How can we address the world’s greatest health and development challenge?
With this tiny packet. Home nutrition packets are a proven cost-effective
and zinc––can be produced locally and cost as
way for mothers around the world to get essential
little as 3 cents each, making them affordable and
nutrients into their children’s and their own diets.
enabling families to eat the local foods they eat
These small packets containing a combination of
everyday rather than replacing them.
vitamins and minerals––such as vitamin A, iron
Future Fortified - - @futurefortified
Our Mission
Future Fortified is a global nutrition campaign helping millions of women and children gain access to the essential nutrients they need to lead healthy, enriched lives. From the moment a child is conceived, good nutrition
It is time for us to truly embrace the unique and powerful
is fundamental for a healthy birth, ensuring her body and
role each of us can play in ensuring good nutrition
mind grow strong, and ultimately enabling her to reach
is available to all, and when we join together as a
her full potential.
community, we can drive real change.
Good nutrition transforms lives, communities and the
It is time to do more than build lists and make donation
world. It is the universal foundation of health, prosperity
asks. We will build a dynamic community both offline
and empowerment and, thus, is essential to tackling
and online to be active, passionate campaigners for
poverty and disease, a truth that leading economists,
global nutrition. And as we invest in sustainable solutions,
scientists and global experts all agree upon.
we will raise public awareness and we will influence policy makers to make nutrition a priority.
Nonetheless, 2 billion people worldwide are suffering from nutrient deficiencies. Today, more than 35% of
Now, more than ever, is the time to act. The issue is
childhood disease is caused by under nutrition. And yet
challenging but achievable; the solutions are known and
nutrition remains on the backburner –– overlooked
and underfunded. We believe that this work will shape our collective future, It is time for real innovation: new solutions, new models,
a future fortified.
new players and new energy that focus on truly sustainable and transformable outcomes. It is time to shift the paradigm in how we approach those in need, empowering them as active decision makers rather than charity cases, and time to invest in sustainable markets that work for people, rather than making one-off donations.
Future Fortified - - @futurefortified
Why Nutrition
Good nutrition is the fundamental building block for life. Yet, the challenge of under nutrition is one of the largest global health issues we face today.
Nutrition and Health
Nutrition and Poverty Alleviation
Nutrition is fundamental to good health, supporting strong immune systems
Good nutrition in the early years gives children the right start to good physical
and good growth. Access to essential nutrients early in life, such as vitamin A, iodine,
and cognitive development, enabling them to be more productive over their lifetime.
iron, zinc, and folic acid, have been shown to improve childhood growth while
Well-nourished children can earn up to 46% more income over their lifetime than
reducing diarrhea, pneumonia, and infectious diseases.
their malnourished counterparts.
Nutrition and Education
Economic Impact of Good Nutrition
Nutrition is essential for proper brain development, giving children the right start
The world’s leading economists agree that investing in nutrition interventions is one
for a lifetime of learning. Poor nutrition can lower a child’s cognitive development
of the most cost-effective ways to meet the world’s development challenges,
and even limit her IQ by 10 to 15 points. For school-age children, being well-
even increasing a country’s GDP by 2-3% per year.
nourished improves concentration, focus, memory, reasoning, problem-solving and other creative skills.
2 Billion
people around the world suffer from a lack of proper nutrition.
1 in 3
of all childhood deaths under age five is linked to maternal and child under nutrition.
of the developing world is physically stunted, a manifestation of poor nutrition early in life.
of diseases globally are caused by under nutrition. Future Fortified - - @futurefortified
A Sustainable Approach
To truly tackle the global nutrition challenge, we must find long-term, sustainable solutions. Future Fortified and its partners work with businesses, governments and communities to ensure nutritious products are available not only at the local clinic, but also at stores, kiosks and the local bazaar where people shop every day, empowering people as active decision makers rather than charity cases.
Here’s how it works
Understanding Needs
Home Nutrition Packets
We support local health and development experts to conduct household surveys
Mothers access home nutrition packets at a price that they can afford.
to study the nutritional needs of a country.
These packets are added to the meals they make at home, providing the vitamins,
Investing in Local Businesses
minerals and amino acids needed for their children to grow and thrive.
Investment is needed to increase the scale of production of home nutrition packets,
Monitoring Progress
as well as drive improvements in product formulation and packaging. We support
To ensure that the home nutrition packets are making an impact, we invest
local suppliers, helping them to either begin or scale-up their operations to develop,
in studies to track progress and effectiveness and transparently report back on
manufacture and promote home nutrition packets that meet local needs.
the results.
Supply and Demand
Achieving Scale
We support local outreach efforts like radio commercials, community trainings
As more people use products like home nutrition packets and news of their
and even billboards focused on nutrition. As more and more moms are
effectiveness and availability continues to grow, local manufacturers will expand,
educated on the issue, more shops and kiosks will carry home nutrition packets
creating new jobs, sparking entrepreneurial opportunities, and building a
and more producers will meet the demand.
sustainable market.
Future Fortified - - @futurefortified
We’re building a movement. Join us. “Our friends @FutureFortified launched their video today! Learn how you can help prevent global malnutrition.” Olivia Wilde, @oliviawilde
With our Kenya Fortified effort, we’re getting home nutrition packets to thousands of children and setting the stage for a nationwide program with the government.
Future Fortified was the official charitable partner of the 2012 Herbalife World Football Challenge mobilizing fans to raise their voice for global nutrition.
35,000 + Fans and followers join the campaign on Facebook and Twitter in 6 short months.
Our mom and baby products are made in the USA with 100% organic cotton and soybased inks. Proceeds from each purchase help to fortify the future.
Artist and children’s book author Dallas Clayton and Harper Collins bring the Future Fortified campaign to schools and libraries across the U.S.
“Help Future Fortified Feed the World” —
Partners and bloggers are becoming part of our global movement every day.
Join us to fortify the future. Get Involved
About Us
Future Fortified
Facebook and Twitter
Tackling nutrition takes more than a handout;
Future Fortified is a global nutrition campaign helping
Stay connected to Future Fortified at
it takes a new approach to philanthropy and giving.
millions of women and children in the developing and by following us on
It’s simple and easy to donate and your contribution
world gain access to the essential nutrients they
Twitter @futurefortified.
will help increase the supply and availability of
need to lead healthy, enriched lives.
home nutrition packets, as well as educate families on the importance of good nutrition for long-term,
sustainable impact.
Future Fortified is a campaign of The Global Alliance
for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). GAIN is driven by
Shopping Fortified Do good while finding great gifts for moms and babies. Visit
a vision of a world without malnutrition. GAIN
Learn More
In order to raise funds or improve policies
supports public-private partnerships to increase
Check out to dive deeper, watch
supporting global nutrition, we must first spread
access to the missing nutrients in diets necessary
videos, and read blog updates.
awareness. And that starts with you. Join our
for people, communities and economies to be
online community. Friend, fan, like and share us on
stronger and healthier. With a current reach of
Contact Us
social media, host an event for Future Fortified and
over 610 million people in more than 30 countries,
Got a question? Interested in partnership opportunities?
encourage others to get involved.
GAIN’s goal is to improve the lives of 1.5 billion
Contact us at
Influence Right now global nutrition receives just 0.5% of US funding for foreign assistance ––$95 million–– despite the fact that nutrition is an essential ingredient to improving maternal and child health, reducing preventable childhood deaths and improving livelihoods. We need to tell our policymakers that nutrition should be a priority. Your support can have a really big impact for the 2 billion people worldwide that lack access to essential nutrients.
people within the most vulnerable populations around the world through access to sustainable nutrition solutions.