Area Culture Guide December 2011

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Editors: David O’Coy & Kerry Thomas Sales: Annelise Francis Writers: Erica Crompton, Lee Hall, David O’Clery, Jonathan Price, Khaleda Rahman, Danny Smith, Danann Swanton Front Cover: Leanne Jones See Leanne’s current exhibition at Urban Outfitters, Corporation Street, Birmingham. Content Image: Fused

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AREA Culture Guide tel: 0121 442 6663 @areaguide / @fusedmagazine This guide is a Fused production

DISCLAIMER Reproduction of all editorial/images in any form is strictly prohibited without prior permission. We cannot be held responsible for breach of copyright arising from any material supplied. While we aim to make sure all listings are correct we can not be held responsible for any incorrect entries. Readers should check venues before arrival. Views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily the publishers. This is a Fused Publication © Fused 2011 © Area Culture Guide 2011.



JOHN MYERS Middle England

Ikon Gallery 1 Oozells Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2HS Until 5 February, 2012 John Myers first major exhibition at Ikon unveils his extensive wealth of work spanning more than five decades. The showcase includes photographs from the late 1960’s early 1970’s along with portraits of individuals and families within Stourbridge and the Black Country. A deep-bedded sense of occasion is prevalent throughout the vast majority of Myer’s work making for remarkable results. With his most noteworthy collection produced while Myers was in tenure as the Senior Lecturer in Fine Art at Stourbridge College in 1969, he received wide acclaim for his batch of work entitled Middle England, a series of portraits of people known to him and taken in locations near to his residence at the time. Middle England was noted for its presentation of the human specimen as self-conscious yet seemingly at home all at the same time. Myers’ work moved on in the 70’s to the exploration of ‘boring’ landscapes within Stourbridge. Making a concerted effort to reject the prominent ‘value added’ approach to photography that was fashionable at the time, his work depicted landscapes devoid of humanity; an urban space with no narrative or hidden story making for a refreshingly simple yet poignant group of shots. Through capturing the ordinary in flat light and the use of a deadpan style, Myer challenges the idea of what is considered ‘devoid’ and embraces the generic, creating stunning pictures that tell the story of mundane Britain in breathtaking silence. LH Image credit: Santa Claus at Tesco’s (1972). Photograph from the series Middle England. John Myers. Courtesy the artist. 05



STUART WHIPPS Why Contribute to the Spread of Ugliness? Ikon Gallery 1 Oozells Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2HS Until 5 February, 2012

Birmingham-based artist Stuart Whipps’ new exhibition Why contribute to the Spread of Ugliness?, is a photographic and video exploration of the changing nature of cultural value and it’s impending loss. The bulk of the show centres around the work of prominent Birmingham architect John Madin. Born in 1925, Madin was prolific for more than 30 years within Birmingham, changing its landscape. For Whipps’ exhibit he examines 487 boxes of archived paperwork from Madin’s architectural practices housed in Birmingham Central Library, one of only a few of Madin’s buildings still standing in Birmingham and which is scheduled for demolition in 2013, to explore his impact on the architectural scene in bygone years. Through a multi-screen slide projection, Whipps combines the prominent three strands of subject matter to create a poignant reflection of Madin’s work. The focus of the show surrounds the archival boxes, their contents (printed materials relating to Madin’s projects and the construction industry between the 1950s and 1970s) and the buildings to which they refer. The timing of the show coincides with an ongoing campaign by the 20th Century Society to re-classify some of Madin’s buildings as listed in order to preserve the history they represent (particularly the Birmingham Central Library) and retain, what is considered by some, as some of the best examples of post-war brutalist architecture in Britain. Madin extensively researched American library architecture when planning the Birmingham Central Library design which led Whipps to retrace Madin’s footsteps to better understand the man himself. Having returned to Birmingham with a wider understanding, Whipps is able to present this powerful celebration of the influential architect whilst highlighting Birmingham’s inability or unwillingness to preserve a vital part of its heritage. LH Image credit: Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 001. Medium Format Slide. 2011 09



The Public, New Street, West Bromwich, B70 7PG Until 15 January 2012 (Wednesday to Saturday, 10am - 5pm) Up until mid-January, The Public is hosting an exclusive Rock ‘n’ Roll photography exhibition, featuring works from acclaimed ‘Top of the Pops’ photographer Harry Goodwin. My Generation: The Glory Years of British Rock acts as part of the venue’s Art of Noise exhibitions programme and features over 60 of Goodwin’s photographs from behind the scenes of the hit BBC television show. Goodwin’s works are lifted from BBC archive files and include anything from shots of Liverpudlian legend Paul McCartney pouring tea, up to close-ups of Jimi Hendrix strumming the guitar with his teeth and a young Mick Jagger singing (pictured). Manchester-born Goodwin entered professional photography during the 1950’s after exploring his photographic talents during WW2. Throughout his life, Goodwin captured anything from beauty pageants to bash-ups in the boxing ring, before snapping up a career as resident photographer on ‘Top of the Pops’ in 1964. Due to lost footage, many of Goodwin’s images remain the only living memoirs of performances from the likes of Dusty Springfield and The Beach Boys. Other music legends featured in Goodwin’s photographs include Chuck Berry, The Who, and Stevie Wonder. JP 011



THE LOVELY PEOPLE by Temper The Cube, Wharfside

Award-winning artist Temper, aka Aaron Bird, established his high profile art career way back in the 1980s bombing the trains, subways and tower blocks of Wolverhampton which eventually made him a bona-fide graffiti star. His talents are in regular demand successfully providing him with excursions into high profile commissions for the likes of Coca Cola and Saatchi & Saatchi. More recently Temper’s latest piece of high profile art was unveiled at Birmingham’s Cube building. Inspired by the people of Birmingham the specially commissioned £250,000 installation, which has taken more than two years to complete, is titled The Lovely People and encompasses a family of sculptures which has taken up permanent residence in the atrium and around the central courtyard at The Cube. It features seven bronze figures of inspiring Brummies from a bravery awardwinning fire-fighter, who won a George Cross medal, a holocaust survivor, a Prince’s Trust counsellor and one of Birmingham’s most well-known businessmen. Instead of faces, each figure has a large, bright red shiny heart. “I’m measuring people on the size of their hearts, not their physical appearance”, said Temper. “Globally people say Brummies are lovely people, so the idea came after that” The life-size figures are the result of a painstaking process of sculpture and casting. Each figure was cast in bronze at Castle Fine Arts Foundry near Oswestry, which is also well-known for working with other public artist’s such as Anthony Gormley and Lorenzo Quinn. “They are real casts of the people, down to their fingerprints and the hair on the back of their hands, the texture of their clothes”, says Temper “It’s all there”. Dotted around the atrium of The Cube, one figure is suspended in mid-air holding a balloon, another sits on a bench next to his sandwiches. Temper hopes to add a new person every year. “Not only do the sculptures provide a permanent focus to Wharfside Street, which runs through the centre of The Cube, but they also capture an imaginative set of stories inspired by the people of Birmingham.” “I’d like to hand pick a person every year and keep growing The Lovely People ‘family’ because I think that would be a great idea”. Temper added. DO 013


Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Until 19 February 2012 Lost in Lace explores the relationship between textiles – specifically lace – and space through a series of dramatic and ambitious new sitesensitive installations. This is the first exhibition programmed through the Crafts Council’s biennial Fifty:Fifty scheme, through which the Crafts Council co-funds and co-produces an exhibition with a partner organisation. The exhibition brings together both leading and emergent artists and makers - many of whom will be exhibiting in the UK for the first time. From the intricate to the monumental, these contemporary works challenge the viewer’s existing notions of space, making them renegotiate the mysterious new environments and blurred and shifted boundaries that emerge. The work exhibited spans a diverse range of materials, practices and inspirations. Atelier Manferdini presents a stunning inverted crystal cathedral hanging from ceiling to floor, incorporating 600 swarovski crystals. Other large-scale works include Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota’s web of interlacing black thread, eerily entrapping a white staircase. Leading British maker Michael Brennand Wood will explore his anti-militaristic sentiments in his series of red and black aluminium roundels, connected in a constellation-like pattern. While Lise Bjørne Linnert’s ‘Fences’ raises political issues, as each photograph depicts an area of fence she has embroidered to highlight a hole. Often undertaken in conflict zones, her work investigates the notion of these contentious boundaries. KR 015


AN AUDIENCE WITH HOWARD MARKS The Slade Rooms, Wolverhampton Thursday 15th December 2011

After the national success of his one-man comedy show, An Audience with Mr Nice, notorious author, television star and drug lord-turned-political activist Howard Marks returns to the stage at Wolverhampton’s Slade Rooms this December. Since being released on parole after serving 7 years of a 25 year sentence at one of the USA’s toughest penitentiaries, Terre Haute, Indiana, Marks has risen to fame in areas ranging from UK politics to Ibiza DJ circuits. Welsh-born Marks’ autobiography Mr. Nice (1996) was an international bestseller in a range of languages, hailed as the bestselling non-fiction book of 2007 and spawning a 2010 film adaptation starring Rhys Ifans. It is believed that in the mid-1980’s, the notorious drug-smuggler had eighty-nine phone lines, 43 aliases and twenty five companies trading throughout the world, before he was arrested for drugrunning and sentenced in 1988. Marks’ record label Bothered, was launched in the late 1990’s and so far, has featured material from the likes of Stereophonics and Shaun Ryder. His other contributions to the music industry include track remixes, collaborations with Freebass, Mick Jones and Tony James and regular DJ sets at Ibiza’s hotspot Manumission. Recently, Marks has been writing the first of a series of crime fiction novels, entitled Sympathy for the Devil whilst maintaining his work alongside political campaigns for the legalisation of recreational drugs in the UK. Tickets for An Audience with Howard Marks are £15.00 each and can be purchased from either Midland Box Office: 0870 320 7000 or online. JP


TOM SMITH Funny looking Angels Who would have thought when Editors Frontman Tom Smith played his first gig in a club in Coventry in 2003, courtesy of Fused Magazine under the name ‘Snowfield’, he would end up co-writing a Christmas Album with I Am Arrows Andy Burrows (ex-Razorlight). This November, Smith and Burrows released their first album; with a mixture of covers and originals, that remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. The album began with two friends hanging out in someone’s house and just throwing ideas around. Slowly, these thoughts merged into melody and an album was born. Although it was never Burrows or Smith’s intention for it to be a Christmas album, Funny looking Angels developed a melancholic reflection which was both sad and warming, themes which they felt contributed to a wintery and therefore, Christmassy album. Once they realised the album would be a festive one, tinsel was strung, bells were rung, drums were banged and the Christmas theme was complete. It was surprising for two artists who had not worked together on an album before, “to knock out a Christmas album in the summer months in someone’s attic in Hammersmith”; but it was this odd journey which gave the album its name. ‘Funny looking Angels’, a song by Birmingham band Delta was chosen, not only for the love of the song and a tribute to Smith’s Brummie roots, but because the title became an apt description of the album’s journey. The album serves as a reminder to all to appreciate the true value of Christmas. Smith believes that Christmas should be a time of tradition instead of a desire to “spend, spend, spend”. Smith’s love of the traditional at Christmas quickly became apparent during conversation. To Smith, Christmas is the one time of year when everyone has the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with the people one loves. He can “spend time in the pub with friends” who he has 019

not seen for a while or “sit around the table with family”. For him, the festive season is relatively “small scale” but with all the trimmings of Christmas Cheese. A real Christmas trees is a must. Socks are acceptable presents; although everyone hates receiving them, there is a sort of fondness for the gift because what would Christmas be without receiving unwanted socks? And then there is the Christmas music. “I love the Pogues [‘Fairytale in New York’] but I hate that Wham song” although, he admitted somewhere deep down, (really deep, deep down) he secretly likes it just because… well… “It is Christmas”. You have to accept the cheese in its every form. Even Wham. The album itself is one of nostalgia and reflects on the cracks in the year gone by but is filled with a naive hope for the year ahead. Smith believes that great Christmas songs do just that; bring people together and causes them to reflect on the past and one’s future. Although some songs in the album are sad, there are uplifting melodies and each song is presented festively using traditional Christmas instruments. “The album is a bit rough around the edges… a bit shambolic” he explained, but this is part of its appeal. This album has been stripped back to basics like Burrows and Smith believe Christmas should be; “You can even hear the sounds from outside,” he said, explaining at times you can hear birds singing or the rain against the attic roof. But both the sad and uplifting 020

songs, with their Christmas bells and drums evoke a certain, melancholic and hopeful feeling which is what Christmas does to everyone. When the Thames Froze, written by Smith when the students were protesting is a reflection on last year, while Rosslyn and The Christmas Song (with Agnes Obel) conform to what one would see as more ‘traditional’ songs. Smith’s particular favourite however is This Ain’t New Jersey, a song which both Burrows and Smith wrote together equally. Smith explained that both he and Burrows are “two different types of writers but this song is one where our styles overlap, and the result is exciting”. The collaboration of these two artists has succeeded in creating a moving album with an important message. And for all you fans, this will not be the end of the partnership; there are plans to do another album in the future. In the meantime, enjoy the beautiful ‘Funny looking Angels’. This album is not aimed at a particular audience, but at those who enjoy a traditional Christmas and the music of Burrows and Smith. While the album does not have answers or a scientific analysis as to why the world is the way it is now, it does celebrate the most important things at Christmas. Family, friends and hope. DS

HIP TRIPS – BARCELONA Three hundred and three thousand art lovers took time to visit the acclaimed exhibition Joan Miro: The Ladder of Escape at the Tate Modern this year. But now you have a chance to see that exhibition in Barcelona, Catalonia, the Eastern coastal region of Spain where Miro lived, and loved. Where he convalesced from a dark depression and rallied against dictator Francisco Franco during and after the Spanish Civil War. Born in 1893, Miro’s closeness to his homelands gives a unparalleled insight into his surroundings and Spanish history. Through sophisticated symbolism and Surrealism he’s able to communicate subtle political messages that gave Catalan people a voice in some of the most turbulent of times. Always for the people, Miro believed that art should not be exclusive. So don’t be surprised when arriving at Barcelona airport, you’ll immediately find his 1970 mural in signature bright ceramic pieces and bold scale at terminal 2.


It’s touches like this, and so much more, that make him one of the most important artists of the Twentieth Century. His unique imagination and boundless inventiveness teamed with a lifelong devotion to his craft cement his name in history. Described by Andre Breton, the Surrealist leader, as ‘the most Surrealist of us all’, The Ladder of Escape is a ladder of a spectacular artist’s evolution. Indeed Surreal. But also naïve, abstract and at times cubist. Before you visit his main exhibition, take time to view his towering sculpture in the Parc Miró, titled Woman and Bird, a short taxi ride from the city centre. This 22 metre high mosaic sculpture made in 1982 pays homage to Antoni Gaudí, another of the region’s famed artists. From here head towards Park Montjuïc where the Foundation of Joan Miro museum is situated and also near the site Miro was buried aged 90, in 1983. On entering the museum, you’re greeted with a permanent Miro fixture cute enough to give Sanrio a run for its money. Inspired by nature a statue with childlike sentiments embraces visitors and receives guests in the most loveable fashion.

Then there’s a day to be spent pouring over 170 works – set in 18 different rooms - including paintings, sculptures and works on paper, drawn from public and private collections around the world. Afterwards, head back to the centre of Barcelona along La Rambla where you’ll find Mosaic del Pla de L’0s, a circular mosaic paved into the road, restored to it’s full primary colour glory and greeting visitors to the city cheerfully. Next just a short walk north on La Rambla, and forth left onto Tallers, is the Boadas cocktail bar. Here you can have a special Miro cocktail to end the day, complete with cherry. Looking at the shiny red fruit in the triangle cocktail glass you can’t help but see some of that Miro magic which you’ll find lovingly etched into Catalan streets, hearts and culture too. Joan Miro: The Ladder of Escape is on until 18 March 2012, before touring the National Gallery of Art, Washington where it’ll be seen until May 2012. Admission is 10 Euros. For more information visit www. Team Fused flew with easyJet from Luton to Barcelona from around £60 return per person. Visit to book. EC


CHRISTMAS THEATRE It is Christmas time once again and the West Midlands has not failed to disappoint with a number of amazing Christmassy events. We have found shows for both you and your family to sing and dance along to; so get your voice box into training and practise that famous line, ‘He’s behind you’ because Christmas theatre is here! Image: Ballet at The Giant Screen, Millennium Point




The Nutcracker 2011 by Birmingham Royal Ballet Birmingham Hippodrome, Hurst Street, Southside, B5 4TB 0844 338 5000 Matinee and Evening performances available until 11 December. £15.00-£46.00 (concessions available) The Birmingham Royal Ballet returns this Christmas with another breathtaking performance of Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker’. This must-see ballet is one for all the family and will immerse you in the enchanted spirit of Christmas. Aston Hall by Candlelight Aston Hall, Trinity Road, B6 6JD 0121 675 4722 2-11 December Opening times 5.30pm or 6.00pm, tickets every half hour, last entry at 9pm. £10.00-£12.00, family tickets available. Enter the Christmassy, candle lit world of Aston Hall. Warm yourself by the fire, wander through the craft fair, and enjoy traditional mince pies whilst watching musicians, actors and performers who will revel with you in festive cheer. The Snowman 2011 The ICC, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA, 0121 236 4455 16-31 December Morning, matinee and evening performances available. 026

Ticket prices vary. No Christmas would be complete without watching a production of this all-time family classic. Watch snow men come to life, fly and dance, and share a young boy’s wonder when he meets a certain special someone in a red suit. Cinderella Birmingham Hippodrome, Hurst Street, Southside, B5 4TB 0844 338 5000 17 December 2011- 29 January 2012. Matinee and Evening performances available, prices vary.

Starring Brian Conley, Loose Women’s Lynda Bellingham and Basil Brush, Birmingham’s pantomime season will start with a bang with this fabulous adaptation of Cinderella.

Named “the most popular pantomime of them all”, this show will not fail to delight with its flying horses, sparkling costumes and incredible cast. The 2011 Birmingham International Christmas Tattoo National Indoor Arena, King Edwards Road, Birmingham, B1 2AA 0871 945 6000 10 & 11 December, 6.00pm. £14.50-£22.50. Limber up those dancing feet in preparation for the world’s best military bands and their wonderful Christmas music. Watch a variety of performances and displays at this magnificent international Christmas event. Ballet at The Giant Screen Millennium Point, Curzon Street, Birmingham B4 7XG 0121 202 2222 15 December, doors open at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. Prices vary. Birmingham’s Giant Screen brings you the live broadcast of the spectacular, classical ballet, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ from the Royal Opera House, London. Marvel at the stunning choreography of one of the most beautiful ballets to Tchaikovsky’s music without having to leave the comforts of your own city. A Christmas Carol Blue Orange Theatre, 118 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, B18

6AD, 0121 212 2643 16-30 December, matinee and evening performances available. £8.50-£10.00, family tickets available Watch Scrooge find his Christmas spirit with the help of ghosts from his past in this family friendly performance of the Christmas masterpiece, ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens’. Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City, 32 Watson Road, Birmingham, B7 5SA 0121 328 9938 19 December 2011- 8 January 2012. Matinee and evening performances available. £11.00-£29.00 With high wire performances, acrobatic troupes and of course, a visit from those cheeky clowns, the whole family will be certain to enjoy the Christmas holidays at Star City whilst watching this ‘classical and contemporary’ circus fun. Top Hats & Tinsel Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, B15 3TR 0121 454 1860 21 December, 7.00pm £10.00 (adults), £8.00 (concessions). Throw yourself into festive fun at Birmingham’s beautiful botanical gardens by participating in Christmas songs, carols and poems. Experience the original ‘Victorian Farce’ with Rain 027


or Shine Theatre in this Music Hall style performance which is bound to make even the grumpiest Christmas Scrooge smile. Cinderella: The Dirty Old Folkers Hare and Hound, 106 High Street, Kings Heath, B14 7JZ 0121 444 2081 22 December, 7pm. £10.00 adv. Be sure to leave the children at home when watching this ‘adult, Christmas knees up’ pantomime. This highly inappropriate adaptation of Cinderella will have you laughing in your seat and singing along with The Dirty Old Folkers. Get practising, the usual songs will be mixed with Christmas classics and no excuses, you will be expected to join in…

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Pantomime The Grand Theatre Wolverhampton, Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1DE, 01902 42 92 12 10 December- 22 January 2012. 028

Morning, matinee and evening performances available. £15.50- £25.50, group and family discounts available. Starring Linda Lusardi, Sam Kane, The Grumbleweeds and Niki Evans, The Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton is putting on a spectacular comedy pantomime this Christmas. Help Snow White and her Seven Dwarfs in their battle against the wicked witch by screaming ‘she’s behind you!’ and celebrate with Snow White when she finds her Prince. Robin Hood- Family Pantomime Solihull Arts Complex, Homer Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3RG 0121 704 6962 9 December- 8 January 2012; morning, matinee and evening performances available. £13.50-£17.00 (family tickets available certain performances). Watch Robin and his band of merry men, maidens and of course, Friar Tuck as they dance, sing and laugh their way through Sherwood Forest in Solihull’s first ever Robin Hood panto show. Solihull’s much loved pantomimes are guaranteed fun for all of the family. Have a very, merry, cheesy Christmas with the many shows Birmingham has to offer! DS




If you have been curiously eyeing the construction work around St. Martin’s Church eager to see what’s happening then the wait is over as the new £7.5m Spiceal Street opened last month adding three new dining destinations: ChaoBaby, Browns Bar and Brasserie and Handmade Burger Co. to Bullrings food offer. Exotic Thai cuisine and a banquet-style dining experience is served at ChaoBaby where the street market culture of Thailand is recreated and an impressive tank of 50 Jellyfish is the focal point. While Browns Bar includes an extensive wine and cocktail menu alongside an open grill with hearty English cuisine and a pianist for entertainment. Handmade Burger Co, who have chosen Spiceal Street as their flagship restaurant, will bring their famed food philosophy of using only the freshest and finest ingredients for their wide range of delicious burgers. The redevelopment also includes a new water feature with texts from local poet Simon Turner and wordsmith and performer Polarbear. A new 12.5m tall public art commission by Birmingham-born Wolfgang Buttress helps transform the look of the area between Bullring and St Martin’s. The new Spiceal Street will save food-lovers from the long queues at the mall’s existing eateries and, in warmer months, bring that much-needed alfresco dining to the city centre. KR 031

FESTIVE EVENTS There is no avoiding it, the festivities are here with a bang this year so we say embrace the fun, try something different, and roll with it because if you are staying in the region over the holidays then Christmas is going to be hard to escape. We’ve rounded up a selection of events to treat the bah-humbug blues and give you plenty to do throughout December. 032

Frankfurt Christmas Market Until 23 December New Street, Chamberlain Square & Victoria Square, Birmingham City Centre This year, Birmingham’s popular German Market stretches right to the end of New Street and offers almost anything from traditional German beer and sausages to roasted chestnuts and handmade Christmas presents. Thousands flock to the market everyday to get their fill of tasty bratwurst and warming glühwein. Aston Hall by Candlelight 2-11 December Aston Hall, Trinity Road, Birmingham, B6 6JD astonhallbycandlelight Adults: £12, Children: £10, Family (2 Adults, 2 Children): £44 The Jacobean Aston Hall is offering visitors the opportunity to walk through Sir Thomas Holte’s grand state rooms and the famous oak-lined Long Gallery by candlelight. The attraction will be lit by 300 candles and warmed by two historic fireplaces to coincide with the year’s festivities. Actors and musicians will be performing in and around the Hall. Santa Hunts at The Black Country Living Museum 3-24 December Tipton Road, Dudley, DY1 4SQ Adult: £13.60, Child: £8.00, Senior: £11 (Pre-bookings only)

Families visiting The Black Country Living Museum can embark on a hunt for Santa Claus this Christmas. Costumed guides and festive clues will lead the way to Santa himself, who will await all children with a surprise present. Tickets can be prepurchased either online or by calling 0121 520 8054. Christmas Party Night Dining at New Hall Hotel Sutton Coldfield 8, 15 & 27 December, 7pm-12am Walmley Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B76 1QX £45 per person New Hall’s Christmas Party Nights offer small groups a festive, manor house dining experience. Guests are offered canapés and a reception drink, followed by a three-course meal and dancing until midnight. Hats, crackers and Christmas novelties are all included. Christmas Fair at Wolverhampton Art Gallery 10 December, 11am-4pm Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1DU Free entry This year, the Art Gallery’s annual Christmas fair offers handmade cards, crafts and decorations and a meet and greet with Father Christmas. Craft-makers from across the region will be gathering in various parts of the Gallery and local choir performances will take place throughout the day. 033

Victorian Christmas Family Day at The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry 10 December, 10am Jordan Well, Coventry, CV1 5QP, Free entry Coventry’s most famous Art Gallery is hosting a Victorian Christmas Family Day this December. Festivities include Victorian ghost stories, Christmas carols, cookery demonstrations, choir performances and various Christmas activities. Festive Weekends at Blists Hill Victorian Town 10-11 and 17-18 December, 10am-4pm Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, Coach Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford, TF8 7DQ Adults: £14.95, Children: £9.95, Family (2 Adults, 2 Children): £45, Under 5s: Free 034

Shropshire’s famous World Heritage Site is hosting two festive weekends. Families can pet Father Christmas’ reindeer and visit Santa himself, before indulging in festive food, Christmas shopping and plenty of seasonal celebrations inspired by the 1800s. Additionally, townsfolk will be selling locallyproduced goods, ranging from cast-iron paperweights to rocking horses and traditional Victorian presents. Annual Christmas Fayre at Weston Park 10 & 11 December, 10am-4pm Weston-under-Lizard, Shifnal, Telford, TF11 8LE Free entry This year, Weston Park’s Christmas Fayre offers more than 40 indoor and outdoor stalls selling local produce and traditional handmade crafts. The stately home will hold

festive decorations and visitors will have the opportunity to order seasonal meats and sample local foods in the Granary Farm Shop. Weston By Candlelight at Weston Park 15 & 22 December Weston-under-Lizard, Shifnal, Telford, TF11 8LE £75 per person This stately dining occasion includes a 3-course meal and mulled wine, followed by coffee and mince pies to compliment a concert of seasonal music and festive carol singing. Overnight accommodation is available at extra cost, with room prices starting at £80. Godskitchen Christmas Party 17 December, 9.30pm - late Air Warehouse, Custard Factory Complex, Digbeth, B9 4AL £13.50 per ticket Godskitchen are providing Trance fans with a line-up of artists from across the globe to celebrate Christmas. Acts include Russell G, Ummet Ozcan, Andy Moor, Steve Arnold and many more. Festive costumes are encouraged. Traditional Christmas Evenings at The Black Country Living Museum 19-21 December, 6.30pm 10.00pm Tipton Road, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 4SQ Adult: £13.60, Child: £7.10, Senior: £11 (Pre-bookings only) The Black Country Living Museum will be hosting carol singing, puppet theatre and brass bands, whilst its cottages are set to be illuminated by gas and candlelight to compliment the festivities. Roasted chestnuts, mulled wine and meet-and-greets with Father Christmas are all on the menu. Tickets can be purchased either online or by calling 0121 520 8054. Xmas Blast Off & Cheeky Monkey at Wolverhampton Civic Hall 23 December, 10pm - 3am North St, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV1 1RQ £4 per ticket This Christmas, the Wolverhampton Civic’s two club nights ‘Cheeky Monkey’ and ‘Blast off’ are joining forces. That means Disco, Pop, Punk, Ska, Indie and Alternative Rock all in one night. Plus, the venue is offering complimentary curry and chips to the first 200 guests! Boxing Day at The Vaults 26 December, 1pm-4pm Newhall Place, Newhall Hill, Birmingham, West Midlands B1 3JH £28 per person The Vaults is offering a buffet-style lunch for anyone seeking a treat or 035

two this Boxing Day. Food and drink available will include various starters and desserts along with a traditional roast and mulled wine. Tables can be booked between 1pm and 4pm by calling 0121 212 9837. New Year’s Eve at Gatecrasher Birmingham 31 December, 10pm-late 182 Broad Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B15 1DA Prices from £45 per ticket Thanks to top DJ’s Eric Prydz, 2ManyDJs, AN21 and Max Vangelli, Birmingham’s clubbing hotspot is all set to see in the New Year with style. Guests will be exposed to pyrotechnics, acrobatics, lasers, cannons and video walls along with the talents of numerous theatrical performers and dancers. Tickets can be purchased online. Blast Off & Cheeky Monkey New Year’s Eve at Wolverhampton Civic Hall Saturday 31st December, 9pm 2.30am North St, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV1 1RQ £9.99 per ticket With ‘Blast Off’ in the Civic Hall, ‘Cheeky Monkey’ in Wulfrun Hall and ‘Go Go’ in the Civic Bar, Wolverhampton’s entertainment hotspot is all set to be the life and soul of the party this New Year’s Eve. Tickets can be purchased either online or by calling 0870 320 7000. 036

Ec-lectricity NYE Extravaganza at HMV Institute Birmingham 31 December, 9pm – late 78 Digbeth High Street, Birmingham, B5 6DY £25 per ticket (online) After the success of last year’s Ec-lectricity, Birmingham’s fourroom HMV Institute is re-hosting the event this New Year’s Eve with plenty of new acts. The lineup includes Chase & Status, MC Rage, Annie Mac, Micky Slim and many more. New Year’s Eve at The Vaults 31 December, 7pm-late Newhall Place, Newhall Hill, Birmingham, West Midlands B1 3JH £5 per person In honour of seeing the New Year in The Vaults will be hosting a raffle and pricing selected cocktails at £5 before 9pm. Prizes include a Magnum of Belvedere Vodka and a Magnum of Dom Perignon and raffle tickets are priced at £5 each. Godskitchen NYE: Past, Present & Future 31 December, 9.30pm - late Air Warehouse, Custard Factory Complex, Digbeth, B9 4AL £22.50 per ticket Godskitchen’s Past, Present & Future party is all set to see in the

New Year with a real bang. The main room is set to play modern tunes, whilst the Nitrogen Room will be dropping classics all night long. The line-up includes DJ’s such as Sam Mitcham, John 00 Fleming, Tall Paul, Steve Arnold and more. Broadway Casino NYE party 31 December, 7.30pm-late 1 - 4 Broadway Plaza, 220 Ladywood Middleway, Birmingham, B16 8LP 0121 456 5557 Free Entry Treating all their guests to a glass of bubbly on arrival and a delicious complimentary buffet between 8.30pm and 10.30pm the gaming floor will be open as normal while live entertainment from four piece band, The Kites will let you dance the night away in the lounge area if you lost all your money on Black. New Year’s Eve Comedy at The Glee Club Arcadian Centre, Hurst Street, Birmingham, B5 4TD 0871 472 0400 £29.50 4 headline acts will help you finish off 2011 with a bang until the midnight countdown and after-show party until 2am. Your guaranteed to see out the final hours of the year laughing your head off and having a fine time. 037



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tuesday 6 december theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep Theatre 10am & 1.30pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 10.15am & 2.30pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am & 1pm art Drawing from Art and Life The Barber Institute 1.30pm dance Birmingham Royal Ballet The Nutcracker 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2pm & 7.30pm music Motley Crue LG Arena 6.30pm


music Zebrahead O2 Academy 7pm

wednesday 7 december THeatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 10am & 1.30pm THeatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 10.15am & 2.30pm THeatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am Music Kanada, Wilcox, Of Kings and Captains, Claustrophobique O2 Academy 3 6.45pm music Hayley Trower Island Bar 7pm music The Good Natured, Eat Y’Self Pretty Rainbow, 7pm

MUSIC Amplifier The Slade Rooms 7pm comedy Paul Chowdhry, Ian Moore, Andy Robinson Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm comedy Laffacino Comedy Cabaret Kitchen Garden Cafe 7.30pm music Christmas with The Puppini Sisters Town Hall 8pm music Husk & Meatfeast Hare & Hounds 8pm Club The Likely Lads Sunflower Lounge 8pm

Thursday 8 December comedy Janey Godley, Kojo, Colin Cole Jongleurs, 8.30pm club Big Wednesday Snobs Nightclub 10pm

Theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep Theatre 10am & 1.30pm Theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 10.15am & 2.30pm Theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am & 1pm dance Birmingham Royal Ballet - The Nutcracker 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.00pm & 7.30pm music Looca, The Nortons O2 Academy 3 6.30pm spoken word Catherine O’Flynn and Stuart Whipps - In

Conversation Ikon Gallery 6.30pm music Death In Vegas O2 Academy 7pm music Napalm Death - Hometown Show HMV Institute 7pm music Ricardo Thompson Sunflower Lounge 7pm comedy Paul Chowdhry, Ian Moore, Andy Robinson Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm music Acoustic Lounge Open Mic Island Bar 7.30pm comedy All New Comedy – Josie

Long Hare & Hounds 8.00pm music Soul Cafe Sunflower Lounge 8.00pm music Very Cherry Acoustic Cherry Red Cafe Bar 8.00pm comedy Janey Godley, Kojo, Colin Cole Jongleurs 8.30pm comedy JoJo Smith, Richard Morton, Daliso Chaponda, Kris Del Highlight 9pm club Manhattan Loft The Victoria 9.00pm 045

Friday 9 December THEATRE The Jungle Book The Old Rep Theatre 10am & 1.30pm

music The Ordinary Boys - Maybe Someday Tour O2 Academy 6pm THEATRE music The Lost I Am Ryan, Happy Endings Greenwood mac Park, Ask 10.15am & 7.30pm Alfie, Only Route Out COMEDY O2 Academy 3 Paul 6.30pm Chowdhry, Ian Moore, Andy event Robinson Murder Glee Club Mystery 1pm & 7.30pm & Evening 9pm Highbury Hall 7pm MUSIC Lunchtime music Concert: Sam Ask Alfie Crowe Group O2 Academy The Barber Institute 7pm 1pm music Theatre Live Fridays Sleeping Urban Coffee Beauty Company Crescent Theatre 7pm 2.30pm music music Soldier, Bonafide Candour, HMV Institute Barnesy 6pm Sunflower Lounge 7pm 046

Music Ocean Colour Scene Moseley Shoals Civic Hall 7pm dance Birmingham Royal Ballet The Nutcracker 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 7.30pm club Discographic Rose Villa Tavern 8pm club Mowtown Fridays Red Lion 8pm music Circus Town, Black Sharks The Flapper 8pm comedy Janey Godley, Kojo, Colin Cole Jongleurs 8.30pm

music Barker & Moon, Village Well Hare & Hounds 8.30pm club The Beat Room Island Bar 9pm club Muzik Hertz V Liquid Session Rainbow 10pm club Heducation 78 Bar 10pm club Rag & Bone Snobs Nightclub 10.30pm


Saturday 10 December EVENT Carols in the City Family Carol Service Birmingham Cathedral 11am & 4.30pm

j 2.30pm & 7.30pm THEATRE The Jungle Book The Old Rep Theatre 2.30pm

MUSIC 7 Days Late The Flapper 7.45pm

MUSIC Club a-Go-Go: The Coopers The Victoria EVENT 8pm EVENT Christmas The 2011 Carol Singers Birmingham MUSIC The Public International The Destroy12.30pm ers Album Christmas Tour Finale Tattoo ART Extravaganza! The NIA Family Craft Town Hall 6pm Activity 8pm The Museum of the MUSIC Jewellery Quarter MUSIC The 1pm Black Market Lemonheads Empire O2 Academy THEATRE The Actress & 6pm Sleeping Bishop Beauty 8pm MUSIC Crescent Theatre Dappy 2.30pm & 7.30pm HMV Institute CLUB JuQebox 6pm THEATRE Rose Villa Tavern The Lost 8pm MUSIC Happy Endings Example mac COMEDY O2 Academy 2.30pm & 7.30pm 6.30pm Janey Godley, Kojo, Colin DANCE Cole COMEDY Birmingham Jongleurs Comedy Paul Royal Ballet - Chowdhry, Ian 8.30pm The Nutcrack- Moore, Andy er 2011 COMEDY Robinson Birmingham JoJo Smith, Glee Club Hippodrome Richard Mor 7.30pm

ton, Daliso Chaponda, Jackie Frost Highlight 9pm CLUB Saturdays @ Nuvo Nuvo Bar 9pm CLUB On The Rocks Island Bar 9pm CLUB Face: Uber 7th Bday Rainbow 9pm CLUB Dr Jekyll’s Potion The Jekyll and Hyde 9pm CLUB Vertigo The Victoria 9pm CLUB Loaded Snobs Nightclub 10pm

j 047

Sunday 11 December music Soul Sunday The Lord Clifden 12pm

Monday 12 December theatre theatre thru Tour ft Alice in No Americana, The Jungle Wonderland Book Max Raptor, Crescent Theatre The Old Rep New Killer 2pm & 5pm Shoes, Octane Theatre 10am & 1.30pm Ok food theatre Slade Rooms Soul Food The Lost theatre 6.30pm Christmas Happy Endings Sleeping Dinner mac Beauty music Hare & Hounds 2.30pm Dead By April Crescent Theatre 12pm 10.15am & 2.30pm & Marionette music HMV Institute dance A Christmas music 7pm Birmingham Carol by Mowtown Royal Ballet - Charles Monday music The Nutcrack- Dickens The Lord Clifden The Dogs er 2011 Town Hall 7pm D’Amour Birmingham 2.30pm O2 Academy 3 Hippodrome MUSIC 7pm 1pm music White Lies, The Rejoice! Duke Spirit music music Christmas Civic Hall Chris Tye, Sunday Jazz: Carol Jamie Clayton, 7pm Four on the Concert Ben Williams Floor Symphony Hall club Glee Club The Old Joint 2.30pm & 6pm Control 7.30pm Stock Vudu 1pm music 10.30pm comedy The Breaking Yummie event Ties, RelentBrummies The 2011 less in Love, Glee Club Birmingham Vows, Jonny 7.30pm International Hands, Frankie Christmas The Flapper comedy Tattoo 6pm Barbara The NIA Nice’s Christmas 2pm MUSIC Cracker Kerrang Radio mac Break 8pm



Tuesday 13 December theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 10.00am & 1.30pm art Creative Workshop Ikon Gallery 10am theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 10.15am theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am & 1pm music Swampmeat Sunflower Lounge 8pm music James McCartney Hare & Hounds 8pm club Sound Proof Gatecrasher 10pm

Wednesday 14 December theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 10.00am & 1.30pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 10.15am & 2.30pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am & 7.30pm music 100 Monkeys, Cara Salimando HMV Institute 6pm comedy Laughing Cows Kitchen Garden Cafe 7pm comedy Roger Monkhouse, Tom Stade, Abandoman

j Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm comedy Russell Howard LG Arena 8pm club The Likely Lads Sunflower Lounge 8pm

Thursday 15 December theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep Theatre 10am & 1.30pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 10.15am & 2.30pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am & 1pm

comedy Andy White, James Dowdeswell, Tony Hendriks music Jongleurs Civic Carol 8.30pm Service Birmingham comedy Cathedral JoJo Smith, 12.30pm Paul Morocco, spoken word Geoff Afternoon Norcott, Tea : Tour and Jackie Frost Discussion Highlight Ikon Gallery 9pm 2.30pm club music Big Wednesday Folk For Free: Snobs Nightclub Laura J. Mar10pm tin & Duotone Symphony Hall 5.30pm


music Black Russian, The Black Tears, Kill Joy City The Flapper, 6pm music The Wonder Stuff O2 Academy 7pm Spoken Word An Audience with Howard Marks Slade Rooms 7pm comedy Roger Monkhouse, Tom Stade, Abandoman Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm music Acoustic Lounge Open Mic Island Bar 7.30pm music Sevendaze, Lionsex, Escape Avenue, The Callout 050

Hare & Hounds 7.30pm club Soul Cafe Sunflower Lounge 8pm music Very Cherry Acoustic Cherry Red Cafe Bar, 8pm music Husch, Lottie Phazey, Lauren Pryke Sunflower Lounge 8pm comedy Andy White, James Dowdeswell, Tony Hendriks Jongleurs 8.30pm comedy JoJo Smith, Mike Gunn, Jackie Frost Highlight 9pm club Manhattan Loft The Victoria, 9pm

Friday 16 December theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 10.00am & 1.30pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 10.15am & 7.30pm comedy Roger Monkhouse, Tom Stade, Abandoman Glee Club 1pm & 7.30pm & 9pm music Templeton Pek O2 Academy 6pm theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 7pm music Shed Seven O2 Academy 7pm

music Live Fridays Urban Coffee Company 7pm club The Kerrang Radio Xmas Party The Ballroom 7pm comedy Rock With Laughter LG Arena 7.30pm club Discographic Rose Villa Tavern 8pm club Mowtown Fridays Red Lion 8pm music Cannons and Tanks, Copious, Black Heart Generator, The Unseen, Tom Peel Hare & Hounds 8pm

Saturday 17 December art comedy The Public Art Andy White, Class James The Public Dowdeswell, Tony Hendriks 11am Jongleurs theatre 8.30pm Sleeping Beauty club The Beat Room Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm Island Bar 9pm theatre The Lost music Happy Endings Equators & mac Boom 2.30pm & 7.30pm Operators Hare & Hounds theatre 9.30pm The Jungle Book club The Old Rep Heducation 2.30pm 78 Bar 10pm music Carols By club Candlelight Click Symphony Hall Snobs Nightclub 2.30pm 10.30pm theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm theatre The Snowman 2011 International

Convention Centre 3pm & 7pm music Architects, Deaf Havana, Tek-One, Heights HMV Institute 6pm music Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra The NIA 7.30pm comedy Rock With Laughter LG Arena 7.30pm comedy Tom Stade, Roger Monkhouse, Abandoman, Andy Robinson Glee Club 7.30pm club JuQeboxFREE Rose Villa Tavern 8pm

music Victories at Sea, Vigilance Committee, Pandas and People The Flapper 8pm comedy Andy White, James Dowdeswell, Tony Hendriks Jongleurs 8.30pm comedy JoJo Smith, Paul Morocco, Jackie Frost Highlight 9pm club On The Rocks Island Bar 9pm club Face: Christmas Party Rainbow, 9pm club Dr Jekyll’s Potion 051

j The Jekyll and Hyde, 9pm club Vertigo The Victoria 9pm club Godskitchen Christmas Party Air 9.30pm club Adventures in Stereo Presents Panic! HMV Institute 10pm club Loaded Snobs Nightclub 10pm CLUB Rewind! Back In Time - Slade Rooms Old Skool Rave! Slade Rooms 10pm club Birmingham’s Roller Disco The Ballroom 10.30pm 052

Sunday 18 December music Soul Sunday The Lord Clifden 12pm food Soul Food Christmas Dinner Hare & Hounds 12pm music Sunday Jazz: Four on the Floor The Old Joint Stock 1pm

Monday 19 December theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 11am & 4pm

Tuesday 20 December

theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm

Theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention centre 11am & 3pm

music Mowtown Monday The Lord Clifden 7pm

music Carols By theatre Candlelight Cinderella Symphony Hall 2011 7.30pm Birmingham Hippodrome theatre 1pm & 5.15pm Cinderella: The Dirty Old theatre Folkers The Lost Kitchen Garden Happy Endings Cafe mac 7.30pm 2.30pm Event theatre Moscow The Snowman State Circus: 2011 Babushkin International Sekret Convention Centre Star City 3pm & 7pm 7.30pm

Theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 11am & 4pm

theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 2.30pm theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 3pm & 7.30pm

music The Twang O2 Academy 6.30pm music Christmas Carol Singalong Symphony Hall 7.30pm comedy Jarred Christmas, John Fothergill, Jim Tavare Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm Comedy House of Fun Vudu 7.30pm music Swampmeat Sunflower Lounge 8pm comedy JoJo Smith, Andy Askins, Curtis Walker, Jackie Frost Highlight 9pm

Wednesday 21 December theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm

Thursday 22 December music theatre Johnny The Snowman Kowalski & 2011 The Sexy International Weirdos Convention Centre O2 Academy 3 11am & 3pm 6pm theatre comedy The Lost Jarred Christ- Happy Endings mas, John mac Fothergill, 11am & 2.30pm Jim Tavare theatre Glee Club theatre The Lost 7.30pm & 9pm Sleeping Happy Endings Beauty mac music Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm The Likely 2.30pm Lads theatre Sunflower Lounge theatre The Jungle 8pm The Jungle Book Book The Old Rep music The Old Rep 2.30pm The Toy 2.30pm Hearts – theatre Christmas theatre Cinderella Special Cinderella 2011 Hare & Hounds 2011 Birmingham 8pm Birmingham Hippodrome Hippodrome 2.30pm comedy 2.30pm & 7.15pm JoJo Smith, event Mike Gunn, event Moscow Andy Askins, Moscow State Circus: Jackie Frost State Circus: Babushkin Highlight Babushkin Sekret 9pm Sekret Star City Star City 3pm & 7.30pm 3pm & 7.30pm



music Kill Timers, Face vs Heel, ThatsWhatSheSaid O2 Academy 3 6.30pm

comedy JoJo Smith, Mike Gunn, Andy Askins, Jackie Frost Highlight 9pm

theatre Cinderella: The Dirty Old Folkers Hare & Hounds 7pm

club Manhattan Loft The Victoria 9pm

comedy Jarred Christmas, John Fothergill, Jim Tavare Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm music Acoustic Lounge Open Mic Island Bar, 7.30pm club Soul Cafe Sunflower Lounge 8pm music Very Cherry Acoustic Cherry Red Cafe Bar, 8pm 054

Friday 23 December theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 2.30pm & 7.30pm theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm & 7pm theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 3pm & 7.30pm

music The British Kicks, Dr Scardo, Minimum O2 Academy 3 6pm music Live Fridays Urban Coffee Company 7pm comedy Jarred Christmas, John Fothergill, Jim Tavare Glee Club 7.30pm & 9pm music Wrapped in Plastic, The Arkhamists, Venom & Apathy The Flapper 7.45pm club Discographic Rose Villa Tavern 8pm club Mowtown Fridays Red Lion, 8pm

Saturday 24 December theatre club The Beat Room The Snowman 2011 Island Bar International 9pm Convention Centre 11am & 3pm comedy Kane Brown, theatre Ben Norris, Jeff Innocent The Lost Happy Endings Jongleurs mac 9pm 11am & 2.30pm club theatre Icon Cinderella The Vaults, 2011 9pm Birmingham Hippodrome club 1pm & 5.15pm Supersonic Vague event Gatecrasher Moscow 10pm State Circus: Babushkin club Sekret Heducation Star City 78 Bar 2pm & 5pm 10pm club Rag & Bone Snobs Nightclub 10.30pm

theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm

SUNDAY 25 DECEMBER club Ho Ho Ho Fidelity! Hare & Hounds 9pm


j j



j j j


theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm 055

Monday 26 December theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 2pm & 5pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm

Tuesday 27 December comedy Real Deal Comedy Jam Highlight 7.30pm club Face: Viva Music Rainbow 9pm club X-Mas Cracka Rainbow 10pm

theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 2.30pm theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm music Boxing Day Gala Symphony Hall 3pm 056


theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 11am & 2.30pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 3pm & 7.30pm

j music Swampmeat Sunflower Lounge 8pm club Sound Proof Gatecrasher 10pm

Wednesday 28 December

Thursday 29 December

theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm

music Acoustic Lounge Open Mic Island Bar 7.30pm club theatre Soul Cafe The Lost Sunflower Lounge Happy Endings 8pm mac 11am & 2.30pm music Very Cherry theatre Acoustic Sleeping Cherry Red Cafe Beauty Bar Crescent Theatre 8pm 2.30pm & 7.30pm club theatre Manhattan The Jungle Loft Book The Victoria The Old Rep 9pm 2.30pm

theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm

theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm

event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 3pm & 7.30pm

event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 3pm & 7.30pm

theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 2.30pm & 7.30pm

music Movie Night Classics Symphony Hall 7.30pm music The Likely Lads Sunflower Lounge 8pm club Big Wednesday Snobs Nightclub 10pm

theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm


Saturday 31 December

Friday 30 December theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am & 3pm theatre The Lost Happy Endings mac 2.30pm & 7.30pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm & 7.30pm theatre The Jungle Book The Old Rep 2.30pm theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 2.30pm & 7.15pm event Moscow State Circus: Babushkin Sekret Star City 3pm & 7.30pm 058

music Live Fridays Urban Coffee Company 7pm music Nero HMV Institute 7pm club Discographic Rose Villa Tavern 8pm club Mowtown Fridays Red Lion 8pm

theatre The Snowman 2011 International Convention Centre 11am theatre Cinderella 2011 Birmingham Hippodrome 1pm & 5.15pm theatre Sleeping Beauty Crescent Theatre 2.30pm

theatre The Jungle Book club The Beat Room The Old Rep 2.30pm Island Bar 9pm event Moscow club State Circus: Icon Babushkin The Vaults, 9pm Sekret Star City club 3pm Supersonic Vague music Gatecrasher New Year’s Eve 10pm Gala Symphony Hall club 3pm & 9.30pm Click Snobs Nightclub 10.30pm

comedy Mandy Knight, Johnny Candon, Steve Shanyaski Jongleurs 6pm COMEDY New Year’s Eve Comedy Glee Club 7pm EVENT NYE party Broadway Casino 7.30pm comedy Danny ‘Slim’ Gray, Andy Robinson Glee Club 8pm PARTY New Years Eve Party Kitchen Garden Cafe 8pm CLUB The Afterparty vs Pub Tropicana Adam And Eve 8pm

Comedy Steve Gribbin, Ian Coppinger, Karen Bayley, Daniel Townes Highlight 9pm Comedy The Propaganda New Years Eve Spacetacular! O2 Academy 9pm club Valve Sound System New Years Eve 2011 The Ballroom, 9pm club Hott Date NYE Bash Hennessey’s Bar 9pm club Gatecrasher New Years Eve Special Gatecrasher, 9pm CLUB Blast Off & Cheeky Monkey New Year’s Eve Civic Hall 9pm

club NYE: Bigger than Barry The Old Crown 9pm club NYE @ The Vaults The Vaults 9pm club New Year’s Eve Gala 9.30pm club Godskitchen NYE Party Air 9.30pm club Ec-Lectricity NYE Extravaganza HMV Institute 9.30pm

COMPETITION Hed Kandi has always been at the forefront of feel good and fabulous house music, so what better way to celebrate the end of 2011 in style than with the second installment of Hed Kandi Classics? But if you’re worried about the noise to your neighbours we're also including 2 pairs of very stylish over-ear headphones so you can get your groove on anytime and anywhere! 2 winners will get a set of headphones and a CD and 2 x runners up will receive a CD each. Entry details are on page 67 with more comps on pages 64-67.

j 059

Venue Directory MUSIC VENUES Actress & Bishop 36, Ludgate Hill, B3 1EH 0121 236 7426 BIRMINGHAM BALLROOM 52-54 Dale End, B4 7LS birmingham-ballroom. com BULLS HEAD 23, St. Marys Row, Moseley, B13 8HW Civic/Wulfrun North Street, WV1 1RQ. 0870 320 7000 THE LORD CLIFDEN 34 Great Hampton Street, B18 6AA 0121 523 7515

Island bar 14-26 Suffolk Street, B1 1LT. 0121 632 5296 The Jam House 3 - 5 St Pauls Square Birmingham, West Midlands B3 1QU 0121 200 3030 Jekyll & hyde 28, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham, B4 6BJ KITCHEN GARDEN CAFE 17 York Road, Kings Heath. 0121 443 4725

The Victoria 48 John Bright Street, B1 1BN. 0121 633 9439 thevictoriabirmingham.

O2 Academy 08444 772 000 o2academybirmingham.

VUDU CLUB Smallbrook Queensway Birmingham B5 4HX 0121 643 0859


Hare & Hounds 106 High Street, B14 7JZ. 0121 444 2081

The Rainbow 160 High Street Deritend, B12 0LD


THE SLADE ROOMS Broad Street Wolverhampton SNOBS 29 Paradise Circus Queensway, B1 2BJ 0121 643 5551

The Flapper Kingston Row, B1 2NU. 0121 236 2421

HMV Institute 78 Digbeth High St, Digbeth

ROSE VILLA TAVERN 172 Warstone Lane Birmingham, B18 6JW 0121 236 7910

76, Smallbrook Queens way, Birmingham, B5

THE RED LION 95 Warstone Lane, B18 6NG 0121 233 9144

YARDBIRD Paradise Place, Birmingham, B3 3HJ ART VENUES BARBER INSTITUTE University of Birminham Edgbaston, B15 2TS 0121 414 7333

THEATRE VENUES BM&G Chamberlain Square, B3 3DH, CUSTARD FACTORY Gibb Street, B9 4AA The Drum 144 Potters Lane, Aston, B6 4UU, 0121 333 2444 EASTSIDE PROJECTS 86 Heath Mill Lane, B9 4AR, 0121 771 1778 IKON EASTSIDE Fazeley Street, Digbeth kon Gallery Oozells Square, B1 2HS 0121 248 0708 MAC Cannon Hill Park VIVID 140 Heath Mill Lane, Digbeth, B9 4AR 0121 766 7876

Wolverhampton Art Gallery Lichfield St, WV1 1DU 01902 552055 wolverhamptonart. COMEDY VENUES The Glee Club The Arcadian, B5 4TD. 0871 472 0400 HIGHLIGHT 259-262 Broad Street, B1 2HF JONGLEURS Oceana, Hurst Street, B5 OTHER VENUES THE ELECTRIC CINEMA 47 Station St Birmingham, B5 4DY 0121 643 7879

Alexandra Theatre Station St, Birmingham 0844 847 2302 BIRMINGHAM HIPPODROME Hurst Street 0844 338 5000 birminghamhippodrome. com CRESCENT THEATRE Sheepcote Street Birmingham 0121 643 5858 The Old Joint Stock Pub and Theatre 4 Temple Row West B2 5NY, 0121 200 1892 oldjointstocktheatre. THE OLD REP Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DY 0121 605 5116


GET OVER THE WINTER BLUES So it’s January and the orgy in Mammon’s temple that we call ‘Christmas’ is over. January sucks, it sucks the energy from your bones, the light from the sky, and the best you can hope for is shuffling through the routine of your job hoping that TV isn’t too terrible when you get home. It’s a myth that suicides spike during the Christmas period but we all believe it because it seems likely. And January is like Christmas without the tinsel and the excuse to pour Baileys over your Rice Krispies. ‘Winter Blues’ is a magazine cliche and, if women’s magazines are to be believed, then the crushing despair of endless nights can be alleviated by cucumbers on your eyes and a nice pair of shoes. First thing about the Winter Blues is to take them seriously. While it’s true that everybody feels down now and again it’s probably best not to let it bed down and nest in your personality. Your first instinct is to hide, hibernate and wait out the winter months under a duvet Googling holidays you’ll never take. This is a mammal brain response to an angel brain problem and, while it provides a certain comfort, will not help long term. 062

I may be a person that suggests going to the pub for everything up to and including, birthday celebrations, work meetings, parents evening and appendicitis. But why not go to the pub? Pubs are a perfect place to connect with friends, it forces you out the house and to be at least semi-presentable while reminding you that you have friends and are part of the squirming, laughing, horrible and wonderful human race. The trend at the moment is forcing pubs away from being the living rooms away from home they always were. In the mad clamour to become ‘bars’ a lot of pubs ditched the wood panelling for gaudy neon, a jukebox for some div with headphones and a laptop calling himself ‘DJ brickdust’, and paying customer’s for loud jerks that are willing to hand over the best part of a tenner for a hastily thrown together cocktail. Going to the pub slowly evolved into a night out with all the fuss and bother involved rather than the nearest public place to everybody’s house. And the pub industry is in decline. It’s time we reclaimed the pub from wankers in Ben Sherman shirts and bedroom DJays. Lets go to the pub, we don’t have to spend a fortune. As long as there’s a drink in front (soft or otherwise) of us we have as much right to be there as anyone else. Read a book, do

your homework, play board games, wear slippers. A good pub should be society’s living room, a place where people go to be around people, mainline humanity, relax and just be. Lets get into that habit again, even if a few hundred of us go twice a week to our local and spend less than a tenner we can stop our pubs from closing and a once sketchy and menacing place can, once again, become the focal point of our communities they always were. Drinking in large amounts makes depression worse, but the malady we call Winter Blues can be mitigated by human contact, keeping the mind busy and knowing that the sun hasn’t gone out forever. The pub helps, and if we can keep some local businesses from being crushed under heel that’s got to help right? Samaritans Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Phone: 08457 90 90 90 24-hour helpline The opinions of Danny Smith do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers of this magazine, its affiliates, or any sane adult human beings. He currently lives in your cupboard, watching, always watching.



Win a pair of REEBOK ZigDynamic trainers In 2010, Reebok introduced ZigTech – the brand’s most technically advanced running and training technology. Following on from the success of ZigTech in 2010, Reebok has introduced new extensions to the line including new colorways of ZigDynamic which are available exclusively at Foot Locker. The new ZigDynamic is available for men and women from Footlocker for £69.99 and we have a pair to giveaway.

Win a bottle of Edgerton Pink Gin The Perfect Christmas super-premium Gin takes its colour from the pomegranate along with botanicals from halfway round the world to give it a unique taste. Edgerton Pink Gin is available from all good retail outlets, including all national branches of Harvey Nichols priced at £39.50.

Win a Good Gift for Bad People from Sailor Jerry and Spice up Christmas 2011 marked 100 years since Sailor Jerry’s birth which is why four limited edition posters have been created to honour his dedication to his craft and his legendary rebellious character. Further preserving the legacy of Norman ‘Sailor Jerry’ Collins, is the drink that bears his name, best served neat poured over ice or mixed with cola or ginger beer. For a chance to win yourself one of Jerry’s gift sets tell us: 2011 marks how many year’s since the birth of Norman ‘Sailor Jerry’ Collins? a. 10 b. 50 c.100 064

win CLICK for Art homewares Our favourite online retailer of contemporary furnishings has given us 2 beautiful cushions (£39 each) by Will Murai and Rourke Van Dal along with a gorgeous Kozyndan Bunny Blossom 4-piece Dinnerware set to giveaway. These super limited edition items won’t stick around for long.

win a GIO-GOI contraband tee Gio-Goi have been fusing music and fashion since the heady days of Madchester and beyond. We have five of the new Rock ‘n’ Roll inspired t-Shirts from their premium Contraband collection to give away. The ideal gift for indie kids.


competitions WIN CD’s 5 x copies of Jo Birchall’s debut album ‘ Something to Say’ 3 x copies of Caro Emerald album ‘Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor’ 3 x copies of The Overtones’ album ‘Good ol’ Fashioned Love’

win the EXTREME FISHING SERIES ONE-THREE BOXED SET Spanning 23 countries across six continents, and with over 16 hours of fishing, this nine-disc boxed set contains the complete Series One to Three of Extreme Fishing with Robson Green. From Alaska to Australia, Robson Green is out to find the greatest fishing adventure, searching for the largest, fastest, strongest and deadliest of catches. Not sure if he makes it to Tipton ‘cut’ though to go eel catching. 9 discs - £69.99. win the COMPLETE SERIES 1-7 & USA of WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Who Do You Think You Are? follows the journeys of over sixty well-known personalities as they explore their family trees, uncover their family history and discover fascinating and poignant facts about their ancestors that have been, until recently, hidden in the annals of time. Here’s an opportunity to win all seven series, and the new Who Do You Think You Are? USA, all brought together in one unique boxed set. 23 discs - £119.99 066

win tickets to see brendan Cole LIVE & UNJUDGED on tour If it’s dance you want, dance you will get! Win the chance to see some of the Ballroom and Latin magic created on Strictly Come Dancing up close and personal with Brendan Cole’s dance spectacular ‘Live & Unjudged’ at the Birmingham Alexandra Theatre on January 23rd, 2012. We have 2 pairs of tickets to giveaway.

Win a copy of Billy Connolly - You Asked For It Billy is universally recognised as the master of observational humour, and here we see the comic genius at his best. You Asked For It features extracts from Billy’s most popular TV and theatrical stand-up performances, as well as his first ever TV special, broadcast in 1976. We have 2 copies to give away

win a copy of russell howard’s right here, right now Right Here, Right Now; the sell-out nationwide triple extended arena tour, which saw Russell perform to over 240,000 fans across the country, including three dates at London’s O2 arena, has just been released for the first time on DVD and we have 5 copies to give away. Russell Howard’s Good News is currently on BBC Three, Thursday nights, 10.30pm, stand-up DVD Right Here, Right Now is available to buy now, catch his final tour dates at

Entry details

Please send your answer (if there is one - just your details if not) along with your name, address, phone number and DOB, to no later than 19th December, 2011. Only entries from the UK will be accepted. Please put the name of the competition in the subject box.


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