Astrological Assessment of Timing of Childbirth

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A Thesis


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of


Prof. Dr. Chander Kant Sharma Supervisor

Tanvi Bansal Research Scholar MUR1303971




This is to certify that I, Tanvi Bansal, have completed the Ph. D. thesis work on the topic


under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Chander Kant Sharma (Supervisor) for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. This is an original piece of work & I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Date: Tanvi Bansal

Place: Chittorgarh MUR1303971


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Date: Tanvi Bansal

Place: Chittorgarh MUR1303971


This is to certify that the thesis, entitled (ASTROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF TIMING OF CHILDBIRTH) submitted by Ms. Tanvi Bansal embodies the findings of her original research work carried out under our supervision and it fulfills all the conditions prescribed by Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan for the award of Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Department of Astrology. To the best of our knowledge, the matter embodied in this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Dr. Chander Kant Sharma

Prof. Department of Astrology

Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan




AstrologicalAssessmentofTimingof ChildBirth


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Tanvi Bansal

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Chapter 1



1.1Progeny The Base of Creation

The base of creation is begetting progeny which is in continuation since the genesis of creation. The modern science is answerless about the intricacies of the mystery of formation of man by man till date. The desire of having issues is the natural and fundamental desire of human beings. The progeny decks the parents with the glory and dignity of fatherhood and motherhood. Therefore, everybody has the curiosity to know about the possibility and timing of birth of progeny. Progeny is a very important aspect of life as it carries on the legacy of forefathers. Birth of children maintains the continuity of family and the society. Though India is a land of varied cultures and religions but in disparity one thing is common which is opined by most that a couple must start their family as soon as possible after marriage and avoid unnecessary delays. Most elderly in families bless the new couple with wishes of healthy and prosperous children. But sometimes various pressures of finance management, better settlement before planning a family, job requirements, busy schedules play havoc in a couples life and they are unable to conceive. The Vedic seers understood, that children are the result of good deeds of the past life and they have nominated the 5th and 7th houses of a horoscope as houses of children. Child birth is considered one of the most auspicious things to happen in a marriage. Couples who face delays in begetting parenthood visit doctors and astrologers to consult for the assessment of timing of child birth in their life. This question is finding lot of relevance in todays time when a lot of urban couples are going for assisted treatments to beget a child. Vedic texts have many mentions about the strengths of a man to reproduce. Astrological rules suggest that male power is represented by sun and venus. For the female Jupiter is the significator of child birth and should not be afflicted. Also, timing can only be assessed by studying the dashas and transits the couple will get in their reproductive age. These days people have started marrying late due to raised education period even after marriage most of the urban working population takes time to plan family due to financial and professional stability.While women are increasingly represented in the workforce, they still face challenges of one type or other in balancing their work and home life and this has some due implication on the birth of child, Also it has been noted that some couples take much longer time to be blessed with a child, this can be due to various delay causing yogs or combinatioms in the horoscope, so this research will cover the astrological possibilities of timing of a happening of a child in an individuals horoscope, this can lead to lower stress levels and better management of time. 1.2Types of Santan as per Vedic Texts

As per Manusmriti and Nirnaya Sindhu, there are 12 types of santan or children mentioned in our vedic texts. First is the biological child that is blessed to a married couple mentioned as auras putra. There are other types of children like an adopted child, children of the spouse, children from illegitimate relationships, children before marriage, etc . But in our research, we will consider biological child of an individual and hence our research will only incorporate such children. Various types of children mentioned in Manusmritipage no73, the first and foremost is ones own biological child born in a marriage 2. It is a child obtained by ones wife when the husband is not capable. 3.When some parents willfully give their child for adoption to another couple of the same caste. 4.When a couple accepts any child as their own child, then he /she is said to be their child. 5.When the parents dont want a newborn born to them , the

one who accepts the child is considered the protector/parent of the child. 6.When parents or any one of them accepts anybody as their child. 7.When an unmarried girl delivers a baby and later marries somebody else that person is a fatherly figure to the child. 8.When somebody knowingly or unknowingly marries a pregnant woman, then the child born is considered the child of the man who married the woman. 9.When in old times people with no children considered paying some amount to another couple for adopting their child. 10.When a widow marries again, and a child is obtained from the second marriage. 11.When a child who is shunned by his/her parents accepts another couple as his/her parents by his own choice. 12. Children that are born as a result of a reunion of different caste people. In our research, we will only consider all, and any type of biological children born to an individual/couple. 1.3 The Zodiac Planet moves among the stars along a belt and they do not go beyond a certain width on either side of the central line of motion. All the planets confine their lateral movement to this belt. This belt is known as zodiac. The zodiac is circular in shape, and circumference of the zodiacal belt contains 360 degree; consequently each house as sign contains 30 degrees. The twelve equal parts called the sign of zodiac are represented by imaginary figures, and they affect the body, the character, the disposition and the mental and moral attributes, as well as possibilities for success or failure of a human being. The entire Zodiac is represented by 12 houses by a chart which is called kundali or horoscope. To analyse the strength of any house in particular, it becomes necessary to determine, first the lord of that house, the planets placed in that house, the good and bad aspects of various planets on that particular house, the sign occupied by that house and the conjunction and placement of lord of that house to predict anything. 1.4 Twelve Signs Krishnamurti KS (1997) has explained about the twelve signs: 1. Aries (Mesha) : This is the first or head sign of the Zodiac. It commences at the vernal equinox and extends upto exactly 30 degrees. Persons born under this sign are of middle status and possess a lean and muscular body. As Mars rules this sign, the people born in Aries will be ever active and ambitious, bold and impulsive. Head, adrenal, sensory organs, brain, nerve centres, cranium are the parts of the body ruled by the Aries sign. 2. Taurus (Vrishabha) : It is the second sign of Zodiac. It is also 30 degree in longitude and it extends from 30 degree from Vernal Equinox. This sign is symbolized by a bull both by Hindus and Westerners. A few thousands of years ago Egyptians celebrated May day festival probably due to entrance of the Sun into Taurus which is referred to as The Sacred Bull and probably when the Vernal equinox coincided with the commencement of Taurus. Taurus is governed by Venus. Moon gets exalted in this sign. It is both an earthy and fixed sign. Neck, throat, mouth, esophagus, vocal cords, thyroid gland are ruled by Taurus. 3. Gemini (Mithuna) : It is thirtydegree in longitude and it extends from the 60 degrees from Vernal Equinox to 90. It is ruled by Mercury and an intellectual planet. No planet gets either exaltation or debilitation in this sign. But Jupiter is said to be in its determent in this system. Hands, arms, shoulders, lungs, nervous system, sensitive nerves are ruled by this sign. 4. Cancer (Karka): Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. This sign is 30 from the 90th degree from Vernal equinox to 120th degree. This sign is symbolized by a crab. This is the first sign of watery triplicity, the other being the Vrischitea and Meena. Its quality is cardinal, movable or chara. It is a feminine and fruitful sign. It is a mute sign too. Clumsy body, slender limbs, and powerful claws are the particularities of crab. The ruling planet of Cancer is the moon or luna. Jupiter gets exalted here, its highest point of exaltation being 5 degrees, while Mars is debilitated in this sign and is said to be completely debilitated in the 28th degree. Cancer rules the chest and stomach. 5. Leo (Simha) : Leo is 30 in longitude. It extends from 120 to 150 from Vernal Equinox. This is a central sign of the triplicity as Aries is the first sign and Sagittarius is the third and the last one.

Leo is a hot, dry, masculine, positive, bestial, and barren sign. It is also a fixed sign. Only Sun and Moon, the two luminaries govern one sign each, Leo and Cancer respectively. People born in this sign are noble, largehearted, magnanimous, and generous. Sun is necessary for the life and growth of both the vegetables and animals. But whenever sun becomes furious, it destroys them. 6. Virgo : (Kanya) is the 01 sign of the Zodiac. This sign is also 30 in longitude and it extends from the 150th degree from Vernal Equinox to 180th degree. Virgo is the second sign ruled by Mercury, also the second earthy sign. Mercury is not only the ruler of this sign but he gets exalted here. Venus though a good friend of Mercury, gets debilitated in Virgo. Virgo is traditionally symbolised as a Virgin, lying prostrate. In one of her hands she holds Spica SeedWheat and in the other a stem of a tree. 7. Libra (Tula) : It is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. This sign is also 30 in longitude and it extends from 180th degree from Vernal Equinox to 21.0. The commencement of Libra, i.e. 180th degree is termed Autumnal Equinox. It is the crossing point or intersection of celestial equator and ecliptic belt. The sun passes over from North to South declination and at the time when Sun enters Libra at 0, it is observed that day and night are equal across the World. Libra is an airy sign. It represents fertile imagination, intuitioive powers, great intellect, balance in life and relationshipshappy go lucky perso, pleasant nature etc. Venus rules this sign. Saturn gets exalted in Libra and Sun gets debilitated. Libra is considered an enemy sign for Moon, Mars and Jupiter, Libra is symbolised by a man, holding a balance in his hand and dealing in his commodities stationed in a public market, camp. It is also known as the sign of business persons. The person born under this sign are generally tall with well proportioned body. They have slender but strong limbs. 8. Scorpio (Vrishchika) : Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30 in longitude. It extends from 210th degree from the Vernal Equinox to 240. Sun will be moving away from the celestial equator towards the South. Scorpio is the second sign of Mars. It is fixed, feminine yet violent and watery sign. Mars is the ruler of this sign. No planet gets exalted in this sign but moon becomes weakened and is debilitated. Scorpio is symbolised by a scorpion. Scorpio is a watery sign. It shows intense feeling and emotion which comes from water element. 9. Sagittarius (Dhanu) : Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. It extends from 240 degree from Vernal Equinox to 270. Sun moves away from the celestial equator to the southern most of the suns path. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of Zodiac but it is the first sign governed by Jupiter. It is a fiery sign, common, positive, muscular, not dry, dual, double bodied. No planet gets exalted in Sagittarius, nor does any become debilitated here. But Mercury is said to have its determinant i.e. worse in this sign. Sagittarius is pictured as half man with bow and arrow and half horse. It is said if Jupiter is with you then nothing can go against your interest. It is a fiery sign. Hence the subjects born in this sign will be bold, courageous and pushful, ambitious, greedy and aspiring. 10. Capricorn (Makara) : It is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. It extends from 270th degree from the Vernal Equinox to 300. According to Sayana system, the sun enters Capricorn on or around 22nd Dec. every year and leaves Capricorn on or around 21s January. The sun moves daily 1.8 to 1.11, but according to Neryana system, throughout Kaliyuga the Sun will enter Capricorn on the 14m January and leave around 12th Feb., every year. It is the first sign governed by Saturn. Capricorn is a movable cardinal, negative, feminine, earthy, dry, cold, quadrupedal, despondent sign of Saturn which gets debilitated in the sign (owned by mars) Aries. But Mars gets exalted in the sign (owned by Saturn) in Capricorn. Whenever, both the luminaries, sun and moon, are in Capricorn, they are said to be in enemies camp. But Venus and Mercury are considered to occupy the friends residence when they are in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of Sacrifice. It is said that at the time of birth of Jesus, the sun had just entered Capricorn which is the symbol of resurrection. Even today, in India the goat is the Sacrificial animal. Capricorn is an earthy sign, so the

people born in this sign will be prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. 11. Aquarius (Kumbha) : Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30 in longitude. It extends from 300th degree from the Vernal Equinox to 330. Saturn owns two houses. Capricorn and Aquarius. No planet enjoys exaltation in this sign nor thus any planet suffers debilitation. The Hebrews called Aquarius Delphi meaning water container. Aquarius is an airy sign with high humidity. 12. Pisces (Meena) : It is the 12th sign, the last sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30 in longitude. It extends from 330 from the Vernal Equinox (the point of intersection) when the Zodiac commences which is Aries 00 to 360 and this sign is in the fag end of the Zodiac. In this sign, Venus gets exalted. Mercury gets debilitated. Pisces is symbolised with fishes, one will lead towards the north and the other towards the south and it is parallel to ecleptic. Pisces is a watery, cold, feminine, fruitful, psychic, emotional, bicorporal, double edged sign on southern hemisphere and is of short ascension. Shakuntala (1995)1 has explained that the Zodiac is represented as follows in the Hindu system, more so there are so many patterns in different countries to cast the horoscope. The present study deals with the northern India pattern to cast the horoscope. 1.5 The Twelve Houses

At the time of birth, or art the time of happening of any event , a certain point or degree of one of the twelve signs of the zodiac will be rising on the Eastern Horizon. And this sign that arise in the eastern horizon is known as the Ascendant and in vedic astrology it is called Lagna. It is considered that the lagna defines a lot of important things about the character of a person and also the occurrence of various major or minor events in ones life will largely depend upon this sign. To determine the lagna or the sign that arises in the eastern horizon ,the time of birth has to be accurate. The exact date of birth and place of birth are also equally important. Any disturpancy or inaccuracy in time of birth, date of birth and place of birth, may have a major impact on the predictions and can hamper the judgement in analysing the horoscope. The horoscope is a chart indicating the positions of the Sun, the Moon and seven planets in relation to the earth and to the Zodiac for any given moment of time. The twelve houses of the horoscope that govern a mans live, in its different aspects are as follows :

First House Ascendant or Lagna: The first house which mundanely is Aries or Mesha is ruled by Mars. It signifies mans outward appearance like personality, body, environment at the time of birth and other physical aspects. Second House: This house is called House of wealth, which mundanely is Taurus and is ruled by Venus. It signifies a mans financial circumstances, profit or gain, loss or damage and all movable goods. Third House: This house is called the House of Relatives. The third house which mundanely is Gemini is ruled over by Mercury. It signifies brothers, sisters, neighbours, environment of the family, short journeys, the degree of mentality, perception and adaptability of the individual. Fourth House: The House of Home, the fourth house, which mundanely is Cancer is ruled over by the moon. It signifies the mother or father, inherited tendencies, the environment during the early childhood and old age, the landed prosperity. Fifth House : This house is called the house of pleasure, which mundanely is Leo, ruled over by the Sun. it signifies education, children, love affairs, entertainments, and speculation. Sixth House : The sixth house, which mundanely is virgo is ruled over by Mercury. It signifies the enemies, diseases, servants, uncles and aunts and domestic animals of the individual. Seventh House : The house of marriage which mundanely is Libra is ruled over by Venus. It signifies marriage, business, partnerships and enemies of the individual. Eighth House : The house of death which mundanely is Scorpio, is ruled over by Mars. It signifies the inheritance, legacies, wills, and deeds of the individual. Ninth House : The ninth house in a kaal purush kundali is represented by Sagittarius, its lord is Jupiter. It denotes teachers, inspiring figures,

religion, luck, Philosophy, long journeys,studies,. Some scholars believe that it also represents father and fatherly figures in ones life. Tenth House : This is the house of business and honour and mundanely is Capricorn and is ruled over by Saturn. It signifies ambition, fame, position, power, promotion and elevation. Eleventh House : It is mundanely Aquarius and is ruled over by Saturn and Uranus. It signifies friendships and the aspirations of the individual. Twelfth House : The twelfth house, which mundanely is Pisces is ruled over by Jupiter and Neptune. It signifies unseen difficulties, impairment of the senses, speculation, the secret enemies of the individual. 1.6 Regarding the Planets and Signs

1.6.1 Division of signs as per their nature and behavior. Masculine signs:Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Feminine signs:Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Airy signs:Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Fiery signs:Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Earthy signs:Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Watery signs:Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Table1 : Aspects of Planets

Aspect on 7th House Aspect on 4th & 8th house Aspect on 5th & 9th house

Sun 100% 0% 0%

Moon 100% 0% 0%

Mars 100% 100% 0%

Mercury 100% 0% 0%

Jupiter 100% 0% 100%

Venus 100% 0% 0%

Saturn 100% 0% 0%

Rahu 100% 0% 100%

Ketu 100% 0% 100%

Saturn 3rd & 10th house 100% The planets rule over their assigned signs and consequently, while they have great power in their own signs, they are weak in others. The assigned signs of the various planets are as follows :

Table2: Sign and Ruling Planet

Sign (Rashi) Ruling Planet

Aries Mars

Taurus Venus

Gemini Mercury

Cancer Moon

Leo Sun

Virgo Mercury

Libra Venus

Scorpio Mars

Sagittarius Jupiter

Capricorn Saturn

Aquarius Uranus, Saturn

Pisces Jupiter, Neptune

1.6.2Benefic and Malefic Planets

Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are benefic planets relatively i.e Mercury is more benefic than Moon;

Venus is more benefic than Mercury; Jupiter is more benefic than Venus. Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Dragons Head) are malefic planets relatively, i.e. Mars is more malefic than Sun; Saturn is more malefic than Mars; and Rahu is more malefic than Saturn. Satyavir Shastri has explained regarding Exaltation & Debilitation of Planet

Table3: Lord of Signs (Exalted and Debilitated Planets)

S.N Planet Sign of Exaltation Degree of Highest exaltation Sign of Debilitaion Degree of Deepest Debilitation

1. Sun Aries 10 Libra 10

2. Moon Taurus 3 Scorpio 3

3. Mars Capricorn 28 Cancer 28

4. Mercury Virgo 15 Pisces 15

5. Jupiter Cancer 5 Capricorn 5

6. Venus Pisces 27 Virgo 27

7. Saturn Libra 20 Aries 20

8. Rahu Gemini 15 Sagittarius 15

9. Ketu Sagittarius 15 Gemini 15

Table4 : Friendship and Enmity of Planets

S.No. Planets Friend Planets Neutral Planets Enemy Planets

1. Sun Moon, Mars & Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn & Rahu

2. Moon Sun & Mercury Saturn, Venus, Jupiter & Mars Rahu, Ketu

3. Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury, Rahu, Ketu Saturn, Venus

4. Mercury Sun, Venus, Rahu Mars, Saturn, Ketu Moon, Jupiter

5. Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Rahu, Saturn, Ketu Mercury, Venus

6. Venus Mercury, Saturn, Rahu Jupiter, Mars, Ketu Sun, Moon

7. Saturn Mercury, Venus, Rahu Jupiter, Ketu Sun, Mars, Moon

8. Rahu Mercury Venus Saturn Saturn, Ketu Sun, Mars, Moon

9. Ketu Venus Saturn Rahu Jupiter, Ketu Sun, Mars, Moon

According to Suryasiddhanta, Saturn is the most distant planet from the earth; Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon come next in order of their distance. Based on such an arrangement the relationships are allotted. Benefic and Malefic planets are benefic or malefic according to their inherent nature. They tend to do good or evil. Venus, full moon and well associated Mercury are held to be good planets. New moon badly associated Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are evil and malefic ones : from the eighth day of the bright half of the lunar month the Moon is full and strong. She is weak from the eight day of the dark half. 1.6.3Sexes : Jupiter, Mars and Sun are Males; Venus Rahu and the Moon are females; and Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are eunuchs and hermaphrodites. 1.6.4Colours : Each planet represents a certain colour which is as follows:

Sun Copper, Mars Blood Red, Moon White, Saturn Black, Mercury Green, Jupiter Bright Yellow and Venus mixture of all colours. 1.6.5Planetary Castes : Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins and holy people; the Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas and belong to the warrior caste; the Moon is Vaisya and trader. Mercury is Sudra and farmer; Saturn is Antyaya and untouchable. One should not confuse this with socalled caste

system. According to Lord Krishna, Varna is based on guna and karma. 1.6.6Combustion

When a planet comes near to Sun within the degrees shown below, it becomes burned and is called combust and in Hindi is known Ast. Moon upto 12 Jupiter upto 11

Mars upto 17 Venus upto 9

Mercury upto 13 Saturn upto 15

1.6.7Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable (or common) signs: The cardinal signs are movable; they are pioneer signs. The fixed signs are concentrated, preserving and in the sense conservative as such and the mutable signs have no distinct character of their own. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Masculine are positive, and feminine are negative signs. The masculine signs are creative, the feminine signs are formative. Masculine or Positive : the fire and air signs. Feminine or Negative : the earth and water signs. Thus, when the majority of planets in a horoscope are in one of these groups, certain very general deductions can be made about the temperament of the individual. 1.7Planets Signs and Constellations

There are nine important planets which are considered in astrology as affecting the terrestrial phenomena. The Sanskrit and the symbols used by Western astrologers are also given here under by Raman (1995).

Table5 : Name of Nine Planets (Hindi & English)

1. Sun Surya or Ravi

2 Moon Soma or Chandra

3. Mars Kuja or Angaraka

4 Mercury Budha or Soumya

5 Jupiter Guru or Brihaspati

6. Venus Sukra or Bhargava

7. Saturn Sani or Manda

8 Dragons Head Rahu or Tama

9 Dragons Tail Ketu or Sikhi

Table6 : The twelve signs of the Zodiac

1. Mesha Aries The Ram

2. Vrishabha Taurus The Bull

3. Mithuna Gemini The Twins

4. Karka Cancer The Crab

5 Simha Leo The Lion

6 Kanya Virgo The Virgin

7 Tula Libra The Balance

8. Vrischik Scorpio The Scorpion

9. Dhanu Sagittarius The Centaur

10. Makara Capricorn The Crocodile

11. Kumbha Aquarius The Water bearer

12. Meena Pisces The Fishes

The Zodiac is an imaginary circular belt with no beginning or end. The zodiac is divided into 27 constellations or nakshatras. The starting point of the zodiac is constellation Ashwiniwhich lies in aries

sign. The measurement of each nakshatra or constellation is 1320 and consists of four charans/quarters or padas of 320 each. Each sign comprises of 2 and a quarter consetalation or nakshatras. Ashwini the first is a 3 stars horse face representation. Bharani 3 stars resembling a female sexual organ. Krittika 6 stars resembling a razor. Rohini 5 stars resembling a chariot. Mrigasira 3 stars resembling a head of a deer. Ardra 1 star resembling a head. Punarvasu 5 stars resembling a bow. Pushya 3 stars resembling a flowers. Aslesha 6 stars resembling a Serpent. Magha 5 stars resembling a Palanquin. Purva phaguni and Uttara phalguni 4 stars resembling legs of a cot. Hasta 5 stars resembling a Palm. Chitra 1 star resembling a Pearl. Swati 1 star resembling a Sapphire. Vishaka 3 stars resembling a Potters Wheel. Anuradha 3 stars resembling a Umbrella. Jyeshta 3 stars resembling a Umbrella. Moola 6 stars resembling a Crouching Line Purvashada 4 stars resembling a Square. Uttarshada 4 stars resembling a square Sravana 3 stars resembling an arrow. Dhanista 4 stars resembling a drum. Satabhishta 100 stars resembling a flower. Poorvabhadrapada 4 stars resembling a legs of a cot. Uttarabhadrapada 4 stars resembling a legs of a cot. Revati 3 stars resembling a fish. Raman B.V.1 has explained the following quarters (Padas) of the constellations comprise the twelve zodiac signs:

Table7 Quarters of Constelations/Nakshatra in Zodiac

No. Rasi (Signs) Nakshatra (Constellation) Padas (Quarters) Space on the ecliptic from 0 Aries

1. Aries 1 Ashwani 4 13 20

2 Bharani 4 26 40

3 Krittika 1 30 0

Krittika 3 40 0

2. Taurus 4 Rohini 4 53 20

5 Mrigasira 2 60 0

Mrigasira 2 66 40

3. Gemini 6 Ardra 4 80 0

7 Punarvasu 3 90 0

Punarvasu 1 93 20

4. Cancer 8 Pushya 4 106 40

9 Aslesha 4 120 0

5. Leo 10 Magha 4 133 20

11 Purvaphalguni 4 146 40

12 Uttaraphalguni 1 150 0

6. Virgo Uttaraphalguni 3 160 0

13 Hasta 4 173 20

14 Chitra 2 180 0

7. Libra Chitra 2 186 40

15 Swati 4 200 0

16 Visakha 3 210 0

8. Scorpio Visakha 1 213 20

17 Anuradha 4 226 40

18 Jyeshta 4 240 0

9. Sagittarius 19 Moola 1 203 20

20 Poorvashadha 4 296 40

21 Uttarashadha 1 270 0

10. Capricorn Uttarashadha 3 280 0

22 Sravana 4 293 20

23 Dhanishta 2 300 0

11. Aquarius Dhanishta 2 306 40

24 Satabhisha 4 320 0

25 Poorvabhadra 3 330 0

12. Pisces Poorvabhadra 1 333 20

26 Uttarabhadra 4 346 40

27 Revati 4 330 0

The above table interpreted means that four quarters of Ashwini, four quarters of Bharani and the first quarter of Krittika make up Aries (Mesha). The remaining three and the first two quarters of Mrigasira compose Taurus or Vrishabha and so on. This chart would enable one to fix the portions of planets in a horoscope, as in most Hindu almanacs (iapkax) the planetary positions are generally given in constellations and quarters. 1.8 Periods and SubPeriods (Dasas and Bhuktis)Raman BV has explained the position of the Moon at birth is important in the calculation of the Dasas. Every constellation covers 13(1/3) degree of Zodical space. Each Nakshatra has a planet assigned as its lord and the Dasa at birth is determined rather indicated by the constellation occupied by the Moon at the moment of birth. Table8 : Periods (Dasa system)

Moon occupied Nakshatra Dasa Years

Kritika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarash Sun 6

Rohini, Hasta, Sravana Moon 10

Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanistha Mars 7

Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha Rahu 18

Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadra Jupiter 16

Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra Saturn 19

Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revati Mercury 17

Magha, Moola and Aswini Ketu 7 , Poorvashad. Bharani Venus 20

The total of the different periods, viz., 120 years is considered as the natural life period of a human being. 1.9Lagna (Ascending Sign or Ascendant)

Satyavir (2000)1 has explained that the literal meaning of Lagna is attached to; but in astrology it means that our geographical horizon is attached to some sign sphere (RashiVritta). In earlier times earth was thought to be fixed or immovable (fixed) and the sun etc, planets were considered as movable. What the Ishtakala is and how it is found out, has already been discussed. To caste a horoscope, the Ishtakala is a very important and necessary unit. But with this time Ishtakala the positions of heavens can not be known absolutely. In other words we can take it only as Informing point (Suchaka Bindu), not as information centre (Suchaka Kendra). Since the sun is the central point he is taken as the informer of the actual positions of the heaven and from the sun only, the positions and the time related and system based distances of other planets can be known. To determine the longitude of an ascendant (Lagna Spashta), we

should know the following

Ishtakala (local mean time of birth)

Spashta Surya (longitude of sun)

Udaya Pala (rising pala, one pala 24 seconds)

Akshansha (latitude of the place)

Deshautra (longitude of the place)

Ayanausha (precessional distance)



Auspicious Houses1, 5 , 9, 4, 7, 10 Bhagyasthana9th house



ChandraThe Moon

Cheshta BalaMotional Strength

DasasPlanetary periods

DigbalaDirectional strength

GhatiA unit of time measure of Hindu equivalent to 24 minutes of English time. GuruJupiter

HoraSastraScience of time of Astrology Inauspicious Houses6, 8, The present study will serve as a guideline in reducing anxiety among aspiring parents by knowing the expected period of childbirth

The present study will provide a new approach for development of a new astrological corelation or combination which would influence childbirth

The present study will add new knowledge to the current astrological combinations of childbirth parameters ie dashas and transits related to the 5th house, 5th lord and Karakof fifth house which is Jupiter. The present study will help astrologers to predict accurately and establish a set of rules for predicting the timing of childbirth. If the present study, having established a definite connection between the astrological combinations of dasha and transit in natives horoscope and actual childbirth then it can used be effectively for aspiring parents awaiting progeny. It can be properly used by astrologers, couples, and doctors, and by utilizing the results of this study, thousands of couples can benefit. The present study encompassed planetary influences of dashas and transits as per natal chart on Timing of Child Birth. The chance of establishing a fruitful basis gave me extreme encouragement as I, myself faced difficulty in attaining motherhood. Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature


Rishis like Manu etc have also accepted it as a fervent desire for an individual to attain childbirth as each human being sees his child as a new conversion of him. In Shakuntla Darshan, Shakuntla has made it clear that from womb a woman procreates her husband only. The auspiciousness and the necessity of having children are elucidated in all related Shastras. The salvation and ultimate liberation movement is not possible without having virtuous and capable child. In addition to that the reality of ancestry, glee of family pride and decking of social status is dependent on the ultimate truth of begetting children which carries forward the history of mankind. The word child in real sense is the foundation column of future. Any religious deed is possible without progeny neither in Vedic period nor in modern age. The best reward of married life is creation and origin of progeny. Progeny is the strong source of foundation of material

achievements, expansion of family, social reputation, ancestry and old age support along with overall prosperity the importance of which is specifically realised by those who do not have children. After marriage the biggest desire and curiosity is that of begetting progeny only. After ones entry into married life the native waits for progenys entry into the womb with lot of anxiety. The significance of being a man or woman gets appeciated with their fertility only. Significance of Child Birth in Astrological Texts lk, d;k iVks nkfHk: R;qokp _.kefLeUlau;R;ekoa p xPNfr&&&lokaZx fpUru firk iqL; tkrL; i;sPpsTthorks eq[ke

By seeing the face of new born baby the father hands over his all debts to the baby and gets salvation ;koUr: ifFkO;ka Hkksxk ;koUrks tkrosnfl ;koUrks vIlq kf.kuka Hkw;kUiqs firqLrr% &&&lokaZx fpUru

For a father no pleasure on this earth, It is natural tendency of human beings not to tolerate sorrow in any area of life. For overcoming sorrows and to acquire happiness he visits an astrologer to get solution for his problem from his astrologer. In this situation the astrologer only reveals the truth and explains the causes of obstacles coming in the way of probabilities of child birth. Only an expert in predictive astrology can make accurate predictions. 2.1Review of Tradition Text

In research work the study of various Shastrik texts have been made as its basis. Apart from ancient texts the study of books written by modern scholars and Jyotish Gurus has also been incoroporated. Various astrological texts, research magazines, various websites, T.V. channels, workshops, astrological seminars and the information furnished from the experiences or various astrologers have been used as source. This research work has been done by collecting various horoscopes with the practical application of fundamentals of astrology. This is based completely on the authentic and accurate facts. The data used in the research work is completely accurate. This research work is genuine and innovative as this type of work was not done ever before extensively. We studied many traditional books to find yogas, dashas and transit mentioned relating to child birth and found that most had a mention or relation to 5th house.

2.2Role of Houses & Mahadasha

As per vedic astrology the main houses of consideration for children, progeny or any matters pertaining to ones off springs are 5th house, 9th house, Jupiter, 5th lord, 5th house and 1st house of Satpamsa chart (D7 Chart) and in Jamini astrology it is putrakaraka planet. There are may other ways to predict the gender, timing of birth and number of children through vedic astrology. First thing required to assess the timing of child birth is to check mahadasha in operation. As mentioned in the vedic texts the most auspicious mahadasha that promise childbirth are considered to be of karakJupiter and lord of 2nd, 4th, 5thand 7th houses. Some scholars also consider 9th house as it is 5th from 5th because of bhavat bhavam. 2nd house is house of family, 4th house represnts motherhood and 5th house is matters pertaining to children. Jupiter is the karaka planet for house 5 that is of children so in its mahadasha, it can easily fulfill the promise of childbirth regardless of its placement or lordship in horoscope. Moon denotes mental satisfaction and motherhood, emotions and so in Moon mahadasha, too, one can attain childbirth regardless of moons positioning and which house it rules in the natal chart. During mahadasha of 5th lord or 9th lord or planets that are closely related to these house by the virtue of placement,conjunction,lordship or aspectsmutual or one way ; happening of child birth is triggered because 5th is children and 9th house is 5th from the 5th, as in vedic astrology 9th house is 5th fro 5th and denotes the results attained from fifth house ,so during any kind of activation of this house which is also the Bhagya bhav or house of luck one can beget a child .Activation of any house is through the antar dasha and mahadasha of planets related to that house and the

transit of the related planets to that house or transit of any planet over that house. Antar dasha of 2nd, 5th, 9th or of planet sitting in the 5th house can bring child birth. But, one must also look at the most important factor in Jyotish which is divisional charts. Saptamsa chart becomes prominent when trying determine the time of birth. Any planet in the 1st house of D7 chart or 5th house can bring children more than any other period because planet in ascendant of any divisional chart bring something important related to that divisional chart. If one is running through the mahadasha of 10th house in the main birth but if the same planet controls the 5th house or 1st house or is placed in the 1st or 5th house in the D7 chart, then child birth is possible. If Dasha lord is exalted in D7 then also it can trigger child birth. 2.3Relevant Houses to be considered

2nd house for family, 5th for 1st child in womens chart, 6th house for labour pain, 8th house show possibility of operation, 11th for the fulfilment of desires it is also the 5th from partner, 12th house for hospitalization. Ascendant for self and 7th for spouse/partner, 3rd is 9th from partner so it also has importance as it indicates 3rd child in women horoscope. 5th house decides if the native will get children or not. The 5th house rules progeny matters, learning, emotions, creation and good deeds done in past life. The 5th for females and 11th for males are important. Jupiter is the natural significator of childbirth. In females Moon is fertility and Mars is menstruation. In a male horoscope Venus is considered the lord of fertility and represents the power and quality of semen. Sun is strength and vitality. Jupiter is the significator of 5th house and the lord for anything related to progeny. 5th house of horoscope represents mainly children and all the matters related to children like their nature, relationship with them, their wellbeing etc. Placement of benefic planets like Jupiter, venus, moon, mercury her promise good children, hence assuring child birth indeed. Placement of dry and malefic planets is not considered to be favorable for childbirth. Positioning of 5th lord in the natal chart also matters in while checking out timing of child birth. If it occupies the malefic houses, it is considered inauspicious for children in terms of their wellbeing, health, studies and it may even suggest delay or denial for child birth, it can also signify sickness, sorrows, and losses for children. If the 5th house lord is well placed in auspicious houses like 1,3,4,7,9,10, it would be considered as a promising childbirth. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and Piscesand is considered as the karak planet of children. If Jupiter is weak in the horoscope, which can be due to its placement in malefic houses or its conjunction with malefic planets, it may prove as an obstacle in the promise of childbirth. If Moon is placed in the 5th house and is free from any kind of malefic influence or to say it is under benefic influence by aspects or conjunction of other good planets, native may begets many children. Ketu signifies problems related to conception. It is to note here that if fifth house is occupied by its own lord then it always promise child birth even if the lord is a malefic

2.4Divisional Charts

Divisional charts are also important as they give a deeper insight into the matters. Navansh chart and Saptamasha chart should also be checked as it gives clear picture about the matters pertaining to childbirth. Divisional charts help us predict about our children and happiness from them. If Navamsha lord of the 5th lord of the birth horoscope is in a good condition or wellaspected in the birth horoscope, the birth of children is assured. For a Female Horoscope, Moon is a very important planet as it represents her mental strength and motherhood and in Male horoscope, Sun and Jupiter are the key planets that controls progeny and procreation. When a child birth promising planet tally in transits and dasha/bhukti a person is definitely said to be blessed with children. If Dasha Lord & Antardasha Lord promising child birth are very strong exalted/Vargottami etc in divisional charts then they definitely prove auspicious in blessing the

native with fortunate children. An event cannot be predicted independently on the basis of divisional chart. If the birth chart contains the promise of fructification of an event only then the divisional chart can be brought into application. 2.5Alternative positions

One of the most important thing people forget is to look at planetary placement and aspect upon the 5th house through alternative ascendants. As per Hora Shastra it is believed that an astrologer must analyses a horoscope from three angles; from lagna (ascendant) moon and sun. Reading the charts through sun and moon lagna gives a wider perspective and a highly promising time frame even in these charts can prove definitely fruitful to beget a child. Some scholars believe that chara dasha in Jamini astrology which focuses on the placement of putrakaraka in the horoscope proves truly beneficial in assessment of child birth. Putrakaraka is the planet with 5th highest degree. During the chara dasha of the sign which occupies putrakaraka planet child birth is possible or if putrakaraka goes 5th from the charadasha of operating sign, then, too, it can activate child birth. However most astrology scholars and vedic seers have paid utmost importance to the transit of Jupiter and Saturn for the assessment of timing of child birth. 2.6Important factors regarding child birth Houses, Yogas, Planets and their placements, conjunction and aspects in Natal Chart for matters related to Child/Children

2.6.1 The 14th edition of the astrological text by the name Bhartiya Jyotish authored by Dr. Nemichandra Shastri (1) in 1988 gives the following interpretation of 5th house lqrHkoukRlqrcqf)eaf.kkefi eaHkkstufirHkkoku

nZ;ksnjoska foosdkfa p fufnZksUefreku

The matters like children, intelligence, consultation work, Mantras, food, house of father, heart, stomach and the power of spiritual discrimination is studied from 5th house

The first edition of Pt Gopesh Kumar Ojhas (2) commentary written in 1981 on Jatak Parijaat gives the following interpretation of the 5th house & iqksoeghiiqfir/khiq ;kfu lfPpUr;s

The matters like God, king, son, father, intelligence and Punyas (virtuous deeds) are studied from 5th house

The 14th edition of the astrological text by the name Bhartiya Jyotish authored by Dr Nemichandra Shastri (3) in 1988 gives a different interpretation of 5th house ukFkS% dykRet/keZHkkuka iqkfnfpUrka dFk;sRlthoS% cqf)a rFkk lkselqrkRetkH;ka firqLrFkSokRetHkkX;lwks;SZ%

The issue comfort should be studied from the position lords of 7th house, 5th house, 9th house and the significator Jupiter Similarly the intelligence is studied from Mercury and 5th House whereas 5th house, Ninth house and Sun should be studied together for knowing about father

The 2nd edition of Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (4) gives the following formula for knowing the promise of issue comfort& lqLFkk foyXukfkuks% lqrHkskthok% lqLFkkuukFkkqHkfV;qrs lqrdZks yXukReikS ;fn ;qrkS p feFk: lqVkS {kss ijLijxrkS ;fn larkuflf)% &&&&Qynhfidk

If Jupiter, the lord of 5th house from Lagna and that of 5th house from Moon are placed in auspicious houses and the 5th house is aspected by its lord and benefics planets and the lords of auspicious houses ie

4th & 9th and in addition to this the lords of 6th, 8th & 12th should not be aspecting the 5th house Further, Lagna lord and 5th lord should be conjunct or have mutual eXchange or there should be mutual aspect between Lagna lord and 5th lord All these Yogas prove conducive for child birth 2.6.2 As per Sarvarth Chintamani and as per Sugam Jyotish

As per Sarvarth Chintamani

If any auspicious planet is placed in 5th house, aspects 5th house or 5th lord is in its own sign the native is blessed with sons. If 5th house or 5th lord is aspected by Jupiter or else any benefic planet is placed in 5th house or aspects 5th house then the birth of male child is confirmed. If powerful Jupiter aspected by Lagna lord is 5th lord then the native begets one son. If powerful 2nd lord aspected by Jupiter is in 5th house. If Lagna lord and 5th lord are conjunct or aspect each other or there is mutual exchange between these two. Lagna lord and 5th lord are in Kendras and conjunct with benefics and the 2nd house lord is powerful. The lord of Navamsa is conjunct with 5th lord and aspected by or conjunct with benefic. Lagna lord is in 7th house, 9th lord in 7th and 2nd lord in Lagna then all these Yogas promise the birth of son. Lagna lord is in 5th house, 5th lord is powerful and significator Jupiter is also strong then the birth of male child is confirmed. If Navamsa lord is conjunct with 7th lord, aspected by 9th lord, 2nd lord or Lagna lord the child birth is confirmed. 5th edition of Santansukh: Sarvaang Chintan (2014) by Mridula Dwivedi (13) describes the following Yogas from various astrological texts

As per Sugam Jyotish

If Pisces, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio sign falls in 5th house from Lagna or Moon and there is any planet placed in 5th house then the native has few sons and if there is no planet in this house then the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son. If sun is plced in 5th house is in stationary sign then the elder son might get destroyed. If Mars in 5th house is aspected by enemy planet or placed in enemy sign or in its sign of debilitation or conjunct with malefics then the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son. When Mercury is in 5th house the native begets children but if it is combust or aspected by malefic then the progeny gets destroyed. If Jupiter is placed in 5th house the native is prosperous and has several learned sons. If Saturn in 5th house in the sign of enemy then all sons get destroyed however the exalted and powerful Saturn helps in begetting one son after lot of difficulty and delay. Rahu in 5th house denotes unhappy son. If Rahu is in Cancer in 5th house the child birth is confirmed. Ketu in 5th house is not good for children and the native is devoid of education and knowledge. The number of Rashi in 5th house denotes the number of children or the number of planets aspecting 5th house also determines the number of children. If 5th house is aspected by male planets the native begets male children. If Moon and Venus are placed in 5th house and malefics in 11th house then the first issue is female. If 5th house is occupied/ aspected by its lord then the native begets children otherwise the issue comfort is weak. If Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces signs are there in 5th house the native begets lot of children and the 1st issue is female. If there are several powerful malefics in 5th house and the 5th house is owned by a malefic planet not aspected by any benefic the native is devoid of son. If 5th lord is combust or loses its strength because of malefics the child birth is denied and if the children are born then they do not live long. If the malefic lord of 5th not aspected by Jupiter is placed in 5th, 6th or 12th the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son. If Mars, Saturn or Rahu are in 5th or 11th the child birth gets delayed. The placement of debilitated Jupiter in 5th house results into the demise of children and the same result can be expected from the Jupiter of Pisces sign in 5th whereas the presence of a malefic planet in 9th house also reduces the longevity of son. If there is a malefic planet in 5th house from Jupiter then it destroys son however if it is the house of a

benefic planet then the malefic planet yields auspicious results. If Mars is the lord of 5th house then the son dies after birth at times. If Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu are placed in 5th house then the first wife of the native does not beget a male children and the native has to remarry for begetting a son. If 5th lord does not aspect 5th house the native gets worries from son. notorious, poor, unhappy sons having abnormal body with the eXcessive flaw of attachment esks lqrLFks yHkrs euq;ks k;s.k iqku fofo/kkaLrFkk p wjku lq[kksukfUo rkuiR;ku ek;kuqjku dqpfj;qku

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 1

If there is sign Aries in 5th house the native begets cruel, unhappy, his daughters are fortunate, attractive, dutyful and religious

Gemini in 5th House u;qXejkkkS frekxgLFk vkIuksR;iR;kfu cykfUorkfu

xq.kkf/kdkfu Hk;k ;qrkfu jE;kf.k ok khylefUorkfu

T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 38

If there is sign Gemini in 5th house the native begets powerful, virtuous, shining, very attractive and decent children

rrh;jkkkS lqrxs euq;: kIuksR;iR;kfu euksgjkf.k lqkhy;qkfu xq.kkf/kdkfu Hkklesrkfu cykf/kdkfu

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 3

If there is sign Gemini in 5th house the native begets very attractive, decent, multi talented, stunning and strong children

Cancer in 5th House

ddsaZ uUnuxsvFk ok lqr;qr% khrLoHkko% Lejj% kIr;kksvf/kdks jrtyhMp ;ksfkfR;%

T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 381

If there is sign Cancer in 5th house the native begets ambitious, humble, famous, wealthy sons or the native is decent, popular, passionate, fond of water games, favorite of females and has several sons ddsZ lqrLFks tu;sUeuq;: iqku fl)ku lqrykylkap foLrh.kZdhrhZp egkuqHkkoku /kusu ;qku fou;su ;qku gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 4

If there is sign Cancer in 5th house the native begets several famous, rich and very decent sons who are fond of begetting sons

Leo in 5th House exsUHks uUnuHks lqrhozk ;kskklwrk: {kq/k;k lesrk ukalHkkok: iyoYyHkkp dkUR;k foghuk: ijnskHkkt% T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 382

If there is sign Leo in 5th house the native begets sons having firy nature who have several sons, strong appetite and cruel nature They are non vegetarian, ugly looking and stay abroad flags lqrLFks tu;sUeuq;: wjLoHkkoku u;usu dkUrku ekalf;ku Lhtudku lqrhozku fonskHkktku {kq/k;k lesrku gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd

If there is sign Leo in 5th house the native begets sons having rude nature who have several sons, pretty

eyes and cruel nature They are non vegetarian, and have hungry children staying abroad Virgo in 5th House ikFkksvuukEU;kRetefUnjkfJrs HkofUr dU;kLru;SfoZoftZrk% f;k/kokuka nqfjrP;qrk: lnk ;Fkk xYHkk okHkwk.kf;k%

T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 383 dU;k ;nk iapexk rnk L;q: dU;k ujk.kka ru;SfoZghuk% ifrf;k: iq.;ijk: xYHkk: kkUrikik: f;Hkwk.kkp (gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 6

If there is sign Virgo in 5th house the native is devoid of son and he begets a daughter who is very talented, holy, earns lot of Punya, fond of ornaments She is loved by her spouse Libra in 5th House ;L;ksiyC/kkS tuus kVdZks f;k;qrkfu L;qjiR;dkfu tUrks: lqkhykfu rFkk Lo#i;qkfu jE;kf.k lqfkf{krkfu T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 384 rqyk ;nk iapexk ujk.kka rnk lqkhykfu euksgjkf.k HkoUR;iR;kfu lq#idkf.k f;klesrkfu lqfkf{krkfua gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 7

If there is sign Libra Sign in 5th house the native gives birth to active, attractive and educated sons Scorpio in 5th House ljhlis ;L; ujL; lwrkS lwukS fo;ksukS lqHkxkLruwtk% L;q: Loh;/keZesvuqjrk: lqkhyk vkkLrFkk l.k;k vnkskk% (T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 385 dhVs lqrLFks tu;sf};ksukS iqkUeuq;ku lqHkxku lqkhyku vKkrnksk.k .k;su ;qkUlnkuqjku futxks/kesaZ gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 8

If there is sign Scorpio Sign in 5th house the native gives birth to decent, dutiful, decent, wealthy, affectionate, innocent, fortunate and obedient sons who follow femily traditions religiously Sagittarius in 5th House rqjaxtaks ru;ky;ksixs iqalka fofpk g;ekxZiskyk grkfji{kk uiekula;qrk: lsokf;k: dkeqZdp;Zdk% lqrk%

T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 386 pkis lqrLFks tu;sUeuq;: lqrku fofpku g;ekxZn{kku /kuqdp;kZu {krkqi{kku lsokf;ku ikfFkZoekuiqVku gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 9

If there is sign Sagittarius Sign in 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are smart horse riders, eXpert in art of war, powerful in front of enemies, protected by king and fond of service Capricorn in 5th House ,.kkuus psn f/kk.kky;kfJrs uiqalHkkok: f;rkfooftZrk% xrHkkokp ekkkcq);: lqrk: dq#ik vfrfuBqjk erk% (T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 387@ exslqrLFks tu;sUeuq;: iqkUexs ikierhu dq#iku dyhoLoHkkoku foxrHkkoku lqfuBqjku f{kfooftZrkap

(gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 10@

If there is sign Capricorn in 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are weak, impotent, rude, slow, and inactive, wicked and lack influence and energy Aquarius in 5th House kVkfHk/kkus euqefUnjfLFkrs dVlwrkLru;k cgqJqrk% lqkf;qk: fLFkjrklefUork xaHkhjpsVkp fouVuUnuk% (T;ksfrkrRoe, v/;k; 27] yksd 388@ dqEHks lqrLFks fLFkjrklesrku xEHkhjpsVku efrlR;;qku iqkUeuq;ks tu;sRfl)kUuVkRetku dVe;ku lwrku (gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 11@

If there is sign Aquarius in 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are famous, very powerful, sincere, truthful and intelligent and they face problems in begetting sons Pisces in 5th House lafofUudsrsvfufeks ruwHkrka HkofUr iqk% lxnk: ldYikk% vEHkhjrk gkL;;qrk: l#idkLrFkk vYioh;Z;k okxk% Lo;ksfkrke (T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k; 27] yksd 389 ehus lqrLFks lfyykuqjku iqkUeuq;ka yHkrs vYioh;kZu jksxkrqjku iki;qrkuq#iku lqgkL;rka Lhokoku lnSo (gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] yksd 12@

If there is sign Pisces in 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are weak, wicked, suffer from diseases, love water games, fond of laughter, If the 5th lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th the native is devoid of sons. If 5th lord is combust, afflicted by malefics or weak then the native does not beget son. If he happens to get by chance then also a child dies shortly. If 5th lord is in 6th house conjunct with lagna lord Mars then the 1st issue dies and his wife turns sterile. If 5th lord is debilitated and placed in bad houses i.e. 6, 8, 12 and 5th house is occupied by Ketu, Mercury then also she turns sterile. If debilitated 5th lord does not aspect 5th house and Saturn, Mercury are placed in 5th house then also it is a Yoga which can make her sterile. If 9th lord is in Lagna, 5th lord is debilitated and the 5th house is occupied by Ketu, Mercury then the native begets son after putting in lot of effort. If 5th lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12 house or occupies its enemy sign or sign of debilitation then also the birth of son requires lot of efforts. 1st edition of BrihatparasharHorashastram (2012) by Pt. Devchandra Jha(19) gives following commetary on the placement of 5th lord in first 5 houses lqrsks ruqxs lwfjjU;fokkigkjd% i.k: dqfVypkSo lqrlkS[;kfUorks tu% lqrsks /kuxsvusd&lw uq/kZu;kksvfUor: ekuh LhoYyHkks tkr: dqVqEcifjikyd% lqrsks rq rrh;LFks tkr: L;kn HkkroYyHk% ek;koh fikqupkSo ekrlkS[;kfUor: lnk y{eh;q% lqcqf)p lfpoksvI;Fok xq#% lqrsks lqrxs lkS E;&;qs dkr: lqrkfUor%

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native is thankless, wicked, learned and devoid of sons In 2nd house it gives several sons and the native is wealthy, famous and popular among females Its placement in 3rd house makes the native fond of brothers, elusive, sychophant, miser and selfish In 4th house it makes the native

have lucky mother He is rich, intelligent, secretary or a Guru Its placement in 5th house in conjunction with benefic planets blesses the native with lucky sons where as its conjunction with malefics deprives him from male child If there is Pisces sign in 5th house then the native is fond of water games, less effortful, patient, sinner, the native might have adopted son and son is enemy In 7th house the native is religious, philanthropic and begets sons Its placement in 8th house makes the native suffers from breathlessness, he is short tempered, unhappy and does not get much happiness from sons If 5th lord is placed in 9th house the son of the native is a king, he himself is an author and famous in the family Its placement in 10th house can make the native a king and his reputation remains intact and he enjoys all sorts of comforts 5th lord in 11th house not only gives several sons but it makes the native learned, rich, the mere Darshana of whom is pleasing The native is well versed in all the Shastras and Vedas and remains involved in performing auspicious activities always ruqLFks lqrsk tukS fo.kqHk% fl)% HkwrkRetks eafl)%A

lqfokjfr: kqHkxsife% lqdekZxajkxS;qZr% kkLoskk lqlax Jqfrfon xhrKkrk kksHkufoxzg%A kkr;q% lqikup lqekup lqekul%AA

T;ksfrkrRoe v/;k;&27] 352&353

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native is devotee of Lord Vishnu, famous, has several sons, attains mantra siddhi, fond of eXcellent education, defeated by enemies, does not have good friends, remains involved auspicious activities, well versed in Shastras, enjoys the association of decent people, well versed Vedas and Music, has nice body, remains happy, has beautiful mind and beautiful heart and enjoys good food

larkuis dYixrsFkokuts ek;klesr% ijnksklwpd%A

u Dokfi yksVa nnrs tuk; l dysojh dkSa fo.kL; dk dFkkA

T;ksfrkrRoe v/;k;&27&354

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna or 3rd house the native is elusive, fault finder and does not give anything to anybody and there is no question of giving money yXuxr% iapei% fl)eLrksdruqdfyreA kkLksfona xhrfona lqdeZf.k ija uja dq#rsAA (gksjkjRue] v/;k;&7] 1

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native is very famous, has giant body, learned in shastra, v/;k;&27] 355&356

If 5th lord is placed in 2nd house the native does not get angry but there remains tension in the family He gets excellent education, best quality vehicle, good drinks, satisfaction, self realisation and good food If an auspicious planet is 5th lord the native belongs to a beautiful place, suffers from mental torture, has decent son, well versed in singing and earns money from notorious people If malefic planet is 5th lord the native is poor, enjoys inherited wealth, destroys wealth, enjoys all sorts of comforts and becomes enemy of the family

ujL; ;L;ks)o vkReukFks fu/kkuHks fuO;FkZuky;s okA ks/ksu ;qks u lq[kh lfok: lokldklks cgqiq;q%AA ( T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27]357

If 5th lord is placed in 2nd or 8th house the native is short tempered, rich, does not have comforts, suffers from the problem of breathlessness and has several sons

iapeifr/kZuLFk% wj% [kpjks /kuksfTra dq#rsA xhrkfndkO;dfyra dVHkqta LFkkudojeAA (gksjkjRu] v/;k;&7@2@

If a cruel 5th lord is placed in 2nd house the native is devoid of wealth however well versed in music, he is humble, earns money from the king, speaks nicely, kind hearted, eloquent, enjoys the association of a beatiful women, a landlord, traveller, influential and gets affection from friends ru; ifr% lgtxr% lqe/kqjokd lqcU/kqtufofnreA dq#rs lqrkaLrnh;ku ru;k% ifjiky;fUr rncU/kwuAA (gksjkjRu] v/;k;&7&3

If 5th lord is in 3rd house the native speaks softly and sweetly He is famous among his friends The responsibilities of his sons are carried by the sons of his kith and kin If a benefic planet is 5th lord the native gets children in a very young age He shall have good relations with rich, attains lot of wealth, and enjoys association of mother for a long time and happiness This native earns lot of money from agriculture; he is intelligent, does not get benefitted from hard work, confident, devotee of father and donates gifts to poets But if the 5th lord is a malefic planet the native opposes his father ikrkyxrLru;skks fujr% firdeZf.k ikfyr% firuA tuuh Hka dq#rs wjLrq fokksf/kra firfjAA gksjkjRue v/;k;&7&4

If 5th lord is place in 4th house the native remains engaged in carrying activities which are similar to that of his father Means the native would be a replica of his father in his thoughts, has several sons and famous among very famous people /khks /khLFks llwuq% lqopudqkqyksu;kXukuka lqgklS% la;qks ok foyklSoZjtufofnr% L;knuksKks euksK%A uks ihuks uks nfj% dq;qofrlfgr% kfoUekU;qnkj% Kkoku wjHkkkh {kf.kd mr Hkoh /kkfEeZdksU;ksidkjhAA tkrdks euqtJsBLrL; Loksjfl laHko%A uks thosUnu% dsfpfnR;kgqxZ.kdkske%AA (T;ksfrkrRoe, v/;k;&27] 362&363

The native having 5th lord in 5th house is an expert in delivering excellent dialogues, enjoys the association of spouses of others, popular among decent people, manufacturer of vehicles, has beautiful body with fat, wealthy, spouse of bad woman, respectable, kind hearted, intelligent, religious, co&operative, speaks rudely, has feeble mind and his son does not live for long ru; xrLru;ifreZfreUra ekfuua opudqkyeA lqrdfyra dVtufo[;kra oSa ekuoa dq#rsAA gksjkjRue] v/;k;&7] 5

The native having 5th lord in 5th house is intelligent, proud, eloquent, and popular among famous people and has a son

If 5th lord in 5th house is a favorable position for begetting children because 5th house denotes past life Punya, intelligence which certainly yields complete result He attains blessings of God and his children are prosperous The results turn opposite in the situation of malefic influence on 5th lordtkrdlR;kpk;Z 5th lord in 6th house iapeifrp kBs kq;qra ekughua pA

jksx;qra /kujfgra wj [kpj% djksfr ujeAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 6

The native having 5th lord in 6th house remains surrounded by enemies, he is not respected anywhere He is patient and poor These result are generally obtained when 5th lord is malefics pksjs fpnhks fjiqoxZHkhfr;qks foHkkO;% lqruq% dqyhu%A uwRuks xfjB% lqcy% lqtki% lqkhy;qLruqrka lesfrAA vlR[kxsUs cgqrnksk;q% kLf;: laguuksfRFkrksu%A vjkfr;qd wjrjks kxs jksxkfUorks eku/kusu eq%AA T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27] 364&365

The native having 5th lord in 6th house suffers from a fear of enemy He is attractive, belongs to a noble family, very powerful, speaks sweetly, decent and has lean body If 5th lord is malefic the native has several flaws, loves weapons, devoid of son, has enemies, cruel by nature, has strong body, childless or the children die shortly or suffer from some incurable disease If there is Yoga for adopting a child then it is quite probable that he might adopt the son of maternal uncle tkrdlR;kpk;Z 5th lord in 7th house

ru;irkS lIrexs Lolqrk% lqHkxkp nsoxq#Hkk%A f;okfnuh lqkhyk ujL; uuq tk;rs nf;rkAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 7

The native having 5th lord in 7th house begets several attractive sons who are matchless devotees of God, Brahmins and Gurus His spouse is also beatiful, sweet spoken, decent and eminent fpkksRFkxs fpRi mnxznsg% lRdeZe;qd lR;opk mnkj%A

LoLokfeHk;k lfgr% kjhjh ekuh lq/khj% fLFkjekulpAA

rL;kXuk lqtukhyorh lq:ik ;qk lquUnuxq.kS% lqHkxk iqjU/kzhA

oSos jrk futifrf{kfrnsonsoHkkS jrk kdVh f;okfnuh pAA

T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27] 367&368

The native having 5th lord in 7th house has giant body, he performs pious deeds, is truthful, generous, has lot of patience and stable mind His spouse is beautiful who has capable and virtuous sons She is fortunate, loyal and devoted to her husband, Brahmin and Gods Her waste is thin and she speaks softly ru; irkS lIrexs llqrk lqHkxkFkZnsoxq#HkkA f;okfnuh lqkhyk ujL; tk;rs nf;rkAA gksjkjRue] v/;k;&7@7

The native having 5th lord in 7th house has beautiful wife and son She is attractive, wealthy and fortunate and devotee of Guru and God She is decent and speaks softly If 5th lord placed in 7th house is under the influence of benefic planets then it is probable that the sons of the native might get migrated abroad The native is famous, fortunate and has several children The native is religious and respectable in society and honored by officers If 5th lord is under the influence of malefic Yogas then the native might have several sons but they wont live long It is also probable that his son staying abroad might die(tkrdlR;kpk;Z) 5th lord in 8th house lqris fu/kuxgLFks dVqokD;ks Hkk;Z;k;rks HkofrA lO;Xp.MkCnk% lgtkLru;k HkofUr rFkkAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 8

The native having 5th lord in 8th house speaks rudely, nobody likes him, does not have spouse, his brothers and sons all are expert in delivering sharp satirical dialouges In nutshall all people around him turn against him because of the satirical speech of brothers and sons ;kE;s /khks foyTtks foxrruq/kuks yC/koSdYinkskks fuxsZgks uhplaxh Fkelqrfo;qx Hkk.Ml% dqok.khA

L;kPpkSjks eUnHkkxh foerfuto/kwHkkZ;Z;;k ok foghulrL;o;xp uVk% lgtlqrutkp/yp.MdkfUr%AA T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27] 369

The native having 5th lord in 8th house is shameless, poor, stays in bad company does not have first son, healthy body, wealth, fond of comedy, thief, unfortunate, does not speak softly, not respected by spouse and has feeble mind and shining personality, his brothers and sons get destroyed lqris fu/kuxgLFks dqfRlrokxafu;efL;ks Hk.Mk%A uVO;ax% lgtkLru;k vfi laHkofUr rFkk (gksjkjRue v/;k;&7] 8

The native having 5th lord in 8th house speaks bad language, makes fun of females, worshiped by kings, very attractive, loves theatre and drama /khks kxs iq.;jr% lqcks/kfokfUorks xfrjr% lq:i%A ujsknkkojFkS:isrks fo,;krdhfrZ% f{kfrikyiwT;%AA /khLrhFkZR;s ;frjkRecks/ks lqfl)ihBs xfrjhkHkkSA jfr% lesrLrilk leLrkkLkFkZoskk l rq ukVdK%AA T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27]370&371

The native having 5th lord in 9th house remains involved in auspicious deeds, well versed in excellent education and music The native is attractive, enjoys the horses and chariots gifted by king He is very famous, respected by king, goes on pilgrimage, attains salvation and visits shrines He is matchless devotee of God, practices strenous asceticism He is well versed in Shastric knowledge and theatrical practices cU/kikys ifrHks ins ok dqynhiksL; lqr% fl)%A xzUFkL; drkZ ujukFkrqY;ksylksfTrLrhFkZdjLruwHkrAA T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27] 372

The native having 5th lord in 9th or 10th house is most brilliant in his family He is equivalent to a king in reputation This native is not lazy, he is fond of going on pilgrimage and has a very famous son lqfrxrLru;ifr% lqcks/kfoa dfoa lqxhrKeA uiiwftra lq:ia ukVdjflda uja dq#rsAA gksjkjRue v/;k;&7] 9

The native having 5th lord in 9th house the native is attractive, mature, learned, poet, musician, honoured by king and fond of theatre iqsks uoea ;krs kksHkua leqhfjreA rSo kqHk;ksxpsr rfRirk dhfrZeku HkosrAA /kfeZBks /keZPpkfir tkrs /kueokIuq;krA nsokuqxzgrksokfi /kfulEcarksFkokAA nsok;ru lsokrks okfi rL; /kua HkosrA

The native having 5th lord in 9th house is an auspicious combination for begetting progeny and his father is a reputed person who remains engaged in charitable activity The native earns lot of money with the blessings of god, temple or reputed personality If the lord of 5th house is under the influence of malefic yogas then the native suffers because of divine wrath, earns money from the king, gets happiness from mother, remains engaged in garden and water related activities, honoured by learned people of good class He is happy, has attatchment with female, stays abroad, practices sincerely, loves gambling He is close to god inspite of having tremendous attachment in worldly affairs lqrifrjEcj;krks uidekZ.ka uikRdfyrfoHkoeA lRdeZjra oja tuuhrlq[kkkara dq#rsAA gksjkjRue] v/;k;&7]10 0

The native having 5th lord in 10th house is favourite of king and gets wealth from king, remains engaged auspicious deeds, gives all sorts of happiness to his motherThe native having 5th lord in 10th house under the influence of benefic yogas attains a lot of wealth and renovates temples, lodges etc, establishes religious

organisations and performs auspicious activities like Yagya and Pooja etc if 5th lord is associated with Sun the native is a clerk or officer engaged in correspondence work in some secret department of government (tkrd lR;kpk;Z) iqsks nka ;krs iq.;Rl Hkfo;frA /keZkkykefUnjk.kka th.kksZ)kjekpjrAA ;kxkfn kqHkdekZf.k nsoiwtkfn pkpjsrAA

The native having 5th lord in 10th house is a favourite of king and gets wealth from king, remains engaged auspicious deeds, well versed in music and enjoys all comforts like a king yC/kkS erhks uioakrqY;% Hkwriqks ujukFkykHkhA Hkksxh lqxhrkfndyklesrks foHkq% lqoklk tuoYyHk% L;krAA O;ioks xzaUFkdjp kwjks /kuh lqn{k% lqlqPp ekusA lalpskk: freq[;ekU;ks feVkUuikukfnof.kfD;kK%AA T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27] 375&376]

If the lord of 5th house is in 11th house then the native belongs to a royal family, has several sons, earns gains from the king, expert in music and other arts, capable, has good quality clothes, popular, innocent, author, brave, wealthy, very clever, has good friends, famous because of professional excellence, gets into the business of betel leaves and sweets lqrukFks ykHkLFks kwj% lqroku lqR;R;nHkksxhA xhrkfndykdfyrks uiykHkh tk;rs tkr%AA gksjkjRue] v/;k;&7] 11]

If the lord of 5th house is in 11th house then the native is brave, has several sons, remains engaged in Punyas, enjoys all wordly pleasures, a native having benefic 5th lord does not remain devoid of son but necessarily suffers from the anguish because of son easksUR;s eUeFkh ekuoxkZ:% lkSE;s lkRetpkU;nsksA lkS[;ksisr% kUR;nq%[kh O;;kKksks iqksu% iqlUrkiHkkd pAA

T;ksfrkrRoe] v/;k;&27]377

If the lord of 5th house is in 12th house the native is passionate, famous among decent people If 5th house lord is benefic the native has sons, 6, 10, 12) and the significator of son Jupiter is also strong then the native might have several children

2.6.7 Brihatparashar&Horashastram (2015) interpreted by by Dr Sureshchandra Mishra (21) gives following commetary on the placement of 5th lord in 12 houses

5th Lord in Lagna lqrsks yXuxs tkrks fo}ku iqlq[kkfUor%A dn;ksZofpkpO;laxzgrRij%AA cgRikjkkjgksjk kkL] v/;k; 25 yksd 44

If lord of 5th house is in Lagna the native is learned, notorious, selfish, accumulates wealth and has several sons

5th lord in 2nd house lqrsks /kuHkkoLFks cgqiqh /kukfUor%A dqVqEcikskdks ekuh yksdoYyH;la;qr%AA (cgRikjkkjgksjk kkL, v/;k; 25 yksd 45

If 5th lord is in 2nd house the native has several sons and lot of wealth and a very big family The native is generous, proud and popular

5th lord in 3rd house

lqrqks lgtLFks rq tk;rs lksnjf;%A ek;kijks foftgop Lokdk;Zfujr% lnkAA

If 5th lord is in 3rd house the native is attached to his brothers He is selfish and elusive

5th lord in 4th house

lqrsks ekrHkous fpjekrlq[kh /kuhA y{eh;q% lqcqf)p lfpoksI;Fkok xq#%AA (cgRikjkkjgksjk kkL, v/;k; 25 yksd 47

If 5th lord is in 4th house the native enjoys the association of mother for a long time This native is wealthy, learned, minister or a Guru 5th lord in 5th house

lqrsks iapes ;L; rL; iqk HkofUr fgA {kf.kd% wj Hkkkh p /kkfeZdks efreku HkosrAA 48AA

If 5th lord is in 5th house the native begets several sons This native gets angry very quickly and retrieves its back very quickly, speaks rudely, is religious and intelligent 5th lord in 6th house

lqrsks fjiqHkkoLFks iq% kqleks Hkosr eriqksa xzkiqks /ku iqksFkok HkosrAA49AA

If 5th lord is in 6th house the health of children does not remain good The native is fortunate and his maternal uncle adopts him 5th Lord in 7th House lqrsks dkexs ekuh loZ/keZ lefUor%A

rqax;fV% lqiqp rstLoh Hkfeku uj%AA50

If 5th lord is in 7th house the native is proud, religious, has healthy body and stunning personality The native is a devotee of God and has capable sons 5th lord in 8th house

lqrsks jU/kzxs tkr% LoYiiqlq[kkfUor%A dkloklh p ks/kh p, fokoSks /kukfUor%AA

cgRikjkkjgksjk kkL] v/;k; 25 yksd 51

If 5th lord is in 8th house the son of native does not have issue comfort and he suffers from cough, asthma and anger The native is wealthy and a doctor

5th lord in 9th house

lqrsks uoes iqks Hkwiks ok HkwilfUuHk%A

Lo;a ok xzaFkdrkZ p iq% L;kRdqynhid%AA

cgRikjkkjgksjk kkL, prolific, highly skilled, wealthy and has several sons 5th lord in 12th house

O;;xs iapek/khks tkr% iq lq[kksfTr%A

kqHka kqHkp la;q Hkfeku vYiiqoku AA

(cgRikjkkjgksjk kkL] v/;k; 25 yksd 55

If 5th lord is in 12th house the native is brave, remains sympathetic towards friends and sons, well versed in music and other arts but has few sons

2.6.8 Vedic Rules available for Prediction for child birth as per Dasha and Transit

The 2nd edition of Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (5) gives the following formula for knowing that when a native shall get blessed with the child birth yXuk/khk% iqukFksu ;ksxa LoksPps LodZks pkjxR;k lesfr iqkfIr% L;kknk yXuukFk% iq{ka ok ;kfr /khkkIrHka ok

When Lagna lord transits with 5th lord, enters into its sign of exaltation or own sign then the native begets a son If Lagna lord transits into 5th house or that house where 5th lord is placed then this also generates the opportunity for child birth foyXudkekRetuk;dkuka ;ksxkRlekuh; nkka egk[;ke lqrLFkr}h{kdrRirhuka nkkigjskq lqrksHko: L;kr

Add Rashi, Ansh, Kala, Vikala of Lagna lord, 7th lord & 5th lord and see what Rashi, Ansh, Kala, Vikala comes and check that this value falls under which Nakshatra When the Mahadasha of the lord of this Nakshatra comes then it proves conducive for child birth in the Antardasha of any of the following ie the planet occupying 5th house, planet aspecting 5th house or 5th lord

2.6.9 The 2nd edition of Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (6) gives the following formula for knowing that when a native shall get blessed with the child birth & lqrifrxqoksZFkZok r;qjk;akdkf/kikuka ok cylfgrL; nkk;keigkjs ok lqrkfIr%

The Dasha/ Antardasha of the most powerful planet out of 5th lord, the dispositor of 5th lord, the dispositor of 5th lord in Navamsa, Jupiter, dispositor of Jupiter, the dispositor of 5th lord, the dispositer of fifth lord in navmansha, Jupiter, dispositer of Jupiter in navmansha proves condusive for child birth.

RefThe second edition of Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini (1988) by gopesh kumar ojha (7)

2.The birth of son should possibly take place in the dasha or antardasha of any of the following planets 1)the lord of the ascendant,2)the lord of the 7th house,3)the lord of the fifth house,4)jupiter,5)the planet aspecting the 5th house,6)the planet occupying the fifth house

Ref: Matters relating to birth of children 25/manteshwaras phal Deepika/pg 143

3.Add the longitudes of (1the lord of ascendant, (2) the lord of the 7th house, and (3) the lord of the 5th house.During the course of major period represented by the owner of the nakshatra resulting from the sum total of longitudes of the above planets and in the sub period of any of the following planets will the birth of a son (children) take place

The planet occupying the 5th house

The planet aspecting the 5th house

The lord of the 5th house

Ref: Matters relating to birth of children 27/manteshwaras phal Deepika/pg 144

4.In the dasha/antardasha of Ascendant, 7th lord, 5th lord or Jupiter, the planet aspecting 5th house, planet placed in 5th house are auspicious for child birth

Ref: Santan bhav adhyay/acharya manteshwar phal Deepika/author suresh Chandra mishra pg 138

5.In the dasha /antardasha of jupiter/5th lord,dispositor of jupiter or the lord of navmansha which ever is stronger,the native is blessed with son. Ref: Santan bhav adhyay/acharya manteshwar phal Deepika/author suresh Chandra mishra pg 139

6.The house which is fifth, 9th from Jupiter, lagna, moon are considered for progeny, that why in the dasha/antardasha of these house lords, child happening is promised. Ref: pancham shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881

7.Add the longitudes of 5th and 7th lord, in the dasha of rashi (nakshatra) representing the total is

considered fruitful for child birth. Ref: pancham shasht bhav phal /jatak parijata

8.5th house lord.jupiter, planet aspecting fifth house, planet placed in 5th house, dashas /antardashas of all these if auspicious in kundali are condusive for child birth. Ref: pancham shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881ConclusionAfter going through these rules and talking to many expert astrologers, we came to a conclusion that dasha of house lords especially 5th house lord should be studied. Impact of dasha of planet aspecting fifth house or 5th lord should be analyzed. Jupiter considered karak of progeny should be deeply considered for all its dasha /antardashas. 9th house lord and 9th house being 5th from 5th (bhavat bhavam) should be studied. So we thought and planned to study the following dasha parameters. 2.8 All the transit rules that we got from astrological books and texts

1.When the jupiter passes through 5th house bestows servants ,meritorious acts(or auspicious rituals),sons,elephants,horses,bulls,gold ,houses in town,marriage with a young women,garments,gems and a number of virtues such as learning and valour. Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1Gochar phaldeepika, page 154, authorU.S Pulppani

2.When Jupiter passes through 2nd from janam rashi, there will be child birth in family.The native gets money from many corners.His knowledge improves in many ways. Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1Gochar phaldeepika, page 155, authorU.S Pulppani

3.When Jupiter passes through 5th from janam rashi, the native get back his relatives. He gets status. His respect improves. He gets a child (Male) does work too some extent

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1Gochar phaldeepika, page 155, authorU.S Pulppani

4.When jupiter passes through 7th house from moon sign,the native gets land,child birth.He gets woman,gold and his house is filled with grains.He also gets new vehicles. This rule does work too some extent

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1Gochar phaldeepika, page 156, authorU.S Pulppani

5.When Jupiter passes through 9th from janam rashi, the native gets children and women of his choice pleasurable to him.He gets gain of finance and status. This Vedic text does not work as per our research. Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1Gochar phaldeepika, page 156, authorU.S Pulppani

6. Add the longitudes of the lord of fifth house in natal chart, Jupiter, planet placed in fifth, planets aspecting 5th.Find the navmanshaof this yoga.Whenever Jupiter transits in that navmansha or trine of that navmansa, the native is blessed with a child/son. Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1Gochar phaldeepika, page 156, authorU.S Pulppani

7. When Jupiter passes through in transit the triangular sign to the sign occupied by the lord of 5th or yamkantaka, birth of a son may also be expected. Ref: Matters relating to birth of children, manteshwaras phaldeepika, pg 143

8.The birth of a son is likely to take place, when the lord of the ascendant during his transit (1) gets into conjunction with the lord of the 5th house, (2) passes through his sign of exaltation or (3) occupies his own sign passing through in his transit of the ascendant through the 5th house or the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th is also an opportune period for the birth of children. Ref: Matters relating to birth of children, manteshwaras phaldeepika, pg 143

9.Find out the sign of 5th from Jupiter and the sign and navmansha of its lord.When the Jupiter in transits triangular to that sign or navmansha, the birth of a son may be predicted. Ref: Matters relating to birth of children, manteshwaras phaldeepika, pg 143

10. Find out the lord of the nakshatra occupied by the moon and that of the 5th from it.Add the longitudes

of the two planets.When Jupiter passes in transit through the sign represented by the result or through one of its triangular ones. Ref: Matters relating to birth of children, manteshwaras phaldeepika, pg 144

11. When in transit lord of house 1 and lord of house 5 transit together or form any kind of relation like one way or mutual aspect, or ascendant lord or 5th lord transit in their own sign or sign of exaltation. Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 138

12.The birth of a child is also promised when ascendant lord transits in 5th house sign or 5th lord transits in its own sign. Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 138

13.When Jupiter transits in navmansha or rashi of 5th lord or natal Jupiter or trine of these, there is high possibility of child birth.Some scholars also believe that this should be valid for navmansha of 5th lord from Jupiter. Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 139

14.Add the mahadasha lord at the time of birth and the dashalord of 5th dasha from natal mahadasha,we get a zodiac sign,whenever jupiter transits in the trine 1,5,9 of this rashi,child birth is said to be promised. Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 139

2.9 During the course of this research we also did some expert interactions where we got to know what most astrologers look for when they predict child birth through transit

1.In transit when lagna lord is with 5th lord

2.When lagna lord transits over 5th lord

3.When lagna lord transits over 5th house

4.The double transit impact ie the impact of Jupiter and Saturn of transit over 5th house, 5th lord, and significator of 5th house can result in child birth. 5.When the dasha lord transits the bhav madhya of 5th house, then child birth would take place. 6.If the dasha lord in transit aspects the bhav madhy of 5th house, the time is favourable for child birth. 7.When Jupiter transits over lagna/5th house or 9th house. 8.When 5th house lord transits over itself or 5th house or 5th lord

9.Another quick way to see the timing of child birth is transit of planets that control2nd, 5th and 11th house.When these planets transits in each others houses or transits together in any of these houses, it triggers child birth if mahadasha approves. 2.10 Role of Jupiter, Saturn

Mahadasha sets the time frame, Antardasha narrows the time frame and Jupiter/Saturn transit triggers the child birth Jupiter and Saturn play a major role in deciding some of the most important events in a persons life which also includes child birth and marriage. Anytime when Jupiter and Saturn either are placed in the 5th house or aspect the 5th house together, this is the final trigger in birth of a child. Jupiter and Saturn must look or sit in the 5th house simultaneously either in birth chart or D7 chart. Another quick way to see the timing of child birth is the transit of planets that control your 2nd, 5th and 11th house in each other houses. If lords of 2nd, 5th and 11th are transiting together in 2nd, 5th and 11th house can trigger child birth if the mahadasha approves. Chapter 3

Methodology and Procedure


3.1Statement of the Problem

The focus of the present study was to predict timing of childbirth in life. The scope of the study is to seek an answer for the question as to which planetary dasha and planetary transits affect a person positively for attaining child birth. The planetary dasha was studied on the basis of dasha lords lordship of house, placement in house, aspect on 12 houses, conjunction with other planets in houses, conjunction with planets and positioning in various signs etc. In transit impact of planetary transit at the time of child birth

was deeply analyzed on the basis of their lordship, placement, various planet transiting on various signs, house lords transiting in various signs, over house lords or houses etc. The main purpose was to establish rules and find which dasha and which transit indicate the best possibilities of attaining parenthood. The study is titled as:

Astrological Assessment of Timing of Child birth. 3.2Significance of the Study

The study will be of great benefit to aspiring parents. By checking the validity of age old Vedic rules which have been mentioned in our traditional texts through their practical application on natal horoscopes to predict the timing of birth. The main focus of study was to pinpoint particular dasha and planetary transits that favours childbirth. Many rules have been mentioned based on dasha and transit in traditional texts, still it is very difficult to predict child birth. Hence it becomes important to check the validity of astrological texts/rules available. This thesis will help me find out validations, negations of age old principles and help us find newer rules which can better corelate child birth, this will help in establishing a computerized basis for the timing of child birth to reduce the anxiety among couples trying to conceive to attain parenthood. 3.

3 Scope of the Study

The scope is to find the timing of birth of child in an individuals life. It does not include cases who dont have children. We have also not tried to find out whether an individual will have child/children or not. Our study focuses that if at all a child is born to a couple /individual, when will it be. In what period of dasha and transit in an individuals life a child is born. We have not tried to find the gender of children born to any couple. 3.4Limitations and Delimitations

This study encompasses only the predictive and not the preparatory part of horoscopy. Only nine traditional planets the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have been taken into account in this study. This study was delimited to the assessment of Lagna Chart, Moon Chart, Vimshottari Dashas and Transit. Only the horoscopes of natives who have attained parenthood were taken into consideration. Childbirth was taken as one happening, and no difference in application of rules were made to predict first, second or third child and so on. This study did not differentiate between males and females and considered child birth as a happening to an individual. 3.5Hypothesis

We have followed the sequence of Vimshottari Dashas and their periods as defined in the vedic texts. We have taken the the lordships/aspects of planets as mentioned in the texts. We have assumed that Dasha and Transit can define the timing of child birth. We have not assumed 5th lord/7th lord or any lord as significator of child birth and considered all house lords at par. We have not assumed any planet like jupter as the main significator of child birth and considered all planets at par to predict childbirth. We have considered all the houses as significator for child birth and did not assume any particular house like 5th or 7th to be the main significator. 3. 6

Design of the Study

This data included horoscopes of both males and females who were blessed with children and an indepth study was conducted on their natal charts as per their dasha and transit. We tried to map the similarities, validate the age old rules, and establish new rules as to which dasha and transit is important to achieve parenthood. Also it has been noted that some couples take much longer time to be blessed with a child, this can be due to various delay causing yogas, dashas and transit or the combination of these three in their horoscopes. Our study will focus on timing of child birth, hence will only incorporate dasha and transit. So we conducted a research that covered the astrological possibilities of timing of happening of child birth in an individuals horoscope, this can lead to lower stress levels and better management of time for any desiring couple. We took birth details (date/time and place of birth) of 1331 individuals including both

males and females and took the date of birth s of their children as well which totalled to 2315 cases of child birth. We analyzed their horoscope in the light of astrological texts and rules available to compare the actual happening. As in what dashas and transits actually impacted the birth of their child or which dasha and transit were in operation when the child birth happened in their life. 3.7 Data Collection and tools for analysis

Data collection

A detailed questionnaire was prepared which included birth details of parents and children. We were able to collect details for 2315 childbirths along with birth details of their parents and an indepth study was conducted on their natal charts as per their dasha and transit. We tried to map the similarities, validate the age old rules, establish new rules as to which dasha and transit is important to achieve parenthood. For the purpose of arriving at conclusive inferences, the research scholar undertook collection of data by meeting people, through phone calls and emails. Subjects were asked to submit their date, place and time of birth along with date and place of birth of their children. Many of these subjects were personally known to research scholar. The research scholar informed the subjects about the research work being carried out to establish a relationship between the astrological determinants and the happening of child birth in their life and to show the corelation. The details of the study were orally explained to the subjects. The date of birth, place of birth and time of birth was secured from the subjects. Those subjects whose details in this respect were doubtful were excluded from the study and only subjects with accurate information about their time, place and date of birth were included in the data. Tools used for Analysis

A detailed questionnaire was prepared which included birth details of parents and their biological children to collect the data. Astrology Software Leostar was used to cast horoscopes of the subjects. To cast the natal horoscope Lahiris Empemaries was used to calculate the longitudes of the planets. Results of individuals were concluded while applying the theories of old classical astrology. Extensive analysis was performed on the data set to check the validity of vedic texts in todays era and new findings were also corelated. 3.

8 Sample

As many 1331 individuals were approached through known sources. These individuals had one or more children. Hence the total child birth happening cases totaled to 2315. We conducted our research on these 2315 cases to analyses in what period of dashas and planetary transit did they achieve child birth. Out of these 1331 individuals some were couples and for some, only one partners accurate birth details could be collected. Hence we studied the happening of child birth in their life on individual basis. As to which dasha and transit favored happening of child birth in an individuals life. 3.9 Statistical procedures used Chi square test was performed on Dasha and transit results to find out whether it has any significance or not. Graphs were drawn for each and every group case study but since the values ewre not much different so an average graph for every group was also drawn to view the deviation from average. 3.10Rules Followed

The present study is based on the rules and principles written in old classical astrology books prevalent in northern India for predicting the forecoming incidents in life. There are certain books like Phaldipika, Brihad Prasharhara Hora Shastra, Jaimini Sutram, Maansagari, Manu Smriti, Nirnaya Sindhu, Jatak Parijat and others in which certain rules are laid down. On the basis of these fundamental principles to judge the horoscope in connection with houses, signs, transits of planets in different signs, periods, sub periods, subsub periods, constellations, aspects, degree of planets at the time of birth, planetary combinations, conjunction of planets, planets position in horoscope, planets placed in particular sign or in house,

astakvarga, peculiarities of zodical signs, planetary strength s(situations prevailing as magri, vakri, etc.) and Avasth as, judgement of Bhavas and some special Yoga. In these old astrology books the characteristics about all the planets, signs and nakshatras are written which are explained in the introductory part. Certain yogas have been framed while adopting these rules in the present study. Yoga in Sanskrit astrological nomenclature means special planetary combinations for the promise of child birth. In old classical astrology books some special dashas and transits indicate the possibility of a person begetting children on time. Such combinations require particular planets to be dasha lords at the time of child birth or particular planet/ planetary combination in transit to make the happening of child birth possible. While assessing the horoscopes of the target groups, the present study has applied and used the same rules from the old classical books and ventured to formulate these planetary combinations which indicated special combinations of planets for assessment of happening of child birth, dashas of particular planets which are related, significant for an individuals horoscope specially for matters pertaining to child birth. Also study of planet/planetary combinations and associations in transit for those achieved child birth, to extablish a basis for those who are still waiting to get blessed with the dignity of parenthood. Chapter 4 Analysis of Data as per Dasha System 159258038417500

To predict the timing of any event, as per vedic astrology it is believed that dasha and transit are the main deciding factors. In this chapter, we would be discussing the impact of dasha in the operation in a parents horoscope at the time of birth of their child. We find various rules in traditional texts which state that dasha is one of the key factors to be considered to predict happening of child birth in ones life. In this thesis we will mainly discuss the out comings of a research we conducted on 2315 child births happenings to 1331 individuals including males and females both. We analyzed the results by using the most authentic and most accepted vedic astrology software Leo Star Expert. After going the rough these rules and talking to many expert astrologers, We came to a conclusion that dasha of house lords specially 5th house lord should be studied. Impact of dasha of planet aspecting fifth house or 5th lord should be analyzed. Jupiter considered karak of progeny should be deeply considered for all its dasha /antardashas. 9th house lord and 9th house being 5th from 5th (bhavat bhavam) should be studied. So we th ought and planned to study the following dasha parameters. On the basis of Maha Dasha and Antardasha lord at the time of child birth

On the basis of house lordship of M.D / AD /P. D lord at the time of child birth . On the basis of positioning/placement of M.D / AD /P. D in the natal chart at the time of child birth

On the basis of conjunction of M.D / AD /P. D lord with other planets in the natal chart at the time of child birth

On the basis of Aspects of M.D / AD /P. D lord on various houses in the natal chart at the time of child birth

On the basis of Aspects of various house lords on M.D / A.D /P. D lord in the natal chart at the time of child birth

On the basis of Aspects of M.D / AD /P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart at the time of child birth

4. 1 Findings that favoured child birth /dashas in operation at the time of child birth

Graph 1Child birth under various mahadashas

Table 9 Total number of Childbirths in each MahaDasha

Graph 2Average child birth under various mahadashas

Clear Inferences from Graph 1, Graph 2 and Table 9

Mostly children were born under the mahadashas of Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. The variation shown in mahadasha is not real but because of period assigned to various mahadashas. Mahadasha of Ketu is 7 years, for venus it is 20 years, for sun it is 6 years, moon is of 10 year, mars is of again 7 years. Rahus mahadasha is of 18 years whereas that of Jupiter is 16 years and for Saturn it is 19 years and Mercury is of 17 years. Most of the parents born under the Mahadasha of Ketu and Venu at the time of birth s have their children in the mahadasha of sun. Basically parents born under more than one nakshatra are giving birth to children in one nakshatra, thats why the average children born under the mahadasha of sun is way higher. Same theory is for Rahu and Jupiter, Most parents born under the mahadasha of venus, moon and mars give birth to children in the mahadashas of Jupiter and sun Rahu And that is the sole reason for Mahadasha alone cannot indicate high possibility of child birth. Hence as mentioned in vedic texts mahadasha of Jupiter is most auspicious as Jupiter is considered the significator of fifth house does not validate as per our research. Graph3 Childbirth under various antardashas

Table 10tabular representation of the total number of cases in Dasha and antardasha combination. Graph 4 Child birth under various antardashas

Inferences that were found to give one of the best results for childbirth by studying graph 3 and 4 and Table 10

Combinations of Mahadasha and Antardashas that were fruitful for child birth

In the M.D of KetuAntardasha should be of mercury or venus

In the M.D of VenusAntardasha should be of mercury or saturn

In the M.D of SunAntardasha should be of mercury, rahu, jupiter or saturn

In the M.D of MoonAntardasha should be of Rahu

In the M. D of MarsAntardasha should be of saturn

In the M. D of RahuAntardasha should be of mercury and venus

In the M.D of JupiterAntardasha should be of jupiter and venus

In the M.D of SaturnAntardasha should be of saturn

In the M .D of MercuryAntardasha should be of mercury


In vedic texts it is said that most planets in their mahadasha antardasha combination dont give much results which does not seem validated considering points h and i. Mahadasha of sun is most favourable Antardasha of mercury is most favourable Pratyantardasha of sun is most favourable4. 2 On the basis of house lordship of M. d/ A. d/P. d lord

Graph 5On the basis of lordship of mahadasha lord

Graph 6 AverageOn the basis of lordship of mahadasha swami

Table 11 Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths in various Antardashas

Inferences from graphs 5 and 6 and Table 11

When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd, 5th or 7th house or to put it in a better way when the

mahadasha in operation was either of 2nd , 5th , 7th houses that period is considered favourable. If sun is the Mahadasha lord then in most cases it was lord of 3rd , 11th or 12th houses

If moon is the M.D Lord, then in most cases it was 2nd lord

If Mars is the M.D lord then it should be the lord of 7th or 8th house preferably. If Jupiter is the M. D lord then in most cases it was lord of 7th house. If Venus is the M. D lord then in most cases it was lord of 10th house. If Saturn is the M. D lord then in most cases it was lord of 4th , 5th , 6th , 7th, 8th lord. For mercury, it was the lord of 2nd, 10th and 11th houses. Graph 7On the basis of lordship of Antardasha swami

Graph 8 Average On the basis of lordship of Antardasha swami

Table 12

Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths under the house lordship of 9 planets

Inferences from graphs 7 and 8 and table number 12

The lord of Antardasha in operation was the lord of 4th or 5th house in most cases. If sun is the antardasha lords and also the lord of first house, then it seems too favorable. If moon is the AD lord then it was lord of 2nd house clearly in most cases. If Mars is the AD lord, then it was the lord of 6th and 11th house. If mercury was the Ad lord at the time of birth of child it was mainly ruling houses 1st or 2nd. If jupiter is the AD lord, it was the lord of 4th and 6th

If venus was the ad lord, it was found to be lord of 10th , 11th or 12th

If saturn was the AD lord, it was the lord of 4th , 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th or 9th houses. Graph 9On the basis of lordship of Pratyantardasha swami

Graph10 AverageOn the basis of lordship of Pratyantardasha swami

Inferences from graphs 9 and 10

Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 2, 5 or 6 house

If sun is the P. Dlord, it should be preferably be lord of 1st house

If moon is the P. Dlord, it should be lord of 2nd or 12th house

If mars is the pd lord, it should be lord of 6th house

If mercury is the P. D lord, it should be lord of 1, 2 or 11 house

If Jupiter is the P. D lord it should be lord of 2, 5, 6 or 7th house

If venus is the P. d lord, it should be lord of 5, 10 or 12 th house

If saturn is the P. D lord it gave most auspicious results being lord of 5, 6, 7 or 8th house

Conclusions on the basis of house Lordship of mahadasha, antardasha, pratyantar dasha lordFor sun it should be lord of first house to give benefic results in M. D, AD, and PD

Moon should be second lord to give best results in M. D, A. D and P. D

Mars should be sixth lord to gives best results in M.D, A.D and P.D

Mercury should be lord of 1st or 2nd house in its MD, A.D and P. D

Jupiter should be lord of 6th or 7th house in its M.D/ AD and P. D

Venus should be lord of 10 or 12th house in its M. D/ A. D /P. D

Saturn should be lord of 5, 6, 7 or 8th house in its M. D /A. D /P. D

4.4 On the basis of positioning/placement of M. D/A. D/P. D lord in the natal chart

Graph 11On the basis of placement of Mahadasha swami in 12 houses

Graph 12Average On the basis of placement of Mahadasha swami in 12 houses

Table 13Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths when mahadasha lord was placed in houses 112. 5524516827500

Inferences from graphs 13 and 14 Table 13 Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths under the house lordship of 9 planets. During the statistical research we found that Mahadasha lord should be placed in houses 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 9th or 11th house mainly. If the mahadasha of following planets is in operation, then

Sun should preferably be placed in 1st or 2nd house

Moon should be placed in 3, 7, 9, or 11th houses

Mars should be placed in 2nd house

Mercury should be placed in 2nd or 6th house

Jupiter should be placed in 7th or 9th

Venus should be placed in 4th house

Saturn should be placed in 3rd , 8th or 12th

Rahu should be placed in 8th 10th or 11th

Ketu should be placed in 2nd house

Conclusions M. D lord has no direct relation with its placement in 5th house. Specifically talking about jupiter which is considered karak planet of 5th house or progeny does not give any extra results in its dasha compared to other planet vis v mentioned in traditional texts. Graph 13 On the basis of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses

Graph 14Average On the basis of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses. Table 14Tabular representation of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses. Inferences from charts graph 13 and 14 and table 14

It was also found that antardasha lord should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th or 11th house. If the antardashas of following planets are in operation then

Sun should be preferably placed in 1st, 2nd, 7th or 9th house

Moon should be placed in 1, 7, 9, 11 th houses

Mars should be placed in 2nd, 8th , 10th house

Mercury should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 7th house

Jupiter should be placed in 1st

Venus should be placed in 11th or 12th

Saturn should be placed in 2, 6, 9 or 12th

Rahu should be placed in 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7th

Ketu should be placed in 1, 3, 5th house

Graph 15 On the basis of placement of pratyantar dasha swami in 12 houses

Graph 16 AverageOn the basis of placement of prtayantardasha swami in 12 housesInferences from charts graph 15 and 16

Pratyantar dasha lord should be placed in 1st, 3rd or 10th house

Sun should be preferably placed in 1st, 3rd or 10 th house

Moon should be placed in 7, 8, 9, 11 th houses

Mars should be placed in 3rd, 7th house

mercury should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd

jupiter should be placed in 9th , 11th

venus should be placed in 12th

saturn should be placed in 1, 6, 10th

Rahu should be placed in 8th

Ketu should be placed in 4, 6 th houses

4.5 On the basis of conjunction of M.D /A.D /P. D lord with other planets in the natal chart. Graph17 On the basis of conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Graph18AverageOn the basis of conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart. Table 15Tabular representation of placement of mahadasha swami with 9 planets. Inferences from charts graph 17 and 18 nad table 15

We have studied which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Mahadasha lords

When sun is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

When moon is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu

When mars is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, rahu

When mercury is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

When jupiter is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with saturn, ketu

When venus is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury

When saturn is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, jupiter

When Rahu is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, venus, jupiter

When ketu is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, moon, mercury

Graph 19On the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Graph 20AvgOn the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Table 16Tabular representation of placement of antardasha swami with 9 planets. Inferences from charts

graph 19 and 20 and table number 16

We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Antardasha lords

When sun is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

When moon is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu, Jupiter

When mars is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, venus, rahu

When mercury is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

When Jupiter is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, venus

When venus is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mars, mercury

When saturn is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon, jupiter

When Rahu is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, venus

When ketu is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, moon, mercury, venus or Saturn.

Graph 21On the basis of conjuction of patyantardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Graph 22AverageOn the basis of conjuction of pratyantardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Inferences from charts graph 21 and 22

We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Pratyantardasha lords

When sun is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

When moon is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Mercury, sat, Rahu, ketu

When mars is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury, venus, rahu

When mercury is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

When jupiter is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury

When venus is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury

When Saturn is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with jupiter

When Rahu is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon, mars, venus

When Ketu is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon, mercury, Jupiter, Saturn.


Hence on the basis of conjunction of planets when they are dasha lords we can say that Sun gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with mercury in natal chart. Moon gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Rahu in natal chart. Mars gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun, Rahu, venus in natal chart. Mercury gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun in natal chart. Jupiter gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun in natal chart. Venus gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Mercury in natal chart. Saturn gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Jupiter in natal chart. Rahu gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Mars, Venus in natal chart. Ketu gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Moon, Mercury in natal chart. Clear Findings that prove traditional vedic texts

Mahadasha lord should be 7th lord or should be placed with 7th lord. Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord. Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 10th house or with lord of 10th house

Specifically, if Saturn, Rahu, Moon, Jupiter are the Mahadasha lord, then it is either in 7th house or it is with 7th lord. 4.6 On the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P.D lord on various houses in the natal chart.

Graph 23. On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses. Graph 24. AverageOn the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses

Table 16 On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses

Inferences from charts graph 23 and 24 and Table No. 16

When M. D lord aspects 3 5, 7, 9 houses, it is favourable as per research

Graph 25. On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houses

Graph 26. Average On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houses

Table 17: On the basis of Mahadasha swami aspecting 12 houses

Inferences from charts graph 26 and 27 and Table No. 17

When A.D lord aspects 5, 7, 9 houses, childbirth happened in most cases

Graph 27. On the basis of aspects of pratyandasha swami on 12 houses

Graph 28. AverageOn the basis of aspects of pratyandasha swami on 12 houses

When P. D lord aspected 7th and 9th houses in most cases of child birth

In common M. D, A. D, P. D lords aspected 7th or 9th house

6 On the basis of Aspects of various house lords on M. D/A.D/P. D lord in the natal chart

Graph 29. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Graph 30. AverageWhen Mahadasha lord is aspected by lords of 12 houses

Table 18: On the basis Mahadasha swami aspected by 12 houses lords

Inferences from graph 29 and 30 and Table No. 18

In most cases M.D lord was aspected by 6th house lord particularly when sunmoonsaturn are the 6th lord

Graph 31. When antardasha lord is aspected by lords of 12 houses

Graph 32. AverageWhen antardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Table 19: On the basis of Antardasha swami aspected by 12 houses lords

Inferences from graphs 31 and 32 and table 19

Antardasha lord was aspected by 6th or 7 th lord

Graph 33. When pratyantardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Graph 34. AverageWhen pratyantardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Inference from graphs 33 and 34 is that P. D lord was aspected by 6th or 7th lord4. 7 On the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart

Graph 35. When mahadasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Graph 36 Average. When mahadasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Table 20: On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houseslords

Clear Inference from graphs 35 and 36 and table no 20 M. D lord aspects 6th , 10th , 12th house lord

Graph 37 When antardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Graph 38 Average When antardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Table 21: On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houseslords

Inference from graphs 37 and 38 and table 21 A. D lord aspects 2nd, 5th , 7th house lord

Graph 39 When pratyantardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Graph 40 AverageWhen pratyantardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Clear Inference from graphs 39 and 40

Happening of child birth is better when P. D lord aspects 5th , 6th , 12th house lord. Transit needs to promiseChild birth and only then with suitable dasha can helpchild birth. IfMahadashais that ofchild birth planet then manychild birth or multiple deliveries are possible in appropriate transits. Chapter 5

Analysis of data as per Transits


To predict the timing of any event as per vedic astrology it is believed that dasha and transit are main deciding factors. In this chapter we would be discussing the impact of transit in operation in parents horoscope at the time of birth of their child. We find various rules in traditional texts which state that transit is one of the key factors to be considered to predict happening of child birth in ones life. In this thesis we did a detailed working on transits and its impacts on the life of our subjects as far as their

childbirth is concerned. we will mainly discuss the out comings of a research we conducted on 2315 childbirths born to 1331 individuals including males and females both. We analyzed the results by using the most authentic and most accepted vedic astrology software Leo Star Expert. 5.1 Findings from the Research as per transits:

736601118721700Graph 41 Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 house lords

736601118721700Graph 42 AvgResult of transit of various house lords overall 12 house lords

Table 22 Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 house lords

Inferences from graphs 41 and 42 and table number 22

When 1st house lord transits over 1st, 2nd, 12th house lords (majorly), it lead to maximum child birth s which is a unique finding not found in any text books. When 2nd house lord transits over 1st, 2nd, 3rd house lords, it was found to be fruitful. When 3rd house lord transits over 2nd, 3rd, 4th house lord, it was found to be fruitful. When 4th house lord transits over 3rd, 4th , 5th , 6th house lords, it was found to be fruitful. When 5th house lord transits over 5th house lord, it was found to be highly auspicious. When 6th house lord transits over 5th , 6th , 7th lord, it was found to be fruitful. When 7th house lord transits over 6th , 7th , 8th lord, it was found to be fruitful. When 8th house lord transits over 7th , 8th , 9th lord, it was found to be fruitful. When 9th house lord transits over 8th , 9th , 10th lord (9th , 10th majorly), it was found auspicious. When 10th house lord transits over 5th , 9th , 10th lord, it was found to be auspicious. When the 11th house lord transits in 11th , 12th house lord, it was found to be fruitful. When the 12th house lord transits 11th , 12th , 2nd house lord, it was found to be fruitful. 5. 2

Graph 43. Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 houses


Graph 44. AverageResult of transit of various house lords overall 12 housesInferences from graphs 43 and 44

Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 houses

When house lord 1 transists over 6th , 7th and 11th houses

When house lord 2 transists over 6th , 7th , 9th , 11th and 12th houses

When house lord 3 transits over 1st, 8th, 11th , 12 th houses

When 4th house lord transits over 1st , 2nd , 5th , 12t h houses

When 5th lord transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 5th houses

When 6th lord transits over 3rd and 4th houses

When 7th lord transits over 4th house

When 8th lord transits over 1st , 4th , 8th houses

When 9th lord transits over 8th house

When 10th lord transits over 1st , 7th , 11th houses

When 11th lord transits over 1st , 5th , 10 th houses

When 12 lord transits over 8th , 10th and 12th

5. 3 Will tell us the result of transit of 12 house lords over 27 nakshatras. How their respective transit in various nakshaktras affected child birth

Graph 45. Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras

Graph 46Average Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras Inferences from graphs 45 and 46

First House lord /Ascendant lord when in transit over Ashwini, Ashlesha, purva phalguni, jyeshtha

When house lord 2 was in purva phalguni, hasta, shravan, jyeshtha, purva bhadrapad

When house lord 3 was in Ashlesha, shravan, jyeshtha, purvashada, purva bhadrapad. When house lord 4 was in Ashlesha, purva phalguni, svati, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, purvashada

When house lord 5 was transiting over Ashlesha, purva phalguni, uttar halguni, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purva shada

When lord of house 6 transits over ashwini, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purva shada, purva bhadrapad. When 7th house lord transits over magha, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purvashada

When 8th lord transits over ashlesha, purva phalguni, hasta, anuradha, jyeshtha, purva shada. When house lord 9 transits over adrda, magha, svati, anuradha, jyeshtha, purvashada. When 10th lord transits over ashlesha, magha, hasta, svati, vishakha, purvashada

When house lord 11 transits over magha, purvaphalguni, anuradha, jyeshtha, svati, vishakha

When 12th house lord transits over ashwini, ashlesha, magha, vishakha, jyeshtha, vishakha, uttarashada, dhanishtha5. 4

Will tell us the result of transit of 12 house lords over 9 planets. How their respective transit on various natal planets affected child birth. The best results for child birth were achieved when

Graph 47 Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets

Graph 48 AverageResult of transit of various house lords over 9 planets

Table 23 Result of transit of various house lords overall 9 planets

Inferences from graphs 47 and 48 and table no 23

When house lord 1 transits over moon, saturn and ketu. When house lord 2 transits over sun, mars, mercury and saturn. When house lord 3 transits over saturn. When house lord 4 transits over saturn. When house lord 5 transits over saturn

When house lord 6 transits over saturn

When house lord 7 transits over saturn

When house lord 8 transits over saturn, moon and ketu

When house lord 9 transits over mars and saturn

When house lord 10 transits over jupiter and saturn

When house lord 11 transits over sun, jupiter and saturn

When house lord 12 transits over sun, mars and saturn

5. 5

Graph 49 Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs. Graph 50 Average Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs

Table 24 Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 signs

Inferences from graphs 49 and 50 and table 24

When house lord 1 trasits over 4, 5, 7, 8 signs

When house lord 2 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

When house lord 3 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

When house llord 4 transits over 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 signs

When house lord 5 transits over 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 signs

When house lord 6 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

When house lord 7 transits over 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

When house lord 8 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

When house lord 9 transits over 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

When house lord 10 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

When house lord 11 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

When house lord 12 transits over 4, 5, 8, 10 signs

What we find is that majorly transit of any house lord over 5th , 7th , 8 th signs which are Leo, Libra, Scorpio signs proved beneficial for child birth. As in kaal purush kundali 5th house is leo and 7th house is libra and 8th house represents any kind of operation like a csection. 5. 6

Graph 51. Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords. Graph 52. Average Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords. Table 25 Result of transit of various house lords overall houselords


When sun transits over 1st , 2nd , 4th , 5th , 9th house lords. When moon transits over 1st, 3rd , 4th , 6th , 7 th house lords. When mars over 3rd , 5th , 8th , 9 th house lords

When mercury transits over 2nd , 7th , 9th or 10th house lords

When jupiter transits over 6th , 9th , 11th house lords

When venus transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd , or 9th , 10 th and 11th lords

When saturn transits over 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th lords

When Rahu transits over 9th , 10th house lords

When Ketu transits over 1st , 4th , 8th house lords

Graph 53 Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses

Graph 54 Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses

Table 25 Result of transit of various house lords overall houselords

Table 26 Result of transit of various planets over all houses


When sun transits over 8, 11, 12 houses

When moon transits over 4, 7, 10, 6 and 8 houses

When mars transits over 1, 4 houses

When mercury transits over 1, 2, 3, 8, 11

When jupiter transits over 1, 4, 8, 12

When venus transits over 1, 11, 12

When saturn transits over 1, 2, 5, 7

When rahu transits over 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11

When ketu transits over 4, 5, 10, 11 5.8

Graph 55 Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth

Graph 56 Average Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth


When sun transits over Ashlesha, magha, purvaphalguni, shravan, vishakha, jyeshtha, satbisha, purvabhardapad

When moon transits over ashwini, rohini, punarvasu, ashlesha, purvaphalguni,chitra, anuradha, satbisha, uttbhadrapad, rev

When mars transits over ardra, magha, purvaphalguni, hasta, chitra, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, dhanishtha

When mercury transits over ashwini, magha, purvaphalguni, hasta, chitra, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, dhanishtha

When jupiter transits into ashwini, rohini, Ardra, ashlesha, purvaphalguni,hasta, shravan, jyeshtha, purva shadaWhen venus transits into ashlesha, magha, purva phalguni,shravan, vishaka, uttarshada, uttrabhadrapa

When saturn transits into vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, moola and poorvashada. When rahu transits into Punarvasu, pushya, ashlesha, magha, hasta, chitra, purvashada

When ketu transits into ashwini, rohini, purvashada, uttrashada, shravan, satbisha, uttarrabhadrapad, revti

5. 9

Graph 57, Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords. Graph 58, Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords. Findings

1. When sun transits over moon and ketu

2. When moon transits over sun, mer, ketu

3. . When mars transits over moon, mars, ketu

4. When mer transits over moon, mars, ketu

5. When jup transits over mars, mer, Rahu

6. Venus transits over moon, mars, mer, jup, ketu

7. Saturn transits saturn

8. Rahu transits jupiter and ketu

9. ketu transits over rahu

5. 10

Graph 59 Impact of transit of various planets over various signs

Graph 60 Average, Impact of transit of various planets over various signs

Table 27 Result of transit of various planets overall signs


Sun transits over leo, libra, scorpio

Moon transits over aries and pisces

Mars transits over leo and libra

Mer transits over leo, libra and scorpio

Jup transits over gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio

Venus transits over leo and libra

Sat transits over scorpio and saggitarius

Rah transits over cancer mainly and then virgo and libra

Ket transits over aquarious, capricorn and pisces. 5. 11

Graph 61. Transit of planets over various houses in moon chart

We are studying th is graph to validate our traditional texts that transit of Jupiter over moon sign and 2nd, 5th and 7th houses creates good possibities of child birth. We clearly see that when Jupiter transits over moon sign, it does not boost the possibility, whereas when it transits over 3rd, 5th , 6th and 11th houses, it gives a better chance which is a negation to traditional texts. 5. 12

Graph 62. Transit of Jupiter over various houses

When Jupiter transits over 1, 4, 8 and 12 th houses, it gives better results for matters pertaining to child birth. 5. 13

Graph 63 Transit of house lord 5 over 12 houses when house lord 1 is transitting through house 1

Through this graph, we are trying to study the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses


when ascendant or lord of first house transits through the first house, 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 1st, 2nd and 12th houses. 5. 14

Graph 64 Transit of house lord 5 over 12 house when house lord 1 is transitting through house 5


Through this graph we are trying to study the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses when ascendant or lord of first house transits th rough fifth house, 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 4th , 6th and 7th houses. 5. 14

Graph 65 Transit of all planets over RahuInference

The above chart clearly shows very high posiibility of child birth when Ketu was transiting over Rahu in 1, 2 11, 12 houses at the time of child birth. Graph 66 Transit of Planets over Saturn

InferenceIn this chart we can clearly see that when Saturn transits over natal Saturn, it gives very good results. We will be studying transit of planets over jupiter at the time of birth of child. Graph 67

Inference: When Jupiter was transiting 3rd, 4th , 5th or 7th from natal Jupiter, child birth seem to be on a higher side. Chapter 6

Practical Application of New Findings and Validations

As per the analysis in Chapters 4 and 5, We came to the below mentioned new findings that favored child birth in 2315 cases. We also have some validations of the rules followed in the vedic texts. Also, there are some rules or formula mentioned in vedic text to predict childbirth which dont find much relevance as per our research. Based on the research conducted on Timing of Child Birth on 2315 cases. We applied vedic

as well as new rules as per research on 30 children from known sources. As per Vedic texts it is believed that prediction of timing of any event should be seen through dasha and transit system. We have applied the formulas mentioned in traditional vedic texts for predicting the timing of child birth. We also applied the new rules that we found during our extensive research on 2315 child birth s and applied them too on personally known 30 children of 20 families to check and cross examine the validity. 6.1 Application of Traditional Dasha Rules:

According to Vedic texts to compute the timing of childbirth dasha is applied. Rules for mahadasha and antardasha remain the same. For Mahadasha, we have summarized many traditional texts to formulate the belowmentioned rules:

Rule1: Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Jupiter, Dispositor of Jupiter or planets placed with Jupiter. Rule 2: Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of 5th lord, dispositior of 5th lord, planets placed in 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house or planets placed with 5th lord. Rule3: Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha 7th lord, disposition of 7th lord, planets in 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house or planets placed with 7th lord. Rule4: Childbirth is highly likely if we see in the moon chart, the Mahadasha of 5th lord, disposition of 5th lord, planets placed in 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house or planets placed with 5th lord. Rule 5: Childbirth is highly likely if we see in the moon chart, the Mahadasha of 7th lord, disposition of 7th lord, planets placed in 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house or planets placed with 7th lord. We checked the abovementioned rules on 30 children from 20 families childbirth, applied the above five rules, and represent it in TABLE 28 format below:


When we checked these rules on the abovementioned horoscopes we found, we could predict the child birth 96% of the times accurately. However, the above rules are formulated in such a way that during our analysis we realized that these rules are covering almost all probable situations and thats why this high percentage of existence of the rule prevails. 6.2 Application of Dasha Rules as per Research:

As the research conducted on 2315 children, we found four prominent rules for dasha that are mentioned below:

1. Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu or Jupiter. 2. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is with sun, venus or mercury. 3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of childbirth are there. 4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon. These rules give similar accuracy as the traditional rules but are way crisper and easier to apply on the horoscopes. The test results of the above four rules are shown below in tabular format:

Table no 29

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Childbirths

Childbirth Cases In the Mahadasha of sun/rahu/jupiter When M. D lord was placed with sun/mer/ven When M. D lord was aspected by sat/mar/jup When M. Also, we find that when Mahadasha is aspected by Saturn, Mars or Jupiter, th is rule alone is able to predict childbirth 75% of the times, and MD Lord aspecting Rahu, Ketu or Moon is able to predict alone at least 60% of the times. Placement of MD lord with sun, venus or mercury could predict accurately for over 72%. The newfound antardasha rules as per research are as follows:

Antardasha lord was aspecting Rahu, Ketu or Moon in most cases as per our research so when we checked these rules on 30 childbirths we found that it was quite accurate. During our research on 2315 childbirth,

we also found that lord of antardasha in operation was mainly placed with sun, mercury or venus in lagna chart. We did apply this rule and found it to be effective too. Antardasha lord was found to be aspected by Saturn or mars or Jupiter in most cases during our research. To put it the other way, we can say that childbirth is highly probable in the antardasha of planets aspected by Saturn, Mars or Jupiter. Though we did test other rules too in our extensive research, but definitely, the abovementioned rules were prominent and could predict childbirth accurately. Table no 30

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Childbirths

Childbirth Antardasha lord Aspects Rahu /Ketu/Moon Antardasha lord placed with sun/ven/merc A. If antardasha lord aspects Rahu or Ketu or moon which is rule 1, accounts for 58% accurate results. Antardasha lords placement with Sun, Venus or Mercury which is rule 2 alone accounted to 48. 3% accuracy in prediction. Antardasha lord aspected by Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn accounted for 73. 3% accuracy. Together if we check all three, we are in a very confident position to predict childbirth. In other words, whenever a childbirth takes place, then it is antardasha of Rahu, Ketu or Moon or AD lord is with sun, venus or mercury, or AD lord is aspected by Mars, Jupiter or Saturn. 6.3 Now after seeing these findings we combinedly checked mahadasha and antardasha for which the table is mentioned below: Table no 31

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Childbirths

Childbirth Cases When M. D /A. D lord was placed with sun/mer/ven When M. D /A. D lord was aspected by sat/mar/jup When M. D /A. D/A. D lord are placed with sun/mer/venus in over 75% of the cases. M. D /A. D lords are found to be aspecting Rahu/Ketu /Moon in over 80% of the cases and M. D/A. D lords are found to be aspected by mars, Jupiter and Saturn in over 95% of the cases. These rules are very short and easy to apply. Hence the above three dasha formulas seem to be much better and accurate compared to the rules mentioned in the vedic texts. 6.4 Application of Traditional Transit Rules: Besides Dasha the other most important thing to predict timing of any event is Transit. As far as childbirth is considered we applied both vedic and new research findings on 30 childbirths to test the accuracy. We also grouped vedic rules available to us and studied and analyzed the transit of Jupiter and ascendant lord /lagnesh/lord of house 1 in depth. As most vedic traditional texts give utmost importance to the transit of Jupiter and ascendant lord only. In our case study of 30 childbirths, we looked for the transit of Jupiter and lagna lord at the time of childbirth. We have mentioned the house number where Jupiter and ascendant lord were at the time of childbirth. But as per vedic texts childbirth is supposed to be associated to Jupiters transit in 2nd, 5th, 7th or 9th houses as per lagna and moon chart at the time of birth of child. And Lagnesh should transit in 2nd, 5th, 7th or 9th houses in the lagna chart at the time of birth of child. We have checked the validity of above stated rule in below mentioned table. 207645436418Table no 32 We can really see from the above table that traditionally available transit rules account for 68. 3% accuracy only even when all the rules have been considered collectively. 6.5 Application of Transit Rules as per Research:

As per the detailed and extensive research on 2315 childbirths, the following were the prominent new findings that we got. In the table mentioned below, we put forth the results when applied to 30 childbirths. Jupiter transits in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter. This rule alone accounts for 46. 6% accuracy, however this rule indirectly suggests that the birth of a child occurs between 26 to 30 years of age. 2. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st, 2nd, 5th or 11th house lords, this rule alone accounts for 75% accuracy. But it does not apply to many cases as 11th lord happens to be alone in many cases. 3.

Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal ketu. This was 55% times accurate but again this suggests that the birth occurs between 26 and 32 years of age. 4. Transit of Saturn was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. Here again accuracy level was over 63%. The rule suggests that birth of a child is more likely between 26 to 32 years of age. 5. Transit of 1st, 5th, 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. This rule is found to be excellent having accuracy of 80%. Summary:

The rules mentioned in our texts do work but they are long, clumsy and less accurate. If researches are done like on 2315 childbirths here, we can come out with much better and accurate rules which are more crispy and easy to apply. Horoscopes of 20 families and their birth details Family 1




left43699500Table no 34

Chapter 7

Summary, Conclusions and Suggestions



The motive and inspiration behind undertaking this in depth study was to explore the untapped possibility of utilizing positive indications & planetary influences of dashas and transits on the natal charts of individuals to explore and create the formulas for knowing about the probability of childbirths to reduce the anxiety of those couples who are awaiting childbirths. Results on the basis of Dasha System 7.1 Results on the basis of Mahadasha, Antardasha and Pratyantardasha at the time of birth

Mostly children were born under the mahadashas of Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. The variation shown in mahadasha is not real but because of period assigned to various mahadashas. Mahadasha of Ketu is 7 years, for venus it is 20 years, for sun it is 6 years, moon is of 10 years, mars is of again 7 years. Rahus mahadasha is of 18 years whereas that of Jupiter is 16 years and for Saturn it is 19years and Mercury is of 17 years. Most of the parents born under the Mahadasha of Ketu and Venus at the time of birth s have their children in the mahadasha of sun. Basically parents born under more th an one nakshatra are giving birth to children in one nakshatra, thats why the average children born under the mahadasha of sun is way higher. Same theory is valid for Rahu and Jupiter, Most parents born under the mahadasha of venus, sun, moon and mars give birth to children in the mahadashas of Jupiter and Rahu. As mentioned in vedic texts mahadasha of Jupiter is most auspicious as Jupiter is considered the significator of fifth house does not validate as per our research. Combinations and conclusions that were found to give one of the best results

In the M. D of KetuAntardasha should be of mercury or venus

In the M. D of VenusAntardasha should be of mercury or saturn

In the M. D of SunAntardasha should be of mercury, rahu, jupiter or saturn

In the M. D of MoonAntardasha should be of Rahu

In the M. D of MarsAntardasha should be of saturn

In the M. D of RahuAntardasha should be of mercury and venus

In the M. D of JupiterAntardasha should be of jupiter and venus

In the M. D of SaturnAntardasha should be of saturn

In the M. D of MercuryAntardasha should be of mercury

In vedic texts it is said that most planets in their mahadasha antardasha combination dont give much results which does not seen true considering points h and i. Hence we found a negation. Mahadasha of sun is most favourable Antardasha of mercury is most favourable. Pratyantardasha of sun is most favourable. 7. 1. 2

Results on the basis of lordship of mahadasha lord

When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd, 5th or 7th house or to put it in a better way when the mahadasha in operation was either of 2nd , 5th or 7th houses that period is considered favorable for childbirths . Though this does not apply to sun and venus. It validates the traditional text that mahadasha of 2th, 5th and 7th house lords is fruitful for childbirth. The lord of Antardasha in operation was the lord of 4th or 5th house in most cases. Validation of antardasha lord to be of 5th house is achieved whereas a new finding of 4th lord antardasha being fruitful is established. Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 2nd , 5nd or 6th house. Conclusions on the basis of house Lordship of mahadasha, antardasha, pratyantar dasha lord(New Findings)

For sun it should be lord of first house to give benefic results in M. D, AD, and PD. Moon should be second lord to give best results in M. D, A. D and P. D Mars should be sixth lord to give best results in M. D, A. D and P. D Mercury should be lord of 1st or 2nd house in its M. D, A. D and P. D

Jupiter should be lord of 6th or 7th house in its M. D/AD and P. D Venus should be lord of 10 or 12th house in its M. D/A. D/P. D Saturn should be lord of 5th , 6th ,7th or 8th house in its M. D/A. D/P. D 7. 1. 3 Results on the basis of positioning/placement of M. D/A. D/P. D lord in the natal chart

During the statistical research, we found that Mahadasha lord should be placed in houses 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th or 11th house mainly. This signifies that M. D lord has no direct relation with its placement in 5th house. Specifically talking about jupiter which is considered karak planet of 5th house or progeny does not give any extra results in its dasha compared to other planet as mentioned in traditional texts. It was also found that antardasha lord should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th or 11th house. Pratyantar dasha lord should be placed in 1st, 3rd or 10th house for better results . 7. 1. 4 Results on the basis of conjunction of mahadasha lord with 9 planets in the natal chart

We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Mahadasha lords (new findings)

When sun is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

When moon is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu

When mars is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun or rahu

When mercury is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

When jupiter is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with saturn or ketu

When venus is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun or mercury

When saturn is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars or jupiter

When Rahu is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, venus,or jupiter

When ketu is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, moon, or mercury

7. 1. 5 On the basis of conjunction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart(new findings)

When sun is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

When moon is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu, or Jupiter

When mars is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, venus, or rahu

When mercury is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

When jupiter is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, or venus

When venus is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mars,or mercury

When saturn is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon,or Jupiter. When Rahu is the

A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars or, venus

When ketu is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, moon, or mercury, venus or Saturn. Hence on the basis of conjunction of planets when they are dasha lords we can say that Sun gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with mercury in natal chart. Moon gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Rahu in natal chart. Mars gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Rahu, venus in natal chart. Mercury gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun in natal chart. Jupiter gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun in natal chart. Venus gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Mercury in natal chart. Saturn gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Jupiter in natal chart. Rahu gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Mars, Venus in natal chart. Ketu gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Moon, Mercury in natal chart. Clear Findings that prove traditional vedic texts

Mahadasha lord should be of 7th lord or should be placed with 7th lord

Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord

Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 10th house or with lord of 10th house

Specifically if Saturn, Rahu, Moon, Jupiter are the Mahadasha lord, then it is either in 7th house or it is with 7th lord. 7. 1. 6 Result on the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P. D lord on various houses in the natal chart

When M. D lord aspects 3rd , 5th ,7th , or 9th houses, it is favorable as per research . When A. D lord aspects 5th , 7th , 9th houses, when childbirth happened in most cases. When P. D lord aspected 7th and 9th houses in most cases of childbirths. In common M. D, A. D, P. D lords aspected 7th or 9th house. In most cases, M. D lord was aspected by 6th house lord particularly when sun, moon, Saturn are the 6th lord. Antardasha lord was aspected by 6th or 7 th lord. P. D lord was aspected by 6th or 7th lord. 1. 7 Results on the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart

M. D lord aspects 6th , 10th, or 12th house lords. A. D lord aspects 2nd, 5th, or 7th house lord

P. D lord aspects 5th , 6th ,or 12th house lord

Transit needs to promiseChildbirthsand only then with suitable dasha can helphappening of childbirths. IfMahadashais that ofchildbirth favoringplanet then manychildbirths or multiple deliveries are possible in appropriate transits. 7. 2 Result on the basis of Transit

7. 2. 1 Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 housesNothing too concrete could be established, clear negation of vedic texts which says when ascendant transits over 5th house or 5th house Lord transits over ascendent then high possibilities of childbirths can be predicted. T is was not validated in research. When 1st house lord transits over 1st, 2nd, 12 th house lords (majorly) it lead to maximum childbirths which is a unique finding not found in any text books. (new finding)

Also a very unique finding when lord of any house transits over its own house, 2nd or 12 th to its own house, possibilities of childbirths are triggered. 7. 2. 2 Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets

Whenever any house lord transits over Saturn, the chances of childbirths were higher. 7. 2. 3 Result of transit of various house lords over 12 signs

What we find is that majorly transit of any house lord over 5th, 7th and 8th signs ie. Leo, Libra, Scorpio signs proved beneficial for childbirths. As in kaal purush kundali 5th house is leowhch is stomach and 7th house is libra which s also represents spouse and 8th house represents any kind of operation like a csection.

(new finding)

7. 2. 4 Result of transit of various planets over house lordsIn maximum cases childbirths happened when: When sun transits over 1st , 2nd , 4th , 5th , or 9th house lords. When moon transits over 1st , 3rd , 4th , 6th or 7 th house lords. When mars over 3rd , 5th , 8th , or 9th house lords. When mercury transits over 2nd , 7th ,9th and 10th house lords. When jupiter transits over 6th , 9th , 11th house lords. When venus transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 9th ,10th or 11th lords. When saturn transits over 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th lords. When Rahu transits over 9th ,10th house lords. When Ketu transits over 1st , 4th , 8th house lords. 7. 2. 5

Result of transit of various house lords over 12 houses for favorable childbirths When sun transits over 8th , 11th , or 12th houses

When moon transits over 4th ,7th , 10th , 6th or 8th houses

When mars transits over 1st or 4th houses

When mercury transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 8th ,or 11th houses

When jupiter transits over 1st , 4th , 8th or 12th houses. When venus transits over 1st ,11th , or 12th houses. When saturn transits over 1st , 2nd , 5th ,or 7th houses. When rahu transits over 1st , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 10th or, 11th houses. When ketu transits over 4th , 5th , 10th , or 11th houses. 7. 2. 6 Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras

When jupiter transits into ashwini, rohini, Ardra, ashlesha, purvaphalguni, hasta, shravan, jyeshtha, purva shada

7. 2. 7 Specific results for transit of Jupiter and 5th lordJup transits over gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio signs. When Jupiter transits over moon sign, it does not boost the possibility, whereas when it transits over 3rd, 5th, 6th or 11th houses, it gives a better chance which is a negation to traditional texts. We also studied the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses when ascendant or lord of first house transits through first house, 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 1st, 2nd or 12th houses. We also studied the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses when ascendant or lord of first house transits through fifth house,Our fiunding was that 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 4th, 6th or 7th houses. 7.3 Validations , Negations and New Findings

As per the literature review in chapter 2 and research analysis in Chapters 4 and 5, We came to the below mentioned new findings that favored child birth in 2315 cases. We also applied these rules practically on personally known 30 childbirth cases in chapter 6. After research analysis of 2315 cases and practical application of research findings and traditional rules on 20 families which totaled 30 childbirths, we divided the rules in four major categories, new findings, validations of traditional texts, negation of certain rules available to us and finally our prominent findings that favored child birth as per research. We also have some validations of the rules followed in the vedic texts. Also, there are some rules or formula mentioned in vedic text to predict childbirth which dont find much relevance as per our research. New Findings

For Mahadasha

As per statistical research we found some new dasha formulations for childbirth

Most children were born under the mahadashas of Sun, Jupiter and Rahu. Antardasha of 4th lord was found to be fruitful. M.D was the lord of 2nd, 5th or 7th house. Placement of M.D lord was highest for 2nd and 3rd house followed by 1st, 9th and 11th houses. Mahadasha lord was mainly found to be in conjunction with sun followed by mercury in most cases at the time of childbirth. Most dasha lords gave better results than average when placed in signs of Jupiter which are Sagittarius and Pisces. When M. D

lord was placed with 7th house lord, childbirths were higher, followed by 1st, 5th , 10th lord. Mahadasha lord was found to be aspecting 3rd, 5th , 7th and 9th house at the time of childbirth. Mahadasha lord was aspecting Rahu and Ketu in most cases at the time of child birth. M. D was mainly aspected by 6th, ,10th , 9th or 4th lord which is not mentioned in vedic texts. M. D was mainly aspected by Saturn followed by Jupiter and mars. Most Prominent

1. Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu or Jupiter. 2. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is with sun, venus or mercury. 3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of childbirth are there. 4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon. For Antardasha

Maximum childbirth happened in the Antardasha of mercury. Dasha lord was by aspected by 7th , 2nd or 6th house lord majorly, though childbirth were in all dashas. Antardasha lord was aspected by Saturn, Jupiter and mars. Antardasha was of 7th, 5th or 3rd house lord

Antardasha lord aspected 7th, , 5th and 2nd house lords. Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord

Prominent Findings

If antardasha lord aspects Rahu or Ketu or moon then chances of childbirth are higher. Antardasha lords placement with Sun, Venus or Mercury indicates higher chances of childbirth. Antardasha lord aspected by mars, Jupiter or Saturn led to higher childbirth possibilities. For Transit, we had the following findings, though some of them were prominent and some were not so strong. New Findings for Transit

Transit of Rahu over ketu in 1st, 2nd, 11th and 12th houses from ketu seem to be auspicious for childbirth as per research. Transit of moon, mars Jupiter, rahu, ketu over 4th house. Transit of Jupiter over 11th lord Saturns transit over 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th lords

Transit of Jupiter in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th house from natal Jupiter

Transit of Saturn over Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th houses from natal mars. Transit of Saturn over Saturn in 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th houses from natal Saturn

Transit of Saturn in Scorpio and Sagittarius signs. Transit of Jupiter over Rahu or Ascendant. Transit of mars over leo. When Jupiter transits over 1, 4, 8 or 12 th houses, it gives better results for matters pertaining to childbirth. Transit of Jupiter over 6th,7th and 11th house lords. Prominent Transit Findings 1. Jupiter transits in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter. 2. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st, 2nd, 5th or 11th house lords. 3. Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal ketu. 4. Transit of Saturn was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. 5. Transit of 1st, 5th, 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. Validations

When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd, 5th and 7th houses, it was highest in case of 2nd lord followed by 7th and 5th lord. Antardasha of first lord was found to be fruitful. When M. D, A. D and P. D lord aspected 7th and 9th house it is auspicious. When M. d lord was placed in 2nd house. Placement of M. D lord with 6th and 8th house lords lowered the possibilities of childbirth. Transit of Jupiter in 5th house from natal Jupiter. Transit of Jupiter over first house. Negations

Dasha of planet Jupiter was not the highest in probability. Dasha of 5th lord didnt find the highest probability for childbirth. In fact it was 7th lord followed by 2nd and then 5th lords dashas that were fruitful. If M. D lord was placed in 5th , house ,childbirth were least in number. Placement of M. D lord in 5th house resulted in the least number of childbirths, it was highest for 2nd and 3rd house. JupJup, Mermer, Satsat mahadasha and antardasha combinations found the highest results which negate the

traditional belief of neutral results in same mahadasha and antardasha. Dasha of 5th lord didnt find the highest probability for childbirth. Placement of M. D lord in 5th house resulted in the least number of childbirths, it was highest for 2nd and 3rd house. Transit of Jupiter over 5th house leads to more possibility for child birth. When ascendant lord transits over 5th house lord or 5th house transits over lagnesh , high possibilities of child birth were expected which didnt prove as per research. Nothing too concrete could be established for transit of planets including Jupiter over house lords that included first and fifth house lords as stated in vedic texts

Transit of Jupiter over 2nd ,5th or 7th house didnt stand a higher chance for the possibility of child birth. Transit of Jupiter if see moon chart also did not boost higher possibilities of child birth for vedic rules.

Final Conclusions

For Dasha System

As the research conducted on 2315 children, we found four prominent rules for Mahadasha that are mentioned below:

1. Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu or Jupiter. 2. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is with sun, venus or mercury. 3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of childbirths are there. 4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon. For Antardasha there are three major findings: If antardasha lord aspects Rahu or Ketu or moon. Antardasha lords placement with Sun, Venus or Mercury. Antardasha lord aspected by mars, Jupiter or Saturn. We found that if we use these rules and even if one of them apply we could say with highest probability that childbirths is on the cards. When we checked mahadasha and antardasha rules combinedly we clearly find that M. D/A. D lord are placed with sun/mer/venus in most cases. M. D /A. D lords are found to be aspecting Rahu/Ketu /Moon in many of the cases. M. D/A. D lords are found to be aspected by mars, Jupiter and Saturn in most of the cases. These rules are very short and easy to apply. Hence the above three dasha formulas seem to be much better, easy to apply and accurate compared to the rules mentioned in the vedic texts. For Transit

The five major rules and the results for Transit obtained as per research are as follows: Childbirths is highly likely when Jupiter transits in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter. This rule alone accounted to fair acccuracy levels, however th is rule indirectly suggests that the birth of a child occurs between 26 to 30 years of age. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st, 2nd, 5th or 11th house lords, this rule alone accounts for good accuracy. But it does not apply to many cases as 11th lord happens to be alone in many cases. Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal ketu. This was also gave accurate results but again th is suggests that the birth occurs between 26 and 32 years of age. Transit of Saturn was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. Here again accuracy level was over 63%. The rule suggests that birth of a child is more likely between 26 to 32 years of age. Transit of 1st, 5th , 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. Th is rule is found to be excellent having accuracy of 80%in application on personally known cases. 7. 5 Suggestions and Recommendations

The present study was restricted to couples who had children, similar study could also be done on the horoscopes of couples who could not achieve parenthood or are yet to experience it. This can furnish more closer and accurate results as our destiny is interdependent. Th is study was kept limited to vimshottari dasha only, similar study can be conducted for other dashas as well. Similar study may be done with the

application of fundamentals of palmistry and numerology. The same type of study conducted on I. V. F patients and also other patients with specific medical problem would certainly help us reach on beneficial conclusions. A study may be conducted on other individuals/couples who could not achieve parenthood with special reference to yogas natal horoscope if dasha and transit rules tally. A similar study can be conducted by applying the rules of Lal Kitab only. Similar study could be conducted on males and females separately.


First and foremost, I express my deepest feeling of gratitude to my father-in-law, Dr. Arun Bansal ji for his unconditional guidance, wholehearted co-operation, encouraging attitude, and constant inspiration throughout the investigation. Without his endless help, advice, and constant reminders this thesis would just have been an idea rather than a reality.

I wish to thank every member of Future Point Pvt. Ltd. and A.I. F. A. S (All India Federation of Astrologer’s Societies) who helped me to work effectively and actively for this study and without their co-operation it was impossible to complete this study.

My sincere thanks to my mother-in-law, Smt. Abha Bansal ji for her continuous support and motivation and my husband Sh. Anubhav Bansal to extend his full co-operation in substantially helping me complete my research work.

I am thankful to Sh. Vinay Garg ji, Romit ji, Rajiv ji, Vivek Saraswat, Satya Prakash Dubey ji, Ganeshji, Ms. Geeta, Ms. Vineeta, and Mr. Pradeep for their help and cooperation in the completion of this study.

This thesis has become a reality because of the blessings of my grandmother Smt. Usha Rani and my parents Shri Manoj Agarwal & Smt. Smita Agarwal.

The immense love and unconditional support system offered by my siblings Vidhi Garg, Anubhav Agarwal & my dearest sister-in-law Dr. Anupriya Goel kept me going.

My sincere thanks to the almighty God to bless me with two lovely children (Vivan Bansal and Avyaan Bansal) who are the biggest source of happiness for me.

I express my gratitude to all the ancient and modern authors whose works have been referred to in the present study.

Tanvi Bansal


Everywhere in the world, astrology is depended upon for getting predictions and better results in all fields like family, children, relationships, personal influence, health, luxury, matrimony, progeny, political power etc. However, so far, no effort has been made in finding out and checking the validity of age-old Vedic texts in today’s time where marriageable age has a different definition. And due to delayed marriageable age, a lot of couples find it difficult to attain parenthood. Through this research, we are trying to establish a connection between astrological positives in favor of the happening of birth of a child through the basis of dashas and transits.

The motive and inspiration behind undertaking this in-depth study was to explore the untapped possibility of utilizing positive indications & planetary influences of dashas and transits on the natal charts of individuals to explore and create the formulas for knowing about the probability of childbirth to reduce the anxiety of those couples who are awaiting childbirth. This study has been made to raise astrological awareness regarding infertility and child birth by relating it with the Indian Classical astrology. In this study, the subjects were chosen randomly chosen from varied social, economic and educational backgrounds who were blessed with children. Horoscopes of subjects were prepared based on their date of birth, time of birth and place of birth following the principles of classical Indian astrology. The horoscopes of these subjects were prepared with the help of a computer using astrology software Leo Star. As this study was based on the predictive part only, the statistical part to prepare a horoscope was not touched. The study was an effort to see how the planetary configuration at the time of birth of the subject and his place of birth were influenced in the future based on dasha and transits so that he could attain parenthood. To put it in a better way we studied the dashas and transit on natal horoscope of an individual at the time of childbirth in his/her life and tried to validate or negate the age old rules. We also tried to establish newer finding in terms of dashas and transits which don’t have mentions in Vedic texts that resulted in childbirth.







4.3 On the basis of positioning/placement of M D /A. D/P. D lord in the natal chart................... ........87

4. 4 On the basis of conjuction of M.D /A.D / P.D lord with other planets in the natal chart... .90

4. 5 On the basis of Aspects of M. D /A D/ P. D lord on various houses in the natal chart................ ......95

4. 6 On the basis of Aspects of various house lords on M. D / A. D / P. D lord in the natal chart....................... ........103

4. 7 On the basis of Aspects of M.D / A.D / P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart................................................................110

5. Analysis of Data as per Transits...............................................................................116

5.1 Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 house lords .............116

5. 2 Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 houses.....................119

5. 3 Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras...................120

5. 4 Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets..........................122

5. 5 Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs. .................124

5. 6 Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords. ..........................126

5. 7 Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses.......................................128

5. 8 Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth ..................................................130

5. 9 Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords. .........................132

5.10 Impact of transit of various planets over various signs ........................133

5.11 Transit of planets over various houses in moon chart..........................135

5.12 Transit of Jupiter over various houses.................................................136

5.13 Transit of house lord 5 over 12 house when house lord 1 is transitting through house 1......... .136

5.14 Transit of house lord 5 over 12 houses when house lord 1 is transitting through house 5 .................................................................................137

5.15 Transit study of planets over Rahu ,Saturn and Jupiter………………..138

6. Practical Application of New Findings……………………………………………….140


6.1 Application of traditional Maha Dasha Rules …………………………..140

6.2 Application of Dasha Rules as per Research…………………………….141

6.3 Application of Antardasha rules as per research …………….………….143

6.4 Combined application of mahadasha and antardasha rules…………….145

6.5 Application of Traditional Transit Rules……………………………….146

6 .6 Application of Transit Rules as per Research………………………….148

7. Summary, Conclusions and Suggestions...........................................................161


7. 2 Results as per Transits…………………………………………….

7. 3 Validations, Negations and New Findings……………………………..169

7.4 Final Conclusions……………………………………………………...173

7.5 Suggestions and Recommendations…………………………………....174

List of Tables


8. Periods (Dasa System). .............................................................................23




15. Childbirths as per conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets...............97

16. Childbirths as per conjunction of antardasha swami with 9 planets..............99

17. Childbirths as per aspects of mahadasha swami on 12 housdelords……….104

18. Childbirths as per aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houselords………….105

19. Childbirths when Mahadasha swami was aspected by 12 houses lords 108

20. Childbirths when antardasha swami was aspected by 12 houses lords.........109

21. Childbirths when Mahadasha swami aspected 12 houseslords.................112

22. Childbirths when Mahadasha swami aspected 12 houseslords.................113

23. Result of transit of various house lords over 12 houseslords 117

24. Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets ..............................123












List of Graphs

Graph 1. Childbirths under various maha Dasha ...........................................80

Graph 2. Average childbirths under various maha Dasha ..............................81

Graph 3. Child births under various Antar Dasha ..........................................82

Graph 4. Childbirths under various antardashas ............................................83

Graph 5. On the basis of the lordship of mahadasha swami ...........................85

Graph 6. Average-On the basis of the lordship of mahadasha swami .............85

Graph 7. On the basis of the lordship of Antardasha swami ...........................87

Graph 8. Average -On the basis of the lordship of Antardasha swami ...........87

Graph 9. On the basis of the lordship of Pratyantardasha swami ....................89

Graph10. Average-On the basis of the lordship of Pratyantardasha swami ....89

Graph11. On the basis of placement of Mahadasha swami in 12 houses ........91

Graph12. Average -Based on placement of Mahadasha swami in 12 houses...91

Graph13. On the basis of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses .........92

Graph14. Average - placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses ................93

Graph15. Placement of patyaantardasha swami in 12 houses ........................94

Graph16. Average placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses ..................95

Graph17. Conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets ...........................96

Graph18. Average Affectof conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets96

Graph19. On the basis of conjuction of Antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart .......... .............98

Graph20. Avg-On the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart ........................................................98

Graph 21. On the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart .....................................................................100

Graph 22. Average-On the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart .............................................100

Graph 23. On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses ........103

Graph 24. Average-On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses ............................................ .............103

Graph 25. On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houses ........104

Graph 26. Average -On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 house .......................................................................................................................105

Graph 27. On the basis of aspects of pratyandasha swami on 12 houses.....106

Graph28. Average- Aspects of pratyandashaswamion12house.......................106

Graph 29. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses ...............107

Graph 30. Average-When Mahadasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses..107

Graph 31. When antardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses ................108

Graph 32. Average-When antardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses .109

Graph 33. When pratyantardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses ........110

Graph 34. Average-Pratyantar dasha lord aspected by lords 12 houses .....110

Graph 35. When mahadasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses .....................111

Graph 36. Average graph mahadasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses .......111

Graph 37. When antardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses .....................112

Graph 38. Average- When antardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses .....113

Graph 39. When pratyantardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses ............114

Graph 40. Average-When pratyantardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses 114

Graph 41. Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 house lords 116


Graph 42. Avg-Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 house lords ..............................................................................................................117

Graph 43. Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 houses ........119

Graph 44. Average-Result of transit of various house lords over all 11houses 119

Graph 45. Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras ........120

Graph 46. Average- Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras ......................................................................................................121

Graph 47. Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets ...............122

Graph 48. Average-Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets 122

Graph 49. Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs. ......124

Graph 50. Average Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs. ..................124

Graph 51. Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords .....................126

Graph 52. Average Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords. ..126

Graph 53. Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses ............................128

Graph 54. Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses ............................128

Graph 55. Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth ...............................130

Graph 56. Average Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favorable transits for child birth .........................130

Graph 57. Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords ..................131

Graph 58. Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords. .............132

Graph 59. Impact of transit of various planets over various signs ............133

Graph 60. Average, Impact of transit of various planets over various signs .......................................................................................................................134


Graph 61. Transit of planets over various houses in moon chart

Graph 62. Transit of Jupiter over various houses .....................................136

Graph 63. Transit of house lord 5 over 12 house when house lord1 is transiting through first house ......................................136

Graph 64. Transit of house lord 5 over 12 house when 1st house lord is transitting through house 5 ..........................................137



List of Figures

Family 1 Lagna chart of father, mother,and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth………………… … 150

Family 2. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ………….……………..150

Family 3. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ………….……….…… 151

Family 4. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth…………………… 151

Family 5. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth …………………………152

Family 6. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth …………………………152

Family 7. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ………….. .…153

Family 8. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth …………………………153

Family 9. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ……………………….…….…154

Family 10. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ……………..………..…154

Family 11. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth …………… …..…155

Family 12. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ……………………...…155

Family 13. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ………… …..…156

Family 14. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth………………...……..…156

Family 15. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth …………..…157

Family 16. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ………… …157

Family 17. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ……………..…………158

Family 18. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ……………..…………158

Family 19. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth ………………….…..…159

Family 20. Lagna chart of father, mother, and their dasha and Transit at the time of child/children birth …………..………….…159

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Progeny -The Base of Creation

The base of creation is begetting progeny which is in continuation since the genesis of creation. Modern science is answerless about the intricacies of the mystery of theformation of man by man to date. The desire of having issues is the natural and fundamental desire of human beings. The progeny decks the parents with the glory and dignity of fatherhood and motherhood. Therefore, everybody has the curiosity to know about the possibility and timing of the birth of progeny.

Progeny is a very important aspect of life as it carries on the legacy of forefathers. The birth of children maintains the continuity of family and society. Though India is a land of varied cultures and religions in disparity one thing is common which is opined by most that a couple must start their family as soon as possible after marriage and avoid unnecessary delays. Most elderly in families bless the new couple with wishes of healthy and prosperous children. But sometimes various pressures of finance management, better settlement before planning a family, job requirements, busy schedules play havoc in a couple’s life and they are unable to conceive. The Vedic seers understood, that children are the result of good deeds of the past life and they have nominated the 5th and 7th houses of a horoscope as houses of children.

Childbirth is considered one of the most auspicious things to happen in a marriage. Couples who face delays in begetting parenthood visit doctors and astrologers to consult for the assessment of timing of child birth in their life. This

question is finding a lot of relevance in today’s time when a lot of urban couples are going for assisted treatments to beget a child. Vedic texts have many mentions about the strengths of a man to reproduce. Astrological rules suggest that male power is represented by sun and venus. For the female Jupiter is the significator of childbirth and should not be afflicted. Also, timing can only be assessed by studying the dashas and transits the couple will get in their reproductive age.

These days people have started marrying late due to raised education period even after marriage most of the urban working population takes time to plan family due to financial and professional stability. While women are increasingly represented in the workforce, they still face challenges of one type or other in balancing their work and home life and this has some due implication on the birth of a child, Also it has been noted that some couples take much longer time to be blessed with a child, this can be due to various delay causing yoga or combinations in the horoscope, so this research will cover the astrological possibilities of the timing of a happening of a child in an individual’s horoscope, this can lead to lower stress levels and better management oftime.

1.2 Types of Santan as per Vedic Texts

As per Manusmriti and Nirnaya Sindhu, there are 12 types of “santan” or children mentioned in our vedic texts. First is the biological child that is blessed to a married couple mentioned as auras putra. There are other types of children like an adopted child, children of the spouse, etc. But in our research, we will consider the all and any type biological child of an individual, and hence our research will only incorporate such children.

Various types of children mentioned in Manusmriti- page no-73, Adhyay 9

Lo{ks=s laLÑrk;ka rq Lo;eqRikn;sf) ;e~A rekSjla fotkuh;kRiq=a izFkedfYire~AA165AA ;LrYit% izehrL; DyhcL; O;kf/krL; okA

Lo/kesZ.k fu;qDrk;ka liq=% {ks=t% Le`r%AA166AA

ekrk firk ok n|krka ;efn~Hk% iq=ekifnA

ln`'ka izhfrla;qDra Ks;ks nf=e% lqr%AA167AA

ln`'ka rq izdq;kZ|a xq.knks"kfop{

iq=a iq=xq.kS;qZDra l% foKs;'p Ñf=e%AA168AA

mRi|rs x`gs ;L; u ; Kk;sr dL; l%A l x`gs xw<mRiUuLrL; L;|L; rYit%AA169AA

ekr`fir`H;keqRl`"V% ;;ksjU;rjs.k okA ;a iq=a ifjx`;knifo)% l mP;rsAA170AA

fir`os'efu dU;k rq ;a iq=ka tu;snzg%A ra dkuhua onsUukEuk oks<% dU;kleqn~Hkoe~AA171AA

;k lafLØ;rs Kkrk·Kkrkfi ok lrhA oks<q% lxHkksZ Hkofr lgks< bfr pksP;rsAA172AA

Ø;k|LRoiR;kFkZa ekrkfi=kks;ZefUrdkr~A l% Øhrd% lqrLRoL; ln`'kks·fi okAA173AA

;k iR;k ok ifjR;Drk fo/kok ok Lo;fePN;kA mRikns;RiquHkwZRok l ikSuHkZo mP;rsAA174AA

lk psn{kr;ksfu% L;kn~xrizR;kxrkfi okA ikSuHkZosu Hk=kZ lk iqu% laLdkjegZfrAA175AA

ekr`fir`foghuks ;LR;Drks ok L;kndkj.kkr~A vkRekua Li'kZ;s|LeS Lo;anÙkLrq l% Le`r%AA176AA ;Eczkã.kLrq 'kwnzk;ka dkeknqRikn;sRlqre~A l ikj;U;so 'koLrLekRikj'ko% Le`r%AA177AA

nkL;ka ok nklnkL;ka ok ;% 'kwnzL; lqrks Hkosr~A lks·uqKkrks gjsna'kfefr /keksZ O;ofLFkr%AA178A


rs p }kn'kiq=kk ;kKoYD;s uksDrk&

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In these slokas, there are twelve types of children mentioned as per our traditional texts-

1. As per shloka 65, the first and foremost is one’s own biological child born in a marriage.

2. It is a child obtained by one’s wife when the husband is not capable.

3. When some parents willfully give their child for adoption to another couple of the same caste.

4. When a couple accepts any child as their own child, then he /she is said to be their child.

5. When the parents don’t want a newborn born to them, the one who accepts the child is considered the protector/parent of the child.

6. When parents or any one of them accepts anybody as their child.

7. When an unmarried girl delivers a baby and later marries somebody else that person is a fatherly figure to the child.

8. When somebody knowingly or unknowingly marries a pregnant woman, then the child born is considered the child of the man who married the woman.

9. When in old times people with no children considered paying some amount to another couple for adopting their child.

10. When a widow marries again, and a child is obtained from the second marriage.

11. When a child who is shunned by his/her parents accepts another couple as his/her parents by his own choice.

12. Children that are born as a result of a reunion of different caste people.

In our research, we will only consider all, and any type of biological children born to an individual/couple.

1.3 The Zodiac

Planet moves amongthestars along a beltand they do not go beyond acertain width on either side of the central line of motion. All the planets confine their lateral movement to this belt. This belt is known asthezodiac.

The zodiac is circular in shape, and the circumference of the zodiacal belt contains 360 degree; consequently, each house as sign contains 30 degrees. The twelve equal parts called the sign of zodiac are represented by imaginary figures, and they affect the body, the character, the disposition and the mental and moral attributes, as well as possibilities for success or failure of a human being.

The entire Zodiac is represented by 12 houses by a chart which is called kundali or horoscope. To analyze the strength of any house in particular, it becomes necessary to determine, first the lord of that house, the planets placed in that house, the good and bad aspects of various planets on that particular house, the sign occupied by that house and the conjunction and placement of lord of that house to predict anything.

1.4 Twelve Signs

Krishnamurti KS' (1997) has explained about the twelve signs:

1. Aries (Mesha) :- This is the first or head sign of the Zodiac. It commences at the vernal equinoxandextends up toexactly 30degrees. Persons born under this sign are of middle status and possess a lean and muscular body. As Mars rules this sign, the people born in Aries will be ever active and ambitious, bold and impulsive. Head, adrenal, sensory organs, brain, nerve centers, cranium are the parts of the body ruled by the Ariessign.

2. Taurus (Vrishabha):- It is the second sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30 degrees in longitude and it extends from 30 degrees from Vernal Equinox. This sign is symbolized by a bull both by Hindus and Westerners. A few thousands of years ago Egyptians celebrated Mayday festival probably due to the entrance of the Sun into Taurus which is referred to as "The Sacred Bull" and probably when the Vernal equinox coincided with the commencement of Taurus. Taurus is governed by Venus. Moon getsexaltedinthissign. Itis bothanearthyandfixed sign. Neck, throat, mouth, esophagus, vocal cords, thyroid gland are ruled by Taurus.

3. Gemini (Mithuna:- It is thirty-degree in longitude and it extends from 60 degrees from Vernal Equinox to 90°. It is ruled by Mercury and an intellectual planet. No planet gets either exaltation or debilitation in this sign. But Jupiter is said to be in its determent in this system. Hands, arms, shoulders, lungs, nervous system, sensitive nerves are ruled by this sign.

4. Cancer (Karka):- Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. This sign is 30° from the 90th degree from Vernal equinox to 120th degree. This sign is symbolized by a crab. This is the first sign of watery triplicity, the other being the Vrischitea and Meena. Its quality is cardinal, movable or chara. It is a feminine and fruitful sign. It is a mute sign too. Clumsy body, slender limbs, and powerful claws are the particularities of crab. The ruling planet of Cancer is the moon or luna. Jupiter gets exalted here, its highest point of exaltation being 5 degrees, while Mars is

debilitated in this sign and is said to be completely debilitated in the 28th degree. Cancer rules the chest and stomach.

5. Leo (Simha) :- Leo is 30° in longitude. It extends from 120° to 150° from Vernal Equinox. This is a central sign of the triplicity as Aries is the first sign and Sagittarius is the third and the last one. Leo is a hot, dry, masculine, positive, bestial, and barren sign. It is also a fixed sign. Only Sun and Moon, the two luminaries govern one sign each, Leo and Cancer respectively. People born in this sign are noble, large-hearted, magnanimous, and generous. Sun is necessary for the life and growth of both vegetables and animals. But whenever sun becomes furious, it destroys them.

6. Virgo :- (Kanya) is the 01" sign of the Zodiac. This sign is also 30" in longitude and it extends from the 150th degree from Vernal Equinox to 180th degree. Virgo is the second sign ruled by Mercury, also the second earthy sign. Mercury is not only the ruler of this sign but he gets exalted here. Venus though a good friend of Mercury, gets debilitated in Virgo. Virgo is traditionally symbolized as a Virgin, lying prostrate. In one of her hands, she holds Spica- Seed-Wheat and in the other a stem of a tree.

7. Libra (Tula) :- It is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. This sign is also 30° in longitude and it extends from 180th degree from Vernal Equinox to 21.0°. The commencement of Libra, i.e. 180th degree is termed Autumnal Equinox. It is the crossing point or intersection of the celestial equator and ecliptic belt. The sun passes over from North to South declination and at the time when Sun enters Libra at 0°, it is observed that day and night are equal across the World. Libra is an airy sign. It represents fertile imagination, intuitive powers, great intellect, balance in life and relationships happy go lucky person, pleasant nature etc. Venus rules this sign. Saturn gets exalted in Libra and Sun gets debilitated. Libra is considered an enemy sign for Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, Libra is symbolized by a man, holding a balance in his hand and dealing in his commodities stationed in a public market,

camp. It is also known as the sign of business persons. The person born under this sign is generally tall with well-proportioned body. They have slender but strong limbs.

8. Scorpio (Vrishchika) :- Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30° in longitude. It extends from 210th degree from the Vernal Equinox to 240°. Sun will be moving away from the celestial equator towards the South. Scorpio is the second sign of Mars. It is a fixed, feminine yet violent and watery sign. Mars is the ruler of this sign. No planet gets exalted in this sign but the moon becomes weakened and is debilitated. Scorpio is symbolized by a scorpion. Scorpio is a watery sign. It shows intense feeling and emotion which comes from the water element.

9. Sagittarius (Dhanu) :- Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. It extends from 240 degrees from Vernal Equinox to 270°. Sun moves away from the celestial equator to the southernmost of the sun's path. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of Zodiac but it is the first sign governed by Jupiter. It is a fiery sign, common, positive, muscular, not dry, dual, double-bodied. No planet gets exalted in Sagittarius, nor does any become debilitated here. But Mercury is said to have its determinant i.e. worse in this sign. Sagittarius is pictured as half man with bow and arrow and half horse. It is said if Jupiter is with you then nothing can go against your interest. It is a fiery sign. Hence the subjects born in this sign will be bold, courageous and pushful, ambitious, greedy, and aspiring.

10. Capricorn (Makara):- It is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. It extends from 270th degree from the Vernal Equinox to 300°. According to Sayana system, the sun enters Capricorn on or around 22nd Dec. every year and leaves Capricorn on or around 21st January. The sun moves daily 1.8° to 1.11°, but according to Neryana system, throughout Kaliyuga the Sun will enter Capricorn on the 14m January and leave around 12th Feb., every year. It is the first sign governed by Saturn. Capricorn is a movable — cardinal, negative, feminine, earthy, dry, cold, quadrupedal, despondent sign of Saturn which gets debilitated in the sign (owned by mars) Aries.

But Mars gets exalted in the sign (owned by Saturn) in Capricorn. Whenever, both the luminaries, sun and moon, are in Capricorn, they are said to be in enemy camp. But Venus and Mercury are considered to occupy the friend's residence when they are in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of Sacrifice. It is said that at the time of the birth of Jesus, the sun had just entered Capricorn which is the symbol of resurrection. Even today, in India the goat is the Sacrificial animal. Capricorn is an earthy sign, so the people born in this sign will be prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical-minded.

11. Aquarius (Kumbha) :- Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30° in longitude. It extends from 300th degrees from the Vernal Equinox to 330°. Saturn owns two houses. Capricorn and Aquarius. No planet enjoys exaltation in this sign nor thus any planet suffers debilitation. The Hebrews called Aquarius "Delphi" meaning water container. Aquarius is an airy sign with high humidity.

12. Pisces (Meena) :- It is the 12th sign, the last sign of the Zodiac. It is also 30° in longitude. It extends from 330° from the Vernal Equinox (the point of intersection) when the Zodiac commences which is Aries 00 to 360° and this sign is in the fag end of the Zodiac. In this sign, Venus gets exalted. Mercury gets debilitated. Pisces is symbolized with fishes, one will lead towards the north and the other towards the south and it is parallel to ecliptic. Pisces is a watery, cold, feminine, fruitful, psychic, emotional, bicorporal, double-edged sign-on southern hemisphere and is of short ascension. Shakuntala (1995)1 has explained that the Zodiac is represented as follows in the Hindu system, more so there are so many patterns in different countries to cast the horoscope. The present study deals with the northern India pattern to cast the horoscope.

1.5 The Twelve Houses

At the time of birth, or art the time of happening of any event, a certain point or degree of one of the twelve signs of the zodiac will be rising on the Eastern

Horizon. And this sign that arises in the eastern horizon is known as the Ascendant and in Vedic astrology, it is called Lagna.

It is considered that the Lagna defines a lot of important things about the character of a person and also the occurrence of various major or minor events in one’s life will largely depend upon this sign. To determine the Lagna or the sign that arises in the eastern horizon,the time of birth has to be accurate. The exact date of birth and place of birth are also equally important. Any discrepancy or inaccuracy in time of birth, date of birth and place of birth, may have a major impact on the predictions and can hamper the judgment in analyzing the horoscope.

The horoscope is a chart indicating the positions of the Sun, the Moon, and seven planets in relation to the earth and to the Zodiac for any given moment of time. The twelve houses of the horoscope that govern a man's live, in its different aspects are as follows:-

First House Ascendant or Lagna: The first house which mundanely is Aries or Mesha is ruled by Mars. It signifies man's outward appearance like personality, body, the environment at the time of birth, and other physical aspects.

Second House: This house is called a House of wealth, which mundanely is Taurus and is ruled by Venus. It signifies a man's financial circumstances, profit or gain, loss or damage and all movable goods.

Third House: This house is called the House of Relatives. The third house which mundanely is Gemini is ruled over by Mercury. It signifies brothers, sisters, neighbours, the environment of the family, short journeys, the degree of mentality, perception and adaptability of the individual.

Fourth House:- The House of Home, the fourth house, which mundanely is Cancer is ruled over by the moon. It signifies the mother or father, inherited tendencies, the environment during early childhood and old age, the landed prosperity.

Fifth House :- This house is called the house of pleasure, which mundanely is Leo, ruled over by the Sun. it signifies education, children, love affairs, entertainment, and speculation.

Sixth House:- The sixth house, which mundanely is virgo is ruled over by Mercury. It signifies the enemies, diseases, servants, uncles and aunts, and domestic animals of the individual.

Seventh House:- The house of marriage which mundanely is Libra is ruled over by Venus. It signifies marriage, business, partnerships and enemies of the individual.

Eighth House:- The house of death which mundanely is Scorpio, is ruled over by Mars.Itsignifiestheinheritance,legacies,wills,anddeedsoftheindividual.

Ninth House:- The ninth house in a kaal purush kundali is representedbySagittarius, its lord is Jupiter. It denotes teachers, inspiring figures, religion, luck, Philosophy, long journeys, studies,. Some scholars believe that it also represents father and fatherly figures in one’s life.

Tenth House:- This is the house of business and honor and mundanely is Capricorn and is ruled over by Saturn. It signifies ambition, fame, position, power, promotion, and elevation.

Eleventh House:- It is mundanely Aquarius and is ruled over bySaturn and Uranus. It signifies friendships and the aspirations of theindividual.

Twelfth House: The twelfth house, which mundanely is Pisces is ruled over by Jupiter and Neptune. It signifies unseen difficulties, impairment of the senses, speculation, the secret enemies of the individual.

1.6 Regarding the Planets and Signs

1.6.1 Division of signs as per their nature and behavior.

Masculine signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, andAquarius.

Feminine signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Airy signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Fiery signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Earthy signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Watery signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Table-1 : Aspects of Planets Aspect on 7th House Aspect on 4th & 8th house Aspect on 5th & 9th house

Saturn 3rd & 10th house 100%

The planets rule over their assigned signs and consequently, while they have great power in their own signs, they are weak in others. The assigned signs of the various planets are as follows :

Table-2: Sign and Ruling Planet

Sign (Rashi) Ruling Planet Aries Mars Taurus Venus Gemini Mercury Cancer Moon Leo Sun Virgo Mercury

Libra Venus

Scorpio Mars

Sagittarius Jupiter

Capricorn Saturn

Aquarius Uranus, Saturn

Pisces Jupiter, Neptune

1.6.2 Benefic and Malefic Planets

Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are benefic planets relatively i.e Mercury is more benefic than Moon; Venus is more benefic than Mercury; Jupiter is more benefic than Venus. Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Dragon's Head) are malefic planets relatively, i.e. Mars is more malefic than Sun; Saturn is more malefic than Mars; and Rahu is more malefic than Saturn.

Satyavir Shastri' has explained regarding Exaltation & Debilitation of Planet

Table-3: Lord of Signs (Exalted and Debilitated Planets)

S.N Planet Sign of Exaltation Degree of Highest exaltation Sign of Debilitation Degree of Deepest Debilitation

1. Sun Aries 10 Libra 10

2. Moon Taurus 3 Scorpio 3

3. Mars Capricorn 28 Cancer 28

4. Mercury Virgo 15 Pisces 15

5. Jupiter Cancer 5 Capricorn 5

6. Venus Pisces 27 Virgo 27

7. Saturn Libra 20 Aries 20

8. Rahu Gemini 15 Sagittarius 15

9. Ketu Sagittarius 15 Gemini 15

Table-4: Friendship and Enmity of Planets

S.No. Planets FriendPlanets NeutralPlanets EnemyPlanets

1. Sun Moon,Mars& Jupiter Mercury Venus,Saturn&Rahu

2. Moon Sun&Mercury Saturn, Venus, Jupiter&Mars Rahu,Ketu

3. Mars Sun,Moon,Jupiter Mercury, Rahu, Ketu Saturn,Venus

4. Mercury Sun,Venus,Rahu Mars, Saturn, Ketu Moon,Jupiter

5. Jupiter Sun,Moon,Mars Rahu, Saturn, Ketu Mercury,Venus

6. Venus Mercury, Saturn, Rahu Jupiter, Mars, Ketu Sun,Moon

7. Saturn Mercury, Venus, Rahu Jupiter,Ketu Sun,Mars,Moon

8. Rahu MercuryVenus Saturn Saturn,Ketu Sun,Mars,Moon

9. Ketu VenusSaturnRahu Jupiter,Ketu Sun,Mars,Moon

According to Suryasiddhanta, Saturn is the most distant planet from the earth; Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Moon come next in order of their distance. Based on such an arrangement the relationships areallotted.

Benefic and Malefic planets are benefic or malefic according to their inherent nature. They tend to do good or evil. Venus, full moon, and well associated Mercury are held to be good planets. New moon badly associated Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu are evil and malefic ones:- from the eighth day of the bright half of the lunar month the Moon is full andstrong. She is weak from the eight days of the dark half.

1.6.3 Sexes:- Jupiter, Mars and Sun are Males; Venus Rahu and the Moon are females; and Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are eunuchs and hermaphrodites.

1.6.4 Colours:- Each planet represents a certain color which is as follows: Sun — Copper, Mars — Blood Red, Moon — White, Saturn —Black, Mercury Green, Jupiter — Bright Yellow, and Venus — a mixture of all colors.

1.6.5 Planetary Castes:- Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins and holy people; the Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas and belong to the warrior caste; the Moon is Vaisya and trader. Mercury is Sudra and farmer; Saturn is Antyaya and untouchable. One should not confuse this with the so-called caste system. According to Lord Krishna, Varna is based on guna and karma.

1.6.6 Combustion

When a planet comes near to Sun within the degrees shown below, it becomes burned and is called combust and in Hindi is known"Ast".







1.6.7 Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable (or common) signs: The cardinal signs are movable; they are pioneer signs. The fixed signs are concentrated, preserving and in the sense conservative as such and the mutable signs have no distinct character of their own.

Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

Masculine are positive, and feminine is negative signs. The masculine signs are creative, the feminine signs are formative.

Masculine or Positive: the fire and air signs.

Feminine or Negative: the earth and water signs.

Thus, when the majority of planets in a horoscope are in one of these groups, certain very general deductions can be made about the temperament of the individual.

1.7 Planets Signs and Constellations

There are nine important planets that are considered in astrology as affecting terrestrial phenomena. The Sanskrit and the symbols used by Western astrologers are also given hereunder by Raman(1995)'.

Table-5 : Name of Nine Planets (Hindi & English)

1. Sun Surya or Ravi

2 Moon Soma or Chandra

3. Mars Kuja or Angaraka

4 Mercury Budha or Soumya

5 Jupiter Guru or Brihaspati

6. Venus Sukra or Bhargava

7. Saturn Sani or Manda

8 Dragon's Head Rahu or Tama

9 Dragon's Tail Ketu or Sikhi

Table-6 : The twelve signs of the Zodiac

1. Mesha Aries TheRam

2. Vrishabha Taurus TheBull

3. Mithuna Gemini TheTwins

4. Karka Cancer TheCrab

5 Simha Leo TheLion

6 Kanya Virgo TheVirgin

7 Tula Libra TheBalance

8. Vrischik Scorpio TheScorpion

9. Dhanu Sagittarius TheCentaur

10. Makara Capricorn TheCrocodile

11. Kumbha Aquarius TheWater-bearer

12. Meena Pisces TheFishes

The Zodiac is an imaginary circular belt with no beginning or end. The zodiac is divided into 27 constellations or nakshatras. The starting point of the zodiac is the constellation Ashwiniwhich lies in the Aries sign. The measurement of each nakshatra or constellation is 13°20' and consists of four charans/quarters or padas of 3°20' each. Each sign comprises of 2 and a quarter constellations or nakshatras. Ashwini the first is a 3 stars horse face representation.

1) Bharani - 3 stars resembling a female sexual organ.

2) Krittika - 6 stars resembling a razor.

3) Rohini - 5 stars resembling a chariot.

4) Mrigasira - 3 stars resembling a head of a deer.

5) Ardra - 1 star resembling a head.

6) Punarvasu - 5 stars resembling a bow.

7) Pushya - 3 stars resembling flowers.

8) Aslesha - 6 stars resembling a Serpent.

9) Magha - 5 stars resembling a Palanquin.

10) Purva phaguniand

11) Uttara phalguni - 4 stars resembling legs of a cot.

12) Hasta - 5 stars resembling a Palm.

13) Chitra - 1 star resembling a Pearl.

14) Swati - 1 star resembling a Sapphire.

15) Vishaka - 3 stars resembling a Potter's Wheel.

16) Anuradha - 3 stars resembling an Umbrella.

17) Jyeshta - 3 stars resembling an Umbrella.

18) Moola - 6 stars resembling a Crouching Line

19) Purvashada - 4 stars resembling a Square.

20) Uttarshada - 4 stars resembling a square

21) Sravana - 3 stars resembling an arrow.

22) Dhanista - 4 stars resembling a drum.

23) Satabhishta - 100 stars resembling a flower.

24) Poorvabhadrapada - 4 stars resembling the legs of a cot.

25) Uttarabhadrapada - 4 stars resembling the legs of a cot.

26) Revati - 3 stars resembling a fish.

Raman B.V.1 has explained the following quarters (Padas) of the constellations comprise the twelve zodiac signs:-

Table-7 Quarters of Constellations/Nakshatra in Zodiac

No. Rasi (Signs) Nakshatra (Constellation) Padas (Quarters) Space on the ecliptic from 0° Aries

The above table interpreted means that four quarters of Ashwini, four quarters of Bharani and the first quarter of Krittika make up Aries (Mesha). The remaining three and the first two quarters of Mrigasira compose Taurus or Vrishabha and soon.Thischartwouldenableonetofixtheportionsof planetsinahoroscope, as in most Hindu almanacs (iapkax) the planetary positions are generally given in constellations and quarters.

1.8 Periods and Sub-Periods (Dasas and Bhuktis)

Raman BV' has explained the position of the Moon at birth is important in the calculation of the Dasas. Every constellation covers 13(1/3) degree of Zodical space. Each Nakshatra has a planet assigned as its lord and the Dasa at birth is determined rather indicated by the constellation occupied by the Moon at the moment of birth.

Table-8 : Periods (Dasa system)

MoonoccupiedNakshatra Dasa Years













Aslesha,Jyeshta,Revati Mercury 17




The total of the different periods, viz., 120 years is considered as the natural life period of a human being.

1.9 Lagna (Ascending Sign or Ascendant)

Satyavir (2000)1hasexplainedthattheliteralmeaningof 'Lagna'isattached to; but in astrology it means that our geographical horizon is attached to some sign sphere (Rashi-Vritta). In earlier times earth was thought to be fixed or immovable (fixed) and the sun etc, planets were considered as movable. What the 'Ishtakala' is

and how it is found out, has already been discussed. To caste a horoscope, the 'Ishtakala' is a very important and necessary unit. But with this time 'Ishtakala' the positions of heavens can not be known absolutely. In other words we can take it only as 'Informing point' (Suchaka Bindu), not as information centre (Suchaka Kendra). Since the sun is the central point he is taken as the informer of the actual positions of the heaven and from the sun only, the positions and the time related and system based distances of other planets can be known.

To determine the longitude of an ascendant (Lagna Spashta), we should know the following

1) Ishtakala (local mean time of birth)

2) Spashta Surya (longitude of sun)

3) Udaya Pala (rising pala, one pala =- 24 seconds)

4) Akshansha (latitude of the place)

5) Deshautra (longitude of the place)

6) Ayanausha (precessional distance)


Antras Interperiod

Auspicious Houses 1, 5 , 9,

4, 7, 10 Bhagyasthana 9th


Bhava House

Bhukti Sub-period

Chandra The Moon

Cheshta Bala Motional Strength

Dasas Planetary periods

Digbala Directional strength

Ghati A unit of time measure of Hindu equivalent to 24 minutes of English time.

Guru Jupiter


Science of time of Astrology Inauspicious Houses 6, 8, 12

Kala Bala

Temporal strength

Kanya Virgo

Karaka Cancer

Kendras Quadrants

Ketu Dragon's Tail

Kuja Mars

Lagna Ascendant

Lagnadhipathi Ascendant's lord

Kumbha Aquarius

Makara Capricorn

Mesha Aries

Mithuna Gemini

Nakshatra Constellation

Navamsa 1/9th division of sign

Neecha Debilitation

Oopachayas 3,6,10 and 11houses

Panaparas 2,5,8 and 11houses

Panchangas Almanacs

Panchmesh Lord of 5th House

Papa Malefic

Rahu Dragon's Head

Rahu Kala Time influenced by Rahu

Rasi Zodiac/Sign

Sthanabala Positional strength

Swakshetra Own House

Sani Saturn

Shadbalas Six sources of strength and weakness of the planet

Stri Rasis Feminine sign

Sthira Rasis Fixed sign

Sukra Venus

Trikona A trine house (5th and 9thhouse)

Yoga Planetary combinations

Yoga Karaka Conferor of fame

Uchcha Exaltation

Vrishaba Taurus

M.DMahadasha Lord


P.D Pratyantar dashalord

1.11 Significance of this Study

a. The study will be of great benefit to the couples for calculating the right period of childbirth in their life.

b. The present study will serve as a guideline in reducing anxiety among aspiring parents by knowing the expected period of childbirth

c. The present study will provide a new approach for the development of a new astrologicalco-relationorcombinationwhichwouldinfluencechildbirth

d. The present study will add new knowledge to the current astrological combinations of childbirth parameters i.e dashas and transits related to the 5th house, 5thlord, andKarak-of fifth house which is Jupiter.

e. The present study will help astrologers to predict accurately and establish a set of rules for predicting the timing of childbirth.

f. If the present study, having established a definite connection between the astrological combinations of dasha and transit in native's horoscope and actual childbirth then it can used be effectively for aspiring parents awaiting progeny.

g. It can be properly used by astrologers, couples, and doctors, and by utilizing the results of this study, thousands of couples can benefit.

h. The present study encompassed planetary influences of dashas and transits as per the natal chart on Timing of Child Birth.

i. The chance of establishing a fruitful basis gave me extreme encouragement as I, myself faced difficulty in attaining motherhood.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Rishis like Manu etc have also accepted it as a fervent desire for an individual to attain childbirth as each human beingseeshischildasanewconversion of him. In Shakuntla Darshan, Shakuntla has made it clear that from the womb a woman procreates her husband only. The auspiciousness and the necessity of having children are elucidated in all related Shastras. The salvation and ultimate liberation movement is not possible without having avirtuous and capable child. In addition to that, the reality of ancestry, glee of family pride, and decking of social status are dependent on the ultimate truth of begetting children which carries forward the history of mankind. The word child in real sense is the foundation column of the future. Any religious deed is possible without progeny neither in the Vedic period nor in the modern age.

The best reward of married life is the creation and origin of progeny. Progeny is the strong source of the foundation of material achievements, expansion of the family, social reputation, ancestry, and old age support along with overall prosperity the importance of which is specifically realized by those who do not have children. After marriage, the biggest desire and curiosity is that of begetting progeny only. After one enters into married life the native waits for progeny's entry into the womb with lot of anxiety. The significance of being a man or woman gets appreciated with their fertility only.


_.kefLeUlau;R;e`Ùkoa p xPNfr&&&lokaZx fpUru firk iq=L; tkrL; i';sPpsTthorks eq[ke

"By seeing the face of new born baby the father hands over his all debts to the baby and gets salvation-"

;koUr: i`fFkO;ka Hkksxk ;koUrks tkrosnfl ;koUrks vIlq çkf.kuka Hkw;kUiq=s firqLrr% &&&lokaZx fpUru

For a father no pleasure on this earth, water and fire can be as big as that of progeny comfort-

'kk'oRiq=s.k firjksvR;k;Ucgqya re%

vkRek fg tK vkReu: l bjkoR; fpUru

"Father crosses over sorrows of this world & next world through his son as he himself only takes birth as his son again and again- That son helps him crossing over the world as a boat crosses over asea-"

ifrtkZ;ka çfo'kfr xHkksZ HkwRok lk ekrje

rL;ka iquuZoks HkwRok n'kes ekfl tk;rs &&&lokaZx fpUru

"The husband only enters into the womb of mother & becomes new by taking bith in the 10th month"

y{ka osnk'pRokjks y{ka Hkjr ,o pA y{ka O;kdj.ka çksäa prqyZ{kUrq T;kSfr"ke AA ¼pj.kC;wg½

"The man has the curiosity to learn all Shastras and when all remedies of medical science fail then he takes the refuge of astrology."

It is thenatural tendencyof human beings not totolerate sorrow in anyareaof life. For overcoming sorrows and to acquire happiness he visits an astrologer to get a solution

for his problem from his astrologer. In this situation, the astrologer only reveals the truth and explains the causes of obstacles coming in the way of probabilities of childbirth. Only an expert in predictive astrology can make accurate predictions.

2.1 Review of Tradition Text

In research work, the study of various Shastrik texts has been made as to its basis. Apart from ancient texts, the study of books written by modern scholars and Jyotish Gurus have also been incorporated. Various astrological texts, research magazines, various websites, T.V. channels, workshops, astrological seminars, and the information furnished from the experiences of various astrologers have been used as a source. This research work has been done by collecting various horoscopes with the practical application of the fundamentals of astrology. This is based completely on authentic and accurate facts. The data used in the research work is completely accurate. This research work is genuine and innovative as this type of work was not done ever before extensively. We studied many traditional books to find yogas, dashas and transit mentioned relating to childbirth and found that most had a mention or relation to the 5th house.

2.2 Role of Houses & Mahadasha

As per vedic astrology, the main houses of consideration for children, progeny or any matters about one’s offsprings are 5th house, 9th house, Jupiter, 5th lord, 5th house and 1st house of Satpamsa chart (D7 Chart) and in Jamini astrology it is putrakaraka planet. There are may other ways to predict the gender, timing of birth and number of children through Vedic astrology. The first thing required to assess the timing of childbirth is to check mahadasha in operation. As mentioned in the vedic texts the most auspicious mahadashas that promise childbirth are considered to be of karak-Jupiter and lord of 2nd, 4th, 5thand 7th houses. Some scholars also consider 9th house as it is 5th from 5th because of bhavat- bhavam. 2nd house is the house of family, 4th house represents motherhood, and 5th house is matters of children. Jupiter is the karaka planet for house 5 that is of children so, in

its mahadasha, it can easily fulfill the promise of childbirth regardless of its placement or lordship in the horoscope. Moon denotes mental satisfaction and motherhood, emotions and so in Moon mahadasha, too, one can attain childbirth regardless of the moon's positioning and which house it rules in the natal chart.

During mahadasha of 5th lord or 9th lord or planets that are closely related to these house by the virtue of placement, conjunction, lordship or aspects-mutual or one way; happening of childbirth is triggered because 5th is children and 9th house is 5th from the 5th, as in vedic astrology 9th house is 5th fro 5th and denotes the results attained from the fifth house,so during any kind of activation of this house which is also the Bhagya bhava or house of luck one can beget a child. Activation of any house is through the Antar dasha and mahadasha of planets related to that house and the transit of the related planets to that house or transit of any planet over that house. Antar dasha of 2nd, 5th, 9th or of planet sitting in the 5th house can bring childbirth. But, one must also look at the most important factor in Jyotish which is divisional charts. Saptamsa chart becomes prominent when trying to determine the time of birth. Any planet in the 1st house of the D7 chart or 5th house can bring children more than any other period because the planet in the ascendant of any divisional chart brings something important related to that divisional chart. If one is running through the mahadasha of the 10th house in the main birth but if the same planet controls the 5th house or 1st house or is placed in the 1st or 5th house in the D7 chart, then childbirth is possible. If Dasha lord is exalted in D7 then also it can trigger childbirth.

2.3 Relevant Houses to be considered

2nd house for family, 5th for 1st child in women’s chart, 6th house for labor pain, 8th house show possibility of operation, 11th for the fulfillment of desires it is also the 5th from the partner, 12th house for hospitalization. Ascendant for self and 7th for spouse/partner, 3rd is 9thfrom partner so it also has importance as it indicates 3rd child in women horoscope. 5th house decides if the native will get children or

not. The 5th house rules progeny matters, learning, emotions, creation, and good deeds done in a past life. The 5th for females and 11th for males is important. Jupiter is the natural significator of childbirth. In females, Moon is fertility and Mars is menstruation. In a male horoscope, Venus is considered the lord of fertility and represents the power and quality of semen. Sun is strengthandvitality. Jupiter is thesignificator of the 5th house and the lord for anything related toprogeny

5th house of horoscope represents mainly children and all the matters related to children like their nature, relationship with them, their wellbeing etc. Placement of benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, moon, mercury her promise good children, hence assuring childbirth indeed. Placement of dry and malefic planets is not considered to be favorable for childbirth. Positioning of 5th lord in the natal chart also matters in while checking out the timing of childbirth. If it occupies the malefic houses, it is considered inauspicious for children in terms of their wellbeing, health, studies and it may even suggest delay or denial for childbirth, it can also signify sickness, sorrows, and losses for children. If the 5th house lord is well placed in auspicious houses like 1,3,4,7,9,10, it would be considered as promising childbirth. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces and is considered as the Karak planet of children. If Jupiter is weak in the horoscope, which can be due to its placement in malefic houses or its conjunction with malefic planets, it may prove as an obstacle in the promise of childbirth. If Moon is placed in the 5th house and is free from any kind of malefic influence or to say it is under the benefic influence by aspects or conjunction of other good planets, the native may beget many children. Ketu signifies problems related to conception. It is to note here that if fifth house is occupied by its own lord then it always promise childbirth even if the lord is a malefic

2.4 Divisional Charts

Divisional charts are also important as they give a deeper insight into the matters. Navansh chart and Saptamasha chart should also be checked as it gives a

clear picture about the matters related to childbirth. Divisional charts help us predict about our children and happiness from them. If Navamsha lord of the 5th lord of the birth horoscope is in a good condition or well-aspected in the birth horoscope, the birth of children is assured. For a Female Horoscope, Moon is a very important planet as it represents her mental strength and motherhood and in the Male horoscope, Sun and Jupiter are the key planets that control progeny and procreation.

When a childbirth-promising planet tally intransits and dasha/bhukti, a person is definitely said to be blessed with children. If Dasha Lord & Antardasha Lord promising childbirth are very strong exalted/Vargottami etc in divisional charts then they definitely prove auspicious in blessing the native with fortunate children. An event cannot be predicted independently on the basis of divisional chart. If the birth chart contains the promise of fructification of an event only then the divisional chart can be brought into application.

2.5 Alternative positions

One of the most important things people forget is to look at planetary placement and aspect upon the 5th house through alternative ascendants. As per Hora Shastra, it is believed that an astrologer must analyse a horoscope from three angles; from Lagna (ascendant) moon, and sun. Reading the charts through sun and moon Lagna gives a wider perspective and a highly promising time frame even in these charts can prove definitely fruitful to beget a child.

Some scholars believe that chara dasha in Jamini astrology which focuses on the placement of putrakaraka in the horoscope proves truly beneficial in the assessment of child birth. Putrakaraka is the planet with the 5th highest degree. During the chara dasha of the sign which occupies putrakaraka planet childbirth is possible or if putrakaraka goes 5th from the Chara Dasha of an operating sign, then, too, it can activate childbirth. However most astrology scholars and Vedic seers

have paid utmost importance to the transit of Jupiter and Saturn for the assessment of the timing of childbirth.

2.6 Important factors regarding child birth

Houses, Yogas, Planets and their placements, conjunction and aspects in Natal Chart for matters related to Child/Children –

2.6.1 The14theditionoftheastrologicaltextbythename"BhartiyaJyotish"authored by Dr. Nemichandra Shastri (1) in 1988 gives the following interpretation of 5th house-

lqrHkoukRlqrcqf)eaf=.kkefi ea=Hkkstufir`Hkkoku

ºnZ;ksnjços'ka foosd'kfäa p fufnZ'ksUefreku

The matters like children, intelligence, consultation work, Mantras, food, house of father, heart, stomach and the power of spiritual discrimination is studied from 5th house-

The first edition of Pt- Gopesh Kumar Ojha's (2) commentary written in 1981 on Jatak Parijaat gives the following interpretation of the 5th house &

iq=kísoeghiiq=fir`/khiq ;kfu lfPpUr;s

The matters like God, king, son, father, intelligence and Punyas (virtuous deeds) are studied from 5th house-

The 14th edition of the astrological text by the name "Bhartiya Jyotish" authored by Dr- Nemichandra Shastri (3) in 1988 gives a different interpretation of 5th house-

ukFkS% dy=kRet/keZHkkuka iq=kfnfpUrka dFk;sRlthoS% cqf)a rFkk lkselqrkRetkH;ka firqLrFkSokRetHkkX;lwks;SZ%

The issue comfort should be studied from the position lords of 7th house, 5th house, 9th house and the significator Jupiter- Similarly the intelligence is studied from Mercury and 5th House whereas 5th house, Ninth house and Sun should be studied together for knowing about father-

The 2nd edition of "Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini" (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (4) gives the followingformula for knowing the promise of issue comfort& lqLFkk foyXu'kf'kuks% lqrHks'kthok% lqLFkkuukFk'kqHk–f"V;qrs lqrdZ~"ks yXukReikS ;fn ;qrkS p feFk: lq–"VkS

{ks=s ijLijxrkS ;fn larkuflf)% &&&&Qynhfidk

If Jupiter, the lord of 5th house from Lagna and that of 5th house from Moon are placed in auspicious houses and the 5th house is aspected by its lord and benefics planets and the lords of auspicious houses i-e- 4th & 9th and in addition to this the lords of 6th, 8th & 12th should not be aspecting the 5th house- Further, Lagna lord and 5th lord should be conjunct or have mutual eXchange or there should be mutual aspect between Lagna lord and 5th lord- All these Yogas prove conducive for child birth-

2.6.2 As per Sarvarth Chintamani and as per Sugam Jyotish-

As per Sarvarth Chintamani

• If any auspicious planet is placed in 5th house, aspects 5th house or 5th lord is in its own sign the native is blessed withsons.

• If 5th house or 5th lord is aspected by Jupiter or else any benefic planet is placed in 5th house or aspects 5th house then the birth of the male child is confirmed.

• If powerful Jupiter aspected by Lagna lord is 5th lord then the native begets one son.

• If powerful 2nd lord aspected by Jupiter is in 5thhouse.

• If Lagna lord and 5th lord are conjunct or aspect each other or there is a mutual exchange between these two.

• Lagna lord and 5th lord are in Kendras and conjunct with benefic and the 2nd house lord is powerful.

• The lord of Navamsa is conjunct with 5th lord and aspected by or conjunct with benefic.

• Lagna lord is in 7th house, 9th lord in 7th and 2nd lord in Lagna then all these Yogas promise the birth of son.

• Lagna lord is in 5th house, 5th lord is powerful and significator Jupiter is also strong then the birth of male child is confirmed.

• If Navamsa lord is conjunct with 7th lord, aspected by 9th lord, 2nd lord or Lagna lord the childbirth is confirmed.

5th edition of "Santansukh: Sarvaang Chintan" (2014) by Mridula Dwivedi (13) describes the following Yogas from various astrological texts -

As per Sugam Jyotish-

• If Pisces, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio sign falls in 5th house from Lagna or Moon and there is any planet placed in 5th house then the native has few sons and if there is no planet in this house then the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son.

• If sun is plced in 5th house is in stationary sign then the elder son might get destroyed.

• If Mars in 5th house is aspected by enemy planet or placed in enemy sign or in its sign of debilitation or conjunct with malefics then the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son.

• WhenMercuryis in 5th housethenative begets children butif it iscombust or aspected by malefic then the progeny gets destroyed

• If Jupiter is placed in 5th house the native is prosperous and has several learned sons.

• If Saturn in 5th house in the sign of enemy then all sons get destroyed however the exalted and powerful Saturn helps in begetting one son after lot of difficulty and delay.

• Rahu in 5th house denotes unhappy son. If Rahu is in Cancer in 5th house the child birth is confirmed. Ketu in 5th house is not good for children and the native is devoid of education and knowledge.

• The number of Rashi in 5th house denotes the number of children or the numberofplanetsaspecting5thhousealsodeterminesthenumberofchildren. If 5th house is aspected by male planets the native begets malechildren.

• If Moon and Venus are placed in 5th house and malefics in 11th house then the first issue is female. If 5th house is occupied/ aspected by its lord then the native begets children otherwise the issue comfort isweak.

• If Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces signs are there in 5th house the native begets lot of children and the 1st issue is female.

• If there are several powerful malefics in 5th house and the 5th house is owned by a malefic planet not aspected by any benefic the native is devoid of son.

• If 5th lord is combust or loses its strength because of malefics the child birth is denied and if the children are born then they do not livelong.

• If the malefic lord of 5th not aspected by Jupiter is placed in 5th, 6th or 12th the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son.

• If Mars, Saturn or Rahu are in 5th or 11ththe childbirth getsdelayed.

• The placement of debilitated Jupiter in 5th house results into the demise of children and the same result can be expected from the Jupiter of Pisces sign in 5th whereas the presence of a malefic planet in 9th house also reducesthe longevity of son.

• If there is a malefic planet in 5th house from Jupiter then it destroys son however if it is the house of a benefic planet then the malefic planet yields auspicious results.

• If Mars is the lord of 5th house then the son dies after birth attimes.

• If Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu are placed in 5th house then the first wife of the native does not beget male children and the native has to remarry for begetting a son.

• If 5th lord does not aspect 5th house the native gets worries from his son.

2nd edition of "Saravali Sanvay Chidhharshini Hindivyakhyopeta" (2013) by Suryakant Jha(14) describes the issue comfort as given below –

lqrHkoueFk 'kqHk;qäa 'kqHk–"Va ok 'kqHkdZ~"kfeg ;s"kke rs"kka çlo: iqalka HkoR;o';a u foijhrs

If there is a benefic planet in 5th house or the 5th house is aspected by benefic or there is sign of a benefic planet in 5th house the native certainly begets children and if 5th house is occupied/ aspected by a malefic planet or else its sign is in 5th house the native does not begetchildren-

2.6.3 2nd edition of "Saravali Sanvay Chidhharshini Hindivyakhyopeta" (2013) by Suryakant Jha (15) describes the issue comfort as given below & ,dres xq#oxsZ 'kqHkjk'kkS okSjlks HkosRiq=% yXukPpUæknFkok cy;ksxk}hf{krsvfi ok lkSE;S%

If there is a benefic sign in 5th from Lagna or Moon or Varga of Jupiter only or a powerful benefic planet aspected by another benefic planet then the native certainly begets a son-

2nd edition of "Saravali Sanvay Chidhharshini Hindivyakhyopeta" (2013) by Suryakant Jha (16) gives formula for knowing the month of birth of sonikiScZfyfHk;qZäs ikidZ~"ks iapes lnk jk'kkS

tkrksviq=: iq#"k: lkSE;xzgn'kZukrhrs

If there is the sign of a malefic planet in the 5th house of the native, conjoined with malefics and not aspected by benefic the native suffers from the sorrow of not having son-

2.6.4 2nd edition of "Santati Samhita" (2014) by Mridula Trivedy and T-P- Trivedi (17) gives descripition about the impact of various signs in 5th house the various sources of which have been mentioned along with the names of astrological texts-

Aries in 5th house;nkvv)HksviR;xrsvuiR;ku ØwjkUdq'khykfUo—rkfUoforku lq[kksfT>rkUeksglefUorkUok çk;s.k erZ~;Lru;kaYyHksr

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 378

If the sign Aries is there in 5th house the native is devoid of progeny or gets cruel, notorious, poor, unhappy sons having abnormal body with the eXcessive flaw of attachment-

es"ks lqrLFks yHkrs euq";ks çk;s.k iq=ku fofo/kkaLrFkk p

Øwjku lq[kksukfUo —rkuiR;ku ek;kuqjäku dqpfj=;qäku

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 1

If there is sign Aries in 5th house the native begets cruel, unhappy, pathogenetic and elusive sons having bad character-

Taurus in 5th HouseçHkko;krs o`"kHkkfHk/kkus çk;s.k iq=;% lqHkxk: lq#ik%

LoHkr`Z/keZ~es fujrk viR;ghuk Hkos;qcZgqdkfUr;qäk%

(T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 379

If the Taurus sign is placed in 5th house the native's spouse is fortunate and loyal and begets several daughters-

o`"ks lqrLFk yHkrs euq"; : çk;s.k dU;k% lqHkxk: lq:ik: viR;ghuk cgqdkfUr;qäk: lnkuqjäk fut—R;/kesaZ

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 2

If Taurus sign is in 5th house of the native does not have son, his daughters are fortunate, attractive, dutyful and religious-

Gemini in 5th House

u`;qXejk'kkS çfrekx`gLFk vkIuksR;iR;kfu cykfUorkfu

xq.kkf/kdkfu çHk;k ;qrkfu jE;kf.k ok 'khylefUorkfu

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 38

If thereissign Geminiin5th housethenativebegets powerful, virtuous, shining, very attractive and decent children-

r`rh;jk'kkS lqrxs euq";: çkIuksR;iR;kfu euksgjkf.k lq'khy;qäkfu xq.kkf/kdkfu çHkklesrkfu cykf/kdkfu

gksjkjRue~] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 3

If there is sign Gemini in 5th house the native begets very attractive, decent, multi talented, stunning and strong children-

Cancerin5thHouse ddsaZ uUnuxsvFk ok lqr;qr% 'khrLoHkko% Lejjä% çkIr;'kksvf/kdks jrtyØhM'p ;ksf"kfRç;%

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 381

If there is sign Cancer in 5th house the native begets ambitious, humble, famous, wealthy sons or the native is decent, popular, passionate, fond of water games, favorite of females and has several sonsddsZ lqrLFks tu;sUeuq";: iq=ku çfl)ku lqrykylka'p

foLrh.kZdhrhZ'p egkuqHkkoku /kusu ;qäku fou;su ;qäku

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 4

If there is a sign of Cancer in 5th house the native begets several famous, rich, and very decent sons who are fond of begetting sonsLeo in 5th House

e`xsUæHks uUnuHks lqrhozk ;ks"kkçlwrk: {kq/k;k lesrk

u`'kalHkkok: iyoYyHkk'p dkUR;k foghuk: ijns'kHkkt%

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 382

If there is a sign Leo in 5th house the native begets sons having fiery nature who have several sons, strong appetite and cruel nature- They are non-vegetarian, ugly looking and stay abroad-

flags lqrLFks tu;sUeuq";: ØwjLoHkkoku u;usu dkUrku

ekalfç;ku L=htudku lqrhozku fons'kHkktku {kq/k;k lesrku

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd

If there is sign Leo in 5th house the native begets sons having rude nature who have several sons, pretty eyes and cruel nature- They are non vegetarian, and have hungry children staying abroadVirgoin5thHouse

ikFkksvuukEU;kRetefUnjkfJrs HkofUr dU;kLru;SfoZoftZrk%

fç;k/kokuka nqfjrP;qrk: lnk ;Fkk çxYHkk o`"kHkw"k.kfç;k%

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 383

dU;k ;nk iapexk rnk L;q: dU;k ujk.kka ru;SfoZghuk%

ifrfç;k: iq.;ijk: çxYHkk: ç'kkUrikik: fç;Hkw"k.kk'p (gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 6

If there is a sign Virgo in 5th house the native is devoid of a son and he begets a daughter who is very talented, holy, earns a lot of Punya, fond of ornaments- She is loved by her spouse-

Libra in 5th House

;L;ksiyC/kkS tuus ?kVdZ~"ks fØ;k;qrkfu L;qjiR;dkfu

tUrks: lq'khykfu rFkk Lo#i;qäkfu jE;kf.k lqf'kf{krkfu

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 384

rqyk ;nk iapexk ujk.kka rnk lq'khykfu euksgjkf.k

HkoUR;iR;kfu lq#idkf.k fØ;klesrkfu lqf'kf{krkfua

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 7

If there is sign Libra Sign in 5th house the native gives birth to active, attractive and educated sonsScorpio in 5th House

ljhl`is ;L; ujL; lwrkS lwukS fo;ksukS lqHkxkLruwtk%

L;q: Loh;/keZ~esvuqjrk: lq'khyk vk<îkLrFkk lç.k;k vnks"kk%

(T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 385

dhVs lqrLFks tu;sf};ksukS iq=kUeuq";ku lqHkxku lq'khyku

vKkrnks"k.k ç.k;su ;qäkUlnkuqjäku futxks=/kesaZ

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 8

IfthereissignScorpioSignin5thhousethenativegivesbirthtodecent,dutiful,decent, wealthy,affectionate,innocent,fortunate,andobedientsonswhofollowfamilytraditions religiously-

Sagittarius in 5th House rqjaxta?ks ru;ky;ksixs iqalka fofp=k g;ekxZis'kyk grkfji{kk u`iekula;qrk: lsokfç;k: dkeqZdp;Zdk% lqrk%

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 386

pkis lqrLFks tu;sUeuq";: lqrku fofp=ku g;ekxZn{kku

/kuq"dp;kZu {kr'k=qi{kku lsokfç;ku ikfFkZoekuiq"Vku

gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 9

If there is sign Sagittarius Sign in the 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are smart horse riders, expert in the art of war, powerful in front of enemies, protected by king, and fond of service-

Capricornin5thHouse ,.kkuus psn f/k"k.kky;kfJrs uiqalHkkok: fç;rkfooftZrk%

xrçHkkok'p e`"kk?kcq);: lqrk: dq#ik vfrfu"Bqjk erk%

(T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 387@

e`xslqrLFks tu;sUeuq";: iq=kUe`xs ikierhu dq#iku

dyhoLoHkkoku foxrçHkkoku lqfu"Bqjku f{kçfooftZrka'p

(gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 10@

If there is a sign Capricorn in 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are weak, impotent,rude,slow,andinactive,wicked,andlackinfluenceandenergyAquariusin5thHouse

?kVkfHk/kkus euqefUnjfLFkrs d"V~çlwrkLru;k cgqJqrk%

lq'kfä;qäk: fLFkjrklefUork xaHkhjps"Vk'p fou"VuUnuk%

(T;ksfr"krRoe, v/;k; 27] 'yksd 388@

dqEHks lqrLFks fLFkjrklesrku xEHkhjps"Vku efrlR;;qäku

iq=kUeuq";ks tu;sRçfl)kUu"VkRetku d"Ve;ku çlwrku

(gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 11@

If there is sign Aquarius in 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are famous, very powerful, sincere, truthful and intelligent and they face problems in begetting sons-


lafofUudsrsvfufe"ks ruwHk`rka HkofUr iq=k% lxnk: ldYi"kk%

vEHkhjrk gkL;;qrk: l#idkLrFkk vYioh;Z~;k o'kxk% Lo;ksf"krke (T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k; 27] 'yksd 389

ehus lqrLFks lfyykuqjäku iq=kUeuq";ka yHkrs vYioh;kZu

jksxkrqjku iki;qrkuq#iku lqgkL;rka L=ho'koku lnSo (gksjkjRue] v/;k; 7] 'yksd 12@

If there is sign Pisces in the 5th house the native gives birth to sons who are weak, wicked, suffer from diseases, love water games, fond of laughter, and very attractive but under the control of females-

2.6.5 1st edition of "Brihatparashar&Horashastram" (2012) by Pt- Devchandra Jha (18) gives following commentary on 5th housevFk iapeHkkoL; Qya ofPe J`.kq f}t

yXus'ks iapes'ks p iapeLFkkulZfLFkrs

dsUædks.kxrs okfi iw.kZiq=Hkoa lq[ke

"k"Bk"VeO;;xrs lqrs'ks L;kniq=rk vLraxrs iapes'ks ikikØkUrs p nqcZys

tk;rs u lqrLrL; tkrksvfi e`frekIuq;kr

"k"BLFkkus lqrk/kh'ks yXus'ks HkkSela;qrs

fez;rs çFkekiR;a dkdcU/k;k l/

lqrk/kh'kks fg uhpLFk% "k"Bkfnf=dlafLFkr% dkdcU/;k HkosUukjh lqrs dsrqcq/kkS ;fn lqrs'kks uhpxks ;= lqrLFkkua u i';fr

r= lkSfjcq/kkS L;krka dkdcU/;kRoekIuq;kr

HkkX;s'kks ewfrZorhZ p lqr'kks uhpxks ;fn

lqrs dsrqcq/kkS L;krka lqra d"Vkn fofufnZ'ksr

"k"Bkfnf=dalLFkks ok uhpks ok ºzkfjxsgx%

iapes'k: iapes psr iq=a d"Vkn fofufnZ'ksr

If Lagna lord and 5th lord are placed in 5th house or any Kendra or 9th house then the native certainly enjoys issue comfort especially male child. If the 5th lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th the native is devoid of sons. If the 5th lord is combust, afflicted by malefics or weak then the native does not beget son. If he happens to get by chance then also a child dies shortly. If 5th lord is in 6th house conjunct with lagna lord Mars then the 1st issue dies and his wife turns sterile. If 5th lord is debilitated and placed in bad houses i.e. 6, 8, 12, and 5th house is occupied by Ketu, Mercury then also she turns sterile. If debilitated 5th lord does not aspect 5th house and Saturn, Mercury is placed in 5th house then also it is a Yoga which can make her sterile. If 9th lord is in Lagna, 5th lord is debilitated and the 5th house is occupied by Ketu, Mercury then the native begets son after putting in a lot of effort. If the 5th lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12 house or occupies its enemy sign or sign of debilitation then also the birth of son requires a lot of effort.

1st edition of "Brihatparashar-Horashastram" (2012) by Pt. Devchandra Jha(19) gives following commetary on the placement of 5th lord in first 5houses-

lqrs'ks ruqxs lwfjjU;foÙkkigkjd% —i.k: dqfVy'pkSo lqrlkS[;kfUorks tu%

lqrs'ks /kuxsvusd&lw uq/kZu;'kksvfUor: ekuh L=hoYyHkks tkr: dqVqEcifjikyd% lqrs'ks rq r`rh;LFks tkr: L;kn Hkkr`oYyHk% ek;koh fi'kqu'pkSo ekr`lkS[;kfUor: lnk y{eh;qä% lqcqf)'p lfpoksvI;Fok xq#%

lqrs'ks lqrxs lkS E;&;qäs

dkr: lqrkfUor%

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native is thankless, wicked, learned and devoid of sons- In 2nd house it gives several sons and the native is wealthy, famous and popular among females- Its placement in 3rd house makes the native fond of brothers, elusive, sycophants, miser and selfish- In 4th house it makes the native have lucky mother- He is rich, intelligent, secretary or a Guru- Its placement in 5th house in conjunction with benefic planets blesses the native with lucky sons whereas its conjunction with malefics deprives him of male child- If there is Pisces sign in 5th house then the native is fond of water games, less effortful, patient, sinner, sweets spoken and has sons who remain under the control of females-

2.6.6 1st edition of "Brihatparashar&Horashastram" (2012) by Pt- Devchandra Jha (20) gives following commetary on the placement of 5th lord in remaining seven houses from 6th to 12th-

lqrs'ks 'k=qx`gxs lqr% 'k=qRoekIuq;kr

e`rksok nÙkd% fdaoks Øhrks ok ru;ks Hkosr

lqrs'ks dkexs ekuh loZ/keZ&lefoUr%

lnksidkjfujr: lqrlkS[;;qrks uj%

lqrs'ksv"Vexs tkrks ferL:uqlq[kks Hkosr

dkl'okZlh Øks/k;qä: lq[kghu'p tk;rs

lqr'kks uoes ;L; rRlqrks u`ilfUuHk%

tuksvlkS xzUFkfuekZrk fo[;kr% dqynhid%

lqrs'ks deZxsgLFks tk;rs tkrdks u`i%

'kqHkzdhfr:Z çHkqukZukfo/klkS[¸lefUor%

lqrs'ks ykHkHkkoLFks fo}ku yksdfç;ks tu%

prqjksXuZ~FkfuekZrk /kfudksvusdlwuq;qd


lqrs'ks fj"QHkkolFks iq=lkS[;fooftar% tkrd% Øhrru;ks xzkáiq=ksvFkok Hkosr

If 5th lord is in 6th house the son dies, the native might have adopted son, and the son is enemy- In 7th house the native is religious, philanthropic, and begets sons- Its placement in 8th house makes the native suffers from breathlessness, he is short-tempered, unhappy and does not get much happiness from sons- If 5th lord is placed in 9th house the son of the native is a king, he himself is an author and famous in the family- Its placement in 10th house can make the native a king and his reputation remains intact and he enjoys all sorts of comforts- 5th lord in 11th house not only gives several sons but it makes the native learned, rich, popular and an author- If 5th lord is in 12th house the native does not have son or else has adoptedson-

5th re&edited edition of "Santansukh: Sarvaang Chintan" (2014) by Mridula Dwivedi (21) describes the impact of the placement of 5th lord in 12 houses- She has compiled this description from various astrological texts-

TheImpactof5thlordinLagna yXuxrs iapeis çfl)Lrksdru;ifjdfyre~A 'kL=fona osnfona lqdeZfujra rFkk dq#rsAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 1

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native does not get many sons but all are very famous, the mere Darshana of whom is pleasing- The native is well versed in all the Shastras and Vedas and remains involved in performing auspicious activities alwaysruqLFks lqrs'k tukS fo".kqHkä% çfl)% çHkwrkRetks ea=fl)%A lqfo|kjfr: 'k=qHkxs·ife=% lqdekZxajkxS;qZr% 'kkL=osÙkk lqlax Jqfrfon~ xhrKkrk 'kksHkufoxzg%A 'kkr;qä% lqiku'p lqeku'p lqekul%AA

T;ksfr"krRoe~ v/;k;&27] 352&353

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, famous, has several sons, attains mantra siddhi, fond of eXcellent education, defeated by enemies, does not have good friends, remain involved auspicious activities, well versed in Shastras, enjoys the association of decent people, well versed Vedas and Music, has a nice body, remains happy, has a beautiful mind and beautiful heart and enjoys good food-

larkuis dYixrs·Fkok·uts ek;klesr% ijnks"klwpd%A u Dokfi yks"Va nnrs tuk; l dysojh dkSa æfo.kL; dk dFkkA

T;ksfr"krRoe~ v/;k;&27&354

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna or 3rd house the native is elusive, fault finder and does not give anything to anybody and there is no question of giving moneyyXuxr% iapei% çfl)eLrksdruqdfyre~A 'kkL=ksfona xhrfona lqdeZf.k ija uja dq#rsAA (gksjkjRue~] v/;k;&7] 1

If 5th lord is placed in Lagna the native is very famous, has giant body, learned in shastra, lyricist and remains involved in doing auspicious activities- If 5th lord is in Lagna the native would be a Government officer having right to punish people- He would be very popular and loved by kings- He won't have many children and he would be kind hearted person- He won't be having any enemies-

If the lord of 5th house would be under the impact of inauspicious yogas then the native might not have children- He would be a devotee of lower catergory Gods- He would be cruel and bad natured- He would be serving a notorious minister- tkrdlR;kpk;Z


iapeifr/kZuLFk% Øwj [ksVs /kuksfT>ra dq#rsA

xhrkfndykdfyra d"VHkqta LFkkuçpqje~AA (ekulkxjh] v/;k;&2

If malefic 5th lord is placed in 2nd house the native is poor and if auspicious 5th lord is placed in 2nd house the native is well versed in music and other arts- The native gets enough space for servicenks"ka jks"ka uSo dq;kZfPpnh'kks foÙkLFkkuLFkks fojks/ka dqVqEcsA

lf}|a l|kuikukfnda p dq;Z~;kÙkks"ka pkRecks/ka lq[kkue~AA

lkSE;s p /kkeçojks O;Fkk;qrks thokRetks xhr[kykFkZ;qd~ [kysA

fu%Lo% dqys'kkIr/ku'i gkfu—RL;kíksxokUoSjdj% dqVqEcdsAA (T;ksfr"krRoe, v/;k;&27] 355&356

If5thlordisplacedin2ndhousethenativedoesnotget angrybutthere remains tension in the family- He gets excellent education, best quality vehicle, good drinks, satisfaction, self realisation and good food- If an auspicious planet is 5th lord the native belongs to a beautiful place, suffers from mental torture, has decent son, well versed in singing and earns money from notorious people- If malefic planet is 5th lord the native is poor, enjoys inherited wealth, destroys wealth, enjoys all sorts of comforts and becomes enemy of thefamilyujL; ;L;ks)o vkReukFks fu/kkuHks fuO;FkZuky;s okA Øks/ksu ;qäks u lq[kh lfoÙk: l'okldklks cgqiq=;qä%AA ( T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27]357

If 5th lord is placed in 2nd or 8th house the native is short tempered, rich, does not havecomforts,suffersfromtheproblemofbreathlessnessandhasseveral sons-

iapeifr/kZuLFk% Øwj% [kpjks /kuksfT>ra dq#rsA

xhrkfndkO;dfyra d"VHkqta LFkkudçoje~AA (gksjkjRu] v/;k;&7@2@

If a cruel 5th lord is placed in 2nd house the native is devoid of wealth however well versed in music, drama and other theatrical activities- He attains good status but goes through lot of struggle-

If benefic 5th lord is placed in 2nd house the native has a big family and his children are obedient- His wife is pious and very intelligent- He himself would be a genius and well versed in astrology- He will be an eXpert in making predictions- He would enjoy excellent quality tasty food- He would make lot of money with the grace of God and rich people- If the lord of 5th house is under the influence of malefic Yogas then the native is poor and there remains an atmoshphere of tension in the family- He would earn his livelihood by becoming a priest in a temple- His money might get spent because of some higher goverment official-tkrdjRue

5thlordin3rdhouse ru;ifr% lgtxr% lqe/kqjokD;a cU/kqtus"kq fofnre~A

dq#rs lqrkLrnh;k% ifjiky;fUr r}U/kwu~AA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 3

If 5th lord is in 5th house the native speaks softly and sweetly- He is famous among his friends- His sons only carry all responsibilities of the whole family/kh'ks·utq e/kqjok ftucU/kqoxsZ [;kr'p rL; ru;k% ifjiky;fUrA r}kU/koku~ cy;qr% lf[k'kkfUr;qä% lkSE; lq[kh Hkofr ekuldk;Zflf)%AA

'kkUrks fouezks u`iykHkdkjh okXXeh n;kyq'p rFkk f'kjkyq%A

lqL=hfogkjh f{kfrHk`Rdqpkjh ijkØeh Lusgdjks fgrs"kqAA T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 358&359

If 5th lord is in 3rd house the native speaks softly and sweetly- He is famous among his friends- His sons only carry all responsibilities of his kith and kin- He is strong friend and peace loving person- If a benefic planet is 5th lord the native is happy and succeeds in the gratification of his ambitions, he is humble, earns money from the king, speaks nicely, kind hearted, eloquent, enjoys the association of a beatiful women, a landlord, traveller, influentialand gets affection from friendsru; ifr% lgtxr% lqe/kqjokd~ lqcU/kqtufofnre~A dq#rs lqrkaLrnh;ku~ ru;k% ifjiky;fUr rn~cU/kwu~AA (gksjkjRu] v/;k;&7&3

If 5th lord is in 3rd house the native speaks softly and sweetly- He is famous among his friends- The responsibilities of his sons are carried by the sons of his kith and kin- If a benefic planet is 5th lord the native gets children in a very young ageHe shall have good relations with rich, gentle and influential people- His brothers shall be holding highest posts of responsibilities- He shall get the blessings of GodIf 5th lord would be under the influence of malefic planets then the results thus obtained would be opposite to the above-mentioned results-tkrdlR;kpk;Z


lqri% ikrkyxr% fir`deZjra çikfyra fi=kA tuuhHkäa dq#rs ØwjSLrq fojksf/kua fir`fHk%AA (ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 4

If 5th lord is placed in 4th house the native remains engaged in carrying activities which are similar to that of his father- Means the native would be a replica of his father in his thoughts, mind, and actions- He enjoys the association of his father for a very long time and he is a matchless devotee of his mother- But if the 5th lord is a malefic planet the native opposes hisfatherxHksZ'ojsx`gxrs xq#Hkfä;qäks·ekR;ks·Fkok euqHkosMaxq#fjfUnjk<K%A vEcklq[ka fpjrja —f"krLrFkksxzykHk% lqcqf)fgr% Jerks·YiyfC/k%AA

L;knkReHkwfr% dq'kyks uohuçlwfrd% firq'p Hkä~;kA ;qä% çn|kRdo;s·EcjkFkkZu~ [kys fogxs fir`fHkfoZjks/khAA

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 360&361

If 5th lord is placed in 4th house the native is a devotee of his Guru- He can be a minister and Rajguru, attains lot of wealth, and enjoys association of mother for a long time and happiness- This native earns lot of money from agriculture; he is intelligent, does not get benefitted from hard work, confident, devotee of father and donates gifts to poets- But if the 5th lord is a malefic planet the native opposes his father-

ikrkyxrLru;s'kks fujr% fir`deZf.k ikfyr% fir`u~A

tuuh Hkäa dq#rs ØwjLrq fo'kksf/kra firfjAA gksjkjRue v/;k;&7&4

If 5th lord is placed in 4th house the native remains engaged in carrying activities which are similar to that of his father- Means the native would be a replica of his father in his thoughts, mind and actions- He enjoys the association of his father for a very long time and he is a matchless devotee of his mother- But if the 5th lord is a malefic planet the native opposes hisfather-

If5thlordisplacedin5thhouseundertheinfulenceofauspiciousYogasthenative doesnothavemanychildren-Hischildrenearnlotofmoneyfromagriculture-If5thlordis undertheinfluenceofmaleficYogasthechildrenmightnotlivelongorelsehisdaughters onlylivelonger-Butifthe5thlordisamaleficplanetthenativeopposeshisfather(tkrdlR;kpk;Z)

5th lord in 5th house

ru;xrLru;ifreZfreUra ekfura tua dq#rsA lqrdfyra çdVtufo[;kra ekuoa dq#rsAA

(ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 5

The native having 5th lord in 5th house is honorable among intellectuals, has several sons and famous among very famous people/kh'ks /khLFks llwuq% lqopudq'kqyks·u;kXukuka lqgklS% la;qäks ok foyklSoZjtufofnr% L;knuksKks euksK%A uks ihuks uks nfjæ% dq;qofrlfgr% 'k-foUekU;qnkj% çKkoku~ ØwjHkk"kh {kf.kd mr Hkoh /kkfEeZdks·U;ksidkjhAA tkrdks euqtJs"BLrL; Loksjfl laHko%A uks thos=Unu% dsfpfnR;kgqxZ.kdksÙke%AA (T;ksfr"krRoe, v/;k;&27] 362&363

The native having 5th lord in 5th house is an expert in delivering excellent dialogues, enjoys the association of spouses of others, popular among decent people, manufacturer of vehicles, has a beautiful body with fat, wealthy, spouse of bad woman, respectable, kind-hearted, intelligent, religious, co&operative, speaks rudely, has a feeble mind and his son does not live for longru; xrLru;ifreZfreUra ekfuua opudq'kye~A lqrdfyra çdVtufo[;kra oSa ekuoa dq#rsAA gksjkjRue~] v/;k;&7] 5

The native having 5th lord in 5th house is intelligent, proud, eloquent, and popular among famous people and has a son-

If 5th lord in 5th house is a favorable position for begetting children because 5th house denotes past life Punya, intelligence which certainly yields complete result- He attains blessings of God and his children are prosperous- The results turn opposite in the situation of malefic influence on 5thlord-tkrdlR;kpk;Z

5th lord in 6th house

iapeifr'p "k"Bs 'k=q;qra ekughua pA

jksx;qra /kujfgra Øwj [kpj% djksfr uje~AA ekulkxjh]

v/;k;] 6

The native having 5th lord in 6th house remains surrounded by enemies, he is not respected anywhere- He is patient and poor- These result are generally obtained when 5th lord is maleficspksjs fpnh'ks fjiqoxZHkhfr;qäks foHkkO;% lqruq% dqyhu%A uwRuks xfj"B% lqcy% lqtki% lq'khy;qäLruqrka lesfrAA vlR[kxsUæs cgqrnks"k;qä% 'kL=fç;: laguuksfRFkrksu%A

vjkfr;qd~ Øwjrjks –<kxs jksxkfUorks eku/kusu eqä%AA T;ksfr"krRoe]

v/;k;&27] 364&365

The native having 5th lord in 6th house suffers from a fear of enemy- He is attractive, belongs to a noble family, very powerful, speaks sweetly, decent and has a lean body- If 5th lord is malefic the native has several flaws, loves weapons, devoid of ason, has enemies, cruel by nature, has astrong body, suffers from health troubles and remains deprived of respect andwealth?kkrksi;krs ;fn ok·olkuxs çKkf/kukFks fjiqrkeokIuq;kr~ ØhrkRetks ok ijnÙkuUnuks·uiR;dks ok euqtks e`rçt%AA T;ksfr"krRoe]

v/;k;&27] 366

The native having 5th lord in 6th or 12th house has several enemies- His sons are famous and he also adopts sons-

iapeifr'p "k"Bs 'k=qçfreekRelaHkoa ghue~A

jks/kua /kujfgra Øwj% [kpj% djksfr uje~AA gksjkjRue~]


The native having 5th lord in 6th or 12th house is like an enemy- He does not have any tendency of introspection means his knowledge is shallow and if it is a cruel planet then the native is a patient and suffers from the shortage of money-

The 5th lord in 6th house having the influence of auspicious Yogas on it suffers from the enemity with his son- His maternal uncle would be a rich and famous person- If 5th lord is placed in the Nakshatra of a female planet then it is quite probable that the native might marry in the family of his maternal uncle- If the lord of 5th house is under the influence of malefic Yogas then the native does not have children and he gets punished by the king- If there is the influence of mixed Yogas on 5th lord then the native is impotent, childless or the children die shortly or suffer from some incurable disease- If there is Yoga for adopting a child then it is quite probable that he might adopt the son of maternal uncle- tkrdlR;kpk;Z

5thlordin7thhouse ru;irkS lIrexs Lolqrk% lqHkxk'p nsoxq#Hkäk%A

fç;okfnuh lq'khyk ujL; uuq tk;rs nf;rkAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 7

The native having 5th lord in 7th house begets several attractive sons who are matchless devotees of God, Brahmins and Gurus- His spouse is also beatiful, sweet spoken, decent and eminent-

fpÙkksRFkxs fpRi mnxznsg% lRdeZ~e;qd~ lR;opk mnkj%A

LoLokfeHkä~;k lfgr% 'kjhjh ekuh lq/khj% fLFkjekul'pAA

rL;kXuk lqtu'khyorh lq:ik ;qäk lquUnuxq.kS% lqHkxk iqjU/kzhA

oSos jrk futifrf{kfrnsonsoHkäkS jrk —'kdVh fç;okfnuh pAA

¼T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 367&368½

The native having 5th lord in 7th house has giant body, he performs pious deeds, is truthful, generous, has lot of patience and stable mind- His spouse is beautiful who has capable and virtuous sons- She is fortunate, loyal and devoted to herhusband, Brahminand Gods- Herwaste isthin and shespeaks softly-

ru; irkS lIrexs llqrk lqHkxkFkZnsoxq#HkäkA

fç;okfnuh lq'khyk ujL; tk;rs nf;rkAA gksjkjRue~] v/;k;&7@7

The native having 5th lord in 7th house has beautiful wife and son- She is attractive, wealthy and fortunate and devotee of Guru and God- She is decent and speaks softly-

If 5th lord placed in 7th house is under the influence of benefic planets then it is probable that the sons of the native might get migrated abroad- The native is famous, fortunate and has several children- The native is religious and respectable in society and honoredby officers- If 5thlordis under the influence of malefic Yogas then the native might have several sons but they won't live long- It is also probable that his son staying abroad might die-(tkrdlR;kpk;Z)


lqris fu/kux`gLFks dVqokD;ks Hkk;Z;k·;rks HkofrA

lO;Xp.M'kCnk% lgtkLru;k HkofUr rFkkAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 8

The native having 5th lord in 8th house speaks rudely, nobody likes him, does not have spouse, his brothers and sons all are expert in delivering sharp satirical dialouges- In nutshall all people around him turn against him because of the satirical speech of brothers and sons-

;kE;s /kh'ks foyTtks foxrruq/kuks yC/koSdYinks"kks

fuxsZgks uhplaxh çFkelqrfo;qx~ Hkk.Mlä% dqok.khA

L;kPpkSjks eUnHkkxh foerfuto/kwHkkZ;Z~;;k ok foghulrL;

o;x'p u"Vk% lgtlqrutk'p/y'p.MdkfUr%AA T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 369

The native having 5th lord in 8th house is shameless, poor, stays in bad company does not have first son, healthy body, wealth, fond of comedy, thief, unfortunate, does not speak softly, not respected by spouse and has feeble mind and shining personality, his brothers and sons get destroyedlqris fu/kux`gLFks dqfRlrokxafu;efL=;ks Hk.Mk%A

u"V~O;ax% lgtkLru;k vfi laHkofUr rFkk (gksjkjRue v/;k;&7] 8

The native having 5th lord in 8th house speaks bad language, makes fun of females, is handicaped and his brother and son might get destroyed-

If the lord of 5th house placed in 8th house then the number of children and their prosperity would get reduce substantialy- The owner or the Guru of the native would be that person whose bad time has started- The native would be athiest- His sons would be poor- If the lord of 5th house is under the influence of malefic Yogas then there remains the possability of death of adopted son too- If there would be influence of benefic as well as malefic Yogas on 5th lord then native himself would be an adopted son-(tkrd lR;kpk;Z) 5th lord in 9th house lq—rxrLru;ifr% lqcks/kfo|a dfoa lqxhfrKe~A u`iiwftra lq:ia ukVdjflda uja dq#rsAA (ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 9

If 5th lord is placed in 9th house the native learns all types of education easilyHe is an eXpert in poetry, worshiped by kings, very attractive, loves theatre and drama-

/kh'ks 'kxs iq.;jr% lqcks/kfo|kfUorks xfrjr% lq:i%A ujs'knÙkk'ojFkS:isrks fo,;krdhfrZ% f{kfrikyiwT;%AA /khLrhFkZ—R;s ;frjkRecks/ks lqfl)ihBs xfrjh'kHkäkSA

jfr% lesrLrilk leLr'kkL=kFkZosÙkk l rq ukVdK%AA T;ksfr"krRoe]


The native having 5th lord in 9th house remains involved in auspicious deeds, well versed in excellent education and music- The native is attractive, enjoys the horses and chariots gifted by king- He is very famous, respected by king, goes on pilgrimage, attains salvation and visits shrines- He is matchless devotee of God, practices strenous asceticism- He is well versed in Shastric knowledge and theatrical practices-

çcU/kikys ifrHks ins ok dqyçnhiks·L; lqr% çfl)%A

xzUFkL; drkZ ujukFkrqY;ks·ylksfT>rLrhFkZdjLruwHk`rAA T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 372

The native having 5th lord in 9th or 10th house is most brilliant in his family- He is equivalent to a king in reputation- This native is not lazy, he is fond of going on pilgrimage and has a very famous son-

lq—frxrLru;ifr% lqcks/kfo|a dfoa lqxhrKeA u`iiwftra lq:ia ukVdjflda uja dq#rsAA gksjkjRue~ v/;k;&7] 9

The native having 5th lord in 9th house the native is attractive, mature, learned, poet, musician, honoured by king and fond of theatreiq=s'ks uoea ;krs 'kksHkua leqæhfjre~A

r=So 'kqHk;ksx'psr~ rfRirk dhfrZeku~ Hkosr~AA /kfeZ"Bks /keZ—Ppk·fir tkrs /kueokIuq;kr~A nsok·uqxzgrksok·fi /kfulEcarks·FkokAA nsok;ru lsokrks ok·fi rL; /kua Hkosr~A

The native having 5th lord in 9th house is an auspicious combination for begetting progeny and his father is a reputed person who remains engaged in charitable activity- The native earns lot of money with the blessings of god, temple or reputed personality- If the lord of 5th house is under the influence of malefic yogas then the native suffers because of divine wrath, the anger and aggression of some decent person or gets into major losses because of incapable sons- If 8th lord is in 9th house then the cause of financial loss can be loan- The cause of loss would be denoted by the planets occupying 9th house or else by the houses ruled by planets occupying 9thhouse-


lqrifrjEcjyhuks u`idekZ.ka u`ikr~ dfyrHkkoe~A

lRdeZjra çoja tuuhlq[k—Rlqra dq#rsAA ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 10

The native having 5th lord in 10th house enjoys luxuries like a king or remains engaged in high thinking and in the employment of high ambitions and observes good

behaviour- He is respectable person in the society who gives happiness to mother and enjoys a high status-

/khis ins çojdeZdjks · fryhyks HkwikyyC/kfoHkoks tuuhlq[kk<K%A

m|k;rks;fujrks ;fn ln~cq/kkuka ekU;ks uj% lq[k;qr% çenkçlä%AA

çoklh p lnH;kl'khyks |wfrfØ;kjr%A

çläks·fi fu;ksxh L;kUekuq"kk/kh'kdeZ~e—r~AA T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 373&374

The native having 5th lord in 10th house remains engaged in performing wonderful and honourable activities, earns money from the king, gets happiness from mother, remains engagedingardenandwaterrelatedactivities, honoured by learned people of good class- He is happy, has attatchment with female, stays abroad, practices sincerely, loves gambling- He is close to god inspite of having tremendous attachment in worldly affairslqrifrjEcj;krks u`idekZ.ka u`ikRdfyrfoHkoeA

lRdeZjra çoja tuuh—rlq[k'kkara dq#rsAA gksjkjRue~]

v/;k;&7]10 0

The native having 5th lord in 10th house is favourite of king and gets wealth from king, remains engaged auspicious deeds, gives all sorts of happiness to his mother-The native having 5th lord in 10th house under the influence of benefic yogas attains a lot of wealth and renovates temples, lodges etc-, establishes religious organisations and performs auspicious activities like Yagya and Pooja etc- if 5th lord is associated with Sun the native is a clerk or officer engaged in correspondence work in some secret department of government- (tkrd lR;kpk;Z)

iq=s'ks n'ka ;krs iq.;—Rl Hkfo";frA /keZ'kkykefUnjk.kka th.kksZ)kjekpjr~AA ;kxkfn 'kqHkdekZf.k nsoiwtkfn pkpjsr~AA

The native having 5th lord in 10th house is a favourite of king and gets wealth from king, remains engaged auspicious deeds, gives all sorts of happiness to his mother- If the

lord of 5th house is in 10th house under the influence of malefic yogas then the native engages himself in notorious activities and he collects money on the name of temple and religious activities but spends this money to meet his own selfish ends- He would be associated with some lower grade profession- It is probable that he might do the job of cookingfood in a temple or for a rich man- His children also earn bad reputation for their involvement in antisocial activities-(tkrd lR;kpk;Z)


ykHkxrs lqrukFks 'kwj% lqroku~ lqâR—rklXk~%A

xhrkfndykdfyrks u`iHkksxh tk;rs tkr%AA ekulkxjh]

v/;k;] ƒƒ

If the lord of 5th house is in 11th house the native is brave and remains sympathetic towards his sons and friends- He is fortunate, well versed in music and enjoys all comforts like a king-

yC/kkS erh'ks u`ioa'krqY;% çHkwriq=ks ujukFkykHkhA

Hkksxh lqxhrkfndyklesrks foHkq% lqoklk tuoYyHk% L;krAA

O;iæoks xzaUFkdj'p 'kwjks /kuh lqn{k% lqlqâPp ekusA

laläpsÙkk: —freq[;ekU;ks fe"VkUuikukfnof.kfDØ;k<K%AA

T;ksfr"krRoe] v/;k;&27] 375&376]

If the lord of 5th house is in 11th house then the native belongs to a royal family, has several sons, earns gains from the king, expert in music and other arts, capable, has good quality clothes, popular, innocent, author, brave, wealthy, very clever, has good friends, famous because of professional excellence, gets into the business of betel leaves and sweets-

lqrukFks ykHkLFks 'kwj% lqroku~ lq—R;—R;n~HkksxhA

xhrkfndykdfyrks u`iykHkh tk;rs tkr%AA gksjkjRue~]

v/;k;&7] 11]

If the lord of 5th house is in 11th house then the native is brave, has several sons, remains engaged in Punyas, enjoys all wordly pleasures, an expert in music and earns gains from king-

iq=s'ks ykHkHkkoLFks 'kqHk;ksxlefUorsA

iq= }kjk /kuçkfIra dk;Zflf)a p

lekfn'ksr~AA vFkok /kfuds lk/kaZ eS=hrks /kuekfn'ksr~A

If the lord of 5th house in 11th house is the under the influence of malefic as well as benefic yogas then the native attains auspicious as well as inauspicious results but if it is under the influence of malefic yoas only then the auspicious results can not be expected(tkrdlR;kpk;Z


iapeis }kn'kxs Øwjs lqrjfgr% 'kqHks lqlqr%A

lqrlUrkiij% L;kf}ns'kxkeh HkosUeuqt%AA

ekulkxjh] v/;k;] 12

If malefic lord of 5th house is in 12th house then the native does not beget son whereas a benefic 5th lord helps in begetting a capable son but the native stays abroad and remains worried for his sons- Therefore, a native having benefic 5th lord does not remain devoidof son but necessarilysuffers fromthe anguish because of sonea=s'ks·UR;s eUeFkh ekuoxkZ:<+% lkSE;s lkRetpkU;ns'ksA

lkS[;ksisr% çkUR;nq%[kh O;;k<Kks·?ks iq=ksu% iq=lUrkiHkkd~ pAA

T;ksfr"krRoe~] v/;k;&27]377

If the lord of 5th house is in 12th house the native is passionate, famous among decent people- If 5th house lord is benefic the native has sons, remains happy by staying abroad and becomes unhappy because of increased eXpenses in the later part of life- If a malefic planet is with 5th lord the native is devoid of issue comfort and suffers from the sorrow because of son-

iapeis }kn'kxs Øwjs lqrfofgr% 'kqHks llqr%A lqrlUrkiij%

L;kf}ns'kxeuks|rks euqt%A

A gksjkjRue~ v/;k;&7 12

If malefic lord of 5th house is in 12th house the native is devoid of son whereas the placement of benefic 5th lord in 12th house gives the son but the native has to stay abroad and suffer from the anguish because ofson-

foeq[kks yksddk;sZ"kq 'k¸;klkS[;eokIuq;kr~A

iq=s'ks }kn'kLFks czã/;kuijks Hkosr~AA

iq=L; ej.kkíwja nq%f[krks fHk{kqdks Hkosr~A

ifjR;T; loZeI;s"k ifjozkV~ lEHkfo";frA

oSjkX;e~ ija çkI; eks{kk'pkUrs·;eokIuq;kr~AA tkrdlR;kpk;Z

If lord of 5th in 12th house is under the influence of benefic yogas then the native enjoys bed pleasure- It is also probable that he might detach himself from the worldly affairs and gets engaged in meditation for the attainment of enlightenment- His one son might die and he might become a monk after getting this shock- The results are highly inauspicious if 5th lord is under the influence of malefic planetsiq=s'ks cyla;qäs LFkkuIpksip;a fJrsA dkjds p cyS;qZäs cgqiq=kfIrekfn'ksrAA

If 5th lord is strong and placed in(3, 6, 10, 12)and the significatorof son Jupiter is also strong then the native might have several children-

2.6.7 "Brihatparashar&Horashastram" (2015) interpreted by by Dr- Sureshchandra Mishra (21) gives following commetary on the placement of 5th lord in 12 houses5thLordinLagna lqrs'ks yXuxs tkrks fo}ku~ iq=lq[kkfUor%A dn;ksZoØfpÙk'pæO;laxzgrRij%AA

c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=] v/;k; 25 'yksd 44

If lord of 5th house is in Lagna the native is learned, notorious, selfish, accumulates wealth and has several sons-


lqrs'ks /kuHkkoLFks cgqiq=h /kukfUor%A dqVqEciks"kdks ekuh yksdoYyH;la;qr%AA

(c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=, v/;k; 25 'yksd 45

If 5th lord is in 2nd house the native has several sons and lot of wealth and a very big family- The native is generous, proud and popular-

5thlordin3rdhouse lqrq'ks lgtLFks rq tk;rs lksnjfç;%A

ek;kijks foftgo'p Lokdk;Zfujr% lnkAA

If 5th lord is in 3rd house the native is attached to his brothers - He is selfish and elusive-


lqrs'ks ekr`Hkous fpjekr`lq[kh /kuhA y{eh;qä% lqcqf)'p lfpoks·I;Fkok xq#%AA

(c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=, v/;k; 25 'yksd 47

If 5th lord is in 4th house the native enjoys the association of mother for a long timeThis native is wealthy, learned, minister or a Guru5th lord in 5th house

lqrs'ks iapes ;L; rL; iq=k HkofUr fgA

{kf.kd% Øwj Hkk"kh p /kkfeZdks efreku~ Hkosr~AA 48AA

If 5th lord is in 5th house the native begets several sons- This native gets angry very quickly and retrieves its back very quickly, speaks rudely, is religious and intelligent-


lqrs'ks fjiqHkkoLFks iq=% 'k=qleks Hkosr~ e`riq=ksa xzkáiq=ks /ku iq=ks·Fkok Hkosr~AA49AA

If 5th lord is in 6th house the health of children does not remain good- The native is fortunate and his maternal uncle adopts him-


lqrs'ks dkexs ekuh loZ/keZ lefUor%A

rqax;f"V% lqiq='p rstLoh Hkfäeku~ uj%AA50

If 5th lord is in 7th house the native is proud, religious, has healthy body and stunning personality- The native is a devotee of God and has capable sons-


lqrs'ks jU/kzxs tkr% LoYiiq=lq[kkfUor%A

dkl'oklh p Øks/kh p, fo"koS|ks /kukfUor%AA

c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=] v/;k; 25 'yksd 51

If 5th lord is in 8th house the son of native does not have issue comfort and he suffers from cough, asthma and anger- The native is wealthy and a doctor5th lord in 9th house

lqrs'ks uoes iq=ks Hkwiks ok HkwilfUuHk%A

Lo;a ok xzaFkdrkZ p iq=% L;kRdqynhid%AA

c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=, v/;k; 25 'yksd 52

If 5th lord is in 9th house the son of native is a king or equivalent to king- The native is a writer and his son is very famous and successful-

5th lord in 10th house

n'keL;s lqrs'ks p jkt;ksxh llUrfr%A

vusd lq[kHkksxh L;kr~ fo[;krks Hkqfo ekuo%AA

c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=] v/;k; 25 'yksd 53

If 5th lord is in 10th house the native enjoys Rajyoga and issue comfort- He enjoys various comforts and immense popularity-


lqrs'ks HkoHkkoLFks if.Mrks tuoYyHk%A

xzUFkdrkZ egkn{kks egqiq=/kukfUor%AA

c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=] v/;k; 25] 'yksd 53

If 5th lord is in 11th house the native is learned, prolific, highly skilled, wealthy and has several sons-


O;;xs iapek/kh'ks tkr% iq= lq[kksfT>r%A

'kqHka 'kqHk'p la;qä Hkfäeku~ vYiiq=oku~ AA

(c`gRikjk'kjgksjk 'kkL=] v/;k; 25 'yksd 55

If 5th lord is in 12th house the native is brave, remains sympathetic towards friends and sons, well versed in music and other arts but has few sons-

2.6.8 Vedic Rules available for Prediction for child birth as per Dasha and Transit–

The 2nd edition of "Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini" (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (5) gives the following formula for knowing that when a native shall get blessed with the child birth-

yXuk/kh'k% iq=ukFksu ;ksxa

LoksPps LodZ~"ks pkjxR;k

lesfr iq=çkfIr% L;kÙknk yXuukFk% iq={ka ok ;kfr /kh'kkIrHka ok

When Lagna lord transits with 5th lord, enters into its sign of exaltation or own sign then the native begets a son- If Lagna lord transits into 5th house or that house where 5th lord is placed then this also generates the opportunity for child birthfoyXudkekRetuk;dkuka ;ksxkRlekuh; n'kka egk[;ke lqrLFkr}h{kdrRirhuka n'kkigjs"kq lqrksHko: L;kr

Add Rashi, Ansh, Kala, Vikala of Lagna lord, 7th lord & 5th lord and see what Rashi, Ansh, Kala, Vikala comes and check that this value falls under which NakshatraWhen the Mahadasha of the lord of this Nakshatra comes then it proves conducive for child birth in the Antardasha of any of the following i-e- the planet occupying 5th house, planet aspecting 5th house or 5th lord-

2.6.9 The 2nd edition of "Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini" (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (6) gives the following formula for knowing that when a native shall get blessed with the child birth & lqrifrxqoksZFkZok rí~;qäjk';a'kdkf/kikuka ok cylfgrL; n'kk;keigkjs ok lqrçkfIr%

The Dasha/ Antardasha of the most powerful planet out of 5th lord, the dispositor of 5th lord, the dispositor of 5th lord in Navamsa, Jupiter, dispositor of Jupiter, the dispositor of JupiterinNavamsaprovesconduciveforchildbirth-

One other Yoga for determining the timing of child birth& The 2nd edition of "Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini" (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (7) gives the following formula for knowing that when a native shall get blessed with the child birth& thos rq thokRetukFkHkka'kd f=dks.kxs iq=tfuHkZosUu`.kke vFkkU;k'kkL=s.kk p tUedkyrks fui;sRlUrfry{k.kka cq/k%

Calculate that the 5th lord from Jupiter falls in which Rashi and Navamsa- When the Jupiter transits into Trikona from this Rashi or Navamsa then this time period is considered most favorable transit for child birth-

2.7 Dasha Rules

Let us put all the dasha rules that we got from astrological books and texts-

1. The Dasha /antardasha of the most powerful planet out of 5th lord, the dispositor of 5th lord, the dispositer of fifth lord in navmansha, Jupiter, dispositer of Jupiter in navmansha proves conducive for childbirth.

Ref-The second edition of “Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini” (1988) by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (7)

2. The birth of a son should possibly take place in the dasha or antardasha of any of the following planets- 1)the lord of the ascendant, 2)the lord of the 7th house, 3)the lord of the fifth house, 4)Jupiter, 5)the planet aspecting the 5th house, 6)the planet occupying the fifth house

Ref: Matters relating to birth of children 25/manteshwara’s phal Deepika/pg 143

3. Add the longitudes of (1the lord of ascendant, (2) the lord of the 7th house, and (3) the lord of the 5th house.During the course of major period represented by the owner of the nakshatra resulting from the sum total of longitudes of the above planets and in the sub period of any of the following planets will the birth of a son (children) take place-

- The planet occupying the 5th house

- The planet aspecting the 5th house

- The lord of the 5th house

Ref: Matters relating to birth of children 27/manteshwara’s phal Deepika/pg 144

4. In the dasha/antardasha of Ascendant, 7th lord, 5th lord or Jupiter, the planet aspecting 5th house, planet placed in 5th house are auspicious for child birth

Ref: Santan bhav adhyay/acharya manteshwar phal Deepika/author suresh Chandra mishra pg 138

5. In the dasha /antardasha of jupiter/5th lord,dispositor of jupiter or the lord of navmansha which ever is stronger,the native is blessed with son.

Ref: Santan bhav adhyay/acharya manteshwar phal Deepika/author suresh Chandra mishra pg 139

6. The house which is fifth, 9th from Jupiter, lagna, moon are considered for progeny, that why in the dasha/antardasha of these house lords, child happening is promised.

Ref: pancham -shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881

7. Add the longitudes of 5th and 7th lord, in the dasha of rashi (nakshatra) representing the total is considered fruitful for child birth.

Ref: pancham -shasht bhav phal /jatak parijata

8. 5th house lord.jupiter, planet aspecting fifth house, planet placed in 5th house, dashas /antardashas of all these if auspicious in kundali are condusive for child birth. Ref: pancham -shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881

Conclusion-After going through these rules and talking to many expert astrologers, we came to a conclusion that dasha of house lords especially 5th house lord should be studied.

Impact of dasha of planet aspecting fifth house or 5th lord should be analyzed. Jupiter considered karak of progeny should be deeply considered for all its dasha /antardashas. 9th house lord and 9th house being 5th from 5th (bhavat bhavam) should be studied. So we thought and planned to study the following dasha parameters.

2.8 All the transit rules that we got from astrological books and texts-

1. When the jupiter passes through 5th house bestows servants ,meritorious acts(or auspicious rituals),sons, elephants, horses, bulls, gold, houses in town, marriage with a young women , garments, gems, and several virtues such as learning and valour.

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 154, author-U.S Pulppani

2. When Jupiter passes through 2nd from janam rashi, there will be child birth in family. The native gets money from many corners.His knowledge improves in many ways.

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 155, author-U.S Pulppani

3. When Jupiter passes through 5th from janam rashi, the native get back his relatives. He gets status. His respect improves. He gets a child (Male) does work too some extent

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 155, author-U.S Pulppani

4. When jupiter passes through 7th house from moon sign, the native gets land, child birth. He gets woman, gold and his house is filled with grains. He also gets new vehicles.

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 156, author-U.S Pulppani

5. When Jupiter passes through 9th from janam rashi, the native gets children and women of his choice pleasurable to him. He gets gain of finance and status. This Vedic text does not work as per our research.

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 156, author-U.S Pulppani

6. Add the longitudes of the lord of the fifth house in the natal chart, Jupiter, planet placed in fifth, planets aspecting 5th. Find the navmansha of this yoga. Whenever Jupiter transits in that navmansha or trine of that navmansa, the native is blessed with a child/son.

Ref: Transit of Jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 156, author-U.S Pulppani

7. When Jupiter passes through in transit the triangular sign to the sign occupied by the lord of 5th or Yamantaka, birth of a son may also be expected.

Ref: Matters relating to birth of children, manteshwara’s phaldeepika, pg 143

8. The birth of a son is likely to take place when the lord of the ascendant during his transit (1) gets into conjunction with the lord of the 5th house, (2) passes through his sign of exaltation or (3) occupies his own sign passing through in his transit of the ascendant through the 5th house or the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th is also an opportune period for the birth of children.

Ref: Matters relating to the birth of children, manteshwara’s phaldeepika, pg 143

9. Find out the sign of 5th from Jupiter and the sign and navmansha of its lord. When Jupiter in transits triangular to that sign or navmansha, the birth of a son may be predicted.

Ref: Matters relating to the birth of children, manteshwara’s phaldeepika, pg 143

10. Find out the lord of the nakshatra occupied by the moon and that of the 5th from it. Add the longitudes of the two planets. When Jupiter passes in transit through the sign represented by the result or through one of its triangular ones.

Ref: Matters relating to the birth of children, manteshwara’s phaldeepika, pg 144

11. When in transit lord of house 1 and lord of house 5 transit together or form any kind of relation like one way or mutual aspect, or ascendant lord or 5th lord transit in their own sign or sign of exaltation.

Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 138

12. The birth of a child is also promised when the ascendant lord transits in 5th house sign or the 5th lord transits in its own sign.

Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 138

13. When Jupiter transits in navmansha or rashi of 5th lord or natal Jupiter or trine of these, there is a high possibility of childbirth. Some scholars also believe that this should be valid for navmansha of 5th lord from Jupiter.

Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 139

14. Add the mahadasha lord at the time of birth and the dasha lord of 5th dasha from natal mahadasha,we get a zodiac sign, whenever Jupiter transits in the trine 1,5,9 of this rashi, child birth is said to be promised.

Ref: Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika, pg 139

2.9 Expert Interactions

During the course of this research, we also did some expert interactions where we got to know what most astrologers look for when they predict childbirth through transit

1. In transit when lagna lord is with 5th lord

2. When lagna lord transits over 5th lord

3. When lagna lord transits over 5th house

4. The double transit impact ie the impact of Jupiter and Saturn of transit over 5th house, 5th lord, and significator of 5th house can result in childbirth.

5. When the dasha lord transits the bhav madhya of 5th house, then child birth would take place.

6. If the dasha lord in transit aspects the bhav madhya of 5th house, the time is favorable for child birth.

7. When Jupiter transits over lagna/5th house or 9th house.

8. When 5th house lord transits over itself or 5th house or 5th lord

9. Another quick way to see the timing of childbirth is transit of planets that control 2nd, 5th, and 11th house. When these planets transits in each other’s houses or transits together in any of these houses, it triggers childbirth if mahadasha approves.

2.10 Role of Jupiter, Saturn

Mahadasha sets the time frame, Antardasha narrows the time frame and Jupiter/Saturn transit triggers the childbirth Jupiter and Saturn play a major role in deciding some of the most important events in a person's life which also includes childbirth and marriage.

Anytime when Jupiter and Saturn either are placed in the 5th house or aspect the 5th house together, this is the final trigger in the birth of a child.

Jupiter and Saturn must look or sit in the 5th house simultaneously either in the birth chart or D7 chart.

Another quick way to see the timing of childbirth is the transit of planets that control your 2nd, 5th, and 11th house in each other houses. If lords of 2nd, 5th, and 11th are transiting together in 2nd, 5th and 11th house can trigger childbirth if the mahadasha approves.

Chapter 3

Methodology and Procedure

3.1 Statement of the Problem

The focus of the present study was to predict the timing of childbirth in life. The scope of the study is to seek an answer to the question as to which planetary dasha and planetary transits affect a person positively for attaining childbirth. The planetary dasha was studied based on dasha lord’s -lordship of house, placement in the house, aspect on 12 houses, conjunction with other planets in houses, conjunction with planets and positioning in various signs etc. In transit impact of planetary transit at the time of childbirth was deeply analyzed based on their lordship, placement, various planet transiting on various signs, house lords transiting in various signs, over house lords or houses etc. The main purpose was to establish rules and find which dasha and which transit indicate the best possibilities of attaining parenthood.

The study is titled :

"Astrological Assessment of Timing of Childbirth”.

3.2 Significance of the Study

The study will be of great benefit to aspiring parents. By checking the validity of age-old Vedic rules which have been mentioned in our traditional texts through their practical application on natal horoscopes to predict the timing of birth. The main focus of the study was to pinpoint particular dasha and planetary transits that favors childbirth. Many rules have been mentioned based on dasha and transit in traditional texts, still, it is

very difficult to predict childbirth. Hence it becomes important to check the validity of astrological texts/rules available.

This thesis will help me find out validations, negations of age-old principles and help us find newer rules which can better correlate childbirth, this will help in establishing a computerized basis for the timing of childbirth to reduce the anxiety among couples trying to conceive to attain parenthood.

3. 3 Scope of the Study

The scope is to find the timing of the birth of a child in an individual’s life. It does not include cases that don’t have children. We have also not tried to find out whether an individual will have a child/children or not. Our study focuses that if at all a child is born to a couple /individual, when will it be. In what period of dasha and transit in an individual’s life a child is born.

We have not tried to find the gender of children born to any couple.

3.4 Limitations and Delimitations

• This study encompasses only the predictive and not the preparatory part of horoscopy.

• Only nine traditional planets the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu have been taken into account in thisstudy.

• This study was delimited to the assessment of Lagna Chart, Moon Chart, Vimshottari Dasha, andTransit.

• Only the horoscopes of natives who have attained parenthood were taken into consideration.

• Childbirth was taken as one happening, and no difference in the application of rules were made to predict first, second or third child and so on.

• This study did not differentiate between males and females and considered childbirth as a happening to an individual.

3.5 Hypothesis

• We have followed the sequence of Vimshottari Dashas and their periods as defined in the vedic texts.

• We have taken the lordships/aspects of planets as mentioned in the texts.

• We have assumed that Dasha and Transit can define the timing of childbirth.

• We have not assumed 5th lord/7th lord or any lord as significator of childbirth and considered all house lords at par.

• We have not assumed any planet like Jupiter as the main significator of childbirth and considered all planets at par to predict childbirth.

• We have considered all the houses as significator for childbirth and did not assume any particular house like 5th or 7th to be the main significator.

3. 6 Design of the Study

This data included horoscopes of both males and females who were blessed with children and an in-depth study was conducted on their natal charts as per their Dasha and transit. We tried to map the similarities, validate the age-old rules, and establish new rules as to which dasha and transit is important to achieve parenthood. Also it has been noted that some couples take a much longer time to be blessed with a child, this can be due to various delay causing yogas, dashas and transit or the combination of these three in their horoscopes. Our study will focus on the timing of childbirth, hence will only incorporate dasha and transit. So we conducted a research that covered the astrological possibilities of the timing of happening of childbirth in an individual’s horoscope, this can lead to lower stress levels and better management of time for any desiring couple.

We took birth details (date/time and place of birth) of 1331 individuals including both males and females and took the date of birth s of their children as well which totaled to 2315 cases of childbirth. We analyzed their horoscope in the light of astrological texts and rules available to compare the actual happening. As in what dashas and transits

actually impacted the birth of their child or which dasha and transit were in operation when the childbirth happened in their life.

3.7 Data Collection and tools for analysis

Data collection

A detailed questionnaire was prepared which included birth details of parents and children. We were able to collect details for 2315 childbirths along with birth details of their parents and an in-depth study was conducted on their natal charts as per their dasha and transit. We tried to map the similarities, validate the age-old rules, establish new rules as to which dasha and transit is important to achieve parenthood. To arrive at conclusive inferences, the research scholar undertook the collection of data by meeting people, through phone calls and emails. Subjects were asked to submit their date, place, and time of birth along with date and place of birth of their children. Many of these subjects were personally known to research scholar. The research scholar informed the subjects about the research work being carried out to establish a relationship between the astrological determinants and the happening of childbirth in their life and to show the correlation. The details of the study were orally explained to the subjects.

The date ofbirth, placeof birth, andtimeof birth wassecuredfromthe subjects. Those subjects whose details in this respect were doubtful were excluded from the study and only subjects with accurate information about their time, place, and date of birth were included in thedata.

Tools used for Analysis

• Adetailedquestionnairewaspreparedwhichincludedbirthdetailsofparentsandtheir biologicalchildrentocollectthedata.

• Astrology Software Leostar was used to cast horoscopes of thesubjects.

• Tocast the natal horoscope Lahiri's Empemaries was used to calculate the longitudes of the planets.

• Results of individuals were concluded while applying the theories of old classical astrology.

• Extensive analysis was performed on the data set to check the validity of vedic texts in today’s era and new findings were also co-related.

3. 8 Sample

As many 1331 individuals were approached through known sources. These individuals had one or more children. Hence the total childbirth happening cases totaled to 2315. We conducted our research on these 2315 cases to analyze in what period of dashas and planetary transit did they achieve childbirth. Out of these 1331 individuals, some were couples and for some, only one partner’s accurate birth details could be collected. Hence we studied the happening of child birth in their life on an individual basis. As to which dasha and transit favored the happening of child birth in an individual’s life.

3.9 Statistical proceedures used

Chi-square test was performed on Dasha and transit results to find out whether it has any significance or not. Graphs were drawn for every group case study but since the values were not much different so an average graph for every group was also drawn to view the deviation from average.

3.10 Rules Followed

The present study is based on the rules and principles written in old classical astrology books prevalent in northern India for predicting the forthcoming incidents in life. There are certain books like Phaldipika, Brihad Prasharhara Hora Shastra, Jaimini Sutram, Maansagari, Manu Smriti, Nirnaya Sindhu, Jatak Parijat, and others in which certain rules are laid down. Based on these fundamental principles to judge the horoscope in connection with houses, signs, transits of planets in different signs, periods, sub-periods, sub—sub-

periods, constellations, aspects, degree of planets at the time of birth, planetary combinations, the conjunction of planets, planets position in a horoscope, planets placed in particular sign or in house, astakvarga, peculiarities of zodiacal signs, planetary strength s(situations prevailing as magri, vakri, etc.) andAvasth as, a judgement of Bhavas and some special Yoga.

In these old astrology books, the characteristics of all the planets, signs and nakshatras are written which are explained in the introductory part. Certain yogas have been framed while adopting these rules in the present study. 'Yoga' in Sanskrit "astrological nomenclature" means special planetarycombinations for the promise of childbirth.

In old classical astrology books, some special dashas and transits indicate the possibility of a person begetting children on time. Such combinations require particular planets to be dasha lords at the time of childbirth or a particular planet/ planetary combination in transit to make the happening of childbirth possible. While assessing the horoscopes of the target groups, the present study has applied and used the same rules from the old classical books and ventured to formulate these planetary combinations which indicated special combinations of planets for assessment of happening of childbirth, dashas of particular planets which are related, significant for an individual’s horoscope especially for matters of childbirth. Also study of the planet/planetary combinations and associations in transit for those achieved childbirth, to extablish a basis for those who are still waiting to get blessed with the dignity of parenthood.

Chapter 4

Analysis of Data as per Dasha System

To predict the timing of any event, as per vedic astrology it is believed that dasha and transit are the main deciding factors. In this chapter, we would be discussing the impact of dasha in the operation in a parent’s horoscope at the time of birth of their child. We find various rules in traditional texts which state that dasha is one of the key factors to be considered to predict happening of child birth in one’s life.

In this thesis we will mainly discuss the out comings of a research we conducted on 2315 child births happenings to 1331 individuals including males and females both. We analyzed the results by using the most authentic and most accepted vedic astrology software Leo Star Expert.

After going the rough these rules and talking to many expert astrologers, We came to a conclusion that dasha of house lords specially 5th house lord should be studied. Impact of dasha of planet aspecting fifth house or 5th lord should be analyzed. Jupiter considered karak of progeny should be deeply considered for all its dasha /antardashas. 9th house lord and 9th house being 5th from 5th (bhavat bhavam) should be studied. So we th ought and planned to study the following dasha parameters.

1. On the basis of Maha Dasha and Antardasha lord at the time of child birth

2. On the basis of house lordship of M.D / AD /P. D lord at the time of child birth .

3. On the basis of positioning/placement of M.D / AD /P. D in the natal chart at the time of child birth

4. On the basis of conjunction of M.D / AD /P. D lord with other planets in the natal chart at the time of child birth

5. On the basis of Aspects of M.D / AD /P. D lord on various houses in the natal chart at the time of child birth

6. On the basis of Aspects of various house lords on M.D / A.D /P. D lord in the natal chart at the time of child birth

7. On the basis of Aspects of M.D / AD /P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart at the time of child birth

4. 1 Findings that favoured child birth /dashas in operation at the time of child birth

Graph 1-Child birth under various mahadashas

Graph 2-Average child birth under various mahadashas

Clear Inferences from Graph 1, Graph 2 and Table 9

• Mostly children were born under the mahadashas of Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. The variation shown in mahadasha is not real but because of period assigned to various mahadashas. Mahadasha of Ketu is 7 years, for venus it is 20 years, for sun it is 6 years, moon is of 10 year, mars is of again 7 years. Rahu’s mahadasha is of 18 years

Table 9- Total number of Childbirths in each MahaDasha

whereas that of Jupiter is 16 years and for Saturn it is 19 years and Mercury is of 17 years.

• Most of the parents born under the Mahadasha of Ketu and Venu at the time of birth s have their children in the mahadasha of sun. Basically parents born under more than one nakshatra are giving birth to children in one nakshatra, that’s why the average children born under the mahadasha of sun is way higher.

• Same theory is for Rahu and Jupiter, Most parents born under the mahadasha of venus, moon and mars give birth to children in the mahadashas of Jupiter and sun Rahu And that is the sole reason for

• Mahadasha alone cannot indicate high possibility of child birth. Hence as mentioned in vedic texts mahadasha of Jupiter is most auspicious as Jupiter is considered the significator of fifth house does not validate as per our research.

Graph-3 Childbirth under various antardashas

Table 10-tabular representation of the total number of cases in Dasha and antardasha combination.

4- Child birth under various antardashas


Inferences that were found to give one of the best results for childbirth by studying graph 3 and 4 and Table 10

• Combinations of Mahadasha and Antardashas that were fruitful for child birth

a. In the M.D of Ketu-Antardasha should be of mercury or venus

b. In the M.D of Venus-Antardasha should be of mercury or saturn

c. In the M.D of Sun-Antardasha should be of mercury, rahu, jupiter or saturn

d. In the M.D of Moon-Antardasha should be of Rahu

e. In the M. D of Mars-Antardasha should be of saturn

f. In the M. D of Rahu-Antardasha should be of mercury and venus

g. In the M.D of Jupiter-Antardasha should be of jupiter and venus

h. In the M.D of Saturn-Antardasha should be of saturn

i. In the M .D of Mercury-Antardasha should be of mercury


In vedic texts it is said that most planets in their mahadasha -antardasha combination don’t give much results which does not seem validated considering points h and i.

Mahadasha of sun is most favorable

Antardasha of mercury is most favorable

Pratyantardasha of sun is most favorable

4. 2- On the basis of house lordship of M. d/ A. d/P. d lord

Graph 5-On the basis of lordship of mahadasha lord

Graph 6 -Average-On the basis of lordship of mahadasha swami

Table 11 -Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths in various Antardashas

Inferences from graphs 5 and 6 and Table 11

• When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd, 5th or 7th house or to put it in a better way when the mahadasha in operation was either of 2nd , 5th , 7th houses that period is considered favourable.

a. If sun is the Mahadasha lord then in most cases it was lord of 3rd , 11th or 12th houses

b. If moon is the M.D Lord, then in most cases it was 2nd lord

c. If Mars is the M.D lord then it should be the lord of 7th or 8th house preferably.

d. If Jupiter is the M. D lord then in most cases it was lord of 7th house.

e. If Venus is the M. D lord then in most cases it was lord of 10th house.

f. If Saturn is the M. D lord then in most cases it was lord of 4th , 5th , 6th , 7th, 8th lord.

g. For mercury, it was the lord of 2nd, 10th and 11th houses.

Graph 7-On the basis of lordship of Antardasha swami

Graph 8- Average -On the basis of lordship of Antardasha swami

Table 12 -Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths under the house lordship of 9 planets

Inferences from graphs 7 and 8 and table number 12

• The lord of Antardasha in operation was the lord of 4th or 5th house in most cases.

a. If sun is the antardasha lords and also the lord of first house, then it seems too favorable.

b. If moon is the AD lord then it was lord of 2nd house clearly in most cases.

c. If Mars is the AD lord, then it was the lord of 6th and 11th house.

d. If mercury was the Ad lord at the time of birth of child it was mainly ruling houses 1st or 2nd.

e. If jupiter is the AD lord, it was the lord of 4th and 6th

f. If venus was the ad lord, it was found to be lord of 10th , 11th or 12th

g. If saturn was the AD lord, it was the lord of 4th , 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th or 9th houses.

Graph 9-On the basis of lordship of Pratyantardasha

Graph10- Average-On the basis of lordship of Pratyantardasha swami

Inferences from graphs 9 and 10

• Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 2, 5 or 6 house


a. If sun is the P. Dlord, it should be preferably be lord of 1st house

b. If moon is the P. Dlord, it should be lord of 2nd or 12th house

c. If mars is the pd lord, it should be lord of 6th house

d. If mercury is the P. D lord, it should be lord of 1, 2 or 11 house

e. If Jupiter is the P. D lord it should be lord of 2, 5, 6 or 7th house

f. If venus is the P. d lord, it should be lord of 5, 10 or 12 th house

g. If saturn is the P. D lord it gave most auspicious results being lord of 5, 6, 7 or 8th house

Conclusions on the basis of house Lordship of mahadasha, antardasha, pratyantar dasha lord

• For sun it should be lord of first house to give benefic results in M. D, AD, and PD

• Moon should be second lord to give best results in M. D, A. D and P. D

• Mars should be sixth lord to gives best results in M.D, A.D and P.D

• Mercury should be lord of 1st or 2nd house in its MD, A.D and P. D

• Jupiter should be lord of 6th or 7th house in its M.D/ AD and P. D

• Venus should be lord of 10 or 12th house in its M. D/ A. D /P. D

• Saturn should be lord of 5, 6, 7 or 8th house in its M. D /A. D /P. D

4.4 On the basis of positioning/placement of M. D/A. D/P. D lord in the natal chart

Graph 11-On the basis of placement of Mahadasha swami in 12 houses

Graph 12-Average -On the basis of placement of Mahadasha swami in 12 houses

Table 13-Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths when mahadasa lord was placed in houses 1-12.

From graphs 11, 12 and Table 13 -Tabular representation of the total number of childbirths under the house lordship of 9 planets.

• During the statistical research we found that Mahadasha lord should be placed in houses 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 9th or 11th house mainly. If the mahadasha of following planets is in operation, then

a. Sun should preferably be placed in 1st or 2nd house

b. Moon should be placed in 3, 7, 9, or 11th houses

c. Mars should be placed in 2nd house

d. Mercury should be placed in 2nd or 6th house

e. Jupiter should be placed in 7th or 9th

f. Venus should be placed in 4th house

g. Saturn should be placed in 3rd , 8th or 12th

h. Rahu should be placed in 8th 10th or 11th

i. Ketu should be placed in 2nd house

Conclusions - M. D lord has no direct relation with its placement in 5th house.

Specifically talking about jupiter which is considered karak planet of 5th house or progeny does not give any extra results in its dasha compared to other planet vis v

mentioned in traditional texts.

Graph 13- On the basis of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses

Graph 14-Average -On the basis of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses.

Table 14-Tabular representation of placement of antardasha swami in 12 houses.

Inferences from charts graph 13 and 14 and table 14

• It was also found that antardasha lord should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th or 11th house. If the antardashas of following planets are in operation then

• Sun should be preferably placed in 1st, 2nd, 7th or 9th house

• Moon should be placed in 1, 7, 9, 11 th houses

• Mars should be placed in 2nd, 8th , 10th house

• Mercury should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 7th house

• Jupiter should be placed in 1st

• Venus should be placed in 11th or 12th

• Saturn should be placed in 2, 6, 9 or 12th

• Rahu should be placed in 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7th

• Ketu should be placed in 1, 3, 5th house

Graph 15- On the basis of placement of pratyantar dasha swami in 12 houses

Graph 16 Average-On the basis of placement of prtayantardasha swami in 12 houses

Inferences from charts graph 15 and 16

a. Pratyantar dasha lord should be placed in 1st, 3rd or 10th house

b. Sun should be preferably placed in 1st, 3rd or 10 th house

c. Moon should be placed in 7, 8, 9, 11 th houses

d. Mars should be placed in 3rd, 7th house

e. mercury should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd

f. jupiter should be placed in 9th , 11th

g. venus should be placed in 12th

h. saturn should be placed in 1, 6, 10th

i. Rahu should be placed in 8th

j. Ketu should be placed in 4, 6 th houses

4.5 On the basis of conjunction of M.D /A.D /P. D lord with other planets in the natal chart.

Graph17- On the basis of conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Graph18-Average-On the basis of conjuction of mahadasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart.

Table 15-Tabular representation of placement of mahadasha swami with 9 planets.

Inferences from charts graph 17 and 18 nad table 15

We have studied which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Mahadasha lords

a. When sun is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

b. When moon is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu

c. When mars is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, rahu

d. When mercury is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

e. When jupiter is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with saturn, ketu

f. When venus is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury

g. When saturn is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, jupiter

h. When Rahu is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, venus, jupiter

i. When ketu is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, moon, mercury

Graph 19-On the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Graph 20-Avg-On the basis of conjuction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Table 16-Tabular representation of placement of antardasha swami with 9 planets.

Inferences from charts graph 19 and 20 and table number 16

We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Antardasha lords

a. When sun is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

b. When moon is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu, Jupiter

c. When mars is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, venus, rahu

d. When mercury is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

e. When Jupiter is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, venus

f. When venus is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mars, mercury

g. When saturn is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon, jupiter

h. When Rahu is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, venus

i. When ketu is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, moon, mercury, venus or Saturn.

Graph 21-On the basis of conjuction of patyantardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Graph 22-Average-On the basis of conjuction of pratyantardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart

Inferences from charts graph 21 and 22

We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Pratyantardasha lords

a. When sun is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

b. When moon is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Mercury, sat, Rahu, ketu

c. When mars is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury, venus, rahu

d. When mercury is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

e. When jupiter is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury

f. When venus is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mercury

g. When Saturn is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with jupiter

h. When Rahu is the P. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon, mars, venus

i. When Ketu is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon, mercury, Jupiter, Saturn.


Hence based on conjunction of planets when they are dasha lords we can say that

• Sun gives best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Mercury in natal chart.

• Moon gives best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Rahu in natal chart.

• Mars gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Rahu, venus in natal chart.

• Mercury gives the best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun in natal chart.

• Jupiter gives the best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun in natal chart.

• Venus gives the best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Mercury in natal chart.

• Saturn gives best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Jupiter in natal chart.

• Rahu gives best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Mars, Venus in natal chart.

• Ketu gives best results for childbirth as dasha lord when conjunct with Moon, Mercury in natal chart.

Clear Findings that prove traditional Vedic texts

1. Mahadasha lord should be 7th lord or should be placed with 7th lord.

2. Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord.

3. Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 10th house or with lord of 10th house

4. Specifically, if Saturn, Rahu, Moon, Jupiter are the Mahadasha lord, then it is either in 7th house or it is with 7th lord.

4.6 On the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P.D lord on various houses in the natal chart.

23. On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses.

24. Average-On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses


Table 17 On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houses

Inferences from charts graph 23 and 24 and Table No. 16

When M. D lord aspects 3 5, 7, 9 houses, it is favourable as per research

Graph 25. On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houses

Graph 26. Average -On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houses

Table 18: On the basis of Mahadasha swami aspecting 12 houses

Inferences from charts graph 26 and 27 and Table No. 18

When A.D lord aspects 5, 7, 9 houses, childbirth happened in most cases

Graph 27. On the basis of aspects of pratyandasha swami on 12 houses

Graph 28. Average-On the basis of aspects of pratyandasha swami on 12 houses

When P. D lord aspected 7th and 9th houses in most cases of child birth

In common M. D, A. D, P. D lords aspected 7th or 9th house

6- On the basis of Aspects of various house lords on M. D/A.D/P. D lord in the natal chart

Graph 29. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Graph 30. Average-When Mahadasha lord is aspected by lords of 12 houses

Table 19: On the basis Mahadasha swami aspected by 12 houses lords

Inferences from graph 29 and 30 and Table No. 19

In most cases M.D lord was aspected by 6th house lord particularly when sunmoon-saturn are the 6th lord

Graph 31. When antardasha lord is aspected by lords of 12 houses

Graph 32. Average-When antardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Table 20: On the basis of Antardasha swami aspected by 12 houses lords

Inferences from graphs 31 and 32 and table 20Antardasha lord was aspected by 6th or 7 th lord

Graph 33. When pratyantardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Graph 34. Average-When pratyantardasha lord is aspected by lords 12 houses

Inference from graphs 33 and 34 is that P. D lord was aspected by 6th or 7th lord

4. 7- On the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart

Graph 35. When mahadasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Graph 36 Average-. When mahadasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Table 21: On the basis of aspects of Mahadasha swami on 12 houseslords

Clear Inference from graphs 35 and 36 and table no 21 -M. D lord aspects 6th , 10th , 12th house lord

Graph 37 - When antardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Graph 38 -Average- When antardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Table 22: On the basis of aspects of antardasha swami on 12 houseslords

Inference from graphs 37 and 38 and table 21 -A. D lord aspects 2nd, 5th , 7th house lord

Graph 39- When pratyantardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Graph 40- Average-When pratyantardasha lord aspects lords of 12 houses

Clear Inference from graphs 39 and 40

• Happening of child birth is better when P. D lord aspects 5th , 6th , 12th house lord.

• Transit needs to promise Child birth and only then with suitable dasha can help child birth. If Mahadasha is that of child birth planet then many child birth or multiple deliveries are possible in appropriate transits.

Chapter 5

Analysis of data as per Transits

To predict the timing of any event as per vedic astrology it is believed that dasha and transit are the main deciding factors. In this chapter, we would be discussing the impact of transit in operation in parent’s horoscope at the time of birth of their child.

We find various rules in traditional texts which state that transit is one of the key factors to be considered to predict the happening of child birth in one’s life.

In this thesis, we did a detailed work on transits and its impacts on the life of our subjects as faras theirchildbirth is concerned.wewill mainly discuss theout comings of research we conducted on 2315 childbirths born to 1331 individuals including males and females both. We analyzed the results by using the most authentic and most accepted vedic astrology software Leo Star Expert.

5.1 - Findings from the Research as per transits:

Graph 41- Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 house lords

Graph 42- Avg-Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 house lords

Table 23- Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 house lords

Inferences from graphs 41 and 42 and table number 23

a. When 1st house lord transits over 1st, 2nd, 12th house lords (majorly), it lead to maximum child birth s which is a unique finding not found in any text books.

b. When 2nd house lord transits over 1st, 2nd, 3rd house lords, it was found to be fruitful.

c. When 3rd house lord transits over 2nd, 3rd, 4th house lord, it was found to be fruitful.

d. When 4th house lord transits over 3rd, 4th , 5th , 6th house lords, it was found to be fruitful.

e. When 5th house lord transits over 5th house lord, it was found to be highly auspicious.

f. When 6th house lord transits over 5th , 6th , 7th lord, it was found to be fruitful.

g. When 7th house lord transits over 6th , 7th , 8th lord, it was found to be fruitful.

h. When 8th house lord transits over 7th , 8th , 9th lord, it was found to be fruitful.

i. When 9th house lord transits over 8th , 9th , 10th lord (9th , 10th majorly), it was found auspicious.

j. When 10th house lord transits over 5th , 9th , 10th lord, it was found to be auspicious.

k. When the 11th house lord transits in 11th , 12th house lord, it was found to be fruitful.

l. When the 12th house lord transits 11th , 12th , 2nd house lord, it was found to be fruitful.

43. Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 houses

Graph 44. Average-Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 houses

Inferences from graphs 43 and 44

Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 houses

a. When house lord 1 transists over 6th , 7th and 11th houses

b. When house lord 2 transists over 6th , 7th , 9th , 11th and 12th houses


c. When house lord 3 transits over 1st, 8th, 11th , 12 th houses

d. When 4th house lord transits over 1st , 2nd , 5th , 12t h houses

e. When 5th lord transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 5th houses

f. When 6th lord transits over 3rd and 4th houses

g. When 7th lord transits over 4th house

h. When 8th lord transits over 1st , 4th , 8th houses

i. When 9th lord transits over 8th house

j. When 10th lord transits over 1st , 7th , 11th houses

k. When 11th lord transits over 1st , 5th , 10 th houses

l. When 12 lord transits over 8th , 10th and 12th 5. 3

Will tell us the result of transit of 12 house lords over 27 nakshatras. How their respective transit in various nakshaktras affected child birth

Graph 45. Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras

Graph 46-Average- Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras

Inferences from graphs 45 and 46

a. First House lord /Ascendant lord when in transit over Ashwini, Ashlesha, purva phalguni, jyeshtha

b. When house lord 2 was in purva phalguni, hasta, shravan, jyeshtha, purva bhadrapad

c. When house lord 3 was in Ashlesha, shravan, jyeshtha, purvashada, purva bhadrapad.

d. When house lord 4 was in Ashlesha, purva phalguni, svati, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, purvashada

e. When house lord 5 was transiting over Ashlesha, purva phalguni, uttar halguni, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purva shada

f. When lord of house 6 transits over ashwini, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purva shada, purva bhadrapad.

g. When 7th house lord transits over magha, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purvashada

h. When8th lordtransits overashlesha, purvaphalguni, hasta,anuradha,jyeshtha, purva shada.

i. When house lord 9 transits over adrda, magha, svati, anuradha, jyeshtha, purvashada.

j. When 10th lord transits over ashlesha, magha, hasta, svati, vishakha, purvashada

k. When house lord 11 transits over magha, purvaphalguni, anuradha, jyeshtha, svati, vishakha

l. When 12th house lord transits over ashwini, ashlesha, magha, vishakha, jyeshtha, vishakha, uttarashada, dhanishtha

5. 4 Will tell us the result of transit of 12 house lords over 9 planets. How their respective transit on various natal planets affected child birth. The best results for child birth were achieved when

Graph 47 - Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets
Graph 48- Average-Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets

Table 24- Result of transit of various house lords overall 9 planets

Inferences from graphs 47 and 48 and table no 24

a. When house lord 1 transits over moon, saturn and ketu.

b. When house lord 2 transits over sun, mars, mercury and saturn.

c. When house lord 3 transits over saturn.

d. When house lord 4 transits over saturn.

e. When house lord 5 transits over saturn

f. When house lord 6 transits over saturn

g. When house lord 7 transits over saturn

h. When house lord 8 transits over saturn, moon and ketu

i. When house lord 9 transits over mars and saturn

j. When house lord 10 transits over jupiter and saturn

k. When house lord 11 transits over sun, jupiter and saturn

l. When house lord 12 transits over sun, mars and saturn

Graph 49- Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs.
Graph 50- Average Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs

Table 25- Result of transit of various house lords overall 12 signs

Inferences from graphs 49 and 50 and table 25

a. When house lord 1 trasits over 4, 5, 7, 8 signs

b. When house lord 2 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

c. When house lord 3 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

d. When house llord 4 transits over 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 signs

e. When house lord 5 transits over 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 signs

f. When house lord 6 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

g. When house lord 7 transits over 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

h. When house lord 8 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

i. When house lord 9 transits over 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

j. When house lord 10 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

k. When house lord 11 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

l. When house lord 12 transits over 4, 5, 8, 10 signs

What we find is that majorly transit of any house lord over 5th , 7th , 8 th signs which are Leo, Libra, Scorpio signs proved beneficial for child birth. As in kaal purush kundali 5th house is leo and 7th house is libra and 8th house represents any kind of operation like a c-section.

5. 6

Graph 51. Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords.
Graph 52. Average Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 house lords.

Table 26- Result of transit of various house lords overall houselords


a.When sun transits over 1st , 2nd , 4th , 5th , 9th house lords.

b.When moon transits over 1st, 3rd , 4th , 6th , 7 th house lords.

c. When mars over 3rd , 5th , 8th , 9 th house lords

d.When mercury transits over 2nd , 7th , 9th or 10th house lords

e.When jupiter transits over 6th , 9th , 11th house lords

f.When venus transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd , or 9th , 10 th and 11th lords

g.When saturn transits over 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th lords

h.When Rahu transits over 9th , 10th house lords

i. When Ketu transits over 1st , 4th , 8th house lords

5.7 Graph 53- Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses
Graph 54- Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses

Table 27- Result of transit of various planets over all houses


a. When sun transits over 8, 11, 12 houses

b. When moon transits over 4, 7, 10, 6 and 8 houses

c. When mars transits over 1, 4 houses

d. When mercury transits over 1, 2, 3, 8, 11

e. When jupiter transits over 1, 4, 8, 12

f. When venus transits over 1, 11, 12

g. When saturn transits over 1, 2, 5, 7

h. When rahu transits over 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11

i. When ketu transits over 4, 5, 10, 11

Graph 55- Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth

Graph 56- Average Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth


a. When sun transits over Ashlesha, magha, purvaphalguni, shravan, vishakha, jyeshtha, satbisha, purvabhardapad

b. When moon transits over ashwini, rohini, punarvasu, ashlesha, purvaphalguni,chitra, anuradha, satbisha, uttbhadrapad, rev

c. When mars transits over ardra, magha, purvaphalguni, hasta, chitra, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, dhanishtha

d. When mercury transits over ashwini, magha, purvaphalguni, hasta, chitra, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, dhanishtha

e. Whenjupiter transits into ashwini,rohini, Ardra, ashlesha, purvaphalguni,hasta, shravan, jyeshtha, purva shada

f. When venus transits into ashlesha, magha, purva phalguni,shravan, vishaka, uttarshada, uttrabhadrapa

g. Whensaturntransits intovishakha, anuradha,jyeshtha,moolaand poorvashada.

h. When rahu transits into Punarvasu, pushya, ashlesha, magha, hasta, chitra, purvashada

i. When ketu transits into ashwini, rohini, purvashada, uttrashada, shravan, satbisha, uttarrabhadrapad, revti

5. 9

Graph 57, Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords.

Graph 58, Impact of transit of 9 planets over nakshatra lords.


1. When sun transits over moon and ketu

2. When moon transits over sun, mer, ketu

3. . When mars transits over moon, mars, ketu

4. When mer transits over moon, mars, ketu

5. When jup transits over mars, mer, Rahu

6. Venus transits over moon, mars, mer, jup, ketu

7. Saturn transits saturn

8. Rahu transits jupiter and ketu

9. ketu transits over rahu

5. 10

Graph 59- Impact of transit of various planets over various signs

Graph 60 -Average, Impact of transit of various planets over various signs

Table 28- Result of transit of

planets overall signs


a. Sun transits over leo, libra, scorpio

b. Moon transits over aries and pisces

c. Mars transits over leo and libra

d. Mer transits over leo, libra and scorpio

e. Jup transits over gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio

f. Venus transits over leo and libra

g. Sat transits over scorpio and saggitarius

h. Rah transits over cancer mainly and then virgo and libra

i. Ket transits over aquarious, capricorn and pisces.

Graph 61. Transit of planets over various houses in moon chart

We are studying th is graph to validate our traditional texts that transit of Jupiter over moon sign and 2nd, 5th and 7th houses creates good possibities of child birth.

We clearly see that when Jupiter transits over moon sign, it does not boost the possibility, whereas when it transits over 3rd, 5th , 6th and 11th houses, it gives a better chance which is a negation to traditional texts.

5. 12

Graph 62. Transit of Jupiter over various houses When Jupiter transits over 1, 4, 8 and 12 th houses, it gives better results for matters pertaining to child birth.

5. 13

Graph 63- Transit of house lord 5 over 12 houses when house lord 1 is transitting through house 1

Through this graph, we are trying to study the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses


when ascendant or lord of first house transits through the first house, 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 1st, 2nd and 12th houses

5. 14 Transit of 5th house lord over 12 houses when house lord 1 is transitting through 5th house.

Graph 64- Transit of 5th house lord over 12 houses when house lord 1 is transitting through house 5.


Through this graph we are trying to study the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses when ascendant or lord of first house transits th rough fifth house, 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 4th , 6th and 7th houses.

5.15 Transit study of planets over Rahu ,Saturn and Jupiter

Graph 65- Transit of all planets over Rahu


The above chart clearly shows very high posiibility of child birth when Ketu was transiting over Rahu in 1, 2 11, 12 houses at the time of child birth.

Graph 66 - Transit of Planets over Saturn at the time of child birth

Inference-In this chart we can clearly see that when Saturn transits over natal Saturn, it gives very good results.

We will be studying transit of planets over jupiter at the time of birth of child.

Graph 67-Transit of all planets over natal Jupiter at the time of child birth

Inference: When Jupiter was transiting 3rd, 4th , 5th or 7th from natal Jupiter, child birth seem to be on a higher side.

Chapter 6

Practical Application of New Findings

As per the analysis in Chapters 4 and 5, We came to the below-mentioned new findings that favored childbirth in 2315 cases. We also have some validations of the rules followed in the Vedic texts. Also, there are some rules or formulas mentioned in Vedic text to predict childbirth that don’t find much relevance as per our research.

Based on the research conducted on Timing of Child Birth on 2315 cases. We applied Vedic as well as new rules as per research on 30 children from known sources.

As per Vedic texts, it is believed that prediction of the timing of any event should be seen through dasha and transit system. We have applied the formulas mentioned in traditional Vedic texts for predicting the timing of childbirth. We also applied the new rules that we found during our extensive research on 2315 child birth s and applied them too on personally known 30 children of 20 families to check and cross-examine the validity.

6.1 Application of Traditional Dasha Rules:

According to Vedic texts to compute the timing of childbirth dasha is applied. Rules for mahadasha and antardasha remain the same. For Mahadasha, we have summarized many traditional texts to formulate the below-mentioned rules:

Rule1: Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Jupiter, Dispositor of Jupiter or planets placed with Jupiter.

Rule 2: Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of 5th lord, dispositior of 5th lord, planets placed in 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house, or planets placed with 5th lord.

Rule3: Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha 7th lord, disposition of 7th lord, planets in 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house, or planets placed with 7th lord.

Rule4: Childbirth is highly likely if we see in the moon chart, the Mahadasha of 5th lord, disposition of 5th lord, planets placed in 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house, or planets placed with 5th lord.

Rule 5: Childbirth is highly likely if we see in the moon chart, the Mahadasha of 7th lord, disposition of 7th lord, planets placed in 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house, or planets placed with 7th lord.

We checked the above-mentioned rules on 30 children from 20 families childbirth, applied the above five rules, and represent it in TABLE 28 format below:

When we checked these rules on the above-mentioned horoscopes we found, we could predict the childbirth 96% of the time accurately. However, the above rules are formulated in such a way that during our analysis we realized that these rules are covering almost all probable situations and that’s why this high percentage of the existence of the rule prevails.

6.2 Application of Dasha Rules as per Research:

As the research conducted on 2315 children, we found four prominent rules for dasha that are mentioned below:

1. Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu or Jupiter.

2. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is with sun, venus or mercury.

3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of childbirth are there.

4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon.

These rules give similar accuracy as the traditional rules but are way crisper and easier to apply on the horoscopes. The test results of the above four rules are shown below in tabular format:

Table no 30.

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Childbirths

Childbir th Cases

IntheMahadasha of sun/rahu/jupiter

WhenM.Dlord wasplacedwith sun/mer/ven

WhenM.Dlord wasaspectedby sat/mar/jup

WhenM.Dlord wasaspecting Rahu/Ketu/moon

SummaryChildbirthwhen anyoftherules applied

As stat ed abo ve we could predict childbirth 100% of the time accurately. Also, we find that when Mahadasha is aspected by Saturn, Mars or Jupiter, th is rule alone is able to predict childbirth 75% of the times, and MD Lord aspecting Rahu, Ketu or Moon is able to predict alone at least 60% of the times. Placement of MD lord with sun, venus or mercury could predict accurately for over 72%.

6.3 The newfound antardasha rules as per research and their application are as follows:

A. Antardasha lord was aspecting Rahu, Ketu, or Moon in most cases as per our research so when we checked these rules on 30 childbirths we found that it was quite accurate.

B. During our research on 2315 childbirth, we also found that lord of antardasha in operation was mainly placed with the sun, mercury, or venus in lagna chart. We did apply this rule and found it to be effective too.

C. Antardasha lord was found to be aspected by Saturn or mars or Jupiter in most cases during our research. To put it the other way, we can say that childbirth is highly probable in the antardasha of planets aspected by Saturn, Mars, or Jupiter.

Though we did test other rules too in our extensive research, definitely, the abovementioned rules were prominent and could predict childbirth accurately.

Table no 31

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Childbirths

Antardasha lord


Aspects Rahu /Ketu/Moon



Antardasha lord placed with sun/ven/merc

A. D lord aspected by sat/mar/jup

SummaryChildbirth when any of the rules applied

We found that if we use these rules and even if one of them applies we could say with the highest probability that childbirth is on the cards.

a. If antardasha lord aspects Rahu or Ketu or moon which is rule 1, accounts for 58% accurate results.

b. Antardasha lord’s placement with Sun, Venus, or Mercury which is rule 2 alone accounted to 48. 3% accuracy in prediction.

c. Antardasha lord aspected by Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn accounted for 73. 3% accuracy.

Together with if we check all three, we are in a very confident position to predict childbirth. In other words, whenever childbirth takes place, then it is antardasha of Rahu, Ketu or Moon or AD lord is with sun, venus or mercury, or AD lord is aspected by Mars, Jupiter or Saturn.

6.4 Now after seeing these findings we combinedly checked mahadasha and antardasha for which the table is mentioned below:

Table no 32

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Childbirths

Childbirth Cases

When M. D /A. D lord was placed with sun/mer/ven


When M. D /A. D lord was aspected by sat/mar/jup

When M. D /A. D lord was aspecting Rahu/Ketu/Moo n

1 Y Y N Y Y Y

2 Y Y Y Y Y Y

3 Y N Y Y Y N

4 Y Y Y Y Y Y

5 Y N Y Y Y Y

6 Y N Y Y Y Y

7 Y Y Y Y Y Y

8 Y Y Y Y N

19 Y Y Y Y Y Y

20 Y Y Y Y Y Y

21 N Y N Y Y Y

22 Y Y Y Y N Y

23 Y Y Y Y N N

24 Y Y Y Y Y N

25 Y N Y Y Y Y

26 Y Y Y Y Y Y

27 N N Y Y Y Y

28 Y Y Y Y Y Y

29 N Y Y Y Y Y

30 Y N Y Y Y Y

When we checked mahadasha and antardasha rules combinedly we clearly find that M. D/A. D lord is placed with sun/mer/venus in over 75% of the cases.

M. D /A. D lords are found to be aspecting Rahu/Ketu /Moon in over 80% of the cases and M. D/A. D lords are found to be aspected by mars, Jupiter and Saturn in over 95% of the cases.

These rules are very short and easy to apply. Hence the above three dasha formulas seem to be much better and accurate compared to the rules mentioned in the vedic texts.

6.5 Application of Traditional Transit Rules:

Besides Dasha the other most important thing to predict timing of any event is Transit. As far as childbirth is considered we applied both vedic and new research findings on 30 childbirths to test the accuracy.

We also grouped vedic rules available to us and studied and analyzed the transit of Jupiter and ascendant lord /lagnesh/lord of house 1 in depth. As most vedic traditional texts give utmost importance to the transit of Jupiter and ascendant lord only. In our case study of 30 childbirths, we looked for the transit of Jupiter and lagna lord at the time of childbirth. We have mentioned the house number where Jupiter and ascendant lord were at the time of childbirth.

But as per vedic texts childbirth is supposed to be associated to Jupiter’s transit in 2nd, 5th, 7th, or 9th houses as per lagna and moon chart at the time of birth of child.

And Lagnesh should transit in 2nd, 5th, 7th or 9th houses in the lagna chart at the time of birth of child.

We have checked the validity of above stated rule in below-mentioned table.

We can really see from the above table that traditionally available transit rules account for 68. 3% accuracy only even when all the rules have been considered collectively.

6.6 Application of Transit Rules as per Research:

As per the detailed and extensive research on 2315 childbirths, the following were the prominent new findings that we got. In the table mentioned below, we put forth the results when applied to 30 childbirths.

Table no 34


Childb irth Cases

Jupitertransits in3rd/4th/5th /6thor7th housefrom nataljupiter


11thlordtransits over1st/2nd/5th or11thhouse lords

TransitofRahu in1st/2nd/11th or12thhouse fromnatalketu

TransitofSaturn in11th/12th/1st or2ndfromnatal Saturn

1st/5th/7th/11th lordstransitsin11th /12th/1stor2nd housesfromnatal Saturn

There are five major rules and the results obtained are as follows:

1. Jupiter transits in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter. This rule alone accounts for 46. 6% accuracy, however, this rule indirectly suggests that the birth of a child occurs between 26 to 30 years of age.

2. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st, 2nd, 5th or 11th house lords, this rule alone accounts for 75% accuracy. But it does not apply to many cases as the 11th lord happens to be alone in many cases.

3. Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal ketu. This was 55% times accurate but again this suggests that the birth occurs between 26 and 32 years of age.

4. Transit of Saturn was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal Saturn. Here again accuracy level was over 63%. The rule suggests that the birth of a child is more likely between 26 to 32 years of age.

5. Transit of 1st, 5th, 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal Saturn. This rule is found to be excellent having an accuracy of 80%.


The rules mentioned in our texts do work but they are long, clumsy and less accurate. If researches are done like on 2315 childbirths here, we can come out with much better and accurate rules which are more crispy and easy to apply.

Figures Horoscopes of 20 families and their birth details that concluded to 30 childbirth cases to study-

In each family first Lagna chart is of the father, second of the mother, third and fourth (if there) is that of transit at the time of childbirth. This figure also has dashas of husband and wife at the time of the birth of child/children.

Family 1

Family 2

Family 5

Family 6

Family 11

Family 12

13 Family 14

Family 15

Family 16

Family 17

Family 18

Family 19 Family 20

Chapter 7

Summary, Conclusions and Suggestions


The motive and inspiration behind undertaking this in depth study were to explore the untapped possibility of utilizing positive indications & planetary influences of dashas and transits on the natal charts of individuals to explore and create the formulas for knowing about the probability of childbirth to reduce the anxiety of those couples who are awaiting childbirths.

7.1 Results on the basis of Dasha System

7.1.1 Results on the basis of Mahadasha, Antardasha, and Pratyantardasha at the time of birth

Most children were born under the maha Dasha of Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. The variation shown in mahadasha is not real but because of period assigned to various mahadashas.

Mahadasha of Ketu is 7 years, for venus, it is 20 years, for sun it is 6 years, moon is of 10 years, mars is of again 7 years. Rahu’s mahadasha is of 18 years whereas that of Jupiter is 16 years and for Saturn it is 19years and Mercury is of 17 years.

• Most of the parents born under the Mahadasha of Ketu and Venus at the time of birth s have their children in the mahadasha of sun. Basically, parents born under more than one nakshatra are giving birth to children in one nakshatra, that’s why the average number of children born under the mahadasha of sun is way higher.

• The same theory is valid for Rahu and Jupiter, Most parents born under the mahadasha of venus, sun, moon, and mars give birth to children in the mahadashas of Jupiter and Rahu.

• As mentioned in vedic texts mahadasha of Jupiter is most auspicious as Jupiter is considered the significator of the fifth house does not validate as per our research.

• Combinations and conclusions that were found to give one of the best results

a. In the M. D of Ketu-Antardasha should be of mercury or venus

b. In the M. D of Venus-Antardasha should be of mercury or saturn

c. In the M. D of Sun-Antardasha should be of mercury, rahu, jupiter or saturn

d. In the M. D of Moon-Antardasha should be of Rahu

e. In the M. D of Mars-Antardasha should be of saturn

f. In the M. D of Rahu-Antardasha should be of mercury and venus

g. In the M. D of Jupiter-Antardasha should be of jupiter and venus

h. In the M. D of Saturn-Antardasha should be of saturn

i. In the M. D of Mercury-Antardasha should be of mercury

In vedic texts it is said that most planets in their mahadasha -antardasha combination don’t give much results which does not seen true considering points h and i. Hence we found a negation. Mahadasha of sun is most favorable Antardasha of mercury is most favorable. Pratyantardasha of sun is most favorable.

7. 1. 2 Results on the basis of lordship of mahadasha lord

• When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd, 5th or 7th house or to put it in a better way when the mahadasha in operation was either of 2nd , 5th or 7th houses that period is considered favorable for childbirths. Though this does not apply to sun and venus. It validates the traditional text that mahadasha of 2th, 5th, and 7th house lords is fruitful for childbirth.

• The lord of Antardasha in operation was the lord of the 4th or 5th house in most cases. Validation of antardasha lord to be of 5th house is achieved whereas a new finding of 4th lord antardasha being fruitful is established.

• Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 2nd , 5nd or 6th house.

• Conclusions on the basis of house Lordship of mahadasha, antardasha, pratyantar dasha lord(New Findings)

a. For sun it should be lord of first house to give benefic results in M. D, AD, and PD.

b. Moon should be the second lord to give best results in M. D, A. D and P. D

c. Mars should be the sixth lord to give the best results in M. D, A. D and P. D

d. Mercury should be lord of 1st or 2nd house in its M. D, A. D and P. D

e. Jupiter should be lord of 6th or 7th house in its M. D/AD and P. D

f. Venus should be lord of 10 or 12th house in its M. D/A. D/P. D

g. Saturn should be lord of 5th , 6th ,7th or 8th house in its M. D/A. D/P. D

7. 1. 3 Results on the basis of positioning/placement of M. D/A. D/P. D lord in the natal chart

a. During the statistical research, we found that Mahadasha lord should be placed in houses 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th or 11th house mainly. This signifies that M. D lord has no direct relation with its placement in 5th house. Specifically talking about jupiter which is considered karak planet of 5th house or progeny does not give any extra results in its dasha compared to another planet as mentioned in traditional texts.

b. It was also found that antardasha lord should be placed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th or 11th house.

c. Pratyantar dasha lord should be placed in 1st, 3rd or 10th house for better results.

7. 1. 4 Results on the basis of the conjunction of mahadasha lord with 9 planets in the natal chart

• We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Mahadasha lords (new findings)

a. When sun is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

b. When moon is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu

c. When mars is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun or rahu

d. When mercury is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

e. When jupiter is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with saturn or ketu


f. When venus is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun or mercury

g. When saturn is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars or jupiter

h. When Rahu is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, venus,or jupiter

i. When ketu is the M. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, moon, or mercury

7. 1. 5 On the basis of the conjunction of antardasha swami with 9 planets in the natal chart(new findings)

a. When sun is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

b. When moon is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu, or Jupiter

c. When mars is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, venus, or rahu

d. When mercury is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

e. When jupiter is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, or venus

f. When venus is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun, mars,or mercury

g. When saturn is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon,or Jupiter.

h. When Rahu is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars or, venus

i. When ketu is the A. D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars, moon, or mercury, venus or Saturn.

Hence on the basis of conjunction of planets when they are dasha lords we can say that

a. Sun gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with mercury in natal chart.

b. Moon gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Rahu in natal chart.

c. Mars gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Rahu, venus in natal chart.

d. Mercury gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun in natal chart.

e. Jupiter gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun in natal chart.

f. Venus gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Sun, Mercury in natal chart.

g. Saturn gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Jupiter in natal chart.

h. Rahu gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Mars, Venus in natal chart.

i. Ketu gives best results for childbirths as dasha lord when conjunct with Moon, Mercury in natal chart.

Clear Findings that prove traditional vedic texts

• Mahadasha lord should be of 7th lord or should be placed with 7th lord

• Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord

• Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 10th house or with lord of 10th house

• Specifically, if Saturn, Rahu, Moon, Jupiter are the Mahadasha lord, then it is either in 7th house or it is with 7th lord.

7. 1. 6 Result on the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P. D lord on various houses in the natal chart

a. When M. D lord aspects 3rd , 5th ,7th , or 9th houses, it is favorable as per research .

b. When A. D lord aspects 5th , 7th , 9th houses, when childbirth happened in most cases.

c. When P. D lord aspected 7th and 9th houses in most cases of childbirths.

d. In common M. D, A. D, P. D lords aspected 7th or 9th house.

e. In most cases, M. D lord was aspected by 6th house lord particularly when sun, moon, Saturn are the 6th lord.

f. Antardasha lord was aspected by 6th or 7 th lord.

g. P. D lord was aspected by 6th or 7th lord.

7.1. 7 Results on the basis of Aspects of M. D/A. D/P. D lords on various house lords in the natal chart

• M. D lord aspects 6th , 10th, or 12th house lords.

• D lord aspects 2nd, 5th, or 7th house lord

• P. D lord aspects 5th , 6th ,or 12th house lord

• Transit needs to promise Childbirths and only then with suitable dasha can help happening of childbirths. If Mahadasha is that of childbirth favoring planet then many childbirths or multiple deliveries are possible in appropriate transits.

7. 2 Result on the basis of Transit

7. 2. 1 Result of transit of various house lords over all 12 houses

• Nothing too concrete could be established, clear negation of vedic texts which says when ascendant transits over 5th house or 5th house Lord transits over ascendent then high possibilities of childbirths can be predicted. T is was not validated in research.

• When 1st house lord transits over 1st, 2nd, 12 th house lords (majorly) it lead to maximum childbirths which is a unique finding not found in any text books. (new finding)

Also a very unique finding when lord of any house transits over its own house, 2nd or 12 th to its own house, possibilities of childbirths are triggered.

7. 2. 2 Result of transit of various house lords over 9 planets

• Whenever any house lord transits over Saturn, the chances of childbirths were higher.

7. 2. 3 Result of transit of various house lords over 12 signs

• What we find is that majorly transit of any house lord over 5th, 7th and 8th signs ie. Leo, Libra, Scorpio signs proved beneficial for childbirths. As in kaal purush kundali 5th house is leowhch is stomach and 7th house is libra which s also represents spouse and 8th house represents any kind of operation like a c-section. (new finding)

7. 2. 4 Result of transit of various planets over house lords

In maximum cases childbirths happened when:

• When sun transits over 1st , 2nd , 4th , 5th , or 9th house lords.

• When moon transits over 1st , 3rd , 4th , 6th or 7 th house lords.

• When mars over 3rd , 5th , 8th , or 9th house lords.

• When mercury transits over 2nd , 7th ,9th and 10th house lords.

• When jupiter transits over 6th , 9th , 11th house lords.

• When venus transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 9th ,10th or 11th lords.

• When saturn transits over 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th lords.

• When Rahu transits over 9th ,10th house lords.

• When Ketu transits over 1st , 4th , 8th house lords.

7. 2. 5 Result of transit of various house lords over 12 houses for favorable childbirths

• When sun transits over 8th , 11th , or 12th houses.

• When moon transits over 4th ,7th , 10th , 6th or 8th houses.

• When mars transits over 1st or 4th houses.

• When mercury transits over 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 8th ,or 11th houses.

• When jupiter transits over 1st , 4th , 8th or 12th houses.

• When venus transits over 1st ,11th , or 12th houses.

• When saturn transits over 1st , 2nd , 5th ,or 7th houses.

• When rahu transits over 1st , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 10th or, 11th houses.

• When ketu transits over 4th , 5th , 10th , or 11th houses.

7. 2. 6 Result of transit of various house lords over 27 nakshatras

When jupiter transits into ashwini, rohini, Ardra, ashlesha, purvaphalguni, hasta, shravan, jyeshtha, purva shada

7. 2. 7 Specific results for the transit of Jupiter and 5th lord

• Jup transits over gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio signs.

• When Jupiter transits over moon sign, it does not boost the possibility, whereas when it transits over 3rd, 5th, 6th or 11th houses, it gives a better chance which is a negation to traditional texts.

• We also studied the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses when ascendant or lord of first house transits through first house, 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 1st, 2nd or 12th houses.

• We also studied the result of transit of 5th lord in various houses when ascendant or lord of first house transits through fifth house,Our fiunding was that 5th house lord gives best results for child when it is 4th, 6th or 7th houses.

7.3 Validations, Negations, and New Findings

As per the literature review in chapter 2 and research analysis in Chapters 4 and 5, We came to the below mentioned new findings that favored child birth in 2315 cases. We also applied these rules practically on personally known 30 childbirth cases in chapter 6.

After research analysis of 2315 cases and practical application of research findings and traditional rules on 20 families which totaled 30 childbirths, we divided the rules in four major categories, new findings, validations of traditional texts, negation of certain rules available to us and finally our prominent findings that favored child birth as per research.

We also have some validations of the rules followed in the vedic texts. Also, there are some rules or formula mentioned in vedic text to predict childbirth which don’t find much relevance as per our research.

New Findings-

For Mahadasha

As per statistical research we found some new dasha formulations for childbirth

1. Most children were born under the mahadashas of Sun, Jupiter and Rahu.

2. Antardasha of 4th lord was found to be fruitful.

3. M.D was the lord of 2nd, 5th or 7th house.

4. Placement of M.D lord was highest for 2nd and 3rd house followed by 1st, 9th and 11th houses.

5. Mahadasha lord was mainly found to be in conjunction with sun followed by mercury in most cases at the time of childbirth.

6. Most dasha lords gave better results than average when placed in signs of Jupiter which are Sagittarius and Pisces.

7. When M. D lord was placed with 7th house lord, childbirths were higher, followed by 1st, 5th , 10th lord.

8. Mahadasha lord was found to be aspecting 3rd, 5th , 7th and 9th house at the time of childbirth.

9. Mahadasha lord was aspecting Rahu and Ketu in most cases at the time of child birth.

10. M. D was mainly aspected by 6th, ,10th , 9th or 4th lord which is not mentioned in vedic texts.

11. M. D was mainly aspected by Saturn followed by Jupiter and mars.

Most Prominent

1. Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu or Jupiter.

2. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is with sun, venus or mercury.

3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of childbirth are there.

4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon.

For Antardasha

1. Maximum childbirth happened in the Antardasha of mercury.

2. Dasha lord was by aspected by 7th , 2nd or 6th house lord majorly, though childbirth was in all dashas.

3. Antardasha lord was aspected by Saturn, Jupiter and mars.

4. Antardasha was of 7th, 5th or 3rd house lord

5. Antardasha lord aspected 7th, , 5th and 2nd house lords.

6. Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord

Prominent Findings

1. If antardasha lord aspects Rahu or Ketu or moon then chances of childbirth are higher.

2. Antardasha lord’s placement with Sun, Venus, or Mercury indicates higher chances of childbirth.

3. Antardasha lord aspected by mars, Jupiter, or Saturn led to higher childbirth possibilities.

For Transit, we had the following findings, though some of them were prominent and some were not so strong.

New Findings for Transit

1. Transit of Rahu over ketu in 1st, 2nd, 11th and 12th houses from ketu seem to be auspicious for childbirth as per research.

2. Transit of moon, mars Jupiter, rahu, ketu over 4th house.

3. Transit of Jupiter over 11th lord

4. Saturn’s transit over 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th lords

5. Transit of Jupiter in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th house from natal Jupiter

6. Transit of Saturn over Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th houses from natal mars.

7. Transit of Saturn over Saturn in 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th houses from natal Saturn

8. Transit of Saturn in Scorpio and Sagittarius signs.

9. Transit of Jupiter over Rahu or Ascendant.

10. Transit of mars over leo.

11. When Jupiter transits over 1, 4, 8 or 12 th houses, it gives better results for matters pertaining to childbirth.

12. Transit of Jupiter over 6th, 7th and 11th house lords.

Prominent Transit Findings

1. Jupiter transits in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter.

2. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st, 2nd, 5th or 11th house lords.

3. Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal ketu.

4. Transit of Saturn was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn.

5. Transit of 1st, 5th, 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn.


1. When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd, 5th and 7th houses, it was highest in case of 2nd lord followed by 7th and 5th lord.

2. Antardasha of first lord was found to be fruitful.

3. When M. D, A. D and P. D lord aspected 7th and 9th house it is auspicious.

4. When M. d lord was placed in 2nd house.

5. Placement of M. D lord with 6th and 8th house lords lowered the possibilities of childbirth.

6. Transit of Jupiter in 5th house from natal Jupiter.

7. Transit of Jupiter over first house.


1. Dasha of planet Jupiter was not the highest in probability.

2. Dasha of 5th lord didn’t find the highest probability for childbirth. In fact it was 7th lord followed by 2nd and then 5th lords dashas that were fruitful.

3. If M. D lord was placed in 5th , house ,childbirth were least in number. Placement of M. D lord in 5th house resulted in the least number of childbirths, it was highest for 2nd and 3rd house.

4. Jup-Jup, Mer-mer, Sat-sat mahadasha and antardasha combinations found the highest results which negate the traditional belief of neutral results in same mahadasha and antardasha.

5. Dasha of 5th lord didn’t find the highest probability for childbirth.

6. Placement of M. D lord in 5th house resulted in the least number of childbirths, it was highest for 2nd and 3rd house.

7. Transit of Jupiter over 5th house leads to more possibility for child birth.

8. When ascendant lord transits over 5th house lord or 5th house transits over lagnesh , high possibilities of childbirth were expected which didn’t prove as per research.

9. Nothing too concrete could be established for transit of planets including Jupiter over house lords that included first and fifth house lords as stated in vedic texts

10. Transit of Jupiter over 2nd ,5th or 7th house didn’t stand a higher chance for the possibility of child birth.

11. Transit of Jupiter if see moon chart also did not boost higher possibilities of child birth for vedic rules.

7.4 Final Conclusions

For Dasha System

-As the research conducted on 2315 children, we found four prominent rules for Mahadasha that are mentioned below:

1. Childbirth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu, or Jupiter.

2. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is with sun, venus or mercury.

3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of childbirths are there.

4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon.

For Antardasha there are three major findings:

a. If antardasha lord aspects Rahu or Ketu or moon.

b. Antardasha lord’s placement with Sun, Venus or Mercury.

c. Antardasha lord aspected by mars, Jupiter or Saturn.

We found that if we use these rules and even if one of them apply we could say with highest probability that childbirths is on the cards.

When we checked mahadasha and antardasha rules combinedly we clearly find that

• M. D/A. D lord are placed with sun/mer/venus in most cases.

• M. D /A. D lords are found to be aspecting Rahu/Ketu /Moon in many of the cases.

• M. D/A. D lords are found to be aspected by mars, Jupiter and Saturn in most of the cases.

These rules are very short and easy to apply. Hence the above three dasha formulas seem to be much better, easy to apply and accurate compared to the rules mentioned in the vedic texts.

For Transit

The five major rules and the results for Transit obtained as per research are as follows:

1. Childbirths is highly likely when Jupiter transits in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter. This rule alone accounted to fair acccuracy levels, however th is rule indirectly suggests that the birth of a child occurs between 26 to 30 years of age.

2. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st, 2nd, 5th or 11th house lords, this rule alone accounts for good accuracy. But it does not apply to many cases as 11th lord happens to be alone in many cases.

3. Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal ketu. This also gave accurate results but again this suggests that the birth occurs between 26 and 32 years of age.

4. Transit of Saturn was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal Saturn. Here again accuracy level was over 63%. The rule suggests that the birth of a child is more likely between 26 to 32 years of age.

5. Transit of 1st, 5th , 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. This rule is found to be excellent having an accuracy of 80%in application on personally known cases.

7. 5 Suggestions and Recommendations

1. The present study was restricted to couples who had children, similar study could also be done on the horoscopes of couples who could not achieve parenthood or are yet to experience it. This can furnish more closer and accurate results as our destiny is interdependent.

2. This study was kept limited to vimshottari dasha only, a similar study can be conducted for other dashas as well.

3. Similar study may be done with the application of fundamentals of palmistry and numerology.

4. The same type of study conducted on I. V. F patients and also other patients with specific medical problems would certainly help us reach beneficial conclusions.

5. A study may be conducted on other individuals/couples who could not achieve parenthood with special reference to yogas natal horoscope if Dasha and transit rules tally.

6. A similar study can be conducted by applying the rules of Lal Kitabonly.

7. A similar study could be conducted on males and females separately.


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Copy of the birth details of the subjects

Timing of Child Birth



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Saptamansh Chart

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Assessment of Child Birth as per Transit

After marriage the desire to have children is natural and becomes fundamental in achieving complete family bliss with most couples.Birth of children maintains the continuity of family and society.Difficulty or even a substantial delay in achieving this bliss can play havoc in one’s life.

These days people have started marrying late due to raised education period and even after marriage most of the urban working population take time to plan family due to professional and financial stability. Very often they visit astrologers and look forward for consult them as when will they be able to achieve parenthood.

Also it has been noted that some couples take much longer time to be blessed with a kid,this can be due to various delay causing yogas,dashasandtransitorthecombination of these three in their horoscopes.

So we conducted a research that covered the astrological possibilities of timing of happening of child birth in an individual’s horoscope,thiscanleadtolowerstresslevels and better management of time.

We took birth details (date/time and place of birth) of 2315 individuals including both males and females and took the date of births of their children as well.We analyzed their horoscope in the light of astrological texts and rules available to compare the actual happening. As in what dashas and transits actually impacted the birth of their child or which dasha and transit were in operation when the child birth happened in their life.

To predict the timing of any event , as per vedicastrologyitisbelievedthatdashaand transit are main deciding factors . Hence, the role of transit plays an important role in determining the timing of child birth. Transit needs to promise Child birth and only then with suitable dasha can help child birth.

Wefindvariousrulesintraditionaltextswhich state that transit is one of the key factors to beconsideredtopredicthappeningofchild birth in one’s life.

In this article we will mainly discuss the out comings of a research we conducted on 2315 horoscopes including males and females both.We analyzed the results by usingthemostauthenticandmostaccepted vedic astrology software Leo Star Expert.

First let us put all the transit rules that we got from astrological books and texts1.Whenthejupiterpassesthrough5thhouse,it is said to bestow servants ,meritorious acts(or auspicious rituals),sons,elephants,horses,bulls, gold ,houses in town,marriage with a young women,garments,gems and a number of virtues such as learning and valour.

Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 154,author-U.S Pulppani

This does not work as per our research as chances of child birth are higher when jupiter transits over 1,4,8,12.

2. When jupiter passes through 2nd from janam rashi,there will be child birth in family. The native gets money from many corners. His knowledge improves in many ways. it works-i dont have chart



Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika, page 155,author-U.S Pulppani

3. When jupiter passes through 5th from janamrashi,thenativegetbackhisrelatives. He gets status.His respect improves.He gets a child(Male) does work too some extent

Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika,page 155,author-U.S Pulppani

4. When jupiter passes through 7th house from moon sign,the native gets land,child birth.He gets woman,gold and his house is filled with grains.He also gets new vehicles. does work too some extent

Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika,page 156,author-U.S Pulppani

5. When jupiter passes through 9th from janam rashi,the native gets children and women of his choice pleasurable to him.He gets gain of finance and status. does not work

Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika,page 156,author-U.S Pulppani

6. Add the longitudes of the lord of fifth house in natal chart,jupiter,planet placed in fifth,planets aspecting 5th.Find the navmanshaof this yoga.Whenever jupiter transits in that navmansha or trine of that navmansa,the native is blessed with a child/ son.

Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika,page 156,author-U.S Pulppani

7. When jupiter passes through in transit the triangular sign to the sign occupied by the lord of 5th or yamkantaka ,birth of a son may also be expected.

Matters relating to birth of children,manteshwara’sphaldeepika,pg143

8.Thebirthofasonislikelytotakeplace,when thelordoftheascendantduringhistransit(1) gets into conjunction with the lord of the 5th house,(2)passesthroughhissignofexaltation or (3)occupies his own sign passing through

in his transit of the ascendant through the 5th house or the sign occupied by the lord of the 5this also an opportune period for the birth of children.

Matters relating to birth of children,manteshwara’sphaldeepika,pg143

As per our reasearch findings majorly transit ofanyhouselordover5,7,8Leo,Libra,Scorpio signs proved beneficial for child birth.

only when house lord 5 transits over house lord 5

9.Find out the sign of 5th from jupiter and the sign and navmansha of its lord.When the jupiter in transits triangular to that sign or navmansha ,the birth of a son may be predicted.

Matters relating to birth of children,manteshwara’sphaldeepika,pg143

10.Find out the lord of the nakshatra occupied by the moon and that of the 5th fromit.Addthelongitudesofthetwoplanets. Whenjupiterpassesintransitthroughthesign represented by the result or through one of its triangular ones.

Matters relating to birth of children,manteshwara’sphaldeepika,pg144

11.When in transit lord of house 1 and lord of house 5 transit together or form any kind of relation like one way or mutual aspect ,or ascendant lord or 5th lord transit in their own sign or sign of exaltation.


12. The birth of a child is also promised when ascendant lord transits in 5th house sign or 5th lord transits in its own sign.


13.Whenjupitertransitsinnavmansha orrashi of 5th lord or natal jupiter or trine of these ,there is high possibility of child birth.Some scholarsalsobelieve thatthisshouldbevalid for navmansha of 5th lord from jupiter.

Santan bhavvadhyay, phaldeepika,pg 139


14.Add the mahadasha lord at the time of birth and the dashalord of 5th dasha from natal mahadasha,we get a zodiac sign,wheneverjupitertransitsinthetrine1,5,9 of this rashi,child birth is said to be promised. Santanbhavvadhyay,phaldeepika,pg139

During the course of this research we also did some expert interactions where we got toknowwhatmostastrologerslookforwhen they predict child birth through transit.

1. When lagna lord transits with 5th lord

2. When lagna lord transits over 5th lord

3. When lagna lord transits over 5th house

4. The double transit impact i.e the impact of transit of jupiter and saturn over 5th house,5th lord,and significator of 5th house can result in child birth.

5. When the dasha lord transits the bhav madhya of 5th house,then child birth would take place.

6. If the dasha lord in transit aspects the bhav madhy of 5th house,the time is favourable for child birth.

7. When jupiter transits over lagna/5th


house or 9th house,it is said to be highly auspicious period for child birth.

8. When 5th house lord transits over itselfor 5th house or 5th lord

9. Another quick way to see the timing of child birth is transit of planets that control2nd,5th and 11th house.When these planets transits in each other’s housesortransitstogetherinanyofthese houses,ittriggerschildbirthifmahadasha approves.

Findings from the Research:

Result of transit of various house lords over all 12houselordsandhowitimpactedchildbirth

• When1sthousetransitsover1st,2nd,12th house lords (majorly) it lead to maximum child birth which is a unique finding not found in any text books.

• When 2nd house lord transits over 1st,2nd,3rd house lords,it was found to be fruitful.

• When 3rd house lord transits over 2nd,3rd,4th house lords ,it was found to be fruitful.


• When 4th house lord transits over 3rd,4th,5th,6th house lords,it was found to be fruitful.

• When 5th house lord transits over 5th house lord ,it was found to be highly auspicious.

• When 6th house lord transits over 5th,6th,7th lord,it was found to be fruitful.

• When 7th house lord transits over 6th,7th,8thlord,itwasfoundtobefruitful.

• When 8th house lord transits over 7th,8th,9thlord,itwasfoundtobefruitful.

• When 9th house lord transits over 8th,9th,10th lord(9th ,10th majorly),it was found auspicious.

• When 10th house lord transits over 5th,9th,10th lord ,it was found to be auspicious.

• When the 11th house lord transits 11th,12th house lord ,it was found to be fruitful.

• When the 12th house lord transits


11th,12th ,2nd house lord,it was found to be fruitful.

Chart 2)

Resultoftransitofvarioushouselordsoverall 12 houses

• When house lord 1 transists over 6th,7th and 11th houses

• When house lord 2 transists over 6th,7th ,9th,11th and 12th houses

• When house lord 3 transits over 1,8,11,12 houses

• When 4th house lord transits over 1,2,5,12th houses

• When 5th lord transits over 1,2,3 and 5th houses

• When 6th lord transits over 3rd and 4th houses

• When 7th lord transits over 4th house

• When 8th lord transits over 1,4,8 houses

• When 9th lord transits over 8th house

• When10thlordtransitsover1,7,11houses


• When 11th lord transits over 1,5,10 th houses

• When 12 lord transits over 8,10 and 12 Chart3)

Willtellustheresultoftransitof12houselords over 27 nakshatras.How their respective transit in various nakshaktras affected child birth

1. First House lord /Ascendant lord when in transit over Ashwini, Ashlesha , purva phalguni, jyeshtha

2. When house lord 2 was in purva phalguni,hasta,shravan,jyeshtha,purva bhadrapad

3. When house lord 3 was in Ashlesha, shravan, jyeshtha, purva shada , purva bhadrapad.

4. Whenhouselord4wasinAshlesha,purva phalguni, svati, vishakha, anuradha, jyeshtha, purvashada

5. When house lord 5 was transiting over Ashlesha,purvaphalguni,uttarphalguni,


hasta , svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purva shada

6. Whenlordofhouse6transitsoverashwini, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purva shada, purva bhadrapad.

7. When 7th house lord transits over magha, hasta, svati, vishakha, jyeshtha, purvashada

8. When 8th lord transits over ashlesha, purva phalguni, hasta, anuradha, jyeshtha, purva shada.

9. When house lord 9 transits over adrda, magha, svati, anuradha, jyeshtha, purvashada.

10.10.When 10th lord transits over ashlesha, magha, hasta, svati, vishakha, purvashada

11.11.When house lord 11 transits over magha, purvaphalguni, anuradha, jyeshtha, svati, vishakha

12.12.When 12th house lord transits over ashwini, ashlesha, magha, vishakha,


jyeshtha, vishakha, uttarashada, dhanishtha

Chart 4)

Will tell us the result of transit of 12 house lords over 9 planets.How their respective transit on various natal planets affected childbirth.Thebestresultsforchildbirthwere achieved when

1. When house lord 1 transits over moon, saturn and ketu.

2. Whenhouselord2transitsoversun,mars, mercury and saturn.

3. When house lord 3 transits over saturn.

4. When house lord 4 transits over saturn.

5. When house lord 5 transits over saturn

6. When house lord 6 transits over saturn

7. When house lord 7 transits over saturn

8. When house lord 8 transits over saturn, moon and ketu

9. When house lord 9 transits over mars and saturn

10.When house lord 10 transits over jupiter and saturn


11.When house lord 11 transits over sun, jupiter and saturn

12.When house lord 12 transits over sun, mars and saturn

Chart 5,

Favourable Impact of transit of 12 house lords over 12 zodiac signs is when below mentioned happens

1. When house lord 1 trasits over 4, 5, 7, 8 signs

2. When house lord 2 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

3. When house lord 3 transits over 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 signs

4. When house llord 4 transits over 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 signs

5. When house lord 5 transits over 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 signs

6. When house lord 6 transits over 5, 7, 8 signs

7. When house lord 7 transits over 5,7,8,9 signs

8. When house lord 8 transits over 4,5,7,8,9 signs


9. When house lord 9 transits over 5,7,8,9 signs

10.When house lord 10 transits over 5,7,8 signs

11.When house lord 11 transits over 5,7,8 signs

12.When house lord 12 transits over 4,5,8,10 signs

What we find is that majorly transit of any house lord over 5,7,8 Leo,Libra,Scorpio signs proved beneficial for child birth.

Discuss kaal purush

Chart 6,

Favourable Impact of transit of 9 planets over12houselordsiswhenbelowmentioned happens


1. When sun transits over 1,2,4,5,9 house lords.

2. When moon transits over 1,3,4,6,7 house lords.

3. When mars over 3,5,8,9 house lords

4. When mercury transits over 2,7,9 and 9,10 house lords

5. When jupiter transits over 6,9,11 house lords

6. When venus transits over 1,2,3, and 9,10 and 11 lords

7. When saturn transits over 5,6,7,8 lords

8. When Rahu transits over 9,10 house lords

9. When Ketu transits over 1,4,8 house lords

Chart 7

Favorable Impact of transit of 9 planets over 12 houses is when below mentioned happens

1. When sun transits over 8,11,12 houses

2. When moon transits over 4,7,10,6 and 8 houses

3. When mars transits over 1,4 houses

4. When mercury transits over 1,2,3,8,11


5. When jupiter transits over 1,4,8,12

6. When venus transits over 1,11,12

7. When saturn transits over 1,2,5,7

8. When rahu transits over 1,3,4,5,10,11

9. When ketu transits over 4,5,10,11

Chart 8,

Impact of transit of 9 planets over 27 nakshatras and study of favourable transits for child birth

1. When sun transits over Ashlesha,magha, purvaphalguni,shravan,vishakha,jyeshth a,satbisha,purvabhardapad

2. When moon transits over ashwini,rohini,p unarvasu,ashlesha,purvaphalguni,chitra ,anuradha,satbisha,utt bhadrapad,revti

3. When mars transits over ardra,magha,p urvaphalguni,hasta,chitra,vishakha,anur adha,jyeshtha,dhanishtha

4. When mercury transits over ashwini,magha,purva phalguni,hasta,c hitra,vishakha,anuradha,jyeshtha,dhani shtha

5. Whenjupitertransitsintoashwini,rohini,Ar dra,ashlesha,purvaphalguni,hasta,shrav


an,jyeshtha,purva shada

6. When venus transits into ashlesha,magha,purva phalguni,shrava n,vishaka,uttarshada,uttrabhadrapad

7. When saturn transits into vishakha,anura dha,jyeshtha,moola and poorvashada.

8. When rahu transits into Punarvasu,pushya, ashlesha,magha,hasta,chitra,purvashada

9. When ketu transits into ashwini,rohini,pu rvashada,uttrashada,shravan,satbisha,u ttarrabhadrapad ,revti

Chart 9,

FavourableImpactoftransitof9planetsover nakshatra lords is when below mentioned happens.

1. Whe sun transits over moon and ketu

2. When moon transits over sun,mer,ketu

3. When mars transits over moon.mars,ketu

4. When mer transits over moon,mars,ketu

5. When jup transits over mars ,mer ,Rahu

6. Venus transits over moon, mars, mer, jup, ketu

7. Saturn transits saturn

8. Rahu transits jupiter and ketu

9. ketu transits over rahu

Chart 10,

Favourable impact of transit for child birth when various planets over various signs is when below mentioned happens

1. Sun transits over leo,libra,scorpio

2. Moon transits over aries and pisces

3. Mars transits over leo and libra

4. Mer transits over leo,libra and scorpio

5. Jup transits over gemini,cancer,leo,virgo ,libra,scorpio

6. Venus transits over leo and libra

7. Sat transits over scorpio and saggitarius

8. Rahtransitsovercancermainlyandthen virgo and libra

9. Kettransitsoveraquarious,capricornand pisces.

Notes by scholar to ponder upon:

• As per the research results-When jupiter

transits over 6,9,11 house lords,child birth is triggered hence when jupiter transits over 5th lord nothing much should be expected.

• As per our reasearch findings majorly transit of any house lord over 5th,7th,8 th

signs which are Leo,Libra,Scorpio signs proved beneficial for child birth.

• This totally calls for a detailed study on validations,negations and extablishing newer theories to predict not only timing of birth but any/all events.

Assessment of Child Birth Timing as per Dasha System


Dr. Chander Kant Sharma, Prof. Department of Astrology, Mewar University, Chittorgarh (RAJ.)


Bansal, Research Scholar, Mewar University, Chittorgarh (RAJ.)

These days people have started marrying late due to raised education period and even after marriage most of the urban working population take time to plan family due to professional and financial stability. Very often they visit astrologers and look forward for consult them as when will they be able to achieve parenthood.

The desire to have children is natural and becomes fundamental in achieving completefamilyblisswithmostcouples.Birth of children maintains the continuity of family and society .Difficulty or even a substantial delay in childbirth creates lot of anxiety and becomes a matter of extreme concern not justwithexpectingparentsbuttheextended family also.

Also it has been noted that some couples naturally take much longer time to be blessed with children .It can be due to various delay causing yogas, dashas and transit or the combination of these three in their horoscopes.

So we conducted a research that covered the astrological possibilities of timing of happening of child birth in an individual’s horoscope,this can lead to lower stressand anxiety levels of parents .

To predict the timing of any event , as per vedic astrology it is believed that dasha creates the environment and transit is the final trigger.

Wefindvariousrulesintraditionaltextswhich state that dasha is one of the key factors to be considered to predict happening of child birth in one’s life.

In this article we will mainly discuss the out comings of a research we conducted on 2315 horoscopes including males and females both.We analyzed the results by usingthemostauthenticandmostaccepted vedic astrology software Leo Star Expert.

InthisarticleIshallbediscussingtheresultsof theresearch,Iconductedon2315individuals including both males and females .We took their birth details (date/time and place of birth) and the date of births of their children as well.We analyzed their horoscope in the light of astrological texts and rules available to compare the actual happening.As in what dashas actually impacted the birth of their child or which dasha was in operation when the child birth happened in their life.

First let us put all the dasha rules that we got from astrological books and texts-

1. The dasha /antardasha of most powerful planet out of 5th lord,the dispositor of 5th lord,the dispositer of fifth lord in navmansha ,jupiter,dispositer of jupiter in navmansha proves condusive for child birth.

The second edition of “Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini” (1988) by gopesh kumar ojha(7)



2. The birth of son should possibly take place in the dasha or antardasha of any of the following planets-

• 1)the lord of the ascendant,

• 2)the lord of the 7th house,

• 3)the lord of the fifth house,

• 4)jupiter,

• 5)the planet aspecting the 5th house,

• 6)the planet occupying the fifth house

Matters Relating to birth of children 25/ manteshwara’s phal Deepika/pg 143

3. Add the longitudes of (1the lord of ascendant,(2)the lord of the 7th house,and (3) the lord of the 5th house. During the course of major period represented by the owner of the nakshatra resulting from the sum total of longitudes of the above planets and in the sub period of any of the following planets will the birth of a son (children) take place-

• the planet occupying the 5th house

• the planet aspecting the 5th house

• the lord of the 5th house

Matters Relating to birth of children 27/ manteshwara’s phal Deepika/pg 144

4. In the dasha/antardasha of Ascendant,7th lord,5th lord or jupiter,the planet aspecting 5th house,planet placed in 5th house are auspicious for child birth

Santan bhav adhyay/acharya manteshwar phal Deepika/author suresh chandra mishra pg 138

5. In the dasha /antardasha of jupiter/5th lord,dispositor of jupiter or the lord of navmansha which ever is stronger,the native is blessed with son.

Santan bhav adhyay/acharya manteshwar phal Deepika/author suresh chandra mishra pg 139

6. The house which is fifth,9th from jupiter,lagna ,moon are considered for progeny,that why in the dasha/ antardasha of these house lords ,child happening is promised.

pancham -shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881

7. Add the longitudes of 5th and 7th lord, in the dasha of rashi(nakshatra) representing the total is considered fruitful for child birth.

pancham -shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881

8. 5th house lord.jupiter,planet aspecting fifth house,planet placed in 5th house ,dashas /antardashas of all these if auspicious in kundali are condusive for child birth.

pancham -shasht bhav phal /jatak parijatak/author gopesh kumar ojha pg 881


After going through these rules and talking to many expert astrologers, We came to a conclusion that

• Dasha of house lords specially 5th house lord should be studied.

• Impactofdashaofplanetaspectingfifth house or 5th lord should be analyzed.

• Jupiter considered karak of progeny should be deeply considered for all its dasha /antardashas.

• 9th house lord and 9th house being 5th from 5th (bhavat bhavam) should be studied.

So we thought and planned to study the following dasha parameters.


Findings that favoured child birth/ dashas in operation at the time of child birth

#On the basis of house lordship of M.d/A.d/ P.d lord

1. When Mahadasha lord was the lord of 2nd , 5th or 7th house or to put it in a better way when the mahadasha in operation was either of 2, 5, 7 houses that period is considered favourable for child birth.

• If sun is the Mahadasha lord then in most cases it was lord of 3rd, 11th or 12th houses

• If moon is the MD Lord , then in most cases it was 2nd lord

• IfMarsistheMDlordthenitshouldbethe lord of 7th or 8th house preferably.

• If Jupiter is the M.D lord then in most cases it was lord of 7th house.

• IfVenusistheM.Dlordtheninmostcases it was lord of 10th house.

• IfSaturnistheM.Dlordtheninmostcases it was lord of 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th lord.

2. The lord of Antardasha in operation was the lord of 4th or 5th house in most cases when the child birth happened.


• If sun is the antardasha lord and also the lord of first house, this is favorable.

• If moon is the AD lord then it was lord of 2nd house clearly in most cases.

• If Mars is the AD lord , then it was the lord of 6th and 11th house.

• If mercury was the Ad lord at the time of birth of child it was mainly ruling houses 1st or 2nd.

• If jupiter is the AD lord, it was the lord of

• If venus was the ad lord , it was found to be lord of 10th, 11th or 12th

• If saturn was the AD lord , it was the lord of 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th houses

3. Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 2nd, 5th or 6 th house

• IfsunistheP.Dlord,itshouldbepreferably be lord of 1st house

• IfmoonistheP.Dlord,itshouldbelordof 2nd or 12th house

• If mars is the pd lord , it should be lord of 6th house

• If mercury is the P.D lord, it should be lord of 1, 2 or 11 house

• IfJupiteristheP.Dlorditshouldbelordof 2, 5, 6 or 7th house

• If venus is the P.d lord, it should be lord of 5, 10 or 12 th house

• If saturn is the P.D lord it gave most auspicious results being lord of 5, 6, 7 or 8th house


• For sun it should be lord of first house to give benefic results in M.D,AD,and PD

• Moonshouldbesecondlordtogivebest results in M.D,A.D and P.D

• Mars should be sixth lord to give best results in M.D,A.D and P.D



• Mercury should be lord of 1st or 2nd house in its M.D,A.D and P.D

• Jupiter should be lord of 6th or 7th house in its M.D/AD and P.D

• Venus should be lord of 10 or 12th house in its M.D/A.D/P.D

• Saturnshouldbelordof5,6,7or8thhouse in its M.D/A.D/P.D

#On the basis of positioning/placement of M.D/A.D/P.D lord in the natal chart

1. During the statistical research, we found that Mahadasha lord should be placed in houses 1 st,2nd ,3rd, 9th or 11th house mainlyfor child birth to happen.

If the mahadashas of following planets is in operation then

• Sun should be preferably placed in 1st or 2nd house

• Moon should be placed in 3,7,9,11 th houses

• Mrs should be placed in 2nd house

• mercury should be placed in 2nd or 6th house

• jupiter should be placed in 7th or 9th

• venus should be placed in 4th

• saturn should be placed in 3,8 or12th

• Rahushouldbeplacedin8th,10thor11th

• saturn should be placed in 2nd house

Note: M.D lord has no direct relation with its placement in 5th house

• Specifically talking about jupiter which is considered karak planet of 5th house or progeny does not give any extra results in its dasha compared to other planet vis v mentioned in traditional texts.

• In general shani,rahu,moon and Jupiter are best dashasin operation for child birth

2. It was also found that antardasha lord should be placed in 1st,2nd,3rd,7th or 11th house

If the antardashas of following planets is in operation then

• Sun should be preferably placed in 1st ,2nd,7th or 9th house

• Moon should be placed in 1,7,9,11 th houses

• Mars should be placed in 2nd ,8th,10th house

• Mercury should be placed in 1st,2nd ,3rd or 7th house

• Jupiter should be placed in 1st

• Venus should be placed in 11th or 12th

• Saturn should be placed in 2,6,9 or12th

• Rahu should be placed in 3,4,5,6 or 7th

• Ketu should be placed in 1,3,5 th house

3. Pratyantar dasha lord should be placed in 1st,3rd or 10th house

• Sun should be preferably placed in 1st ,3rd or 10 th house

• Moon should be placed in 7,8,9,11 th houses

• Mrs should be placed in 3rd,7th house

• mercury should be placed in 1st,2nd ,3rd

• jupiter should be placed in 9th,11th

• venus should be placed in 12th

• saturn should be placed in 1,6,10th

• Rahu should be placed in 8th

• Ketu should be placed in 4,6 th house

4. Combinations that were found to give one of the best results

• In the M.D of Ketu-Antardasha should be of mercury or venus

• In the M.D of Venus-Antardasha should be of mercury or saturn


• In the M.D of Sun-Antardasha should be of mercury ,rahu,jupiter or saturn

• In the M.D of Moon-Antardasha should be of Rahu

• IntheM.DofMars-Antardashashouldbe of saturn

• In the M.D of Rahu-Antardasha should be of mercury and venus

• In the M.D of Jupiter-Antardasha should be of jupiter and venus

• In the M.D of Saturn-Antardasha should be of saturn

• IntheM.DofMercury-Antardashashould be of mercury

• In vedic texts it is said that most planets in their mahadasha -antardasha combination dont give much results which does not seen true considering points h nad i.

• Mahadasha of sun is most favourable

Antardasha of mercury is most favourable

Pratyantardasha of sun is most favourable

#On the basis of conjuction of M.D/A.D/P.D lord with other planets in the natal chart

1. We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Mahadasha lords

• When sun is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

• When moon is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu

• When mars is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,rahu

• WhenmercuryistheM.Dlorditgivesbest results when conjunct with sun

• When jupiter is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with saturn,ketu

• When venus is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,mercury


• When saturn is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars,jupiter

• When Rahu is the M.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars,venus,jupiter

• WhenketuistheM.Dlorditgivesbestresults when conjunct with sun,moon,mercury

2. We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Antardasha lords

• When sun is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

• When moon is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Rahu,Jupiter

• When mars is the A.D lord it gives best resultswhenconjunctwithsun,venus,rahu

• WhenmercuryistheA.Dlorditgivesbest results when conjunct with sun

• When jupiter is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,venus

• When venus is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,mars,mercury

• When saturn is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon,jupiter

• When Rahu is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars,venus

• When ketu is the A.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mars,moon,mercury,venus or saturn

3. We have studied that which conjunction of planets is most fruitful when they are Pratyantardasha lords

• When sun is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with mercury

• When moon is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with Mercury,sat,Rahu,ketu

• When mars is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,mercury,venus,rahu



• When mercury is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun

• When jupiter is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,mercury

• When venus is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with sun,mercury

• When Saturn is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with jupiter

• WhenRahuistheP.Dlorditgivesbestresults when conjunct withmoon,mars,venus

• When Ketu is the P.D lord it gives best results when conjunct with moon,mercury,jupiter,saturn


Henceonthebasisofconjunctionofplanets when they are dasha lords we can say that

• Sun gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with mercury in natal chart.

• Moon gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Rahu in natal chart.

• Mars gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun,Rahu,venus in natal chart.

• Mercury gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun in natal chart.

• Jupiter gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun in natal chart.

• Venus gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Sun,Mercury in natal chart.

• Saturn gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Jupiter in natal chart.

• Rahu gives best results for child birth as dashalordwhenconjuctwithMars,Venus in natal chart.

• Ketu gives best results for child birth as dasha lord when conjuct with Moon,Mercury in natal chart.

Clear Findings that prove traditional vedic texts

1. Mahadasha lord should be 7th lord or should be placed with 7th lord

2. Antardasha lord should not be in 8th house or with 8th lord

3. Pratyantar dasha lord should be lord of 10th house or with lord of 10th house

1.A Specifically if saturn,Rahu,Moon,Jupiter are the Mahadsha lord,then it is either in 7th house or it is with 7th lord

#On the basis of Aspects of M.D/A.D/P.D lord on various houses in the natal chart

• When M.D lord aspects 3,5,7,9 houses ,it is favourable as per research

• When A.D lord aspects 5,7,9 houses ,childbirth happened in most cases

• P.D lord aspected 7th and 9th houses in most cases of child birth

• In common M.D,A.D,P.D lords aspected 7th or 9th houses

#On the basis of Aspects of various house lords on M.D/A.D/P.D lord in the natal chart

• In most cases,M.D lord was aspected by 6th house lord particularly when sun,moon,saturn are the 6th lord

• Antardasha lord was aspected by 6th or 7 th lord

• P.D lord was aspected by 6th or 7th lord

#On the basis of Aspects of M.D/A.D/P.D lords on various house lords in the natal chart

• M.Dlordaspects6th,10th,12thhouselord

• A.D lord aspects 2nd,5th,7th house lord

• P.D lord aspects 5th,6th ,12th house lord

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Predicting Child Birth Accurately

A research was conducted on Timing of Child Birth on 2315 cases. In this article we shall be discussing about the findings of research we conducted on these children. Those results will be illustrated here through the examples of 30 children taken separately from known sources.

As per Vedic texts it is believed that prediction of timing of any event should be seen through dasha and transit system. We have applied the formulas mentioned in traditional vedic texts for predicting the timing of child birth. We also applied the new rules that we found during our extensive research on 2315 child births and applied them too on personally known 30 children of 20 families to check and cross examine the validity.

Application of Traditional Dasha Rules:

According to vedic texts to compute the timing of child birth dasha is applied. Rules for mahadashaandantardasharemainthesame.ForMahadasha,wehavesummarizedmany traditional texts to formulate the below mentioned rules:


Child birth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Jupiter, Dispositor of Jupiter or planets placed with Jupiter.

Rule 2:

Child birth is highly likely in the mahadasha of 5th lord, dispositor of 5th lord, planets placed in 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house or planets placed with 5th lord.


Child birth is highly likely in the mahadasha 7th lord, dispositor of 7th lord, planets in 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house or planets placed with 7th lord.


Child birth is highly likely if we see in moon chart, the Mahadasha of 5th lord, dispositor of 5th lord, planets placed in 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house or planets placed with 5th lord.

Rule 5:

Child birth is highly likely if we see in moon chart, the Mahadasha of 7th lord, dispositor of 7th lord, planets placed in 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house or planets placed with 7th lord. We checked the above-mentioned rules on 30 children from 20 families child birth, applied the above five rules and represent it in tabular format below:

When we checked these rules on the above-mentioned horoscopes we found, we could predict the child birth 96% of the times accurately. However, the above rules are formulated in such a way that during our analysis we realized that these rules are covering almost all probable situations and that’s why this high percentage of existence of the rule prevails.

Application of Dasha Rules as per Research:

As the research conducted on 2315 children, we found four prominent rules for dasha that are mentioned below:

1. Child birth is highly likely in the mahadasha of Sun, Rahu or Jupiter.

2. Highprobabilitiesarealsoindicatedwhenthemahadashalordiswithsun,venusormercury.

3. When Mahadasha lord is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter, high chances of child birth are there.


4. High probabilities are also indicated when the mahadasha lord is aspecting Rahu, Ketu or moon.

Theserulesgivesimilaraccuracyasthetraditionalrulesbutarewaycrisperandeasiertoapply on the horoscopes. The test results of the above four rules are shown below in tabular format:

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Child Births Child Birth Cases In the Mahadasha of sun/rahu/jupiter

When M.D lord was placed with sun/mer/ven

When M.D lord was aspected by sat/mar/jup

When M.D lord was aspecting Rahu /Ketu/ moon

SummaryChild Birth when any of the rules applied



As stated above we could again predict the child birth 100% of the times accurately. Also, we find that when Mahadasha is aspected by Saturn, Mars or Jupiter, this rule alone is able to predict child birth 75% of the times and MD Lord aspecting Rahu, Ketu or Moon is able to predict alone at least 60% of the times. Placement of MD lord with sun, venus or mercury could predict accurately for over 72%.

The new found antardasha rules as per research are as follows:

• Antardasha lord was aspecting Rahu, Ketu or Moon in most cases as per our research so when we checked these rules on 30 child births we found that it was quite accurate.

• Duringourresearchon2315childbirthwealsofoundthatlordofantardashainoperation was mainly placed with sun, mercury or venus in lagna chart. We did apply this rule and found it to be effective too.

• Antardasha lord was found to be aspected by Saturn or mars or Jupiter in most cases during our research. To put it other way, we can say that child birth is highly probable in the antardasha of planets aspected by Saturn, Mars or Jupiter.

Though we did test other rules too in our extensive research, but definitely the above mentioned rules were prominent and could predict child birth accurately.

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Child Births Child Birth Antardasha lord Aspects Rahu / Ketu/Moon Antardasha lord placed with sun/ ven/merc

A.D lord aspected by sat/mar/jup

Summary - Child Birth when any of the rules applied



We found that if we use these rules and even if one of them apply we could say with highest probability that child birth is on the cards.

• IfantardashalordaspectsRahuorKetuormoonwhichisrule1,accountsfor58%accurate results.

• Antardashalord’splacementwithSun,VenusorMercurywhichisrule2aloneaccounted to 48.3% accuracy in prediction.

• Antardasha lord aspected by mars, Jupiter or Saturn accounted for 73.3% accuracy. Together if we check all three, we are in a very confident position to predict child birth. In other words, whenever a child birth takes place, then it is antardasha of Rahu, Ketu or Moon or AD lord is with sun, venus or mercury, or AD lord is aspected by Mars, Jupiter or Saturn.

Now after seeing these findings we combinedly checked mahadasha and antardasha for which the table is mentioned below:

Application of New Dasha Rules as per Research findings on 30 Child Births

Child Birth Cases

When M.D /A.D lord was placed with sun/mer/ ven

When M.D /A.D lord was aspected by sat/mar/ jup

When M.D /A.D lord was aspecting Rahu/Ketu/ Moon


When we checked mahadasha and antardasha rules combinedly we clearly find that M.D/ A.D lord are placed with sun/mer/venus in over 75% of the cases.

M.D /A.D lords are found to be aspecting Rahu/Ketu /Moon in over 80% of the cases and M.D/A.Dlordsarefoundtobeaspectedbymars,JupiterandSaturninover95%ofthecases.

Theserulesareveryshortandeasytoapply.Hencetheabovethreedashaformulasseemto be much better and accurate compared to the rules mentioned in the vedic texts.

Application of Traditional Transit Rules:

Besides Dasha the other most important thing to predict timing of any event is Transit. As far as child birth is considered we applied both vedic and new research findings on 30 child births to test the accuracy.

We also grouped vedic rules available to us and studied and analysed the transit of Jupiter and ascendant lord /lagnesh/lord of house 1 in depth. As most vedic traditional texts give utmostimportancetotransitofJupiterandascendantlordonly.Inourcasestudyof30child births, we looked for the transit of Jupiter and lagna lord at the time of child birth. We have mentioned the house number where Jupiter and ascendant lord were at the time of child birth.

But as per vedic texts child birth is supposed to be associated to Jupiter’s transit in 2nd , 5th, 7th or 9th houses as per lagna and moon chart at the time of birth of child.

And Lagnesh should transit in 2nd, 5th, 7th or 9th houses in the lagna chart at the time of birth of child.


We have checked the validity of above stated rule in below mentioned table.

We can really see from the above table that traditionally available transit rules accounts for 68.3% accuracy only even when all the rules have been considered collectively.



Application of Transit Rules as per Research:

As per the detailed and extensive research on 2315 child births, the following were the prominent new findings that we got. In the table mentioned below we put forth the results when applied to 30 child births.

Application of New Transit Rules as per Research findings on 30 Child Births

Child Birth Cases

Jupiter transits in 3rd/4th/5th/6th or 7th house from natal jupiter

11th lord transits over 1st/2nd/5th or 11th house lords

Transit of Rahu in 1st/2nd/11th or 12th house from natal ketu

Transit of Saturn in 11th/12th/1st or 2nd from natal Saturn

1st/5th/7th/11th lords transits in 11th/12th/1st or 2nd houses from natal Saturn



There are five major rules and the results obtained are as follows:


1. Jupiter transits in 3rd ,4th,5th,6th or 7th from Natal Jupiter. This rule alone accounts for 46.6% accuracy, however this rule indirectly suggests that the birth of a child occurs between 26 to 30 years of age.

2. 11th lord was found to be transiting over 1st ,2nd ,5th or 11th house lords, this rule alone accounts for 75% accuracy. But it does not apply to many cases as 11th lord happens to be alone in many cases.

3. Transit of Rahu was over 1st, 2nd,11th or 12th houses from natal ketu.This was 55% times accurate but again this suggests that the birth occurs between 26 and 32 years of age.

4. TransitofSaturnwasover1st,2nd,11th or12th housesfromnatalsaturn.Hereagainaccuracy level was over 63% .The rule suggests that birth of a child is more likely between 26 to 32 years of age.

5. Transit of 1st, 5th, 7th or 11th house lords was over 1st, 2nd, 11th or 12th houses from natal saturn. This rule is found to be excellent having accuracy of 80%.


The rules mentioned in our texts do work but they are long, clumsy and less accurate. If researches are done like on 2315 child births here, we can come out with much better and accurate rules which are more crispy and easy to apply.


1. U.S Pulppani “Transit of jupiter part 1-Gochar phaldeepika”,page 15

2. Gopesh Kumar Ojha (1988) The second edition, “Phaldeepika Bhavarthbodhini” ,Motilal Banarsidas,Delhi

3. Manteshwara (1996) First Edition “Phal Deepika” Matters Relating to birth of children ,25 ,Ranjan Publications,16,Ansari Road,Darya Ganj,New Delhi,pg143

4. Manteshwara (1996) First Edition “Phal Deepika” Matters Relating to birth of children ,Ranjan Publications,16,Ansari Road,Darya Ganj,New Delhi,pg144

5. Suresh Chandra Mishra “Manteshwar phal Deepika” Santan bhav adhyay, Ranjan Publications,16,Ansari Road,Darya Ganj,New Delhi,pg 138

6. Suresh Chandra Mishra “Manteshwar phal Deepika” Santan bhav adhyay, Ranjan Publications,16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi,pg 139

7. Gopesh Kumar Ojha pancham(1982 )First Edition “Jatak Parijatak’’Motilal Banarsidas,42,bunglow road,Jawahar Nagar,New Delhi, pg 881

8. Gopesh Kumar Ojha pancham (1982)First Edition “Jatak Parijatak’’Motilal Banarsidas,42,bunglow road,Jawahar Nagar,New Delhi, pg 882

9. U.SPulppani“Transitofjupiterpart1-Gocharphaldeepika”,AlphaPublications,2640,Roshan Pura,Nai Sarak Delhi-110006, page 154

10.U.SPulppani“Transitofjupiterpart1-Gocharphaldeepika”,AlphaPublications,2640,Roshan Pura,Nai Sarak Delhi-110006, page 155



Below is the table listing birth details of personally known families that concluded 30 child births for research study.

Supervisor's Profile



M.A. (Astrology), M.A.

Sanskrit, JRF/NET, Ph.D. (Astrology)

Mobile: +91 7018781438

Dr. Chander Kant Sharma is an expert in field of Astrology and Sanskrit. He has taken over the post of Assistant professor, Department of Astrology also Head of the Department, Mewar University since August 16, 2017. He belongs to Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh). He has completed his Graduation from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla in 2009. After that He has completed his Post Graduation (Aacharya in Sidhant Jyotish) form Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, New Delhi in 2012. He has also qualified JRF/NET in Astrology. He has completed his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology with Research Topic of “A Deliberation Study in Origin of Planets, their Motion and respective positions” under JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP and SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP from Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, New Delhi in 2017. In his Doctoral period he has taught UG/PG (Astrology) classes in University.

Dr. Chander Kant Sharma has contributed in EPG-PATHSHALA Project, in JYOTISH GANIT Subject Under the guidance of Project Coordinator Dr. Shatughan Tripathi from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. In this project he has written 25 Chapter contents related to Jyotish Ganit and also presented 25 Video lectures in Jyotish Ganit. All Chapters is available in this website: /Home/ ViewSubject?catid=1245 and All Lecture is available in YouTube also. Learner can also visit this site.

Dr. Chander Kant Sharma has attended in many National and International Workshops/Seminars/Conferences in all over India. He has also delivered his lecture in International Mathematics Conference in Dec, 2019. He has published his many research paper in National and International Journals or Magazines.

Dr. Chander Kant Sharma has keen interest in Astrology, Sanskrit, Astronomy, Ancient Mathematics etc. He may be reached at Mob. +91 7018781438 and email:

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