Annual report 2017 digital final

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Introduction: Map: Directors’ letter: State of the Planet: Future Earth highlights: Transdisciplinary research: Global South: Research highlights: Research: Publications: Financial summary: Organisation: Funders:

4 4 5 6 8 18 19 22 30 32 49 50 51

Text: Edited by Alistair Scrutton and Daniel Strain Layout: Jerker Lokrantz/Azote Cover: Front - View over Seoul, South Korea. Photo: J Lokrantz/Azote; Back - School of Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus) in Malaysia. Photo: B Christensen/Azote Printed on recycled, FSC-certified paper. This annual report covers the period from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 Misty rainforest in Danum Valley, Borneo, Malaysia. Photo: B Christensen/Azote



Global Hubs

Strategic Partner

Regional Centres & Offices

Global Research Project offices

National Networks established or in development

Future Earth is a global community of researchers and practitioners committed to increasing knowledge of the Earth and finding solutions to the most pressing challenges facing humans and the planet. Our global hubs and regional and national networks on six continents mobilise scientists and other leaders in sustainability to generate the knowledge needed to support transformations to a more sustainable world. We also support 20 Global Research Projects that produce findings relevant to society on topics from the air to the oceans and biodiversity to sustainable cities.

4 Aerial view of farm landscape in southern Bavaria, Germany. Photo:N Ryrholm/Azote

LETTER FROM OUR GLOBAL HUB DIRECTORS After 2015, a landmark year for sustainability that saw the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, the world got down to implementing its ambitions in 2016. The research community made huge strides to take stock of what it has accomplished and determine how it can support the fundamental transformations occurring around the globe.

minds in their borders to address local priorities for sustainability – from making communities in Asia more resilient to monsoons to securing clean drinking water in North Africa. And we have made big steps in generating the knowledge needed to solve the challenges facing the world. In early 2016, Future Earth kicked off a series of research collaborations called Knowledge-Action Networks (page 31) focusing on the likes of ocean, health and cities. These collaborations are now providing a platform for diverse voices – hailing from research to policy and the arts – to share their knowledge and shape sustainability research on the global stage. Our Global Research Projects also produced leading research on the planet’s land, air and water and the people who depend on them (research highlights, page 22). This year, we gained a new perspective on the diversity of animals and plants that live in mountains and learned when humans began to shift the world’s climate.

The same was true for Future Earth. In the last year, we broadened our research agenda and deepened our engagement with professionals and innovators outside academia to deliver on our global mission: to generate the knowledge needed to build transformations to a more sustainable world. We participated in some of the biggest sustainability events of the year. We strapped virtual reality headsets onto attendees at the Habitat III summit in Quito, Ecuador, and discussed local climate data at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference in Morocco. We also strengthened our international ties by signing new strategic partnership agreements with the Group on Earth Observations and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

The next year will also be an important one for Future Earth. We’re gearing up for major global events like the 7th International Conference on Sustainability Science (ICSS) in Stockholm, Sweden, and the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference in Edmonton, Canada. We also recognise that Future Earth is a collaborative enterprise, and if we want to achieve our mission in 2017-2018, we need your help to do it. We invite all those working in sustainability to to join us to generate integrate knowledges to help build a more sustainable world.

We have also grown by leaps and bounds. In 2016-2017, Future Earth brought on new team members in research and communications. We launched new products for a range of communities, including researchers, local governments, businesses, non-governmental organisations and more: the Open Network (page 12), Future Earth Media Lab (page 13) and Anthropocene magazine (page 16), to name a few.

Wendy Broadgate Thorsten Kiefer Fumiko Kasuga Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard Josh Tewksbury

We grew across the globe. The last year saw the launch of new regional and national networks from South Asia to North Africa (See Global South, page 19). These networks are playing a crucial role in making Future Earth a truly global programme. They tap the best

- August 2017 5

STATE OF THE PLANET IN NUMBERS In 2016-2017, Future Earth kicked off a new effort to take regular stock of the state of the planet – examining the good news and bad for humanity’s life support system. As part of this initiative, we captured some of the latest research from sustainability science in an animated video and online slideshow launched on Earth Day. Here are five numbers that are important for understanding our place in the world:

The number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped by more than half in the last 20 years1. This trend is part of a profound transformation in human wellbeing that has occurred around the world: People are living longer than they ever have 2, and infant mortality rates are plummeting 3. Since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to improved drinking water 4.




The 62 richest people in the world in 2015 accumulated 1.75 trillion USD in wealth – the same as the wealth of the poorest 50% of the global population 5. Despite the gains in human wellbeing seen in recent decades, inequality is soaring around the globe. This means that hundreds of millions of people are being left behind – unable to benefit from pioneering and life-sustaining advances in medicine, technology, energy and more.


Research by Will Steffen and colleagues has shown that the world has crossed four out of nine “planetary boundaries”, key limits that were likely important to the emergence of human civilisations 6. People are pushing Earth into uncertain and potentially dangerous territory – driving up global temperatures, clear-cutting forests, dumping fertilisers into rivers and oceans and forcing animals, plants and other organisms towards extinction.

According to the “Carbon Law” developed by a team of international scientists, the world must cut its emissions by half every decade to curb the growth in global temperatures 7. The planet’s 7.5 billion people and counting now face the daunting challenge of moving Earth toward a new and more sustainable trajectory. But change is possible: In the last decade, new global investments in renewable energy jumped up nearly six-fold 8.




The world’s farmers will need to feed over 9 billion people by 2050. But research by Karlheinz Erb, a Global Land Programme fellow, and colleagues shows that there are many options for feeding a growing planet – all without requiring further deforestation 9. If people cut down on their meat intake or switch to vegetarian or vegan diets, the options expand substantially.

[1]-[3] Max Roser/Our World in Data based on various data sources:;;, [4] WHO: mediacentre/factsheets/fs391/en/, [5] Oxfam:, [6] Steffen et al. 2015:, [7] Rockström et al. 2017: [8] FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre: publications/globaltrendsinrenewableenergyinvestment2016lowres_0.pdf [9] Erb et al. 2016:



FROM KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION ON SUSTAINABILITY Future Earth kicked off an initial series of nine KnowledgeAction Networks in 2016. These research collaborations bring together researchers with leaders in policy, business, civil society, the arts and more to generate solutions for critical sustainability challenges – from threats to food security to the rapid growth in cities and vanishing coral reefs. And they made big gains this year: In July 2016, experts in the links between planetary and human health met in Italy to discuss the priorities for research around the Health Knowledge-Action Network. Later that year, members of the Ocean Knowledge-Action Network participated in an international workshop in Germany. There they worked to identify the research questions that are most important to

the health of the world’s seas. The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge-Action Network got rolling, too, helping to organise a symposium in November 2016 on sustainable innovation. Learn more: Join the discussions online: communities/knowledgeactionnetworks Participants in a December 2016 workshop in Kiel, Germany, discuss building a global network for ocean research. Photo: Jan Steffen, GEOMAR


GEARING UP FOR IPCC’S SIXTH ASSESSMENT REPORT Climate experts from around the world met in Stockholm in August 2016 to discuss research needs for the next global-scale report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – its Sixth Assessment Report, scheduled to come out in 2022. The meeting was organised by Future Earth, the UN’s Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA) and IPCC. It brought together more than 80 participants from 28 countries, including leaders in international science and policy, such as Isabella Lövin, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden. From the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, participants talked about the lessons they could learn from IPCC’s most recent assessment report. That includes how climate scientists can do a better job of assessing and communicating the risks around climate change – Corinne Le Quéré argued that scientists should spend 20% of their time communicating the results of their work. Attendees discussed how IPCC can delve deeper into solutions for adapting to climate change, such as by building sea walls to keep out rising sea-levels. Read more:

Participants at the 2016 climate change risks and solutions workshop discuss sustainability issues at the Royal Swedish Academy in Stockholm. Photo: Erik Pihl


SCIENCE AND THE SDGS A report released by the German Committee Future Earth laid out the important role that science can play in international efforts to implement the 2030 agenda on sustainable development and curb climate change. The report captures the results of two international conferences supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft that examined some specific dimensions on how scientists can support the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report concludes that researchers can help to develop an innovative and smart indicator framework and contribute foundational knowledge in the form of topical assessments (in addition to IPBES and IPCC) and in particular untangle how goals, targets and


their means of implementation interact, in supporting or contradictory ways. “This report shows that research collaboration across nations, disciplines and knowledge domains can work extremely well to suggest possible pathways for enhancing global sustainability,� Martin Visbeck, chair of the German Committee, wrote in the report. Read the report here At a 2016 workshop in Villia Vigoni, Italy, participants discussed how science can support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The results of this workshop and an earlier meeting were summarised in a report published in December 2016. Credit: DKN (German Committee Future Earth)

OPEN NETWORK - A DIGITAL COMMUNITY FOR GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY In October 2016, Future Earth launched the Open Network. This online platform brings together researchers and other professionals to do the work needed to build transformations toward a sustainable world. Here, members from across the globe can connect with peers, collaborate on research and engagement and learn about new opportunities in sustainability. The platform’s features include private and public discussion groups, a crowd-sourced jobs board and events calendar and tools for hosting webinars.


The Open Network now includes more than 3,000 members from 108 countries and counting. Researchers are also using it to scope out and apply for funding opportunities, including through the Future Earth Program for Early-stage Grants Advancing Sustainability Science (PEGASuS). Anyone with an interest in sustainability can get started on the Open Network, and it’s free to join. Start exploring at

FUTURE EARTH MEDIA LAB Virtual reality (VR) has been called the “empathy machine.” The technology is now so good that 360-degree documentary films can trick the mind into creating a memory of having visited, for example, a favela or refugee camp in real life. This has significant potential to connect people to global sustainability science. The Future Earth Media Lab has been bringing together VR filmmakers and technologists with journalists and scientists for a series of hackathons to develop new VR experiences. The first hackathon has led to two new VR films in production, one on planetary boundaries and the other filmed in Fortaleza in Brazil documenting life in the Gereba favela. These collaborations gave rise to Future Earth’s first spin-off company – Scene There. The BBC and Wired covered its first major projects: a VR experience in North Korea and our favela initiative. The next hackathon will focus on climate and take place in Leeds, UK, in 2017. This is one of the many projects spinning up at the Media Lab, a co-production with Globaïa and the International Council for Science, which is designed as a space for innovation around narrative, design, technology and communications. Other projects relate to data visualisation, artificial intelligence and solutions-focused journalism. In 2016, we launched the Media Lab website and blog. Caption: Hurricane Matthew strikes South Carolina (9 October 2016). NullSchool screenshot


FUTURE EARTH, HABITAT III AND LAUNCH OF OUR URBAN KNOWLEDGE-ACTION NETWORK Cities are the action arm of civilisation. But how will the world catalyse cities to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals? Over 30,000 people descended on the Ecuadorian capital Quito for the third United Nations cities conference, Habitat III, in October 2016. Throughout the summit, Future Earth ran Habitat X Change, a knowledge exchange pavilion that connected science and society, with our partners the International Council for Science and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Habitat III was the perfect venue to launch the Urban Knowledge-Action Network and the Anthropocene magazine (page 16) at two high-profile events. Leaders of the Urban Knowledge-Action Network published a commentary in Nature arguing for much greater interaction between science and policy for city development. This was one of the outcomes of the engagement of the Future

Earth community in the negotiation process, which led to the adoption of the New Urban Agenda – an international plan for developing sustainable and equitable cities. In advance of the conference, we ran an urban data visualisation competition that attracted innovative entries from across the globe. Winners included visualisations of Colombia’s civil war and its impact on urbanisation and crowd-sourced flood maps of Chennai, India. Scientists must have a say in the future of cities, Nature 10 City visualisation competition - Habitat X Change - Urban Knowledge-Action Network

Caption: Chennai Flood Map by Arun Ganesh, Sajjad Anwar, Sanjay Bhangar, Prasanna Loganathar (OpenStreetMap India/Mapbox)


SEEDS OF BRIGHTER FUTURES “How do you retain hope in a time that isn’t hopeful?” That was the question posed by Elena Bennett of McGill University at the 2017 meeting of the World Economic Forum. It’s also the question at the centre of Seeds of Good Anthropocenes, a project launched by Bennett and her colleagues. This effort, which emerged from an initiative sponsored by Future Earth, gathers examples, or “seeds,” of ways that people are already transforming their communities for the better. In 2016, the project had collected more than 500 seeds. They include a drive to develop “community currencies” in Kenya and a campaign to protect rainforests by providing low-cost healthcare in Indonesian Borneo. The researchers say that, taken together, these seeds might reveal pathways for the world to become more sustainable and equitable. Researchers from the Future Earth Global Research Projects ecoSERVICES and the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) contributed to Seeds of Good Anthropocenes. Learn more: Read our blog: Caption: Residents from around Nairobi, Kenya, celebrate the 2014 launch of Gatina-Pesa, a “community currency” effort that seeks to bolster local economies. Inset: A map of case studies collected through the seeds project. Photos: Seeds of Good Anthropocenes.


A NEW MAGAZINE: ANTHROPOCENE – INNOVATION IN THE HUMAN AGE October 2016 saw the publication of the first issue of Anthropocene magazine, a new digital, print and live magazine from Future Earth. This publication brings together writers, designers, scientists and entrepreneurs to explore how we can create a sustainable human age we actually want to live in. Much like Foreign Policy, MIT Technology Review and Harvard Business Review have done for their respective fields, Anthropocene aims to be a thought leader for the sustainability and development world. In 2017, the magazine won the 2017 Excellence in Journalism Award from the Renewable Resource Foundation. The first issue was launched at the Habitat III summit in Quito, Ecuador. It explored art that can deliver clean water


and electricity and asked whether the way we think about electronic waste is in need of repair. ProPublica’s Andrew Revkin also shared his own “Anthropocene journey.” Funding for the magazine comes from individual and institutional memberships as well as foundations. Become a supporting member: www.anthropocenemagazine. org/membership/ Get Daily Science updates in your inbox: www.



At the heart of Future Earth’s mission to engage both science and society is support for transdisciplinary research (TD) that advances actionable knowledge for addressing sustainability challenges. This approach to research focuses on “codesigning” and “co-producing” knowledge in collaboration with societal partners – the same people and groups that will apply research results to solving problems. The goal is to produce solutions for global sustainability with greater legitimacy and utility. TD researchers aim to engage local expertise in research – from the initial framing of research questions to designing and implemention. It involves the co-design of research questions and co-production of actionable scientific knowledge. Co-design and co-production give societal partners a stake in research, thereby lending results greater legitimacy. That means that those partners may be more likely to implement sustainability solutions. The Future Earth Secretariat has established a TD Task Team, which is being drawn from the Secretariat and Regional Centres, as well as Global Research Projects and TD experts, while a TD training curriculum is also being developed. We are pursuing a partnership to develop a portfolio of TD case studies that will support the training curriculum and give our community an opportunity to highlight their work. With other partners we are exploring the feasibility of creating a TD portal through which interested people and groups could access TD resources. Additional planned activities include design opportunities to advance active participation of Future Earth members in a TD platform that facilitates learning and zero-travel networking. Future Earth is collaborating with our strategic partner START, an international non-governmental organisation, to advance TD research skills in Africa through a training workshop at Stellenbosch University in late 2017. This workshop is backed by the US National Science Foundation in support of the Belmont Forum’s upcoming research action on urbanisation and the food-energy-water nexus. Future Earth and START will be collaborating on a TD curriculum development effort with African university networks in 2018. Caption: Fisherman with gear at Lake Malawi, Malawi. Photo: A Tedeholm/Azote


AFRICA Future Earth participates in a range of initiatives in Africa and will soon gain an important partner in the region: The Southern Africa sub-regional office for Future Earth is projected to become operational in 2017. It will be located in Pretoria, South Africa, and will be hosted by the South Africa National Research Foundation and the South Africa Department of Science and Technology. In the last year, many of Future Earth’s Global Research Projects organised high-profile events in Africa. Earth System Governance (ESG), for example, held its 2016 conference at the University of Nairobi in Kenya in December. The event brought together leaders in research, policy and civil society from the region and around the world and included a field trip to visit the sites of sand dam building projects. Future Earth Coasts, the Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) and Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR), together with the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC), collaborated in organising “OA-Senegal” in Dakar in February 2017. This event brought together 20 participants from 18 coastal African countries to build capacity on the chemistry, biology, economics and social science of ocean acidification, and its linkages to policy. There are more activities underway: UNESCO is now leading an effort aimed at understanding how the vision of Future Earth can be implemented in East Africa. In 2017, Future Earth and its partner START will also kick off a series of projects in North and West Africa. These projects will build dialogues and promote capacity development among regional researchers and leaders around food, energy and water security challenges. Caption: Researchers collect data as part of a START programme on climate change in Africa. Photo: START



Future Earth aims to promote a global network of researchers, innovators and businesses and the last year saw major progress in expanding Future Earth’s reach to regions in the world that most feel the impact of global environmental pressures.


was organised by Future Earth’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge-Action Network and the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network (inno4SD).

The Future Earth MENA Regional Centre, which is based in Nicosia, Cyprus, mobilises experts to tackle the critical sustainability challenges facing the region – including securing water supplies in the face of mounting droughts and navigating drastic political and societal transformations. To achieve these goals, the Regional Centre signed a new collaboration with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in 2016. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, which is based in Alexandria, Egypt, will lead efforts to spur sustainability research in North African nations.

Also in 2016, the Regional Centre formed a Regional Advisory Committee made up of 11 members from nine countries. This committee met to set research priorities and opportunities for the region. They include strategies to manage water deficiency, secure food provision, seek opportunities for energy production and secure social stability and environmental sustainability in the light of rapid urbanisation and changing population dynamics.

Among other activities, the Regional Centre hosted a symposium in late-2016 about how sustainable innovation can help to develop solutions around the nexus of food, water and energy. This workshop

Caption: Beach seine fishing in Oman. Photo: T Svensson/Azote


ASIA & OCEANIA The last year saw the launch of the South Asia Regional Office of Future Earth. This office is hosted by the Divecha Centre for Climate Change (DCCC) of the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru, India. The office engages counterparts across the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries and some Indian Ocean island countries. The office is preparing a strategic plan for South Asia that will be finalised by late2017 and will focus on important issues in the sub-region. They include the effects of climate change on monsoons and mountain glaciers. In early 2017,  it was agreed that the International Project Office of Monsoon Asia Integrated Research for Sustainability – Future Earth (MAIRS-FE) will be based in Peking University, Beijing, and its Regional Project Office in the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. This Global Research Project, which completed its transition to Future Earth in 2017, explores a range of issues related to the unique topography and monsoon climate of Asia. The Sustainability Initiative in the Marginal Caption: Flooded streets in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during the monsoon season. Photo: T H Snickars/Azote Seas of South and East Asia (SIMSEA) is a Future Earth regional activity in Asia, an international alliance of physical, ecological and social scientists the strategic planning and priority setting of Future Earth globally. working together to generate policy and community-relevant Future Earth Australia is overseen by a steering committee of knowledge towards sustainability of the marginal seas of South and industry leaders and research experts with an advisory council of East Asia. SIMSEA held a regional symposium in September, 2016, thought-leaders and influencers in Australian sustainability. The and it works closely with Asian Regional Center. Academy has appointed Dr. Imran Ahmad as Director of Future Earth Australia and is leading the initiative. The initial partner Australia has recently launched a national/regional hub, called universities and research centers include: Commonwealth Scientific Future Earth Australia, at the Australian Academy of Science and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian National University, to coordinate contributions from this continent, to facilitate University of Queensland, University of Sydney and Macquarie interactions with regional neighbours and to represent the region in University. 21

FUTURE EARTH RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS In 2016-2017, Future Earth’s Global Research Projects generated important insights about biodiversity on the land and ocean, life in cities, greenhouse gas emissions and much more. See a sample of their research below. To learn more about these projects, visit 22

FOSSIL FUEL ACCOUNTING The Global Carbon Project made headlines around the world by delivering both good news and bad news in its 2016 Global Carbon and Global Methane Budgets: The growth in carbon dioxide emissions remained flat for the third year running, but methane emissions are soaring. Read more: CHN 10.4

CO2 emissions (Gt CO2 /yr)



Gt CO2 in 2015



USA 5.4


EU28 3.5 IND 2.3








2010 2015


1.4% 5.2%

Emissions of CO2 by the top four emitters. Global Carbon Budget 2016 (CC BY 4.0)


Lignite mining close to Lippendorf power station in Germany. Photo S-E Arndt/Azote

MOUNTAIN EXPLORATION Delve into the world’s mountains, and the animals and plants that call them home, through the Mountain Portal from the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA). This online tool gives you clickable access to biodiversity information for more than 1000 mountain ranges worldwide. Get started: Screenshot from the Mountain Portal

24 The Himalayas. Photo B Nilsson/Azote

CLIMATE MIGRATIONS How will wildlife respond to a changing climate? A 2016 study by researchers with bioDISCOVERY and bioGENESIS lays out the factors that can best predict how species will respond when their habitats shift, including dispersal behaviours and genetic adaptation. Read more: aad8466


Resting bar-tailed godwits (Limosa lapponica). Their migration is the longest known non-stop flight of any bird. Photo: S-E Arndt/Azote

EARLY START A 2016 study from Past Global Changes (PAGES) pinpointed when the world began to warm because of human-caused climate change. Drawing on records from corals and other sources, the researchers found that temperatures began to rise in the mid-1800s. Read more: www.pastglobalchanges. org/news/all-news-items/9-latestnews/1532-an-early-start-to-climatechange


Corals, such as this Leptoria phrygia outside Zanzibar, Tanzania, record detailed climate histories in a similar way to the yearly growth rings of trees. Photo: J Lokrantz/Azote

50 QUESTIONS Scholars affiliated with Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE) catalogued the 50 research questions that are most important to the growing field of historical ecology – which explores the relationships between humans and the environment over millennia. Read more: article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0171883 In Africa’s Amboseli Basin, a tree grows in what was once an enclosure for small livestock. Photo: Anna Shoemaker


VALUING BIODIVERSITY A new special issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B co-guest edited by Rachel Cavanagh of Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) captures scientific evidence around an important question: What role does biodiversity play in delivering vital services to humanity? Read more: content/283/1844


Rufous-necked hornbills (Aceros nipalensis) and other birds provide a valuable service to forests in Southeast Asia by spreading seeds Photo: Mitash Biswas



Our top tweet




People who liked us on Facebook increased from 5,926 in March 2016 to 8,704 by March 2017. Our most shared post


TWITTER FOLLOWERS People who follow us on Twitter increased from 8,078 in May 2016 to 10,700 by March 2017.




• As of April 2017, 988 supporting members have contributed 39,400 USD • Website gets approximately 25,000 unique visitors per month

Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era PNAS 113:11

Greening of the Earth and its drivers NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE 6

TOP PAPERS IN CLIMATE SCIENCE Future Earth’s Global Research Projects had two papers in the Top 10 “most talked about” climate science papers for 2016

• 13,000 email newsletter/daily science subscribers, 30-50 new subscribers a week • 8,700 Facebook follows, 13,800 Twitter followers



In March 2017, users from 130 different countries visited the Future Earth website

• Open Network has roughly 3,100 members from approximately 108 countries. • From its launch (October 2016) to March 2017, there have been 5,235 discussion group posts written, 253 new discussion threads started and 313 calendar events added.







GLOBAL RESEARCH PROJECTS AIMES Analysis, Integration and Modelling of the Earth System




ESG Earth System Governance

Future Earth Coasts

GCP Global Carbon Project

GLP Global Land Programme

GMBA Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment

IGAC International Global Atmospheric Chemistry

IHOPE Integrated History and Future of People on Earth

iLEAPS Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study

IMBeR Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (formerly IMBER)

IRG Integrated Risk Governance Project

MAIRS-FE Monsoon Asia Integrated Research for Sustainability

oneHEALTH (formerly ecoHEALTH)

PAGES Past Global Changes

PECS Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society

SOLAS Surface Ocean–Lower Atmosphere Study

UGEC Urbanization and Global Environmental Change (closed 2017)

Water Futur Sustainable Water Future Programme

KNOWLEDGE-ACTION NETWORKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Water-Energy-Food Nexus Transformations Natural Assets Sustainable Development Goals Urban Health Finance & Economics

8. 9. 10. 11.


Ocean Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Decarbonisation Risk


Kanemaru, R., Morio, Y., Takekawa, H., Jo, H., Kasuga, F., Koyama, R., Shiota, S., Nagaoka, T., and Takahashi, K. (2016) Successful treatment with weekly high-dose erlotinib against meningeal metastases from epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mutated lung adenocarcinoma. Respiratory Investigation

Bai, X., Surveyer, A., Elmqvist, T., Gatzweiler, F.W., Güneralp, B., Parnell, S., PrieurRichard, A-H., Shrivastava, P., Siri, J.G., Stafford-Smith, M., Toussaint, J-P., and Webb, R. (2016) Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 23, 69-78.

Levey, D.J., Caughlin, T.T., Brudvig, L.A., Haddad, N.M., Damschen, E.I., Tewksbury, J.J., and Evans, D.M. (2016) Disentangling fragmentation effects on herbivory in understory plants of longleaf pine savanna. Ecology 97(9), 2248-2258.

Biermann, F., Bai, X., Bondre, N., Broadgate, W., Chen, C-T.A., Dube, O.P., Erisman, J.W., Glaser, M., van der Hel, S., Lemos, M.C., Seitzinger, S., and Seto, K.C. (2016) Down to Earth: Contextualizing the Anthropocene. Global Environmental Change 39, 341-350.

McPhearson, T., Parnell, S., Simon, D., Gaffney, O., Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., Roberts, D., and Revi, A. (2016) Scientists must have a say in the future of cities. Nature 538(7624), 165166

Fricke, E.C., Tewksbury, J.J., Wandrag, E.M., Rogers, H.S. 2017 Mutualistic strategies minimize coextinction in plant–disperser networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284(1854).

Rockström, J., Gaffney, O., Rogelj, J., Meinshausen, M., Nakicenovic, N., Schellnhuber, H.J. (2017) A roadmap for rapid decarbonization. Science 355(6331), 1269-1271.

Fricke, E.C., Haak, D.C., Levey, D.J., and Tewksbury, J.J. (2016) Gut passage and secondary metabolites alter the source of post-dispersal predation for bird-dispersed chili seeds. Oecologia 181(3), 905-910.

Rogers, H.S., Buhle, E.R., HilleRisLambers, J., Fricke, E.C., Miller, R.H., and Tewksbury, J.J. 2017. Effects of an invasive predator cascade to plants via mutualism disruption. Nature Communications 8.

Future Earth. (2016) Future Earth Implementation Plan: 2016-2018.

Shrivastava, P., Raivio, K., Kasuga, F., Tewksbury, J., Haines, A., and Daszak, P. (2016) Future Earth Health Knowledge-Action Network. Public Health Reviews 37(25).

Gaffney, O. and Steffen, W. (2017) The Anthropocene equation. The Anthropocene Review 4(1), 53-61.


García-Peña, G.E., Garchitorena, A., Carolan, K., Canard, E., Prieur-Richard, A-H., Suzán, G., Mills, J.N., Roche, B., and Guégan, J-F. (2016) Niche-based host extinction increases prevalence of an environmentally acquired pathogen. Oikos 125(10).

Aragao, L.E.O.C. et al. (2016) Assessing the Influence of Climate Extremes on Ecosystems and Human Health in Southwestern Amazon Supported by the PULSEBrazil Platform. American Journal of Climate Change, 5(3).

Gilmour, S., Miyagawa, S., Kasuga, F., and Shibuya, K. (2016) Current Measures on Radioactive Contamination in Japan: A Policy Situation Analysis. PLOS ONE.

Marengo, J.A. et al. (2016) Impacts of Climate Extremes in Brazil: the Development of a Web Platform for Understanding Long-Term Sustainability of Ecosystems and Human Health in Amazonia (PULSE-Brazil). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

Haines, A., Harris, F., Kasuga, F., and Machalaba, C. (2017) Future Earth—linking research on health and environmental sustainability. BMJ 357.

van der Leeuw, S.E. (2016) Reframing the climate debate: from “burden sharing” to “green growth.” In: Designing solutions to climate change, 240-248.

Herrmann, J.D., Carlo, T.A., Brudvig, L.A., Damschen, E.I., Haddad, N.M., Levey, D.J., Orrock, J.L., and Tewksbury, J.J. 2016 Connectivity from a different perspective: comparing seed dispersal kernels in connected vs. unfragmented landscapes. Ecology 97(5). 1274-1282.

bioDISCOVERY Jetz, W., Cavender-Bares, J., Pavlick, R., Schimel, D., Davis, F.W., Asner, G.P., Guralnick, R., Kattge, J., Latimer, A.M., Moorcroft, P., Schaepman, M.E., Schildhauer, M.P., Schneider, F.D., Schrodt, F., Stahl, U., & Ustin, S.L. (2016) Monitoring plant functional diversity from space. Nature Plants, 2, 16024.

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Past Global Changes (PAGES)

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Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS)

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Meacham, M., Queiroz, C., Norström, A.V., Peterson, G.D. (2016) Social-ecological drivers of multiple ecosystem services: what variables explain patterns of ecosystem services across the Norrström drainage basin? Ecology and Society, 21(1), 14.

Kerr, R., Orselli, I.B.M., Lencina-Avila, J.M., Eidt, R.T., Mendes, C.R.B., da Cunha, L.C., Goyet, C., Mata, M.M. (2017) Carbonate system properties in the Gerlache Strait, Northern Antarctic Peninsula (February 2015): I. Sea–Air CO2 fluxes. Deep-Sea Research II, in press.

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Astrahan P., Herut B., Paytan A., Rahav E. (2016) The impact of dry atmospheric deposition on the sea-surface microlayer in the SE Mediterranean Sea: an experimental approach. Front Mar Sci, 3, 222.

Lin, H, Dai, M H, Kao, S -J, Wang, L, Roberts, E, Yang J –Y T, Huang, T, He, B. (2016) Spatiotemporal variability of nitrous oxide in a large eutrophic estuarine system: The Pearl River Estuary, China. Marine Chemistry, 182, 14-24.

Becagli, S, Anello F, Bommarito C, Cassola F, Calzolai G, Di Iorio T, di Sarra A, GómezAmo J L, Lucarelli F, Marconi M, Meloni D, Monteleone F, Nava S, Pace G, Severi M, Sferlazzo D M, Traversi R, Udisti R. (2017) Constraining the ship contribution to the aerosol of the Central Mediterranean. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 2067–2084.

McKinley, G A, A R Fay, N S Lovenduski, D J Pilcher. (2017) Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Trends in the Ocean Carbon Sink. Annual Review of Marine Science . 9, 125-150.

Bonnet, S., Moutin, T., Rodier, M., Grisoni, J.-M., Louis, F., Folcher, E., Bourgeois, B., Boré, J.-M., and Renaud, A. (2016) Introduction to the project VAHINE: VAriability of vertical and trophic transfer of diazotroph derived N in the south wEst Pacific. Biogeosciences, 13, 2803-2814.

Omar, A. M., I. Skjelvan, S.R. Erga and A. Olsen. (2016) Aragonite saturation states and pH in western Norway fjords: seasonal cycles and controlling factors, 2005-2009. Ocean Sci., 12, 937-951, 2016.

Borges AV, W Champenois, N Gypens, B Delille, J Harlay. (2016) Massive marine methane emissions from near-shore shallow coastal areas. Scientific Reports, 6, 27908.

Ovadnevaite, J., Zuend, A., Laaksonen, A., Sanchez, K.J., Roberts, G., Ceburnis, D., Decesari, S., Rinaldi, M., Hodas, N., Facchini, M.C., Seinfeld, J.H., & O’Dowd, C. (2017) Surface tension prevails over solute effect in organic-influenced cloud droplet activation. Nature, 546, 637–641.

Carnat G., Brabant F., Dumont I., Vancoppenolle M., Ackley S.F., Fritsen C., Delille B., Tison J.-L. (2016) Influence of short-term synoptic events and snow depth on DMS, DMSP, and DMSO dynamics in Antarctic spring sea ice. Elementa, 4:000135.

Spilling K, Paul AJ, Virkkala N, Hastings T, Lischka S, Stuhr A, Bermudez R, Czerny J, Boxhammer T, Schulz KG, Ludwig A, Riebesell U. (2016) Ocean acidification decreases plankton respiration. Biogeosciences 13, 4707-4719.

Chou, W.-C., Gong, G.-C., Yang, C.-Y., Chuang, K.-Y., (2016). A comparison between field and laboratory pH measurements for seawater on the East China Sea shelf. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 14, 315-322.


Urbanization and Global Environmental Change (UGEC)

Tsunogai, U., T. Miyauchi, T. Ohyama, D.D. Komatsu, F. Nakagawa, Y. Obata, K. Sato, and T. Ohizumi. (2016) Accurate and precise quantification of atmospheric nitrate in streams draining land of various uses by using triple oxygen isotopes as tracers. Biogeosciences, 13, 3441-3459.

Arfvidsson, H., Simon, D., Oloko, M., & Moodley, N. (2016) Engaging with and measuring informality in the proposed Urban Sustainable Development Goal. African Geographical Review.

Vergara, O., B. Dewitte, I. Montes, V. Garçon, M. Ramos, A. Paulmier, and O. Pizarro. (2016) Seasonal Variability of the Oxygen Minimum Zone off Peru in a high-resolution regional coupled model. Biogeosciences. 13, 4389-4410.

Reba, M., Reitsma, F., & Seto, K.C. (2016) Spatializing 6,000 years of global urbanization from 3700 BC to AD 2000. Scientific Data, 3, 160034.

Walker C F, Harvey M J, Smith M J, Bell T G, Saltzman E S, Marriner A S, McGregor J A., Law C S. (2016) Assessing the potential for DMS enrichment at the sea-surface and its influence on air-sea flux. Ocean Science 12, 1033-1048.

Seto, K.C. & Ramankutty, N. (2016) Hidden linkages between urbanization and food systems. Science, 352(6288), 943-945. Shi, L.D., Chu, E., Anguelovski, I., Aylett, A., Debats, J., Goh, K., Schenk, T., Seto, K.C., Dodman, D., Roberts, D., Roberts, J.T., & VanDeveer, S.D. (2016) Roadmap towards justice in urban climate adaptation research. Nature Climate Change, 6(2), 131-137.

Wróbel I, Piskozub J. (2016) Effect of gas-transfer velocity parameterization choice on airsea CO2 fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean and the European Arctic. Ocean Science, 12(5), 1091-1103.

Sperling, J., Romero-Lankao, P., & Beig, G. (2016) Exploring citizen infrastructure and environmental priorities in Mumbai, India. Environmental Science & Policy, 60, 19-27.

Yadav K., Sarma VVSS, and Kumar MD. (2016) Influence of atmospheric dry deposition of inorganic nutrients on phytoplankton biomass in the coastal Bay of Bengal, Marine Chemistry, 187, 25-34. Ziska, F., Quack, B., Tegtmeier, S., Stemmler, I. and Krüger, K. (2016) Future emissions of marine halogenated very-short lived substances under climate change. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 1-16. Sustainable Water Future Programme (Water Future) Bhaduri, A., Bogardi, J., Siddiqi, A., Voigt, H., Vörösmarty, C., Pahl-Wostl, C., Bunn, S.E., Shrivastava, P., Lawford, R., Foster, S. and Kremer, H. (2016) Achieving Sustainable Development Goals from a Water Perspective. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4, 64. Bunn, S.E. (2016) Grand challenge for the future of freshwater ecosystems, Frontiers in Environmental Science 4, 21. Green, P., Smith, K., Barchiesi, S., Vörösmarty, C., Darwall, W., Allen, D., Dalton, J. and Dopson, I. (2016). Chapter 3.4: Ecosystems. In: UNEP-DHI and UNEP, Transboundary River Basins: Status and Trends.United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. Harrison, I.J., Green, P.A., Farrell, T.A., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Sáenz, L. and Vörösmarty, C.J. (2016) Protected areas and freshwater provisioning: A global assessment of freshwater provision, threats and management strategies to support human water security. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Pahl-Wostl, C., Bhaduri, A. and Gupta, J., eds. (2016) Handbook on Water Security, Edward Elgar Publishing. Tessler, Z.D., Vörösmarty, C.J., Grossberg, M., Gladkova, I., and Aizenman, H. (2016) A global empirical typology of anthropogenic drivers of environmental change in deltas. Sustainability Science 1-13.


FUTURE EARTH STRATEGIC LINKS Future Earth has developed strong relationships with international research and engagement groups around the world. Here is a sample of those strategic links: • • • • • • •

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) European Space Agency (ESA) START The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Habitat III Convention on Biological Diversity

• • • •

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness (PREP) Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

FUTURE EARTH EVENTS SELECTED EVENTS • Avoiding catastrophe - linking armed conflict, harm to ecosystems and public health, Montreal, Canada, 4 - 6 May 2016 • UNEA-2 (United Nations Environment Assembly): Science Policy Forum and main UNEA, Nairobi, Kenya, 19 - 20 May 2016 • Future Earth Core Projects Days, Bern, Switzerland, 27 - 28 June 2016 • Science and Engagement Committees meeting with Governing Council, Thun, Switzerland, 29 - 30 June 2016 • Future Earth Health Knowledge-Action Network scoping workshop, “Advancing Planetary Health – linking health and environment data,” Italy, 4 - 7 July 2016 • The Anthropocene Experience at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Boulder, USA, 29 July 2017

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Future Earth workshop on transdisciplinarity, sustainability and social innovation as incubators and transition tools to a green economy, Montreal, Canada, 9 - 14 August 2016 Future Earth-PROVIA-IPCC Conference on “Integrated research on climate risk and sustainable solutions across IPCC working groups: lessons learnt from AR5 to support AR6,” Stockholm, Sweden, 29-31 August 2016 Climate Tipping Points and Safe Pathways to Sustainable Development – an expert review workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 13 Sep 2016 Health Knowledge-Action Network luncheon at ONE UN, New York, USA, 16 Sep 2016 Habitat X Change at Habitat III, United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Quito, Ecuador, 17 - 20 Oct 2016 Eco-Innovation for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Cyprus, 17-18 Nov 2016

• • • • • • • • • • •

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• •

Future Earth regional workshop for Europe - Transdisciplinary research and co-design in practice, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 Nov 2016 Early Career Researchers’ Network of Networks: Future Earth Working Group, Paris, France, 27 Nov 2016 Future Earth Days, Paris, France, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2016 Development of an Integrated Ocean Research Network (Future Earth Ocean Knowledge-Action Network), Kiel, Germany, 4 - 5 Dec 2016 International Co-Design Workshop on Earth Observation in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals - The Case of Urban Areas in Asia, Tokyo, Japan, 16 - 18 Jan 2017 The 5th International Workshop on Future Earth in Asia, Kyoto, Japan, 23 - 24 Jan 2017 Presentation of Future Earth to Canada Assistant Deputy Ministers, Montreal, Canada, 30 Jan 2017 Future Earth symposium to share “Japan Strategic Research Agenda; JSRA” defined by RIHN, Kyoto, Japan, 4 Feb 2017 Urban Knowledge-Action Network Scoping Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 12 Feb - 14 Feb 2017 AEON-Future Earth Forum, “Generations in Dialogue: Environmental Sustainability and Human Health,” Tokyo, Japan, 25 Feb 2017 Future Earth SDGs Knowledge-Action Network workshop, “Research and Action Framework for Synergistic Scientific and Institutional Linkages between the SDG Targets,” New York, USA, 5 - 7 March 2017. Disruptive Low-Carbon Innovation Workshop (Decarbonisation Knowledge-Action Workshop), London, UK, 7 - 8 March 2017 Changing the story of climate change towards building new and positive narratives in a time of populism and anti-climate sentiments, Montreal, Canada, 18 March 2017

The Social Challenge of 1.5°C, 22 June 2016 Exploring social-ecological transformations and seeds of a good Anthropocene, 19 October 2016 Transformative innovation for a 1.5 degree world, 3 March 2017

EXAMPLES OF ENDORSED EVENTS • Kyoto - ASEAN Forum 2016, organised by Kyoto University and co-organised by The Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform: Promotion of Sustainable Development Research (JASTIP) and Malaysian Kyoto University Alumni (MYKYOTO), Malaysia, 8 - 9 Sep 2016 • International Symposium on Global Sustainability Challenges: Kyoto Initiative in “Future Earth,” Kyoto University - RIHN symposium on Future Earth, Kyoto, Japan, 21 Dec 2016 • Future Earth for Next Generations – Harmony with Earth and Humanity, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 25 Feb 2017 • Volunteers Forum of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, organised by Kyushu University, Kumamoto, Japan, Future Earth, 18 March 2017 • 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland, 21 - 25 Aug 2017

WEBINARS • Webinar supplement to the Oceans in a High CO2 World Conference in Hobart, Australia, 3 May 2016 • Pop-up webinar: Best practices on transdisciplinary and codesigned research, 11 May 2016 48

Total funding for global operations (to the five Global Hubs and including national contributions) in year 2, from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, was 5.5 million EUR. This was an increase of 1.3 million EUR, or 30%, from year 1. Some contributions were transferred to Future Earth’s research networks through annual project grants and grants for workshops.

This chart shows Future Earth Global Hub Secretariat’s year 2 expenses as divided by function.





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Asia (host: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, RIHN, Kyoto, Japan) Europe (host: Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, Norwich, UK, until mid-2017) Middle East and North Africa (host: Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus) South Asia (host: Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Bengaluru, India) Latin America (Strategic Partner, host: Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Montevideo, Uruguay)






Republic of Korea

Benin China Estonia Finland France Germany India Ireland Japan 50

Romania Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Province of China UK

FUNDERS & SPONSORS The Future Earth Secretariat (which is based in five Global Hubs, four Regional Centres and three Regional Offices) and its National Networks are funded by a range of private and public foundations, government agencies, universities and other groups. Some are earmarked funds for specific activities. Paris Global Hub • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) • Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR) • Alliance Nationale de Recherche pour l’Environnement (AllEnvi) • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) • Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

Montreal Global Hub • Réseau des Universités du Québec • Fond de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) • Montréal International • Concordia University • Université de Montréal • McGill University • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) • Laval University • Polytechnique Montréal • Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) • Ouranos • Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) • Ministère des Relations Internationales du Québec • Ville de Montréal • Dentons

Japan Global Hub • Science Council of Japan • The University of Tokyo • National Institute for Environmental Studies • Research Institute for Humanity and Nature • Kyoto University • Keio University • Japan Science and Technology Agency/Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society • AEON Environmental Foundation

Swedish Global Hub • The Swedish Ministry of Environment (via Swedish Research Council, FORMAS) • The Swedish Ministry of Higher Education and Research (via the Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet) • The Erling-Persson Family Foundation • European Space Agency • Vinnova • IPCC (Stockholm workshop)

Colorado Global Hub • U.S. Global Change Research Program • U.S. National Science Foundation • Colorado State University • University of Colorado • MacArthur Foundation • Wilburforce Foundation • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation • NOMIS Foundation 51

Regional Centre Funders • The Royal Society of Great Britain (Europe) • The British Academy (Europe) • University of East Anglia (Europe) • The Cyprus Institute/Republic of Cyprus (MENA) • Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (Asia) • Japan Science and Technology Agency/Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (Asia) National contributors to the funding of global operations • Australia (Australian Academy of Science)

• • • • • • • • •

Austria (Federal Ministry for Science, Research & Economy) Finland (Council of Finnish Academies) India (Indian National Science Academy) Ireland (Royal Irish Academy) Japan (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT) Mexico (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT) Norway (The Research Council of Norway) Republic of Korea (Office of the National Academy of Sciences) Switzerland (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences)


Amy Luers Executive Director from Septmeber 2017






Wendy Broadgate Director

Fumiko Kasuga Director

Thorsten Kiefer Director

Josh Tewksbury Director

IngMarie Alström Finance Director

Asako Hasegawa Communications Officer

Susanna Dobrota Administration & Finance

Hideyuki Mohri Science & Communication Officer (Graphic Production Lead)

Hannah Moersberger Capacity Building & Research Enabling

Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard Director

Cat Downey European Space Agency Liaison Officer

Paul Shrivastava Executive Director to January 2017

Owen Gaffney Anthropocene analyst and strategic communications Rebecca Oliver Senior Engagement & Dialogue Lead Erik Pihl Research Liaison Officer Alistair Scrutton Global Communications Director

Ayako Nagasawa Executive Assistant Kiko Yamada-Kawai Science Officer

Sandrine Paillard Deputy Director Miia Ylostalo-Joubert Administration & Coordination Edouard Michel Research Enabling & Advancement

Marie d’Acremont Executive Assistant Christina Cook Science Officer, Synthesis & Foresight David Oram Advancement & Coordination Officer (Executive Director support) Alyson Surveyer Head of Coordination Jean-Patrick Toussaint Science Officer, Research Enabling

Laurel Milliken Information Technology Officer Jon Padgham Capacity Building Lead Mel Plett Logistics & Coordination Craig Starger Research Liaison Officer Daniel Strain Digital & Social Media Communications Lead

SCIENCE AND ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEES In 2016-2017, the Science and Engagement Committees provided crucial leadership to Future Earth, helping to shape the evolution and activities of the programme. These committees provide guidance to Future Earth on producing research that is of the highest quality and around including diverse members of society in all stages of the research process. SCIENCE COMMITTEE

Karen O’Brien (end 2016) University of Oslo, Norway

Mark Stafford Smith (Chair) Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia

Cosmas Ochieng African Centre for Technology Studies, Kenya

Belinda Reyers (Vice-Chair) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa Melissa Leach (Vice-Chair) Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK Bina Agarwal (end 2016) University of Manchester, UK Xuemei Bai Australian National University, Australia Eduardo Brondizio Indiana University, USA Sandra Díaz Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina Kristie Ebi Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHanGE), University of Washington, USA

Dahe Qin World Meteorological Organization (WMO), China Michelle Scobie The University of the West Indies (UWI), Trinidad and Tobago Youba Sokona International Institute for Environment and Development, Switzerland

Masayo Hasegawa International Environment and Economy Institute, Japan Mario Hernandez International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing (ISPRS), Mexico Yolanda Kakabadse (end 2016) WWF International, Switzerland Kathryn Myronuk Singularity University, USA Kari Raivio University of Helsinki, Finland

Suneetha Mazhenchery Subramanian United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies, Japan

Debra Roberts Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department, eThekwini Municipality, Durban, South Africa.

Carolina Vera CIMA, Argentina

Alice Ruhweza Vital Signs, Kenya

Tetsuzo Yasunari Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Japan

Vore Gana Seck (end 2016) Green Senegal, Senegal


Joy Shumake-Guillemot World Health Organization (WHO)/World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Climate and Health Joint Office, Switzerland

Giovana Espindola Federal University of Piauí, Brazil

Farooq Ullah (Chair) Stakeholder Forum, UK

Armin Grunwald (end 2016) Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems (ITAS), Germany

Tim Payn (Vice-Chair) Scion, New Zealand

Asuncion Lera St. Clair Climate Action Programme, DNV GL, Norway

Ruth Wolstenholme (Vice-Chair) Sniffer, UK

Björn Stigson Stigson and Partners AB, Sweden

Heinz Gutscher University of Zurich, Switzerland

Chandra Bhushan Centre for Science and Environment, India

Scott Vaughan International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Canada

Tatiana Kluvankova Department of Strategic Environmental Analyses, SPECTRA Centre of Excellence, Slovakia Corinne Le Quéré (end 2016) Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, UK Cheikh Mbow (end 2016) START, USA Susanne Moser (end 2016) Susanne Moser Research & Consulting, USA

Maruxa Cardama Cities Alliance, Belgium Dan Koon-hong Chan Youth Initiative, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, China James Fahn Earth Journalism Network, USA Marina Grossi Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, Brazil


Lรกhko national park, Norway. Photo: R Wijtmans/Azote


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