102 minute read
From The Editor's Desk Panchapakshi is a supernatural gift of Tamil saints and Maharishis. Maharishis believe that each of us has a bird fixed according to our birth Nakshatra and every action of that bird determines happiness, sorrow, good luck and bad luck in our life. There are five birds under Panchapakshi, which have been divided on the basis of the Paksha and Nakshatra of our birth. The names of these five birds are as follows- 1. Vulture 2. Owl 3. Crow 4. Cock 5. Peacock. Let us know how birds make predictions from scripture:-
Determination of the bird: The bird is determined on the basis of the constellation the Moon is in at the time of birth in Krishna Paksha or Shukla Paksha. The constellations first form the group of five, then the six form one after the other. The order of birds is given, in the first group, if born in Shukla Paksha, the topmost bird i.e. vulture will be your birth bird, but if you are born in Krishna Paksha, then the lowest bird in the sequence i.e. peacock will be your birth bird. In the same way the sequence will go on increasing.
Janam Nakshatra Shukla Paksha Krishna Paksha
and do sightseeing, especially visiting hill stations and mountainous areas. You like sweets You are romantic in nature and easily attracted to the opposite sex. Although you are a little careless, but you fulfill your responsibility towards parents, family and relations very well. Your mind is sharp and you are smart in reading and writing. It doesn’t take long for you to learn a subject that interests you. You are creative and creativity is a nature in you. You have a lot of interest in music and you have a good knowledge for it. So if you make efforts in this way then you can get good success in life. Disease: Diseases of nerves, bones and skin.
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira Adra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, P.O. Falguni U.F., Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Visakha Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Pusha, Usha, Hearing Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, P. Bha. U.B., Revati Vulture
Owl Peacock
crow crow
Cock Owl
Peacock Vulture
You can easily determine your birth bird by looking at the table.
Your birth bird is a vulture, so avoidance is always reflected in your behavior. Sincerity and innocence are reflected in your behavior and sometimes you become stubborn like a child and become unnecessarily stubborn. You are of a naughty nature and you are full of humor and satire. You like to prank and joke. You like to roam Lucky Direction: East, Lucky Colour: White Auspicious Deity: Lord Shiva
Your birth bird indicates that you have a very energetic and confident personality. You are very ambitious. Hard work and complete dedication towards life is your goal and this is your biggest asset. The biggest drawback of your personality is that you are going to get angry very soon, so it is necessary for you to control your anger. Although your nature is to help others, you also day dream. You create new ideas and practice them effectively and this is the secret of your success. Whatever the situation may be, you do not give up patience and hope, you face them bravely. This positivity of your behavior sometimes makes you egoistic and you start feeling proud of yourself. You should practice calming and controlling your mind. If you are successful in doing this, then every kind of success
will be in your life. You like to keep your home decorated. The natural environment and sanctuaries give you happiness. You may find salty food items interesting. Disease: Discomfort in lower abdomen, mouth and feet. Lucky Direction: South Lucky Colour: Golden Auspicious Deity: Lord Vishnu
You are very ambitious and you have a desire to achieve and enjoy all kinds of materialistic pleasures in life. As soon as one desire is fulfilled, another desire occurs in your mind and you are ready to get it. You are ready to go to any extent to fulfill your ambition. Therefore, it is advisable for you to control and limit your desire, otherwise despite everything, you will remain dissatisfied in life. However, one thing is good in your personality that you do not look back in life and keep moving forward with the times. Your excessive ambition can create difficulties in your married life. One of the reasons for problems in married life is your attraction towards the opposite sex and your popularity among them. You love popularity and you are always the center of attraction. Your cooperative behavior is also a positive aspect of your personality. You remain calm and patient even in difficult situations and difficult times of life. Due to these inherent qualities of yours, you will continue to move ahead on the path of life by abandoning laziness and will be success in career. Lucky Direction: North Lucky Colour: Green Auspicious Deity: Lord Ganesha
Disease: Disease of the nose and genitals Lucky Direction: North-West Lucky Colour: Red Auspicious Deity: Worship of Lord Surya
Your birth bird indicates that you are a person of serious nature and seriousness is always reflected in your behavior. The main feature of your behavior is that you arrive at a conclusion and take a decision only after properly analyzing something. Therefore, your wisdom, intelligence and maturity are reflected in your thoughts and decisions. There is also a slight pretense in the way you communicate. If you feel bad about any behavior of a person, then you get worried and the feeling of hatred towards him starts in your mind. Your nature is going to become irritable and angry very quickly and this is not beneficial from the point of view of your health. Therefore, you should control your behavior and control your anger. Apart from this, it is also necessary for you that you also think about others and have good feelings. You like sour foods and like to sleep a lot and get rest. Disease: Head and neck disease
You have a habit of sticking to your decision. You maintain balance in your behavior and do not allow anger to dominate you. But there is a lack of selfconfidence in you and you get nervous while talking to anyone. Many times you get emotional by remembering your past, which is not good for you. It is advised for you that you should not take things to heart and keep moving forward on the path of life. Don’t let small things create a rift in relations at home and outside. The biggest quality of your personality is that you are calm and do not get angry very quickly. You are not too emotional. You like the natural environment of the forest more. Your good nature attracts the companions of the opposite sex towards you. Disease: Heart and body related disease Auspicious Direction: Mid point of each direction i.e. Vidisha. Lucky colour: Black Lucky deity: All deities From bird science, we can determine the time of prediction, and question and answer very well, we will know it in the next edition. Continued...
Research Methodology in Vedic Astrology
By Prof. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra
The science behind the Vedic astrology has been a question for last century for modern day science scholars. History reveals Vedic astrology was highly praised and never been questioned in both Vedic and post-Vedic era.
Kings of India were great supporter of Vedic astrology and astrologers. Almost the kings have deployed astrologers in their board member to foresee any sort of calamities on the nation. The example of King Vikramditya in the interest of astrology and occult sciences can’t be denied. His devotion for Lord Mahakaleswar of Ujjain and mastery over occult sciences is still popular in India. Even after independence, Nehru’s request to N.C. Lahiri for standardising the Ayanamsha for India, indicates the respect for astrology in modern India too. Similarly, the Bhumi Puja Muhurta for Ram Mandir was fixed after consultations with astrologers. But modern communities with university education is putting absurd questions on astrology without proper research. A person should always have adequate knowledge on any discipline before asking any question or commenting on it. Let’s say a person with no knowledge on physics should not ask question on physics. Besides, he may not understand the answers due to no or low knowledge on the discipline. This piece of research is an eye- opener for those leaned communities doubting the credentials of Vedic astrology. In Vedic astrology, the scope of research is not there like that of Western astrology . That is because out Saints and Seers have propagated planetary combinations for various events in one’s life. In

the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra (BPHS), Maharshi Parasara, has clearly mentioned many planetary combinations and dasha systems to interpret a chart and determining timing of various events. All the Vedic astrologer shall agree the Deductive Logical Method which is well applicable for Vedic astrological research. Maharshi Parasara has said that Venus is responsible for luxury in any birth chart. In a birth chart, if Venus is most powerful in Shadbala, then that native shall have longing for more and more material gains. This is true when Vedic astrologers are interpreting birth charts following the statements of Maharshi Parasara. Even though the astrologers are just validating the statements of Maharshi Parasara, the validation is expected to be true in more than 99 % of cases or even more than that . If the validation is true in such a good percentage, it clearly indicates, presence of science behind Maharshi Parasara’s statement. Coming to the scientific methods, the Deductive Logical Method, which was an Observational Method before the modernday scientific methods were devised (later on Experimental Method) is very well applied to the Vedic astrology. Deductive Logical Method implies if one phenomenon is true in case of many incidents, then that phenomenon is generalised. For example, Exalted Mercury in Birth Chart of Native 1 indicates Mental Sharpness Exalted Mercury Birth Chart of Native 2 indicates Mental Sharpness Exalted Mercury Birth Chart of Native 3 indicates Mental Sharpness Exalted Mercury in………∑ (n)4 Birth Charts of Natives indicate Mental Sharpness Exalted Mercury in any Birth Chart indicates Mental Sharpness {*Nota Bene: If the D-1 is not delivering expected indications, then please evaluate D-9 and D-60.} Uniformly, this method can be applied to any planet in the Vedic astrology to test its prime significations. There are fixed and functional significations allotted to all planets in the Vedic astrology. Deductive Logical Method can at first be applied to test all the fixed significators (Sthira Karaka), then the functional significators (Chara Karaka) can be tested. If in any case the method is not delivering expected results, the D-9 (Navamsha) and D-60 (Shastiamsha) can also be tested. In case of evaluation of birth charts of twins, the D-60 must be prioritised first. It can not be possible that the selected planet shall not fortify its significations even if very well placed in all the charts and also Yogakaraka for the native. The astrologer needs to reconstruct the chart, if facing this sort of conditions. This method is not applicable for matrimonial or progeny related prediction where more than one chart is evaluated. In the commentary “Jyotirvigyan: Neither Jyotisha or Vigyan” by Jayant V. Narlikar, in the Economics and Political Weekly (EPW) Vol. 36, Issue No. 24, 16 Jun, 2001, where Mr. Narlikar has explained the non-application of scientific methods to Vedic astrology at one end and no reference of Vedic source for astrology at the other. According to Mr. Narlikar, astrology (Jyotisha) described in the Vedas, is only modern-day astronomy, where the planets and their movements are phenomena are explained. Therefore, the Vedic astrology has no Vedic sources, as per Mr. Narlikar. He also marked out nonuse of scientific methods in Vedic astrology. This commentary indicates Mr. Narlikar has determined not to accept astrology at all. In a way Mr. Narlikar is negating his own statement. He has explained the astronomical facts described in the Vedas which include the planets and eclipses.
The restrictions during the eclipses are also mentioned. These restrictions are nothing but an indication that the planets have more or less impact on us. Besides, the astronomy indicated in the Vedas, later on well explained to astrology by saints and seers of India, which are postVedic scriptures. If we are following the Upanishads and the Puranas as post-Vedic literature, why not the Bhrigu Samhita or the Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra or even Jaimini’s Upadesha Sutra. To add in here, the Brihat Jataka by Varahmihira (6th century Indian astronomer) is the bible for mundane astrological predictions. If we shall not restrict the astrological research to the Vedic astrology, then there are many scopes to understand scientific research in astrology at large. International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) has conducted many astrological researches using modern day research methods i.e., secondary literature review, sample collection, data analyses and conclusion. For example, Alex Trenoweth , the India Chapter representative of ISAR, has conducted research among the school going children of USA and China. She has clearly explained the role of Moon in the educational development of school-going children by conducting a highly significant study (P Value<0.05) . Mrs. Trenoweth adopted a systematic research methodology for her research. This case indicates rampant scope of scientific research in Western astrology. In fact, Western astrologers have devised a book on Astrological Research Methods published by ISAR including various research techniques for modern astrological research. No such scope can be devised in case of Vedic astrology, as it is based on the Secondary Literature Review only. Therefore, we must be grateful to our Saints and Seers who have propagated many theorems for us to apply in birth and divisional charts and validate there. It can be said, in case of Vedic astrology, the conclusions are made out of intuitions and later tested on horoscopes by applying Deductive Logical Method. The accuracy of Deductive Logical Method in case of Vedic astrology clearly implies the pure scientific under-current present in Vedic astrology. Modern day scholars need to undergo sufficient astrological reading and practice before reaching any conclusion on Vedic astrology. r
1. Western astrology is the system of astrology most popular in Western countries. Western astrology is historically based on Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos (2nd century CE), which in turn was a continuation of Hellenistic and ultimately Babylonian traditions (Courtesy: Wikipedia) 2. Deductive Logical Method is where from Scientific Methods have been originated 3. Percentages are indicated from Personal experiences and key informant discussions with many suave Vedic astrologers 4. n=number of samples studied 5. In-member ISAR Bi-Lingual Webinar 2020-21 6. P-Value is statistically calculated to find out the significance of the Test. Less the P-Value, more the confidence of the conclusion
Srimad Ramayanam
Among the Hindu epics, Ramayana is considered as the most important epic, and the Ramayana incidents were happened during the Treta Yuga. Ramayana deals with the life history of Lord Rama, his wife Mata Sita, his brothers Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna.
By R. Harishankar

By reading this holy text, all of our unnecessary worries, tensions, miseries and sorrows would be permanently run away from our life, and we would get happiness and peacefulness throughout our life. By reading the divine text Ramayana, we can get a great sense of satisfaction, similar to consuming the divine nectar, Amirtha. By continuously chanting the Rama mantra, “JAI SRIRAM”, we would get salvation after our death. Ramayana was read by ancient sages and saints, and they had asked their devotees to follow the practice of reading Ramayana regularly. Next to Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, Hanuman occupies the main role in Ramayana. We can learn lot of good things from him, like showing obedience to his master, welcoming the guests, maintaining strict discipline, and treating everyone in a humble manner etc. Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna acts as an example for showing affection on their brother Rama, and they act as humble servants to him. Sita is a beautiful and chaste woman, and she maintained lot of patience, especially during the time of her stay at Srilanka, and we can also develop lot of patience by studying her role in Ramayana. Ramayana teaches many important things, which is very useful to run our life in an easiest way. At this present situation, daily we are facing lot of troubles and turmoil, and by reading the divine epic Ramayana, we would get great mental satisfaction and enlightenment in our life.
Story of Ramayana
During the Treta Yuga, King Dasaratha had ruled the kingdom of Ayodhya in a prosperous manner. Though he had three wives, he didn’t have children. And as per the advice of his Guru Sri Vasishta, he performed
fire sacrifices to please the gods, and due to that, he had been blessed with four children. From his wife Kausalya, Lord Rama was born, from Sumitra, Lakshmana and Shatrughna were born, and from Kaikeyi, Bharata was born. All the four children had trained in all kinds of arts, and they have also undergone training under Sage Vasishta, and learned the Hindu scriptures, Vedas and other holy texts. At his young age itself, as per the instructions of Sage Viswamitra, Rama had killed powerful demons, and pleased the great rishi Viswamitra. Then Viswamitra took Rama to Mithila, and as per the advice of Viswamitra, Rama had broken a powerful bow, also called as Shiva Dhanusu, and then he married with Sita, daughter of the Mithila king Janaka. Janaka’s another daughter Urmila was married with Lakshmana, and Janaka’s brother’s daughters were married with Bharata and Shatrughna. When Dasaratha planned to crown Rama as the king, Kaikeyi had asked two boons from Dasaratha, and as per the first boon, Dasaratha has to crown his son Bharata as the king of Ayodhya, and as per the second boon, he has to send Rama to the forest for a period of 14 years. After Rama, Lakshmana and Sita left Ayodhya, Dasarata’s heart was broken, and he collapsed and died. Bharata took the form of a sage, ate only fruits and greens, and he kept the golden slippers of Lord Rama in the throne, and through his blessings, he ruled Ayodhya for the period of fourteen years in a prosperous manner. Rama went to the forest along with Sita and Lakshmana. They stayed at various places in the forest, and once Ravana’s sister Surpanaka, visited their place, and she was attracted with the beauty of Rama, and wanted to marry him. Due to that, Lakshmana had become very angry with her, and hence he cut off the nose and ears of Surpanaka. The angry Surpanaka went to her brother Ravana’s palace at Srilanka, told about her sufferings, and asked him to punish Rama, by the way of kidnapping Sita to Srilanka. Ravana agreed, and immediately he sent the demon Maricha in the form of a deer, and asked him to wander in the forest in front of Sita. Maricha had agreed, and he took the form of a beautiful golden deer, and stood in front of Sita. Sita wanted to capture the handsome deer, and hence she asked Rama to capture the deer. But the magic deer began to run away from that place, and after some time, Rama had shot an arrow on the deer, and killed him. Before dying, Maricha took his original form, and shouted in Rama’s voice, as “LAKSHMANA, please come immediately, and save me”. On hearing the cries, Sita mistakenly thought that her consort Rama was in trouble, and sent Lakshmana to help him. Due to that, Lakshmana began to search Rama in the forest. During that time, Ravana took the form of a sage, and approached Sita to give alms to him. When Sita brought fruits and honey to offer him, Ravana took his original form, and kidnapped Sita to Lanka. During his journey to Lanka, the bird king Jatayu fought with Ravana. Ravana had cut off the feathers of Jatayu, and due to that, the poor bird was severely injured, but it waited for Rama to tell about the Kidnapping incident. Meanwhile, Lakshmana met Rama in the forest, and both of them went to their Ashram in the forest, and then they came to know, that Mata Sita was unavailable in that place. Having lot of pain in their mind, they began to search for Sita in the entire forest, and finally they had seen Jatayu, and he had narrated the entire incident, and died in front of Rama. Rama gave salvation to the bird king Jatayu, and also performed funeral rites to the holy bird Jatayu, and then they started their journey, and as per the advice of one Kabanda, they went to Kishkinta, and there they met Hanuman and Sugriva.
Sugriva requested Rama to kill his brother Vali, who had thrown out Surgriva from the kingdom, and also tortured Sugriva’s wife Roma. After knowing about this, Rama had shot an arrow on Vali, and killed him, and crowned Sugriva as the king of Kishkinta. Ravana had verbally tortured Sita, and kept her as a prisoner in a place called as Ashokavanam at Srilanka. Ravana’s brother Vibhishana had advised Ravana, to hand over Sita to Rama, in order to avoid the battle. But Ravana didn’t listened to Vibhishana, and tried his level best to marry Sita. But Sita didn’t agree for that, and she was very much worried to stay at that place. Hanuman went to Lanka, and he tried to have peace talks with Ravana. But Ravana disobeyed him, and also set fire on his tail. Through the fire, Hanuman had destroyed half of the kingdom of Lanka, along with lot of demons. Vibhishana, being a good person, didn’t want to stay with his brother Ravana, and hence, he had joined with Rama and Sugriva, and through the help of the ocean god, the great Lord Varuna Bhagavan, they went to Srilanka, by building a bridge, and after several days of fighting with the demons, with the help of Hanuman, Surgriva, and other Vanaras, Rama had killed Ravana, and rescued Sita from him, and both of them were united, and after the completion of fourteen years, they returned to Ayodhya, and Rama had become the king of Ayodhya. Rama has also crowned Vibhishana as the king of Lanka. After some time, due to some rumours, Rama had sent Sita to the forest, and there she stayed in Rishi Valmiki’s ashram, and gave birth to Lava and Kusha. When Rama met Sita at the forest, she gave her sons, Lava and Kusha to Rama, and went inside the earth. Rama felt very sad for losing Sita, and he never married again, and with her fond memories, he ruled the kingdom of Ayodhya for 11,000 years, and finally departed from the earth, and went to Vaikunta, and he took the Ayodhya people also along with him to the Vaikunta. Those who read this wonderful story of Lord Rama would be relieved from their problems, and would get permanent happiness and peacefulness and they would prosper in their life. r

Soul's Rebirth & a Genuine Release of Karma
(Conclusion by Past Life Regression Therapy) By Dr. Amit Kumar Ram
Let us begin with this most fundamental of question : why do we plan before we are born to have certain experiences including great challenges in our lives?
Karma is sometimes conceptualized as 'cosmic debt', but in my exploration of pre-birth planning, I have come to view it more as a lack or absence of balanced experiences. For example, if you have a disabled child and dedicate your life to caring for and loving that child, after this lifetime either or both of you may feel a sense of imbalanced experience. On the soul level, you would likely seek to balance the experiences from that life time and if so you may plan another incarnation together in which you switch roles. You may therefore choose to be born with a physical disability, and you may ask your former child to play the role of your mother or father. Motivated both by great love for you and by a desire to balance the experiences of that past life, your former child would likely agree to your request and so another lifetime would be set in motion. The soul's feeling of balance derives not from what it does for another soul, but rather from experiencing what it did not previously experience for instance, the soul of your former child will feel a sense of balance after it experiences care giving. Similarly, your soul will feel a sense of balance after you experience receiving care. The same principle would apply if you had abandoned your disabled child in the past life. Though you might very well choose to 'make things up' to your former child in another lifetime, that act of doing so would not create a feeling of balance. Rather, the feeling of balance would come from experiencing abandonment yourself. Hear me well, "Rekha said when speaking about this pain." Karma is not balanced by doing good to someone else as people like to think. It is not by doing something to someone that one balances one's karma, but by going through the experience oneself." Too there is a distinction between balancing and releasing karma. Karma is balanced when the soul feels it has experienced all sides of an issue. Karma is released when the underlying causes of the original imbalance are resolved. The distinction is significant, unless we heal the underlying causes of our karma, we will tend to create new karma even after the original karma was balanced. Let us say, for example, that in a past life you held the false belief that the resources of the universe are limited, that there is not enough to go around. Let us say, too, that this false belief generated great fear in you, so much so that you chose to steal food from your neighbor. At the end of that life time, when you transitioned back to the nonphysical realm and had your life review, you felt a desire to balance this experience. You therefore

planned to experience material loss of some kind in your next lifetime. You also chose to carry both the energy of fear and the false belief in scarcity back into body for the purpose of healing them. The experiences you plan for your next life would balance the karma but they would not necessarily address the fear or false belief. If left unhealed, the fear and false belief would likely prompt you to take other actions that would generate more karma. The original karma is released only when the underlying fear and false belief are healed. On the Soul level you would be aware of this fact and so might plan, for example, the experience of poverty or financial setback in your next incarnation, not as self punishment for the act of theft in your past life, but rather as a means at mirroring to yourself those aspects of your consciousness (the fear and belief in lack) in need of healing mechanism even if we have no conscious understanding of when or how it bring healing. A conscious awareness of its purpose, however, may empower us to learn the underlying lessons and create the needed healing in a much less arduous manner. In one of our discussions, Rekha describe of Karma as " a set of false beliefs about oneself and the world the belief in fear and separation." I believe that at this pivotal time in humanity is evolution, we are returning to a state of unity consciousness in which our fears and belief in separation are healing. Contrary to popular concept, such healing can occur quite rapidly, even instantly, said Rekha'. The releasing of Karma can happen instantly when the soul realises the true nature of its own being; pure Divinity, one with spirit from this realization springs deep peace. When the soul can hold this insight, it will liberate itself quite easily from the bonds of karma. There is a story in the bible about criminal who was put on the cross next to me. He was touched profoundly by the energy of compassion. I radiated and because of deep surrender he experienced in his death process, I could tell him "Today you shall be with me in paradise." There was a genuine release of karma in that moment, an awakening that he would remember in lifetimes to come. r
Maharishi Parashara – The Father of Vedic Astrology
By Future Point
Maharishi Parashar is a pioneer in the promoters of Indian astrology. In Maharshi Prokant texts, only these complete texts are available under the name ‘Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra’. The words of other promoter sages are found in this way, but there is no darshan of any complete scripture. This is a testament to the generality and universality of Parashar’s view.

Shaktamuni, the father of the great Vedic Astrology maharishi Parashar, grandson of Jyotishcharya, Smritikar and Brahmologist, grandson of Maharishi Vasishtha, one of the great sapta rishis of the Rigveda and one of the great seekers of the Gayatri Mantra, was Shaktamuni, and mother’s name was Adyashyanti. Sage Parashar had intercourse with Nishadaj’s daughter Satyavati in her virgin state, which led to the birth of Vedvyas, the author of ‘Mahabharata’. Satyavati later married King Shantanu. Due to the merit and completeness of ‘Parasara Hora Sastra’, this creation of his is prevalent everywhere. This place comes under the state of Matsya. Sage Parashar was married to Gandharva Satyavati, a daughter raised by the boatman, which led to the birth of KrishnaDvaipayana. This was later called Lord Ved Vyasa. Krishna Drapayan had gone to Badri Forest after retiring, where Badrinath Dham is located today. When Shankaracharya established the Char Dham, Badrinathji was declared Shankaracharya’s astrology bench because Ved Vyas was the son of the greatest then astrologer Rishi Parashar and was a master of astrology. While Sage Parashar advocated Sankhyadarshana, his page Vedavyas composed the Brahmasutra, which is famous today as Vedanta. Story of Vedic Astrology Maharishi Parashar and Satyavati Rishi Ved Vyas, son of Vedic Astrology Maharishi Parashar, composed the ‘Mahabharata’. The name of Ved Vyas was Krishna Dvaipayana. The mother of Ved Vyas was Satyavati. Satyavati was also named Matsyagandha because her organs smelled of fish and she used to work
as a boat. Once, when Rishi Parashar was crossing the Yamuna while sitting in his boat, after seeing Satyavati’s beauty in his mind, feelings of attachment awakened and he requested Satyavati for a love affair. Satyavati gets into some thinking after hearing this and then tells him that ‘O Muniver! You are a theologian and I am a Nishad girl, so this relationship is not right. ‘ Then Parashar Muni says, ‘Don’t worry, because you will not lose your virginity even if you have a relationship and you will remain a virgin even if you have maternity.’ Hearing this, Satyavati accepts Muni’s request. Sage Parashar spreads dense fog all around with his yogic power and is engaged with Satyavati. Later he blesses the sage Satyavati that the smell of fish coming from his body will be transformed into an aroma. Later, Satyavati gets a son only on the island of this river. These songs are later called Ved Vyas. Vyasji was of a dark complexion, due to which he was called ‘Krishna’ and was born on an island between the Yamuna and hence he was also called ‘Dwaipayan’. Later, he became famous by the name of Ved Vyas due to commenting on the Vedas. Satyavati, who gave Vedic Astrology maharishi Parashar a son like Ved Vyas, later became royal high and married to King Shantanu, the mother of the Kaurava Pandavas, and on the basis of promise taken from Ved Vyas, Satyavati gave them birth in her kingdom to pursue dynasty on the basis of Niyoga practice. had called. Vedic Astrology Maharishi Parashar’s compositions It was Rishi Parashar who composed the first book of “Botany (“ouLifr 'kkL=”)”. He described agricultural work as very good and wrote compositions on it, it is called “Agricultural Parashar”. Shri Vishnu Mahapuran and Parashar Uppuran are related to these. The book is known as Krishi Parashar. It is virtually conversational science, with the main talks being agriculture, cow protection and commerce. The subject connected with this has the fruits of Samvatsara etc. in which “rain science” also comes. He has even said that many creatures die due to cutting trees, plowing the earth, etc. So, those who do agricultural work should do Khalyajna. By doing this, he is freed from all sins.
vUua u fuU|kr~ ! r}zre~A çk.kks ok vUue~A 'kjhjeUukne~A çk.ks 'kjhja çfrf"Bre~A vu cgq dqohZrA i`fFkrh ok vUue~
This statement of Taittiriya Upanishad (rSfÙkjh; mifu"kn) means that in the Satyuga, the souls are unstable, in the Treta, the life is impermanent, in the copper age, but in the Kaliyuga, the soul remains unstable on the basis of the grain. This thing has been said in “Parashar Smriti” that food is life, food is tomorrow and food is the means of all sponsorships. In this way, they have given important decisions regarding rainfall –
o`f"Vewyk —f"k% lokZ o`f"Vewya p thoue~AA rLeknknks ç;Rusu o`f"VKkua lekpjsr~AA
Rishi Parashar has composed the Rigveda and has composed the “Parashar Smriti” or “Parashar Dharma” Samhita, “Brihat Parashar Horaastra”, “Small Parashari”, “Madhya Parashari” and Vriksha Ayurveda are also composed by him. He was the grandson of Maharishi Vashistha, the figure of Shakti, and also went to meet Bhishma lying on Sharashayya. He was Vyasa of the 26th Dwapara. When King Janmejaya started sacrificing serpents, where was the sage Parashar present? A king became a demon by the curse of sage Parashar’s grandfather. He ate 100 of Vashistha’s letters. Grieved Vasishta went to the Himalayas with a daughter-in-law. There
he heard the sound of the Vedas. Then Vashishtha’s daughter-in-law told that this sound is being made by the page located in her womb. Sons located in the womb had heard this demon narration, so after birth, sage Parashar ji had become extremely opposed to demons till death and started the demon session. Sage Parashar has given important formulas for “fruit astrology (Qfyr T;ksfr"k)”, but he has also been a great proponent of “remedy astrology (mik; T;ksfr"k)”. In one of the last chapters of the great Parashar Horashastra, in the pre-birth curse Doyotanadhyay, he has described the sum of the loss of children from the serpent. That is, if you have persecuted or killed a snake in your birth, you will either not have a child in this birth or you will be destroyed. As a remedy, a snake is made by worshiping the Nagamandal for a full snake and is worshiped in a legislative manner. By making this yoga, a modern astrologer has made Kalsarpa Yoga a good medium for Dhandohan. No serious astrologer of India agrees with Kalsarpa Yoga (dkyliZ ;ksx).
• The Great Vedic Astrology Maharishi
Parashar: The Rishi Parashar had acquired knowledge of many disciplines and given them to the world. Parashar has many verses in the Rigveda. The
Vishnu Purana, Parashar Smriti, Videharaj
Janaka referred to as Gita (Parashar
Geeta), BrihatparasharSamhita, etc. are compositions of Parashar. • Parashar Gita: In the dialogue of Bhishma and Yudhishthira in the Shanti Parva of
Mahabharata, Yudhishthira reveals the conversation between Bhishma Raja
Janak and Parashar to Yudhishthira.
This conversation is known as ‘Parashar
Geeta‘. There are talks of knowledge related to religion and action. In fact, in
Shanti Parva, a detailed description of
the answers to all kinds of philosophical and religious questions is found. • Vedic Astrology Maharishi Parashar:
Parashar Rishi composed many texts out of which his texts written above astrology are very important. Astrology of ancient and present is based on the rules laid down by Parashar. Rishi Parashar has written the Brihatparashar Hora Shastra,
Laghuparashari (Astrology). • Other compositions of Rishi Parashar:
Brihatparashariya Dharmasanhita,
Parasarya Dharmasanhita (Smriti),
Parashar Samhita (Vaidyak),
Parashariya Puranam (mentioned by
Madhvacharya), Parasarahodityan
Natyasastram (Chanakya mentions),
Parasaroditya, Vastushastram (Vishwakarma) has mentioned Etc. are his compositions. Parashar Smriti is a religiosity in which emphasis is on religious devotion. Sage Parasharji was a divinity and a sage endowed with supernatural power. He revealed the knowledge of religion, astrology, architecture, Ayurveda, ethics, thematic knowledge. The texts composed by him are Vrihapatrashar Horashastra,
Laghuparashari, Vrihapatrashariya
Dharma Samhita, Parashar
Dharma Samhita, Parasharotitam,
Vaastushastram, Parashar Samhita (Ayurveda), Parashar Mahapuran,
Parashar Ethics, etc. are also well-known for human beings whose relevance is also known today. Rishi Parashar has given invaluable gifts to the year India. Satyavati, who on one side changed the religious and philosophical history of India by producing Ved Vyasa from Parashar, on the other hand, Kaurava Pandavas, her descendants from King Shantanu, changed the political and geographical history of India. r
Mysteries of Rudraksha
Rudraksha has originated from a Sanskrit word. Rudra symbolizes Lord Shiva and Aksha are tear drops of Lord Shiva, which fell on earth, in the form of Rudraksha plants. There are many stories in Hindu mythology about Rudraksha. References of Rudraksha is found in our Hindu mythology and Vedic scriptures of Shiva Purana, Padma Purana and Shrimad Bhagwata. Rudraksha is said to a favourite of Lord Shiva.
By Abha Bansal
Modern scientific research came out with positive results about Rudraksha. It is found that it stores electromagnetic properties, which influence human physiology. There are many types of Rudrakshas are available, like Gauri Shankar, one faced to fourteen faced. Each Rudraksha has its own influences and properties. Rudraksha is worn to get benefic results and is helpful in curing diseases, like epilepsy, hypertension, blood pressure, controlling stress, whooping cough, wounds. Wearing of Rudraksha not only pleases Lord Shiva but one can also get blessings of Lord Vishnu, Durga, Ganesh and Lord of Navagrahas (nine planets). It reduces the ageing process and attains peace and harmony in life.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
An extremely influential Rudraksha. It is made of two beads joined together. It is said to represent Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It helps to improve marital relationship and brings joy and harmony. Possession of this Rudraksha enhances attraction and attention from the opposite sex. It is considered very sacred. Extreme care needs to be taken for its upkeep. The Mantra for Wearing Gauri Shankar Rudraksha The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM NAMAH SHIVAY
One Faced Rudraksha
Ruling planet of one faced Rudraksha is Sun. It controls the malefic effects of Sun and cures diseases of the right eye, head, ear, bowel and bones. Psychologically the confidence, charisma, leadership qualities and prosperity of the person increases as the Sun is pleased with the wearer. It brings you immense power, wealth, luxuries, fame, massive confidence boost and spiritual enrichment. This is the best among all other Rudraksha seeds. These give all the worldly pleasures and then helps one to attain perfection in after life. This is the symbol of lord Rudra. It bestows all prosperity on the devotees. Represents Lord Shiva and its possessor is blessed with divine powers of Lord Shiva. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM AIM NAMAH
Two Faced Rudraksha
The ruling planet of two Mukhi Rudraksha is Moon. They effectively control the malefic effects of Moon and diseases of the left eye, kidney, intestines etc. Emotionally it generates harmony in relationships. This bead helps in developing harmonious relationships. The moon is the ruling planet and hence its influence can
greatly help in controlling negative traits, like anger, frustration and lack of concentration. The wearer of this Rudraksh gets all his desires fulfilled and he also attains peace of mind. This also helps in meditation and attainment of spiritual merit becomes easier. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM SHREEM NAHAM
Three Faced Rudraksha
The ruling planet is Mars, malefic effects are diseases of blood, blood pressure, weakness, disturbed menstrual cycle, kidney etc.. Depression, negative and guilty feelings, inferiority complexes can be lessened by wearing this Rudraksha. The three Mukhi Rudraksha is worn to boost self-confidence and to counter depression. It also provides physical strength and helps to cure several diseases. It also wards off ill luck and tensions and can help purify all sins. It bestows health, wealth and knowledge too. It is very effective for the cure of jaundice. It’s wearer always remains healthy and active. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM KLEEM NAMAH
Four Faced Rudraksha
The ruling planet is Mercury, representing Goddess Saraswati and Brahma.
This Rudraksha nullifies the malefic effects of Mercury and pleases Goddess Saraswati. It also governs logical and structural thinking. This bead helps to achieve a healthy mind and body. It can help to increase mental power, intelligence, knowledge and concentration. It can also increase sexual power and attractiveness. It is used for making one self more sought after by the opposite sex. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM HREEM NAMAH
Five Faced Rudraksha
The ruling planet is Jupiter. It helps to attain success in all walks of life and helps in
gaining knowledge, wealth, power and fame. It is also very often used in the cure of several diseases. It is a very sought after bead, that can actually help you achieve happiness and eternal bliss.It also represents Lord Shiva and is very effective in the elimination of your enemies. It helps in diseases pertaining to lungs, heart and blood. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM SHREEM NAMAH
Six Faced Rudraksha:
It’s ruling planet is Venus. Venus governs genital organs, throat, valour, sexual pleasure,
love, music etc. This bead enriches the career path and helps to achieve immense professional & academic success. It helps you to fulfil dreams and lead a very luxurious life. Men should wear this Rudraksha in the right hand and woman in the left hand. This confers knowledge of the highest kind. This helps women in diseases like hysteria and other mental illness. Those interested in Tantra also benefit from it. It also helps students and businessmen. It is beneficial in the cure of epilepsy and all women related problems. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM HOOM NAMAH
Seven Faced Rudraksha:
This Rudraksha governed by Saturn, the all powerful Shani Bhagwan. When worn it sublimates the malefic effects of Shani, or Saturn and its diseases, like impotency, cold, obstructions, hopelessness, delay, chronic disease, scarcity, worry etc. The seven faced bead helps in building finances and amassing wealth. It can help to attain prosperity and peace of mind. It is considered very auspicious, because it helps ward off fatal diseases, death and achieve longevity. The person should recite the following mantra 550 times daily. OM HOOM HOOM NAMAH
Eight Faced Rudraksha:
Ruling planet is Rahu, hence helpful in sublimating it’s malefic effects. It’s malefic effects are similar to that, of Shani, or Saturn This bead increases the strength of character and mind and helps in achieving happiness, fame, good health and increases confidence. By wearing it all the pleasures increase and all the difficulties diminish. This is especially
Wearers of this get long life and they become truthful. Such a person is born free of diseases, is wise and knowledgeable. Such persons will have special ability and talent in studies. They shall remain away from sin. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM HOOM NAMAH
Nine Faced Rudraksha:
This Rudraksha controls malefic effects of Ketu. The malefic effects cause mental fatigue, lack of energy, failures etc., This Rudraksha can help amass wealth, property, assets and lead a luxurious life and help fulfil dreams and ambitions. It makes you more energetic and more action oriented. Those who wear it also obtain grace of Bhairava. They are benefited by the power of Bhairava. The wearer is freed from the fear of death. The possessor is blessed with all kinds of fame, respect and success, related to spiritual progress. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM HREEM HROOM NAMAH
Ten Faced Rudraksha:
The wearer gets a sense of security. The ten faced Rudraksha is very powerful and can help overcome fears and, develop a sound mind. It can help a person enjoy the benefits of life, attain happiness and success. It also safeguards against evil influences around you and gives a secure and protective feeling.This Rudraksha represents lord Vishnu. The wearer of this Rudrakshsa remains free from all the evil effects of inauspicious planets and all other evil spirits. This Rudraksha is helpful in all respiratory diseases, if taken with milk in paste form. This is very helpful in chronic cough and asthama. Its wearer is protected from all types of attacks from weapons. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM HREEM HROOM NAMAH
Eleven Faced Rudraksha:
This is the symbol of Indra, the lord of the gods. It has combined powers of eleven gods stored within. This should be kept
in a safe place of worship, or with the jewellery etc. or in a safe box. This enhances wealth and prosperity. This grants long life to the husband of the wearer. This helps in be getting desired son, or daughter also love and affection of the desired person. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM SHREEM NAMAH
Twelve Faced Rudraksha:
This also symbolises lord Vishnu. Sun God is always kind to the wearer of this Rudraksha. Such a person always enjoys wealth, prosperity and worldly pleasures. All twelve ADITYAS are said to be having their abodes in each of twelve faces. The wearer obtains the virtues of gifting cows. It helps to realise dreams and achieve goals. It should be worn by people wanting to attain influential and powerful positions. It is an extremely blessed bead and provides protection against many evils and perils. The bead is said to increase your charisma and charm. Before wearing the rosary of this Rudraksha, the following Mantra should be recited 1008 times, while keeping the rosary in hands. Only after reciting the following Mantras, the rosary should be worn: OM HROOM HREEM NAMAH
Thirteen Faced Rudraksha:
Effects are similar to that of six faced. It represents Lord Indra, the Lord of Gods. Wearer is able to enjoy all the earthly pleasures and comforts are at his disposal. This Rudraksha is also rare and difficult to get, but has immense power. It helps attain Moksha(salvation) It is often used to increase attractiveness and has hypnotic influences on those, who are smitten with your charm. It also helps attain a sound mind and body and enjoy the various luxuries of life. It fulfils all the desires of the wearer and it brings good luck to him. Such a person remains away from sinful deeds and thoughts. All his worldly desires are fulfilled. Only lucky persons are able to get it. All your wishes can be fulfilled by possessing it. The possessor is blessed with complete manhood and his physical weakness is cured by drinking the milk in which this has been boiled. It is proper to take the Rudraksha in hand first and then the following Mantra should be recited 432 times. Thereafter it should be worn around the neck. OM HREEM NAMO NAMAH
Fourteen Faced Rudraksha
This Rudraksha is helpful in opening the third eye Chakra, which governs clairvoyance, sharpened skills, heightened state of awareness etc. This Rudraksha symbolises Lord Shiva and also Lord Hanuman. It is helpful in many diseases. It enhances all the pleasures of life and if worn on the arms, or on the top of the head, such a wearer is honoured even by God. It helps combat the obstacles in life and emerge victorious in most difficult situations. It can help you achieve positions of power and authority and develop a strong sixth sense. But it demands utmost care and attention. It can actually help you achieve more than you could have ever conceived for yourself. A very powerful bead, but very few good quality beads are available. The person should recite the following mantra 108 times daily. OM NAMAH SHIVAY r
Importance of Astrology in our life
The importance of astrology can be clearly seen in our daily lives. We get the knowledge of festivals etc. only by astrological calculations. ...
By A.K.Jain
The use of astrology can reduce the troubles that occur in life, the obstacles of life can be removed. The main purpose of astrology is to solve the problems of daily life, to inform about the events happening in the future and to help the person in determining the time of those events through planetary constellations etc. It is the desire of every person to get information about his life and destiny. Everyone wants their life to be full of happiness and if the time is not favorable in future, then a solution can be taken or made to adapt to that time. The word 'Astrology' means to be lit. Jyoti means light, without which life is incomplete. Oukh can see the scene only in the presence of light, not in darkness. By this intention, astrology is the scripture which illuminates the unattainable and invisible. From time immemorial, humans have been eager to achieve or learn about the unattainable. The option of reimbursement of this will was created in the form of astrology, in which the undertaking is to foretell future events. Astrology is basically a statistical science based on time calculations in which the more accurate the calculations are, the greater the probability of their being true. Astrology has a very important place in human life. God has created every human according to the deeds of his former birth, which no one can change, especially no one can change the following three events of a man's life: 1. Birth 2. Marriage 3. Death. Astrology particularly throws light on these three, although in addition to these three, there are other important points related to life. The importance of astrology can be

clearly seen in our daily lives. We get the knowledge of festivals, festivals etc. only by astrological calculations. The wide impact of astrology can be seen in the rural life of India. That is why even an illiterate farmer knows in which nakshatra the rain is good. When should they sow seeds. With the use of astrology, life can be reduced, the obstacles of life can be removed. More success can be achieved with less effort. Astrology is such an interesting science, which creates a series of friends and wellwishers in the unknown paths of life. Not only this, one gets wealth, fame and prestige by studying it. By studying this scripture, a Shudra person also attains the most revered position. Varahamihira has even said in the Vriddha Samhita that if a person is impure, a Shudra or a Malechha or even a Yavana, then due study of this scripture makes a person worthy of reverence, and reverence like a sage. Astrology is the scripture of information and possibilities. According to astrological calculations, the eighth and full moon are fixed at the time of tide in the sea. Scientists are now using lunar dates and constellations in agriculture. Astrology warns man about future accidents and difficulties. Astrology also has a big contribution in the diagnosis of disease. In daily life, we see that where the big doctors fail, the doctors get tired and frustrated with the disease and the patient, the mantras - blessings, prayers, tricks and rituals work.
Auspicious signs for the house as per Astro Vaastu
From time immemorial, it is considered good to install an auspicious sign at the main door. Holy signs such as Om, Swastik etc produce a positive effect which helps in creating a healthy environment. The significance of Om is described in the Vedas and Puranas. In Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna revealed Om to be one of His forms. All religious and spriritual faith are having auspicious symbols. People of all faith and religion should display respective signs for Vaastu power and auspiciousness.
It is the only word whose simple sight or utterance fills the mind with serenity and makes it calm. Om is a symbol that represents Brahman- the omnipresent, omnipotent and the source of all existence. It has more than 100 meanings from which one of the word means, ‘welcoming the gods’. In Ganesh Purana, Lord Ganesha is also addressed by the names Pranava and Om. It is said that Om was the first sound produced from where the universe arose. Hence, before commencing any auspicious occasion, Om is uttered and before worshipping any god or goddess, prayers to Lord Ganesha are offered. As Om signifies both the Saguna and Nirguna aspects of God, it is also known as pranava. This means that it possesses life and has a powerful impact which purifies the minds and leads to eternal bliss
From the ancient times, Swastik is considered as an auspicious sign. It was invented during the Vedic period and is an extremely sacred religious motif.


Symbolizing four equal arms, each bending at right angle, it stands for the unchanging, all encompassing and infinite nature of God. The four arms stand for the four cardinal directions, four Vedas and four classes. The element of ether is placed in the central zone of this balanced graphical presentation; north east signifies water; north west signifies air; south east stands for fire and south west stands for earth. The Swastik sign also represents the sun god and is also considered a symbol of Lord Vishnu according to Vaishnavism. The six main rays of sun are known as ‘Shaddevtatmank Surya Rashmitwang’. The names of these rays are- Dahni, Pachni, Dhumra, karshini, Varshini, and Rasa. These six rays are known to be the base of Swastik sign. It is painted on both sides of the main door so that the house can be protected from all kinds of evil sights, sickness, misfortune and misery. The mystical Swastik sign invites prosperity, peace and auspiciousness into the home, mind and body of the inhabitants.
Mangal kalash:
A painted pot filled with water, fresh mango leaves, flowers and a coconut at the top has been regarded a sign of prosperity since the Vedic times. Also known as Purnakumbha, Chandra kalasha, Purna ghata, Soma kalasha, Bhadra ghata, Mangal kalash or Indra kumbha, this pot has the Swastik or Ashtalakshmi designs painted on it. One of the finest examples of Vedic motifs, it represents abundance and the origin of life. Mangal kalasha is considered a symbol of auspiciousness which either embodies Lord Ganesha who is remover of obstacles or goddess Gauri. Kalasha is believed to have generated during the great churning of ocean or Samudramanthan. All the deities are believed to reside in the kalash and this is why it has a special significance in all puja rituals. The water of the kalash stands for the primordial water which gave rise to the entire creation. The Puranic theory states that Lord Varuna represents water and the lotus is regarded as the first produce of the creation. Hence, it is believed that Lord Varuna along with His consort resides in the Kalash and the lotus, flowers, leaves are emblematic of the creative force. Ambrosia of life can never be enjoyed till one does not have the power to digest the poison. This is the message behind Mangal Kalash. The water of the kalash stands for the primordial water which gave rise to the entire creation. The mango leaves and coconut represent creation while the thread around the pot symbolizes the feeling of love that binds everyone in this universe together. r

Vastu Tips
By Pt. Gopal Sharma
1. The Mirror Can Change Your Luck
Every house has at least one mirror in it. Regardless of where the mirror is in the house, it brings about a powerful change in the flow of the Chi energy. This change affects the entire family, in fact, every member of the family and especially the relationship between the husband and the wife. When the mirror has been kept at the right place North, North East or on Eastern wall, then it reflects the auspicious waves of Feng-shui in the. family and brings about prosperity and happiness in the family. If the mirror is put up in the wrong direction and at the wrong place, then it leads to disharmony, quarrels and sorrow in the family. It can even bring about permanent separation between the husband and the wife. Therefore, the mirror should always be put up at the proper place. It has been said in Feng-shui that if the mirror is put up in the bedroom of the head of the family in such a way that it reflects the bed, then it can be extremely ruinous for his marital life. If the mirrors have been put up in the other bedrooms and regardless of their positions in them, they are reflecting the beds, then they will spell disharmony and differences of opinion between the persons who sleep on the beds. In such rooms, the marital union can also become the reason for sorrow and disharmony. While sleeping, the part of body that is reflected in the mirror, gets afflicted by some disease or it becomes the reason for trouble. If the mirror is directly reflecting the main entrance of the house, then it stops the lucky Chi energy from pervading that house and this leads to scarcity, unhappiness, troubles and disharmony in the family. The people living in such houses often have to live outside the house, travel constantly such that they are unable to stay at their homes for any length of time. In such a house, a breach can take place between the husband and the wife and if the planets and constellations are in an unfavourable position, then it can even bring them on the brink of divorce. Even if the mirror is not reflecting the main entrance of the house fully and this is taking place only partially, it can lead to the children living away from the family. Never put up the mirror in such a dark corner of the house that it becomes impossible to use it.
Always put up the mirror in such a place where there is sufficient light. You should keep the pots of planets near the mirror. In this way, the Chi energy being produced in the house, gets doub1ed and it destroys the negative energy in the house. This brings about peace and happiness in
the family. The mirror should a1ways be put up on the wall towards the East, North and North-East.
2. The Use of Oranges in Order to Find a Good Husband
Oranges have been considered extremely sacred and lucky in Feng-shui. According to the Chinese the orange is known as Kum which means gold. Every girl wants to get a good husband. Even the parents want that their daughter should get a good husband. For this, do use this special remedy: Bring beautiful oranges on the Full Moon day and keep them in twos & threes in every room of the house. At night, pick up these oranges in the full moonlight and immerse these in a river, pond or a lake. Keep your eyes closed while immersing these oranges in the water and concentrate your mind on the imagined qualities of your desired husband. After immersing the oranges in the water, go back home and sleep soundly. This experiment should be carried on, on every Full Moon night till your desire is fulfilled. Immersing the oranges in the water has been considered as an auspicious sign. If you have no river in the vicinity of your house, use the pond or the sea in its place. In Feng-shui, this experiment is considered to be an unfailing experiment. To get an eligible and desired husband, young girls must use this experiment for success. This experiment can be undertaken by both young men and women to attract somebody towards themselves, to enhance romance or love, or to produce deep love between the husband and the wife or between lovers.
3. Candles For Romance
Light up red or yellow candles in the south- western corner of every room of your house on the Full Moon night. These candles awaken the Chi energy according to Feng-shui. Never light up white or black candles as these bring about the opposite effect and destroy the Chi energy. You can also undertake the following experiment on the Full Moon night to enhance the auspicious Chi energy : Fill a broad and deep vessel with water. Light up three red and two yellow candles shaped liked the earthen lamps and let them swim in the water of this vessel. If you have any precious stones like topaz, emerald, saffire, ruby, pearl and diamond, etc., then take any seven precious stones out of these and put them into the water. Now, take a small piece of wood and anyone flower (rose, marigold, jasmine, etc.) and put them into the water. Also, put your golden ring or a piece of gold in the water. Keep this vessel on the table in South East of the drawing room and see its effect. This vessel represents the five elements of the cosmos. The lighted-up candles represent the fire-element, the precious stones or pieces of stone represent the earth-element, water represents the waterelement and the piece of wood represents the wood-element. In this way, the living Chi energy of the cosmos produces a magical effect in your house. At this time, call any person you want to attract to yourself, to your house and see the effect of the Chi energy. This experiment should be conducted on every Full Moon night. Along with an increase in romance and love, this experiment will also make it possible for you to get your desired work done by the invited persons. When some special guests or friends come to your house, then you must do this experiment and see the favourable flow of the Chi energy.
The precious stones give a good effect but if they are not available, you can also use seven small pieces of stone in the water. This experiment should always be conducted to increase the Sacred love only. 1t should never be used for any undesirable activities. If it is used for any undesirable activities, then it can give the opposite results.
4. Enhance Your Love Using The Crystal
The crystal or the quartz is considered to be a good source of positive energy. Therefore, it is used for enhancing positive energy. In the Reiki treatment, the crystal is used extensively. The crystal has an important place In Feng-shui too. The crystal is a splendid medium of enhancing the energy of the earth-element of the house: The crystal when kept in the southwestern corner of the house, maintains love and understanding among the different members of the family. The crystal kept in this direction of the house makes the Chi energy of this area extremely effective and positive which leads to an enhancement of love between the husband and the wife or the lovers. If any young woman is not being able to get married, she must bring this remedy in use. In this way, she can definitely get a good lifepartner under the effect of the Chi energy. For this, it is necessary that the south-western corner of the house should be energised by putting up many big crystals &:. Rose Quartz Grapes etc. On a table in the south-western corner of the house, keep big crystals, crystal balls, crystal grapes and heart- shaped crystals/ rose quartz. Directly over these crystals, keep a table-lamp or a lighted-up bulb. This will help to keep the crystals highly energised and maintain a constant flow of the Chi energy of love.
If the crystals are small, then arrange them in the shape of a necklace and wear them round the neck. Remember that small crystals are meant to be worn in the form of a necklace and not for keeping in a corner of the house. Never allow anybody to touch your crystals. Remember that you should a}ways think positively when you are close to the crystals. If you fight, quarrel or talk negatively in the room in which the crystals have been kept, then they begin to give off negative energy and in such a situation, it becomes necessary to make the crystals pure again. To do this, wash the crystals properly in saltwater and then, keep them in the sunlight for 3-4 hours. If the rainy season is going on at such a time, then keep the crystals in a deep thali and keep them on the roof. The lightning flashing across the sky will fill these crystals with living energy. This is the best way to energise the crystals. By keeping the crystal &. rose quartz in the south-western corner of the house, you definitely make the land-energy of your house very effective and this increases the feelings of brotherhood, unity and understanding among the various members of the family. r

Tarot Card Reading
The mystique of an anticipated future! Sometimes, a guided intervention is an essential requisite to blind trudging. Tarot card reading, thus, provides guided divine wisdom aiding wise decisions more than making absolute fluid predictions.
By Sheelaa M Balaji
Tarot is a tool for spiritual development, personal insight, and intuitive transformation. It reveals the hidden things while making sense of the visible ones. Tarot is believed to possess the power of unfolding the unsaid. A respected practice, tarot is a method of divination dating back to the 18th century. Apart from making predictions, it reflects guided meditation. In addition to tapping the inner wisdom, essential tarot reading gives a solid understanding of a specific situation. Specifically designed and customized, the readings highlight past, present, and future events based on our current path. Tarot divination provides answers and advice (not a suggestion) on life, love, career, health, and happiness, along with innumerable subjects that our questions can be about. Online tarot readings are done through a lens of assessing the card's significance while highlighting elements such as symbols and allegories. Technically and scientifically(to remove the superstition), essential tarot reading is known as 'taromancy,' divination through tarot cards. Cartomancy is a subsection of 'cartomancy' in general. Supported with a specific layout of cards, tarot is a symbolic map of unconsciousness that encompasses our journey through life. Removing the suspicion of predicting, altering, and resolving the future instead, tarot instead prepares a better 'you' with an evolved awareness of what one already knows deep within.

Historically speaking, the documented references of important tarot card use date back to 14th century Europe. Used as an oracle, many readers barring professional psychics, use a basic form of the art.
A descriptive practice
22 cards of Major Arcana - Divulging greater truths 56 cards of Minor Arcana - Divulging lesser facts ( further divided into four suits)
The suits include-:
• Wands • Swords • Cups, and • Pentacles. The Minor Arcana highlights aspects of daily life- like challenges, opportunities, and experiences of highs and lows. Explicitly, each suit represents an element: • Wands are Fire • Swords are Air • Cups are Water, and • Pentacles are Earth. The suits reflect attitude and temperament, such as a fierce person or someone who is "up in the air" or "down to earth."
Significance of the questions
A card's significance is determined based on the Question, The reader, The person receiving the reading, and Placement of other cards in the spread. Numbered 0 to 21, the Major Arcana starts with The Fool and ends with The world. The cards of the Major represent 22 inevitable phases of every journey(not necessarily in order). Additionally, repeating themselves and recurring multiple times creates a cyclical process with no true beginning or end. An abbreviated extension- (The cards align with the milestones of life's story or The Hero's Journey with Joseph Campbell's inputs.)
Types Of Tarot decks
• Eleven card layout- The Celtic Cross • Tree of Life • Planetary Spread • Tetraktys Spread • Pentagram Spread • 3 Deck- Past, Present, and Future, and
The reversed dilemma
A reversed tarot card can either be interpreted as a weakened or blocked power; or as unwillingness to work with the energy. Deck booklets help readers avoid confusion by turning the cards right-side-up to explore the full energy spectrum (both shadow and light). Some of the most renowned and reliable platforms on the net areKasamba- Users can select readers amongst 150 psychics who offer readings in multiple areas and provide deep insights into complicated situations. Keen psychics- Have determined and credible support staff 24/7 on call. Apart from convenience, there is also the anonymity factor. Psychic source- Affordable and precise, protects client's privacy along with free trials. They offer 100% personalized tarot readings with a pool of expert psychics, convenient sessions via phone, email, and chat, along with the liberty to choose readers. Many such online tarot reading websites possess mobile applications which are economical and accurate, with a free consultation, filtered results, whopping discounts, and a dedicated support team targeting a
universal reader community.
Why a disputed dignification?
People have been reaching out to soothsayers, palm readers, and tarot readers for profound guidance from time immemorial. It is human nature to be curious about what destiny holds for you. Interested as they are, humans are desperate to find out whether they are walking the right path or not and what they miss to optimize their efficiency. Tarot card readings have taken a significant part in providing people with hope for a brighter future and in assisting them in shaping their destiny.
Why do people choose Tarot reading?
India has hosted reputed mystic experts who have showcased genuine readings. The readers have international clientage apart from appearances on national television. Many natural clairvoyants help in matters like love, career, money, health, and business. Tarot reading in context to the Indian community One of the oldest forms of fortune-telling, genuine tarot card reading draws its roots from ancient clairvoyant science. India is a highly spiritual society with faith in every corner. Its people have seen various dimensions, including life, liberty, inequality, fortunes, economic fallouts, and expansion and shrinkage of opportunities. Alongside that, its ancestors were highly moral, having a scientific temperament to discover every veiled aspect of the future. Owing to all this, the new science of tarot reading without much complications gained prospectus after intense discrimination for astrology and numerology. Experts and psychics have a transparent way of predicting future outcomes with enough room for subjective interpretations and altered results. It would help if you talked with India's famous tarot reader to gain insight into your future.
Can it be done by oneself?
Addressing the burning question, an individual can do a virtual tarot card reading with no detailed requirements. Reading yourself is considered the perfect way to tap your intuition. The steps are as follows• Create a Sacred, Physical, Mental,
Emotional and Spiritual Space. • Get to the heart of the questions; make it specific. • Choose the layout/ Tarot spread. • Shuffle and layout the cards. • Read the cards; Interpret each card; understand the intuitive hints and the story(using a guidebook, if needed). • Write the reading and reflect on the interpretation and what transpired.
In conclusion, tarot reading strengthens your intuition. The set of 78 illustrated cards is a potent tool for self-awareness and selfknowledge. It appends clarity to a situation, provides multiple possibilities and powerful precision to view challenges. Built on archetypes and thematic motifs, it is a brainstorming tool for creative minds—the motifs of the tarot act as an inspiration for paintings and drawings. Many artists have created their decks of cards like Salvador Dali and Edward Gorey. The universe speaks and sings directly to all, but through tarot, all can hear its song. If you are looking for a genuine tarot card reader near you for personalized guidance on all the doubts, confusion, and problems, we are here to help you. r
dk'kh fo'oukFk /kke
/keZ] vk/;kRe vkSj dyk dh uxjh dk'kh fLFkr foÜoukFk eafnj ckjg T;ksfrÉyxksa esa ls ,d gSA ;g eafnj fiNys dà gtkj o"kks± ls okjk.klh esa fLFkr gSA dk'kh foÜoukFk eafnj dk Çgnw èkeZ esa ,d fof'k"V LFkku gSA ,slk ekuk tkrk gS fd ,d ckj bl eafnj ds n'kZu djus vkSj ifo= xaxk esa Luku dj ysus ls eks{k dh çkfIr gksrh gSA bl eafnj esa n'kZu djus ds fy, vkfn 'kadjkpk;Z] lUr ,dukFk] jke—".k ijegal] Lokeh foosdkuan] egÆ"k n;kuan] xksLokeh rqylhnkl lHkh dk vkxeu gqvk gSA bl 'kgj dh igpku ?kkVksa vkSj eafnjksa ds uxj ds :i esa Hkh gksrh gSA eafnj ifjlj esa gh dbZ NksVs&NksVs eafnj vksj Hkh gSA dqynhi lywtk orZeku eafnj dk fuekZ.k egkjkuh vfgY;k ckà gksYdj }kjk lu~ 1780 esa djok;k x;k FkkA ckn esa egkjktk j.kthr Çlg }kjk 1853 esa 1000 fd&xzk 'kq) lksus } kjk cuok;k x;k FkkA vc 2021 esa xaxk unh ls dk'kh foÜoukFk eafnj dks ,d dkWfjMksj ls tksM+k x;k gSA eafnj ds vklikl rax xfy;ksa dh txg csgn pkSM+s xfy;kjs us ys yh gSA igys 3000 oxZ QqV esa QSyk dk'kh foÜoukFk eafnj ifjlj vc dkWfjMksj cuus ds ckn ls ik¡p yk[k oxZ QqV {ks=Qy okyk gks x;k gSA uo fufeZr foÜoukFk dkWfjMksj ds ek/;e ls foÜoukFk eafnj vkSj xaxk unh vc lh/ks tqM+ xbZ gSA


xaxk unh ds if'peh rV ij fLFkr foÜoukFk eafnj ds ckjs esa dgk tkrk gS fd ;g eafnj Hkxoku f'ko vkSj ekrk ikoZrh dk vkfn LFkku gSA eks{knkf;uh dk'kh dh efgek ,slh gS fd ;gk¡ çk.kR;kx djus ls gh eqfä fey tkrh gSA dk'kh fLFkr foÜoukFk eafnj ds izfr HkDrksa dh bruh vkLFkk ds ihNs vkf[kj dkSu ls dkj.k gS\ okLrq'kkL= ds vuqlkj dsoy ogh LFkku fo'ks"k vkLFkk dk dsUnz curk gS] ftl LFkku dh HkkSxksfyd fLFkfr vR;f/kd okLrquqdwy gksrh gSA vkb,s ns[krs gaS fd dk'kh foÜoukFk eafnj vkSj mlds vkl&ikl ds {ks= eas ,slh dkuS lh HkkSxksfyd okLrquqdwyrk,¡ gSa tks J)kyqvkas dks viuh vksj lfn;ksa ls vkdf"kZr djrh jgh gSA dk'kh foÜoukFk eafnj ,d NksVh igkM+huqek LFkku ij cuk gSA xaxk unh ds rV ls eafnj yxHkx 80 QhV dh Å¡pkbZ fy, gq, gSaA vFkkZr~ eafnj dh iwoZ fn'kk xaxk unh ds rV <+yku fy, gq, gSaA okLrq'kkL= ds vuqlkj iwoZ fn'kk esa ;fn uhpkbZ ds lkFk ikuh dk teko gks rks og LFkku lq[k&le`f) vkSj ,s'o;Z ls ifjiw.kZ gksrk gSA blh okLrquqdwyrk ds dkj.k ;g uxjh fo'o dh izkphu uxjh esa fxuh tkrh gSA eq[; eafnj dh mÙkj fn'kk esa Kkuokih dqvk¡ gSA mÙkj fn'kk fLFkr ;g dqvk¡ eafnj dh izflf) c<+kus esa lgk;d gSA dk'kh foÜoukFk eafnj ifjlj dh pkj nhokjh esa pkjksa fn'kkvksa esa }kj gSA mÙkj] if'pe vkSj nf{k.k fn'kk ds }kj rks okLrquqdwy LFkku ij cus gSA eafnj ifjlj dh iwoZ fn'kk fLFkr }kj iwoZ vkXus; dks.k dh vksj cuk gS] tks fd }kj ds fy, okLrquqdwy LFkku ugha gSA okLrq'kkL= ds vuqlkj ;gk¡ }kj gksus ij fookn vkSj dyg dh fLFkfr curh gSA eafnj ifjlj ds foLrkjhdj.k ds ckn yfyr ?kkV ls yksx Luku djds xfy;kjs ls gksrs gq, eafnj pkSd dh vksj vkrs gSaA bl eafnj pkSd dk eq[; }kj Hkh iwoZ vkXus; dh vksj f[kldk gqvk gSA lkFk gh bl pkSd ij iwoZ vkXus; dk ekxZ izgkj Hkh gks jgk gSA okLrq'kkL= ds vuqlkj ;gk¡ }kj gksus ij rFkk ekxZ izgkj gksus ij xEHkhj fookn vkSj dyg dh fLFkfr curh gSA eafnj pkSd dk Q'kZ bl izdkj ls gS fd pkSd dk iwoZ vkXus;] iwoZ fn'kk vkSj iwoZ bZ'kku dks.k Å¡ps gSaA ;gk¡ ls lhf<+;k¡ mrj dj eafnj ifjlj dh vksj tk;k tkrk gS tgk¡ ckdh lHkh fn'kk,¡ uhph gSA okLrq'kkL= ds vuqlkj iwoZ fn'kk dh vksj Å¡pkbZ gks vkSj if'pe fn'kk uhph gks rks ogk¡ vkfFkZd leL;k,a jgrh gSA foLrkjhdj.k ds nkSjku gq, fuekZ.k dk;ksZa ds okLrqnks"kksa dk izHkko fuf'pr gh gesa Hkfo"; esa ns[kus dks feysxkA r

mikluk gS czã rd igqapus dk ,d iz;kl
vkse izdk'k nk'kZfud
euu½ rFkk ;ksx ¼v"Vkax ;ksx dk vuq"Bku½A ?k`.kkvksa dks lekIr djus ds fy, vè;kfRed iquZthou dh vko';drk gSA ubZ fo'o O;oLFkk esa mls ,drk vkSj izsj. kk iznku djus ds fy, xgjs vk/;kfRed vkos'k dk gksuk vko';d gSA lkekftd dk;ZØe ds fy, ek= ogh cqf) laxr vk/kkj iznku dj ldrk gSA /keZ dk vkèkkj ekuo ds lkjHkwr ewY; rFkk xkSjo dk mn~?kkVu o okLrfodrk ds mPprj fo'o ds lkFk ekuoh; laca/k gSA tc ekuo ;g vuqHko djrk gS fd og ik'kfod izÑfr dh vis{kk ,d mPprj okLrfod voLFkk dk vax gS rks og lkalkfjd lQyrk ls vFkok HkkSfrdoknh foKku dh fot;ksa ls vlarq"V gh jgsxkA D;ksafd blesa vius vkn'kks± o fl)kar ds fy, lkeF;Z gSA ;g rF; bl ckr dk izrhd gS fd ekuo 'kk'or okLrfodrkvksa ds txr esa fuokl djrk gS vkSj mUgha ds fy, thfor jgrk gSA mikluk euq"; dk vykSfdd ¼fnO;½ czã rd igqapus dk ,d iz;kl@ iz;Ru gSA Hkxoku ds izfr iw.kZ leiZ.k gh /keZ dk ewy gS] ml izHkq dks ikus dk ladYi fof/k dk vkpj.k gh /kekZpj.k gSA dgrk gS tks /kkj.k djsa] og /keZ gSA /keZ og vuq'kklu gS tks vUrjkRek dks Li'kZ djrk gS vkSj gesa cqjkbZ o dqfRlrrk ls la?k"kZ djus esa lg;ksx iznku djrk gSA dke] Øks/k] yksHk ls gekjh j{kk djrk gS] uSfrd 'kfDr dks mUeqDr djrk gS] lalkj dks cpkus ds egku dk;Z ds fy, lkgl iznku djrk gSA ân; ds vuq'kklu ds :i esa /keZ esa ml cqjkbZ dk eqdkcyk djus ds fy, dqath vkSj lkjHkwr lk/ku fo|eku gS tks lH; fo'o ds vfLrRo ds fy, [krjk cuh bqbZ gSA blesa gekjs fopkj vkSj vkpj.k dks vkRek ds /keks± dk rVorhZ cukus dh ckr fufgr gSA /keZ dks tSlk fd blds uke ls gh /ofur gksrk gS ,d ,slh la?kVd] ijLij cka/kus okyh 'kfDr gksuk pkfg,] tks ekuo lekt dh lqn`<rk dks vkSj xgjk djrh gks] Hkys gh mlds ,sfrgkfld Lo:iksa esa vusd nks"k ekStqn jgs
mikluk ijekRek dh çkfIr dk lk/kufo'ks"kA ^mikluk* dk 'kCnkFkZ gS & ^vius b"Vnsork dh lehi ¼mi½ fLFkfr ;k cSBuk ¼vklu½*A ^mikL; oLrq dks 'kkL=ksä fof/k ls cqf) dk fo"k; cukdj] mlds lehi igq¡pdj] rSy/kkjk ds l–'k lekuo`fÙk;ksa ds çokg ls nh?kZdky rd mlesa fLFkj jgus dks mikluk dgrs gSa*A mikluk ds fy, O;ä rFkk vO;ä nksuksa vk/kkj ekU; gSa] ijarq vO;ä dh mikluk esa vf/kdrj Dys'k gksrk gS vkSj blhfy, O;äksikluk dks lqyHk] l|% Qynk;d rFkk lqcks/k ekurh gSA tho oLrqr% f'ko gh gS] ijarq vKku ds dkj.k og bl çiap ds ipM+s esa iM+dj HkVdrk fQjrk gSA vr% Kku ds }kjk vKku dh xzafFk dk mUeksyu dj Lo'kfä dh vfHkO;fä djuk gh mikluk dk y{; gS ftlls tho dh nq%[k çiap ls l|% eqfä laiUu gksrh gSA lk/kkj.kr;k nks ekxZ mifn"V gSa & KkuekxZ rFkk HkfäekxZA Kku ds }kjk vKku dk uk'k dj tc ijerRo dk lk{kkRdkj laiUu gksrk gS] rc ml mikluk dks KkuekxhZ; laKk nh tkrh gSA HkfäekxZ esa Hkfä gh Hkxoku ds lk{kkRdkj dk eq[; lk/ku Loh—r dh tkrh gSA Hkfä bZ'oj esa loZJs"B vuqjfä gSA loZlk/ kkj.k ds fy, KkuekxhZ dfBu] nqxZe rFkk nqcksZ/k gksrk gSA vfèkdkjh Hksn ls nksuksa gh ekxZ mikns; rFkk Lora= :i ls Qy nsusokys gSaA mikluk esa xq# dh cM+h vko';drk gSA xq# ds mins'k ds vHkko esa lk/kd vd.kZ/kkj ukSdk ds leku vius xarO; LFkku ij igq¡pus esa dFkefi leFkZ ugha gksrkA xq# ^nh{kk* ds }kjk f'k"; esa viuh 'kfä dk lapkj djrk gSA nh{kk dk oLrfod vFkZ gS ml Kku dk nku ftlls thou dk i'kqRo ca/ku dV tkrk gS vkSj og ik'kksa ls eqä gksdj f'koRo çkIr dj ysrk gSA JhoS".koksa dh mikluk ik¡p çdkj dh ekuh xbZ gS&vfHkxeu ¼Hkxoku ds çfr vfHkeq[k gksuk½] miknku ¼iwtkFkZ lkexzh½] bT;k ¼iwtk½] Lok/;k; ¼vkxe xzaFkksa dk
gksaA vius rF; esa /keZ vk/;kfRed vfHk;ku ds fy, vkg~oku gSA ;g /keZ] /keZ foKku ugha gS] vfirq /keZ dk O;ogkj vkSj vuq'kklu gSA vkRek dh osnuk dh] ftlus vius vki 'kk'or ls i`Fkd dj fy;k gS] ;gh ,d ek= vkS"kf/k gSA tc ekuo vkRek blds lzksr vkSj 'krks± dh voKk djrh gS rc og mUer vkSj vkRe?kkrh cu tkrh gSA O;fDr vkSj 'kk'or ds chp yqIr gks x, laca/kksa dks iqu%LFkkfir djuk gh /keZ dk y{; gSA /keZ dk lkj mu /keZ fl)karksa esa vkSj /kkfeZd erksa] fof/k;ksa esa ,oa laLdkjksa esa ugha gS ftuls geesa vusdksa fojfDr gksrh gS] vfirq ;qxksa dh cqf)eÙkk esa vuojr rRo Kku esa lukru /keZ gS tks vk/kqfud fopkj dh fdadrZO;foew<+] vLrO;Lrrk esa gekjk iFk izn'kZd gSA fofHkUu /keZ lR; dk izfrfuf/kRo ugha djrs] vfirq lR; ds mu fofHkUu i{kksa rFkk /kkj.kkvksa dk izfrfuf/kRo djrs gSa] ftuesa yksx fo'okl djrs jgs gSaA os ml ,d gh lR; dk fofo/k vfHkO;fDr;ka gS tks viuh izkekf.kdrk dh n`f"V ls lkoZHkkSe vkSj loZdkfyd gSA leLr LFkkuksa esa fofHkUu tkfr;ksa dh fo'ks"krk,a feyh&tqyh izkIr gksrh gSA ;gka rd fd ,d gh ifjokj ds lnL;ksa esa ,d gh ifjokj dh fo'ks"krk,a laHkor% gh dgha fn[k iM+rh gksA Hkkjrh; laLÑfr tkrh; n`f"V ls ,d leku ugha gS vfirq blls lHkh tkfr;ksa ds yksxksa dks izHkkfor fd;k gSA czã fgUnw n'kZu esa bl lkjs fo'o dk ije lR; gS vkSj txr dk lkj gSA oks nqfu;k dh vkRek gSA oks fo'o dk dkj.k gS] ftlls fo'o dh mRifÙk gksrh gS ] ftlesa fo'o vk/kkfjr gksrk gS vkSj vUr esa ftlesa foyhu gks tkrk gSA oks ,d vkSj vf}rh; gSA oks Lo;a gh ijeKku gS] vkSj çdk'k&L=ksr dh rjg jks'ku gSA oks fujkdkj] vuUr] fuR; vkSj 'kk'or gSA czã loZ'kfäeku vkSj loZO;kih gSA euq"; dk tUe gksrk gS rks tUe {k.k esa gh mlds ân; esa pkSrU; eu ls gksrs gq,s vopsru eu ls gksrs gq,s vareZu ls gksrs gq,s eu ls gksrs gq, efLr"d esa psruk ços'k djrh gSa ogh vkRek gS vkSj ;s vkRek fdlh euq"; dh e`R;q gqbZ Fkh rks mldh psruk vFkkZr vkRek vius eu ls gksrs gq,s vareZu ls gksrs gq, vopsru eu ls gksrs gq,s pSrU; eu ls gksrs gq,s nwljs 'kjhj esa vopsru eu ls gksrs gq,s vareZu ls gksrs gq,s eu ls gksrs gq, efLr"d esa igqaprh gS ;gh Øe gj tUe esa gksrk gS A tc euq"; tkxrk gS rks mlds ân; ls ÅtkZvksa dk fo[k.Mu gksrs tkrk gS lcls igys ân; esa çk.k 'kfä ftls czã dgrs gS mls vO;k—r czã vFkkZr lpsrk ÅtkZ curh gS og lpsrk ÅtkZ ls ukn czã curk gS vFkkZr vareZu dk fuekZ.k gksrk gS ftls /ofu mRiUu gksrh gS fQj mls O;k—r czã curk gSA efLr"d esa psruk mRiUu gks tkrh gS fQj ml psruk ls iapegkHkwr curs gS ftls T;ksfr Lo:i czã dgrs gSaA lEiw.kZ 'kjhj ds gksus dk ,glkl gksrk gS fQj euq"; deZ fØ;k çfrfØ;k djrk gS lalkj esaA vxj lksrk gS rks euq"; T;ksfr Lo:i czã psruk vFkkZr O;k—r czã es lek tkrk gS fQj og ukn czã esa lek tkrk gS fQj og ukn czã vO;k—r czã lek tkrk gS og vO;k—r czã çk.k ÅtkZ vFkkZr czã esa lek tkrk gS blfy, euq"; gh czã gSA czã dks eu ls tkuus fd dksf'k'k djus ij euq"; ;ksx ek;k o'k mls ije~ czã dh ifjdYiuk djrk gS vkSj lalkj esa [kkstrk gS rks vij czã tks çphu çFkZuk LFky dh ewfrZ gS mls ek;k o'k czã le> ysrk gS vxj dgk tk,s rks czã dks tkus dh dksf'k'k djus ij euq"; ek;k o'k mls ijekRek le> ysrk gS A czã tc euq"; xjgh fuæk esa jgrk gS rks og fuxqZ.k o fujkdkj czã esa lek tk,s jgrk gS vkSj tc tkxrk gS rks og lxq.k lkdkj czã esa gksrk gS vFkkZr ;g fo'o gh lxq.k lkdkj czã gS A czã euq"; gS lHkh euq"; ml czã ds çfrfcEc vFkkZr vkRek gS lEiw.kZ fo'o gh czã gS tks 'kwU; gS og czã gS euq"; bl fo'o dh ftruk dYiuk djrk gS og czã gS A czã Lo;a dh Hkko bPNk lksp fopkj gS A czã lc dqN gS vkSj tks ugha gS og czã gS A
ijczã ;k ije&czã czã dk oks :i gS] tks fuxqZ.k vkSj vuUr xq.kksa okyk Hkh gSA ^usfr&usfr* djds blds xq.kksa dk [k.Mu fd;k x;k gS] ij ;s vly esa vuUr lR;] vuUr fpr vkSj vuUr vkuUn gSA v}Sr osnkUr esa mls gh ijekRek dgk x;k gS] czã gh lR; gS] ckfd lc feF;k gSA og czã gh txr dk fu;Urk gSA ijUrq v}Sr osnkar dk ,d er gS blh çdkj osnkar ds vusd er gS ftuesa vkilh fojks/kkHkkl gS ijarq vU; ikap n'kZu 'kkL=ksa esaa dksbZ fojks/kkHkkl ughaA r
T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa lw;Z
;wa rks gekjs osnksa mifu"knksa o xzaFkksa esa lw;Z xzg dh efgek dk ukuk izdkj ls o.kZu o [kaMu fd;k x;k gS ogha T;ksfr"k esa lw;Z xzg dk vge LFkku gS tks fd loksZifj gSA lw;Z ds vfLrRo bldh lajpuk bldh xfr blds T;ksfr"k esa ;ksxnku o vU; xzgksa ds lkFk blds laca/k ds fo"k; esa foLrkj ls ppkZ dj jgs gSaA ckyfd'ku Hkkj}kt
mijRu ykMyh gSA ;g iq#"k xzg gSA blls vk;q dh x.kuk 50 lky ekuh tkrh gSA lw;Z v"Ve e`R;q LFkku ls lEcfU/kr gksus ij ekSr vkx ls ekuh tkrh gSA lw;Z lIre n`f"V ls ns[krk gSA lw;Z dh fn'kk iwoZ gSA lcls vf/kd cyh gksus ij ;g jktk dk dkjd ekuk tkrk gSA lw;Z ds fe= pUæ] eaxy vkSj xq# gSaA 'k=q 'kfu vkSj 'kqØ gSaA leku ns[kus okyk xzg cq/k gSA lw;Z dh foa'kksÙkjh n'kk 6 lky dh gksrh gSA lw;Z xsgaw] ?kh] iRFkj] nok vkSj ekf.kD; inkFkks± ij viuk vlj Mkyrk gSA fiÙk jksx dk dkj.k lw;Z gh gS vkSj ouLifr txr esa yEcs isM+ dk dkjd lw;Z gSA es"k ds 10 va'k ij mPp vkSj rqyk ds 10 va'k ij uhp ekuk tkrk gSA lw;Z dk HkpØ ds vuqlkj ewy f=dks.k flag ij å va'k ls ysdj 10 va'k rd 'kfä'kkyh Qynk;h gksrk gSA lw;Z ds nsork Hkxoku f'ko gSaA lw;Z dk ekSle xehZ dh _rq gSA lw;Z ds u{k= —fÙkdk dk Qkjlh uke lqjS;k gS vkSj bl u{k= ls 'kq# gksus okys
T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa lw;Z dks vkRek dk dkjd ekuk x;k gSA lw;Z ls lacaf/kr u{k= —fÙkdk] mÙkjk"kk<+k vkSj mÙkjkQkYxquh gSaA ;g HkpØ dh ikapoha jkf'k flag dk Lokeh gSA lw;Z dks osnksa esa txr dh vkRek dgk x;k gSA leLr pjkpj txr dh vkRek lw;Z gh gSA lw;Z ls gh bl i`Foh ij thou gS] ;g vkt ,d loZekU; lR; gSA lw;Z firk dk çfrf/kfuRo djrk gS] ydM+h] fepZ] ?kkl] fgju] 'ksj] Åu] Lo.kZ] vkHkw"k.k] rkack vkfn dk Hkh dkjd gSA efUnj] lqUnj egy] taxy] fdyk ,oa unh dk fdukjk bldk fuokl LFkku gSA 'kjhj esa isV] vka[k] ân;] psgjk] dk çfrf/kfuRo djrk gS vkSj bl xzg ls vka[k] flj] jäpki] xatkiu ,oa cq[kkj lacU/kh chekjh gksrh gSA lw;Z dh tkfr {kf=; gSA 'kjhj dh cukoV lw;Z ds vuqlkj ekuh tkrh gSA gfì;ksa dk <kapk lw;Z ds {ks= esa vkrk gSA lw;Z dk v;u 6 ekg dk gksrk gSA 6 ekg ;g nf{k.kk;u ;kuh Hkwe/; js[kk ds nf{k.k esa edj o`Ùk ij jgrk gS vkSj 6 ekg ;g Hkwe/; js[kk ds mÙkj esa ddZ o`Ùk ij jgrk gSA bldk jax ds'kfj;k ekuk tkrk gSA /kkrq rkack vkSj jRu ekf.kd

uke *v* ^bZ* ^m* ^,* v{kjksa ls pkyw gksrs gSaA bl u{k= ds rkjksa dh la[;k vusd gSaA bldk 1 fnu esa Hkksxus dk le; 1 ?kaVk gSA lw;Z dk vU; xzgksa ls vkilh lEcU/k & pUæ ds lkFk bldh fe=rk gSA vekoL;k ds fnu ;g vius vkxks'k esa ys ysrk gSA eaxy Hkh lw;Z dk fe= gS] cq/k Hkh lw;Z dk fe= gS rFkk ges'kk lw;Z ds vklikl ?kwek djrk gSA xq# &c`gLifr ;g lw;Z dk ije fe= gS] nksuksa ds la;ksx ls thokRek dk la;ksx ekuk tkrk gSA xq# tho gS rks lw;Z vkRekA 'kfu lw;Z dk iq= gS ysfdu nksuksa dh vkilh nq'euh gS] tgka ls lw;Z dh lhek lekIr gksrh gS] ogha ls 'kfu dh lhek pkyw gks tkrh gSA ^Nk;k erZ.M lEHkwra* ds vuqlkj lw;Z dh iRuh Nk;k ls 'kfu dh mRifÙk ekuh tkrh gSA lw;Z vkSj 'kfu ds feyu ls tkrd dk;Zghu gks tkrk gS] lw;Z vkRek gS rks 'kfu dk;Z] vkRek dksbZ dke ugha djrh gSA bl ;qfr ls gh deZghu fojks/k ns[kus dks feyrk gSA 'kqØ jt gS] lw;Z xehZ L=h tkrd vkSj iq#"k tkrd ds vkeus&lkeus gksus ij jt ty tkrk gSA lw;Z dk 'k=q gSA jkgq lw;Z dk nq'eu gSA ,d lkFk gksus ij tkrd ds firk dks fofHkUu leL;kvksa ls xzflr dj nsrk gSA dsrq ;g lw;Z ls le gSA lw;Z dks osnksa esa txr dh vkRek dgk x;k gSA leLr pjkpj txr dh vkRek lw;Z gh gSA lw;Z ls gh bl i`Foh ij thou gS] ;g vkt ,d loZekU; lR; gSA oSfnd dky esa vk;Z lw;Z dks gh lkjs txr dk drkZ&/ krkZ ekurs FksA lw;Z dk 'kCnkFkZ gS loZ çsjdA ;g loZ çdk'kd] loZ çorZd gksus ls loZ dY;k.kdkjh gSA _Xosn ds nsorkvksa esa lw;Znso dk egRoiw.kZ LFkku gSA ;tqosZn us ^p{kks lw;ksZ tk;r* dg dj lw;Z dks Hkxoku dk us= ekuk gSA NkUnksX;ifu"kn esa lw;Z dks ç.ko fu:fir dj mudh /;ku lk/kuk ls iq= çkfIr dk ykHk crk;k x;k gSA czãoSorZ iqjk.k rks lw;Z dks ijekRek Lo:i ekurk gSA çfl) xk;=h ea= lw;Z ijd gh gSA lw;ksZifu"kn esa lw;Z dks gh laiw.kZ txr dh mRifÙk dk ,d ek= dkj.k fu:fir fd;k x;k gS vkSj mUgha dks laiw.kZ txr dh vkRek rFkk czã crk;k x;k gSA lw;ksZifu"kn dh Jqfr ds vuqlkj laiw.kZ txr dh l`f"V rFkk mldk ikyu lw;Z gh djrs gSaA lw;Z gh laiw.kZ txr dh varjkRek gSaA vr% dksbZ vk'p;Z ugha fd oSfnd dky ls gh Hkkjr esa lw;ksZikluk dk çpyu jgk gSA igys ;g lw;ksZikluk ea=ksa ls gksrh FkhA ckn esa ewfrZ iwtk dk çpyu gqvk rks ;=&r= lw;Z efUnjksa dk fuekZ.k gqvkA Hkfo";iqjk.k esa czãk fo".kq ds e/; ,d laokn esa lw;Z iwtk ,oa efUnj fuekZ.k dk egRo le>k;k x;k gSA vusd iqjk.kksa esa ;g vk[;ku Hkh feyrk gS] fd _f"k nqokZlk ds 'kki ls dq"B jksx xzLr Jh —".k vkSj tkEcoUrh ds iq= lkEc us lw;Z dh vkjk/kuk dj bl Hk;adj jksx ls eqfä ik;h FkhA çkphudky esa Hkxoku lw;Z ds vusd efUnj Hkkjr esa cus gq, FksA muesa vkt rks dqN fo'o çfl) gSaA oSfnd lkfgR; esa gh ugha vk;qosZn] T;ksfr"k] gLrjs[kk 'kkL=ksa esa lw;Z dk egRo çfrikfnr fd;k x;k gSA lw;Z dk ewy uke fooLoku gSA egf"kZ d';i us n{k çtkifr dh 17 iqf=;ksa ls fookg fd;k vkSj mudh ifRu;ksa us i{kh] vkfnR;] nSR;] nkuo] jk{kl vkfn vyx&vyx tkfr;ksa dks tUe fn;kA ,d ckj nSR;ksa vkSj vkfnR;ksa esa LoxZ dh lÙkk dks ysdj nq'euh cgqr T;knk c<+ xbZA nSR;ksa us bUæ dks LoxZ ls fudky fn;k vkSj Lo;a muds flUgklu ij cSB x,A bUæ us viuh ekrk vfnfr dks lkjk gky dg lquk;kA vius iq= bUæ dh ,slh fLFkfr ns[kdj vfnfr us lw;Z dh mikluk dh vkSj muls oj ek¡xk fd os muds iq= ds :i esa tUe ysaA lw;Z us viuk rst vfnfr ds xHkZ esa çfrf"Br dj fn;kA ,d ckj d';i vkSj vfnfr esa dyg mRiUu gks x;k vkSj ml le; egf"kZ d';i us Øks/k esa vfnfr ds xHkZLFk f'k'kq dks e`r dg fn;kA mlh le; vfnfr ds xHkZ ls ,d çdk'kiqUt ckgj vk x;kA ml iqUt dks ns[kdj çtkifr d';i Hk;Hkhr gks x, vkSj mUgksaus lw;Z ls {kek ;kpuk dhA lw;Z us rc ,d vkdk'kok.kh dh vkSj dgk fd ^vki nksuksa bl iqUt dk çfrfnu iwtu djsa*A le; vkus ij bl iqUt ls ,d iq= jRu tUe ysxk vkSj oks vkidh leLr bPNkvksa dks iwjh djsxk vkSj czãk.M esa fLFkr jgsxkA le; vkus ij ml rst iqUt ls rstLoh ckyd mRiUu gqvkA vUr esa tc nSR;ksa vkSj vkfnR;ksa esa ;q) gqvk rks nSR; fooLoku~ ds rst dks ns[kdj Hk;Hkhr gks x, vkSj Hk; ds dkj.k ikrky yksd esa pys x,A vUr esa fooLoku~ lw;Z nso ds :i esa czãk.M esa fLFkr gks x,A JhenHkkxor~ iqjk.k esa Jh 'kqdnso th ds vuqlkj %& Hkwyksd rFkk |qyksd ds e/; esa vUrfj{k yksd gSA bl |qyksd esa lw;Z Hkxoku u{k= rkjksa ds e/; esa fojkteku jg dj
rhuksa yksdksa dks çdkf'kr djrs gSaA mÙkjk;.k] nf{k.kk;u rFkk fo"kqä uked rhu ekxksaZ ls pyus ds dkj.k ddZ] edj rFkk leku xfr;ksa ds NksVs] cM+s rFkk leku fnu jkf= cukrs gSaA tc Hkxoku lw;Z es"k rFkk rqyk jkf'k ij jgrs gSa rc fnu jkf= leku jgrs gSaA tc os o`"k] feFkqu] ddZ] flag vkSj dU;k jkf'k;ksa esa jgrs gSa rc Øe'k% jkf= ,d&,d ekl esa ,d&,d ?kM+h c<+rh tkrh gS vkSj fnu ?kVrs tkrs gSaA tc lw;Z o`f'pd] edj] dqEHk] ehu vkSj es"k jkf'k esa jgrs gSa rc Øe'k% fnu çfr ekl ,d&,d ?kM+h c<+rk tkrk gS rFkk jkf= de gksrh tkrh gSA
lw;Z ds ikl dkSu gSa \
lw;Z dh ifjØek dk ekxZ ekulksÙkj ioZr ij 51 yk[k ;kstu gSA es# ioZr ds iwoZ dh vksj bUæiqjh gS] nf{k.k dh vksj ;eiqjh gS] if'pe dh vksj o#.kiqjh gS vkSj mÙkj dh vksj pUæiqjh gSA es# ioZr ds pkjksa vksj lw;Z ifjØek djrs gSa blfy;s bu iqfj;ksa esa dHkh fnu] dHkh jkf=] dHkh e/;kà vkSj dHkh e/; jkf= gksrk gSA lw;Z Hkxoku ftl iqjh esa mn; gksrs gSa mlds Bhd lkeus vLr gksrs çrhr gksrs gSaA ftl iqjh esa e/;kà gksrk gS mlds Bhd lkeus v)Z jkf= gksrh gSA
lw;Z dh pky D;k gS fdruh gS \
lw;Z Hkxoku dh pky 15 ?kM+h esa 125 djksM+ 12-5 yk[k ;kstu ls dqN vf/kd gSA muds lkFk&lkFk pUæek rFkk vU; u{k= Hkh ?kwers jgrs gSaA lw;Z dk jFk ,d eqgwrZ ¼nks ?kM+h½ esa 34 yk[k 8 lkS ;kstu pyrk gSA bl jFk dk laoRlj uke dk ,d ifg;k gS ftlds ckjg vjs ¼ekl½] N% use] N% _rq vkSj rhu pkSekls gSaA bl jFk dh ,d /kqjh ekulksÙkj ioZr ij rFkk nwljk fljk es# ioZr ij fLFkr gSA bl jFk esa cSBus dk LFkku 36 yk[k ;kstu yEck gS rFkk egf"kZ d';i vkSj fofurk ds iq= vkSj i{khjkt x#M+ ds cM+s HkkbZ vkSj buds Lo;a ds lkSrys v#.k bls pykrs gSaA
lw;Z dk jFk dSlk gS \
bl jFk dk foLrkj 9 gtkj ;kstu gSA blls nqxquk bldk bZ"kk&n.M ¼twvk vkSj jFk ds chp dk Hkkx½ gSA bldk /kqjk 1½ djksM+ 7 yk[k ;kstu yEck gS] ftlesa ifg;k yxk gqvk gSA ml iwokZà] e/;kà vkSj ijkà :i rhu ukfHk] ifjoRlj vkfn ikap vjs vkSj "kM _rq :i N% usfe okys v{kLo:i laoRljkRed pØ esa lEiw.kZ dkypØ fLFkr gSA lkr NUn blds ?kksM+s gSaA xk;=h] o`gfr] mf".kd] txrh] f="Vqi] vuq"Vqi vkSj iafäA bl jFk dk nwljk /kqjk 45-5 lglz ;kstu yEck gSA blds nksuksa tqvksa ds ifjek.k ds rqY; gh blds ;qxk)ks±¼twvksa½ dk ifjek.k gSA buesa ls NksVk /kqjk ml jFk ds tw, ds lfgr èkzqo ds vk/kkj ij fLFkr gS vkSj nwljs /kqjs dk pØ ekulksÙkj ioZr ij fLFkr gSA
lw;Z dk vU; xzgksa ds lkFk ;qfr gksus ij T;ksfr"k ls fd;k tkus okyk Qykns'k %&
lw;Z vkSj pUæ nksuksa lkFk gksus ij lw;Z dks firk vkSj pUæ dks ;k=k ekuus ij firk dh ;k=k ds çfr dgk tk ldrk gSA lw;Z jkT; gS rks pUæ ;k=k] jktdh; ;k=k Hkh dgh tk ldrh gSA ,d larku dh mUufr tUe LFkku ls ckgj gksrh gSA lw;Z vkSj eaxy lkFk gksus ij eaxy 'kfä gS vfHkeku gS] bl çdkj ls firk 'kfä'kkyh vkSj çHkkoh gksrk gSA eaxy HkkbZ gS rks og lg;ksx djsxk]eaxy jä gS rks firk vkSj iq= nksuksa esa jä lEcUèkh chekjh gksrh gS] ân; jksx Hkh gks ldrk gSA nksuksa xzg 1&12 ;k 17 esa gks rks ;g t:jh gks tkrk gSA L=h pØ esa ifr çHkkoh gksrk gS] xqLlk vf/kd gksrk gS] ijUrq vkil esa çse Hkh vf/kd gksrk gS] eaxy ifr dk dkjd cu tkrk gSA lw;Z vkSj cq/k esa cq/k Kkuh gS] cyh gksus ij jktnwr tSls in feyrs gSa] firk iq= nksuksa gh Kkuh gksrs gSaA lekt esa çfr"Bk feyrh gSA tkrd ds vUnj okluk dk HkaMkj gksrk gS] nksuksa feydj udyh eaxy dk :i
Hkh /kkj.k dj ysrk gSA firk ds cgu gks vkSj firk ds ikl Hkwfe Hkh gks] firk dk lEcU/k fdlh efgyk ls Hkh gksA lw;Z vkSj xq# ds lkFk gksus ij lw;Z vkRek gS] xq# tho gSA bl çdkj ls ;g la;ksx ,d thokRek la;ksx dk :i ys ysrk gSA tkrd dk tUe bZ'oj va'k ls gks] eryc ifjokj ds fdlh iwoZt us vkdj tUe fy;k gks] tkrd esa nwljksa dh lgk;rk djus dk ges'kk ekul cuk jgs vkSj tkrd dk ;'k pkjksa rjQ
QSyrk jgs] ljdkjh {ks=ksa esa tkrd dks inoh Hkh
feysA tkrd dk iq= Hkh mijksä dk;ksaZ esa layXu jgs] firk ds ikl ea=h tSls dke gksa] L=h pØ esa mldks lHkh çdkj ds lq[k feyrs jgsa] og vkHkw"k.kksa vkfn ls dHkh nq[kh u jgs] mls vius ?kj vkSj llqjky esa lHkh çdkj ds eku&lEeku feyrs jgsaA lw;Z vkSj 'kqØ ds lkFk gksus ij lw;Z firk gS vkSj 'kqØ Hkou] foÙk gS] vr% firk ds ikl foÙk vkSj Hkou ds lkFk lHkh çdkj ds HkkSfrd lq[k gksa] iq= ds ckjs esa Hkh ;g dg ldrs gSaA 'kqØ jt gS vkSj lw;Z xehZ vr% iRuh dks xHkZikr gksrs jgsa] larku de gksa] 12osa ;k nwljs Hkko esa gksus ij vka[kksa dh chekjh gks] ,d vka[k dk Hkh gks ldrk gSA 6 ;k 8 esa gksus ij thou lkFkh ds lkFk Hkh ;g gks ldrk gSA L=h pØ esa iRuh ds ,d cgu gks tks tkfrdk ls cM+h gks] tkrd dks jkT; ls /ku feyrk jgs] lw;Z tkrd 'kqØ iRuh dh lqUnjrk cgqr gksA 'kqØ oh;Z gS vkSj lw;Z xehZ tkrd ds larku iSnk ugha gksA L=h dh dqUMyh esa tkfrdk dks ew= lEcU/kh chekjh nsrk gSA vLr 'kqØ LokLF; [kjkc djrk gSA lw;Z vkSj 'kfu ds lkFk gksus ij 'kfu deZ gS vkSj lw;Z jkT;] vr% tkrd ds firk dk dk;Z ljdkjh gks] lw;Z firk vkSj 'kfu tkrd ds tUe ds le; dkQh ijs'kkuh gqbZ gksA firk ds lkeus jgus rd iq= vkylh gks] firk vkSj iq= ds lkFk jgus ij mUufr ugha gksA oSfnd T;ksfr"k esa bls fir` nks"k ekuk tkrk gSA vr% tkrd dks jkstkuk xk;=h dk tki 24 ;k 108 ckj djuk pkfg;sA lw;Z vkSj jkgq ds lkFk gksus ij lwpuk feyrh gS fd tkrd ds firkeg çfrf"Br O;fä gksus pkfg;s] ,d iq= lw;Z vuSfrd jkgq gks] dkuwu fo#) tkrd dk;Z djrk gks] firk dh ekSr nq?kZVuk esa gks] tkrd ds tUe ds le; esa firk dks pksV yxs] tkrd dks larku dfBukbZ ls gks] firk ds fdlh HkkbZ dks vfu"B gks] 'kknh esa vucu gksA lw;Z vkSj dsrq lkFk gksus ij firk vkSj iq= nksuksa èkkfeZd gksa] dk;ksaZ esa dfBukbZ gks] firk ds ikl Hkwfe gks ysfdu fdlh dke dh ugha gksA lw;Z ds lkFk vU; xzgksa dh ;qfr vuqlkj D;k is'kk vkSj dSlh fLFkfr gks ldrh gS %& lw;Z eaxy xq# ¾ ltZu lw;Z eaxy jkgq ¾ dq"B jksx lw;Z eaxy 'kfu dsrq ¾ firk vU/ks gks ldrs gSaA lw;Z ds vkxs 'kqØ ¾ /ku gksA lw;Z ds vkxs cq/k ¾ tehu gksA lw;Z dsrq ¾firk jktdh; lsok esa gks] lk/kq LoHkko gks] v/;kid dk dk;Z Hkh gks ldrk gSA lw;Z c`gLifr ds vkxs ¾ tkrd firk okys dk;Z djsA lw;Z 'kfu 'kqØ cq/k ¾isVªksy] Mhty okys dkeA lw;Z jkgq xq# ¾ efLtn ;k ppZ dk vf/kdkjhA lw;Z ds vkxs eaxy jkgq gksa rks iSr`d lEifÙk lekIr gks ldrh gSA
ckjg Hkkoksa esa lw;Z dh fLFkfr %&
çFke Hkko esa lw;Z &LokfHkekuh] 'kwjohj] i;ZVu fç;]
Øks/kh ifjokj ls O;fFkr] /ku esa deh ]ok;q fiÙk vkfn ls 'kjhj esa detksjhA nwljs Hkko esa lw;Z & HkkX;'kkyh] iw.kZ lq[k dh çkfIr] /ku vfLFkj ysfdu mÙke dk;ksaZ ds vUnj O;;] L=h ds dkj.k ifjokj esa dyg] eq[k vkSj us= jksx] iRuh dks ân; jksx] 'kknhA rhljs Hkko esa lw;Z & çrkih] ijkØeh] fo}ku] fopkjoku] dfo] jkT; lq[k] eqdíes esa fot;] Hkkb;ksa ds vUnj jktuhfr gksus ls ijs'kkuhA pkSFks Hkko esa lw;Z & ân; esa tyu] 'kjhj lqUnj] xqIr fo|k çseh] fons'k xeu] jktdh; pquko vkfn esa fot;] ;q) okys dkj.k] eqdíes vkfn esa ijkftr]
O;fFkr euA iape Hkko esa lw;Z & dq'kkxz cqf)] /khjs&/khjs /ku dh çkfIr] isV dh chekfj;ka] jktdh; f'k{k.k laLFkkuksa ls yxkoA NBosa Hkko esa lw;Z & fujksxh] U;k;oku] 'k=q uk'kd] ekr`dqy ls d"VA lIre Hkko esa lw;Z & dBksj vkRe jr] jkT; oxZ ls ihfMr] O;kikj esa gkfu] L=h d"VA vkBosa Hkko esa lw;Z & /kuh] /kS;Zoku] dke djus ds vUnj xqLlk] fpUrk ls ân; jksx] vkyL; ls /ku uk'k] u'ks vkfn ls LokLF; [kjkcA

uosa Hkko esa lw;Z & ;ksxh] riLoh] T;ksfr"kh] lk/kd] lq[kh] ysfdu LoHkko ls ØwjA nlosa Hkko esa lw;Z & O;ogkj dq'ky] jkT; ls lEeku] mnkj] ,s'o;Z] ekrk dks udkjkRed fopkjksa ls d"V] vius gh yksxksa ls fcNksg gks ldrk gSA X;kjgosa Hkko esa lw;Z & /kuh] lq[kh] cyoku] LokfHkekuh] lnkpkjh] 'k=quk'kd] vuk;kl lEifÙk dh çkfIr] iq= dh iRuh ;k iq=h ds ifr ¼nkekn½ ls d"V gks ldrk gSA ckjgosa Hkko esa lw;Z & mnklhu] vkylh] us= jksxh] efLr"d jksxh] yM+kbZ&>xMs+ esa fot;] cgl djus dh vknrA
vad'kkL= esa lw;Z %
T;ksfr"k fo|kvksa esa vad fo|k Hkh ,d egRoiw.kZ fo|k gSA ftlds }kjk ge FkksMs+ le; esa gh ç'udrkZ ds mÙkj ns ldrs gSaA vad fo|k esa ^1* dk vad lw;Z dks çkIr gqvk gSA ftl rkjh[k dks vkidk tUe gqvk gS] mu rkjh[kksa esa vxj vkidh tUe rkjh[k 1] 10] 19] 28 gS rks vkidk HkkX;kad lw;Z dk uEcj ^1* ekuk tk;sxkA blds vykok tks vkidk dkfeZd uEcj gksxk og tUe rkjh[k] eghuk vkSj iwjk lu tksM+us ds ckn tks vad çkIr gksxk] lkFk gh dqy feykdj vdsys uEcj dks tc lkeus yk;saxs vkSj og uEcj ^1* vkrk gS rks dkfeZd uEcj ekuk tk;sxkA ftu yksxksa ds tUe rkjh[k ds fglkc ls ^1* uEcj vkrk gS muds uke vf/kdrj c] e] V vkSj n ls pkyw gksrs ns[ks x;s gSaA vad 1 'kq#vkrh uEcj gS] blds fcuk dksbZ Hkh vad pkyw ugha gks ldrk gSA bl vad okyk tkrd LokfHkekuh gksrk gS] mlds vUnj dsoy vius gh vius fy;s lquus dh vknr gksrh gSA tkrd ds vUnj bZekunkjh Hkh gksrh gS vkSj og fdlh ds lkeus >qdus ds fy;s dHkh jkth ugha gksrk gSA og fdlh ds v/khu ugha jguk pkgrk gS vkSj lHkh dks vius v/khu j[kuk pkgrk gSA vxj vad 1 okyk tkrd vius gh vad ds v/khu gksdj ;kuh vius gh vad dh rkjh[kksa esa dke djrk gS rks mldks lQyrk feyrh pyh tkrh gSA lw;Z ç/kku tkrd cgqr rstLoh] lnxq.kh] fo}ku] mnkj LoHkko] n;kyq vkSj eukscy esa vkRecy ls iw.kZ gksrk gSA og vius dk;Z Lor% gh djrk gSA fdlh ds Hkjksls jg dj dke djuk mls ugha vkrk gSA og ljdkjh ukSdjh vkSj ljdkjh dke&dkt ds çfr lefiZr gksrk gSA og vius dks vYi le; esa gh dq'ky çlk'kd cuk ysrk gSA lw;Z ç/kku tkrd esa dqN cqjkb;ka Hkh gksrh gSaA tSls & vfHkeku] yksHk] vfou;] vkyL;] cká fn[kkok] tYnckth] vgadkj vkfn nqxqZ.k mlds thou esa Hkjs gksrs gSaA bu nqxqZ.kksa ds dkj.k mldk fodkl lgh rjhds ls ugha gks ikrk gSA lkFk gh vius nq'euksa dks ugha igpku ikus ds dkj.k muls ijs'kkuh mBkrk jgrk gSA gj dke esa n[ky nsus dh vknr Hkh tkrd esa gksrh gS vkSj lc yksxksa ds dke esa Vkax vM+kus ds dkj.k og vf/kd ls vf/kd nq'euh Hkh iSnk dj ysrk gSA tks tkrd viuh 'kfä vkSj vagdkj ls pwj gksdj tkurs gq, Hkh fuUnuh; dk;Z djrs gSa] nwljksa dk 'kks"k.k djrs gSa vkSj ekrk&firk dh lsok u djds mudks ukuk çdkj ds d"V nsrs gSa] lw;Z muds bl dk;Z dk Hkqxrku mldh fo|k] ;'k vkSj /ku ij iw.kZr% jksd yxk dj mls cqf) ls nhu&ghu djds ix&ix ij viekfur djds mlds }kjk fd;s x;s deksaZ dk Hkksx djokrk gSA vka[kksa dh jks'kuh dk vius çdkj ls gj.k djus ds ckn Hk{; vkSj vHk{; dk
Hkkstu djokrk gS] Åaps vkSj uhps LFkkuksa ij fxjkrk gS] pksV nsrk gSA Js"B dk;Z djus okyksa dks lncqf)] fo|k] /ku vkSj ;'k nsdj txr esa uke nsrk gSA yksxksa ds vUnj
bTtr vkSj eku&lEeku nsrk gSA mUgsa mÙke ;'k dk
Hkkxh cuk dj Hkksx djokrk gSA tks yksx vk/;kRe esa viuk eu yxkrs gSa] muds vUnj Hkxoku dh Nfo dk jl Loknu djokrk gSA lw;Z ls yky Lo.kZ jax dh fdj.ksa u feysa rks dksbZ Hkh ouLifr mRiUu ugha gks ldrh gSA bUgha ls ;g txr fLFkj jgrk gS] ps"Vk'khy jgrk gS vkSj lkeus fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA tkrd viuk gkFk ns[k dj vius ckjs esa Lo;a fu.kZ; dj ldrk gS] ;fn lw;Z js[kk gkFk esa fcydqy ugha gS] ;k ekewyh lh gS] rks mlds QyLo:i mldh fo|k de gksxh] og tks Hkh i<sxk og dqN nsj ckn Hkwy tk;sxk] /kuoku /ku dks ugha jksd ik;saxs] firk&iq= esa fookn gksxk vkSj vxj bl js[kk esa }hi vkfn gS rks fuf'pr :i ls xyr bYtke yxsaxsA vijk/k dksbZ vkSj djsxk vkSj ltk tkrd dks Hkqxruh iM+sxhA lw;Z Øwj xzg Hkh gS vkSj tkrd ds LoHkko esa rhozrk nsrk gSA ;fn xzg rqyk jkf'k esa uhp dk gS rks og rhozrk tkrd ds fy;s ?kkrd gksxh] nqfu;ka dh dksbZ vkSf"kf/k] ;a=] tM+h&cwVh ugha gS tks bl rhozrk dks de dj ldsA dsoy lw;Z ea= esa gh bruh 'kfä gS fd tks bl rhozrk dks de dj ldrk gSA
lw;Z xzg ds jRu %&
lw;Z xzg ds jRuksa esa ekf.kd vkSj mijRuksa esa ykyMh] rkeMk vkSj eglwjhA ikap jÙkh dk jRu ;k mijRu jfookj dks —fÙkdk u{k= esa vukfedk maxyh esa lksus /kkrq esa èkkj.k djuh pkfg;sA blls bldk nq"çHkko de gksuk pkyw gks tkrk gS vkSj vPNk jRu igurs gh 40% rd Qk;nk gksrk ns[kk x;k gSA jRu dh fof/k&fo/kkuiwoZd mldh xzgkuqlkj çk.k&çfr"Bk vxj ugha dh tkrh gS] rks og jRu çHkko ugha ns ldrk gSA blfy;s jRu iguus ls igys vFkkZr vaxwBh esa tM+okus ls igys bldh çk.k&çfr"Bk dj ysuh pkfg;sA lw;Z xzg dh tM+h cwfV;ka & csy i= dh tM+ jfookj dks gLr ;k —fÙkdk u{k= esa yky /kkxs ls iq#"k nkfgus cktw esa vkSj fL=;ka ck;ha cktw esa cka/k ysa] blds }kjk tks jRu vkSj mijRu [kjhnus esa vLeFkZ gS] mudks Hkh Qk;nk gksxkA lw;Z xzg ds fy;s nku %& lw;Z xzg ds nq"çHkko ls cpus ds fy;s vius otu ds cjkcj ds xsgwa] yky vkSj ihys feys gq, jax ds oL=] yky feBkbZ] lksus ds jcs] dfiyk xk;] xqM+ vkSj rkack /kkrq J)kiwoZd fdlh xjhc czkã.k dks cqykdj fof/k&fo/kku ls ladYiiwoZd nku djuk pkfg;sA r

T;ksfr"k iaprRo vkSj i;kZoj.k
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iz'kkar [kkuoydj
jkbu unh¼;wjksi dh xaxk½ tks iwjs ;wjksi esa cgrh gSA ,d fnu irk pyk Fkk fd vius lkQ ikuh ds fy;s fo[;kr bl unh dh eNfy;ka ej jgh gSa] gkgkdkj ep x;kA ;wjksih; jk"Vªk/;{kksa dh xqgkj ij la;qä jk"Vª la?k esa lHkk gqbZ] ftlesa fo'ks"kKksa }kjk fyf[kr çLrqr Hkk"k.k eas iaprRo dh cqfu;knh ckrksa ¼vk/kkjHkwr fl)kar½ dks Hkh tksM+k x;kA ml vaxzsth Hkk"k.k dk vius <ax ls vuqokn Hkh gqvk vkSj le>k x;kA rc geus Hkh mls vkRelkr ugha fd;k] gekjs fy;s ,d /kkfeZd ckr Fkh] lks ç.kke dj fy;kA dgk le> ik,s lhrk&jke ds vkxs ml ewy Hkko dks tks iaprRo dh tM+ eas Fkk vkSj tks jkepfjrekul esa i<k HkhA gesa le>uk gksxk fd T;ksfr"k] ;ksxra=] vk;qosZn] ouLifr@tho foKku ds leosr f'k{k.k o ç;ksx ls bl vR;k/kqfud ;qx esa çnw"k.k ls eqfä dh vksj c<us rFkk oukfn ds laj{k.k ls i;kZoj.k vFkkZr Hkwfe] ty] vfXu] ok;q rFkk vkdk'k ¼bu iap rRoksa½ dks gh çnw"k.k eqä djuk gksxk vkSj bl dk;Z esa çkphu fnO; fu"d"kks± ds vkyksd esa gesa lgh fn'kk feysxhA ftl çdkj 'kjhj esa bu iap rRoksa dh deh ;k vfèkdrk ls O;fä vLoLFk gks tkrk gS] Hkou esa bu rRoksa ds vlarqyu ls fuokl djus okyksa dks foifÙk dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gS] mlh çdkj cká okrkoj.k ;k i;kZoj.k esa bUgha rRoksa dh deh ;k vlarqyu dh fLFkfr lexz l`f"V dks uk'k dh vksj ys tkrh gSA vf[ky czãk.M esa i`Foh] ty] rst¼vfXu½] ok;q rFkk vkdk'k dh lÙkk loZ= fo|eku gSA bu iapegkHkwrksa ds fcuk pjkpj txr dh dYiuk Hkh laHko ugha gSA laiw.kZ lkSjeaMy esa xzg&u{k=&rkjksa vkfn ds ewrZRo esa vkuqikfrd :i ls iapegkHkwrksa dk gh ;ksxnku gSA vxj geus bu iap egkHkwrksa ;k iaprRoksa dks ugha tkuk rks geus bZ'oj dks ugha --!
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^egkHkwrkfu [ka ok;qjfXujki% f{kfrLrFkkA 'kCnLi'kZ'p :ia p jlks xa/k'p rn~xq.kk%AA*
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T;ksfr"k&okLrq&iaprRo lEca/k&
ge lHkh çk.kh gj rjg ls bZ'oj ;k ç—fr ls loZFkk tqM+s gSaA gekjs lw{e ls lw{e vax esa gksus okyk Lianu gh l`f"V lapkyd rRo gS rFkk mldk çHkko loZ= vuqHko fd;k tkrk gSA ç—fr dk Lianu] LQqj.k] ifjorZu ;k fodkj ekuo 'kjhj ij viuk çHkko NksMrk gSA 'kdqu 'kkL= dh Hkh lÙkk blh fu;e ij vFkkZr lkis{krk ds fl)kar ij vk/kkfjr gSA euq"; tc tUe ysrk gS ;k xHkZ esa vkrk gS] rc ç—fr ds Lo:i Lianu dk çHkko tkrd ij iM+rk gSA blh dkj.k ls T;ksfr"k esa ;g fu;e cuk gS fd tUe ds le; tks xzg cyoku gksrs gSa mUgha xzgksa ls tkrd dk Lo:i o 'kjhj laink fu/kkZfjr gksrh gSA blhfy;s tUe yXu dh jkf'k] uoka'k jkf'k] pUæ jkf'k'k] cyoku xzg vkfn ds vkèkkj ij tkrd ds Lo:i] jax] vkdkj] çdkj] LoHkkokfn ds fu.kZ; dk fl)kar cukA ftl rjg tUedqaMyh esa fLFkr xzg vkdk'kh; rkRdkfyd fLFkfr fn[kkrs gSa rks oSls gh 'kjhj y{k.kksa esa mä xzg u{k=kfn dh fLFkfr dk çHkko] fpUg] igpku o Kkr fu"d"kZ dk Li"V çek.k ik;k tk ldrk gSA blh vk/kkj ij 'kjhj&y{k.kksa ds }kjk tkrd dh tUe xzg fLFkfr dk vuqeku ;k u"V tkrd fuekZ.k gksuk laHko gSA vr% tkrd 'kkL= o 'kjhj y{k.k 'kkL= ,d&nwljs ds iwjd gS] oSls gh iaprRo vkSj i;kZoj.k Hkh ,d&nwljs ds iwjd gSA T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa lw;Z] eaxy vfXu rRo ds Lokeh] cq/k i`Foh rRo dk] pUæ] 'kqØ ty rRo ds] 'kfu ok;q rRo dk vkSj xq# vkdk'k rRo dk Lokeh dgs x, gSaA gekjs ekuo 'kjhj ds efLr"d esa vkdk'k rRo] da/kkas esa vfXu rRo] ukfHk¼mnj dsaæ½ esa ok;q rRo] ?kqVuksa esa i`Foh rRo dk fuokl vkSj iSjksa esa ty rÙo dk çHkqRo gSA vk/;kfRed Lo:i ls 'kjhj ds Hkhrj dq.Mfyuh dh mèoZxkeh "kVpØksa esa ewyk/kkj pØ esa i`Foh rRo] Lokfèk"Bku pØ esa ty rRo] ef.kiqj pØ esa vfXu rRo] vukgr pØ esa ok;q rRo vkSj fo'kq) pØ esa vkdk'k rRo dk vkfèkiR; jgrk gSA gLreqæk ;k gLr'kkL= dh –f"V ls gekjs gkFk dh ikap maxfy;ksa esa ikap rRoksa dk cks/k gksrk gS& ¼1½ vaxwBk&vfXu rRo ¼2½rtZuh& ok;q rRo ¼3½ e/;ek& vkdk'k rRo ¼4½ vukfedk& i`Foh rRo ¼5½ dfu"Bk & ty rRoA
T;ksfr"k vkSj okLrq vuqdwy okrkoj.k ;k i;kZoj.k gsrq iaprRo ds larqyu esa lgk;d gksdj gekjk ekxZn'kZd gSA ,d cht dk vadqj.k gksdj ikS/ks ;k o`{k esa ifj.khr gksuk bUgha iaprRoksa ds Øfed fodkl ds fparu dk ifjpk;d gS vkSj tc mlh ikS/ks ;k o`{k dks dkVk tkrk gS rks egt i;kZoj.k gh ugha vfirq iapegkHkwrksa dh gR;k dk iki gksrk gSA ftl çdkj gekjk 'kjhj vfXu] i`Foh] ok;q] ty] vkdk'k bu rRoksa ls feydj cuk gS mlh çdkj ouLifr] [ksrh&ckM+h] ikS/kksa ds lok±xh.k fodkl ds fy, Hkh bu iapegkHkwrksa dh vko';drk gSA o`{kksa vkSj ikS/kksa dks okLrq ;k ?kj esa mfpr egRo nsus ls gesa ç—fr ds lkFk jgus dk vkuan çkIr gksrk gSA gekjs çkphu xzaFkksa esa çR;sd o`{k dk fn'kkuqlkj 'kqHkk'kqHk Qy fn;k gqvk gSA ç—fr }kjk çnÙk o`{k vkSj ikSèks ekuo thou ds dY;k.k ds fy, gSA çR;sd euq"; dks viuh jkf'k vkSj u{k= ds vuqlkj o`{kkjksi.k djuk pkfg,] blls v'kqHk çHkko ls NqVdkjk feyrk gS vkSj i;kZoj.k rFkk iaprRo ls rknkRE; LFkkfir gksrk gSA ftl çdkj Hkou fuekZ.k esa okLrq O;oLFkk dks çeq[k LFkku fn;k x;k gS mlh çdkj x`g fo'ks"k ;k LFkku fo'ks"k dh cká okLrq O;oLFkk dks vuqdwyrk çnku djus ds fy;s isM+&ikSèkksa dk jksi.k okLrq vuqlkj djuk pkfg,A x`g ds lehi isM+ dh fLFkfr ,slh gksuh pkfg, fd nwljs o rhljs çgj dh /kwi dks edku ij iM+us esa vojks/k mRiUu u djs D;ksafd fnu dh /kwi x`g ij iM+us ls edku dh ueh lekIr gks tkrh gSa ftllsa fdVk.kqvksa dks iuius dk okrkoj.k ugha feyrk ;Fkk dgk Hkh x;k gS& çFkekUR;;kHkotZ~; f}=hçgjlEHkok] Nk;k o`{k&x`gknhuka lnk nq%[kçnkf;uhA euq"; dh tUedqaMyh ls Hkh mlds okLrq vkSj i;kZoj.k ls leUo; dh vuqdwyrk dk laKku çkIr gks ldrk gSA geus çR;sd xzgksa esa rRoksa dk LokfeRo iwoZ esa ns[kkA HkpØ dh 12 jkf'k;ka tUedqaMyh esa vfXu] i`Foh] ok;q o ty bu 4 rRoksa dk çfrfuf/kRo djrh gSA ;Fkk& es"k] flag] /kuq& vfXu] o`"k]dU;k] edj& i`Foh feFkqu] rqyk] dqaHk& ok;q vkSj ddZ]o`f'pd] ehu& ty A blh çdkj ge T;ksfr"k esa iaprRo vkSj u{k=ksa dk lEca/k Hkh ns[krs gSa& Hkj.kh] —frdk] iq";] e?kk] iwokZ QkYxquh] Lokrh] iwokZHkkæin ;s 7& u{k= rstl ¼vfXu½ rRo ds gSaA vuqjkèkk] T;s"Bk] vfHkthr] mÙkjk"kk<+] Jo.k] ?kfu"Bk] jsorhA ;s 7 u{k= i`Foh rRo ls lEc) gSA vf'ouh] e`xf'kjk] iquoZlq] mÙkjkQkYxquh] gLr] fp=k] fo'kk[kk ;s 7 u{k= ok;q rRo ls lEc) gSA jksfg.kh] vknzkZ] v'ys"kk] ewy] iwokZ"kk<+] 'krfHk"kk] mÙkjkHkkæin ;s lkr u{k= ty rRo ds gSaA vkdk'k rRo ls rks lHkh u{k=ksa dk lEca/k Lo;afl) gh gSA vkdk'k ,d ewy rRo gS] 'ks"k pkjksa rRoksa dk vk/kkj Hkh ;gh rRo gSA iaprRoksa esa vkdk'k rRo dk xzg.k i`Fkd ls ugha fd;k x;k gS D;ksafd iaphdj.k ds fl)karkuqlkj çR;sd rRo ,d&nwljs ls rRo esa yxHkx v"Veka'k Hkkx Lo:i jgrk gS] mlds vuqlkj jkf'k;ksa esa rRoksa ds foHkktu dh –f"V ls vkdk'k dks i`Fkd ls xzg.k u dj 'ks"k 4 rRoksa esa lfEefyr eku fy;k x;k gSA geus fo"k;kjaHk esa gh bZ'ojh; psruk dh ,deso rUek=k 'kCn xq.k ds çknqHkkZo ls çFke vkRek cks/kd vkdk'k dh mRifÙk dks tkuk Fkk vkSj ogha ls Øfed rUek=k xq.k o`f) ds çknqHkkZo ls vU; rRoksa dh l`f"V gsrq mRifÙk dk gksuk HkhA dqaMyh ds 12 Hkko@jkf'k;ksa ds 4 f=dks.k esa 4 rRoksa dk foHkktu gS] vFkkZr yXu esa tks jkf'k&rRo gksrk gS ogh iape] uoe ¼f=dks.k Hkko½ esaA blh çdkj tks f}rh; esa ogh jkf'k&rRo 6]10 Hkko esa] r`rh; esa ogha 7]11 Hkko esa vkSj tks prqFkZ esa ogh 8]12 Hkko esaA dkyiq#"k dh dqaMyh esa ;g rRo Øe'k% vfXu] i`Foh] ok;q] vkSj ty es"kkfn pkj f=dks.k Hkkoksa esa gksrk gSA T;ksfr"k esa dqaMyh vuqlkj Hkh jkf'k&xzg&u{k= v/;;u ls lekfo"V rRo dh deh@vf/kdrk ;k vuqdwyrk@ çfrdwyrk dks tkudj lgt lfØ; fØ;kdykiksa ls rRo larqyu i;kZoj.k ds lkis{k LFkkfir dj ldrs gSaA
rRo larqyu dh egÙkk ,oa mik;&
vc ge T;ksfr"k] okLrq vkSj i;kZoj.k ds ijLij rknkRE; ds –f"Vdks.k ls çR;sd rRo dh deh] vf/kdrk] mlds egRo vkSj mldh vko';drk ;k larqyu gsrq lgt
mik;ksa dks Hkh ns[ksaxsA
^vfXu rRo*
dkyiq#"k dh çFke f=dks.k jkf'k;k¡ blh vfXu rRo dk çfrfuf/kRo djrh gSA loZfofnr gS fd lw;Z ds çdk'k vkSj m"ek ls vfXu&mtkZ çkIr gksrh gSA lw;Z dh ldkjkRed vkSj vPNh mtkZ çkIr djus gsrq ?kj ;k Hkou dh mÙkj vkSj iwoZ fn'kk,as uhph vkSj [kqys LFkku ;qä gks vkSj nf{k.k if'pe nhokj] LFkku dks Åapk ;k can j[ksa ftlls lw;Z dh udkjkRed mtkZ ds çHkko ls cpko gksA dqaMyh esa lw;Z dk vfXu rRo jkf'k;ksa ls tqM+ko tkrd dks fo'ks"k mtkZoku] vkstLoh] tks'khyk cukrk gS vkSj bl rRo dh vf/kdrk ls O;fä mÙkstd] v'kkar] Rofjr fØ;kRed LoHkko dk Hkh gks ldrk gSA blh vfXu rRo ;k lw;Z ls l`f"V esa thou gS] lkSan;Z gSA blh ls Qwy f[kyrs gSa] Qy idrs gSa] vkS"kf/k;ksa esa i`Fkd&i`Fkd xq.k mRiUu gksrs gSaA blh ls leqæ ;k fo'kky ufn;ksa dk ty ckny cu dj i`Foh dk lhapu djrk gSA blh ls gekjk vUu o Hkkstu idrk gS vkSj iprk Hkh gSA lw;Z ;k vfXu rRo ls gh vU; lHkh rRoksa ds pSrU; dk mUes"k vkSj fues"k gksrk gSA i;kZoj.k dh gfjfrek vkSj euq"; dh ykfyek dk lzksr lw;Z gSA ikS/kksa dh ulksa esa gjs jax dk [kwu nkSM+rk jgrk gS] ftls vaxzsth esa ^DyksjksfQy* dgrs gSa vkSj euq"; dh ulksa esa yky jax dk ftldks ^gheksXykschu* dgrs gaSA euq"; ds Hkhrj bl yky jax dks Hkh lw;Z dh jf'e;ksa dh mruh gh t:jr gksrh gS ftruh fd ikS/kkas dksA ç'uksifu"kn esa mYys[k gS& ;RlosZ çdk'k;fr rsu lokZu~ çk.kku~ jf'e"kq lfu?kus vFkkZr~ tc vkfnR; çdk'keku gksrk gS rc og leLr çk.kksa dks viuh fdj.kksa esa j[krk gS] mlesa O;fä vkSj ç—fr nksuksa gh lekfgr gSA m|UukfnR; jf'efHk% 'kh"kZ~.ks jksxeehu'k% ¼vFkoZosn½ vFkkZr~ osnHkxoku dgrs gSa fd çkr%dky dh lw;Z fdj.kks{k¼uhyksÙkj fdj.kkas½ ls O;kf/k;ksa dk uk'k] jksx 'keu gksrk gSA vr% vfXu rRo larqyu gsrq çkr% lw;Z ;k /kwi Luku] gjhfrek dh vksV esa lw;Z@/kwi Luku] lw;Z ueLdkj] lw;Z dh uhyksÙkj jf'e;ksa ls ;qä ty dk vuqdwy jax ¼dkap cksry½ ds ek/;e ls lsou] mä jf'e ;qä çk—frd rsy dk ç;ksx] vkfnR; ân; Lrks=] gLr eqæk ¼Kku eqæk] lw;Z eqæk ½ bR;kfn ykHkdkjh gSA
^i`Foh rRo*
T;ksfr"k esa jkf'k;ka& o`"k] dU;k] edj i`Foh rRo dh çfrfuf/k gSa vkSj xzgkas esa cq/k gSA bu jkf'k;ksa vkSj cq/k dh Hkko fLFkfr ijLij laca/k ;k ty rRo xzgksa pUæ] 'kqØ ls Hkh rRo eS=h laca/k dqaMyh esa ns[kdj bl rRo ds fodkl ;k ek=k dh tkudkjh feyrh gSA ;gha ls gekjs okLrq vkSj i;kZoj.k ls rknkRE; dk #>ku Kkr gksrk gSA Hkou fuekZ.k esa Hkwfe iwtu] okLrq 'kkafr blh rRo dh egÙkk dks n'kkZrs gSaA Hkwry ¼xzkm.M ¶yksj½ vkoklh; ?kjksa ;k ifjlj esa ;g rRo cgqeaftyk bekjrkas ds mijh rykas¼¶ySV½ ij jgus okys jgokfl;ksa ls vf/kd ;k mfpr ek=k esa feyrk gSA ftu ikap rRoksa ls gekjk 'kjhj cuk gS] feêh¼i`Foh½ rRo mlesa lcls ç/kku gS] /kjrh esa lHkh egkHkwrksa dk lekos'k gSA Jqfr esa i`Foh dks vUu Hkh dgk gSA çkr% Hkwfe ij uaxs ikao pyuk] Vgyuk] chtjksi.k] o`{kkjksi.k] Hkwfe 'k;u] feêh ds crZu esa [kkuiku] feêh dh BaMh ;k xje iêh¼ysi½ dk ç;ksx ] jt Luku ;k iad& Luku ¼Mudbath½] i`Foh eqæk] viku eqæk bR;kfn lgt fØ;k&dykiksa ls ge bl rRo dh iwfrZ dj i;kZoj.k dh Hkh vuqdwyrk çkIr dj ldrs gSaA ekVh vks<uk] ekVh fcNkSuk] ekVh nkuk&ikuh jsA dchjnkl th dh bl ck.kh esa ;g ladsr gS fd euq"; Fkypj çk.kh gSA vFkkZr i`Foh ij fopjus okyk tho gS vkSj mldk dY;k.k blh esa gS fd og lnk&loZnk i`Foh ls lalxZ j[ksaA ;gka rd fd feêh gh 'kjhj ij /kkj.k djsa ¼tSlk ;ksxhtu djrs gSa½ vks<+uh ds :i esa] feêh ds gh fcLrj vFkkZr i`Foh ij lks;as] vkSj feêh ls mits Qy] vUukfn dk Hkkstu djsaA D;ksafd euq"; dh mRifÙk feêh ls gh gqbZ gS vkSj mls ,d fnu feêh esa gh feyuk gSA vr,o mRifÙk vkSj ej.k ds chp dh dykof/k nkSjku ç—frr% mls