e -News
News and information across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole for children who are disabled and their families and carers.
August 2014
In this issue:
Reforms begin this September As you will have read in previous issues, families of children and young people who are disabled or who have special educational needs (SEN) are to have greater control over the help they receive.
“By extending support to the age of 25, young people in education or training who need help for longer will be supported– preparing them to lead independent lives and find employment.”
In September, following Government reforms, a new, improved system of assessment and support is being introduced across the country extending from birth to 25 years. There are many areas of change. One of the most important is the introduction of EHC plans.
Work has been going on for many months in preparation for the changes. The three local parentcarer forums have been involved in much of the planning and design of the new services and have provided valuable information and feedback to shape developments.
Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans will replace SEN statements. These plans will centre around the child and put more emphasis on how health and social care services can help a child to learn and succeed in later life. If your child already has a statement of SEN, don’t worry; statements will be converted to EHC plans gradually over the next four years.
Dorset County Council has worked closely with the Dorset Parent Carer Council (DPCC). Made up of nearly 700 parents of children with a variety of conditions, the DPCC works with and advises local agencies on how they can improve their services to benefit their members.
Crucially, families and young people with an EHC plan will also be given the option of a personal budget, allowing them to choose and buy some of the support they need. Cllr Toni Coombs, Cabinet member for education at Dorset County Council, said: “Parents know their children best. These reforms will put families at the very heart of discussions about their child right from the outset and will also give them the flexibility to choose how their child is supported.”
Elaine Okopski, from the DPCC said: “For many years parents have been asking for improvements to the current system. September will be the beginning of something very different, not only for families but also for professionals too. Our aim is to ensure greater participation, better joint working and, most importantly, better lives for children, young people and their families.” For more information about the changes and an easy to follow animated overview visit dorsetforyou.com/send-reforms
Reforms are on their way Autism Wessex Buddy Scheme Autism conference Volunteer for Homestart West Dorset Special Schools Festival news A day in the life of a Parent Partnership Officer Sporty taster sessions in football and rounders The Chatterboxes and what they’ve been up to! Mencap Gateway awards ceremony
New Buddy Scheme from Community Wessex
with anyone who needs support and offer any help we can.”
Community Wessex is working with Dorset Short Breaks to pilot a scheme to help families in Dorset who need a short break.
The Buddy Scheme will offer Dorset families a carer for just £7 for an hour. Young people who have health needs, a mental health illness, physical or learning disabilities or sensory impairments can access the scheme.
The newly launched Buddy Scheme for short breaks means that families can access sessions for just £7 an hour.
If you want to be considered for access to the scheme contact Community Wessex on 01202 853000 to book your session.
Jo Pattison, Area Manager for Community Wessex said: “We want all families to be aware they can access our short break service for this reduced cost. A break, however short, can be invaluable so we are encouraging families to get in touch with us so we can assess their needs.”
Visit www.autismwessex.org.uk for further Information.
The scheme will mean that young people, aged 8-18, can go out on short breaks sessions with an experienced buddy matched to their child. Sessions could include sporting activities, going to the cinema, visiting a local park and much more. Each session is planned with the family and the young person. The sessions will provide family members with a break and also give a child who needs support the opportunity to have a fun filled support session with a choice of activities. Jo continues: “We know how tough life can be for some families, either needing short break care or simply finding activities for children during the summer holidays. We want to buddy up
Women and girls on the autism spectrum 9 October 2014, London
This conference, organised by The National Autistic Society, aims to further the discussion around diagnosis and support for girls and women with autism. Delegates can choose the seminars from three streams: health, social care and education. Dr Wenn Lawson (formerly Wendy Lawson) will be giving the keynote address at the conference on the unique challenges that women on the spectrum face and their unique strengths. Key topics:
Adapting screening and diagnostic instruments for women and girls
Education of girls – teaching social skills and communication
Preparing for puberty, pregnancy and menopause
Developing social and personal relationships
Gender differences and its impact on women with autism. Visit: www.autism.org.uk/conferences/women2014 for more information
More volunteers needed to support local families Home Start West Dorset is a local charity providing friendship, advice and practical support to families who live in West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland and have at least one child under 5. Our aim is to increase the confidence and independence of the family. Home-Start is a great way to support young children and their families in your local area because the support Home-Start volunteers offer is unique. It is based on friendship and maintained through weekly planned visits, during which volunteers offer a listening ear and practical and emotional support.
In the 12 months from 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014 we supported 77 families, which included 123 children under 5 and 68 children over 5. Sadly, we have had to decline to support 33 families in the same time period due to not having enough volunteers. David Powell, Chair of Trustees at Home-Start West Dorset said “We hate to decline referrals and turn families away. We know that weekly visits from our committed volunteers have a really positive impact and make a real difference to the families they support. Recruiting and training new volunteers will enable us to work towards meeting the current demand for our service so that we can help more local families.” If you would like to make a difference to a family by becoming a Home-visiting volunteer, we would love to hear from you. All you need is to be a parent or have parenting experience, attend our Volunteer Preparation Course, and be willing to spare about 2-3 hours a week to support a family in need. Our next Preparation Course will commence on Tuesday 30th September at our office in Poundbury.
Home-Start West Dorset Volunteers following presentation of their training certificates by Chair of Trustees, David Powell and Senior Organiser, Helen Horsley
If you would like further information on this course, or would like to sign up to attend, please contact us on 01305 265072 or e-mail office@homestartwestdorset.co.uk
Mencap Gateway Awards Summer Celebration Saturday 30th August 2014
achievement awards which we will also be presenting on the night.
Bournemouth Electric Club, Broadway Lane, Bournemouth BH8 0AA
The presentations are between 6.30 - 7pm and we would encourage family and friends to come along to support the award winners. There is no charge to attend the presentation.
Our members have been so amazing over the last year that we have to celebrate and you are invited to join us! We will be presenting the Mencap Gateway Award certificates for those who have completed sections, or hopefully the whole award, at both bronze and silver level. There will be an opportunity to look through the Gateway Award folders to see the work we have done over the year. Abbey Life Assurance have sponsored 10 member
7-10.30pm we will have a celebratory buffet and disco. The disco and buffet is open to all members. Tickets £6 per head. Carers to pay if they are eating. Tickets must be purchased in advance as limited numbers. Please see Julie or Lisa at club to buy your tickets. Any queries please contact bournemouthgateway@hotmail.com
Dorset Special Schools Festival makes a splash More than 200 disabled youngsters from across Dorset tried out a raft of activities at the seventh annual Dorset Special Schools Beach Festival in Weymouth on 16th July. Sports on offer included sailing, kayaking, paddleboarding, gig rowing, golf, boccia and dodgeball. There were also craft, circus skills and drumming sessions, meaning there really was something for every taste. The festival is organised each year by Dorset County Council’s sports and physical activity team, with Weymouth & Portland Borough Council. The team also organised a sports festival for disabled adults plus the Dorset Beach Sports Festival weekend (26th and 27th July), when anyone could try watersports (for a minimal charge) and free beach sports including table tennis, rugby, football and volleyball. County council sports and physical activity manager, Dave Franks, said: ‘This festival is a great way of getting young people involved in trying out unusual activities, things they wouldn’t usually get a chance to do. The festival really is a team effort and I must thank The Chesil Trust, Sainsbury’s, the MV Freedom boat for the disabled, Westfield Arts College and Weymouth College for their support. We’re also lucky to have some wonderful volunteers, because without them our sports festivals simply couldn’t happen.’ Lisa Ward, a teacher at Westfield Arts College, added: ‘The unexpected rain certainly didn’t stop the children having fun. We had a brilliant time, and they took part in everything!’ County Council Cabinet member for community services, Colin Jamieson, said: ‘Dorset County Council has been organising the Disability Sports Festivals for the last seven years. We’re proud that this year’s events will give over 500 Dorset adult and children with disabilities the chance to develop their potential and try a fantastic range of sports and activities. Who knows, it may even launch the career of a future Paralympian.’ The watersports were provided as part of the county council’s Life’s an Adventure programme, which encourages adults, families, disabled people and people aged over 50 to get active and try outdoor activities. Find out more about the Life’s an Adventure programme.
Disability football If the session is a success we will look to run a weekly football session on Tuesday for 5 - 11 year olds FA Skills Dorset will be delivering a disability taster session for up to ten children at Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre on Tuesday 19th August. The session will run for one hour from 11am - 12pm.
evenings, which we can discuss with you further on the day. If you wish to book your child onto the session or if you have any other questions, please contact: Michael.Antrobus@TheFA.com
be able to empower families to make informed choices for their child. It has to be said that although this meeting was very emotional for the family, they were happy with the outcome. Back to the office (our home), it’s time to make
a Parent Partnership Officer
A day further phone calls and deal with some admin. in the Reading paperwork is always time consuming life of but even more so at the moment with the new
The Dorset Parent Partnership Service is an impartial and confidential service. Their trained Officers can provide advice, information and support to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs throughout the Dorset Local Authority area. Here is a day in the life of one of them. “There is no typical day for a PPO. This is a snapshot of just one of mine. First thing is to check emails and phone for any urgent messages that may have come in over night. We endeavour to prioritise and return urgent enquires asap. We appreciate and understand that these callers are often distressed and need to talk through their concerns. After spending 45 minutes returning one such call, it is then off to one of the drop-in sessions that we organise across the county. The ‘drop-ins’ were set up to give parents and carers not only a place to seek advice about educational issues, but to enable them to have an opportunity to make new friends. Many families who first attend have felt they were on their own. It is a relief for them to meet others who share similar stories and where they are able to talk in a safe and supportive environment where other people actually understand. (This is one of the best parts of our work!!) The afternoon is spent supporting a family in a meeting with their mainstream primary school and an officer from the Local Authority. Their child has a statement of special educational needs and their placement is at serious risk of breaking down. A lot of telephone and face to face support has been provided for this family by our service. It is imperative that we spend time with a family so that we can understand their views in depth and discuss the options available to them. Preparation for meetings is always key for us to
SEND Reforms coming into force in September. The evening will be spent trying to make sense of the changes, with maybe a cheeky glass of red!!.....well we are human after all !!!” Contact your Dorset Parent Partnership Officer: Christchurch, North and East Dorset Jane Schmidt Tel : 07748 624609 Weymouth, Portland, Dorchester and Sherborne School Pyramids Catherine Breakwell Tel : 07771 978404 West Dorset Anne Barker Tel : 01300 341978 Email: pps@dorsetcc.gov.uk dorsetforyou.com/parent -partnershipservice
Rounders provided for young people with disabilities this summer Young people with disabilities are being invited to come along with their parents and carers to enjoy rounders this summer in Dorchester.West Dorset District Council has organised rounders sessions for young people with disabilities aged between 7 to 16 years old as a result of a £1,800 grant from Rounders England. These sessions have been organised to fit in with the district council’s popular Artz+/ Sportz+ sessions. Bookings are advisable but people can turn up to the sessions on the day. All sessions will all take place in the sports hall so can be played whatever the weather. Sessions will be held as follows: St Osmunds Community Sports Centre
Dorchester Sports Centre
1.30pm to 2.30pm, Friday 1 August
11.30am to 12.30pm, Friday 15 August,
2pm to 3pm, Monday 4 August 2pm to 3pm, Friday 22 August 2pm to 3pm, Wednesday 27 August 11 to noon, Friday 29 August Each session is £2 per child. You can book a child onto all eight sessions in advance for £10 (not transferable). Parents and carers are required to stay at the sessions and can play for free. West Dorset District Council Leader Cllr Robert Gould said: “We would like to thank Rounders England for the grant so we can provide rounders in the district. “The district council always tries to find new and exciting ways to promote healthy living in West Dorset.” To book a session please contact the district council on 01305 252250 or email leisure@westdorset-weymouth.gov.uk For more information about the rounders sessions being offered in West Dorset visit .dorsetforyou.com/rounders/west Information about Artz+/Sportz+ is available at www.dorsetforyou.com/artz+
See what The Chatterboxes have been up to
The Chatterboxes is a youth led magazine run by Bournemouth YMCA and funded by Bournemouth Borough Council, which is designed and created by young disabled people living in Bournemouth. The project, which consists of young people aged 11-19 years old, aims to showcase what activities are available in the local area for young people with disabilities as well sharing individual youth achievements and educating their community about disabilities. The Chatterboxes have recently created a video about what they have achieved over the last year. You can either accesses it through you tube : (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZm4ivXnyts&list=UUbCg5nc148heGrZNizuPzEg) or through our website : http://www.bournemouthymca.org.uk/young-people/disability-youthprojects/the-chatterboxes/
Information Boxes
Activity information in this newsletter is supplied by the organisations themselves. You should satisfy yourself with the quality and suitability of an organisation before participation. Neither Dorset County Council nor Poole or Bournemouth Borough Councils can be held liable for any mistakes or omissions, nor any claim, loss, injury or damage resulting from the use or accuracy of this publication or participation in advertised activities. Parents of children who are disabled or with additional or special educational needs are advised to contact the relevant provider for advice before attending any activity.
Information, advice and support Adhd and Asd Support Group Run for parents who themselves or their children have ADHD, ASD or Aspergers. The group provides a supportive environment where you can meet others that understand the difficulties you may be facing and provides an opportunity to share your experiences. Different speakers are invited to help you develop your understanding of the disorders and to support you with reducing the negative impact these can have on your lives. For more information call Lou on 07719 936931. Every other Wednesday 6:30pm - 8:30pm Bridport Children's Centre St Mary's C of E Primary School Skilling Hill Road Bridport DT6 5LA
Parent Group – The Mix, Poole A new support group has been set up in Poole. It is run by parents for parents and carers of children with autism, behavioural and developmental problems The group say “We are parents who understand the demands of caring for a child with these challenges. You don’t need to have been given a diagnosis. Just drop in for a coffee and a chat and pick up some useful information.” Their sessions aim to be friendly and informal and will offer a friendly space and refreshments, information on services they know about and have the occasional guest speaker. The group was launched in early April and meets at The Church of the Good Shepherd, Herbert Avenue, Poole, BH12 3HR every second Monday of the month 11am-1pm
For more information you can Contact: Sara on 07966 971983 or Julie on 07540 332435 Email: themix14@outlook.com
Information, advice and support
Dorset Carers Hub Local support and services for carers.
Dorset Carers Hub is dedicated to the thousands of carers in Dorset.
Whether you care for someone for a few hours a week or 24 hours a day, you can access local support and services that can assist you in your role as a carer. You can keep up-to-date with the latest news and national developments, find out about carers rights and benefits and search for events and activities in your local area. The hub has been developed by the Dorset Carers Partnership (DCP) that works to give local carers a voice. Visit the website to find out much more www.dorsetforyou.com/carers
The Foundation publishes a wide range of informative reports and booklets from anxiety, to getting a job, complex health needs and much more. The publication range is quite enormous and covers many of the concerns of parents and carers and looks to problems that arise in day to day life and possible solutions or helpful contacts. Many of their publications are available as free downloads from their website. You can also stay up-to-date with the latest news about issues relevant to people with learning disabilities, their families, friends and carers by signing up to their quarterly newsletter. www.learningdisabilities.org.uk
Information, advice and support
The Charitable Foundation exists to support registered charities and causes in communities across the UK . Here's how the Charitable Foundation has helped:
They've given away over £5.2 million since their first donation in 1999
They've given donations to over 15,500 good causes
They donated over £720,000 to around 2,000 good causes in 2012
Around 90% of donations made in 2012 were to causes nominated by Society members. So if you work with or run a good cause it may be worth looking at their grant criteria. You can find out more on their website at www.ybs.co.uk/your-society/charity/ charitable-foundation/index.html
Information, advice and support
We are a new parent led support group, for parents of children and young adults with ASD. We are known as The Umbrella Group, with its connotations of protection and covering a wide spectrum of behaviours, which all come under the same umbrella of autism. We meet once a month. Please note, meetings are sometimes cancelled during school holidays. Venue The Pool room at Portfield School, Parley Lane, Hurn, Christchurch BH23 6BP On fourth Saturday of the month Time 10-12 am Please note these meetings are for parents only. We have guest speakers at our next few monthly meetings. Hope to see you for support, laughter, moaning and tears! For more information please contact:Debbie Muldoon-Hall (07900 693131)
Listening Matters/Afasic Support Group
Are you parents or carer who is looking after children with Asd, Adhd, Autism, social disabilities, speech, language and communication Impairments Then please come along and meet other parents and carers Meetings usually at Malmesbury Park School Lowther Road Bournemouth Email for more details bournemouthparentcarerforum@gmail.com For next meeting date check website or call Marion 07585404335 www.parentcarerforum.co.uk
Natalie Chambers (07847 281889)
Information, advice and support Do you ever feel like this?
Isolated with no family nearby and struggling to make
friends. Suffering with post-natal illness Having a hard time coping with your child’s illness. Overwhelmed by the death of a loved one. Struggling with having twins, triplets or more. Struggling to cope with a disability Tired, unhappy, exhausted or relationship problems
Home-Start West Dorset may be able to help your family
JOIN US—CONTACT US New Membership Secretary:
G. Baker 20 Warmwell Close, Canford Heath, Poole BH17 8AW
membership@dorsetparentcarercouncil.co.uk Email dpcc@dorsetparentcarercouncil.co.uk Telephone:
07827 793 244
We may be able to help. We support parents just like you through our Home-Start volunteers. They are parents themselves or have parenting experience — so they know just what you’re going through. It’s free and confidential
You don’t have to pay for Home-Start’s help and it’s confidential. Home-Start volunteers will respect your privacy and never forget that you have invited them into your home. Contact us for an informal chat on:
01305 265072 Email: office@homestartwestdorset.co.uk
PENDERELS TRUST Are you considering taking a direct payment as a way of managing the care package for your child? More and more families are choosing to take a direct payment which gives them more choice and control over how they manage the care their child receives. They have been able to use the money to employ their own Personal Assistant, giving them the flexibility and freedom to do the things they want. Since taking a direct payment, parents have reported that it has given them the freedom to take family trips, has allowed their child to do things with friends independently and has given them some respite too. If the responsibilities of taking a direct payment have put you off in the past, you can rest assured as Penderels Trust offer a direct payment support service for families across Dorset. Their team of experienced and friendly independent living advisers can provide you with all the information you need, from deciding on the best option for your child through to managing staff payroll. The team is happy to talk to parents who would like more information before deciding whether to take a direct payment. For more information, please contact them on
0845 600 0289 or bdp@penderelstrust.org.uk.
Parent & Carer Newsletter Did you know that Autism Wessex produce a newsletter each month? Packed with useful information and news about groups, activities and events, it’ll keep you up to date about their work and the support services they provide. Sign up to receive their newsletter or for more information visit: autismwessex.org.uk
Clubs, groups and activities Whizz-Kidz youth club for young disabled people in Poole and Dorset!
The Poole/Dorset Ambassador Club is a place for young disabled people to meet up, make friends and have fun! We do everything from music, dance, art, sports, beauty therapy, cooking, trips and a whole lot more. We even run campaigns to help improve the lives of young disabled people by raising awareness of disability issues and campaigning for better facilities. The club that meets at the Rossmore Leisure Centre is one of 43 youth clubs covering the UK and meets for a whole day every six to eight weeks. There is no charge to attend and Whizz-Kidz provides qualified healthcare staff to support young people with any personal and medical care needs they have, as well as volunteers to support young people to engage in activities, so young people can become more independent. The clubs are designed for young wheelchair users (up to the age of 25), but we will always welcome anyone who wants to come along and get involved.
who attend them - they decide what they want to do and Whizz-Kidz does our best to make that happen! For more information about the club in Poole or to apply for a place please contact Jess Bool, Ambassador Club Manager on 020 7798 6108 or e-mail j.bool@whizz-kidz.org.uk
Our Ambassador Clubs belong to the young people
Going out this week?
For lots more activities don’t forget to look at The Xchange website. www.xchangeonline.co.uk
Remember to take your Max Card! There’s a list of venues at: dorsetforyou.com/maxcard
Choose the What’s On Near You button to discover all sorts of clubs, groups and activities taking place across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole.
Clubs, groups and activities
For more information about Chatterbox visit Website: www.bournemouthymca.org.uk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Chatterboxes/165724520189033?ref=tn_tnmn Twitter: @Chat_boxes
Clubs, groups and activities
‘Buddies’ Stay and Play for children under 5 years with additional needs Buddies is a ‘stay and play’ session for children under 5 years old with additional needs It is a place for you to meet other parents/carers, to have fun with your child and to get support and advice from the Children’s Centre Team.
Toys, craft activities, outdoor play and singing are just a few of the activities on offer. We run on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 1.30 until 3.00. You are welcome to visit us before the session.
Sherborne Children's Centre Tinneys Lane DT9 3DY For more information contact Rachel Butters Email: R.Butters@dorsetcc.gov.uk Telephone/Mobile: 01935389914
Xchange Newsletter Missed previous issues? Want to check back on some news or details of an organisation? It couldn’t be easier! You can read back copies of The Xchange E-newsletter. Simply go to the Xchange website and see the ‘More News’ section on the home page
Clubs, groups and activities
Lindsey's Arts and Craft Club For young adults with autism and/or severe learning disabilities (17 to 30 years old). Wednesdays 2 - 4pm at Shillingstone Church Centre, The Cross, Shillingstone, Blandford Forum DT110SW Cost: £7 per session Join in the 'make something' session in the hall and have a go! A different project every week. Music is played and there is a separate soft seating area to relax and have a break. There is also a small outside area with seating. Refreshments are available, there are level access toilets, level access entrance and car parking. Young adults attending will need to be fully supported by their own care support staff. Care support is not provided by the club. For further details contact Maree Webb (Club Organiser) Email: mareewebb@btinternet.com Tel: 01258 861913
Regard for Children offer day sessions four Saturdays a month and during the weekdays at the holiday periods. Children can enjoy activities like swimming, bowling, crazy golf the cinema and day trips to Monkey World, Adventure Wonderland and Pantomimes. We support a wide range of children from the age of 4 up to 19 with varying conditions and ensuring there are suitable activities available we have four groups for parents to choose from: Primary, Sensory, Secondary and Youth. Our aim is to enable children to have a fun and enjoyable day with support by staff that have knowledge and understanding of the importance of just being a child and not a child with a disability. For more details please contact:
Shaun Dormer, Service Manager Regard for Children ,
Wyvern School, Dorchester Road, Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 5AL Telephone: 01305 814731
Days out to Thorpe Park, Paulton’s Park. Adventures in the New Forest and much more….. PGL Osmington Bay – 5th or 12th August 2014 Dorset Coasteering - Tuesday 19th August 2014 Thorpe Park - Tuesday 28th October 2014 Paulton’s Park - or 28th December 2014 On each trip there are spaces for 12 children and they will be accompanied by 6 members of staff. These trips are for children who do not require 1:1 support. With our flexible approach, there’s no ongoing commitment or payment - you simply book and pay £12 per day (subsidised rate for Dorset-funded children). For further information on these trips please contact Ella Hoxey: Telephone 01305 814731 Email: regardforchildren-activities@regard.co.uk
Clubs, groups and activities
Project ‘hang out’ Hanging out with your mates on a Saturday doing things you like
A Saturday club that allows young people aged 8 – 18 years old who have disabilities to enjoy age appropriate activities with their peers and to have fun! The club meets twice a month! You can enjoy a wide range of activities such as swimming, bowling and more. Come along meet new friends and hang out!
Weekly play session group at Verwood Children’s Centre Verwood Children’s Centre has a new weekly group session for local families with children who have additional needs, run by Action for Children in partnership with Dorset County Council. Every Friday from 10am until 11.30am, the group will provide a safe and fun environment for children with physical, sensory, communication, behavioural or learning disabilities to play while their parents meet other families with similar needs. Parents have chance
A limited number of funded Dorset spaces are available (cost of activity is not included). Plus there is an option for Direct Payments to be used to purchase staff support (£8 – £13.50 per hour dependant on needs). The cost of activity is payable by all attending.
to learn helpful skills, such as relaxing massage
How to book? Call Project Hang Out on 01202 718 266 or email cate.reade@diverseabilitiesplus.org.uk
Action for Children Verwood Children’s Centre The Hub Brock Way Verwood BH31 7QE
If you are not known to us, we will need you to complete a care passport on www.xchangeonline.co.uk For more information or an information pack, give us a call.
techniques to help improve behaviour and find other useful services in the community. For more information
01202 827024 Mobile: 07833045831 www.eastdorset.childrencentres.org www.actionforchildren.org.uk
New members welcome
New summer programme out now! For moere details contact Manor Ave, Parkstone, Poole BH12 4LB 01202 718238 email Amiee.barnett@diverseabilitiesplus.org.uk
Clubs, groups and activities Wimborne Wagtails Swimming Club Wimborne Wagtails are a swimming group for people of all ages with disabilities. They meet at the Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre, Wimborne, each Saturday from 11.30am-12.30pm. Members have varying needs some requiring intensive support for physical and mental health issues and learning disabilities including: Down’s Syndrome, severe learning difficulties, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autistic spectrum, Parkinson’s disease, heart conditions, amputations, visual impairments, arthritis, post operative conditions, MS and severe asthma. The group are also looking for volunteers to help with sessions. Call: David: 01202 65978 or Rosie: 01202 880933 www.wimbornewagtails.org.uk
Dorset County Golf Partnership are offering a further series of lessons for children who are disabled or have special needs. The sessions take place at:
Moor Lane, Sturminster Marshall BH21 4BD Wednesdays 4.30pm – 6.30pm from January 15th 2014 And at
CRANE VALLEY GOLF CLUB Romford, Verwood, BH31 7LH Fridays 4pm – 5pm from Friday 17th January If you would like further information please contact:
DEE WOOD at email: dee.wood1@btinternet.com Or Tel: 01425 654339 or 07711 978747 Supported by Dorset County Council Short Breaks capital programme
Clubs, groups and activities
For lots more activities don’t forget to look at The Xchange website. www.xchangeonline.co.uk
4.30 – 5.30pm Cherry Grove, Ferndown BH22 9EZ Sessions run every Friday Only £2.50 per session All disabilities welcome For more information contact Abbie Taylor on Working in partnership with Ferndown Wayfarers and Ferndown Leisure Centre
01202 877468 or abbietaylor@dcleisure.co.uk
Choose the What’s On Near You button to discover all sorts of clubs, groups and activities taking place across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole.
Clubs, groups and activities
South Coast Tigers Basketball Club Wheelchair basketball club Friday evenings, 6.30 – 8.00pm, at Ferndown Leisure Centre. Contact details for more information: Tel: 01202 886229 Michael Dronyk 07726 940 575 Luca Dronyk 07795 484 058 southcoasttigersbasketball@hotmail.com There is likely for there to be no charge for the first half term, then to be around £3 per session, probably payable half-termly in advance.
Call for up to date details and session times.
At the moment the sessions are open to any age, and you don’t need to be a wheelchair user to join. Chairs are provided.
Clubs, groups and activities
Going out this week?
Need stimulating new toys for your child? Organising a child’s party? Then why not use the Dorset County Council TREATS Toy Lending Library. For really low prices you can hire a range of toys and apparatus that will provide something new and stimulating for your child without having to buy. TREATS have 20 collection points around the countyand have specialist sensory toys too.
Remember to take your Max Card!
(The Resources Equipment and Toy Store).
There’s a list of venues at: dorsetforyou.com/maxcard
Web: www.dorsetforyou.com/treatstoylibrary Email: treatstoylibrary@dorsetcc.gov.uk Tel: 01929 472937
Short Breaks
The new short breaks summer programme from Poole Borough Council is now available. For further details of activities and how to book visit boroughofpoole.com
Short Breaks
Treehouse Theatre presents ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ and drama workshop at Dorchester Arts Centre Wed 20 August 2014 10.30am- 2.30pm
‘The Jungle Book’ and mask making workshop at Dorchester Arts Centre Wed 27 August 2014 10.30am- 2pm
Treehouse Theatre’s exciting and interactive performance of the Pied Piper will have you dressing up, singing, dancing and acting as you join in with the show. Afterwards, you’ll take part in a creative workshop to devise a new ending to the classic tale and perform tto parents/carers at 2pm.
Swing on down and join us for a thrilling and humorous jungle adventure! Beautifully performed using animal costumes, song, dance, puppets and lots of fun. Afterwards make a mask of your favourite Jungle Book character.
Bring a packed lunch. Age 5+
Bring a packed lunch. Age 5+
Children will be cared for by dedicated, trained staff Cost: £5 per child Please book via Artz+ on 01305 252250
Children will be cared for by dedicated, trained staff Cost: £6 per child Please book via DepARTure on 01305 224525 Advance bookings only by 18 July 2014
Limited places available for siblings Limited places available for siblings
Flying Pizza Theatre presents For lots more short break activities don’t forget to look at The Xchange website.
Sportfit Short Break Care Ltd Summer Breaks Brochure For a wide range of summer activities in Blandford, New Forest, Portland, Norfolk, Isle of Wight.
Short Breaks
Weekly soft play session, exclusively for children who are disabled and their siblings. Every Tuesday evening (except Bank holidays). Pre-registration essential Session times 6:15pm to 8:15pm