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CIWM has recently published the results of its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) survey. The primary purpose of the survey, undertaken in Autumn 2021, was to gather insights for the CIWM EDI strategy, launched in April 2022, but the results are now being shared as they provide some insights that could be useful for the wider sector.
The EDI survey was circulated to a wide group to obtain a broad insight into the experiences of those working in the UK waste, recycling and resource management sector.
Although the survey response rate was too low for CIWM to gather sufficient data to provide a baseline for the sector, the information collected provides interesting insights and opinions that will further CIWM’s work in EDI.
In discussing the findings with other professional bodies and others working to address EDI, CIWM is aware that often it is those who feel most impacted by challenges related to EDI that respond to surveys on the topic and this should be taken into account when considering the demographics of those who responded. As a result, CIWM is looking at how to ensure engagement with a much broader range of people in its EDI work going forwards.
Personal experiences
As part of the comprehensive survey, respondents were given the opportunity to express their personal experiences in relation to EDI. These experiences have influenced CIWM’s EDI strategy and have shown that the benefits of addressing EDI in the sector go beyond those areas many would expect.
Of those surveyed, some responses included:
➜ 60% (of which 15% strongly agree) believe the sector provides an environment that encourages the free and open expression of ideas, opinions and beliefs.
➜ 77% believe that there are policies and procedures to promote diversity and inclusion in their own organisations but only 38% agree that these exist across the sector.
➜ 40% indicated they had seen, heard or witnessed comments or behaviour that has made them uncomfortable within their own organisations in the last 12 months.
Updated For 2023
With CIWM’s Operator Competence Scheme subject to a continuous revision process, the 2023 updates will see the most significant changes for six years.
The adjustments, many of which are based on feedback from the sector, will make sure the programmes continue to be fit-for-purpose and equip learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to work safely on site. They will also prioritise environmental protection and compliance with their environmental permits.
For the primary competence qualifications, indicative content has been added to help learners and qualification centre staff better interpret the learning outcomes and assessment criteria. For continuing competence, work has been undertaken with sector specialists to update the syllabi and develop an accessible question bank that challenges learners and gives them the opportunity to demonstrate they’ve kept their knowledge and competence up to date.
More information on the updates to primary and continuing competence –as well as the updated revision guides – will be available in the coming weeks. u
A high level of total respondents – 73% – agreed that they have a strong sense of belonging to the sector but only 16% of respondents felt that there is a good level of diverse representation at senior management level. These scores influenced the inclusion of activity in the EDI strategy designed to attract more diversity in senior roles at CIWM.
Improving EDI in the sector
When asked what areas CIWM should prioritise to improve EDI in the sector overall, the most common suggestions were:
➜ better education on the issue for all
Full survey results
➜ more diverse role models (e.g., speakers at events) organisational culture outreach programmes to schools and colleges recruitment and induction processes.
These responses were in line with feedback collated from the CIWM focus groups and EDI working group.
The future of the EDI in the sector
Poor EDI practices have a negative impact on the whole of the sector. They make the industry less attractive and make it less successful as a sector in general.
76% of respondents agreed that the waste and resources sector is one in which there are good opportunities and so lead, mercury, and coolants which are dangerous to people and the environment.
CIWM is committed to making these opportunities available to a diverse workforce. CIWM will continue to work towards its wider goals of improving the pool of talent and attracting new skills into the sector through the EDI strategy and related initiatives.

Although the sample size of the survey was small, addressing the issues and concerns that were shared by the respondents will be of high importance of CIWM to support the move to a world beyond waste.
Much more needs to be done to reach out to the whole sector. The journey has only just begun.
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Please visit www.ciwm.co.uk/edi to download the full survey results and read more about CIWM’s EDI work and strategy.
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