Fusion Magazine - April 2014

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Publisher Notes




A Stroll Through the Gardens


Easter Town


1 Item, 3 Outfits

Get That Style!

Drama Time at the OK Corral

Yoga Schmoga!


Sort Your Inventory


Cover Story


Fashion Editor Notes


Menswear Fashion Week Preview


Looks of the Month


Shoe Trends

50 62 68 76

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Blogger's Corner



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FUSION S t a f f contributors


Brittney Lynne


WRITERS Bliss Windlow Rylan Carling Auryn Beorn Desire Strangelove

PHOTOGRAPHERS Rylan Carling Bethany Heart Harvest Dezno Ivana Lockhart

FASHION TEAM Emilianamarie Alex1985 Diabolito Oakley Foxtrot

Photography by Gwen Aloix Modeled by Tegan Serin

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On this month's cover:


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It has been another busy month here at Fusion Magazine. We welcome two new members of staff, Brittney Lynne who is joining our marketing team, and Desire Strangelove who is joining us as a writer. Desire's first articles can be found right here in this issue, she explores the 'Childhood' art installation on page 22 and Easter Town on page 42. Our cover model this issue is Tegan Serin, the beautiful mind behind Floorplan decor. We hear all about Tegan's future plans for Floorplan and she takes us through her very favourite things in Second Life. Talking about favourite things, Pose Fair 2014 opened its doors April 19th! I was full of good intentions initially, I wasn't going to go mad I told myself, I don't actually need to buy poses these days. That sentiment lasted as long as it took me to teleport into the sim. Once I saw the offerings from oOo Poses, Kirin, .click. and Little Moments (to name just a few of my favourites) my Lindens depleted scarily quickly! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and are getting some sunshine and flowers blooming, wherever you are.

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Yoga Schmoga! article by Bliss Windlow photography by Libby Farleigh




But those classes are damn hard. First of all they play this music that is supposed to soothe you. Well it worked and I was so soothed I was curled up like a little baby on my mat sucking my thumb, sound asleep when the bitch of an instructor woke me and told me my snoring was disturbing the peace and calm of the class. She is a real cow when it comes to noise in class. She said, “We have an iron-clad “no-talking” rule.” And she looks at me like she just knows I am the only one she will have to reprimand. All the way through she kept going “shhhh” to me and doing that little thing with her two fingers closing together out in the air in front of her. I tried to explain I wasn’t talking. Don’t know how she confuses talking with screaming. Those poses hurt.

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o I had my little leotard and my mat and I headed out for my yoga class - imagining myself standing amongst the gang at the next staff meeting and subtly slipping into some divine twisted body shape and everyone oohing and ahhing. That’s how it played in my dreams.

Anyway this is what I learned about the poses: The Mountain Pose - This is not the wonderful calm you in a flannel shirt and jeans, leaning back against a rock, beer in hand, drinking. Think more like the bear has found you, it has babies, they are to your right, she is to your left, the wind rushes by you on its way to her and then she stands up on her hind legs... Extended Triangle Pose - Think incongruently. Think of being bent into a triangle and then someone backing up the tow truck, attaching that ginormous hook to your pants and hoisting - this gives you the nice extended ‘line’ the teacher is looking for. Half Moon Pose - Evidently this is NOT where your leotard gets stuck in your ass and half your bum cheek is hanging out.


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Warrior Pose - This has nothing to do with WWF or any opportunity to take on the other yogarians or your teacher. Fighting is not permitted even when they laugh out loud at your efforts, look better than you, turn out to be that bitch you went to Junior High with, stole your parking space when you parked this morning, or appear to have a Twinkie hidden in their gym bag. Downward and Upward Facing Dog Poses - Do NOT drink a lot of water prior to class because these poses can be very dangerous, especially if someone is wearing red OR there is an actual fire hydrant somewhere in the classroom. Also do not practice these at home in front of the dog because who knew dogs can laugh too, and the damn cat? It smirks. Four-Limbed Staff Pose - Forget it - trick photography - all photoshopped to make it look like one person is bent like that. It is actually 4 people composed to trick you, pfft, try to pull a Photoshop on me! Cat-Cow - It’s just wrong Bridge Pose - “No, no, it needs to be an arched bridge” Do what I did and tell them you just are not feeling it. This is your imitation of a plank of wood just thrown over a nice little flat bridge over a teeny creek, ohhh and point your toes, nice line! Supine Big Toe Pose - Evidently this is not meaning having your big toes firmly planted up someone else’s leotard - and forget trying to apologize. I checked, probably the only event Hallmark does not make a card for. 18

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Crocodile - Aptly named because while attempting you scream exactly like the sound of someone disappearing for the last time into the water once the croc has them.


Thunder Bolt Pose - As in cattle proddish type of pain. Standing Forward Bend - A bent head is not good enough … you must be able to lay your chest on the floor while keeping your legs straight … and do it all without screaming. Corpse Pose - OMG - I so ACED this one!! And BTW - this is exactly the only pose I was able to “casually reproduce” in real life. It is a great cover at work. “BLISS .. What are you doing on the floor with your eyes closed again at this time of the day?” “YOGA!!! “ Anyway, how come everyone there weighs like 60lbs. sopping wet, has no boobs and eats granola? I mean, try to pull out your turkey drumstick at lunchtime around these people and they all gasp and talk amongst themselves and then someone reports you to the SPCA for cruelty to animals!

Apparently it was all a misunderstanding. “Namaste” my ass. 

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I tried to leave and they are all shouting “NASTY” at me. Well that was it sounded like. I was all over those pink leotarded, nuts and berry retardos, biting and hair pulling. The ‘gentle’ teacher switches into Kung Fu mode and touches that one place on your body where they can kill you and I was on the floor gasping.

Childhood article and photography by Desire Strangelove

Childhood is an art installation which opened in Second Life on June 28, 2013. It was built by Cherry Manga. The sim was terraformed by Anley Piers and the sounds were created by Morlita Quan. As soon as you land on the sim, you are welcomed by a child holding a small model of the world in her hands. Perhaps symbolic of the fact that when we were younger much of the world was yet to be discovered by us and the world was full of endless possibilities? 22

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Childhood is a beautiful art exhibition created to bring back those sweet days when all we had to worry about was who could come out to play and what were we going to play that day. It’s a look back in time. It brings a smile to your face as you remember old friends and old toys and games that we used to play with. The layout is aesthetically pleasing. Make sure to click on things and to enjoy the sounds that surround you. Childhood is a sim definitely worth visiting. Cherry Manga’s store is above the sim. There is a teleport sign close to the landing point of the sim. 

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Childhood gives us a look back into our own childhood. We see children throughout the sim doing many of the same things that we did when we were younger. Children are flying kites, playing hopscotch, splashing in puddles, and floating a boat in water. There is a merry-go-round and there are bubbles, rainbows and children floating on a chocolate bar with gummy bears and candy. There are wooden blocks and an airplane flying around in circles in the sky. Windmills blow in lazy circles throughout the sim. The word childhood appears throughout the sim.



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Keeping Your inventory

by Auryn Beorn

Greetings everybody! In the previous issue we started deciding on a folder structure to begin sorting our items, and we learned how to open a second inventory window, which makes the process easier. It’s safe to assume that after a month, we’ve advanced some bits in our task of keeping our inventory sorted, by sorting all of our clothes. What would be next?


Next would be making sure that we haven’t forgotten any piece of clothing. When inventories have been unchecked for a long time, it’s easy to not see items, especially if they’re hidden under piles of Sort this later folders (haven’t we all done this?). How do we make sure that we will be able to find our items, no matter how hidden they are? By using the search feature of the inventory window. We can use this feature in two modes: basic and advanced. In basic mode, we simply begin to type the name of the item we’re looking for, and as we type, the viewer shows all the items containing that text as a part of the name.


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This way, we can start to look for missing accessories, garments, etc. For example, type neck and likely most of your necklaces will show up, type ear and many earrings will show, and so on. Of course, this relies on the creator having given the item a name that makes sense, but this is usually the case. And if you still feel that items are missing somewhere in your inventory, instead you can type a store name, or the abbreviation. Creators often include their store names in the folder name, so this can make it easy to find their items.


As mentioned, there’s also an advanced search mode. This consists of using a filter: The search text we type would be restricted to one more criterion. Which criterion? We can restrict by asset, the type of item we’re looking for. For example, we may be looking only for notecards. Or we may be looking only for clothing layers and objects. So we would proceed this way, in the official viewer from LL (Firestorm has a Filter option right under the search edit box, other viewers may differ).

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Open your inventory window if you haven’t already, and click on the gear icon. Then click Show Filters from the menu that pops up. That opens a secondary window with check boxes for the kind of assets we would like to include in our search. They way to proceed is: First, begin typing your search text, then untick boxes to restrict the kind of asset you’re looking for. This is very handy, because, as we know from the previous issue, we may have two inventory windows showing when sorting our items. So we can indeed have one of the windows where we use the Search tool to find our items, and the other window, where we have focused in our categorized structure, to move the items we find.

Make sure to complete sorting all of your clothes, for in the next issue we’ll talk about packing: We don’t want our inventories to run wild with hundreds of thousands of items! Enjoy your SL. 


Stroll Gardens take a

through the

by Rylan Carling



the best, peaceful mood as soon as you step foot there. You can explore the gardens, walking down the paths, taking in the richness of the colors and ambiance of the sim. You can also shop there and bring home the exact aspects of the sim that you love!

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Happy Mood does exactly that, it puts you in



Second Life forever, or so it seems. With so many sims coming and going, this region is a staple of SL and something everyone should experience. The scenery is breath-taking and you can feel the warmth of the sun’s rays as they beam through the trees. It is easy to get lost in the beauty here.

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Alirium Gardens has been in existence in



pictures, to hangout, or to gain a piece of inspiration. The land in itself is inspirational! I’ve included two photos because it has a number of different aspects to it, there’s more as well but you’ll have to go check that out yourself! The garden area is adorable, there’s no other way to put it. It seems like a little place that should be filled with laughter.

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Done Wiv a Twist is a cute and cozy place created for

While exploring the land, you’ll come across the Fairy Crossing where you’ll find fairies frolicking and having fun in the afternoon sunshine. Magic will surely fill your heart and you’ll soon find yourself smiling. The sim changes with the seasons, so there is always something new and exciting to experience!


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Teganz Serin r

by Rylan Carling


egan Serin, the talent behind Floorplan, first stepped into this virtual world through watching an episode of 'The Office' in 2007 in which Second Life© was mentioned. Being a fan of home décor, both in RL and SL, she initially worked the business side of Reek and, after a time, opened up her own little prefab shop. Two years ago Tegan set out to learn mesh and create without limitations or relying on someone else. Now, the sky is the limit for this talented decorator! Inspired by home & garden décor she’d love to have in her own RL home, Tegan creates with bright colors and a kitschy/whimsy style as she puts it. A lot of her creations are geared toward events and themes, as they have taken over the shopping industry. Her specialty seems to be knick-knacks and fun items that can beautifully clutter up a space, giving a home that lived-in feel.



What fun stuff do we need to know about Tegan Serin? Her avatar is named after her favorite band and her store after one of their songs. As SL has evolved over time, Tegan would love to see someone build a new version of the Greenies sim. She’d love to see more places to go and interact with others. Learning mesh has been her greatest challenge, however, from her success, her greatest accomplishment! A quick peak into the future and Tegan will be creating prefabs. She is starting on her first home now and there’s a lot to look forward to in months to come! Not only is Tegan a talented creator, she has terrific taste in shopping, fashion, and the arts. You’ll find her buying from designers such as Tres Blah, Tee*fy, The Secret Store…and many more, but we needed to set a limit! Photographers Dita Actor, Neva Crystall and Moos Hultcrantz catch her eye, and she can be found reading the blogs of Moka Tana, Boa, Nati Williams, and Adriana Pinklandy, to name a few.

Places you can find Tegan, besides her store of course: Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/annunziatamacchi/ Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/floorplanSL

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Balancing SL and RL is never easy, but Tegan makes it work. SL is her RL job, her sole source of income, and how she supports herself. She’s also met some of her best friends through SL and has been able to travel to meet them. She’s met at least a dozen SL’rs in RL! The future looks bright and promising for Miss Tegan Serin…keep your eyes out for Floorplan newness coming out!

Easter Town by Desire Strangelove



’ve been in Second Life for quite a long time now and I’ve traveled to my share of sims. I have to say that Easter Town is one of the cutest sims that I’ve seen. A lot of care and effort went into decorating this sim for the holiday and the result is a pastel heaven that has many fun, Easter-themed activities to do.


Some of those activities include an Easter egg hunt, a bunny hop group dance, egg boat rides, peep races, photo opportunities, and an Easter egg decorating contest. There are jelly bean dances, hoppy balls, floating balloons, and you can ride in a carrot car. If you get bored with all of that, you can take a hot air balloon ride over the sim.

And the fun does not stop there. I found out that the sim, which is called Elizabeth Town, is decorated for many holidays throughout the year and I am looking forward to seeing what the sim will look like next time. If you’re looking for some good clean fun, I highly recommend a visit to Easter Town. Happy Easter to you and your family. 

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There are specialty shops on the sim for all of your Easter-themed shopping needs. There is a fun shop, garden shop, furniture and decor, a kids shop and a gift shop. There are fun costumes to wear throughout the sim, and the items in the eggs for the Easter egg hunt are adorable. I found two eggs myself and got a cute pair of Easter egg antennas and a backpack.


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Fashion Editor N O T E I hope you all are enjoying the nice spring weather as much as I am. It’s awesome to walk outside to all the pretty flower blooms and the grass sprouting out from the ground. This month we have a sneak peek of what to expect from Menswear Fashion Week. Being featured for this spread are two male models, Bosco Jonson & Pedrinho Naire. Also, the featured designer for our Shoe Trends this month is Reign. Gorgeous shoes and very well put together, they are also on the Slink foot system. Looks of the Month comes from two ladies whose styling and photography I love, Rainey Manx & Aiubrey Snoodle.

Stay awesome, Daija Arida

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If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to IM me in world or contact me via email at daijaarida@gmail.com

blogger's corner

By Alex1985 Diabolito

With summer almost here (you know it's true), SL shopping events are in full bloom. From awesome home and garden stuff (like this villa from Trompe Loeil) to clothing, there are far too many reasons for someone to go SLbroke this time of the year. Yes, even for a guy!


Skin: Tableau Vivant - David Hair : Action - Joe Glasses : Sorgo - Teflon Shirt : Shai - Chambray shirt (@ Mens Dept April) Jeans : FATEwear - Billy

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Skin : Tableau Vivant - David Hair : Action - Joe Shirt : Kal Rau - Polo shirt Pants : K - Roll up trousers Shoes : Entente - Bateau shoes 52

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Menswear Fashion Week 2014 › › › PREVIEW ‹ ‹ ‹

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E-Clipse - Orio Jacket


modeled by Pedrinho Naire

G&D - Hooded Sweatshirt Brooklyn F U S I O N april

modeled by Bosco Jonso 57

G&D Italian Style - Jacket Suede 58

R-Fyre - Gaston Leather Mesh Ensemble

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R-Fyre - MWFW 2014 Exclusive Leather Jacket 60

E-Clipse - Dakota Top & Pants

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looks of the month Modeled & Photographed by Rainey Manx https://www.flickr.com/photos/raineymanx/ & http://noraineydays.com/ 66

Mo htt

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odeled & Photographed by Aiubrey Snoodle tps://www.flickr.com/photos/86387642@N06/ & http://aiubreysnoodle.blogspot.com



blouse : erratic / keira shirt  panths : NYU - flared pants  boots : gizzA / lisha boots skin : glam affair / brandi  hair : boon / TUN247  clutch : revanche / gina's glock clutch

photography by Harvest Dezno

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Reign : Bella Wedges

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photography by Oakley Foxtrot

S H O E • T R E N D S



S H O E • T R E N D S

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Reign : Asphyxia

photography by Oakley Foxtrot 73


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r Dram a Tim e at the



by Bliss Windlow

econd Life involves people and relationships. Therefore, despite your magical virtual ability to dress up like a unicorn and shoot rainbows out your ass, sometimes there are going to be problems. It happens. What you do about those problems actually tells the whole grid more about who you are than it does about the person you are hating on. Here are some basic tips to consider while you go get your big girl/boy underpants on. Never reply when you are angry. Take a break, go hose yourself down, wait until you can speak without spitting. Ban yourself from all social media until the situation is resolved. It is your worst friend in times like these. Think of it as gasoline on you - the raging fire.


The only person you can resolve this with is the offending party. Whether you decide to make up or finish up, they are the only person you should be speaking to. Don't go to other people with your side of the story. Remember you are a raging fire, that makes them flammable objects.

Ask the offender for their side of the story. Listen. It may make all the difference in the world.


When it comes to your turn to speak; tell them your side. Forget any language that involves name calling or threats of possible outcomes that will land you in jail. Let them respond. They may have had no idea they hurt you and/or may be deeply sorry. You may be in the wrong. If you are, apologize sincerely and simply without excuse. Reaffirm what the person means to you and your intention to continue your relationship. You may be right. The relationship may be irreparable. Tell them. Use calm words. Make your ‘conditions’ clear, "I cannot be with someone I do not trust. I will not be able to get past this. Please do not contact me again. I am keeping the dog." That is the end of it. The less you say about it to others will convince them of your integrity and probably even open doors for future relationships. The less you say about it is healthier for you.

LET. IT. GO. ■

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Carrying on to everyone, having hate parties on every social media available and handing out gift bags with DIY tar and feather kits, is only going to drag on nastiness forever and a day.

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