FTPE Corporate Responsibility 2014 doc

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Corporate Responsibility Report 2014

safety customer people community environment business


About us… First TransPennine Express: 7th Floor, Bridgewater House, Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 6LT 0845 600 1671 tpexpress.co.uk Who to contact for queries about this report: Kate Lamb, Community and Business Improvement Manager katelamb@ firstgroup.com

Since 1st February 2004 First TransPennine Express (FTPE) has been operating rail services across the North of England and Scotland under a franchise agreement with the Department for Transport (DfT). Our current franchise operates until April 2015 and we are currently working with the DfT to extend this to February 2016. We are one of the fastest growing train companies in the UK. Since 2004 we have increased the number of customers who take a journey with us from 13 million to 26 million. FTPE is a joint venture partnership of FirstGroup (55%) and Keolis (45%). The company is operated by its own Executive and Board. Our achievements over the last 10 years have been acknowledged by the industry and the wider business community with 109 awards for high standards of customer service, business efficiency, leadership, learning and development, innovation, investment, marketing and society.

Managing Director’s perspective


elcome to our first annual Corporate Responsibility Report. We are delighted to have the opportunity to share our key successes with you and update you on our commitments.

This year marks a major milestone for us as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary and a decade of delivering great service for our customers. At FTPE we have a strong brand, an excellent product and, most importantly, great people. Together we aim to deliver great service that is customer-centric and consistent. Back in November, the dedication of everyone at FTPE was recognised when we were named European Inter-City Operator of the Year at the European Rail Congress Awards. This accolade demonstrates our success at an international level and is a credit to the hard work of all the team.

In 2006, 2010 and 2012, FTPE were awarded Train Company of the Year at the Industry Rail awards. In 2013 FTPE were awarded European Inter-City Operator of the Year at the European Rail Congress Awards. Since 2010 we have held 5-star EFQM Recognised for Excellence certification. We were the first UK train company to achieve this level, which is great recognition for the business and all our employees.

contents Overview 2 3 4 6 7 8 9

Managing Director’s perspective Performance highlights Organisational profile & governance Vision, values & strategic priorities Ethics & integrity Stakeholder engagement Risk management

Areas of focus 10 11 12 13 14 15

Safety Customer People Community Environment Business

Performance results

16 Key results & outcomes

Going forward

19 About this report 19 Our plans for the future

this report covers the period April 2013 to March 2014

“What’s really important… our people, customers, stakeholders and community are at the heart of everything we do...”

This is an exciting time for the future of the business, with customer numbers continuing to grow and significant investment in rail infrastructure across the North. There’s a renewed focus on what’s really important with our people, customers, stakeholders and community at the heart of everything we do.

Our strong commitment to corporate responsibility embraces our core values and we know that acting responsibly is a great way to build a sustainable business. Most importantly, we recognise our contribution to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the local communities we serve. The railway in the North is embarking on an exciting future with significant investment in new trains, timetables and capacity enhancements. We are confident in our ability to deliver our long-term vision and goals aligned to that future. It’s been a busy year in terms of our wide-ranging corporate responsibility programmes and I’m delighted to underline the importance of this work in this report. The following pages outline our progress in delivering our commitments.

Nick Donovan Managing Director

See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes


Between April 2013 and March 2014 we notched up some major milestones, which have been acknowledged by the industry and the wider business community

2013 june

200 millionth

passenger carried Last year

november • We were awarded European Inter-City

• A ll our car parks achieved Safe Park

Operator of the Year at the European Rail Congress Awards

Mark accreditation from British Parking Association – each car park has been vetted by the police and has appropriate measures in place to create a safer environment

• A ll our stations were



re-accredited to Secure brilliant Station Scheme – the 2013 scheme, which is managed by the Department for Transport (DfT) and British • T he Secretary of State, Patrick Transport Police (BTP), sets McLoughlin MP, visited us to mark station design and management the completion of phase one of safety standards for crime reduction North West electrification at railway stations


• T he first Class 350 electric train entered passenger service – right on schedule

2014 january e opened a new •W

train crew depot at Newcastle with much improved facilities using feedback from our employee survey

e raised £25,000 for The Railway •W Children charity with a specially chartered train and through employee fundraising


• O ur 10-year anniversary! e were awarded Silver Standard •W

Investors in People accreditation



e opened a new train crew depot •W

•W e were awarded Silver Standard in


Business in the Community’s Corporate Responsibility Index

at Liverpool and recruited 50 people

All change! TransPennine Plus


With this project – launched May 2014 – we introduced a fleet of 10 brand new high-speed electric trains and transformed the timetable.

more seats available each week See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes

The result? 90,000 more seats available each week, better connections, faster journey times on a number of key routes and 200 new jobs.

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Taking responsibility

Who’s who?

Our Corporate Responsibility (CR) programme is governed by the Executive team, with the Managing Director taking the lead. Collectively, the Executive team review and approve the strategy and delivery is managed through a framework of review groups with detailed reporting on strategic plans. These provide the opportunity to escalate, consult and engage on all matters relating to our key areas of focus and promote and share good working practice. FTPE reports to the First Keolis Board every four weeks and our activity also forms part of FirstGroup’s annual CR Report.

Nick Donovan

Managing Director

Paul Staples Fleet Director

Paul Watson

Operations Director

Kathryn O’Brien


Safety Sue Whaley

Liz Collins

Human Resources Director

Finance Director

Community Community Management Group

Customer Service Director

Health & Safety Management Group

Darren Higgins

Commercial Director

Liz Collins

Finance Director

Paul Watson


Operations Director


People People Forum

Customer Management Group

Business Development Group & Exec

Forum for review

Governance Corporate Responsibility is ingrained in our values and integrated into the heart of our business. We aim to excel in understanding and responding to the expectations of all our stakeholders and are committed to achieving the highest standards both internally and externally. FTPE is part of FirstGroup and follows standard protocols for budgeting, reviewing and reporting of financial and operational activity. We have a well established framework in place to effectively manage corporate governance, risk and cost control. This ensures the overall strategy is adequately supported by activity 4 tpexpress.co.uk

that is deployed in an ethical and sustainable manner. Dedicated review forums are in place to review and assess all business results, improvement actions and flag any emerging issues or risks on a daily, weekly and four-weekly basis. Annually, through the business planning process, the Executive and the Senior Management team set the vision, values and strategic priorities. These are derived using feedback and a structured assessment of risks and opportunities to set objectives for improvement. This ensures the longterm success of our business and the wider community.

Our employeeed by Director is elreecptresent employees toviews their at Board level




a bit more about us

500,000 customers a week


5 0 1 stations served, of which 30 are managed

Windermere Barrow-in-Furness



trains, depots and station facilitiesLiverpool

82% male





Females in senior roles


Preston Cleethorpes



2trai,2n 5serv0ices a week



12 ew

Evaluation & reporting

Through the annual business planning process all areas of the business are challenged to review


Senior Management



footprint in the electric Class 350s compared with diesel trains

The business plan and results against target are reviewed fourweekly, quarterly and annually at all levels throughout the business. The Executive and the wider leadership team take responsibility for delivery and reporting.



45% smaller carbon

In 2012 our strategy was refined to provide greater focus on the areas and partnerships that are key to delivering our commitments.




types of customer journeys: 60% leisure 27% commuter 13% business



and assess their performance to identify opportunities to improve. This supports the performance development process for our employees in setting stretching, but realistic, improvement initiatives to achieve our strategic objectives. We use the EFQM Excellence model to conduct annual assessments of our business performance. It looks at all areas of the business, and includes a wholesale review of our results. Through this we are able to identify areas for improvement, which are used to formulate our business plan actions.

train cr depots We have used the EFQM Excellence model for several years as a tool to improve. We are accredited to 5 Star, which is highest level a company can achieve. We also employ assessment standards such as IiP, CR Index and ISO14001 & 5001. We take action from the results to improve, compare and benchmark our performance with other organisations. To improve the way we report Corporate Responsibility (CR) we

commissioned Business in the Community (BITC) to guide and support us. BITC recommended we adopt the GRI G4 Reporting Framework, which is seen as good practice. We have aligned with most areas of this framework and intend to fully integrate the framework in future CR Reports. We will continue to refine the CR strategy and will undertake materiality assessments. tpexpress.co.uk 5


Vision, values & strategic priorities Our vision and values have been developed to continually improve our services and meet the needs of our customers, employees and stakeholders.

Global vision, drawn from FirstGroup To provide solutions for an increasingly congested world‌ keeping people moving and communities prospering Customer promise Delivering great service every day



committed to our customers

accountable for performance

supportive of each dedicated other to safety

rate steering wheel o p r o C

setting the highest standards


Our objectives The targets we set for each of our 18 objectives aim to drive improvement. Progress is routinely reviewed and reported internally as well as to FirstGroup to measure performance consistently with other FirstGroup rail companies and to aid identification of best practice.

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See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes

area of focus People

our targets

Meeting our objectives

• Employee attendance • Employee engagement • Learning & development

The FTPE Executive refines our vision, values and objectives through a process of strategy development in an annual review of historical performance, and a structured assessment of risks and opportunities. We listen to our employees, customers and stakeholders, too, through surveys and face-to-face contact and we include them in the development of the strategy.

what we aim to achieve

Ensure we have the highest calibre people in leadership roles, delivering our plans, and motivating, engaging and energising our employees

area of focus Customer

area of focus

our targets


• NRPS* overall satisfaction • Key customer experience • Customer feedback

our targets

• Stakeholder feedback • Media feedback • Community

what we aim to achieve

what we aim to achieve Enhance and protect our reputation with our stakeholders and support the communities we serve

Deliver excellent customer service every day * National Rail Passenger Survey

area of focus Safety

our targets

• Employee safety • Customer safety

what we aim to achieve Continually improve health and safety and prevent injuries

i In 2013 we won a Leadership Achievement Award at North of England Excellence.

Operating with integrity

We set standards for leadership and behaviour through our Leadership Charter. We encourage our leaders to be role models who support and promote learning and development within their teams. Business Plan improvement actions are cascaded as individual Performance Development Objectives to improve the competency of employees across the business. Our business review forums have been reviewed internally, and externally validated, and business results are subject to regular audits and compliance checks.

Remuneration process We link objectives, through the appraisal process, to a remuneration system for the Executive, managers and supervisory roles. This scheme is discretionary and is linked to performance against the objectives in our corporate steering wheel, delivery of improvement plans and our performance at FirstGroup level. FirstGroup reviews the performance of each FirstGroup UK rail company against key business criteria. FTPE then reward employees based on their individual performance.

xx-xx for See pages 16-18 fortables tablesdetailing detailingkey keyresults resultsand andoutcomes outcomes

area of focus


our targets

• Environmental impact

what we aim to achieve

Reduce the environmental impact of our operations

area of focus Business

our targets

• Public performance • Franchise continuity • Franchise compliance • Innovation • Financial results • Passenger journey growth

what we aim to achieve

Promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, grow the business by attracting more people to use our services, improve train service performance and efficiency of our operation to deliver strong business results, deliver all our franchise obligations and secure an extension to our contract to February 2016

Ethical policy Our Ethical Policy sets out clear standards for responsible business conduct. The policy also includes protocols for anti-bribery, anti-fraud, gifts and hospitality. Internal audits check compliance with the code of business ethics. Confidential reporting Through FirstGroup we have a whistle-blowing policy and confidential hotline so employees can report incidences or raise concerns relating to personal issues, potential fraud and health.

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relations with Stakeholders Developing and maintaining positive relationships with a wide range of stakeholder organisations is key to the success of our business. This activity is managed using a structured process and is led by our Head of Communications, who reports to our Programme Director.


Who are our stakeholders? In addition to our employees, customers and suppliers, our key stakeholders are:

• Office of Rail Regulation (the

• Department for Transport (with whom

• Rail Safety and Standards Board

we have a contract to provide services)

• FirstGroup & Keolis (our parent

of our stakeholders companies) Transport Authorities are positive about •andIntegrated Passenger Transport Executives (responsible for public transport provision their experience in large urban areas, and key influencers of travelling and opinion formers in our industry) with us • Transport Scotland (responsible for public transport provision in Scotland)

• Passenger Focus (industry passenger watchdog)

• Trade unions (ASLEF, RMT and TSSA,

who represent many of our employees)

In December 2013 FTPE operated a special stakeholder train to showcase the new electric fleet. Stakeholders were welcomed to the train

by the FTPE Choir who sang Christmas carols. Formal speeches about the new trains project and the future of rail in the North were given.

independent safety and economic regulator for Britain’s railways) (regulatory body enforcing safety standards)

There is a high level of interest in our business and service performance from political representatives and regional and local interest groups. From a political perspective we ensure regular and appropriate levels of engagement with route MPs, Transport Select Committee MPs, leading members of the All-Party Parliamentary Rail Group, Shadow transport teams and Special Advisers (Department for Transport and others). We ensure our plans involve local authorities, user groups and our community rail partnerships. Engaging with stakeholders We maintain a database of all our stakeholders which currently includes over 900 individuals and organisations. We have identified super stakeholders who have a high interest and strong ability to influence our business from a political, transport, rail or local perspective. This allows us to engage at an appropriate level and understand in detail the key concerns and aspirations of this particular group. A range of communication methods such as newsletters, forums and regular meetings are used to keep stakeholders informed about our business plans and performance. Crucially, we seek their views and collaboration in making further improvements. Monitoring stakeholder engagement We undertake an annual stakeholder survey to assesses how well we are doing. Using feedback, we set ourselves targets with six measures covering our business performance and our engagement. We missed our overall target in 2013/14, achieving a combined score of 85% against a target of 88% – to address this, we are improving the frequency and content of communications.

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around the table Stakeholder forum More than 50 business and community leaders attended our stakeholder forum in September 2013, at which David Golding, Network Rail’s Principal Strategic Planner (North Western route) and former politician, TV presenter and rail enthusiast Michael Portillo spoke. We gathered stakeholders’ insight and feedback at our round-table discussions... here are some highlights.

do Q What we do well? “You have the best rolling stock!” “The brand seems to have come on in the last four years.” “You definitely have really good, helpful

staff who are engaged with the business and want to help.”

Q What could

we improve?

“If anything you’ve done too well! This has had a negative effect in some areas. We have a particular train in Barrow and there is standing room only.” “You could improve communication with customers around some operational issues. For example, ‘Why don’t you run an extra coach on the busiest trains?’ We know the reasons for this but many customers don’t.”

could we Q What do for the future? “You need more focus on electrification.” “With the introduction of high-speed rail, there’s a risk that local links will lose out – there’s no point getting a high speed train to Sheffield if the connecting services are not benefiting.”

See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes

relations with partners & suppliers Good working relationships are central to the success of our business. We work with our partners and suppliers to develop meaningful long-term relationships to benefit both parties with the aim of improving the quality, environmental performance and sustainability of goods and services. Being inclusive FTPE strengthens relationships and engages with supplier employees by including them in our employee events and supplier conferences. We work with suppliers of customer-facing services to train their employees so they are able to provide a quality and safe service.

Selection process Since 2011 each potential supplier is evaluated against their approach to corporate responsibility, ethics and fit against our own vision, as well as their commercial terms.

Kathryn O’Brien, Customer Service Director, presenting at the annual supplier conference.

Responsible and ethical FTPE’s commitment to being an ethical business is demonstrated by our investment of over £100k in becoming a Living Wage accredited employer.

responding to challenges The weather, customer growth and other external factors have all presented challenges for us. To meet these challenges head on we are fortunate to have a capable and experienced leadership team who are agile enough to manage, respond and adapt to change.


We manage risks through a structure headed by an appropriate Executive, who reports at Board level. We engage with employees, customers, stakeholders and suppliers to manage risks affecting them.

The risks

Weather In recent years weather has presented operational challenges for FTPE and the wider rail industry. During 2013/14 flooding, gales and landslips tested our resilience. We managed extreme events in collaboration with industry partners and stakeholders. There are contingency arrangements in place to manage all types of weather, which are reviewed and refined annually. Customer growth Ten years ago 13.5 million passengers travelled with us. Today it is 26 million. This 93% growth is partly due to the expansion of the network but, more significantly, is also a result of organic growth arising from improvements to our products and service, making

train travel with FTPE a more attractive option. Available train capacity has been affected, with a consequential effect on customer satisfaction. The recently launched TransPennine Plus programme has delivered new trains, more services and more seats to alleviate the impact of crowding on our services. Rail crime Vandalism, trespass and fatalities on the railway present operational challenges and disruption to journeys. Our robust contingency plans mean we work closely with industry partners to restore the service to normal as soon as possible. We raise awareness of the impact of rail crime through rail safety school visits and, in partnership with Samaritans, we provide suicide awareness training for our employees. Economic impact The impact of the economy over recent years has tested most organisations. Despite its challenges we have

See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes


trains ca by incidents of extreme weather


incidents of rail crime affected 4,200 train journeys


increase in the sales of Advance Purchase products.. Great Value continued to grow and make train travel an attractive, affordable option for our customers. 60% of our market share is leisure – a discretionary spend for our customers. The Great Value campaign has been a key driver and provided sustainable and affordable travel options for customers.

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areas of focus



of our stations have the ‘Park mark’ award for safety & security

We are dedicated to operating a safe railway for our employees, customers and suppliers to protect them from danger. Our continual focus on safety and behaviours ensures we set the highest standard.

2013/14 performance highlights


reduction in employee injuries compared to previous year

Our commitments Keeping everyone safe Reduce the number of operational safety incidents.

• Ensure our customers are safe and

secure at all times while travelling with us.

• Create a proactive culture towards

How we deliver on these commitments

Plans for the future

Learning and improving Using best practice, we learn from experience to improve our processes.

• We accurately record, analyse and report on all areas of safety.

safety and ensure all employees are, and feel, safe and secure when at work.

• All employees receive injury

• Ensure all safety and security systems

• We continually update safety signage,

are fitted to a high standard.

• Reduce railway crime and anti-social behaviour.

Continual improvement We have set up the Safety Innovation and Improvement Group to deliver innovative projects to improve safety performance across the network. Raising awareness

• All front-line teams will run safety

campaigns tailored to their risk areas.

prevention training.

CCTV, communication systems and help points on trains, stations and car parks.

• We raise awarenesss to prevent unsafe acts through safety campaigns.

Out in the community We work with British Transport Police, community support police and local community groups.

• We visit schools to educate children

about keeping safe when on the railway.

Reduce safety-related incidents

• Deliver ‘Human Factors’ through a targeted training programme to improve hazard perception and reduce operational incidents for safety-critical employees.

We have one of the lowest rates of SPADs* per mile in the UK (0.1 compared with 0.7 for the rail industry in 2013/14) *Signal Passed at Danger per million train miles

Hull floor fix

case study

At Hull Paragon Station, our data showed us that there was an issue with passengers and employees slipping on the tiled flooring in the concourse during wet weather. The station’s terrazzo floor tiles cover a large area so replacing them wasn’t an option. To address the issue, we worked with our cleaning contractor to source a specialist cleaning machine that increased the friction of the floor. In this way – using our safety management system to identify the Total number issue and working with our partners to address of accidents it – we’ve significantly reduced accidents resulting in injury at Hull since the new cleaning regime was at Hull implemented in 2013 (see the graph right). Jill James, of the safety team says, “The work that the station team and cleaning 6 13 16 partners have done at Hull has been exceptional and made a huge difference to 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 our safety performance. This is an excellent example of partnership working.” 10 tpexpress.co.uk

One of our new drivers being trained on the simulator. School children learn while having fun in our Rail Safety talks, given by our employees. We visited 25 schools last year to teach children about rail safety.

See pages 16-18 for tables detailing key results and outcomes


our Customers

of customers say they are happy with our service

We have developed a strong reputation for customer service and are a respected brand that is valued by our customers and by the communities we serve. We are committed to providing the best possible rail service and our success relies on understanding our customers’ needs and exceeding their service expectations to enable us deliver our customer promise: Delivering great service every day.

2013/14 performance highlights

£60 million

investment delivered in additional new trains which means more services and seats

Our commitments Service second-to-none

• Deliver high standards of safety,

security and customer care at all times.

• Consistently deliver a high-quality, punctual train service.

• Ensure high standards of cleanliness and service at stations and onboard.

How we deliver on these commitments

Plans for the future

Gathering opinion We listen to customers, partners and employees to identify how to improve.

Continuing to improve Review best practice and implement an instant compensation scheme for customers.

• We consult with customers to develop

• Review customer service training

new products, such as timetables.

• We work closely with Passenger Focus and rail user groups.

Provide great, affordable products for all our customers. Communication and training Provide effective, high levels of excellent customer service training.

• Provide accurate, timely customer

Measuring quality Our service quality audit system measures the standard of our service.

• We benchmark ourselves against

organisations known for their excellent customer service.


Communicating effectively

• We continually explore new ways to interact with our customers, and take advantage of new technology.

case study Above and beyond – commitment to customers

• We provide guides to help answer common FAQs about our services.

• All front-line employees receive

to continue to provide an excellent standard of service.

Staying in touch Refine our social media strategy.

• Introduce new technology to further improve how we manage customer relations and feedback.

• Roll out WiFi for our customers.


of customers are satisfied with our stations, which is 4% better compared to our sector*

*Long Distance

customer service training, which has been recognised by the North of England Excellence and Customer Service Network Training Awards.

Catherine Duxbury is a Conductor based in Glasgow. She’s been awarded Conductor of the Year and also Ambassador of Year Award at our annual Customer Excellence Awards.

Our commitment: Delivering great service every day.

A real people person, Catherine won these accolades for her outstanding customer service, attention to detail, clear and informative announcements and the respect she’s earned from her colleagues. “Other industries pay lip-service to customer service,” she says. “But not here at First TransPennine Express, and it’s great to be part of that. I wake up every morning thinking about how I can improve the customers’ journey. The best part of my job is that I get to do exactly that – to make their journey special.” Catherine clearly loves her job. She says it’s the best one she’s ever had, especially as it gives her freedom to focus on customers’ needs.

See pages 16-18 for tables detailing key results and outcomes

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areas of focus


has been invested in Learning & Development Since 2008

our people

To be a great company delivering great service, we work hard to put the right people in every role. Our approach aims to increase employee engagement through learning and development, so they feel involved and motivated to live our values and be ambassadors for our company in order to exceed our customers’ and our stakeholders’ needs.

2013/14 performance highlights


of employees would recommend FTPE as a good place to work


increase in colleagues who say they work in good premises

Our commitments Inspiring our people Aspire to be an employer of choice in our sector.

• Make it easy for employees to

contribute ideas and comments.

• Increase diversity in line with our equal opportunities policy.

Reward our people who go the ‘extra mile’ and demonstrate excellence.

• Provide learning opportunities and career, and personal, development.

• Attract new talent through graduate schemes and apprenticeships.

• Provide a healthy, safe and energising work environment.

case study Engaging & inspiring Alongside new trains and our biggest-ever timetable change, one of the other major investments underway is in our leadership, with all managers taking part in the Lead to Succeed programme. Nick Donovan and the Exec put this at the top of the agenda 12 months ago, defining a new focus for the way we lead people in FTPE. The programme challenges individuals to take more accountability by acting as if they were running their own business, to challenge themselves and others to be the best they can be, and to take every opportunity to engage with, and inspire, colleagues. Lead to Succeed has just passed its first anniversary. As well as involving all our managers, it has involved many other colleagues too, giving them the opportunity to give feedback on what their managers are doing well and where they might do things differently. The benefits of the programme include a positive shift in employee survey results since 2011 for the ‘My Manager’ category. Questions for ‘lead by example’ is up 5% (67%) and ‘treats me with respect’ up 3% (79%). 12 tpexpress.co.uk

How we deliver on these commitments

Plans for the future

Ensuring our people feel valued We involve our employees and trade unions in managing our business, and create initiatives in response to feedback.

• •

We encourage employees to be champions in the workplace to promote and engage locally on environmental issues and well-being.

• We promote, and recognise,

volunteering for community projects.

Developing for success Develop innovative ways to talk to our people about the direction and future of the business.

• Deliver activities, supported by

targeted personal objectives, to develop our Lead to Succeed programme.

• Develop a recruitment strategy that

supports our business’ changing needs.

• Implement an employee engagement plan with clear improvement themes.

We work with trade union colleagues to support a diverse workforce who treat each other with respect, and demonstrate the company’s values.

• Develop and deliver our diversity and inclusion strategy.

Investing in people

Supporting well-being We empower employees through a personal development process and support lifelong learning through training and qualifications. We not only provide targeted training for jobrelated skills, but also offer a range of developmental learning opportunities from sign language to coaching skills. We also work with union learning reps.

• Develop and integrate a well-being

and Champion status.

We encourage healthier lifestyles by supporting healthy eating and a better work/life balance. We provide occupational health schemes such as discounted gym membership and bike purchase.

action plan.

• Develop a trade union partnership to improve relationships between FTPE and trade unions.

• Introduce an attendance

management support system.

• Achieve Investors in People Gold


of our workforce promoted in the last 18 months Employees enjoying a great day out at our annual Family Fun Day.

The team won the Business Excellence Award at the FTPE Customer Awards in recognition and gratitude for all their hard work during the Hatfield & Stainforth Colliery landslip.

See pages 16-18 for tables detailing key results and outcomes


has been invested and raised for our community Since 2008


We recognise the importance of working in partnership with the communities we serve. Our reputation as a good neighbour and active community partner is important to our employees, customers and stakeholders and therefore at the heart of the business. From the beginning of the franchise we have supported the community with donations, fundraising and volunteering to support great causes.

2013/14 performance highlights


of our employees believe we actively support charities and help communities


hours of employee time were given last year to help our community – that’s nearly 150 work days Joshua says he feels more confident about his future following job-skills training.

Our commitments Offering safety and security Work with partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

• Reduce unemployment in our region through an employability scheme.

How we deliver on these commitments

Plans for the future

Working with partners We work with industry partners to reduce railway crime.

Being accountable Commission an external review of our CR strategy and improve CR reporting via our website and publications.

• We create sustainable relationships

• Establish policies and procedures

with community rail partners.

Supporting the community Award funding and gifts in kind to charities and community schemes.

• We have developed partnership

• Encourage employees to participate in

Support community rail partnerships to develop sustainable growth.

Involving the community Through our employability scheme we support charities which provide employment for people facing tough challenges (23 in 2013/14).

• Build joint community schemes

• We award funding to local community

charitable fundraising and volunteering.

in the vicinity of our stations.

• Support the regeneration of key areas in our region by working in partnership with local authorities and tourism.

• Complete an annual Business in

the Community’s (BiTC) Corporate Responsibility (CR) Index assessment.

agreements with charities.

that will support the delivery of our CR strategy.

• Review our community programmes and introduce a process to measure benefits to employees, business and society. Improving communcation

• Develop our engagement with CR

partners, charities, accessibility groups and other community groups.

schemes and charities (20 to date) and we donate gifts in kind, such as travel to groups (worth £53k in 2013/14).

If you know a great charity or local community scheme who would like our help, get in touch: katelamb@ firstgroup.com

Reporting results

• We have improved internal and

external communication and introduced public reporting.

• We complete an annual CR Index

assessment. This year we achieved Silver.

case study On the career ladder

Joshua Warwick is one of our Get a Job graduates. Our innovative employability scheme was recognised by a regional Business in the Community award in 2013 for our support of a ‘back to work’ programme along with young people’s charity, Factory Youth Zone. Joshua had been out of work for more than a year. “It felt horrible,” he said. “I felt as if people judged me. I felt like nothing but a statistic, and not a good one.” He said the programme gave him confidence, as well as hope of finding a career. “Now I have a job with Skytrac,” he says, “and with it I have the opportunity for promotion, and feel as if I am actually getting somewhere in life.”

See pages 16-18 for tables detailing key results and outcomes

FTPE employees love getting involved in fundraising events.


was raised for charity by colleagues last year tpexpress.co.uk 13


areas of focus

grants totalling £124k have been awarded since 2008

The environment

The great news is we provide the most sustainable form of transport compared to buses, cars and planes. However, we can do better. We aim to reduce our environmental impact through our environmental and energy management systems, which have been certified as meeting the ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 international standards respectively.

2013/14 performance highlights

Our commitments Protecting the environment Improve environmental performance, reduce our impact and improve the environment for colleagues and customers.

Overall • Increase energy efficiency by 720,000 harnessing new technology.

litres of fuel has been saved, preventing the release of nearly 2,200 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions

• Manage stations through environmental champions among the workforce who promote responsible practices.

How we deliver on these commitments

Plans for the future

Doing our bit We set up our EcoDrive programme with our train drivers to encourage and incentivise fuel-efficient driving.

• Implement an improved EcoDrive

guide for drivers, which advises our drivers about the benefits of being involved, and about effective ways to reduce fuel consumption, cost and greenhouse gas emissions.

Saving energy

• In December 2013, we installed

an intelligent lighting system at Hull Paragon Station which automatically optimises the way the lighting is used.

• Carry out further lighting surveys at

• We work with Network Rail to identify

• Commission water surveys at

key stations to calculate the costs and benefits of additional lighting projects.

opportunities for replacing existing lighting with low-energy LED lighting (saving 60% on the HQ electricity bill).

key locations to identify savings. Raising awareness

• Carry out a plan to improve the

• Each station is provided with regular • Improve the local environment

reports on their energy, waste and water consumption.

through our Green Grants scheme, which awards grants to local groups for their own environmental projects.

accuracy of reported information. Also consider the introduction of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions reporting.

• Raise awareness of the company’s


environmental responsibilities and their positive impact on the community.

donated to charity by Cleethorpes drivers from their EcoDrive reward

• Organise six environmental events

that stimulate awareness among staff, contractors and passengers.

• Run the annual Green Grant scheme

for 2014/15 and evaluate the business, environmental and social impacts of the 2013/14 scheme.

case study EcoDrive challenge at Liverpool

Liverpool Driver Depot Fuel Use 3.2

Target Actual


Consumption – l/m

Our biggest environmental impact as a business comes from the fuel we use in our trains. FTPE runs an EcoDrive challenge which encourages drivers to drive their trains economically, with targets given for each depot based on the routes they drive. We recently created a new depot at Liverpool which is made up of drivers who are new to the company and were unaware of the EcoDrive Challenge. When the depot first started in September 2013, its average consumption wasn’t in line with the EcoDrive target. However, since drivers at the depot have started the EcoDrive Challenge, performance has improved dramatically. The depot has beaten its target since December 2013 and has saved 24 tonnes of CO2 emissions and over 8,000 litres of fuel as a result. 14 tpexpress.co.uk

Being efficient

3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 Sept







See pages 16-18 for tables detailing key results and outcomes


26 million

our business

passengers carried… UP from 13m back in 2004

Through a combination of excellent customer service, performance and business development, we’ve made significant improvements to our timetable, products and train service since 2004. Resilient management ensures we are financially sound, compliant and ethically responsible, giving us the long-term sustainability to deliver on all our commitments.

2013/14 performance highlights


invested in becoming a Living Wage employer

Our commitments

How we deliver on our commitments

Plans for the future •

products and services.

Making improvements We work jointly with Network Rail and other train companies on initiatives to improve train service performance.

Prudent financial management Operate an ethical and efficient procurement and supply policy.

• All business performance is

Continuous improvement Improve business performance.

• Promote our brand and develop new Work with industry partners to improve train service performance.

To help reduce crowding we have introduced a new timetable and extra trains, providing more seats and services.

monitored through reports, audits and assessments.

Valuing our people Foster long-term, meaningful working relationships with our stakeholders, partners and suppliers.

• We target our products to various

• Ensure we continue to be

• We have invested in a mobile

a Living Wage accredited employer.

• Deliver our franchise commitments and be 100% compliant.

Making progress Introduce a cross-industry initiative Right Time Railway campaign to improve train service punctuality.

• Evaluate how we manage and

deliver events in preparation for the substantial increase in major engineering work as part of the Northern Hub infrastructure project.

• Introduce a new business reporting tool to improve efficiency and ease of access to management information.

Smart marketing

markets, including leisure, airport and student travellers.

customer-friendly website with innovative functionality.


compliant on delivering our commitments

Building relationships

• We nurture relationships with partners

and suppliers to deliver high standards of performance, goods and services.

• Our procurement and supplier policy

sets out the ethical guidelines we expect supplier activities to be conducted.

A high percentage of leisure, airport and student travellers is what differentiates our brand within the market.

case study

Customers save £££s

With 60% of our customers travelling for leisure – a discretionary spend – we understand customers have a choice on who they travel with. In 2010 we launched the Great Value campaign which focused on taking advantage of lower priced fares by booking ahead. This has made train travel much more affordable for our customers. Since then, sales of advance purchase products have doubled. Our AP tickets average 13p per journey mile compared to 20p on the day. An average AP fare Manchester to Edinburgh is £25 compared with £64 walk-up fare on the day – great value!

See pages 16-18 for tables detailing key results and outcomes

tpexpress.co.uk 15


How we’re doing




Employee injuries per 1,000 employees





Customer injuries per million train miles





Category A SPADs per million train miles





Personal security onboard (NRPS customer survey)




Personal security on our stations (NRPS customer survey)




Safety & security complaints




% of FTPE-managed train stations that have Secure Station accreditation





% of FTPE-managed car parks that have Park Mark accreditation





actual annual data







NRPS overall satisfaction





NRPS station satisfaction*




NRPS train satisfaction



Customer complaints per 100,000 journeys**















Investment in accessibility improvements Investment in station improvements

16 tpexpress.co.uk



Customer response rates

10 ye operation


actual annual data 2011/12


FTPE Milestaros nofes

Key to abbreviations:

PPM Public Performance Measure NRPS National Rail Passenger Survey SPAD Signal Passed at Danger BITC Business in the Community LBGM London Benchmarking Group Model CO2e Carbon Dioxide equivalent (g/kg)

* We pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service. The NRPS results top the industry for customer surveys relating to stations, customer information and employees. ** Despite not meeting the target for customer complaints we receive fewer complaints per 100,000 journeys when compared to our sector (Long Distance).

2004 FTPE began operation 1st February, and implemented a revolutionary new timetable by the end of the year

2005 In an industry first, FTPE pioneered a student offer – they can now save at least 50% on standard advance purchase tickets

2006 Class 185s launched, Class 170s were spruced up, and services between Manchester Airport and Blackpool began

See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes

actual annual data

* Training delivered is in addition to core training


















Employee survey – engagement





Employee survey – response rate








Investment in learning & development (£000s)





Corporate wellness & engagement (BITC CR Index)




Reward & recognition, per employee







Number of development days per employee*

Number of tribunals Our employees’ ages % <25 % 26-35 % 36-50 % >50


3 24%

3 24%












actual annual data






Community investment (LBGM)





Leverage (LBGM)





BITC CR Index assessment results





Employee survey – FTPE supporting charities & local communities




Funding for Community Rail Partnerships (4)





Stakeholder survey (service & relationship satisfaction)





Media (reputation)





2007 Services to Scotland began, conductor depot opened and Your Voice colleague survey established

2008 Hull Paragon Interchange transport hub opened, and pioneering fuel-efficient EcoDrive Challenge was launched

See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes

% of employees who are female 17% 17% 2011/12 2012/13 18% 2013/14 status

2010 First train company to achieve 5-star Recognised for Excellence status, and all stations accredited Secure Station Status

tpexpress.co.uk 17


How we’re doing


actual annual data







Kg CO2e emissions per vehicle km





Carbon emissions g CO2e per passengers km





Electric consumption (million kWhs)





Gas consumption (million kWhs)

















Environmental incidents





Environmental complaints





Water consumption (m3) Waste (tons) Recycled waste


actual annual data







Train service performance (PPM)





Passenger journeys (million)





Average fare




Passenger miles per journey




Timetable train miles (million)




Franchise compliance





Profit (million)





Breach of conduct, fraud & bribery





Data Protection breaches





Finance Audits compliance





Train service performance (PPM)





FTPE Milesyetaros nofes 10 operation

18 tpexpress.co.uk

2013 FTPE’s new state-of-the-art training and development centre, The Hub, opened at Huddersfield station

2013 FTPE crowned as the European Inter-City Operator of the Year, and we carried our 200 millionth passenger

2014 Launch of TransPennine Plus project: new electric train fleet and a revolutionary timetable

See pages xx-xx for tables detailing key results and outcomes

going forward

About this report

This is our first Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report. Business in the Community (BITC) has supported us in creating it, helping us to make best use of recommended report guidelines and reporting frameworks. We intend to make this an annual report. Next year we will incorporate more of G4 indicators and recommendations. The period we are reporting is 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 . If you have any feedback on our report please get in touch Kate Lamb: katelamb@firstgroup.com To find out more about First TransPennine Express go to tpexpress.co.uk/about-us. To read the CR Report of our parent company, FirstGroup, go to firstgroupplc.com/ responsibility.aspx. There you will also find links which include the financial statements and CR policies.

Driving change in the north

We’re part of big plans to improve the service for everyone

£400M scheme to electrify the lines between Manchester, Liverpool, Preston and Blackpool by Dec 2016

COST OF Victoria Station facelift...



EXTRA TRAINS to run every day by 2019

Total investment in the North’s railways

Journey times between Leeds and Manchester could be reduced by

10 minUTEs


Looking ahead

Update on the bid to re-franchise rail travel in the North The franchises for operating rail services in the North expires in April 2015. The DfT released a strategy document outlining their plans for the future of the rail network in

summer 2014

Franchise overview and pre-qualification questionnaire documents issued

the North. It was written in partnership with Rail North, which comprises 33 local authorities across the north of England. It can be viewed on gov.uk/ government/consultations/future-ofnorthern-and-transpennine-

late er ist2014 Summrtl Sho of bidders published

Summer/ mn 2014: autu consults with

DfT ssengers stakeholders, pa ons, uni trade and route then decides on geography

t 2015 OPcreferred

bidder announced

express-rail-franchises. To enable the re-franchising programme to proceed to the DfT plan we are discussing with the DfT a Direct Award to allow us to run for an extra 10 months until February 2016.

Dec 2015 Mobilisation

FebN 2016 ew

franchise commences


We look forward to continue serving all our communities in the coming year… tpexpress.co.uk 19



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