1 minute read
Round to the nearest 10
from Yes Maths 6
by fusioned1
Rounding Numbers
Hundredths Thousands Ten Thousands 9 3 5 7 8 6 4 . 7 5 Hundred Thousands Millions OnesTens TenthsHundreds Decimal Point
1. Write the place value of the underlined digits.
565,325 _______________________ a.
1 ,536,964 ____________________ b.
1 ,986,436 _____________________ c.
750,550 _____________________ d.
965,31 2 _______________________ e.
548,365 _______________________ g.
937,691 _______________________
36.355 ________________________ k.
1.298 _________________________ m.
6.943 _________________________ o.
596,501 _____________________ f.
9,978,630 ____________________ h.
7,353,790 ____________________ j.
995.366 _____________________ l.
5.31 5 ________________________ n.
3.331 ________________________ p.
1. If the number you’re rounding to is followed by a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, round up. 2. If the number you’re rounding to is followed by a 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, round down. TIPS! 2. Round to the nearest 10. 75 626 492 2,659 9,319 31 443 5,635 856 3. Round to the nearest 100. 6,491 7,360 9,785 55,629 99,938 5,678 8,987 2,379 46,239 4. Round to the nearest 1,000. 100,678 567,124 792,564 997,872 252,325 357,197 489,666 645,197 837,852 5. Round to the nearest tenth. 1.25 67.34 89.43 5.32 26.14 33.33 97.16 4.55 75.45 6. Round to the nearest whole number. 7.47 9.87 6.35 25.67 37.12 59.49 39.75 19.51 23.36