H o w t o S t a n d C o r r e c t l y a t Wo r k
How to Stand Correctly at Work During Pregnancy
Back, Stomach, and Pelvis
For those who find themselves standing regularly or use a standing desk at work, it is important to know how to stand correctly, especially during pregnancy.
The shoulder blades should be held back, and the chest pushed forward. Workers should keep the stomach and buttocks tucked in, whilst avoiding tilting the pelvis either backwards or forwards.
Head Positioning
Feet and Legs
Employees should try to keep their head straight and avoid tilting it forward, backwards, sideways or down. The top of the head should always be stretched upwards. In this position, the ear lobes should always be aligned with the middle of the shoulders.
It is important to keep the legs straight, but you need to avoid locking your knees into place. The feet should be kept pointing in the same direction, with bodyweight distributed evenly between them. Low-heeled shoes can help support the arches of the feet to reduce back strain.
It is important to keep the legs straight, but you need to avoid locking your knees into place.
Keep Active Workers who spend a great deal of time on their feet should avoid standing in the same place for extended periods of time. One of the best ways to avoid strain is to regularly move around or take a short walk.
For more information about maintaining comfort in the office, visit the Furniture At Work blog.