Kevin Harradine. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Riversdale Joinery Ltd
105 Liverpool Street, Riversdale, Southland 9744, Ph 03 202 5527, Barry O’Connor. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Ron Kirk Joinery Ltd
403 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 5718, contact Hayden Kirk. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Steadfast Joinery Limited
41 Ward St, CBD, Dunedin 9016, Ph 03 470 1990, contact Leroy Cunningham.
Stevenson & Williams Ltd Joinery
64 Prince Albert Rd, St Kilda, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 4034, contact Gary Turner. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Stewart Construction Ltd
PO Box 2125, St Kilda. Ph 03 455 2057, contact Barry Taylor. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Treebay Manufacturing Limited
17 Jutland St, Dunedin Central, Ph 03 453 0340, contact Brian Daken.
Wanaka Joinery & Glass Ltd
52 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 7890, contact Jason Fisher. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Wedgerwood Joinery Ltd
11 Ngapara St, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 8832, contact Russell Mair. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Withers Joinery
78 Factory Rd, Mosgiel. Ph 03 489 4179, contact Paul Crawley. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Wood Solutions
5 Orari St, Sth Dunedin, Dunedin. Ph 03 479 2323, contact Andrew Bellamy. NZS4211 Affi liated.
Master Joiners National Associate Members
Acero Limited
Advanced Engineering Services
Allegion (New Zealand) Ltd
Architectural Hardware Supplies
Artia (Coventry Group NZ Ltd)
ASSA ABLOY New Zealand Ltd
Biesse Group New Zealand
Blum NZ Ltd
Burns & Ferrall
Choice Energy
Cosentino New Zealand Ltd
Crombie Lockwood (NZ) Ltd
Daiken New Zealand Limited
Elite Hardware Ltd
Enko Group Ltd
Glass Half Full
Häfele NZ Ltd
Halswell Timber Co Ltd
Henkel NZ Ltd
Herman Pacifi c
Hettich New Zealand
KLC Limited
Joinery IT
Knobs ‘n Knockers Ltd
Laminex New Zealand
Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd
Machines ‘R’ Us Ltd
Marbello International Ltd
Metro Performance Glass
Miles Nelson MF Co Ltd
Mirotone NZ Ltd
Nelson Pine Industries Ltd
New Zealand Panels Group
Onboard New Zealand Limited
Resene Paints Ltd
Rosenfeld Kidson & Co Ltd
Seearco Industrial Abrasives
Tunnicliff e Timber Solutions 2018 Ltd
Unique Hardware Solutions Ltd
Viridian Glass
W & R Jack Ltd
Wurth New Zealand Ltd

Reports from Branch Presidents February 2022
Auckland region over all has started this year with a good amount of forward work and plenty of activity, however, there is concern where 2022 may end up. We are hearing in the market that building projects are being put on hold or cancelled mainly due to the ever-increasing cost of materials across the building sector which is putting projects well over budget and no longer aff ordable. Hardware suppliers now holding higher stock levels is making business a lot smoother in the exterior timber window and door sector, however the kitchen industry is still on restricted supply, hence completing jobs is diffi cult. We are seeing continuing price increases in imported timber, due to world supply and demand and the current cost of shipping. Supply of Cedar and the ever-increasing cost is at a level we haven’t experienced before. The cost of cedar increased 60% in 2021, with February 2022 seeing a further 15% increase. Selected sizes of Cedar are also very limited, resulting in joiners in having to use uneconomical sizes and thus increasing their costs of manufacture. Covid 19 with the latest Omicron variant is going to bring ongoing challenges and fi nancial pressures to many businesses in 2022, with staff absentees due to self-isolation of staff and the potential of having your business closed down for a period of time. It is looking promising that Auckland / Northland will fi nally get to have a meeting in February under the new traffi c light system, after numerous cancellations in 2021. The annual fi shing trip is also going ahead in February which we are all looking forward to. - Rob Pickup
The Canterbury region is facing extremely high demands for new builds and renovations. This is the highest demand our region has ever experienced. Most joinery fi rms are now looking for more experienced staff to keep up with demand. Unfortunately, our bi-annual golf tournament has had to be postponed due to the Omicron outbreak. We felt that it was in the best interest to keep our industry safe by holding this event later this year. This is always a great day out and it’s good to catch up with everyone in the industry. Last week’s Canterbury Master Joiners meeting was held by Zoom as once again we were trying to keep everyone safe from Omicron. There was some very good discussions on how we are all handling health and safety in our work places. We talked about social distancing in our lunchrooms and making your tea or coffee and sitting outside while the weather is nice. And the need for delivery truck drivers staying in their trucks while being unloaded. Client meetings have also changed with many now only by appointments and sales reps needing to ring or text for an appointment instead of just calling in. This all to protect ourselves, our families and our employees. We are keeping our fi ngers crossed that we might be able to hold our annual Canterbury Master Joiner Awards on April 29th. Members are getting photos ready for their award boards and looking forward to a great social evening. On the farm, it’s been really wet, but the warm summer has contributed to lots of grass growth with less irrigation, which is always a good saving. The calves and heifers are growing really well. The cost of everything is going through the roof just as they are in the joinery industry. - Nathan Busch
This year is already flying by! Where did January go? I haven’t had a chance to catch up with many of the Central Members since everyone has been on holiday. I am assuming like us, they hit the ground running and the relaxing holiday was soon forgotten. So far this year we have not run into any stock issues. Supply seems to be steady. We are however still trying to order two to three months in advance so that our suppliers have plenty of warning. Price increases are still being sent through on a regular basis. It is increasingly hard to quote on fi xed price tenders – especially as the build times are unknown due to hold ups on building materials. Staff who are stuck in the Immigration queue are fi nding it hard to book medicals in the smaller regions and are having to travel to the big centres to get these. Fingers crossed for the coming months when the NZ Residency Pool is due to open up again. Hopefully this will give some of our valued staff more security. I know I am looking forward to this! As a region, Central are still fi nding that training new staff is still the way to go. There is still a lack of experienced staff to be able to recruit in the region. Central Members took on nineteen apprentices last year. The goal now is to train and retain them in the area! Our Committee in Central is really trying hard to get some new social events on the calendar this year. Covid is still playing havoc with this, however we will be doing our best to push through and make sure we can all have some fun this year (following all of the rules of course). On that note – I am hoping that Conference will be able to go ahead this year in May. It will be great for all of us to come together and for me to meet some more of the members in other regions. Crossing my fi ngers and toes! - Kristine Holmes
Hawkes Bay Poverty Bay Master Joiners’ saw in the summer period with a busy amount of work, even with the supply issues that we were having. Wetter than normal, but still warm holiday period was experienced in the Hawkes Bay and a well-earned break had by all. Now that we are back into the swing of things the typical tidy up of jobs from pre-xmas has now seen us through into February. A busy workload for most and common words on everyone’s lips are the shortage of staff . Our last local meeting was held pre Xmas with a land yachting competition. A new experience for most but well-liked by everyone and something that we will do again. Mini golf evening scheduled for our next meeting, which is great to help encourage more people to attend. All work and no play makes for a boring Joiner. The inevitable covid cloud is almost upon us, with many companies wondering how this will impact their business. Supply issues of plasterboard resonates with a very similar lolly scramble, for what we saw of the toilet paper saga in the fi rst lock down. Will be interesting to see how this aff ects our ability to schedule jobs over the next few months. Looking forward to conference and pushing through with another exciting year. - Greg Rabbitte
Work bookings are looking good / great in fact, probably 4 - 6 months in front of most. The blend of work is both new builds and renovations, plenty of it. A little bit of competition with the larger jobs in the area.
Material Supply
Material supply is what it is, planning and lead in times are certainly a lot longer than the old normal, communication with designers and clients is critical over this point.
Contracts and Finance
There doesn’t seem to be any problems or themes with payments or contracts other than normal.
Staffi ng
With the current workloads staffi ng is becoming a little more in focus (perhaps an understatement), with longer term staff retiring and some ‘jumping’ going on, staff are becoming aware of their worth, so focus needs to be kept on training and keeping the pipeline energised, as an industry. In summary staffi ng and material supply are the big issues and both require a lot of thought, planning and communication. - Phil Agnew
The Otago-Southland region has started this year well after a solid year in 2021. Across the region and in almost all sectors the construction pipelines are strong. Local joiners are reporting a good outlook on workloads. Labour and supply constraints remain, coupled with rising costs. On the labour side, apprentice training is looking good for the future with strong numbers locally and nationally, although it will be some time before this translates to a larger and stronger workforce for the industry. Supply chain and cost pressures remain as the most signifi cant of the short-term risks. Global supply
chains are yet to recover from their COVID interruptions. On the cost side, global demand for raw materials is driving up the price of nearly everything we touch. The ultimate insult here is that it now costs a lot more to have a lot less reliable supply chain. Let’s hope that this corrects itself quickly. For the local joiners, we have an awesome pipeline of events coming in 2022. We’ve attached each one of our meetings to some form of Factory Tour (3), Golf Day, Supplier Info Night, NKBA co-meeting, MDF Plant visit – and this is just in the fi rst half of the year! Employees, staff , and all local and regional associate members are welcome. I look forward to catching up with you all soon. - Reuben Bogue
Well with the winter weather upon us, cool mornings, rain, wind and then the odd day of winter sun. It was so nice to sit in the sun and watch the Taranaki Bulls and Hawkes Bay Magpies play at picturesque Pukekura Park last Saturday. It was a rare opportunity to lose myself for a couple of hours, with no thought of the hectic week just been, or the one coming up. Taranaki is still very buoyant with most members reporting in that they have very good work-loads coming into the summer months. Times have surely changed, we now have to be really organised, making sure we can get material in time to do the jobs, or the constant worry of yet another delay. All the above seem to be very common now, having kitchens and other products sitting around on the factory fl oor waiting for an extra couple of weeks, waiting to be installed, as builders are facing delays with materials too. More time is spent checking availability of board materials and hardware requirements for each job and fi nding alternative products to replace what we can’t get in time. Staffi ng continues to be a problem too, fi nding the right people with the right attitude, to fi ll the vacancies. We are also trying to think outside the square to attract young people to the industry. We need to get into the high schools and talk to the careers advisors and put our industry on the map. There are a number of projects currently underway in Taranaki, with most trade based companies busy, even oil and gas. Don’t worry they are still drilling land-based wells, so hopefully that means we can use the gas to power our houses. Onwards and upwards into the summer months, and the warmer weather. - Bryan Frank
2022 has arrived and our Waikato/ BOP Members have enjoyed a holiday period of outstanding weather and more freedom to move around our beautiful country as the Delta restrictions eased. Many of us spent time relaxing at the various lakes and beaches in our region. We are spoilt for choice here in the Waikato/BOP. I caught my fi rst Trevally in the Waihi/Bowentown harbour! Indications toward the end of last year that supply issues would continue to make doing business diffi cult into 2022 were not wrong. Building supplies, timber and gib in particular, are having a huge impact on managing workloads for our Schedulers and is requiring constant communication with our Builders and Project Managers to ensure we have work fl owing through our factories. Members are planning on it getting worse before we start to see improvements. Cost increases are putting pressure on businesses throughout the Region. Many increases are now in double digits over the past 12 month period. As lead times continue to increase with many factors out of our control, the question of how we deliver fi xed prices to our clients AND secure our gross margins will require some rethinking for many of us through this volatile period. The short term eff ects of extended lead times and material delays on cashfl ow is also concerning for the fi rst two quarters of 2022. Residential building and renovation enquiry remains strong. Big workloads are reported among our Members, with one Member booked till the end of the year. Omicron is now among us and threatens to postpone our Ken Monk Annual Fishing Trip as well as make Event planning challenging for this year. Our Members have missed many occasions to meet face-to-face in the past year and enjoy the camaraderie we are used to. This is an important part of our Membership experience and we hope to be able to share some good times together again soon. - Cherie van der Poel and Craig Mackie
The Waitaki region has started the year once again very busy with many enjoying their summer break and upon returning feeling like they haven’t had a break. There are many opportunities for pricing which is putting the pressure on and making many estimators very busy, with a lot of members pushing work out into the future based on material supply and full workloads. Staffi ng is still and will continue to be an ongoing issue with a large number of factories looking for trade staff that are simply not available. Once again materials and hardware supply are proving problematic, with both fuel and subsequently freight costs escalating month on month, but generally members are working through these issues with alternatives or securing product early. Constant price increasers have made pricing extremely difficult with product quotes being valid for very short time frames and there making it hard to keep valid pricing for more than a month. All our members indicate that clients are generally paying on time with the odd straggler requiring a bit of prompting. The positive in this side of this discussion is that people are happily securing future work with deposits in advance making it easier for members to secure goods in a timely fashion and having confi rmed work to put into their planners or programs early to be able to manage. In general, the Waitaki area seems to be moving forward well with most, if not all, members having a full workbook from mid to late 2022. It is also noted with some concern that the distinct possibility of staff absenteeism will need to be managed carefully as the onset of Omicron in the South is realistically only a matter of time, however the network that Waitaki has developed has been both helpful and encouraging with discussions at meetings being positive and helpful for those members with concerns. - Gary Firman
I learnt a few things last year: 1. Organisation is Key 2. Kiwis are impatient (me included) 3. You can never have enough stock 4. There is such a thing as “too much work” 5. How to say NO..... nah that’s a lie but I’m working on it
Let’s face it, we are all talking about the same stuff . It’s not only a problem for us, but for the industry as a whole. Even a local independent Joinery Installer can feel the rising pressure in the industry They say: “Supply issues are on the rise and will continue for the foreseeable future. I ordered 3 items from one supplier coming out of 3 diff erent warehouses around the world. Products are taking longer to arrive and ETAs are changing all the time. Went into a general building supply store the other day. Wanted to get some timber. There was plenty of stock in front of me. Got told I couldn’t have any because it’s all pre-sold. The prices will go up and lead times will rise due to global freight issues. I’m stocking up on my stock and will continue to do so.” ... Some hard facts there and it’s happening everywhere ... A lot of local members are getting called from outside the Wellington Region, asking if we can do any work ... Ahhhh No ... Who has the time? At the moment, it’s not about price, it’s more about time frames. Stressful times!! - Grant And Ulli
Grey Lynn Living Room by Rogan Nash Architects

Wanaka Lakefront Bathroom by Parker Warburton Team Architects.

Best of Houzz 2022 winners
Houzz 2022 people’s choice award highlights top home professionals among the Houzz community, based on quality of service and most popular designs
Houzz Inc., the platform for home renovation and design, recently announced the Houzz community’s choices for Best of Houzz 2022, a homeowner-to-homeowner guide to the top kitchen and bath renovators, architects, interior designers, landscape pros and other residential design and renovation professionals on Houzz. This award season marks the 10 year anniversary of Best of Houzz, an exclusive program which recognises just three percent of the more than 2.7 million home professionals and interior and architectural photographers on the Houzz platform.
Best of Houzz is awarded annually in three categories: Design, Customer Service and Photography. Design awards honour professionals whose work was the most popular among the Houzz community. Customer Service honours are based on several factors, including a professional’s overall rating on Houzz and client reviews for projects completed in 2021. Photography badges are awarded to architecture and interior design photographers whose images were most popular.
For residential professionals interested in learning more about the Best of Houzz program, visit www.houzz.co.nz/best-of-houzz. To see the most popular home designs visit www.houzz.co.nz/best-ofhouzz-2022.

An overhead lift system that doesn't break the bank ... and just doesn't break.
Tried & true, AVENTOS HK-XS is the baby of the Blum lift system range. With an enormous scope of use covering wall cabinets from 240mm up to 600mm in height and requiring only 100mm of internal depth, HK-XS is one of our most versatile lifts.
Great for low-cost jobs like bulk apartment builds or broken gas strut replacements, AVENTOS HK-XS has the same high-quality standards as the rest of our product range, boasting an impressive "lifetime of the cabinetry" warranty. So there's no need to go back to site in a couple of years to patch anything up. Add CLIP top BLUMOTION hinges for a premium, softclosing cabinet front, or opt for a TIP-ON unit to suit a handles-less design. For heavier units, just add another arm! Got an upcoming job that sounds perfect? Get in touch with your friendly Blum Account Manager, or use our OM 2.0 ordering system to order your AVENTOS HK-XS!

for the best connections
Table manufacturers are looking for a fl exible and simple solution for table connections. Until now, joining and separating tables has involved considerable eff ort: With conventional table connectors, special tools are often required, assembly is time-consuming, awkward and only possible in a stooped posture or by turning the tables over. From now on, this is quick and easy: with QuickClick "T-Connect", a visually and technically convincing new development from Wagner. For this, the innovation was nominated by the jury of the "German Design Council" for the "German Design Award 2022".
QuickClick "T-Connect" is the user-friendly connection for e.g. conference, restaurant and bistro tables. By simply pushing the table tops together, its innovative "Easy handling" click system ensures a quick and secure connection. It's that simple: Two "T-Connect" base parts each made of high-quality plastic are permanently screwed under the opposing tops of two tables. A "tongue" serves as the connecting part, which joins the two tables fi rmly and securely, without special tools and simply with a "click". By briefl y lifting one table, the connection is released in a matter of seconds. The design of the "T-Connect" is reduced to the essentials: With an overall height of only approx. 9 mm and dimensions of 30 x 69 mm per base part, the innovative table connector remains almost invisible and integrates into the design of a wide variety of table models without visual dominance.

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