i s s u e - t h r e e NOVEMBER-2013
F U S I O Nnovember
F U S I O Nnovember
Heavenly Hosting School Enrolling students now
Contact Kitty Teixeira or Keith Bernitz
F U S I O Nnovember
P U B L I S H E R S Libby Brayden
L E A D - D E S I G N Libby Farleigh
FA S H I O N - E D I T O R Daija Arida
FUSION S t a f f contributors
Bliss Windlow
Chaotic Monday
Kirstylee Resident
Rylan Carling
Auryn Beorn
Ivana Lockhart
Jada Tigerpaw
Rylan Carling
On this month's cover:
Photography by Odetta Magic Modeled by Mariska DuFour
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Emilianamarie Resident
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ast month was one of growth for Fusion. We welcome several new members of staff. Emiliana and Alex have joined our fashion team, we also welcomed two new writers, Auryn and Kirsty, as well as two new photographers, Ivana and Jada. Please keep an eye out for their content throughout this month's issue! The running theme this issue is family. It's a subject in Second Life that divides the community, however, I've been reminded this month that at the heart of any family are the elements that bring joy and meaning to life; love, respect, kinship and care. So whatever your personal feelings about families in Second Life, I'd ask you to open your mind and listen, just for long enough to recognise that at the core of any family is the need to love, and receive love. When you strip everything else away, isn't that something we can all relate to?
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nother month, another amazing issue. I just can not believe how far things have come. A dream is a reality. Fusion was born. Now it has developed a life of its own. But not without all of you. I want to give thanks this month to all our readers, all our sponsors and especially all our staff. Lets get ready for yet another fun filled issue.
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BY Bliss Windlow
e are at that time of year again where families figure big on our social calendar. Families are an interesting concept when you consider that we have created many permeations of what was once known as the ‘traditional family’, that being a mom, dad and kids.
Today, family is a much broader and looser concept. People have formed families even in the complete absence of blood relatives. Groups of people come together to form roles of support for one another and navigate their lives with those relationships intact. These family relationships involve connections much deeper than friendships in that people seem to be willing to have disagreements while still maintaining the bond. We assign one another familial terms for the role they play in our lives, our ‘big brother’, our ‘mom’, or ‘dad’, etc.
Families are formed in Second Life and much has been made about them being sick and about the instances where the person playing an adult ends up having a relationship with the person playing the child.
I consider it important for people to be aware of the potential for abuse of any smudged line of adult/child relationships, as in, be aware and act decisively should a verifiable offense occur. However, because some people are hyper vigilant about the issues and are so repulsed by the idea, they tend to paint people with intentions that have not even entered their heads. They see evidence of paedophilia on every blank page.
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Families can be very healing. There is a great deal of role play in Second Life that is beyond a game and fun. It nearly duplicates real life therapy where people are encouraged to explore their ‘lost’ childhood. There can be a profound healing in this. Having someone who loves you, who chooses you, or having someone to call ‘dad’ or ‘mom’ can be very effective in dealing with our own brokenness. Having people in your life who are your brothers and sisters and have your back, may be the closest some people ever get to having what the rest of us take for granted and actually complain about. Not everyone has the privilege of sitting in the same life we have. Not everyone thinks the same. Not everyone deals with their limits in the same way, but for some people family in Second Life is positive, and good, and healing. It is about needing and finding human connection.
Perhaps this Thanksgiving we can focus on how lucky we are to have families to celebrate with and perhaps we can at least allow the Second Life clans to enjoy that same sense of belonging, without our judgments about what we think they are all about.
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All photography taken at Les Reves This region is rated adult and is not suitable for children
Click this page for a landmark
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virtual T family
here is no disputing that our virtual world is a social arena. We travel throughout the grid, making connections and establishing relationships. Some last a few days, others last for months, years, frequently by Rylan Carling even crossing over into real life. Usually when the word relationship is used, it most often denotes a romantic interlude. However, there is a whole genre of relationships within a virtual family dynamic.
As bonds grow in this type of setting, friendship starts to feel like a less than adequate description of the relationship. At some point, there is no doubt that the person or people, who are often times consistently present in one another's company, become more than just friends, they start to feel like family. Sometimes roles are established, other times people fall into them, naturally: the caring mother, the strong father figure, the mischievous child, and so forth.
Relationships, especially in the family setting, can be difficult. The added pressure on a familial connection is that there are a number of people involved. Communication is a strong key to making it work, along with trust, honesty, and all those cue words for creating a positive and sustainable bond.
Each family I have interviewed has said the same thing, “It is worth it.� Even accepting the stigma; the rumors, the ugliness that can arise in any close relationship when it goes wrong, they wouldn’t have it any other way. Enjoying
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picnics, game nights, visits to the zoo and the Pixel Pot Cafe, running to the adoption boards to see if there’s a match with a new family member; the fun never ends. Aunts, uncles, parents, godparents, siblings, cousins, it is a never ending list of possibilities; possibilities that open up people to experiences they might have never had otherwise.
And, to the critics, they would say do not judge that which you do not understand. This is Second Life, after all, life here is only limited by the depth of your own imagination. ď Ž
_=_ Special thank you to the following people for taking the time to share their experiences: Pixel, Lemon, Sadie, Alexis, and Carter Panda; Lolita and Takeo Oleander, Alicia Chenaux-Zanzibar, and Abby McDonnagh; last but not least, Jayce Alecto.
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ome people design furniture and some people are interior designers with their sense of style and their presentations. Some people group furniture into rooms and some people are able to build spaces where you create memories you keep for life. Ria Bazar Mavendorf is one of those very special designers who allow you to lose yourself in your Second Life experience with the talent and vision that is her Bazar brand.
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Ria's furniture is incredibly well made with attention to detail. Her lines and styling lend themselves to you using each piece as a tool to build and work with as you create a space that is uniquely yours. I found myself looking at her suggested arrangements and thinking about special pieces I have picked up along the way, the accessories I love, etc. I realized I could add any of them in almost any room and make it work. It was easy to get inspired and to begin to envision creating a home that would not just be cookie cutter duplicates of a showroom, but instead collaboration between Ria and myself. The colours are primarily neutral with strong clean lines, at times suggesting almost an industrial feel but not going over that edge to where they would not work in more traditional settings.
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Her houses repeat her design ethic with geometric shapes and angles that allow for unique and striking forms. I love the high ceilings and abundant natural lighting that features in her various types of houses. Any one of them would be a great home, depending on your needs and the environment you wish to create.
Most surprising, is the cost. Bazar is affordable. I fully expected the pricing to be quite high, considering the quality, and was thrilled to notice entire rooms of furniture, with low prim counts well under the 1,000L$ mark. The great pricing spreads to her houses as well.
You will appreciate the two independent rezzing areas where you can check out the various houses and take time to wander inside them and get a real feel for what it would be like to own it. Ria has provided footprints of the houses so you can make sure the homes will fit your landscaping. I also appreciated the different, unexpected touches that made each home feel like something well beyond the ordinary house. For example, one of the houses has a sliding deck floor across the pool area with a choice of three scenes to rez, from romance, to a party.
I also thought her landscaping around the house was effective. Simple, and very stylish. Depending where your land is, you sometimes have to really worry about how you landscape the outdoor areas to provide some privacy. Ria has considered privacy for the outdoor areas in her designs and the flow from indoor to outdoor is seamless.
I liked her houses so much I even forgave her for doing a 'Toronto' collection. She probably does not realize that Western Canada has much, much better cities that are worthy of her talents and that all the really great people in Canada come from the West.
Make sure you take some time to check out Bazar, you will not be disappointed. Ria Mavendorf's work is exceptional.
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i s r k a m a BLACKLACE dufour
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article by Chaotic Monday photography by Ivana Lockhart
ariska Dufour is the sexy redhead and driving force behind the Blacklace label. She joined SL in December of 2006 with promises from her good friend of shopping and pretty things. Little did she know at the time, she would end up not only loving the pretty things, but providing them as well. Mariska didn't start out creating and building her lingerie empire, she actually started out on the other side of things, working at the official Playboy sim as a hostess and at the Kittens Strip Club as a dancer. She still supports that community, and admits to starting her store because she wanted the layering options and pretty lingerie for her job. Mariska's good friend, Yelmer Pfeffer of Alphamale, pushed her to make her first corset, and shared ideas and concepts with her, helping her develop her vision into a reality. He provided basic instruction and she developed her talent exchanging tips and tricks with friends and watching tutorials. She opened her shop in late 2007, early 2008, and hasn't stopped since.
She keeps things fresh by drawing inspiration from everything, customers, movies, friends, and especially her Partner of five years, Jasper Dufour. As it is, she uses all the inspiration she receives, as she keeps a hectic schedule, usually putting out new releases every Friday. The only time she deviates from this schedule is when she's heavily participating in events. A pretty hectic schedule considering a corset will take her anyway from a week to two weeks. On top of all that work, she's dedicating herself to learn mesh, and a collaboration with Lounge. She keeps balance in both lives by adhering to a strict schedule of exercise, work and down time.
Her favorite bloggers were difficult for her to choose, as she has a blogging group that were hand picked and she likes them all for different reasons. When pressed on which photographers she likes best she was able to narrow it down to Kirsty Lane and Oakley Foxtrot.
As for what she thinks there isn't enough of in Second Life? Security. She is saddened by people losing their accounts due to fishing scams and hackers and designers losing their work to copybotters. She would love to see Linden Lab step up security and do away with those issues.
Clothing – Cynful, and Lil'lace Makeup – Beauty Gowns – Son!ja, and Purple Moon Shoes – Bax, and N-Core Mesh body parts – Slink Furnishings – Loft, and Pilot
F U S I O Nnovember
Mariska's Favourite Things
turn off the G
reetings everybody! My name is Auryn Beorn. In my articles I will be approaching some techincal topics with the hope of improving your Second Life experience.
My philosophy is quite simple: the world of SL is a big place, with many different people and tastes, so learning the tools that allow us to minimize exposure to what we do not like will be always beneficial. It's my wish that these tips will help you enjoy your SL. I'm opening the field with facelights. Like them or not, they'll be present whenever we teleport to an event or club. Normally, the avatar wearing them is not aware of what everybody else sees. Likely they haven't learned about Windlight, and they don't see themselves right without the facelight. Attacking the avatar that wears the facelight will solve nothing. What we can do, however, is to deactivate them in our viewer. Easy and clean. How do we do this? We will have to open up our preferences (Me/Avatar�Preferences or simply press CTRL+P on your keyboard), and go to the Graphics tab. Make sure the Advanced options are displayed. In there we can find an option named Local Lights under Shaders, untick it. However, this has a drawback, no local lights will be rendered. Local lights refer to all light points that aren't the SL sun or moon. 44
But we have more choices.
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We can start by derendering only the attached lights. We find this under the menu Develop�Rendering�Render Attached Lights. The result of unticking this option is that only the lights attached to avatars will not be rendered. All the other lights will be rendered as normal. (If you see no Develop menu, activate it under Advanced�Show Develop Menu. If you see no Advanced menu, CTRL+ALT+D for it.)
If you don't want to derender the attached lights, you have also the option, with some viewers, to derender the avatar of your choice. Temporarily or permanently, but when an avatar is derendered, the attached lights go away with them. Whichever your choice, don't forget to turn the lights back on when you need them! Simply activate what you deactivated in the first place, and that's it: the lights are back when and where you want them. Enjoy your SL. ď Ž
local lights turned on 46
local lights turned off
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Illuminate Now you know how to turn your local lights off when you don't want them, Jada Tigerpaw walks us through two of the different effects you can achieve with them turned on. For more local light tutorials check out Graphic Dix's Flickr: http://www. flickr.com/search/?w=40747162@N05&q=tutorial
WINDLIGHT: Alchemy Immortalis - Dark Misty Night SUN FOCUS: .43 SUN SIZE: 1.49 GAMMA: 2.96 One large sphere with a soft circle brush texture applied, pointed towards the wall as a beam of light. FIELD OF VIEW: .100 LOCAL LIGHT FOCUS: 16 LOCAL LIGHT AMBIENCE: 1.000 LOCAL LIGHT INTENSITY: 1 LOCAL LIGHT RADIUS: 10 LOCAL LIGHT FALLOUT: 0
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One smaller sphere with the image you want projected on it.
WINDLIGHT: Bryn Oh's Condos in Heaven Sky
Radius 10.000
SUN GLOW: .10 SUN SIZE: 1.81 GAMMA: 1.00
One sphere inside lamp pointing at table. Soft round texture.
One tall oval sphere - texture with black and white lines. Another to be positioned on other side of table. FOV .250
Ambience 1.000
Radius 10.000
Intensity 1.000
Focus 16.000
Intensity 1.000
Ambience 1.000
Falloff .010
FOV .100
Color: Light Yellow
Focus 1.000
Radius 5.300
Intensity 1.000
Another sphere above pointing towards the wall above the lamp. Soft round texture.
One sphere above avatar with soft round brush texture pointing downwards towards avatar's head.
Focus 16.000
FOV .100
Ambience 1.000
Focus 16.000
Color: Light Yellow
Ambience 1.000
Intensity 1.000
Color: White
Radius 10.000
FOV .100
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Host E
Most article by Kirsty Lee
ight months ago Kitty Teixeria felt herself getting quite literally pushed right off the stage she was hosting on during a DJ’s set. The culprit was none other than Kitty’s very own co-worker at the club.
Rude, much? As a hostess in Second Life with three years’ experience Miss Teixeria had finally had enough of this unprofessional behavior and put her foot down. Well, first she grabbed her amazing man Keith Bernitz, and together they created a school just for training hosts and hostesses. Heavenly Hosting School offers more than just classes that help a person emote or get tips on the job. Each class offered is specifically designed to educate, inspire, and create a professional worker once every subject on the syllabus has been covered. These subjects include, but are not limited to, the mechanics of entering and exiting a shift, dealing with drama on the job, and most importantly covering the bum! Unless the menu at the club offers platters of boobs then every professional host or hostesses shouldn’t be the main course by advertising their bits. 52
Classes range from sixty to ninety minutes long and are preferably started with a small group as this allows each individual student to have the full attention of Keith and Kitty. The school has a mock-up stage, group, and tip jars to actually show students how to use them all properly. That’s right. Practice makes perfect. At Heavenly Hosting School there is no such thing as pre-made emotes and inattentive workers. The school has produced many hard working, professional and polite individuals to service the Second Life club scene and the graduates of this school will attest to the results! A couple of graduates testified that they felt more confidence in their ability to do their jobs and expressed their happiness in having the knowledge that enables them to give a professional service that receives the benefits of tips and more job offers! Ah, finally a school that keeps on giving. ď Ž
(+ ( (+ (
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For more information about Heavenly Hosting School please contact Keith Bernitz or Kitty Teixeria.
elcome to one world, masterminded and dominated by the intriguing Phil Kearny since 2006, the year he opened his first club. He has since added 3 more. They are: Ambrosia Dance Club Rez Nightclub Grind Modern Romance Bad 80's Club
Phil Kearny has created quite a dynasty. This is clearly a man that claims control and dominates whatever world he is in. His formula is apparent. Take a space, decorate it, plug in some great music, surround it with good shopping, open the doors to everyone, and get out of people's way. Unlike some of the other clubs in SL, Phil has not made his clubs about him. He is not trying to define the experience for his customers, he is simply facilitating it. And people seem to like it. His clubs seem to always be busy and not with just a couple of people here and there, I am talking packed. Check out the comprehensive, informative and entertaining website for action packed schedules for each club, intro to staff, policies and lots of general vibe about the club action. Ambrosia Entertainment Group is one website you will definitely want to follow.
Each of the clubs focuses on a different genre and together they completely represent the best of dance clubs. Perusing the list of events for each club is like being at a giant entertainment buffet table. If you can’t find something you want to 'eat' there, you just aren’t hungry.
I think it helps that Phil seems to really enjoy people and has a great sense of humour that is evident in his profile, well worth a read anytime. I get the impression the man enjoys life and somehow he has captured that and presented it to SL with his club empire. Oh and don't forget one of the important rules for attending the clubs: 'Clean underwear must be worn prior to entry to Ambrosia Dance Club, you may be hit by a shuttle at any time.'
Click the info tab for landmarks to all of the Ambrosia Entertainment Group venues. http://ambrosiadanceclub.com
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Have to love a man with a great sense of humour who does not take life too seriously and still manages to knock your socks off.
realms OF ICE FIRE
Rylan Carling explores King's Landing, a role play sim based on
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f you’re a lover of Game of Thrones, an avid role player, or simply an explorer looking to expand your horizons, King's Landing is an exquisite sim awaiting your adventures. A whole book of pictures could be dedicated to this sim and it still wouldn’t give you the true sense of everything you can see and do here.
When visiting, please take time to wear the proper attire (provided at the entrance) and the observer tag. It preserves the integrity of the land and the role players within it at the time. A number of note cards are available at the landing point if you are inclined to join and become an active member. You don’t need to walk through a maze to get to the teleport that takes you straight to the land, which is highly appreciated. If you frequent role play sims, you know exactly what I mean!
As you read through the history of this sim, you will learn that it is set in the medieval fantasy world of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, adapted for television in the HBO series Game of Thrones. The city is King's Landing, the capital city of the continent of Westeros and the date is approximately 400 A.L., approximately one hundred years after the setting of the A Song of Ice & Fire books and the TV series. This is why you will not be running into any characters from the series. I will admit, I was a bit disappointed I wouldn’t be able to stalk Jon Snow.
The role play starts with no preconceived history of conflict between the Great Houses and is, essentially, an alternate timeline. You do not need to have read the
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books or watched the series, but, why wouldn’t you?! To truly dwell in a role play, it is best to have as much background knowledge as possible; it really makes your own experience more enriching. Role play is what you make of it, the more you invest, the higher your return.
Guests are welcome to explore the sim, and the players are very happy to assist when asked. I was impressed with the level of maturity and helpfulness everyone showed me. There are rules to abide by, as in any role play setting. Again, a step above most, there is a website where you can read through facts, rules, members, house leaders, and so forth. Visit http://gotrp.enjin.com/home to familiarize yourself with anything you’d like to know about this sim and role play. You will also find the application there.
The scenery is breathtaking. Gardens are scattered throughout the city. You’ll find open markets, shops, stables, and even water paths which run through the streets. Outside of the castle and city walls, you’ll find a shipping port. An outstanding fish market is found here, and you will always hear great stories of those coming back from their journeys out at sea. Farmers work on their crops, utilizing the rich soil. Beyond that you will find forests and paths that lead you to diverse adventures and awe inspiring sites. This is a photographer's haven. A word of caution though, you have the freedom to cause mischief, however, be prepared; strict consequences follow, and punishment always fits the crime!
I look forward to role playing with you. Until then, I’m hurriedly creating a character with a bit of Cersei Lannister’s cunning, Daenerys Targaryen’s strength, and Rylan Carling’s wit!
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King’s Landing: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Wishes/133/135/25
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Fashion Editor N O T E H
appy Thanksgiving to all of our American readers! Please be safe and enjoy your friends and family.
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This month, I’m so happy to bring you some newness! I have added a feature to the fashion section, it’s called The Blogger's Corner. The wonderful stylist and photographer Alex1985 Diabolito graciously accepted my bribes (just kidding!) to join the team. So I’m super excited to have him join me here at Fusion. I’m so happy about our Looks of the Month this issue. They are stunning! All of the other awesome features are returning, One Item, Three Outfits even has a sparkly new look, courtesy of EmilianaMarie, so I hope you enjoy. If you have any questions or have anything that you’d like featured in our publication, please contact me in world or via daijaarida@gmail. com.
blogger's corner
By Alex1985 Diabolito
Brown is amongst my favorite colors and fall is my favorite season so you might understand why I decided to go hiding in the woods for these pics! There is so much cozy stuff available from various SL events these days, it wasn't that hard to put these seasonal looks together. Now, excuse me, I am off to hunt something.
Skin David from Tableau Vivant Coat & shirt Deadwool - Walden raincoat Jeans Ronsem - Straight jeans Boots Deadwool - Trauermarsch boots
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Skin David from Tableau Vivant Hat & Hair Valiant - David Sweater Gabriel - High necked sweater Pants FATEwear - Billy 68
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Photography by Oakley Foxtrot - Modeled by Daija Arida
Hucci: Tottori Boots in Toast
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Erratic: Selene in Chocolate
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Get THATStyle Photography by Tristion Paine Modeled by Draakje Dailey & Tristion Paine
Sweater: GizzA Let Loose Sweater Top: Maitreya Savoir Turtleneck Top Scarf: Tee*fy Collar Snood Hair: LeLutka EMELI hair Pants: coldLogic Pants Shoes: Maitreya Gold Liaison Handbag: BSD Design Studio Caoimhe Handbag Skin: Glam Affair Vera 74
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Jacket: Sleepy Eddy Pea Coat Shirt: Hoorenbeek Tee for Jackets Pants: Kauna Trousers Gloves: Fatewear Dexter Shoes: Kauna Brogues 76
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S K O L Oof the H T N O M
Photographed by River Stromfield http://www.flickr.com/photos/46377952@N06
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Photographed by Natalia Topez http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathaliatopaz 84
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u o t b T A h l e l A
SHOES Libby Farleigh shares her 6 top picks from this month's Shoetopia.
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Steffen Garcia
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E Bliss'
Thanksgiving dream article by Bliss Windlow
econd Life should start its own Thanksgiving traditions. We could have the beautiful people, having lived and breathed (some of them very heavily and often assisted by the fond legacy of our beloved Stroker Serpentine) in SL for eons, inviting various groups to partake of the seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s harvest.
5 I am thinking a bank of free gacha machines with things like breedable cute turkeys, some 'Pin the Tail on the Copybotters', and maybe some old ballroom dress lawn bowling where everyone dons one of those huge old flexi ball gowns and stands on the lawn and sways and the last one standing wins!
You could invite the noobs and have a makeover party and send them all home with a pumpkin coloured giant rocket penis in their gift bags. We should apologize that we have not provided those in the original gift bags they're given when they first arrive in Second Life. No SL experience is complete without at least one ride on a giant penis rocket, right?
Otherwise, you could invite the Goreans and in their gift bags give the women some hand crocheted knee pads in the shape of little pilgrims and give the masters crocheted sheaths for their, ummm, swords. I think those Gorean men just really need a hug. I bet underneath all that penis they are really sweet guys. Besides, the women are awesome at helping clean up after dinner!!
And let's feed the models ok? For the love of God let's just feed them. And when we are done offending every stereotype we can think of we can get out our Bic lighters and sing some Kum Ba Yah.
If we can just find someone's old auntie to pinch everyone's cheeks, and an errant brother to show up and pick a fight with everyone, we will have recreated Thanksgiving to perfection... ...virtually, in pixels and amazing technicolour.
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I think this could be really big. ď Ž
have a great thanksgiving
FUSION F U S I O Nnovember