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Ashta Mangal Yantra By Punit Vohra
Ashta Mangal Yantra
By Punit Vohra
A s h t a m a n g a l Yantra is stored in the special alloys Created for it with different mixture of metals, then it is installed by our spiritual guru (Dr Punit Bhardwaj). The wearer can wear it or avail it in different available forms and patterns. Ved World is the fi rst company in the world to combine all the 8 most auspicious AshtaMangals in a sacred geometry which also combines the positive effects of all the planets along with the secret Vedic Techniques of Prana Pratishtha to energise and charge the Yantra with the most powerful Cosmic Energy from the Planet Mars (Mangal) and provide happiness and prosperity to the person acquiring the Yantra. What is mangal? The word mangal sounds are the most auspicious one that brings happiness, positivity & removes all amanagal, negativity from everywhere. Origin of Ashtamangal Renowned Astro-Physicist – Dr. Punit Bhardwaj, the Founder of Ved World was experimenting with the idea of binding all the AshtaMangals into one single geometry which could change the entire world. It was during the auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya when the divine Energy from Planet Mars channelised itself through the hands of Dr. Punit when he was able to combine the sacred geometry of the Ashtamangals - The 8 Most Powerful Mangals (Auspicious Symbols) and The 9 planets together; which generates the most powerful cosmic energy. This Geometry contains the powers of the entire universe within itself. The belief that a god created the universe according to a geometric plan has ancient origins and is an elaborate sience to be studied. Groupings of eight auspicious symbols were originally used in India at ceremonies such as an investiture or coronation of a king. An early grouping of symbols included: throne, swastika, handprint, hooked knot, vase of jewels, water libation fl ask, pair of fi shes, lidded bowl. In Buddhism, these eight symbols of good fortune represent the offerings made by the gods to Shakyamuni Buddha immediately after he gained enlightenment. He started his research on various religions and understood that the AshtaMangal were randomly used for auspicious occasions and worshipped. His experiments brought a design which is considered to be the most powerful sacred geometry in the world to be invented in modern human history. AshtaMangal Yantra : the Sacred Geometry comprises of 8 Other Planets (Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu, Shani, Buddh, Guru, and
Shukra) Revolving around Mangal in a very scientifi cally spiritual manner. They are Derived from the Vedas and adjusted as per the kundli birth chart which are situated Between AshtaMangal & Mars. In case in our birth chart (kundli) if any Planet is malefi c or in transit (powerless), even then if one is wearing or surrounded by the AshtaMangal Yantra, then all these 8 PlanetS become energetic and gives positive results. This device needs no religion or belief of any sort to back it & the science behind this Device is completely based on the primordial secrets given to mankind by the one and only Mother Nature and her creations. The combined power & energy it generates is as equally powerful as a Statue of God or the Sacred Geometry of any place of worship like a Temple, Mosque, Church or any other holy object. How Ashtamangal Cosmic circuit works? Energy only fl ows into any object when its circuit is completed and is arranged in high quality metallurgy through alchemy. In our specialised sacred geometry AshtaMangal the 9 planets and 8 mangals are arranged in such a manner that universally positive high frequency cosmic energy is captured and is stored in our Yantra to its maximised strength which emits negative ions and neutralises all negative energies. This is 8 ashtasiddhis and 9 navnidhis resulting in 8×9=72. The 72,000 nadis in our body get charged, through which this planetary circuit along with AshtaMangal harnesses the highest level of cosmic energy which fl ows through this Yantra. Tuesday is the Day which is found to be Auspicious and pure for installing the Yantra. One has to just surrender themselves unconditionally to AshtaMangal MAHADevta. As such, there are no barriers for this yantra even for girls during their moon cycle, they have full access and positive energy coming their way during their low days too. Mars to mangal Mars - the fi re energy, is the purest form of energy in the divine sources. This energy is balanced and converted by lord Shiva with new recreation and transformation as Mangal which is the most auspicious & positive form of all god of gods. Relation of Earth, person and mars: Every human is child of earth but earth’s fi rst child is mars so via mars earth wants to transform a person to higher spiritual dimensions. mars is the power house of energy. when a person connects with mars by spiritual bonding, its energy works for him and his negative energy is shifted to the earth where mother earth absorbs all the malefi c doshas and bad energy into herself via mars, so in this way the planet mars, the person and the earth are all connected spiritually. AshtaMangal Yantra increases person’s, place’s or object’s aura within a span of few minutes and corrects the vibrations and frequencies and heals and cures it. Why we need AshtaMangal: As we know that we are in last yug that is Kaliyuga, in this yug people has become more Selfi sh, Egoistic, and are easily infl uenced by the materialistic world and they get more and more driven into bad activities. Result of that is that they compete with bad health,
depression, stress and anxiety. AshtaMangal can only make them aware of their duties, give them a sense of their origin and the purpose behind their birth. it also helps in clearing all clutters of mind, body and soul,& stabilises an individual in health, wealth and fame. It provides them special powers and brings positivity from everywhere. So in today's era AshtaMangal is the one and only solution for all our problems and hence it is created for the benefi t of mankind and the universe. Uses and Benefi ts of Ashtamangal Yantra The actual benefi ts of this Spiritual device are too many to begin with but after testing this Spiritual device on a group of subjects, we can explain a few of them as follows: • Increases the cosmic energy & aura of the human body 1000 times. • Heals and repairs the body internally thus fulfi lling defi ciencies like vitamin defi ciency, mineral defi ciency & hormonal defi ciency & also overcoming weaknesses. • Provides power to the internal spiritual organs of the body such as the mind, the chakras, and the soul. • Savior from sudden harm and unoccasional death, making a person accident proof. • Anti-ageing device keeping you in a constant state of bliss, thus spreading your aura and increasing your charm & magnetism. • Boosts your confi dence and gives you success in competitions, exams, sports etc and making you a winner in every fi eld. • Never lets you down, whatever is the situation. The possessor of the
AshtaMangal Spiritual device remains far from stress & leads a life free of tensions & insomnia. • Cleanses bad energy and corrects all planetary, bodily & Vastu Doshas from
the surroundings. • Creates a protective shield around harmful mobile, TV, radio, electromagnetic and ultraviolet radiations. • Improves the mental and fi nancial situation immediately by helping you make the right decisions in your life. • Improves the fertility & sexual appeal of the person. • Boosts your immunity and protects you from viral and bacterial diseases, also easily healing fractures, resulting in an increase in your haemoglobin. • Makes your relationships stronger by creating stronger bonding between you, your family & loved ones. • Increases and improves your overall way of life and thinking. Instructions and duties to follow: When one becomes follower, believer or devotee of AshtaMangal they get some duties to fulfi l towards society and nature which are as follows: • Spreading love • Respecting every mechanism of nature • Being helpful towards everyone • Avoiding lying to anyone • Being unconditional & non-judgemental towards everybody • Being honest and hard working • Cleaning our surroundings • Planting trees • Taking responsibility of planet and every being on it After following the above given duties one needs to surrender themselves to AshtaMangal by surrendering all their sorrows, miseries, desires everything, and not expecting anything from it in return. Everything will automatically fall in place and one will get what they deserve and much more.
Casting of Horoscope Charts - Unity in Diversity!
By R. Subramanian
All over the world, the countries are generally so named as to follow the predominant language being spoken by their citizens. China, Russia, France, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia to name a few. In U.S.A and U.K. english is of course the common language. In other countries two or three languages may be in use. Our motherland, India is indeed a classic example of unity in diversity, with so many languages being spoken and used in our country. In act, the different states or India are reorganised based on the predominant languages only. Besides tis language, different cultures, customs, eradiation's including food, clothing habits are also evident. In spite of these variations, our country, India is a shining example of a truly federal state in the modern world. This unity in diversity is also applicable and evident in Astrology. Let us proceed further to confi rm the same. We all know that vedic astrology is indeed a natural science of astronomy (study of stars and planets in the zodiac). The Vedic astrology principles were evolved centuries ago by the wisdom and foresight of our great sags, seers like Parashara, Varahamihira etc. These fundamental principles of Vedic Astrology were passed on to the next generation verbatim and practiced even today all over the country. However a closer look at the horoscope casting pattern becomes necessary, as explained below. The author, a native of Chennai city in Tamilnadu practicising astrology, was confronted to study of particular horoscope of his next neighbour (Telugu Andhra native) manner, the author could not immediately understand the horoscope of his neighbour. Only after a period of considerable and systematic period of time he could learn and then offer predictions for the horoscope chart presented. Such constructing styles of horoscope casting are presented below for the benefi t of the reader. I. Typical Tamilnadu Horoscope Pattern
II. Typical Andhra Horoscope pattern
Note : In Chart -I the twelve houses from Aries
to Pisces are represented in the clockwise directions whereas in chart II (Andhra) the same twelve houses from Aries to Pisces are placed in Anti clock wise direction. For the planetary positions based on the exact date and time of birth, more care and time is necessary as above and also for predicting future events. The fundamental principles of Astrology remain the same to study a particular horoscope this time belonging a business man client in North Chennai (Delhi native). The Horoscope chart compiled was still different form the horoscope patterns of either Tamilnadu or Andhra Pradesh. Once again the author has to devote considerable time and energy to understand the horoscope pattern prevalent in north India, before predicting the future events. III. Typical North Indian Horoscope Pattern to offer predictions. There is scope for further research study in this directions.
In chart III, the twelve houses are marked differently. Janma lagna and seventh house from Janma lagna are placed in the centre, directly opposite to one another. Though there is room for the placement of twelve houses from Aries to Pisces such placement shall vary from Individual to individual; whereas in chart I and chart II the house are fi xed, though in the opposite direction. The duty of an astrologer is to cater to the needs of a client may be from Tamilnadu, Andhra or Delhi. Therefore one has to study and be familiar with various horoscope patterns available