Office Equipment: Whiteboards Versus Noticeboards

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O f f i c e E q u i p m e n t : W h i t e b o a r d s Ve r s u s

NOTICEBOARDS Furniture At Work




oticeboards and whiteboards offer different advantages to the office environment and its users. A noticeboard is best for sharing notices, information and memos, whilst a whiteboard offers more flexible, short-term use. Whiteboards are common in classrooms, meeting rooms and offices around the world, having replaced blackboards as a cleaner and more user-friendly piece of equipment. There are several different types of whiteboard, made from a number of materials such as enamelled steel, porcelain, melamine, glass, and painted aluminium and steel.

A magnetic whiteboard offers many of the same advantages of a traditional noticeboard, as notices, posters and memos can be attached to the board using magnets. Whilst a noticeboard is best for displaying printed matter, a magnetic whiteboard offers more options to the user, as information can be displayed in writing or by attaching printed materials. When choosing a board, it is important to consider both the intended use and the location, as these two factors will determine which material is most suitable. However, combination notice boards offer the best of both worlds.

Whiteboards are common in classrooms, meeting rooms and offices around the world, having replaced blackboards as a cleaner and more user-friendly piece of equipment.



A magnetic whiteboard offers many of the same advantages of a traditional noticeboard, as notices, posters and memos can be attached to the board using magnets.


For further information about notice boards, visit the Furniture At Work blog.

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