vol.1 - Issue 2 - 2013

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A CASE OF CONTROVERSY We can't know the value of the human being unless we get that the impact of his work which has an area of communication and sustainability that exceeds the stage of his life as an individual and exceeds an extended generations and for communities which he don't live in but have an idea based on his presence or his absence. And sustainability of thought and idea doesn't mean to follow or the dependency of the individual or his works, but it the denial of the work itself and criticizing it is the value which leaves a space to think and to re-read it for facing scientific, practical, conversational, and critical challenges. The dialectic case here is between with or against which represents a value for the individual and for his work in life and history. Hassan Fathy in the Human History is one of those controversial cases in the courtyard of Architecture and Urbanism and life in Egypt and the world wide and recommended as one of the pioneers of architecture and philosophy. His works and studies for building, helping the poor, building the environment, his ability to blend the heritage and civilization of Egypt and the teachings of the Islamic architecture, thoughts and the study of the Western schools, witnessed a state of controversy in his life and to this day and in the future, whether by a fanatic or a rejecter and in between these cases; the heir, trader, student, fascinated person, deplorable, and the one seeking to cause harm. His works were described between the absolute success and the extreme failure to remain Hassan Fathy a dialectic case. 4


Recently Hassan's works were a way to ask through:" If his architect is able to be applied in 2013 and in the future with the new data for the construction of the future Egypt and through the whole world?" this was in Hassan's Fathy Award which was held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Then asking again:" If the works of Hassan Fathy is a special case of a unique architectural product or from developed integrated balanced thoughts that could emanate from it sustainable communities able to be applied from the real view of recognizing and comprehension. There isn't a prime architect in the world who doesn't know Hassan Fathy or studying his approach, and there isn't a graduated architect in Egypt from the educational institutes didn't hear about Hassan Fathy either studying his approach or he didn't have the e opportunity to do so. Hassan Fathy was over the struggle and his way through 89 years old an outstanding unique case of a philosopher, teacher, inspiring, mediator, and feeling pain because he wanted to be a student in the Faculty of Agriculture, at that time he wasn't able to join the Faculty as it was a frustration to him to link between cultivating the land as a cause of building it. I don't have a direct balance of knowledge to talk about Hassan Fathy in the way of remembering memories when circumstances permit for dear friends and architects all over Egypt and the world to interact and deal and to be students for him as they were his followers. Some of them kept their promise, some gone right, some of them made mistakes, while others made themselves a heir of a right intending invalid right. My relation with him started by denying from an educational institution which I studied in and by contemporary professors describing Hassan's works and thoughts in the time of differences and after the industrial revolution as fakes: " In fact in the time that the world reaches the moon, there is still who wants to build by mud", and colleagues from his generation criticized and described him as a failing experience. But once I graduated in 1984 and returning back to Cairo, was the beginning of the architecture friction society. But because of sometimes, or in most cases we haven't become accustomed to scientific research but getting it by listening in the time where therer aren't information network available for studying or searching, in this time Hassan Fathy was known to me as a discovery. Due to my stupidity and ignorant, my chance to meet him directly was lost, as

I studied his approaches and works in the Masters and PhD when I was asked to teach a lecture about Hassan Fathy the architecture of the world 1989 ( time of death) in 1990 in England Over 19 different nationalities. At this time, I was ought to return to all the references and with these references I got Hassan Fathy as development thought before a architecture and As a reforming step in Egypt at that time when reforming was considered to be started from the Egyptian village. Through my studies, I did Hassan's same trip over Nubia, Aswan and Quanah; studying tourist projects, mosques, models which claimed that it represents Hassan Fathy, as well as; the Hassan Fathy's home model for the graduates. I found Hassan Fathy in Nepal, India, and in conferences in Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal and the Gulf, and Argentina and in everywhere, every area Hassan Fathy was there; you can see the controversy between whom follow him and who is against him. Today, 2013, with competition there was who follows Hassan Fathy footsteps and hasn't seen, but was learned from his works . I found in the competition that there were woks which derived Hassan Fathy's spirit and came out of the work of architect dome and vault and clay to be formed in the community participation and link the habitant by work and the type quality of life. Hassan Fathy's architect wasn't an idol but an idea which accept the developments age , location, position, time and technical understanding of environment to the sustainability through the community. With Egypt's challenges today and the necessity of working out of the 5% with its pressure and frustrations of the valley to build Egypt in 95% of its idle capacity, then Hassan Fathy have to be the inspiration to the sustainable communities and youth have to keep on it in the architect of Hassan Fathy and in his construction, getting his principles and translating them in the spirit of the developmental thought and the reality of technical challenging's that Egypt will face in the future. Hassan Fathy was an Egyptian case who is seeking the sustainable communities to take into account the quality of life where constructions, such as water and air, such as clothing and food for the rich and the poor, recognizing the disease and providing the medication, which is not only a celebration of lament, but an energy of thought and tender, wishing him an eternal life in the sky and a lot of praying. 18 February 2013

،‫ معلما‬،‫عاما حالة من احلاالت املتميزة الفريدة فليسوفا‬ ‫وملهما ومتأمال ومتأملا اراد ان يكون طالبا في كلية الزراعة‬ ‫ولم يتمكن في ذلك الوقت من االلتحاق بها وكان احباط‬ .‫ان يزرع االرض سببا ان يرتبط بعمارة االرض‬ ‫ال املك رصيد معرفي مباشر ان احتدث عن حسن فتحي‬ ‫حديث االذكريات كما سمحت الظروف ألصدقاء اعزاء‬ ‫ومعماريني علي مستوي مصر العالم تفاعلوا وتعاملوا‬ ‫وتتلمذوا علي يده وكانوا من مريديه فمنهم من صدق‬ ‫الوعد وأصاب وأخطأ ومنهم من جعل نفسه الوارث بحق‬ .‫يراد به باطل‬ ‫عالقتي به بدأت باالنكار من مؤسسة تعليمية درست بها‬ ‫واساتذة معاصرين له وصفوا اعمال وفكر حسن فتحي‬ ‫في زمن التغريب وما بعد الثورة الصناعية مبثابة التخريف‬ ‫"كون في الوقت الذي وصل فيه العالم للقمر ال يزال‬ ‫هناك من يريد ان يبني بالطني" زمالء له من جيله انتقدوه‬ ‫ ولكن مبجرد تخرجي في عام‬.‫ووصفوه كتجربه فاشلة‬ ،‫ ونزولي القاهرة وبدايات االحتكاك باجملتمع املعماري‬1984 ‫وآلن في بعض االحيان او في معظم االحيان لم نتعود علي‬ ‫البحث العلمي وامنا بالتلقي والعلم السماعي في زمن لم‬ ‫يكن فيه الشبكة املعلوماتية متوفرة للدراسة والبحث‬ .‫فقد عرفت حسن فتحي باالكتشاف‬ ‫ ودرسته‬،‫أضعت فرصة لقاءه املباشر بغباء اجلاهل املغيب‬ ‫وتدارست اعماله في املاجستير والدكتوراه وعندما طلب‬ ‫ جنسية مختلفة ان‬19 ‫ في اجنلترا من خالل‬1990 ‫مني عام‬ ‫اقوم انا كمصري بعمل محاضرة عن حسن فتحي معماري‬ ‫ كان البد ان اعود لكل املرجعيات‬.(‫ )سنة وفاته‬1989 ‫العالم‬ ‫ قبل منتج‬،‫ومعها تفهمت حسن فتحي كفكر تنموي‬ ‫معماري وكخطوة اصالح مصر في ذلك الوقت عندما‬ .‫اعتبر ان إصالح مصر من يبدأ من صالح القرية املصرية‬ ‫ومن خالل دراستي قمت بنفس رحلة حسن فتحي من بالد‬ ‫ وتدارست املشروعات السياحية‬،‫النوبة وأسوان والقرنة‬ ‫ وكذلك‬،‫واملساجد والنماذج التي ادعت انها حسن فتحي‬ ‫ وجدت‬.‫مشروع منوذج منزل حسن فتحي لشباب اخلريجني‬ ‫حسن فتحي في نيبال والهند وفي مؤمترات في ايطاليا‬ ‫واملانيا واسبانيا والبرتغال وبالد اخلليج وكوريا والصني‬ ‫واالرجنتني وفي كل مساحة ومكان وجد حسن فتحي‬ .‫معه جدال ال مع وال ضد خاصة من من عاصروه‬ ‫ مع املسابقة هناك من ميشي علي خطي‬2013 ‫واليوم‬ ‫حسن فتحي ولم يراه ولكن مت استيعابه من اعماله‬ ‫ووجدت في املسابقة اعمال استمدت روح حسن فتحي‬ ‫وخرجت من العمل التشكيلي من مفرادات العمارة قبة‬ ‫وقبو وطني لتتفكر في املشاركة اجملتمعية وربط السكن‬ ‫ ولم تكن عمارة حسن فتحي‬.‫بالعمل وجودة نوعية احلياة‬ ‫صنما وامنا فكرا يتقبل مستجدات العصر واملوقع واملوضع‬ ‫والزمن والتقنية وفهم للبيئة لألستدامة من خالل اجملتمع‬ ‫احمللي‬ ‫ وما‬%5 ‫ومع حتديات مصر اليوم ووجوب العمل للخروج من‬ ‫ من‬%95 ‫بها من ضغوط واحباطات الوادي لبناء مصر في‬ ‫طاقاتها املعطلة فليكن حسن فتحي ملهما جملتمعات‬ ‫مستدامة والبد معها للشباب ان يتفقه في عمارة‬ ‫وعمران حسن فتحي وفهم املبادئ وترجمتها وفقا لروح‬ ‫الفكر التنموي وواقع وحتديات التقنية املتاحة ملستقبل‬ ‫مصر‬ ‫كان حسن فتحي حالة مصريه تبحث عن مجتمعات‬ ‫مستدامة يراعي فيها نوعية جودة احلياة يكون فيها‬ ‫ لألغنياء‬،‫ مثل الكساء والغذاء‬،‫ مثل املاء والهواء‬،‫البناء‬ ‫ليس‬،‫ وفسر باآلهواء‬،‫ فهم الداء وقدم الدواء‬،‫والفقراء‬ ‫ له اخللد في السماء‬،‫احتفالية للرثاء بل طاقة فكر وعطاء‬ .‫وله منا الدعاء‬ 2013 ‫ فبراير‬18

:2013 ‫حسن فتحي‬

‫حالة جدال‬ ‫ال ميكن ان تعرف قيمة إنسان اال عندما يكون األثر في عمله‬ ‫له مساحة من التواصل واالستدامة تتعدي مرحله حياته‬ ‫ وجملتمعات لم يعيش فيها أو يحياها‬،‫كفرد وألجيال تتعداه‬ ‫ واستدامه‬.‫بل يكون فكره اساس وجوده مع عدم تواجده‬ ‫الفكر والفكرة ليس معناه اتباع او تبعية للفرد او اعماله‬ ‫ولكن قد يكون نقد العمل وانكاره في حد ذاته قيمة‬ ‫ومساحة للفكر وإلعادة قراءته ملا يثيره من حتديات علمية‬ ‫وعملية وحوارية ونقدية وتكون احلالة اجلدلية بني مع او‬ .‫ضد هي قيمة للفرد ولفكره وعمله في احلياة والتاريخ‬ ‫وحسن فتحي في التاريخ االنساني هو احد تلك احلاالت‬ ‫ في مصر‬،‫اجلدلية في ساحة العمارة والعمران واحلياة‬ .‫ ويوثق كأحد رواد العمارة والفلسفة‬،‫والعالم أجمع‬ ‫رة االرض وعمارة الفقراء‬v‫شهدت اعماله ودراساته لعما‬ ‫وعمارة البيئة وقدراته للمزج بني تراث وحضارة مصر‬ ‫وتعاليم العمارة االسالمية وفكر وعلم املدارس الغربية‬ ‫حالة من النقاش في حياته والي اليوم وفي املستقبل‬ ‫سواء مبتعصب او رافض وبني البينني مساحات من الوارث‬ ‫ ووصفت‬،‫واملتاجر والدارس واملنبهر واملستنكر واملتربص‬ ‫اعماله بني النجاح املطلق او الفشل املدقع ليبقي حسن‬ .‫ حالة جدلية‬2013 ‫فتحي‬ ‫ومؤخرا جائزة حسن فتحي التي اقيمت في مكتبه‬ ‫ نطقت االعمال متساءله هل فكر وعمارة‬،‫االسكندرية‬ 2013 ‫حسن فتحي قادرا ان يجد مساحة للتطبيق في‬ ‫واملستقبل مع املعطيات اجلديدة لبناء مصر املستقبلية‬ ‫بل وعمارة العالم اجمع؟ هل أعمال حسن فتحي حالة‬ ‫خاصة من منتج معماري متفرد أم فكر تنموي متوازن‬ ‫ومتكامل ميكن ان ينبع منه مجتمعات مستدامة صاحلة‬ ‫للتطبيق من واقع الفهم واالستيعاب‬ ‫اليوجد معماري متميزا في العالم ال يعرف حسن فتحي‬ ‫ وال يوجد معماري في مصر متخرجا من‬،‫او يتدارسه‬ ‫معاهدها العلمية لم يسمع عن حسن فتحي سواء‬ .‫تدراسه او لم تتاح له الفرصة‬ 89 ‫كان حسن فتحي علي مدار جهاده ورسالته في‬ FEBRUARY 2013





2013 Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition - Italy

Flat Lot Competition

Design inspired and imaginative architecture using Italian Ceramic Tiles Enter the 2013 Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition Win $15,000 in prizes and 3 trips to Italy Confindustria Ceramica (the Italian Association of Ceramics) and the Italian Trade Commission, are proud to announce the 2013 Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition Call for Entries. The competition, now in its 20th year, recognizes the exceptional work of North American architects and designers who feature Italian ceramic tiles in their institutional, residential or commercial/hospitality spaces. Prizes Winners in each category will receive a cash prize of $4,000 and a five-day trip to Bologna, Italy to attend CERSAIE 2013 – the world’s largest exhibition for ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings – joining a delegation of top consumer and design journalists. Ceramics of Italy will award an additional $1,000 to be shared by the winning contractor/distributor team. Rules The competition is open to all North American architects and interior designers. Domestic and international new construction and renovation projects completed between January 2008 and January 2013 are eligible for entry. Categories - Institutional - Residential - Commercial/Hospitality Criteria A panel of design experts will judge the projects based on their creativity, functionality and aesthetic appeal. The official criterion for the jury includes: overall design of the project, innovative use of tile, tile design, quality of installation, degree that tile enhances the setting and the project’s sustainable attributes. More Information: www.tilecompetition.com

The American Institute of Architects – Flint and Flint Public Art Project announce the first annual Flat Lot Competition, a program to design and build a temporary summer pavilion in the central parking lot in downtown Flint.



Formerly occupied by a series of office buildings and storefronts along Saginaw Street, the full–block surface parking lot known as the Flat Lot has become a staging ground for parades, flower–plantings, car shows, road races, and almost every sort of public event that draws large crowds. The Flat Lot Competition seeks proposals to design and build an innovative temporary structure that provides shelter, shade, and seating for a wide range of public events, defines space within the lot, and demonstrates the capacity of contemporary architectural form–making to transform space and captivate the public imagination – all while occupying no more than eight parking spaces during normal business hours. The winner of the competition will receive $25,000 to realize their proposal. A collaboration between AIA–Flint, Flint Public Art Project and the Downtown Development Authority, the Flat Lot Competition is modeled after the MoMA/PS1 Young Architects Program, which every year reinvents the former public school courtyard in Long Island City, Queens as a popular place for summer events and concerts. The Flat Lot will be a new center and symbol for the city, an attraction for regional visitors, and a site that amplifies the many existing events that help define cultural life in Flint. flintpublicartproject.com

Burningman 2013 Design Build Competition - Airport Terminal & Pilot’s Lounge - Wanna Fly! Awards: Award Ceremony Recognition at 2013 Black Rock City Municipal Airport Terminal and an air trip for two before, after, or during the Event from Black Rock City Municipal Airport to Soldiers Meadow for a soak and meal. Panel of Judges: Thom Faulders, Eric Corey Freed, Thomas Rettenwender, and Michael Twing, Steve Ramseur (co-designers of previous Terminal) and 1-2 more judges to be announced. Judging Criteria: The projects will be judged according to the following categories : Feasibility, Creativity, Sustainability, Flow and Efficient Use of Space, Choice of Materials. Vision and Description Burning Man 2013 will be in its 27th year and is the largest and highest profile participatory Art Event and collaborative social living experiment in the World. Close to 60,000 people are expected to attend the weeklong event from August 25 to September 1, 2013. Some participants and almost all of the high profile attendees fly into the Airport at Burning Man called the Black Rock City Municipal Airport (BRCMA), which borders the enclosed event. During the Event it is the most active airport in Nevada. Estimated Construction cost limited to $20,000. Registration Deadline: 2/05/2013 Submission deadline: 02/15/2013 Open to: All http://ecologicdesignlab.com/competitions/ Tags for this entry: usa, festival, airport, terminal, desert, nevada, burning man



Egypt Set Set To To Build Build First First Nuclear Nuclear Egypt Power Plant Plant Completes Completes RFP RFP Power Egyptian Electricity and Energy Minister Egyptian Electricity and Energy Minister Saad Mahmoud Balbaa said that the plans Saad Mahmoud Balbaa said that the plans to set up the country’s first nuclear power to set up the country’s first nuclear power plant are underway. plant are underway. Balbaa noted that the ministry had comBalbaa noted that the ministry had completed the preparation of a Request For pleted the preparation of a Request For Proposals (RFP) and related other speciProposals (RFP) and related other specifications for the set up of a nuclear plant, fications for the set up of a nuclear plant, reports Egypt Independent. reports Egypt Independent. Following approval from the Egyptian Following approval from the Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy, the pamphlet President Mohamed Morsy, the pamphlet will be presented to investors. The energy will be presented to investors. The energy ministry is expecting to implement the ministry is expecting to implement the nuclear project this year. nuclear project this year. It was also reported that the nation's nuIt was also reported that the nation's nuclear program aims to establish four powclear program aims to establish four power plants to produce a total of 4000MW by er plants to produce a total of 4000MW by 2025. 2025. The first nuclear plant is scheduled to The first nuclear plant is scheduled to come on line by 2020. come on line by 2020. In addition, the ministry is encouraging In addition, the ministry is encouraging investors to spend on renewable enerinvestors to spend on renewable energy resources, according to Balbaa. Over gy resources, according to Balbaa. Over 7845km² of area has been allocated to 7845km² of area has been allocated to build wind energy projects in the Gulf of build wind energy projects in the Gulf of Suez and on the banks of the Nile. Suez and on the banks of the Nile. Balbaa also informed that a solar plan to Balbaa also informed that a solar plan to add 3500MW of power by 2027 has been add 3500MW of power by 2027 has been approved by the Council of Ministers approved by the Council of Ministers

‫احتكار فى‬ ‫ الال احتكار‬:‫لألسمنت‬ :‫الفارج لألسمنت‬ ‫الفارج‬ ‫فى‬ ‫السوق األسمنت‬ ‫السوق‬ ‫األسمنت‬ ‫ رئيس قطاع اإلستراتيجيات‬،‫صرح املهندس خالد غريب‬ ‫ رئيس قطاع اإلستراتيجيات‬،‫صرح املهندس خالد غريب‬ ‫ أن شركات األسمنت العاملة فى‬،‫بشركة الفارج مصر‬ ‫ أن شركات األسمنت العاملة فى‬،‫بشركة الفارج مصر‬ ‫ مشيرا ً إلى أن الشركات‬،‫السوق احمللية ال متارس أية احتكار‬ ‫ مشيرا ً إلى أن الشركات‬،‫السوق احمللية ال متارس أية احتكار‬ ‫ من السوق‬52% ‫األجنبية فى السوق تغطى نحو‬ ‫ من السوق‬52% ‫األجنبية فى السوق تغطى نحو‬ .‫ لشركات محلية‬48% ‫والنسبة املتبقية التى تصل إلى‬ .‫ لشركات محلية‬48% ‫والنسبة املتبقية التى تصل إلى‬ ‫ أن العرض والطلب فى سوق األسمنت متوازن‬،‫وأكد غريب‬ ‫ أن العرض والطلب فى سوق األسمنت متوازن‬،‫وأكد غريب‬ ،‫ال يسمح للشركات متعددة اجلنسيات باحتكار السوق‬ ،‫ال يسمح للشركات متعددة اجلنسيات باحتكار السوق‬ ‫الفتا ً فى هذا الصدد إلى أن جهاز حماية املنافسة ومنع‬ ‫الفتا ً فى هذا الصدد إلى أن جهاز حماية املنافسة ومنع‬ ‫املمارسات االحتكارية يعمل بقوة وحرفية متكنه من ضبط‬ ‫املمارسات االحتكارية يعمل بقوة وحرفية متكنه من ضبط‬ .‫السوق وحماية الشركات من أية تالعبات‬ .‫السوق وحماية الشركات من أية تالعبات‬ ‫وأشار غريب خالل عرضه لدراسة عن سوق البناء والعقارات‬ ‫وأشار غريب خالل عرضه لدراسة عن سوق البناء والعقارات‬ ‫ بل‬،‫فى مصر إلى أن مصر ال تزال من أهم أسواق املنطقة‬ ‫ بل‬،‫فى مصر إلى أن مصر ال تزال من أهم أسواق املنطقة‬ ‫والعالم نظرا ً ملا متتلكه من إمكانات ومعدل مواليد يعطى‬ ‫والعالم نظرا ً ملا متتلكه من إمكانات ومعدل مواليد يعطى‬ .‫جاذبية للشركات املستثمرة‬ .‫جاذبية للشركات املستثمرة‬ 8 8


Egyptian Students Students Build Build SolarSolarEgyptian Generated House House Generated A team of 20 students are joining the A team of 20 students are joining the global Solar Decathlon competition by global Solar Decathlon competition by building a house completely powered by building a house completely powered by solar energy. solar energy. After continuous blackouts that have been After continuous blackouts that have been occurring throughout last year and AlAhoccurring throughout last year and AlAhram’s recent prominent first-page headram’s recent prominent first-page headline: ‘We await a dark winter and a black line: ‘We await a dark winter and a black summer’, Egyptians are concerned with summer’, Egyptians are concerned with how they can save on electricity or at least how they can save on electricity or at least have an alternative source of energy – eshave an alternative source of energy – especially after the government hinted that pecially after the government hinted that it might increase the price of electricity by it might increase the price of electricity by annulling subsidies. annulling subsidies. “When people see an actual built house “When people see an actual built house that fully relies on solar panels as an energy that fully relies on solar panels as an energy source in Egypt, they will start to believe in source in Egypt, they will start to believe in the possibility of turning to alternative enthe possibility of turning to alternative energy, and thus, the country will move forergy, and thus, the country will move forward.”: the contagiously optimistic words ward.”: the contagiously optimistic words of Egyptian university students that have of Egyptian university students that have been working on building a “Solar-House” been working on building a “Solar-House” for almost two years. for almost two years. The house is part of a global competition The house is part of a global competition called Solar Decathlon, which takes place called Solar Decathlon, which takes place every two years in a different part of the every two years in a different part of the world – and this time, it is in China. The world – and this time, it is in China. The only African and Middle Eastern team paronly African and Middle Eastern team participating in the final stages is from Egypt, ticipating in the final stages is from Egypt, particularly from the American University, particularly from the American University, and carries the name “Slide-S”. and carries the name “Slide-S”. The 20-member-team is going head-toThe 20-member-team is going head-tohead with Israel, China, Belgium, United head with Israel, China, Belgium, United States, Turkey, Iran, England, Australia, States, Turkey, Iran, England, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Malaysia, and SingaSwitzerland, Sweden, Malaysia, and Singapore, in order to build the most efficient, pore, in order to build the most efficient, solar-driven house. The houses are evalusolar-driven house. The houses are evaluated according to their architecture, marated according to their architecture, market appeal, engineering, communications, ket appeal, engineering, communications, affordability, hot water, appliances, home affordability, hot water, appliances, home entertainment, energy balance and comentertainment, energy balance and comfort zone. fort zone.

AIA Announces 2013 Honor Awards Recipients "USA" 2012 Milliard Milliard Egyptian Egyptian Pounds Pounds 2012 for Building Building Materials Materials ExportaExportafor tion by 2035. tion by 2035. Dr. Waleed Jamal Uddin, Chairman of Dr. Waleed Jamal Uddin, Chairman of Building Materials Export Council, deBuilding Materials Export Council, declared the realization of the council for clared the realization of the council for exportations of 34.989 Milliard Egyptian exportations of 34.989 Milliard Egyptian Pounds on 2012 to keep its position for the Pounds on 2012 to keep its position for the export councils export councils He said that the Council had %26 of the He said that the Council had %26 of the non-petroleum Egyptian exports total non-petroleum Egyptian exports total which registered about 131 milliard Egypwhich registered about 131 milliard Egyptian pounds in the past year. tian pounds in the past year. "Numbers of the exports of the Council "Numbers of the exports of the Council during the implementation of the exports during the implementation of the exports reduplication plan which began to be reduplication plan which began to be implemented on 2005 exceeded always implemented on 2005 exceeded always the purposed numbers with percentages the purposed numbers with percentages between %15 and %20 comparing to what between %15 and %20 comparing to what was purposed" he added. was purposed" he added. He indicated to the exports of building He indicated to the exports of building materials raising from 24.5 milliard of materials raising from 24.5 milliard of Egyptian pounds on 2007 to 28 milliards Egyptian pounds on 2007 to 28 milliards of Egyptian pounds on 2010, then to 34 of Egyptian pounds on 2010, then to 34 milliards of Egyptian pounds on 2011, milliards of Egyptian pounds on 2011, and they increased on this actual year to and they increased on this actual year to be %38 than the purposed number by 10 be %38 than the purposed number by 10 milliards of Egyptian pounds than the purmilliards of Egyptian pounds than the purposed number. posed number. He clarified that the Export Council preHe clarified that the Export Council prepared an integrated plan to increase the pared an integrated plan to increase the exportations of the building materials secexportations of the building materials sector which was based on removal of the obtor which was based on removal of the obstacles of some of the sectors following to stacles of some of the sectors following to the Council, specially the sector of marble the Council, specially the sector of marble and granite which suffer from raising of its and granite which suffer from raising of its production costs due to the bad case of production costs due to the bad case of the main roads which joins between the the main roads which joins between the marble main sockets and industrialization marble main sockets and industrialization areas and exportation ports. areas and exportation ports.

Yong Ho Ji Hybrid-Human Tire Sculptures korean artist yong ho ji has expanded his 'mutant mythos' series, continuing to create sculptures with layers of used tire strips bound together by synthetic resins on supporting frames of steel, wood, or styrofoam. examining genetically modified organisms and darwin's evolutionary theory, this body of work depicts eight stages of transformation in the tradition of classical sculpture: carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous animals, anthropods, fish, hybrid animals, hybrid humans, and finally humans. having grown up at the base of a large mountain in korea, ji adopted tires as his signature material based on a childhood memory of the spare wheel on his family's jeep, vital in the rural landscape where his grandmother raised cattle and other livestock. this early exposure to both domesticated and wild animals informed his desire to make art about humanity's responsibility to nature,

The American Institute of Architects has selected the 2013 recipients of the Institute Honor Awards, the profession’s highest recognition of works that exemplify excellence in architecture, interior architecture, and urban design. AIA will honor the 28 winners, selected from a pool of more than 700 applicants, at the AIA 2013 National Convention and Design Exposition in Denver. From a sustainable convention center to an automotive garage turned into hip wine tasting room, here’s a peek at a few of the amazing award-winning projects Originally housed in a Paul Cret gallery in an arboretum in Merion, Pennsylvania, the Barnes Foundation collection has moved to a 93,000-squre-foot building on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in downtown Philadelphia. Conceived as “a gallery in a garden and a garden in a gallery,” the new building honors the Merion facility and provides visitors with a personal and contemplative experience Inspired by the client’s rock-and-roll style, the space is capable of transforming from office and retail to dining and entertainment. Fit within a former auto shop (built in 1917), the design highlights the patina and aesthetics of its former life, featuring a large shape-shifting element dubbed the Armadillo, as well as large hand-cranked pivoting window walls that merge the interior with the exterior. Prefabrication of substantial components including the Armadillo and mobile furniture including seating, tables and stages contribute to the fluidity of the space The Complete List 2013 Institute Honor Awards for Architecture Art Stable – Seattle – by Olson Kundig Architects

Signal Produces A Solar Powered Snowboard california-based signal snowboards and dave lee have teamed up with powerfilm solar to create a solar-powered snowboard. developed in signal's factory, the flexible solar panels are adhered to the top sheet and then wired into a converter mounted between the bindings. to demonstrate the technology and functionality, signal travels to mammoth mountain in northern california with snowboarder tyler flanagan to see if the product lives up to the expectations of simultaneously charging batteries, cameras, and phones after

TEDxRamallah: Simply Look Inside You, Never at Others / Suad Amiry In this TEDxRamallah, Palestinian Architect Saud Amiry – who works in architectural restoration on Palestinian buildings – discusses her journey as someone finding a path for herself. Although she speaks about her nationality and her family’s refugee history, her focus is on learning how to find the things that are fulfilling in one’s life in the face of challenges. Her sense of humor and passion is inspiring. Not only is she an architect working in a field for which she has a passion.



ARCHITECTURE competitions


Location: Morocco Architecture Project: Michael Labory Bertrand Schippan Organized by: [AC-CA]



‫السجادة الطائرة‬

The ‘flying carpet’ proposal by Michael Labory & Bertrand Schippan is a modular and sustainable cover with the goal for the efficient arrangement of the functional facilities. This is attained by putting them along the site border thus maximizing the space to be used for market. They revive the dull facade of the neighboring building by bringing Rthe volume of the facilities into the shape of its skyline. Among all other things, it contributes to the increase in urban density as windowless facade becomes a part of lively market place. More

images and architects’ description after the break. Close examination of the project site shows that there will not be enough space for the market area itself if accompanying facilities e.g. cafes, kiosks, information services and restrooms are spread throughout the site. In designing for an efficient arrangement, among all other things, it contributes to the increase in urban density as windowless facade becomes a part of lively market place. Authenticity of the eastern market is highlighted by exquisite

mashrabiya façade texture. Close examination of the project site shows that there will not be enough space for the market area itself if accompanying facilities e.g. cafes, kiosks, information services and restrooms are spread throughout the site. In designing for an efficient arrangement, among all other things, it contributes to the increase in urban density as windowless facade becomes a part of lively market place. Authenticity of the eastern market is highlighted by exquisite mashrabiya façade texture.



To protect the market users and the goods from tiring heat of Morocco sun and pouring rains we lifted the whole footprint of the marketplace, creating cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The sides of the market remain open to ensure maximum accessibility, visibility of the goods on display and to benefit from natural crossventilation The lifted structure itself offers a unique chance to assign additional functions to the roof and to show its hidden potential. It takes a shape of pixelated Arabic carpet, where each pixel is a box (1 m x 1 m x 1.5m) in a grid. Pixel-boxes are meant for salesmen to store their goods. The structure itself eliminates the need in assistance for constructing and dismantling market stands every time, which means direct savings for sellers and market authorities. Pixel-boxes can be arranged at different levels thus becoming movable shop-windows with goods displayed turning into guiding signs for users Interconnected storage pixel-boxes colored in traditional shades of Arabic carpet on top and transparent on the sides constitute the roof fabric. Structurally the roof is a grid (6 m x 6 m) supported by 10 hydraulic columns that also serve as water collectors support. The cover of the market is highly flexible thanks to its structure and offers a completely new landscape: it can be lifted up in the morning forming covered market place, another moment it can be turned into Khaima for Aid events and at night disguise itself as open-air theatre. Continuous net of interconnected pixel-boxes that can move freely along the columns’ height enables the roof to take almost any whimsical shape Pixel-boxes that constitute the carpetfabric are composed of different materials and serve for various functions: PV solar cells, water collection, movable display windows, storage containers, etc. Roof colored in the shades of traditional Arabic carpet mimics its flexibility, multifunctionality and makes the space eastern fairy-tale come true.



VARIABLES Flying carpet: When the roof is lifted flat above the market plaza it becomes a platform which offers perfect viewing point of the city. There citizens can enjoy the tranquil beauty of the view on top of the eastern market sprawling with life. Khaima: By moving the pixel-boxes the roof can be turned into Khaima – traditional Moroccan tentused for Aid after Ramadam. Resemblance with carpet will add more sacredness to the place. Dome: The roof carpet fabric shaped into a dome creates a space with a very high ceiling thus enabling major city events to be carried out. Tribune: With pixel-boxes lined up as a tribune, the plaza can be used as an open-air cinema or theatre with the extended façade of the building used for projections Arcades: The roof can be easily transformed into one of the most iconic eastern market shapes by keeping its urban fabric – arcade. It will enforce the irresistible charm of Casablanca. Folie’s landscape: Depending on the desires and needs of the citizens, the plaza can be transformed into almost any unimaginable shape and form. “Your wish – is my shape” like in the

best traditions of eastern fairy tales, it can turn either in a playground for kids or a meeting place for debates, offering cover from sun, rain or street noise. Crazy Market: With the movable roof structure most unexpected and crazy visions of the market place can be realized– nothing is impossible. Depending on the seasonal goods being sold, specific market days, traditional holidays– the market place can be accordingly redesigned. Let the imagination of citizens reign. Interconnected storage pixel-boxes colored in traditional shades of Arabic carpet on top and transparent on the sides constitute the roof fabric. Structurally the roof is a grid (6 m x 6 m) supported by 10 hydraulic columns that also serve as water collectors support. The cover of the market is highly flexible thanks to its structure and offers a completely new landscape: it can be lifted up in the morning forming covered market place, another moment it can be turned into Khaima for Aid events and at night disguise itself as open-air theatre. Continuous net of interconnected pixel-boxes that can move freely along the columns’ height enables the roof to take almost any whimsical shape FEBRUARY 2013


‫ععد تصميم "السجادة الطائرة" من تصميم ‪Mi-‬‬ ‫‪ chael Labory & Bertrand Schippan‬يعد‬ ‫تغطية شاملة بهدف الترتيب الفعال للمرافق‬ ‫الوظيفية‪ ،‬وقد مت حتقيقه بواسطة وضع حدود املوقع‬ ‫وجعلها أوسع من املساحة لتستخدم في السوق‪.‬‬ ‫لقد أعادوا إحياء واجهة املبنى املعتمة للمبنى اجملاور‬ ‫بكم من املرافق في املساحة الرحبة‪ .‬إنه يساهم بني‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫األشياء األخرى في زيادة الكثافة احلضرية بواجهة‬ ‫مبنى بدون نوافذ ليصبح جزءا ً من مكان السوق‬ ‫املثير‪.‬‬ ‫يبدو أن الفحص الدقيق ملوقع املشروع لن يكون‬ ‫مساحة كافية ملنطقة السوق نفسها مثل املرافق‬ ‫املصاحبة كاملقاهي واألكشاك‪ ،‬وخدمات املعلومات‬ ‫ودورات املياه في جميع أنحاء املوقع‪ ،‬ويساهم هذا‬ ‫التصميم في زيادة الكثافة في املناطق احلضرية‬ ‫كنافذة لتصبح جزءا ً من السوق احليوي‪ ،‬ويبرز نسيج‬ ‫املشربية أصالة السوق الشرقي ذو الواجهة الرائعة‪.‬‬ ‫حلماية املستخدمني والسوق والسلع من حرارة‬ ‫الشمس واملطر الغزير قمنا بتغطية كاملة للسوق‪،‬‬ ‫وخلقنا جو مريح ورحب‪ ،‬وتبقى جوانب السوق‬ ‫مفتوحة لضمان وصول احلد األقصى من الضوء‬ ‫على السلع املعروضة واالستفادة من التهوية‬ ‫الطبيعية عبر هيكل مرفوع يوفر فرصة فريدة من‬ ‫نوعها لتخصيص وظائف إضافية للسقف وإظهار‬ ‫إمكانياتها اخلفية‪ ،‬فهو يأخذ شكل السجاد العربي‪،‬‬ ‫حيث يعد كل مربع )‪1‬م × ‪1‬م × ‪1.5‬م( في الشبكة‪،‬‬ ‫ويلغي نفس الهيكل احلاجة في املساعدة لبناء‬ ‫وتفكيك السوق في كل مرة‪ ،‬وهو ما يعني حتقيق وفرة‬ ‫مباشرة للبائعني والسلطات في السوق‪ ،‬وميكن ترتيب‬ ‫مربعات الصناديق على مختلف املستويات لتصبح‬ ‫بذلك نافذة متجرا ً متحركا ً مع السلع املعروضة التي‬ ‫تتحول إلى عالمات إرشادية للمستخدمني‪.‬‬ ‫ميثل التخزين املترابط للمربعات امللونة في الظالل‬ ‫التقليدية من السجاد العربي على اجلانبني نسيج‬ ‫السطح‪ .‬يبلغ سقف الشبكة هيكليا ً ) ‪6‬م ×‪6‬م‬ ‫( بدعم من ‪ 10‬أعمدة هيدروليكية تخدم في دعم‬ ‫الهيكل‪ ،‬ويقدم غطاء السوق درجة عالية من املرونة‬ ‫لهيكلها ويبرز املشهد اجلديد متاما ً ميكن رفعه في‬ ‫الصباح عند تغطية السوق‪ ،‬وميكن حتويل اخليمة‬ ‫لتصبح مفتوحة في الهواء‪ ،‬وميكن لصافي بكسل‬ ‫الصناديق أن يتحرك بحرية على طول ارتفاع األعمدة‪.‬‬ ‫وتتكون مكعبات الصناديق التي تشكل نسيج‬ ‫السجاد من مواد مختلفة وتخدم وظائف مختلفة‬ ‫مثل اخلاليا الشمسية الكهروضوئية وجمع املياه‬ ‫والنوافذ املنقولة وحاويات التخزين‪ ،‬وما إلى ذلك‬ ‫من السقف امللون في ظالل من السجاد العربي‬ ‫التقليدي املرن واملتعدد األداء الوظيفي‪.‬‬


‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫االختالفات‬ ‫بساط الريح‪ :‬عندما يتم رفع سقف مسطح فوق‬ ‫ساحة السوق يصبح منصة مثالية‪ ،‬ويبرز شكل‬ ‫املدينة‪ ،‬وميكن هناك للمواطنني التمتع بجمال هادئ‬ ‫وترى الطبيعة في أعلى السوق الشرقية املترامية‬ ‫االطراف‪.‬‬ ‫اخليمة‪ :‬عن طريق حتريك املربعات ميكن أن حتول إلى‬ ‫سطح اخليمة املغربية التقليدية لالستخدام بعد‬ ‫رمضان‪ ،‬والتشابه مع إضافة املزيد من السجاد الذي‬ ‫يعطي قدسية إلى املكان‪.‬‬ ‫القبة‪ :‬نسيج السجاد عبارة عن سقف على شكل‬ ‫قبة في الفضاء مع سقف عالي جدا ً مما يوفر‬ ‫مساحات لألنشطة و الفاعليات التى ميكن القيام‬ ‫بها‪.‬‬ ‫املنبر‪ :‬مع مربعات الصناديق املصطفة واملنبر‪ ،‬ميكن‬ ‫استخدام الساحة كمسجد باعتبارها في الهواء‬ ‫الطلق أومسرح مع واجهة ممتدة من املبنى‪.‬‬

‫األروقة‪ :‬ميكن حتويل السطح بسهولة إلى واحد من‬ ‫األشكال األكثر شهرة في سوق الشرق عن طريق‬ ‫احلفاظ على نسيجه احلضري واملمرات‪ ،‬فإنه سيتم‬ ‫فرض سحر ال يقاوم من تاريخ الدرا البيضاء‪.‬‬ ‫سحر الشكل ‪ :‬اعتمادا ً على رغبات واحتياجات‬ ‫املواطنني‪ ،‬ميكن أن تتحول الساحة في شكل ال‬ ‫ميكن تصوره تقريبا ً كما هو احلال في أفضل تقاليد‬ ‫احلكايات الشرقية‪ ،‬وميكن أن يتحول إما الى ملعب‬ ‫لألطفال أو مكانا ً لالجتماع لطرح املناقشات‪ ،‬ويقدم‬ ‫غطاء ضد الشمس‪.‬‬ ‫سوق مجنون‪ :‬مع هيكل سقف منزلق ميكن احداث‬ ‫زايا رؤية غير متوقعة للسوق حيث يستحيل إدراك‬ ‫ذلك‪ .‬اعتمادا ً على السلع املوسمية التي تباع‪،‬‬ ‫وأيام معينة من السوق‪ ،‬واإلجازات التقليدية ميكن‬ ‫التصميم وفقا ً لذلك‪ ،‬مع السماح خليال املواطنني‬ ‫بالتغيير‪.‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


ARCHITECTURE in progress



The Musée des Confluences in Lyon, France, is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in 2014. The museum is designed by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, in coordination with local architects and engineers. The goal of the design is the development of a space that is at once a museum for accrued knowledge, a public space of discourse, and an urban leisure space

‫الموائمة بين التاريخ والمعاصرة‬

‫متحف قصر كونفلونيه‬ Location: Lyon, France Architecture Project: COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Scheduled Completion: 2014





The building is hybrid of multiple typologies in an effort to align itself with the principles of the museum, which presents itself as a public place that provides access to the knowledge of our age. The architects’ describe, “Innovations develop within inter-spaces, within indistinctness, within the overlapping and hybridizing. Questions regarding the future will be decided within transitional fields situated between technology, biology and ethics that are the central themes of the Musée des Confluences

The resulting architecture is a mutation of form, characterized by the hybridization of various programmatic functions and building typologies. The different components combine to create the new shape of the museum, which is an extension of the park on the southern tip of the island on which the building is located. The landscape of the interior and exterior consists of ramps and surfaces that transition between inside and outside, creating a dynamic sequence of spatial events. The various exhibition halls have unique spatial structures that can alternate and change the architecture to accommodate different events





‫يعتبر قصر متحف ‪Musee des Confluences‬‬ ‫في ليون بفرنسا قيد اإلنشاء حاليا ً واملقرر االنتهاء‬ ‫من تشييده في عام ‪ ،2014‬وقد مت تصميم املتحف‬ ‫من قبل ‪ ،COOP (L) HIMMELB‬بالتنسيق مع‬ ‫املهندسني املعماريني واملهندسني احملليني‪ ،‬والهدف‬ ‫من هذا التصميم هو وضع املساحة والتى هى‬ ‫تعمل كمتحف فى الوقت ذاته للمعرفة املتراكمة‪،‬‬ ‫ومساحة عامة من النقاش ومساحة للترفيه في‬ ‫املنطقة احلضرية‪.‬‬ ‫يعتبر املبنى مزيجا ً من أمناط متعددة في محاولة‬ ‫ملالئمته مع مبادئ املتحف‪ ،‬والتي تقدم نفسها على‬ ‫أنها مكان عام يوفر الوصول إلى املعرفة في عصرنا‪.‬‬ ‫والذى يصفه املعماريون بأنه تطويرا ً للمساحات‬


‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫البينية الداخلية‪ ،‬وسيتم حتديد األسئلة املتعلقة‬ ‫باملستقبل داخل املساحات االنتقالية الواقعة بني ما‬ ‫هو بيولوجى وما هو تكنولوجي واألخالق التي تعتبر‬ ‫املوضوعات الرئيسية للمتحف‪.‬‬ ‫يعد البناء طفرة من حيث الشكل‪ ،‬الذي يتميز‬ ‫باملزج بني وظائف مختلفة وأمناط متعددة برامج‬ ‫املبنى‪ ،‬وهو يجمع بني العناصر اخملتلفة إلنشاء شكل‬ ‫جديد للمتحف الذي يعتبر امتدادا ً للحديقة على‬ ‫الطرف اجلنوبي من اجلزيرة حيث يوجد املبنى‪ .‬يتكون‬ ‫املشهد من الداخل واخلارج من ساللم وأسطح متر‬ ‫مبرحلة انتقالية بني الداخل واخلارج‪ ،‬وخلق ديناميكية‬ ‫لسلسلة من األحداث املكانية‪ ،‬ولقاعات املعرض‬ ‫اخملتلفة هياكل مكانية فريدة التي تغير البنية‬ ‫الستيعاب أحداث مختلفة‪.‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬



‫حسن فتحى‬ ‫ايقونة العمارة المصرية‬


The Egyptian Architecture Icon

Countries of old civilizations built in history always reflect themselves on the personality of its sons- always do the countries of civilizations, and Egypt, in this regard, is on the top of these old civilizations to which its sons were jointed, and it was joined to the world, giving it from its spirit, and taught the humanity many sciences, arts and literatures. So, in each specialization of science, art and literature we also find whose name is brighten, and who was famous around the world, being represents a feeder of its civilization or as a reflection on its spirit. Since the eloquent farmer, great divines and belief of autism in the old centuries, Egypt generated many of personalities. Who follows the Egyptian spirit never can be wrong with the appeared spirit existing in the voice of "Om Kalthoum" or "Abdul Wahab" in singing, and he also never to be wrong with the literature of Al-Aqqad, Naguib Mahfouz and Yahea Hakky, and he also will see the spirit in the writing of El-Abnoudy and another poets. In architecture, we find Hassan Fathy is on the top of the eminent persons in the field of architecture arts, who is distinguished with his great experience and talent in the field of architecture than the rest of the Egyptian architects and East, in addition



to his capacity to reflect the spirit and culture of this people in its architecture. The specialist in the field of architecture cannot be wrong with the spirit of pharaohs and Copts and the Islamic architecture in the works of Fathy, and he also could proficiently to digest all Egyptian architecture characteristics in all its development steps and the culture, climate, public traditions of Egypt, in addition to its religion. He could cleverly to mix all this in one unique architecture, where no another body could do except him, like the creation of the character of Egypt whether the place or the time and people, and he could be like "Om Kalthoum" and "Abdul Wahab" in their appearances in singing. In addition, Hassan Fathy established only for Egypt, taking from its soil, and building as a unique architecture which is compatible with its spirit and environment, and the unique architect is who can understand completely what the architecture manufactures by the behavior of peoples and their moods, and so he was caring to make its architecture as a cultural reflection of the spirit of its citizens and directing to their behaviors in order to understand their position, cultural and heritage. On the other hand, Fathy established only for poor, exploiting all natural environ-

ment compositions of building and the engineering forms which are more suitable for the building of this grinded category of Egyptians, which represent the major part of its people, as well as Fathy rediscovered the dome as an architectural element that is better in its function for providing of ventilation and temperature suitable to the houses without any profligacy of energy which may not be bearing by the poor budget or country resources. Hassan Fathy is again rediscovered Egypt and acknowledgement of Egyptians, and consequently he was in the grade of being "Icon of Egyptian Architecture".

‫ مناخها‬،‫استطاع ان يهضم ثقافة مصر وروحها‬ ‫ حتى ديانتها واستطاع مبهارة ان‬،‫وتقاليد شعبها‬ ‫ميزج كل هذا فى معمار فريد من نوعه لم يتمكن‬ ‫احد غيره من ابتكار ببساطة انها شخصية مصر‬ ‫املكان والزمان والبشر جتسدت فكانت حسن فتحى‬ ‫فى العمارة كما كانت ام كلثوم او عبد الوهاب احدى‬ .‫جتلياتها فى الغناء‬ ‫ثم ان حسن فتحى بعد هذا وقبله لم يبنى اال ملصر‬ ‫فاخذ من تربتها وبنى فابتدع معمارا فريدا متوافقا‬ ‫مع روحها وبيئتها ثم ان املعمارى الفريد قد تفهم‬ ‫متاما ما يصنعه املعمار بسلوك الشعوب وطباعهم‬ ‫فعمل على ان يكون معماره انعكاسا ثقافيا لروح‬ ‫مواطنيه وموجها لسلوكهم ليتفهموا موقعهم‬ .‫وثقافتهم وتراثهم‬ ‫كما ان فتحى من جهة اخرى لم يبنى اال للفقراء‬ ‫واستغل فى سبيل ذلك كافة مكونات البيئة‬ ‫الطبيعية للبناء بل واالشكال الهندسية االكثر‬ ‫مالئمة للبناء لهذه الفئة املطحونة من املصريني‬ ‫والتى متثل الغالبية العظمى من شعبها ولعل‬ ‫حسن فتحى قد اعاد اكتشاف القبة كعنصر‬ ‫معمارى احسن توظيفه لتوفير التهوية واحلرارة‬ ‫املناسبة للسكن بدون اى هدر للطاقة قد ال حتتمله‬ .‫ميزانية الفقراء او موارد الدولة‬ ‫حسن فتحى مرة اخرى اعاد اكتشاف مصر وتعريف‬ ‫املصريني بها فاستحق عن جدارة ان يكون " ايقونة‬ "‫العمارة املصرية‬

‫دائما ما تعكس البالد ذات احلضارات القدمية واملتجزرة‬ ‫فى التاريخ – دائما ما تعكس نفسها على شخصية‬ ‫ابنائها – هكذا دائما البالد ذات احلضارة وفى هذا‬ ‫الصدد تاتى مصر على راس احلضارات القدمية التى‬ ‫ارتبط بها ابنائها وارتبطت هى بالعالم فاعطته من‬ ‫روحها وعلمت البشرية الكثير من العلوم والفنون‬ ،‫واالداب‬ ‫ففى كل فرع من فروع العلم واالدب والفن جند دائما‬ ‫من ملع اسمه وانطلقت شهرته الى العالم كونه ميثل‬ ‫رافدا من روافد حضارتها او انعكاسا لروحها فمنذ‬ ‫الفالح الفصيح والكهنة العظام وعقيدة التوحيد‬ ‫فى العصور القدمية اجنبت مصر العديد من االعالم‬ ‫فاملتتبع للروح املصرية ال ميكنه ابدا ان يخطئ جتلى‬ ‫تلك الروح فى صوت ام كلثوم اوعبد الوهاب فى الغناء‬ ‫كما لن يخطئها فى ادب العقاد وجنيب محفوظ‬ ‫ويحى حقى وهو كذلك سوف يرى تلك الروح فى‬ ‫كتابات االبنودى وغيره من شعرئها‬ ‫وفى العمارة ياتى حسن فتحى على راس اعالمها‬ ‫ ان ما مييز حسن فتحى‬،‫البارزين فى الفنون املعمارية‬ ‫عن باقى معماريني مصر والشرق ليس النه اكثرهم‬ ‫خبرة ومهارة فى فنون العمارة والعمران وال هو قد اتى‬ ‫بقوانني جديدة او نظريات لم تكن مكتشفة من قبل‬ ‫ان ما فعله فتحى ببساطة هو انه استطاع دون غيره‬ ‫ فان‬،‫ان يعكس روح وثقافة هذا الشعب فى معماره‬ ‫املتخصص فى فن العمارة ال ميكنه ان يخطئ روح‬ ‫الفراعنة واالقباط وكذلك املعمار االسالمى فى اعمال‬ ‫ كما استطاع فتحى ببراعة ان يهضم كافة‬،‫فتحى‬ ‫خصائص العمران املصرى فى كل مراحل تطوره كذلك‬



Concept Brief Mainly dealing with all surrounding environmental aspects that affect on building, creating an interactive envelope that can protect the building from any environmental factors, and in the inside thinking about creating an element that affect the inner environment to be more healthy and controlled.


Project Visualizing Creating a middle double volume void area makes a visual contact between ground and first floor and also by creating inner court that would also help in cooling process of the inner space.

Construction Aspects The construction process has three levels starts with establishing the fixed steel columns then the floor slabs and at last the buildup window unit, all are prefabricated units from Etalbond (as it’s known for its toughness and lightness reducing aluminum size by using only for outer cover and inside the panels are loaded with foam), the floor slabs are reinforced concrete and the upper roof slab from light concrete, the inner court carry the slabs loading on fixed columns.

Project Aim Economical Environmental Housing

RECASTING OF THE ARAB HOUSING ‫اعادة صياغة للمسكن العربى‬ ‫إسكان بيئى إقتصادى‬ Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Architecture Project: Mohmed Mokhtar Abdollah Yossri Hassan Khalil



Creating an architectural environment designed to build houses with the elements of economic cost and in accordance with the approved engineering standards.


Identity The project design is inspired from Arabian heritage which is obviously shown in the void shape and the treatment of elevations which is taken from oriels that provides the known privacy idea in the Arabian community also inside the building.

ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Building Envelope Building envelope designed to convert between 3 main positions Opening vertical to make a group of sunshades on the building and also having more space for air movement inside. Closing completely to protect the building from bad climatic changes like storms. Opening horizontal to make shade from the glass part on the unit and acceleration the air movement inside the building. FEBRUARY 2013



‫تصور املشروع‬

‫خلق بيئة معمارية تهدف الى بناء مساكن‬ ‫ذات مقومات إقتصادية التكلفة وفقا للمعايير‬ ‫الهندسية املعتمدة‬

‫االعتبارات التصميمية‬ ‫النواحى المعمارية‬ ‫الهوية‬

‫تصميم هذا املشروع مستوحى من التراث العربى‬ ‫و هو ما يتضح بقوة فى العالقات بني الفراغات و‬ ‫معاجلة الواجهات اخلارجية التى إستخدم فيها فكرة‬ ‫نظام املشربيات الشهيرة فى التراث املعمارى العربى‬ ‫ملا لها من مزايا عديدة من اهمها توفير اخلصوصية‬ ‫فى املبنى و من ثم كان تأثيرها على اجملتمع‪.‬‬

‫خلق فراغ داخلى بارتفاع الدورين فى وسط املبنى‬ ‫يعمل على الربط البصرى بني الطابق األرضى و‬ ‫األول‪ ,‬و أيضا تصميم فناء داخلى يساعد فى عملية‬ ‫تلطيف درجة احلرارة و التخفيف منها داخل املبنى‪.‬‬

‫النواحى اإلنشائية‬ ‫تتم العملية االنشائية على ثالث مراحل ‪ :‬األولى تبدأ‬ ‫بتاسيس األعمدة املعدنية ثم القيام بصب بالطات‬ ‫األسقف و فى النهاية تكون عملية تركيب الوحدات‬ ‫البنائية‪ ,‬والتى عبارة عن مواد سابقة التجهيز‬ ‫مصنوعة من مادة إيتال بوند ) و املعروف عنه الصالبة‬ ‫و اخلفة فى الوزن نظرا لتقليل حجم األلومونيوم و‬ ‫جعله فقط الغالف اخلارجى للوحدة و من الداخل‬ ‫يتم حشو الوحدات بالفوم (‪.‬‬

‫حركة الهواء داخل املبنى تعتمد على مدخلني للهواء‬ ‫و ثالث مخارج و هكذا يعطى حركة هواء مستمرة‬ ‫داخل املبنى‪ .‬مت تصميم املوقع بحيث مير الهواء دائما‬ ‫على املسطحات اخلضراء و األشجار داخل و خارج‬ ‫املبنى من ناحية الواجهة الشمالية و الشرقية‪.‬‬

‫النواحى البيئية‬

‫كفاءة الطاقة‬

‫مت تصميم الغالف اخلارجى للمبنى بحيث تكون لديه‬ ‫القدرة على التحرك فى عدة اوضاع مختلفة و هى‪:‬‬ ‫فى وضع أفقى لعمل مجموعة من املظلالت فى‬ ‫املبنى و خللق مساحة اكبر لتسريع حركة الهواء الى‬ ‫الداخل‬ ‫مغلق متاما بحيث يحمى املبنى من أى عوامل جوية‬ ‫قد تكون ضارة مثل الرياح الشديدة و العواصف‪.‬‬ ‫مفتوح فى وضع رأسى بحيث يلقى ظالل ذاتية على‬ ‫املبنى و التسريع من حركة الهواء الى الداخل‪.‬‬

‫وهذا يعتمد على استخدام احليزات الداخلية‬ ‫كمجموعة أو حيز منفرد ‪ ,‬ففى حالة اجملموعة ميكن‬ ‫استغالل حيزات أكثر من أجل املناسبات مثال و هو‬ ‫من اهم عوامل تصميم املسقط األفقى‪ .‬أما فى‬ ‫النظام الفردى فإنه يعمل على التقليل من إستخدام‬ ‫الطاقة عن طريق استخدام حيزات اقل و التحكم فى‬ ‫طاقة املبنى املستخدمة ككل‪.‬‬

‫غالف املبنى‬ ‫الفكرة التصميمية‬

‫تعتمد الفكرة فى األساس على فكرة التفاعل مع‬ ‫البيئة احمليطة باملبنى و خلق غالف خارجى للمبنى‬ ‫متفاعل مع العوامل احمليطة به بحيث يكون قادرا‬ ‫على حماية املبنى من اى مؤثرات خارجية ضارة‪ ,‬و‬ ‫فى اجلزء الداخلى كان اإلهتمام بعمل عنصر رئيسى‬ ‫يؤثر على البيئة الداخلية للمبنى من أجل أن يصبح‬ ‫املبنى صحيا و سهل التحكم به‪.‬‬


‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫نظام حجب األشعة الشمسية‬

‫تتكون الوحدة البنائية من ثالثة أجزاء ‪ :‬جزءان‬ ‫مصمتان و اجلزء الثالث مصنوع من الزجاج املزدوج‬ ‫احملتوى على طبقتني زجاجيتني و بينهما مملوء بغاز‬ ‫النيتروجني‪.‬‬ ‫غاز النيتروجني لديه القدرة على إمتصاص الطاقة‬ ‫احلرارية التى تأتى من أشعة الشمس و يشع جزء‬ ‫بسيط منها داخل املبنى و بذلك ميكن احلفاظ على‬ ‫درجة حرارة احليزات الداخلية‪.‬‬

‫نظام التهوية‬

‫احلجم و عالقته باستخدام الطاقة‬

‫‪Sun Blocking System‬‬ ‫‪The buildup detail design contains 3 parts:‬‬ ‫‪2 solid parts and a glass one which is con‬‬‫‪sists of double layers of glass and between‬‬ ‫‪them is loaded with the nitrogen gas. The‬‬ ‫‪nitrogen gas has the advantage of absorp‬‬‫‪tion the thermal energy that comes from‬‬ ‫‪sun rays and emits a low quantity of it so it‬‬ ‫‪helps to keep the inner space cool.‬‬

‫‪Ventilation System‬‬ ‫‪Air movement depends on two or more‬‬ ‫‪entrances and three exits that give con‬‬‫‪tinues movement of air all day. The site‬‬ ‫‪was designed to make the air movement‬‬ ‫‪always passes through green areas and‬‬ ‫‪trees inside and outside the building on‬‬ ‫‪the eastern and northern corners for filter‬‬‫‪ing the air.‬‬

‫‪Energy Efficiency‬‬ ‫‪Size and the power of use‬‬ ‫‪This depends on using the inner as a‬‬ ‫‪group or individual, group can save more‬‬ ‫‪space for an event which considers as a‬‬ ‫‪main element in designing the plan, the‬‬ ‫‪individual space system reduce the using‬‬ ‫‪of power and control the whole building‬‬ ‫‪usage of power.‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


between interaction and privacy



“HOMES” FAMILY HOUSE ‫بين التفاعل والمشاركة‬

" ‫دور" مبنى سكنى عائلى‬

Targeting a Client

Project Program

The project is merely oriented towards groups of people that are not by any means seeking profit. These groups of people are those who believe in changing the present distorted state of architecture, where investment authorities transformed the architectural values into pure trading and marketing tools to achieve profit. Also away from the bureaucracy of the governmental institutions which leads to inferior outputs.

The architectural plan is a square of 19.5 m length. Consisting of a ground floor, three floors, in addition to basement and a roof space. Described as follow :

On the contrary of the strategies of governmental or investment institutions, this concept reflects the principle of "residents before residence", or it is to say choosing your neighbors before your home. It worth mentioning that this concept could easily be spread through today's social internet networks, because it is mainly oriented to people away from any organizational entities or authorities.

Proposed Concept

A residential building accommodating four families tied together socially and willing to live in what so called a "Family House". This specific social configuration imposes its requirements onto the design of any residential building. Thus, a type of equation that includes several different variables has to be resolved. For instance providing; privacy for each family, specific spatial needs of each family and on the other hand providing common gathering spaces to motivate the principle of social participation and interaction. These social variables reflect a dimension, beyond architectural ones, that is usually ignored in the design processes, which is the "Human dimension"

Residential Spaces: Four residential units with an area of 145m.sq.-plus "a private courtyard” for each unit with an area of 36 m.sq. Each floor consists of one residential unit in-between two perpendicular sides, as the floors get higher; the residential mass rotates anticlockwise pivoting around the center of the building where the main stairs are located. The rotation of the residential mass, creates extra spaces, that might be one or two floors high, used as common gathering spaces for the inhabitants. 1Recreational spaces: "Madyafa" on the ground floor connected to a front garden - and a stepped double height lounge with a large screen as well as a large library at the mezzanine and study areas in the second floor. A gym in the third floor including "Billiards .. Etc. ". The roof becomes a livable space with shaded seating areas and a kitchen in addition to a "Guest room". And finally the basement with a swimming pool. And a large garden and taking into account, the availability of necessary services such as bathrooms for the all functions above. The idea of "Dowr" is based on; (the absolute independence of each unit, is considered the basic philosophy that aspires the whole building) The project is based on the idea of the diversity of the spaces between the private spaces and those that reveals the notion of partnership between the people of the whole house and each other which brings the building at the end as an integrated community-based unit.

Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Architecture Project: Mohmed Mokhtar Abdollah Yossri Hassan Khalil




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‫فكرة املشروع‬

‫"مبنى سكني" عائلي ألربع أسر جتمعهم روابط‬ ‫تراحمية جتعلهم راغبني في ان يعيشوا في مكان‬ ‫واحد‬ ‫و املشروع يتعرض حلل معادلة هامه و هي رسم‬ ‫احلدود الفاصلة بني اخلصوصية الكاملة لكل أسرة‬ ‫و بني تفعيل مبدأ املشاركة و التفاعل العائلي في‬ ‫الفراغات اجملمعة باملبنى و كل ذلك في اطار من‬ ‫التعبير املعماري الذي يغلّب البعد االنساني للمبنى‪.‬‬

‫‪Socially And Environmentally‬‬ ‫‪The external facades of the building in‬‬‫‪dicate the language of architecture that‬‬ ‫‪deals with countries of warm and dry cli‬‬‫‪mate. Direct sunlight is broken along the‬‬ ‫‪façade, allowing only indirect light in with‬‬‫‪out any heat transfer. In addition to the‬‬ ‫‪use of different configurations of wooden‬‬ ‫‪louvers. Attached are some details for the‬‬ ‫‪windows and how they dealt with the cold‬‬ ‫‪and hot air, their external form in terms of‬‬ ‫‪visibility and privacy for the internal spac‬‬‫‪es which is completely optional.‬‬

‫طبيعة الفئة املستهدفة‬

‫املشروع موجه لفئة األهالي املتحرره من اجلري وراء‬ ‫هامش الربح فهي ليست الهيئات االستثمارية‬ ‫التي طغت فيها التجارة على العمارة و قيمها كما‬ ‫انها بعيدة عن البروقراطية فهي ليست املؤسسات‬ ‫احلكومية متواضعة االداء و االنتاج فهي فئة تشجع‬ ‫املسكن الذي يرغب في التمرد على الواقع املعماري‬ ‫املشوه ‪.‬‬ ‫فمن مميزات تلك الفكره أنها تنبع من مبدأ "ان‬ ‫الساكن قبل السكن" و "اجلار قبل الدار" )كالعائلة‬ ‫و الصحبة( و ليس العكس في األسلوب احلكومي‬ ‫او التجاري باإلضافة الى أنها جتربة يسهل انتشارها‬ ‫عبر )شبكة العالقات االجتماعية( فهي موجهه‬ ‫في عمق اجملتمع نفسة بدون اي اطراف سيادية في‬ ‫املعادلة‪.‬‬

‫‪Construction‬‬ ‫‪The building relies on the idea of expos‬‬‫‪ing the real construction elements.‬‬ ‫‪Thus, the building is composed of fair‬‬ ‫‪faced Concrete structure and relies on‬‬ ‫‪the high quality brick without any finish‬‬‫‪ing plaster or painting. Two types of bricks‬‬ ‫‪were used ;first Mud brick : 6 × 12 × 24 for‬‬ ‫‪the housing units and away from this, ev‬‬‫‪erything else is in white brick with dimen‬‬‫‪sions 10 × 10 × 20 cm. Different formations‬‬ ‫‪are designed as shown on the facades and‬‬ ‫‪perspectives. As for the roof the wood ap‬‬‫‪pears as a construction material pergolas‬‬ ‫‪with different configurations.‬‬

‫طبيعة الفئة املستهدفة‬

‫املسقط األفقي للجزء املبني عبارة عن مربع طول‬ ‫ضلعه ‪19.5‬م مكون من دور أرضي و ثالثة أدوار‬ ‫باإلضافه الى بدروم و سطح ‪ ,‬و يتكون من‪:‬‬ ‫أربعة وحدات سكنية مبساحة ‪145‬م مضافا اليها‬ ‫"فناء خاص" مبساحة ‪36‬م به خصوصية تامة و ذلك‬ ‫لكل وحدة ‪ ,‬و الطابق الواحد به وحده سكنية واحدة‬ ‫عبارة عن ضلعني بينهما زاويه ‪ 90‬درجة‪ ,‬و بارتفاع‬ ‫الطوابق تتحرك كتلة الوحدة السكنية لتأخذ‬ ‫ضلعني أخريني في اجتاه دوران عكس عقارب الساعة‬ ‫محورها هو منتصف املبني الذي يقع به "السلم‬ ‫الرئيسي" و تتكون فراغات اخري بخالف الوحدات‬ ‫السكنية منها فراغني بارتفاع دور واحد او مثلهما‬ ‫بارتفاع دورين و تلك املساحات تستخدم كفراغات‬ ‫مجمعة ألهل البيت جميعا ‪..‬‬ ‫فمنها "مضيفة رئيسية " في الدور األرضي و أمامها‬ ‫حديقة ‪ -‬و صالة عروض بشاشة كبيرة و مدرجات‬ ‫بارتفاع دورين في الدور األول باالضافة الى مكتبة‬ ‫كبيرة بدور ميزانني و مكاتب للمذاكرة في الدور‬ ‫الثاني ‪ -‬و صالة ألعاب في الدور الثالث به "العاب‬ ‫و بلياردو ‪ ..‬الخ" ‪ -‬باالضافة الى دور السطح به‬ ‫قعدات مظللة و مطبخ و مكان للشوي وايضا غرفة‬ ‫الستقبال الضيوف ‪ -‬و اخيرا البدروم به حمام سباحة‬ ‫و صالة "جيم" و حديقة كبيره – و يراعى في كل ما‬ ‫سبق توافر اخلدمات الالزمه مثل احلمامات وغيره‪.‬‬ ‫فكرة "دُور" قائمة على أن )استقالل كل وحدة سكنية‬ ‫بخصوصيتها التامة تعتبر احلد األدنى من الفلسفة‬ ‫السكنية التي يطمح اليها املبنى( فاملشروع قائم‬ ‫على فكرة تنوع الفراغات بني الفراغات شديدة‬ ‫‪31‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫اخلصوصية و بني تلك التي استوعبت فكرة املشاركة‬ ‫بني أهل البيت كله و بعضهم البعض و بذلك يصبح‬ ‫املبنى في النهاية وحدة مجتمعية متكاملة ‪.‬‬

‫اجتماعيا و بيئيا‬

‫الواجهات اخلارجية للمبنى تقرأ بها لغة معمارية‬ ‫خاصة تتكلمها البالد احلارة و اجلافة فالواجهه تتكسر‬ ‫عليها أشعة الشمس املباشرة و تسلمها للفراغات‬ ‫الداخلية ضوءا دون حرارة باالضافة الى استخدام‬ ‫الشيش بتكوينات و تشكيالت متنوعه بكامل‬ ‫الواجهات و جند تفاصيل خاصة مرفقة للشبابيك و‬ ‫كيف تعاملت مع الهواء البارد و الساخن و كيفية‬ ‫عالقتها باخلارج من حيث الرؤية و اخلصوصية للداخل‬ ‫و يغلب عليها جميعا مبدأ االختيارية باالضافة الى‬ ‫استخدام مالق الهواء و مراعاة حركة الهواء الداخل‬ ‫و اخلارج من املبنى‪.‬‬


‫يعتمد املبنى على فكرة "الصراحة االنشائية"‬ ‫فاملبنى يتكون من هيكل خرساني ‪fair faced‬‬ ‫‪ Concrete‬و نعتمد على الطوب جيد البناء في‬ ‫كامل املبنى بدون تشطيب محاره و دهان و نستخدم‬ ‫نوعني من الطوب االول طوب أحمر ‪ 24×12×6‬و هذا‬ ‫للوحدات السكنية من اخلارج و ما سوى ذلك فهو‬ ‫طوب أبيض بأبعاد ‪ 20×10×10‬سم بتشكيالت‬ ‫مختلفة كما هو مبني بالواجهات و املناظير و في دور‬ ‫السطح يظهر اخلشب كعنصر انشائي "للبرجوالت"‬ ‫و بها تكوينات مختلفة ‪.‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


The international competition for the design of an extension for the Serlachius Museum Gösta (Joenniemi Manor), organized by the Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation, aimed at implementing a solution which is compatible with its unique natural and cultural environment, as well as functional and feasible. Located in a fascinating site on the lake distinct by its unique natural landscape, the extension was to contain facilities for travelling exhibitions, collections, conferences, representation functions and offices as well as a restaurant with auxiliary spaces. It also contained a new main foyer and ticket sales facilities with auxiliary spaces.


At present, the process of extension of museum buildings that are considered to be built heritage is becoming one of the most challenging tasks of contemporary architecture. As countries and societies are constantly (re)identifying their historical and cultural resources, the more and more architects are being involved into design interventions that are based on careful studies of complexity of the existing contexts, both spatial, cultural and environmental. The proposed Museum extension building is envisioned to send out new impulses to both of scenes, art and architecture. The old and the new, the past and the present, the then and now are all to be linked together in an innovative manner, creating an extension to the institution that is to be at the centre of the Nordic art scene.



INTEGRATION WITH NATURE ‫مع الطبيعة امتداد متحف سيرالشيوس‬

Project: Serlachius Museum Gősta Extension Location: Manta – Finland Architecture Project: CONTRAST Designs Karim Hamouda - Mazien Abdulkariem Tamer Nader




The volumetric composition of the new building consists of components of different heights that are connected in a whole that consists of individual but well integrated parts. The idea to make a whole out of elements comes as a reference to the present character of the immediate surrounding that could be perceived as an ensemble of architectural and vegetal sedimentations over time. Moreover, the act of densification of mass results with a compact form that is highly advantageous in terms of ecology and therefore sustainability.

presence, apart from the exhibitions spaces, are all oriented towards the southern perimeter of the building where the panoramas over the surrounding landscape are extraordinary. In the exhibition spaces, the interior is concealed from the exterior thus creating a world of itself. As symmetry, the foyer is largely open and orientated towards the surrounding natural habitat, thus creating a duality of atmospheres that are to be experienced by the museum visitors.

NEW AND OLD – The Foyer As The Hinge

The new building stands confidently alone where its northern border is parallel to the service road and the building is stretching down over the eastern slope, as far as half the way down to the clean lake bay. Consequently, the museum extension building fully respects the disposition of the existing plants that are found to be one of the greatest values of the immediate context. Regarding mass distribution, the eastern volume of the building houses the foyer, becoming the central space of the complex aiming to achieve a volumetric balance with the Joenniemi Manor (existing building). The height of its grounded brick base volume is respected and the foyer rises up to that point only. By this decision, the “new” demonstrates its respect to the “old” and establishes a dialogue with it. In order to establish a further relation to the Joenniemi Manor, the eastern wall of the foyer respects and follows its materiality, and is too rendered in brick. Thus, the foyer unites several independent spatial areas and frames them by the two parallel walls made with same material properties. The panorama between them is formed by the nature itself as the southern envelope of the foyer is a massive glass wall that is in direction of the lake. In the mixture of the materiality of the brick together with the massiveness of the walls, and in the contrary to the undisturbed view towards the landscape, the foyer could somehow be perceived as a space that is a hybrid of city and landscape.

This rationale enabled an organizational plan where internal programmatic applications are interwoven on many composition levels, thus allowing spatial synergies of various intensities. Major programmatic strong-points that are catalyst of public



‫الفكرة التصميمية‬

‫مت تصميم الكتلة املضافة بحيث تتكون من عدة‬ ‫عناصر ذات االرتفاعات اخملتلفة ‪ ،‬و التي مت دمجها‬ ‫جميعا في وحدة واحدة ‪ ،‬ذات أجزاء مستقلة و لكن‬ ‫متكاملة ‪ .‬و تأتي فكرة خلق كتلة واحدة من عناصر‬ ‫مستقلة كمحاكاه لطبيعة املوقع احمليط و الذي‬ ‫ميكن اعتباره ككائن واحد أو تكوين من اجلزيئات‬ ‫املعمارية و النباتية التي تكونت مبرور الزمن‪.‬‬ ‫وقد ساعد هذا املنطق التصميمي في خلق مساقط‬ ‫أفقية منتظمة تسمح بتداخل العناصر اخملتلفة ذات‬ ‫الوظائف املتعددة خالقة جتارب فراغية متنوعة في‬ ‫ارجاء املبنى اخملتلفة‪ .‬فنجد العناصر الرئيسية في‬ ‫البرنامج التصميمي التي تشكل فراغات التجمعات‬ ‫و االحتكاك املباشر مع اجلمهور قد نظمت في اجلانب‬ ‫اجلنوبي للمبنى‪ ,‬لالستفادة من االطاللة على املنظر‬ ‫اخلالب للبحيرة والطبيعة احمليطة‪.‬‬ ‫أما فراغات العرض فقد مت عزل الداخل عن اخلارج‬ ‫بالكامل خالقا عاملا مستقل في حد ذاته‪ .‬وعلى‬ ‫العكس فيأتي البهو الرئيسي شفاف و منفتح على‬ ‫اخلارج ومتفاعل مع البيئة احمليطة‪ ,‬مما يعطي جتارب‬ ‫فراغية متنوعة خالل الرحلة باملتحف‪.‬‬

‫القدمي و احلديث ( البهو كحلقة الوصل )‬ ‫يقف املبنى اجلديد بثقة منفصال عن ما حوله‬ ‫حيث ميتد ضلعه الشمالي مبوازاة الطريق الرئيسي‬ ‫للمتحف‪ ,‬وميتد املبنى في الناحية األخرى مبحاذاة‬ ‫املبنى القدمي في اجتاة البحيرة‪ ,‬تاركا الشاطئ‬ ‫مفتوحا‪ ,‬ومن هنا حتترم وضعية املبنى بهذا الشكل‬ ‫األشجار احلالية املهمة املنتشرة باملوقع والتي تعد‬ ‫من العناصر القيمة لهذه البيئة‪.‬‬ ‫بالنسبة لتوزيع الكتل‪ ,‬فقد احتوى اجلزء الغربي من‬ ‫املبنى اجلديد على البهو الشفاف ليحقق توازنا بني‬ ‫الكتلة املضافة اجلديدة واملبنى القائم للمتحف‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫احترام ارتفاع قاعدة املبنى القائم‪ ,‬فارتفع بهو املدخل‬ ‫اجلديد الى نفس االرتفاع‪ .‬ومن خالل هذه اجملموعة من‬ ‫القرارات‪ ,‬احترم املبنى املضاف املبنى القائم خالقا‬ ‫حوارا بني القدمي واحلديث‪.‬‬ ‫وخللق عالقة أعمق مع املبنى القائم‪ ,‬فقد مت تكسية‬ ‫احلائط الشرقي للبهو بالطوب األحمر في محاكاة‬ ‫شاعرية للمبنى القائم‪ .‬ومن هنا اصبح البهو‬ ‫الرئيسي هو الفراغ اجلامع للعناصر الفراغية اخملتلفة‬ ‫بني حائطني متوازيني ذوات خصائص متشابهة‪,‬‬ ‫وأصبحتا تشكالن اطارا يحتوي املنظر الطبيعي‬ ‫الذي يظهر من خلف احلائط اجلنوبي للبهو في اجتاه‬ ‫البحيرة‪.‬‬

‫انطباعا دائما للحركة اخلافتة مثله مثل الطبيعة‬ ‫احمليطة‪.‬‬ ‫بالنسبة لألسقف فقد مت عمل فتحات باألسقف‬ ‫في مناطق العرض الدخال القدر املطلوب من األضاءة‬ ‫الطبيعية املتناسبة مع طبيعة املعروضات‪ ,‬وذلك‬ ‫باستخدام وحدات سابقة التجهيز لتلبية هذا‬ ‫الغرض‪ .‬وقد مت توظيف باقي مسطحات األسقف‬ ‫لزرع وحدات للطاقة الشمسية مما يعطي املبنى‬ ‫طاقة متجددة ومستدمية‪.‬‬

‫التواصل مع املوقع‬

‫جعل هذا التصميم التكامل مع الطبيعة واملوقع‬ ‫احمليط هدفا رئيسيا للعملية التصميمة ملا ميثله هذا‬ ‫املوقع من قيمة عالية‪ .‬فقد مت وضع املبنى اجلديد في‬ ‫املوقع بعناية بالغة بحيث ال يؤثر على أيا من األشجار‬ ‫والنباتات احلالية اال في حاالت محدودة للغاية‪.‬‬ ‫وكذلك مت خلق ااتصال مع املبنى القدمي من الدور األول‬

‫بحيث يظل األتصال مباشرا بني الساحة اخللفية‬ ‫للمتحف والبحيرة عن طريق املمر بني املبنيني‪ .‬ومتتد‬ ‫شبكة املمرات حتى تصل الى البحيرة من اجلانب‬ ‫الشرقي ويتم مد اجلسر الى اجلزيرة مرة اخرى كما‬ ‫كان موجود في املاضي‪.‬‬

‫فاعلية املبنى‬

‫يعد هذا املبنى فعاال من اوجه مختلفة‪ ,‬حيث جاءت‬ ‫كتلته املدمجة بأقل مساحة على أرض املوقع‬ ‫وبالتالي ذات تاثير بيئي أفضل‪ .‬كذلك أتى النظام‬ ‫األنشائي واضحا ومبسطا مما ينعكس بشكل‬ ‫مباشر على تكاليف األنشاء والتي كانت تعد أحدى‬ ‫التحديات الرئيسية في التصميم‪.‬‬


‫‪The building is rational and efficient in‬‬ ‫‪many ways. It is firstly the compact form‬‬ ‫‪of the building that makes its ecological‬‬ ‫‪footprint highly efficient. In that sense, the‬‬ ‫‪mass compactness guarantees an optimal‬‬ ‫‪relationship between external surfaces and‬‬ ‫‪mass, while the very careful use of glazing‬‬ ‫‪(apart from foyer), ensures effective ther‬‬‫‪mal comfort and limited dispersion.‬‬

‫‪ing photovoltaic panels that will ensure a‬‬ ‫‪clean and sustainable energy.‬‬


‫‪The integration of the building within the‬‬ ‫‪highly precious existing landscape was‬‬ ‫‪one of the major concerns of the project.‬‬ ‫‪Thus, the existing topography is fully re‬‬‫‪spected and the interventions to it are‬‬ ‫‪minimal.‬‬ ‫‪The positioning of the building was done‬‬ ‫‪carefully and according to the great re‬‬‫‪spect to the existing trees and only few‬‬ ‫‪of them are to be relocated in case of‬‬ ‫‪construction. As the connection between‬‬ ‫‪the Joenniemi Manor and the new build‬‬‫‪ing is established at their first floor levels,‬‬ ‫‪the museum extension footprint doesn’t‬‬ ‫‪disturb the pedestrian path in the north‬‬‫‪south axis connecting between the cen‬‬‫‪tral square and the lake. The system of‬‬ ‫‪pedestrian paths is extended to the east‬‬‫‪ern side of the site where the path finishes‬‬ ‫‪at the water border. The bridge that once‬‬ ‫‪connected the island with the mainland is‬‬ ‫‪to be reconstructed and later integrated‬‬ ‫‪in the patchwork of pedestrian routes en‬‬‫‪abling visitors to enjoy unrestricted move‬‬‫‪ment through the site.‬‬


‫‪Apart from glass windows, the rest of‬‬ ‫‪the outer surface of the building is made‬‬ ‫‪of prefabricated vertical blades made of‬‬ ‫‪wood. Their purpose is to ensure a bet‬‬‫‪ter control of the natural light, but also‬‬ ‫‪to establish a better volumetric a mate‬‬‫‪rial relation to the surrounding context.‬‬ ‫‪By the act of distortion of the surface, the‬‬ ‫‪necessarily big mass of the building be‬‬‫‪comes somehow scale-less as its size is‬‬ ‫‪hard to compare to the other elements in‬‬ ‫‪the landscape. The surface is abstract and‬‬ ‫‪created by irregular rhythms and its vibra‬‬‫‪tions are in relation to the constant move‬‬‫‪ment of nature, which is yet another narra‬‬‫‪tive that is to be exploited in establishing a‬‬ ‫‪more context sensitive building. The result‬‬ ‫‪is a rich and dynamic building whose ap‬‬‫”‪pearance is contemporary but also “light‬‬ ‫‪enough not to interfere with the existing‬‬ ‫‪architectural environment.‬‬ ‫‪The roof façade is perforated in order to‬‬ ‫‪introduce the desired lighting for the exhi‬‬‫‪bition spaces. The system of roof openings‬‬ ‫‪consists of single repetitive prefabricated‬‬ ‫‪element that allows the desired quality‬‬ ‫‪of lighting into the exhibition spaces. The‬‬ ‫‪roof is also used as a productive surface‬‬ ‫‪as its great floor area is used for plant-‬‬

‫غالف املبنى‬

‫يتكون الغالف اخلارجي للمبنى بشكل عام من‬ ‫قواطيع سابقة التجهيز من اخلشب الطبيعي‪,‬‬ ‫وذلك ليس فقط العطاء حتكم أفضل في كمية‬ ‫وتوزيع األضاءة داخل الفراغات‪ ,‬ولكن ايضا خللق‬ ‫عالقة اتصال بني الكتلة والطبيعة احمليطة من حيث‬ ‫نوعية اخلامة واملظهر وذلك الدوران املتعمد واالختالل‬ ‫التلقائي في ايقاع وضع هذه القواطيع يفتت احلجم‬ ‫الكبير للكتلة مع ما حولها من عناصر كما يعطي‬ ‫‪35‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬




CONTEMPORARY EGYPTIAN MODEL CONTEMPORARY HOUSE OF HERITAGE ‫بيت السحيمى " منزل معاصر من التراث‬ "‫نموذج البيت المصرى المعاصر ذو االكتفاء الذاتى‬

Location: Cairo Architecture Project: SAMER AL Syary



Project Data The design of this house started in January 2011 and was developed several times depending on the 3 following approaches: First approach (Social Approach): After a lot of interviews and meeting with various social classes in Egyptian society to reach to a design manifesto for An Egyptian contemporary model that reflects the contemporary life style and the Egyptian family aspirations as well in a perfect square house of total foot print 400 squared meters.

Second approach (Historical Approach): A thorough study of the Egyptian house development across history in a trial to revive some of the values eroded by time with special focus of middle-ages houses (Al Suhaymi House).

area near Alexandria city. The Owner is ALSarh real estate, and the trial was to build a first prototype that could be adapted according to needs of different families and climatic settings while preserving the main guidelines of Egyptian life-style.

Third approach was the environmental approach and it was based upon standing on the latest technologies for self-sufficiency and renewable energy resources appropriate for our climate. The project location is in Al-king Mariot FEBRUARY 2013


‫املعلومات االساسية للمشروع‬

‫بدأ العمل فى هذا التصميم فى يناير من عام ‪2011‬‬ ‫وقد مر مبراحل من التطوير ليصل الى هذا الشكل‬ ‫معتمدا على ثالث محاور رئيسية‪:‬‬ ‫احملور االول ‪) :‬احملور االجتماعى( بعد العديد من‬ ‫املقابالت و االجتماعات مع شرائح مختلفة من‬ ‫اجملتمع املصرى و العديد من العائالت استطعنا‬ ‫الوصول ملبادئ عامة في محاولة لصياغة مسودة‬ ‫تصميمية تعبر عن العائلة املصرية املعاصرة بقيمها‬ ‫و تطلعاتها املستقبلية ممثلة فى بيت العيلة اجلديد‬ ‫على مساحة ‪ 400‬متر مربع بشكل هندسى مربع‪.‬‬ ‫احملور الثانى ‪) :‬احملور التاريخى( مت دراسة تطور البيت‬ ‫املصرى على مر التاريخ مع الوقوف على البيوت‬ ‫االسالمية التى كانت موجودة فى مصر فى العصور‬ ‫الوسطى و اشهرها بيت السحيمى والتى كانت‬ ‫اوضح مثال يعكس ثقافة اجملتمع فى ذلك الوقت ثم‬ ‫مت استخالص املعايير التصميمية التى متت صياغتها‬ ‫فى التصميم فيما بعد لتشكل صورة البيت املصرى‬ ‫املعاصر‪.‬‬ ‫احملور الثالث‪) :‬احملور البيئي( مت تصميم البيت‬ ‫ليكون منوذج لبيت ذو اكتفاء ذاتى تام بل و الوصول‬ ‫إلنتاج كم اكبر من الطاقة التى يحتاجها البيت‬ ‫لتغطية احتياجات البنية االساسية احمليطة للبيت‬ ‫باستخدام احدث الوسائل التكنولوجية لتوليد‬ ‫الطاقة من مصادر الطاقة املتجددة‪.‬‬ ‫املوقع املزمع اقامة املشروع عليه هو الكينج مريوط‬ ‫بالقرب من االسكندرية‪.‬‬ ‫املالك للمشروع هى شركة الصرح لالستثمار‬ ‫العقارى و قد مت االتفاق على ان يكون هذا البيت منوذج‬ ‫أولى قابل للتطوير طبقا لإلحتياجات اخلاصة لكل‬ ‫عائلة و لكل اقليم مناخى مختلف فى مصر مع‬ ‫احلفاظ‬ ‫على األسس املشتركة التى تكون الصورة العامة‬ ‫للمجتمع املصرى املعاصر‪.‬‬

‫التوجه التصميمى االساسى‬

‫الفكرة التصميمية االساسية فى بيت السحيمى‬ ‫‪ 2011‬هو إعادة أحياء فكرة التراث املصرى واظهار‬ ‫القيم اخملفية بصورة جديدة تناسب العصر البراز‬ ‫الهوية املصرية فى صورة اقرب ما تكون للتأريخ‬ ‫املعمارى فيشعر مستخدم الفراغ بنفس التجربة‬ ‫الفراغية للبيوت االسالمية الكالسيكية و لكن‬ ‫مبظهر عصرى متناسب مع امكانيات العصر و‬ ‫تطلعات االسرة املصرية املعاصرة‪.‬‬ ‫بنى التصميم علع بعض األسس الهامة فى العمارة‬ ‫العربية و مت دمجها مع بعض مكونات العمارة‬ ‫احلديثة لتكون التجربة املعمارية "بيت السحيمى‬ ‫‪ "2011‬البيت ذو االكتفاء الذاتى‪.‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫تصميم الظل‬

‫يعتبر تصميم الظل من أهم عناصر العمارة العربية‬ ‫و قد مت نحت الكتلة فى وسط الكتلة البنائية للمبنى‬ ‫لتكثيف وجود الظل ومنح مستخدمى املبنى التبريد‬ ‫الطبيعى طوال العام ومنع التوهج البصرى الناجت من‬ ‫أشعة الشمس املباشرة‬

‫الكتلة احلرارية للمبنى‬

‫مت مراعاة استقرار الكتلة احلرارية للمبنى و مقاومتها‬ ‫للتغير احلرارى للبيئة احمليطة عن طريق ترتيب الكتل‬ ‫اخملتلفة للمبنى لتقاوم االنتقال احلرارى لتبرد املبنى‬ ‫نهارا و تدفئة ليال‪.‬‬

‫تقليل االنبعاثات الكربونية‬

‫تقليل االنبعاثات الكربونية مت التخطيط لة عن‬ ‫طريق تقليل استهالك الطاقة الكهربية التى بدأت‬ ‫معدالتها تزيد فى مصر فى االونة االخيرة وذلك عن‬ ‫طريق زيادة املساحات املظللة والتى مت مناقشتها‬ ‫سابقا فى هذا التقرير وفتح مسارات للرياح تتخلل‬ ‫البيت و بذلك تقلل من درجات احلرارة وتزيد من التبريد‬ ‫الطبيعى وبذلك ال يكون هناك حاجة للتكيف‬ ‫الصناعى‪.‬‬ ‫اما بالنسبة لتقلليل استخدام االضاءة الصناعية‬ ‫فاملبنى مصمم ليعكس االضاءة غير املباشرة و‬ ‫يوجهها للداخل لتقلل من توهج االضاءة املباشرة‬

‫االكتفاء الذاتى من الطاقة والغذاء‬

‫أشارت احلسابات االولية إلالى ان االستهالك الفعلى‬ ‫للطاقة لعائلة متوسطة احلجم مكونة من ‪ 4‬أو ‪5‬‬ ‫أشخاص يكون فى متوسط من ‪ 5‬إلى ‪ 7‬كيلووات‬ ‫فى الساعة‪.‬‬ ‫تعتبر أكبر ميزة للبناء فى املناطق الصحراوية فى‬ ‫مصر وجود الشمس الدائمة والسماء الصافية فى‬ ‫أغلب أيام السنة‪ .‬فعند إستخدام وسائل الطاقة‬ ‫املتجددة ميكن احلصول على طاقة كهربية فى حدود‬ ‫‪ 8‬كيلووات للوحدة التى تبلغ مساحتها ‪ 1‬متر مربع‬ ‫فى يوم كامل مع الوضع فى االعتبار وجود الرياح و‬ ‫االتربة التى من املمكن ان تقلل من كفاءة الوحدة‬ ‫الشمسية ‪.‬‬ ‫مت تصميم ‪ 39‬وحدة شمسية أعلى السقف‬ ‫بإجمالى مسطح ‪ 39‬متر مربع لتولد طاقة كهربية‬ ‫تفوق إحتياج البيت نفسة و لكن توجة لدعم‬ ‫احتياجات اعمدة االنارة احمليطة بالبيت وبالتالى تقلل‬ ‫من اإلحتياج املتزايد من الطاقة فى مصر‪.‬‬ ‫أما بالنسبة للسقف املغطى أسفل الوحدات‬ ‫الشمسية والتى يتخللها الشمس مبقدار أقل فهى‬

‫مخصصة لزراعة االحتياجات األولية للعائلة املقيمة‬ ‫من خضروات وفاكهة نظيفة و خالية من املبيدات‬ ‫املسرطنة والتى نعانى منها جميعا فى خطوة‬ ‫إليجاد حلول صحية وتعطى إكتفاء ذاتى للمجتمع‪.‬‬ ‫كما ميكن تربية بعض الدواجن لتفى بإحتياجات‬ ‫العائلة أيضا فى إشارة لنمط احلياة املصرى القدمي‬ ‫إال أن بعض املستويات اإلجتماعية رفضت فكرة‬ ‫الدواجن فى األول ولكن الكثير من العائالت قبلتها ملا‬ ‫لها من نواحى صحية بعيدا عن التلوث‪.‬‬

‫إعادة إستخدام مياة األمطار واملياة الرمادية‬ ‫(نواجت االحواض و االستحمام فقط)‪:‬‬

‫فى خطوة ذات اهمية قصوى للحفاظ على املوارد‬ ‫البيئية للوصول لإلكتفاء الذاتى مت التخطيط إلعادة‬ ‫إستخدام املياة فى الرسومات التنفيذية للبيت‪.‬‬ ‫مع أن االمطار فى مصر ليست بالغزارة الكافية‬ ‫للحصول على مصدر مستمر من املياة إال أن مت‬ ‫التخطيط لتخزين املياة اجملمعة عن طريق االمطار‬ ‫فى خزانات خفيفة الوزن من البوليمرات أسفل‬ ‫الوحدات الشمسية لرى املزروعات فى الدور الثالث‪.‬‬ ‫أيضا مت الوضع فى االعتبار املياة الناجتة من إستخدام‬ ‫األحوض و االستحمام فى سيفونات املراحيض لتوفير‬ ‫استهالك املياة النظيفة‪.‬‬

‫‪Social values vs. Future‬‬ ‫‪aspirations‬‬ ‫‪This was the most difficult challenge in‬‬ ‫‪the design, restoring some of the eroded‬‬ ‫‪social ideals yet preserving the contem‬‬‫‪porary family aspirations. This blend was‬‬ ‫‪shaped after a lot of interviews and meet‬‬‫‪ings with a wide scope of families rang‬‬‫‪ing from middle-class families passing by‬‬ ‫‪upper-class families up to elite bourgeois.‬‬ ‫‪Some of the common design intensions of‬‬ ‫‪the Egyptian family were:‬‬ ‫‪Nourishing Family life by gathering all‬‬ ‫‪family members in one big family house‬‬ ‫‪is one key target every Egyptian grandpar‬‬‫‪ent is seeking after a life journey.‬‬ ‫‪Preserving house occupant’s privacy by‬‬ ‫‪an inward oriented design reminding us‬‬ ‫‪with the famous court like houses, yet not‬‬ ‫‪depriving the house rooms from the open‬‬ ‫‪views nor the feeling of openness through‬‬ ‫‪increasing the areas of glass partitions.‬‬ ‫‪Increasing social interaction between‬‬ ‫‪family members through the central in‬‬‫‪ner court and mezzanines design which‬‬ ‫‪maintain a modern life style, by covering‬‬ ‫‪all inner walls of the court with wide glass‬‬ ‫‪partitions and bridges passing through.‬‬ ‫‪The names of the spaces is the same as the‬‬ ‫‪classical architectural program in the tra‬‬‫‪ditional houses to proof that it is possible‬‬ ‫‪to the classical socio-architectural design‬‬ ‫‪of the iconic houses could survive in the‬‬ ‫‪modern times.‬‬ ‫‪Salamlik is the formal saloon, Haramlik‬‬ ‫‪is the family living area, Majaz is the en‬‬‫‪trance lobby improved with little privacy‬‬ ‫‪and so on.‬‬

‫‪Main Design Approach‬‬

‫‪Bayet Al Suhaymi 2011 is a heritage revival‬‬ ‫‪approach which can improve the connec‬‬‫‪tion between the historical, present, and‬‬ ‫‪future of the Egyptian identity. The house‬‬ ‫‪aims to foster a critical evolution of archi‬‬‫‪tectural historiography. The design has‬‬ ‫‪taken cues and elements from indigenous‬‬ ‫‪iconic traditional Islamic houses and mid‬‬‫‪dle Ages urbanism principals in abstract‬‬ ‫‪form and rephrased it in a modern dress.‬‬ ‫‪That was accomplished at dealing with the‬‬ ‫‪local challenges by addressing the key is‬‬‫‪sues that shaped the traditional architec‬‬‫‪ture and urbanism, and engaged them‬‬ ‫‪together like nature: sun, wind and mass.‬‬ ‫‪The following is the key issues studied in‬‬ ‫‪the design of the Self-sufficient Egyptian‬‬ ‫‪model.‬‬

‫‪Shade design‬‬

‫‪As shade is the first priority in comfort‬‬ ‫‪cooling, the design incorporates sheer‬‬ ‫‪density of house program masses with tall‬‬ ‫‪narrow corridors to provide shaded areas‬‬ ‫‪throughout the day.‬‬ ‫‪Sculpting the void through carving the‬‬ ‫‪space between rooms – is as important as‬‬ ‫‪designing the house itself.‬‬ ‫‪Deep roof overhangs and shading screens‬‬ ‫‪layer the house and create shade through‬‬‫‪out the year.‬‬

‫‪Thermal Mass‬‬ ‫‪Carbon Emissions reduction‬‬ ‫‪Energy and Food Sufficiency‬‬ ‫‪Storm water and grey water‬‬ ‫‪management‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬



Local Architecture

SA n Id TAEN eSw VIi sN T E R N A T I O N A L ion Of Landscape Architecture Dr. Maher Stino

Sites International is a multi-disciplinary consultancy firm specialized in designing integrated environments where the built and natural environments blend to produce works of functional and visual harmony. Our unique design process has evolved over the years by a core team of design and management professionals. The wide variety of projects completed by Sites International include large leisure and touristic resorts, hotels, residential and commercial complexes, historical districts, educational facilities, parks, and open spaces. Over the past 25 years, Sites International has established itself as a leading design firm with a team of

Dr. Laila El Masry

60 architects, landscape architects, urban designers and urban planners. Our prestigious international and regional clients include the United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (UNCHS), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), The American University as well as other prominent organizations in Egypt, the Gulf region, and Africa.



RENOVATION OF CATARACT ASWAN HOTEL Location: Aswan, Egypt Site Planning, Landscape Architecture

The Cataract Aswan Hotel is one of the finest and most famous historical and luxury hotels, built in the late 19th century atop a granite hill at the Nile River edge in Aswan, Egypt. As part of the major hotel renovation plan of the Egyptian General Company for Tourism and Hotels (EGOTH), Sites International was entrusted with the master plan and landscape architecture design. Given the splendor of the site and its breathtaking location, the design reflected elements of the interior and exterior architecture in the courtyards, terraces and gardens, sensitive to the natural, built and historical context.






NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI (NYUAD) Location: Abu dhabi, UAE Landscape Architecture

Location: New Cairo, Egypt Site Planning, Landscape Architecture

Sites International, working closely with multiple international and local firms, developed a master plan and landscape design for the 260–acre New Cairo campus of this notable university. Sites International played a key role in technical site coordination/site supervision. The design vision for the site is a tightly–knit learning environment that encompasses indoor and outdoor spaces. The central spine serves as the backbone of the campus, while geometrically–configured architectural features in the form of gateways, plazas and courtyards, subtly introduce new spaces along the course of the spine. Sustainability was central to all facets of the project. Every landscape decision was made with a limited irrigation water budget in mind. Sites International created a catalogue of planting material used in their design for future use by the community and in the classroom. The landscape as a whole is an environmental showcase for the best of things Egyptian in an institution that uniquely brings together what is American and Egyptian.

NYUAD is a comprehensive liberal arts campus scheduled to open in 2012. Sites International prepared the landscape master plan and design guidelines with the intent of creating an oasis–like haven for students and staff. The highly urbanized campus and extensive building land coverage posed a real landscape design challenge. Almost all landscaping is built on roofs, including parking garages, academic buildings and student / staff hous-

ing. Extensive studies were conducted to respond to the extremely hot–humid climate of Abu Dhabi. Native and adaptive plant species were selected. Hardscape materials with minimum heat gain were specified. The design provides sheltered and shaded areas for students’ outdoor use. Roof gardens play both an aesthetic role and minimize heat gain through the roofs of buildings.


Location: Aleppo, Syria Urban Design, Landscape Architecture

The ancient river bed was a part of reforming the heart of Aleppo city in Syria. This is the first stage of an overall Master Plan for restoring Quaiq River / Open Space Network. Sites international Responsibilities include Urban Design and City-wide Open Space Network studies, Historical and Geotechnical Studies and Analysis, and Landscape Design.





AL–AZHAR PARK Location: Cairo, Egypt Master Planning, Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Engineering, Site Supervision, Project Management

The Aga Khan Trust for Culture appointed Sites International as the lead consultant to develop and design the final master plan, landscape architecture, selected architecture and site supervision/project management of Al Azhar Park. The 74–acre site is uniquely situated amidst the splendor of Old Cairo, atop a 500 year old landfill and is defined along its western boundary by the 800 year old Ayyubid wall. The design theme is derived from the contextual Islamic heritage of Old Cairo and the design intent is to provide green open space for the densely populated city. The master plan centers on a major pedestrian spine that extends north–south, linking the to-



pographically–varied landscape elements of the Park. Furniture and lighting fixtures were custom designed by Sites International, using local artisans from a nearby quarry district. Al Azhar Park, now a Cairo landmark, was instrumental in the development of environmental awareness and a better understanding of the profession of landscape architecture in Egypt. The Park’s diverse planting material is a valuable educational resource for botany and horticulture students. Throughout the design process, Sites International was mindful of sustainable design issues. Native and adaptive trees and shrubs were used to provide shade and heat relief and the

irrigation system uses raw water from the Nile. Al Azhar Park transformed one of the poorest, most populous and historically rich parts of Cairo into a sustainable open space, stimulated social and economic development and generated revenues exceeding operational and maintenance costs.



UPTOWN CAIRO Location: Mokattam Cairo, Egypt Detailed Planning, Landscape Architecture.

Uptown Cairo is an exclusive 4 million m2 mixed use development in the Mokattam Hills of Cairo. Sites International was responsible for the phased detailed planning of Uptown Cairo, full landscape design of the Sales Center grounds, the main arrival entrance and roads to Uptown Cairo, and, “Street of Dreams” landscape and streetscape, which displays model villas. In addition, Sites International was respon-


Location: New Cairo, Egypt Detailed Planning, Landscape Architecture

Cairo Festival City (CFC) is a 3 million m2 premier, mixed–use development that brings together retail, dining, entertainment, hotels, luxury villas, apartment buildings, offices, schools and an automotive park in one self–contained city. Sites International updated the master plan, prepared the detailed planning and landscape architecture for the entire site and was responsible for supervision/project management. CFC’s network of formal and informal vehicular and pedestrian pathways weave through the site, linking the residential and business districts, intimate parks, public squares and the retail district. Oriana is the prime residential district in Cairo Festival City. Site International designed neighborhoods reflecting Spanish, French and Italian themes. On completion, Oriana will accommodate around 13,000 residents. 48



sible for development of the tender documents of the various residential villages. Sites International’s experienced site supervision unit played an integral role in the technical coordination of the multiple contractors and design disciplines on this highly complex project.

Location: 6th October City, Egypt Architecture, Landscape Architecture

Gardenia Park is an exclusive compound built in 6th of October City on a 90–acre property. Sites International was entrusted with the architecture, landscape architecture and engineering design of the clubhouse. The center includes a 250–person multipurpose hall, retail and administrative space and a gymnasium. Outdoor activities include swimming pools, tennis courts, tracks, a football field and children’s playground.

PYRAMIDS HEIGHTS OFFICE PARK Location: Cairo - Alexandria Road, Egypt Site planning, Landscape Architecture

Pyramids Heights Park is a large office development with a site area of 118,600 m2. The landscape design objective is to transform the heart of the project from being asphalt road and parking into a lush garden with elegant paving to encourage pedestrian traffic. Masses of palm trees, shade trees, and groundcovers create an oasis effect. The linear green spine is connected to green courtyards adjacent to existing buildings. The landscape design also provides kiosks for food and beverage with sitting shaded areas.



HYDE PARK GARDEN HEIGHTS Location: New Cairo, Egypt Landscape Architecture

The garden heights project is located in New Cairo City. The area is (699.5 acre) of which 63% percent or (443.8 acre) is purely for roadscape and open spaces which lavishly connect and surround all the project zone. A central park is at a prime location at the heart of the project allowing spectacular extended views from all the

bounding residential units. The landscape plays an interesting role in this project as every lot privileges a direct access to adjacent open green area. There is no backto back – villas arrangement. This life style project with the variety of housing types comprises a vast spectrum of retail, medical, and recreational facilities.

MENA HOUSE OBEROI HOTEL Location: Giza, Egypt Site Planning, Landscape Architecture

MAKADI BAY GOLF COURSE Location: Red Sea, Egypt Detailed Planning, Landscape Architecture



The 450–acre seaside resort of Makadi Bay provided Sites International with the opportunity to blend architecture, landscape architecture, and engineering in one setting. Makadi boasts an 18–hole international golf course, golf clubhouse, luxury hotel, a variety of sporting activities. Sites international worked on planning and subdivision of the several residential clusters. In addition work included landscape

architecture and planting design of the golf course and lagoons and over 300 villas situated around the golf course and lagoons. The development is connected by an internal road network and a ribbon of small parks and tree– lined promenades. The development offers a vibrant and stylish setting in which people can live, shop, eat, work.

The Mena House Oberoi Hotel is set in a 10– acre site in the shadow of the Pyramids of Giza. Set against the backdrop of ancient history and playing host to numerous royalties, heads of state, and celebrities, the hotel features wide open spaces, gardens and plazas. The Egyptian General Company for Tourism and Hotels (EGOTH) asked Sites International to spearhead master planning and landscape architecture design for the site. Sites International was keen to preserve the hotel’s historic premise, which featured royal palms, while harmoniously incorporating new amenities and features. Landscape features include sophisticated geometric pavements, pools, water–falls, fountains and secondary walkways with secluded sitting areas. Sites International’s site supervision team played a key role during construction.




Distance Studio consultants is continuing its growth increasingly in the Arab market. During 2010, it managed by its intensive activity of the acquisition of more opportunities in the Arab region, especially in the Gulf and the North of Africa. In addition to, its strong presence in Egypt, which enabled it to become one of the best Egyptian and Arab consulting firms on the other hand distance studio consultants keen to provide a different style in the design and implementation combines the details of Arabian architecture in parallel with the latest modern global design makes us different architectural style and with the great excellence All these factors have made distance studio consultants one of the Arabian house of experience that deserve to be among the top ten companies in this year and . In this report, we are offering several projects of the company's business during the past period.



MAAD HOTEL COMPLEX Client: MAAD International Company Main Consultant: Distance Studio Consultants ( DSC )

The Project Site is Located Mekkah city, Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia in a Land Size of 48,260m2 meter square. The proposed mixed-use towers included in the design project is envisioned as a unique and state of the art landmark with a total built-up area of 800.000m2 The desiganed complex three & four and five – stars luxurious hotels have 24towers and all amenities of three & four and five – stars hotel such as restaurants, health club, gym, multi-purpose halls retail arcade and administration office. This project has also between three to

four levels of underground park-ing for vehicles and other services with landscaped roof with vehicular and pedestrian connection to the tower building . DSC put in consideration during design stages in all disciplines that the tower shall be in a cost-effective manner while providing a high qual-ity to client and meeting industrial standards for maintainability . Although the materials and systems shall be specified as required taking into consideration availability in local market, durability, environmentally friendly and ease of maintenamce. The orinciplws of cost effectiveness is strictly observed by DSC.



A Striking Story Of Success






Mixed Mixed UseUse

location: Obhur, location: Jeddah, Obhur, K.SJeddah, A K.S A

CP2 enjoys CP2 a strategic enjoys a location strategicinlocation North in North as well as as residents well as of residents the recommended of the recommended Obhur which Obhur is strongly which isrecognized strongly recognized as a as a compound compound and students/staff and students/staff of the interof the interpremium area premium in thearea northern in thepart northern of Jedpart of Jednational school national thatschool is proposed that is as proposed part of as part of dah for expatriate dah for expatriate compounds. compounds. the development. the development. CP2 wouldCP2 be would equivalent be equivalent to 37,850 to Sqm 37,850 Sqm CP2 site falls CP2atsite Al Thuraya falls at AlCollege Thurayawhich College which and as such and resulting as suchin resulting a high utilization in a high utilization is currently is under currently construction under construction and thus and thus of the landofplot thewith landaround plot with 60% around BUA cov60% BUA covoffers opportunity offers opportunity for providing for providing commer- commererage of the erage totalofplot thearea totalofplot 62,750 areaSqm. of 62,750 Sqm. cial services cialtoservices cater totostudents cater toand students staff and staff such as restaurants, such as restaurants, coffee shops, coffee entershops, enterCP2 is a mixed CP2 is use a mixed project usethat project would that would tainment and tainment other and supporting other supporting services. services. provide a distinguished provide a distinguished community community offeroffering comprehensive ing comprehensive facilities and facilities services and services the attractiveness the attractiveness of the CP2 of developthe CP2 developwithin a single within location a single location ment would ment improve wouldgreatly improve by greatly providing by providing CP2 is recommended CP2 is recommended to comprise to acomprise resia resisuch facilities suchand facilities will be andsupported will be supported by by dential compound dential compound for expatriates, for expatriates, a neigh- a neighthe strongthe demand strongexhibited demand exhibited in the mar-in the marborhood shopping borhood shopping centre andcentre a private and a private ket for compound ket for compound accommodation accommodation by exby exinternational international school andschool a medical and center a medical center patriates seeking patriatescommunities seeking communities offering a offering a At CP2 TheAtresidential CP2 The residential compoundcompound is envi- is envirelaxed lifestyle relaxed in lifestyle Jeddah.in Jeddah. sioned to sioned comprise to acomprise diverse mix a diverse of units mix of units including including villas, townhouses villas, townhouses and apart-and apartments in the ments form in of thea gated form ofcommunity a gated community design along design withalong comprehensive with comprehensive facilifacilities that will tiescreate that will a fully create serviced a fullycomserviced community. munity. At CP2 TheAt compound CP2 The compound should provide should supprovide supporting facilities portingsuch facilities as a swimming such as a swimming pool, pool, gym, coffee gym, shop, coffee restaurants shop, restaurants a healthcare a healthcare centre, etc.centre, whichetc. willwhich enhance willits enhance attrac- its attractiveness totiveness potential to tenants. potentialOverall, tenants.the Overall, the integrationintegration of housingofunits housing with units supportwith supporting facilities ingwill facilities help to willdrive helpthe to desire drive the desire among potential among potential expatriatesexpatriates to occupyto occupy residentialresidential units. units. At CP2 neighborhood At CP2 neighborhood shopping shopping center center has the opportunity has the opportunity to service to anservice under- an underretailed part retailed of thepart cityofand thewould city and offer would offer grocery, retail, grocery, F&B retail, and supporting F&B and supporting servicservices to residents es toof residents the surrounding of the surrounding commu- communities falling nities within falling thewithin catchments the catchments area area






Educational Complex



Al taief educational Complex Located in Saudia Arabia Project was designed by DSC consists of International School, boys and girls schools, boys and girls institutes, theater, nursery and football fields.

Project consists of total up area 943991.65 sqm. And it provide commercial services to cater to students and staff such as restaurants, coffee shops, entertainment and other supporting services



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DESIGN IDEAS international

Living Rooms Design Round up


‫عيش بشكل عصرى‬




e offer special and imaginable and quick round up of the living rooms design,Living modern with nature tones and color blasts Prepare to transform your living space with inspiration from this set of cool, modern living rooms. Contemporary design sheds its edge with this curvaceous furniture set, the stone colored organic forms sit right at home in front of the wild garden beyond, where this exciting green, gray and white scene positively buzzes with youthful energy and zest for life.This neutral scheme receives a hit of glamour from a large chandelier overhead and shiny bronze scatter cushions around the perimeter.This plum, white and taupe living room provides warmth and color in a sophisticated and muted manner or step it up a notch with punchy purple and teal against a slate backdrop.



Kinds of Lamps

LIVING ROOM LIGHTING Tips and Ideas for Lighting Up the Living Room Living rooms are used for many different purposes such as entertaining, others for watching television and many for a whole host of other activities. It's important to have appropriate living room lighting that not only looks great in the space, but also accommodates all of the events that take place there.

Table lamps are important for providing task lighting. It's a good idea to have a few scattered throughout the room. For a formal look place a pair of matching lamps at either end of a console table or on end tables. While Floor lamps are great for adding light where there's no table surface (they're often used in corners). They don't take up very much space and are great for distributing light in awkward spaces.

Hanging Fixtures Chandeliers and pendent lamps can be a fun decorative touch in living rooms. They provide a nice overall glow to the space and draw the eye upward.

Living Room Lighting Tips Ultimately you want a mix of task and ambient light so try mixing floor lamps, table lamps, and maybe an overhead light and/or sconces. Make sure there's enough light near reading or work areas and also use light to call attention to unexpected or special places. One of the best things you can do is to add a dimmer switch to every single light in the room (do this with every light in the house if you can). The ability to soften or brighten the light allows you to totally change the mood in the room. They're not very expensive and it makes a huge difference.





‫نصائح إلضاءة غرفة املعيشة‬ ‫أخيرا ً ترغب في مزيج من الضوء الرائع واللطيف‪،‬‬ ‫لذا جرب أن متزج بني ملبات الطابق وملبات املنضدة أو‬ ‫اللمبات العلوية‪ ،‬وتأكد من أن هناك إضاءة كافية‬ ‫بالقرب من مناطق القراءة أو العمل واستخدم‬ ‫كذلك الضوء اجلاذب لالنتباه في األماكن اخلاصة‪ .‬من‬ ‫أفضل األشياء التي ميكنك أن تضيفها هو مفتاح‬ ‫التيار الكهربي لكل ضوء فردي في الغرفة (افعل‬ ‫هذا مع كل ضوء في املنزل إذا استطعت)‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫يسمح الضوء اخلافت أو الرقيق بأن تغير كلي ًة من‬ ‫وضع الغرفة‪ ،‬وهي أضواء رخيصة الثمن وتضفي فرقا ً‬ ‫شاسعا ً‪.‬‬ ‫تعتبر ملبات الطاولة هامة في تزويد املكان باإلضاءة‪،‬‬ ‫وتعد فكرة جيدة أن ينتشر الضوء في الغرفة‪.‬‬ ‫يستخدم في األماكن الرسمية زوجا ً من اللمبات‬ ‫املراقبة عند أي نهاية منضدة أو في نهاية الطاولة‪.‬‬ ‫بينما تعتبر اللمبات عظيمة في إضافة الضوء في‬ ‫املناطق التي ليس بها مساحة للطاولة (فهي غالبا ً‬ ‫ما تستخدم في األركان)‪ ،‬وهي ال تأخذ مساحة كبيرة‬ ‫في نشر القليل من الضوء وتعد عظيمة في توزيع‬ ‫الضوء في املساحات التى غالبا ما تكون مهملة‪.‬‬

‫أنواع اللمبات‬

‫التركيبات املعلقة‬ ‫تضفي الثريا واللمبات املعلقة ملسة ديكور ممتعة في‬ ‫غرف املعيشة‪ ،‬حيث تزود املكان بالدفئ واحلرارة في‬ ‫املساحات الكبيرة وتريح النظر في الغرفة‪.‬‬


‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


‫جولة حول تصميم غرف المعيشة‬ ‫كن مستعدا ً لتحويل فضاؤك املعيشي مع هذا‬ ‫التخيل اجلديد لغرف املعيشة احلديثة وابتعد قليال‬ ‫عن االجواء الباردة او التقليدية‪ ،‬هناك العديد من‬ ‫النمازج جميلة التصميم والعصرية من كافة قطع‬ ‫االثاث والديكور وكافة التفاصيل التى ميكنها ان‬ ‫جتعل حياتك اكثر راحة وكذلك استخدام الدهانات‬ ‫ذات االلوان واخللفيات الرمادية والبيضاء فى الطالء‬ ‫اخلارجى املواجه للحديقة ستجعل املكان مفعم‬ ‫باحليوية واالنسجام‪ ،‬كما ان استخدام الثريات‬ ‫الكبيرة احلجم مع املصابيع البرونزية املضيئة‬ ‫حول احلدود اخلارجية تزود غرفة املعيشة ذات اللون‬ ‫الرمادي الداكن واألبيض واألرجواني بالدفء كذلك‬ ‫فان استخدام األلوان بأسلوب مصقول وثابت فى‬ ‫الطرقات او املمرات وخاصة االلوان املائلة لألرجوانى‬ ‫للستائر يجعل اجلو اكثر رحابة وانسجام‪.‬‬


‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬



BAMBOO ‫تصميمات بيئية من البامبو‬



The most of designers' ideas are towards the world since 20 years to the nature, as it is the basic which found all unique designed ideas, which represent the first schools of designers, because of its creatures, environmental models created by God, the beauty of design and its competence in using. In the latest human development journey, the designing operation passed many experiences from classics to moderns or after modern, this is the direction like the nature whether by dealing or imitation of creatures or by return to classic directions of designs which are basically token from heritage of peoples to confirm the local cultural dimensions or to realize the most designing utilization from the components of nature, its wonderful models and we saw great designs which deal with sea waves or its designing ideas which depend on plants, movements of winds and birds. Finally, the designing maturity started to show many designs as wood, bamboo, stones or imitated or heritage tissue to issue environmental products where they are described as an attempt to environmental compatibility and prevention of pollution along with the loud trends and voices in the last period, with the necessity to keep the environment and permanent in order to reduce as soon as possible the consumption of materials and natural resources which began to be rare, and this is the trend adopted by U.S and many other countries around the world. In this regard, many designs which may be called "environmental" began to contribute effectively in solving of many problems, in addition to reduction of environmental pollutions, and also for its importance which consisted in one of its parts because of being depend basically to the environmental materials.



‫تتجه معظم افكار املصممني فى العالم منذ اكثر‬ ‫من ‪ 20‬عاما الى محكاه الطبيعة باعتبارها االم‬ ‫التى اوجدت كافة االفكار التصميمة الفريدة فى‬ ‫تصميمها والتى متثل املدرسة االولى للمصممني‬ ‫هذا ملا تتمتع به الكائنات او النمازج البيئية التى‬ ‫اوجدها اخلالق من جمال تصميمى وكفاءة فى‬ ‫استخدامها وفى رحلة التطور البشرى االخيرة مرت‬ ‫العملية التصميمة بكثير من اخلبرات والتجارب من‬ ‫كالسيكى الى حداثى او ما بعد احلداثة وهو االجتاه‬ ‫الذى مثل القمة فى التطور التصميمى‪ ،‬وهو ما‬ ‫اعقبه بداية حقيقية الى الرجوع للطبيعة سواءا فى‬ ‫احملاكاه او التقليد للكائنات او العودة الى االجتاهات‬ ‫الكالسيكسة فى التصميمة املستمدة اساسا من‬ ‫تراث الشعوب فى محاولة لتاكيد االبعاد الثقافية‬ ‫احمللية او لتحقيق اقصى استفادة تصميمية من‬ ‫مكونات البيئة ومنازجها الرائعة وراينا تصميمات‬ ‫مبهرة حتاكى امواج البحرا وتعتمد فكرتها‬ ‫التصميمية على النباتات او حتى حركة الرياح‬ ‫والرمال واخيرا بدا النضج التصميمى بظهور العديد‬ ‫من التصميمات ملنتجات كثيرة حول العالم متثل‬ ‫ابعادا تصميمة اكثر قوة حيث بدا املزج بني املكونات‬ ‫البيئية كاالخشاب والبامبو واالحجار او املنسوجات‬ ‫التقليدية والتراثية للخروج مبنتجات بيئية فيما‬ ‫ميكن توصيفه بانه محاولة للتوافق البيئى ومنع‬ ‫التلوث متاشيا مع االجتاهات واالصوات املتعالية فى‬ ‫الفترة االخيرة بضرورة احلفاظ البيئى واالستدامة من‬ ‫اجل التقليل قدر االمكان من استهالك املواد واملوارد‬ ‫الطبيعية التى بدات تعانى ندرة وهو االجتاه الذى‬ ‫تتبناه االمم املتحدة والعديد من دول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫فى هذا االطار بدات العديد من التصميمات التى من‬ ‫املمكن تسميتها بالبيئية والتى رمبا تسهم بشكل‬ ‫فعال فى حل الكثير من املشكالت اضافة للتقليل‬ ‫قدر االمكان من امللوثات البيئة كما ان اهميتها‬ ‫تكمن فى احد اوجهها فيما يتعلق بكونها معتمدة‬ ‫اساسا على املواد البيئية‪.‬‬

‫دراجة الكترونية من البامبو‬

‫يعتبر طرازا ً '‪ t20' bamboo bike‬والتى ابتكر‬ ‫تصميمها الفرنسي ‪ Antoine Fritsch‬كجزء‬ ‫من مشروع البحث املتطور الستثمار موضوعات‬ ‫استكشافية لتغيير السلوكيات املتعلقة بالتطور‬ ‫البشرى‪ ،‬وبالرغم من أن جسم الدراجة مصنوع من‬ ‫البامبو‪ ،‬اال ان هناك عناصر ومواد اخرى مت استخدامها‬ ‫فى تصنيع النموزج مثل الفلني واالستيل واأللومنيوم‬ ‫واملطاط‪.‬‬ ‫كما أن محركها صغير وهو ما مكن املصمم من ان‬ ‫يواريه حتت مسند القدمني بينما ميكن الدراجة من‬ ‫الوصول إلى سرعة تصل إلى ‪ 35‬كم‪ /‬ساعة وحتى‬ ‫حوالي ‪ 40‬كم‪ /‬ساعة‪ ،‬وتعتبر السرعات مشابهة‬ ‫للدراجة البخارية املنخفضة وتعمل الطاقة اليدوية‬ ‫للمستخدم لدفع الدراجة إلى األمام حتى تسير‪،‬‬ ‫بينما تعمل تركيبة الفلني املولدة واملنصهرة بني‬ ‫الكرسي واملسند اخللفي لقيادة مريحة اثناء السير‪.‬‬

‫سلة التنزه املرفوعة على الدراجة ذات‬ ‫املنضدة والكراسي‪ -‬من تصميم ‪bloon‬‬

‫يعتبر الطقس الدافئ املناخ املثالى لركوب الدراجات‬ ‫والتمتع بالطبيعة والقيام برحالت التنزه فى االماكن‬ ‫املفتوحة‪ ،‬لذا ياتى تصميم ‪bike rack picnic‬‬ ‫للمصمم االملانى ‪ jeriël bobbe‬والذى مت لصالح‬ ‫مؤسسة ‪ bloon‬و ياتى التصميم محققا لرغبات‬ ‫الكثيرين حيث ميكن استخدام املتعدد للدراجة‬ ‫فبالضافة لكونها وسيلة نقل جيدة فانها متكنه‬ ‫كذلك من حمل املزيد من االغراض كذلك فانها تتميز‬ ‫بالتصميم البسيط‪ ،‬ان املستخدم يتمكن بسهولة‬ ‫من استخدام اغراض كثيرة مثل الطاولة واألكواب‬ ‫والسكاكني بالتوازى مع توافر الفضاء الواسع لتخزن‬ ‫الطعام‪ ،‬كما أنها توفر املزيد من الرفاهية لكونها‬ ‫حتتوى على منضدة تتسع الثنني وكراسي مقدم ًة املزيد‬ ‫من الراحة للمتنزهني‪.‬‬

‫‪ANTOINE FRITSCH:‬‬ ‫‪T2O BAMBOO ELECTRI‬‬‫‪CAL BIKE‬‬ ‫‪the 't20' bamboo bike is a prototype by‬‬ ‫‪french designer antoine fritsch as part of‬‬ ‫‪an ongoing research project to investigate‬‬ ‫‪themes exploring changing behaviors re‬‬‫‪lated to sustainable development.‬‬ ‫‪although the body is made out of bam‬‬‫‪boo, other elements include cork, steel,‬‬ ‫‪aluminum and rubber.‬‬ ‫‪surprisingly, the small motor, which is hid‬‬‫‪den under the footrest, can reach a cruis‬‬‫‪ing speed of 35 km/hr (21.7 mph) for a‬‬ ‫‪range of about 40 km/hr (24.8 mph). the‬‬ ‫‪acceleration works similar to a scooter,‬‬ ‫‪employing manual power from the user‬‬ ‫‪to push the bike forward until it gets go‬‬‫‪ing, while a hybrid cork structure acts as a‬‬ ‫‪fusion between a seat and backrest for a‬‬ ‫‪comfortable ride‬‬ ‫‪bike rack picnic basket with table and‬‬ ‫‪chairs by bloon design‬‬ ‫‪warmer weather brings the perfect cli‬‬‫‪mate for riding bikes and enjoying nature‬‬ ‫‪by having a picnic in the park.‬‬ ‫‪dutch designer jeriël bobbe of bloon de‬‬‫‪sign brings the joys of these activities to‬‬‫‪gether with 'springtime',‬‬ ‫‪a concept for a picnic basket system which‬‬ ‫‪has been conceived in such a way that it‬‬ ‫‪can easily be attached‬‬ ‫‪to a bike rack for easy transportation. in‬‬‫‪cluding the typical objects such as plates,‬‬ ‫‪cups and cutlery along with ample space‬‬ ‫‪to store your food, it also boasts extra‬‬ ‫‪amenities in the form of a table for two‬‬ ‫‪and chairs, offering more comfort to pic‬‬‫‪nickers‬‬

‫‪This Springtime picnic basket, designed by‬‬ ‫‪Dutch Jeriël Bobbe of bloon design, offers the‬‬ ‫‪perfect solution to that problem. It holds a ta‬‬‫‪ble for two, chairs and plenty of space to store‬‬ ‫‪your food, plates, cups and cutlery. Easy to‬‬ ‫‪carry on your bike to any idyllic dinner location:‬‬ ‫‪have a seat and enjoy a lovely meal in nature.‬‬ ‫‪Go for a picnic with your friend‬‬


‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


DESIGN IDEAS local designs

Furniture is a new term within the hearing of the specialists and public. I have drafted it to express a certain type of designs, which carries with it tales representing the main support themes that inspires the designer, and which became art piece of furniture telling its story and expressed through ideas consistent with the subject imitation and the function controlling the piece of furniture. As well as, checking the balance between the different elements whether on the creative, technical, or functional side.

‫االثاث احلكائي مصطلح جديد علي مسمع املتخصصني و العامة قمت بصياغته للتعبير عن نوع معني من‬ ‫ و التي صارت‬, ‫التصميمات التي حتمل في طياتها حكايات متثل العماد الرئيسي للموضوعات امللهمة للمصمم‬ ‫قطعا فنية من االثاث تروي لنا حكاياتها و التي عبرت عنها من خالل افكار تتسق مع املوضوع احلكائي و الوظيفة‬ ‫ و التحقق من التوازن بني العناصر اخملتلفة سواء علي اجلانب االبداعي او التقني او‬,‫التي حتكم قطعة االثاث‬ .‫الوظيفي‬

Dr. Khaled Mehrez

Professor of Furniture Design Faculty of Applied Arts,Helwan University Chairman of Mehrez+Krema Company

‫االثاث الحكائي‬



The designer chooses the door as one of the symbolic theme that our lives revolve around. The door is a symbolic idea of entrance and exiting, as entering and leaving life. For example, door has the property of prevention and allowing, which are two contradictory properties that can take place simultaneously. Whenever the human stands in front of the door, it represents himself. This is what the designer approved in his choice to the door as an eye witness to the history. It tells us about its life history, which the designer meant to use to explore about the life history of each Egyptian citizen, expressing his passion and dreams, as well as, recalling his childhood and youth then talking about his elderliness and the effects of the years on him. The designer managed to contact between the past with the glorious history and the present with its joys and pains. Then he ends his story talking about life which carries darkness and light looking forward to the future, and that he someday will return the torch of civilization to its original birthplace.




The ideas of this table revolves around the story of Moses (PBUH) and the king Pharaoh, who was informed by one of the fortune tellers that there is a boy will be born to become a prophet and eliminate you. For this reason, King Pharaoh ordered his entourage to kill every smallest new birth (boy). When Moses's mother knew that, she left his elder to put him in a box made of papyrus rolls then throws him in the sea watching him from afar to escape the tyranny of Pharaoh. Then the waves swept the box away until it approached the palace of Pharaoh, and the guards saw it and took the box finding in it a baby. King Pharaoh felt sorry for him and ordered to be under his auspices till the end of the story. Indeed since my childhood and this story entices me and raises my feelings. When I thought of expressing it and that the box which saved Moses is the central topic which the main idea of the table with its papyrus rolls from its sides and vertical ligaments revolved around and also which controls the design of the box itself. The

pinch of the table contained a dramatic action which is rich with the ornamental themes, that lies within a group of squares in the upper pinch of the table. It is about sculptural decorative units that represent amulets in the form of ( ) as a symbol of immortality and rebirth in the ancient Egyptian civilization and that after some technical processes done upon it to melt its form and convert it into a singular modern unit that suits the square form of the module framework in the table's pinch, as if these amulets were awake guards throughout day and night. For this reason, the designer's aim was to balance between the number of the amulets and the day hours, and then he mediated the table with a golden sun that sends lights through the sides of the box. Cynically, the designers formed italic external lines to its oval shape referring to the world in addition to, making a group of sculpture levels to convert the rigid statistical shape to an active state full of movement, despite the stability of the squared shape around him.



‫سيرة ذاتية – باب التوت‬

‫خزانة الفالح الفصيح‬

‫أختار املصمم الباب كأحد املوضوعات الرمزية التي‬ ‫تدور حولها حياتنا ‪ ،‬فالباب رمز للدخول واخلروج ‪،‬‬ ‫الدخول الي احلياة واخلروج منها ‪ ،‬كما أنه يتمتع‬ ‫بخاصية املنع والسماح وهما خاصيتان متناقضتان‬ ‫ميكن أحداثهما في آن واحد وحينما يقف اإلنسان‬ ‫أمامه يتمثل فيه وهذا هو البعد الذى أقره املصمم‬ ‫في اختياره للباب كشاهد عيان علي التاريخ‪ ،‬يروي‬ ‫لنا سيرته الذاتية والتي قصد بها املصمم التنقيب‬ ‫عن السيرة الذاتية لكل مواطن مصري يعبر فيها‬ ‫عن آالمه واحالمه‪ ،‬ويتذكر مراحل الطفولة والصبا‬ ‫ثم يتحدث عن الكهولة وما فعله الزمان واستطاع‬ ‫املصمم ان يربط بني املاضي حيث التاريخ اجمليد‬ ‫واحلاضر بأفراحه وآالمه‪ ،‬ثم يختتم روايته باحلديث عن‬ ‫احلياة التي حتمل في طياتها الظالم والنور‪ ،‬أمال ً في‬ ‫املستقبل‪ ،‬وأنه يوما ما سوف تعود شعلة احلضارة‬ ‫الي موطنها األصيل‪.‬‬

‫قصة فالح مصرى يرجع تاريخها الي أربعة آالف سنة‬ ‫تدور فصولها حول رجل من رجال احلكم يسعي الى‬ ‫كل فساد‪ ،‬ومتثل القصة فالحا سلبه دوابه وحاصالته‬ ‫موظف من رجال احلاكم‪ ،‬فلم يسكت علي ما اصابه من‬ ‫ظلم‪ ،‬بل رفع امره الي احلاكم وقوة احلق تتدفق من بني‬ ‫شفتيه‪ ،‬وجتيء بعدها خطب تسع يفصح فيها الفالح‬ ‫اجلريء عن شكواه‪ ،‬وفي خطبته األخيرة يذكره بالعاقبة‬ ‫الوخيمة التي سوف يلقاها‪ ،‬فيقول له " ان جنحت الي‬ ‫الظلم فسوف ال تعقب وسوف ال تقر عينك بوريث‪،‬‬ ‫وان من يركب سفينة اخلداع فسوف يبقي في خضم‬ ‫البحر حيث ال شاطيء ينتهي اليه وال مرفأ يلقي عنده‬ ‫مراسيه " وتنتهي القصة الي ان امللك يأمر مدير بيته‬ ‫بالفصل في هذه القضية ويأمر باسترداد الفالح حقه‬ ‫الذى سلب منه‪.‬‬ ‫وايضا حركت هذه القصة مشاعرى كمصمم للتعبير‬ ‫عنها من خالل تصميم خزانة تروى لنا مثل هذه األدبيات‬

‫طاولة موسي‬ ‫تدور افكار هذه الطاولة حول قصة سيدنا موسي‬ ‫عليه السالم و فرعون الذى اخبره احد العرافني بأن‬ ‫هناك ولدا سيولد يصبح نبيا وسيقضي عليك‪ ،‬فأمر‬ ‫امللك فرعون حاشيته بقتل كل مولود )ولد( صغير‬ ‫وملا علمت والدة موسي بذلك تركته ألخته الكبري‬ ‫لتضعه في صندوق من لفائف البردي وتلقيه في‬ ‫اليم وتراقبه من بعيد هربا من جبروت فرعون‪ ،‬وجرفت‬ ‫االمواج الصندوق حتي اقترب من قصر فرعون ورأوه‬ ‫احلراس وأخذوا الصندوق فوجدوا به طفل رضيع‪،‬‬ ‫أشفق عليه امللك فرعون وأمر برعايته الى آخر‬ ‫القصة‪.‬‬ ‫في احلقيقة منذ طفولتي وهذه القصة تراودنى‬ ‫وتثير وجداني وحينما فكرت في التعبير عنها و كان‬ ‫الصندوق الذي حفظ موسي هو املوضوع احملورى‬ ‫الذى دارت حوله فكرة الطاولة ذات اللفائف البردية‬ ‫من اجلوانب واالربطة الرأسية التي حتكم شكل‬ ‫الصندوق فحوت القرصة علي عمل درامي ثرى‬ ‫باملوضوعات الزخرفية ‪ ،‬والتي اتخذت مواضعها داخل‬ ‫مجموعة من املربعات بالقرصة العلوية وهي عبارة‬ ‫عن وحدات زخرفية نحتية متثل متائم علي شكل‬ ‫)عمود جد( رمزا للخلود والبعث في احلضارة املصرية‬ ‫القدمية وذلك بعد اجراء بعض العمليات الفنية عليه‬ ‫الذابة شكله وحتوله كمفرد حديث ‪ ،‬كي يالئم وحدة‬ ‫االطار املربع الشكل في القرصة وكأن هذه التمائم‬ ‫حراس نابهني طيلة الليل والنهار‪ ،‬لذا هدف املصمم‬ ‫الي جعل عدد التمائم يتعادل مع عدد ساعات اليوم‬ ‫ويتوسط املنضدة قرص الشمس الذهبي الذى‬ ‫يبعث نوره جنبات الصندوق وايضا بشكل ساخر‬ ‫قام املصمم بتشكيل القرص املائل في خطوطه‬ ‫اخلارجية للشكل البيضاوى اشارة للكون مع عمل‬ ‫مجموعة من املستويات النحتية لتحول الشكل‬ ‫االستاتيكي اجلامد الي حالة نشطة مليئة باحلركة‬ ‫رغم ثبات الشكل املربع من حوله ‪.‬‬ ‫‪77‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫‪ ،‬واختيرت وحدة اخلزانة ذات الشكل الرأسي للتمثيل‬ ‫عن طريقها بالفالح الفصيح والذى ميلك رأس وقلب من‬ ‫ذهب ينبض باحلكمة والبالغة والصمود وتنثر الشمس‬ ‫الذهبية البارزة اعلي اخلزانة اشعتها اميانا بالعدل واخلير‬ ‫واحلق والضمير‪ ،‬بينما يتوسط الشكل الودعي ذو اللون‬ ‫الذهبي وحدة اخلزانة ايضا لإلعالن عن مولد العدل واحلق‪،‬‬ ‫ومتثل مجموعة األدراج التسعة اخلطب أو الشكاوي‬ ‫التسعة التي ناشد بها الفالح امللك‪ ،‬بينما تترامي في‬ ‫اخللفية اعمال نحتية بارزه وغائرة ذات اللون األبنوسي‬ ‫والتي متثل مجموعة من االشجار واخلراف واحلمير واملياه‬ ‫للتعبير عن اجلو العام للقصة‪ ،‬وحفرت اجمل الكتابات‬ ‫املترجمة الي العربية والتي حتمل مقطوعات بالغية‬ ‫للفالح الفصيح‪ ،‬وبالرغم من املوضوع احلكائي املمتد‬ ‫لهذه القطعة اال أنها تؤدى وظيفتها النفعية بشكل‬ ‫كامل فاخلزانة حتوي علي مجموعة أدراج وضلف علوية‬ ‫يستطيع مستخدمها ان يستفيد من كل جزء بها ‪.‬‬

‫كونصول هدهد‬ ‫سيدنا سليمان‬ ‫واحد من املراجع الهامة التى قصدها املصمم‪ ،‬االستلهام‬ ‫من الكائنات احلية التى حتيط بنا‪ ،‬لذلك قام املصمم‬ ‫بإستدعاء طائر الهدهد الذى يتميز بسرعته الهائلة‬ ‫فى الطيران والرشاقة وحسن املظهر‪ ،‬فقد قام املصمم‬ ‫بتفكيك البناء اخلاص بالطائر وأعاد تنظيمه فى بناء جديد‬ ‫وأعتمد فى مورفولوجيه الشكل على العناصر االساسية‬ ‫املكونة للبناء فضال ً عن حتقيق اجلانب الوظيفى لوحدة‬ ‫االثاث‪ ،‬حيث يتكون من جزء سفلى عبارة عن دلفتان‬ ‫ودرج علوى والذى ميثل جسد الطائر وذيله وجناحيه بينما‬ ‫ميثل اإلطار العلوى رأس الطائر ‪ ،‬حيث يتميز تاج الهدهد‬ ‫بالشكل املروحى الذى يحيط باملرآة ومتثل أباليك اإلضاءة‬ ‫التى حتيط بالكونصول منقار الطائر املدبب بينما يشير‬ ‫اجلزء العلوى منه الى ريش الطائر امللون اجلميل‪ ،‬و اخذ‬ ‫الكونصول عنوانه من القصة الشهيرة لطائر الهدهد مع‬ ‫سيدنا سليمان في القران الكرمي‪.‬‬

‫‪manager to adjudicate in this case, ordering‬‬ ‫‪to retrieves the peasant's right. This story was‬‬ ‫‪one of the significant writings in the ancient‬‬ ‫‪Egyptian civilization as it carries rhetoric of ex‬‬‫‪pression, wisdom of the peasant, resistance to‬‬ ‫‪retrieves his right and justice ratification.‬‬ ‫‪This story also moved my feelings as a design‬‬‫‪er to express it through the cabinet design‬‬ ‫‪which is told to us such as literature. The verti‬‬‫‪cally shaped cabinet was chosen to describe‬‬ ‫‪the peasant who have a kind heart and mind‬‬ ‫‪pulsing with wisdom and resistance. Then‬‬ ‫‪the prominent golden sun disperses high‬‬ ‫‪the cabinet believing with justice, goodness,‬‬ ‫‪right, and conscience. The group of the nine‬‬ ‫‪drawers represents the speeches or the com‬‬‫‪plaints which were appealed by the peasant‬‬ ‫‪to the king. While in the background we can‬‬ ‫‪see the outstanding and deep sculpture‬‬ ‫‪works with its ebony color, which represents‬‬ ‫‪a group of trees, sheep, donkeys, and water‬‬ ‫‪to express the whole atmosphere of the story.‬‬ ‫‪Beautiful translated writings in to Arabic were‬‬ ‫‪drilled which carries rhetorical pieces to the‬‬ ‫‪eloquent peasant. Despite the imitated topic‬‬ ‫‪for the extended passage, but it is doing its‬‬ ‫‪beneficial function completely because the‬‬ ‫‪cabinet contains a group of drawers and a‬‬ ‫‪high shelves so as that the users take advan‬‬‫‪tage from every part of them.‬‬

‫‪ELOQUENT‬‬ ‫‪PEASANT CABINET‬‬ ‫‪A story of an Egyptian peasant dating from‬‬ ‫‪four thousand years ago and its chapters re‬‬‫‪volve around one of the governance men‬‬ ‫‪who seek only for corruption. The story sym‬‬‫‪bolizes a peasant who was robbed of his ani‬‬‫‪mals and crops by an employee among the‬‬ ‫‪ruler's men. He didn't remain silent for being‬‬ ‫‪a victim of injustice, but he raised his matter‬‬ ‫‪to the Governor saying the truth. And comes‬‬ ‫‪after, nine speeches which the bold peasant‬‬ ‫‪discloses his complaint in it. In his last speech,‬‬ ‫‪the peasant remembered the Governor of the‬‬ ‫‪severe consequence he will meet out, say‬‬‫‪ing:" If you drifted to injustice, you will not be‬‬ ‫‪tracked and won't see an heir; and if you de‬‬‫‪ceived you won't reach to an end". Then the‬‬ ‫‪story ends when the king ordered his house‬‬

‫‪PROPHET‬‬ ‫‪SOLOMON'S‬‬ ‫‪HOOPOE CONSOLE‬‬ ‫‪One of the important references, which the‬‬ ‫‪designer intended to draw the inspiration‬‬ ‫‪from; was the surrounding organisms. The‬‬ ‫‪designer recalled the bird Hoopoe which‬‬ ‫‪is characterized by its massive speed in fly‬‬‫‪ing, agility, and good looking. The design‬‬‫‪er dismantled the special construction of‬‬ ‫‪the bird to build a new and adopted mor‬‬‫‪phological shape for the furniture. It con‬‬‫‪sists of a lower part of two shelves and an‬‬ ‫‪upper drawer which represents the bird's‬‬ ‫‪body, its tail and wings. While the upper‬‬ ‫‪frame represents the head of the bird, as‬‬ ‫‪the crown of the Hoopoe is characterized‬‬ ‫‪by its turbofan shape which surrounds the‬‬ ‫‪mirror. The surrounding Consul lights rep‬‬‫‪resented the spire beak of the bird, while‬‬ ‫‪the upper part indicates to the bird's col‬‬‫‪ored beautiful feathers. The Consul title‬‬ ‫‪was taken from the famous story of a Hoo‬‬‫‪poe bird with Prophet Solomon in the‬‬ ‫‪Holy Quran.‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


DESIGN IDEAS chat line

vorite) was the impetus for 'the LEGO bird project' on CUUSOO. you can find out everything you need to know about my birds here with very good quality images to use in the individual links provided on the description page.

What's a typical day at your studio? I work full time as a self employed gardener and tree surgeon so spend evenings and weekends creating all sorts of things from LEGO.

Could you tell us a bit about your design process? I design my creations from scratch starting with one element then slowly finding the right elements to add to eventually result in the finished article. as an example. to create a bird I choose a predominant feature like their beak or eye to scale the rest of the bird around. I try to build my LEGO bird creations as close to life size and lifelike as possible but sometimes I am limited by a lack of LEGO elements.

LEGO bird man Interview with Tom Poulsom

‫رجل الليجو الطائر‬ ‫حوار مع توم بولسون‬

Bristol-based LEGO builder and artist, tom poulsom, has spoken with fuzed Magazine regarding his 'LEGO bird project'. having already built over 20 birds, poulsom plans to build a series of birds from each continent around the globe, as well as a few additional series including the flightless, endangered and tropical varieties. the sculptures began with one of his favorite birds, the robin red breast, and gathered momentum from that point on, with the venture aiming to make both children and adults aware of the importance of birds through a creative medium. designboom speaks with the artist further about his work.



Please could you tell us briefly about your background and how you came to have your studio in its current format? My LEGO life started when I was very young. I have two older brothers whose LEGO I used to play with. our mum then bought me my first big LEGO set. it was a castle. I was hooked and played with my growing LEGO collection throughout my childhood. I 'grew up' and the LEGO was stored away in my fraziends loft. two years ago my friend retrieved his LEGO from the loft to show his two boys. I saw this and instantly wanted to rescue my LEGO from the 'dark age' and start building again. I started to create cars and spaceships, mostly man made objects and one day decided I'd like to create something that I enjoyed about my job. I like a lot things about my job but the thing that I enjoy the most is the wildlife, especially the birds. I have frequent visits from friendly 'robin red breasts' while I am working and this breed of bird (my fa-



You work mostly with LEGO, what do you like most about this as a material? LEGO is a limitless creative tool. I love the fact that anybody can pick up a few LEGO bricks and create something completely different to the next person. it appeals to both children and adults and is a great way to express yourself. I feel LEGO is not just a kids toy it is an art medium. some people like to paint or draw, I like to create with LEGO.

Birds are the main focus of your projects, what is it that draws you to them as a subject? I would eventually like to build all sorts of things from nature, I am very passionate about wildlife and feel that people need to focus more on this important subject and not be so involved with technology and man made things. I think my fun natural creations would be a great educational tool for both adults and children and can raise awareness of how important nature is.

Which artists or designers would you say have influenced you the most? I wouldn't say I am influenced by a particular artist or designer, my inspiration comes from nature and the things I enjoy by the nature, so i can say that my first inspiration is the nature.

،‫ طول الوقت‬LEGO ‫هل تعمل مع مكعبات‬ ‫وهل حتقق لك املرونة الكافية فى التصميم ؟‬ ‫ أداة إبداع بال حدودفهى وسيلة متكن اى‬LEGO ‫تعتبر‬ ‫ ليبتكر‬LEGO ‫انسان يختار القليل من مكعبات ال‬ ‫شيئا ً ما كامال ً ومختلفا ً عن الشخص اى شخص‬ ‫اخر إنه محبب لدى األطفال واملراهقني ويعد طريقة‬ LEGO ‫ إنني أشعر أن‬،‫ممتازة للتعبير عما بنفسك‬ ‫ متاما‬،‫ليس فقط لعبة أطفال بل هو فن قائم بذاته‬ ‫ انا‬،‫مثل بعض الناس الذين يحبون الرسم أو الزخرفة‬ .LEGO ‫ايضا أفضل مكعبات‬

‫تعتبر الطيور هي محو تصميماتك اخلاصة‬ ‫ ماذا تخطط مستقبال‬،LEGO ‫مبشروع‬ ‫لهذااملشروع؟‬ ‫اننى مغرم بالطبيعة لذا اود بالتاكيد ان اصمم‬ ،‫كافة انواع الطيور واالشياء االخرى من الطبيعة‬ ‫إنني متعاطف جدا مع احلياة البرية وأشعر أن الناس‬ ‫بحاجة إلى تسليط الضوء أكثر على هذا املوضوع‬ ‫الهام ولن أتطرق كثيرا ً إلى التكنولوجيا واألشياء‬ ‫ أعتقد أن إبداعاتي الطبيعية‬،‫التي صنعها اإلنسان‬ ‫لكل من‬ ٍ ‫اجلميلة ميكن أن تكون أداة تربوية عظيمة‬ ‫األطفال والبالغني وميكن أن ترفع من إدراكهم ملدى‬ .‫اهمية الطبيعة‬

‫أي من الفنانني أو املصممني تود أن تقول أنهم‬ ‫قد أثروا فيك بشكل كبير؟‬ ‫ لكن‬،‫إنني ال أقول أنني تأثرت بفنان أو مصمم خاص‬ ‫إلهامي يأتي من الطبيعة واألشياء التي أستمتع بها‬ ‫فى تلك الطبيعة ولذا فانه ميكن القول ان ملهمى‬ .‫االول هى الطبيعة ذاتها‬





‫فى حواره الشيق والذى تناول كيف يفكر املصمم‬ ‫ومن اين يستقى افكاره التصميمة وعن القيم‬ ‫املضافة التى تضيفها العملية التصميمية‬ ‫للمنتجات وكيف يصنع املصمم؟ واالجنازات التى‬ ‫صنعتها "‪ ' lego‬من شهرة عاملية ملنتجاتها التى‬ ‫تتوالى ابداعاتها فى مجال انتاج وتصميم لعب‬ ‫االطفال حتدث الفنان ‪ Tom Poulsom‬مخترع‬ ‫مشروع " طائر ‪ "LEGO‬والذى استطاع ان يبتكر‬ ‫منه اكثر من ‪ 20‬تصميما حتى االن كما يخطط‬ ‫املصمم إلنتاج وابتكار سلسلة من الطيور من‬ ‫كل أنحاء العالم‪ ،‬اضافة لعدد قليل من الطيور‬ ‫الداجنة ‪ ،‬واملعرضة للخطر واجملموعات املدارية‬ ‫املتنوعة‪ .‬وقد بدا النحاتون بواحد من طيور‬ ‫" توم " احملببة وهو "الديك الرومى " رمز القوة‬ ‫فى اجملتمع االمريكى ‪ ،‬يهدف املصمم من خالل‬ ‫مشروعه جلعل كال ً من األطفال واملراهقني‬ ‫مدركني ألهمية الطيور من خالل وسط ابتكاري‬ ‫والى احلوار‪.‬‬

‫حدثنا من فضلك بايجاز عن خلفيتك‬ ‫التصميمية وكيف بدات عملك فى التصميم؟‬ ‫بدأت حياتي مع ‪ LEGO‬عندما كنت صغيرا ً جدا ً‪.‬‬ ‫كان أخواني االثنني هم من اخترت اللعب معهم‬ ‫في ‪ LEGO‬ثم اشترت لى امى اول لعبة كبيرة من‬ ‫‪ LEGO‬وكانت عبارة عن قلعةً‪ ،‬واحلقيقة اننى اخترت‬ ‫العاب‪ LEGO‬لتكون رفيقتى فى كل ايام الطفولة ‪،‬‬ ‫كنت كمعظم االطفال اعشق الليجو ‪ ،‬وبعد سنوات‬ ‫رجعت الى قلعتى القدمية وبدات بناؤها ثانية‪.‬‬ ‫بدأت في ابتكار سيارات وسفن فضاء‪ ،‬معظمها‬ ‫كان محل اعتراض من احمليطني بى وقررت ذات يوم أن‬ ‫اعمل فى اجملال الذى احبه وهو التصميم وخاصة فى‬ ‫مجال ‪ .LEGO‬إنني أحب أشيا ًء كثيرة فى عملى انها‬ ‫تتيح لى العديد من االفكار خاصة من احلياه البرية‬ ‫وبخاص ٍة الطيور‪ .‬لقد قمت بزيارات "ألبو احلناء األحمر‬ ‫الثدي" بينما كنت أعمل وهذا النوع من الطيور )هو‬ ‫ما أفضله( لقدت كان هذا الطائر هو القوة الدافعة‬ ‫"ملشروع طائر ‪ "LEGO‬وعلى ‪ .CUUSOO‬بإمكانك‬ ‫أن تكتشف كل شيء حتتاج إليه عن الطيور مع توافر‬ ‫صور ذات جودة عالية لالستخدام‪.‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬


Arabic Design Industry Future

came more understanding about this and this category of people is increasing continually.


What you said in addition to what you said is what decreases for us as designators society? Is the work decreases for us according to entities related to designers such as syndicates or authorities? Why our message does not reach to the society almost except within a very narrow space? There are many interfering causes which really need to do more or to prolonged speech. Generally, we are in need to materials firstly, and I mean the materials which enable the designer to output his designs into final product, and these are the very simple things to have to be available. In foreign countries, if you have an idea of a design or imagination, you will find the materials required to form and crystal the idea, whereas it will be transferred to be a product which isn't available here, as well as many young designers who have wonderful ideas, but they cannot implement them because of their limited and little capabilities, and they cannot find who may adopt these ideas to produce them such as the ideas related to the design of new lines of furniture units or lighting or even machines or another inventions. This is a very expensive operation to the designer, while he has only the idea, as well as there is a lost circle between the designers and the industrial society which should be continuous with them to understand their requirements or know the formatting materials which they use for production, and there are many unavailable things really.


Why the actress Lena Bin Haleem was directed to formatting of candles specially, and didn't practice her hobbies on another kinds? I mean that has the candle material any special descriptions which enable you to submit your skill in satisfied way? Firstly, I like all arts which its principle is formatting such as drawing or digging … etc, and candle is the most preferred material which enables me to put out my powers, where its specialty of feasibility makes me able to affirm the impression that I want to offer. For example, such specialty enables me to draw above it or dig it or even to pour it in special moulds, then digging or drawing or both of them, and this specialty may not be available in another materials, and then the high feasibility available in the candle makes it the most suitable material for me in formatting. What is the beauty value of the candles if they are used as a designing element in the décor works? Firstly: it is known that using of candles in the past was always for happy events such as weddings or birthday parties…. etc. Now, many of users deal with candles as they are a beauty value in itself, and many products of candles are used as lighting units after providing them with an electric lighting source, and many kinds of candles are used ad technical pieces to offer a beauty impression to the house's décor. In general, the products of candles offer more warm and romance to the house's décor, and we cannot deny that the candles are a historic beauty element with respect to Arabic culture

In her seeking scope to find means and spaces for the dialogue between the Arab creators and designers sector, and to find a neutral tribune which is interested in arts to which the design represents its main base and added value, this dialogue has been done with the known candles designer "Lena Bin Haleem".



Do you think that designing market in Arab World encourages the designers in their work, on the other hand; do the Arab and Egyptian Societies begin generally to understand the importance of designing operation, and its representation of value added to the products, away from the traditional products from which they are producing thousands of parts automatically? In general, there is more understanding and desire to have manual or manufactured manually products instead of which are manufactured automatically, where many people prefer to have distinct products or products different from others, and this is what distinguishes the manually manufactured products, people be-

Most of designers call to find an authority or assemblage or syndicate or any association which include all workers of different design fields whether designers of furniture or candles or products or formatting actors. Do you belief in this idea? Surely, where this assemblage will help much in the development of design and affirm its importance, as well as enabling of many of designers to make their ideas mature through the approach with new or similar ideas, and such assemblage will be interested basically in the design issues and problems of designers, and it may help really even in finding new markets of the products in order to activate the ideas and encourage many designers to be merged in the production or submitting of new ideas, and this is really very good idea. In the end What are your expectations of the future of designing industry in Egypt or Arab world? Do you thing that designers are able to make a progress to their societies in order to develop and emerge the design process in the industry clearly? I think through my view of the international designing market that foreign countries became more interested in the Arabic and middle east designs, and this is a good opportunity to the Arabic and Egyptian designers to assure their selfsame and make a progress to their ideas in the international market, where the market is entitled to these ideas strongly.

In consideration of being Arab designer and near to the society of designers of furnisher, lighting, what decreases us as Arabic society in the field of design in order to create "Arabic Trademarks" which will be of worldwide fame such as the worldwide marks in these fields? With respect to us as Arabs in this scope, and specially regarding the culture as the main source of designing operation, and I meant the civilized heritage, there is no decreasing for us, steadly, the history and Arab heritage are very rich with respect to what is considered as a treasure of ideas through which it is possible to produce optimum worldwide marks which have a great fame. Simplicity, whether Egypt or the other Arab countries, we note that the origin of art in the world was always the east in general, and Arabs specially, and this is not related only to one field, where many of wonderful heritage models whether in the fields of tissue, furniture or very wonderful Arabic lighting units, Arab designers can use excellent spaces in the international market in all such fields, where the Arabic style is still in the products and is admired to many persons around the world, especially in Europe.



FINE ARTS exhibitions



Perry Rubenstein gallery presents the first exhibition of iwan baan's work in los angeles. the dutch photographer is best known for capturing some of the most monumental works of today's renowned architects including SANAA, zaha hadid, diller scofidio + renfro, herzog & de meuron and OMA / rem koolhaas, but his recent aerial photograph of a manhattan post-hurricane sandy which went viral after its publication on new york magazine's november 12 issue 'the city and the storm' - from which the image draws its namesake - exhibits his true artistic expression existing somewhere between architectural photography and sociocultural inquiry. 'the city and the storm' will act as the centre piece of baan's 'the way we live' exhibition. for this occasion, he has created a large format artwork of the resonating visual which gave a visceral understanding of the natural disaster's impact. an edition of 10, with proceeds of the sales going towards benefiting the mayor's fund to advance new york city in support of hurricane sandy relief efforts (nyc.gov/ fund). 'although I’ve never been an actual resident of new york, in my almost sixteen 86


years of frequent visits and stays, I’ve always considered the city to be home. I had arrived the day before sandy hit new york and felt I needed to document this extraordinary event. in my practice, I have flown by helicopter many times over new york city, but what I saw that night after sandy hit was something I could never have imagined. a town divided in two; at once the vibrant city that never sleeps and a new york awake but without power. one light. one dark. response to the picture was immediate. as more and more people saw the image virally, people everywhere identified with it. with the damage so severe, the harm so great, and the cost so significant, I thought it was time to do something for the city hence this project. still thousands of people live with the aftermath of the storm and need urgent help. I’m thrilled we could team up with MoMA, the premier cultural institution of new york, to launch this poster campaign and with perry rubenstein gallery to sell a limited edition of artworks from which all proceeds will go back to the mayor's fund and to the people in the city who need it most.' - IWAN BAAN FEBRUARY 2013


REAL ESTATE articles

HOW TO GET THE BEST COMMERCIAL SPACE? ‫كيف تختار على أفضل مساحة تجارية؟‬ Choosing a commercial space like a bank or a place to eat is not an easy task. Unlike what people may think, you do not just go and get whatever you find. There is a scientific approach to this process and unfortunately, this approach is not applied more often in Egypt . It is not just the space area and location, you have to be aware of the type of customers and know exactly which class they belong to. There are many steps to be followed. First:



identifying the places and locations that are possible for a chain of large branches to open for the first year like Mohandeseen, Zamalek, Heliopolis , or Maadi. If we started in Mohandeseen for example, you have to know the streets and select one based on the customers you target. You will want a fancy street or a crowded street, so that people can see you. Try to choose a place in the corner, as they are always visible to one's eyes.

The standards that you work on are: Visibility and Accessibility to Customer and Capacity First of all, the visibility, it has to be visible from every angle and preferably on ground level, so that the sign can be visible. Secondly, is the accessibility, which means being easy to reach and to find. Being on a corner has been easy to accomplish before, but now it has become a difficulty, as it is impossible to find a free

corner in Egypt . Then, comes the capacity or the space area. Unfortunately, we are a bit ignorant when it comes to this point. You might want to buy a 300 meter area, but someone tells you he can get you a 600 meters area for the same price of 300 meters. This might sound like a good deal, but you have to take into consideration that you will have to construct, finish and air conditioning an extra 300 meters. You will find extra space that will cost you more than you planned and you will not benefit from. If the space area is smaller, especially if it is a restaurant, everything will be clustered and you will not have enough space to move. Now that you have chosen the street, say you have two corners. To compare between them you have to think which one has better shops and location. Also, think of the traffic flow, to calculate: there is something called "Decision logic & Decision criteria." Decision logic is to see the visibility, accessibility, and capacity of each property and then start grading them. When you choose the place, you have to have someone who knows how to deal with districts well to review the authorizations; so that you do not choose a place then be left with incomplete papers. Next, you talk to the owner of the place. The most important thing that you have to know about before buying or renting is not saying your company's name because of the " New York strategy", which means; if the owner finds out that you are from a big company, he will raise the price. When you ask yourself ‘why am I taking this place?' Here comes the decision logic that is what has convinced you to take this place. Do not forget to think of the place and its merits, shortcomings, the percentage of population overcrowding in this area and the number of companies or banks that can come to your place. Then, you go to the location and calculate the number or cars and pedestrians passing by in weekdays and weekends. The commercial space you are buying is a project, so you have to study it thoroughly before you decide. You also have to weigh up your cost and profit.



Now you have to see the capture rate. The capture rate determines the number of people that can come to your commercial space. It has to be realistic. In addition to the people living in the area and also the employees working around, there are also people daily passing by the space. To calculate the capture rate, stand in the street four times a day; in the morning, in the afternoon, after sunset and at closing time for two days during the week and during weekends. Make a schedule to write the number of people and cars passing by. Use a stopwatch to count the number of people and cars passing in 3 minutes. If 50 people and cars passed by in those 3 minutes, add them and calculate the average. The result is the capture rate. Sales projection = Average Check x Transactions. Average check comes from the capture rate. You have to bear in mind that on the weekends, especially in the summer, the number of people will decrease as they travel. Now that you know the sales projection, it is time for the completion map. Put the



location of the store on a map along with three of your strongest competitors in order to build accurate expectations. There is a way to find out how much your competitors make. Go first thing in the morning and buy something, ask for the receipt, then go again at closing time and buy something and take the receipt. This way you will know the number of transactions and you already know their average check. Then, you have to do something called "Competition Visit." You visit your competitors and rate them. There is something called QSC: Quality Service Cleanliness. Do the rating and evaluate them, this can be done in half an hour. This way your sales projection is accurate, you know why you are choosing this place and you examined all the dimensions of the project. Now start talking to the owner about the price. Certainly, everyone knows the prices in the market whether buying or renting. The problem is that not everyone knows how to close a deal. The important thing is to convince the owner that you are so

close to closing the deal, which is done through simple techniques. For example, send people to calculate the measurements and make sure all the papers are correct. You can also send the contract. You, also, have to identify the proportion of your profits and losses in the upcoming two years. Revenue – Expenses = Net Profit. In my opinion, real estate directs any business. Banks, for example, have to be in a rectangular format, and pharmacies have to be above ground. There are a lot of other complications that real estate help with its solution. This study takes from 10 to 15 days. It is very important for the completion of a successful and study-based project from all aspects

‫ ثم تذهب إلى املوقع‬،‫البنوك التي ميكن أن تأتي إلى مكانك‬ ‫وحتسب األعداد أو السيارات واملشاة الذين ميرون في أيام‬ ‫ إن املساحة التجارية التي اشتريت‬.‫العمل وفي العطالت‬ ‫ وكذلك‬،‫ لذا عليك دراسة ذلك قبل أن تقرر‬،‫هي مشروع‬ .‫عليك أن حتسب التكلفة واألرباح‬ ‫اآلن عليك أن ترى املعدل اإلجمالي الذي يحدد عدد‬ ‫ إنه أمر‬،‫الناس التي ميكنها أن تأتي إلى مكانك التجاري‬ ‫ باإلضافة إلى الناس التي تعيش في هذه املنطقة‬.‫واقعي‬ ‫ توجد العديد من‬،‫وكذلك املوظفني الذي يعملون هنالك‬ ‫ لكي حتسب املعدل‬.‫الناس التي متر يوميا ً من هذا املكان‬ ‫ قف في الشارع أربعة مرات يومياً؛ في الصباح‬،‫اإلجمالي‬ ‫وبعد الظهر وبعد العصر وفي آخر اليوم ملدة يومني أثناء‬ ً ‫ احسب ذلك في جدوال‬.‫األسبوع وخالل العطالت الرسمية‬ ‫ واستخدم‬،‫لكي تكتب عدد الناس والسيارات التي متر‬ ‫ساعة إيقاف حلساب عدد الناس والسيارات التي متر في‬ 50 ‫ فإذا كان عدد الناس والسيارات التي متر‬.‫ دقائق‬3 ‫مدة‬ ‫ لتكون‬،‫ قم بإضافتهم واحسب املتوسط‬،‫ دقائق‬3 ‫في مدة‬ .‫النتيجة املعدل اإلجمالي‬ ‫ يأتي املتوسط‬.‫مشروع املبيعات= املتوسط × الصفقات‬ ‫ وعليك أن تأخذ في احلسبان العطالت‬،‫من املعدل اإلجمالي‬ ‫وبخاص ٍة في الصيف وعدد الناس الذي ينقص بسبب‬ .‫سفرهم‬ ‫ فقد حان الوقت‬،‫اآلن مبا أنك تعرف مشروع املبيعات‬ ‫ ضع موقع البيع للمتجر على خريطة‬.‫للخريطة الكاملة‬ ‫سوي ًة مع ثالثة من أقوى منافسيك لكي تكون توقعات‬ .‫ إنها الطريقة الكتشاف ماذا يفعل منافسيك‬.‫دقيقة‬ ‫ ثم‬،‫اذهب أوال ً في الصباح واشتري شيئا ً ما وأطلب فاتورة‬ ً ‫اذهب مرة ثانية عند وقت غلق احملل واشتري شيئا ً آخرا‬ ‫ سوف تعلمك هذه الطريقة عدد الصفقات‬.‫وخذ الفاتورة‬ ‫ ثم عليك أن تقوم بعمل شيئا ً ما‬.‫وتعرف بالفعل املتوسط‬ .‫يدعى "زيارة املنافسة" أنت تزور منافسيك وتعلم املعدل‬ ‫ قم بعمل‬.‫إنه شيئا ً ما يسمى " نظافة خدمة اجلودة‬ .‫ وذلك في خالل نصف ساعة‬،‫املعدل وقيمهم‬ ‫ وأنت تعرف ملاذا‬،ً‫تعتبر طريقة مشروع املبيعات دقيقة‬ ‫تختار هذا املكان وقد فحصت كافة االنطباعات عن‬ .‫ ابدأ في التحدث إلى املالك حول السعر‬،‫ اآلن‬.‫املشروع‬ ‫ يعرف كل شخص األسعار في السوق سواء‬،‫بالتأكيد‬ .‫الشراء أم اإليجار‬ ‫ وأهم‬،‫إن املشكلة هي أن كل شخص يعرف كيف يتعامل‬ ‫شيء هو إقناع املالك أنك قريبا ً من التعامالت التي تتم‬ ‫ إرسال الناس‬،‫ على سبيل املثال‬.‫من خالل تقنيات بسيطة‬ ،‫إلى أخذ املقاسات والتأكد من أن كافة األوراق صحيحة‬ ‫ وعليك كذلك أن توضح‬،‫وميكنك كذلك إرسال العقد‬ -‫ الدخل‬.‫نسبة األرباح واخلسائر في السنتني القادمتني‬ ‫ في رأيي أن العقارات تدير أي نوع‬.‫النفقات= صافي الربح‬ ‫ يجب أن تكون‬،‫ على سبيل املثال‬،‫ فالبنوك‬.‫من أنوع التجار‬ .‫في تنسيق قائم ويجب أن تكون الصيدليات فوق األرض‬ ‫هناك الكثير من التركيبات األخرى التي تساهم العقارات‬ .‫في حلها‬ ‫ من املهم جدا ً إلمتام‬.ً ‫ يوما‬15 -10 ‫تأخذ هذه الدراسة من‬ .‫دراسة املشروع الناجح من كافة األوجه‬



‫يعتبر اختيار املساحة التجارية مثل املصرف أو املكان‬ ‫الذي تأكل فيه ليس أمرا ً سهالً‪ ،‬ومتاما ً مثل الناس الذين‬ ‫يعتقدون‪ ،‬ال تتسرع لتحصل على ما جتده‪ .‬هناك اجتاه‬ ‫علمي نحو هذه العملية ولسوء احلظ‪ ،‬فإن هذا االجتاه‬ ‫ال يطبق في الغالب األعم في مصر‪ .‬إنها ليست فقط‬ ‫منطقة أو مكاناً‪ ،‬بل عليك أن تكون مدركا ً لنوع العمالء‬ ‫وتعرف بالضبط أي درجة ينتمون إليها‪.‬‬ ‫هناك خطوات عديدة يجب اتباعها‪ .‬أوال ً‪ :‬توضيح األماكن‬ ‫واملواقع احملتملة كسلسلة من الفروع الكبيرة التي تفتح‬ ‫في أول العام مثل املهندسني أو الزمالك أو هليوبوليس أو‬ ‫املعادي‪ .‬إذا بدأنا باملهندسني‪ ،‬على سبيل املثال‪ ،‬عليك أن‬ ‫تعرف الشوارع وتختار أحدهم على أساس العمالء التي‬ ‫تستهدفهم‪ .‬سوف تختار شارعا ً جذابا ً أو شارعا ً مزدحما ً‬ ‫لكي يراك الناس‪ .‬حاول أن تختار مكانا ً في األركان‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫يراك الكل بأعينه دائما ً‪.‬‬ ‫إن املعايير التي يجب أن تعمل عليها هي‪ :‬الرؤية وإمكانية‬ ‫وصول العميل إليك ومدى االتساع‪.‬‬ ‫أوال ً وقبل كل شيء‪ ،‬الرؤية‪ ،‬يجب أن يكون موقعك مرئيا ً من‬ ‫كل زاوية وركن ويفضل أن يكون في الطابق األرضي لكي‬ ‫يكون مرئيا ً‪ .‬ثانياً‪ ،‬أن يكون سهل الوصول إليه مما يعني‬ ‫سهولة إيجاده‪ ،‬وحيث أن ركنه كان سهل الوصول إليه‪،‬‬ ‫يصبح اآلن من الصعب ذلك ألنه من املستحيل أن جتد ركنا ً‬ ‫فارغا ً في مصر‪ .‬ثالثاً‪ ،‬السعة أو املنطقة الفضاء‪ ،‬لسوء‬ ‫احلظ أننا جنهل هذه النقطة‪ ،‬ورمبا ترغب في شراء منطقة‬ ‫مساحتها ‪ 300‬متر مربع‪ ،‬لكن أحدا ً يخبرك أنه ميكن‬ ‫‪93‬‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬

‫أن حتصل على مساحة ‪600‬م‪ 2‬بنفس سعر الـ ‪300‬م‪،2‬‬ ‫ويبدو هذا اقتراحا ً جيداً‪ ،‬وعليك أن تأخذ في االعتبار أنك‬ ‫سوف تبنيه وتؤسسه وجتهزه وأن تضع به مكيفا ً للهواء‪،‬‬ ‫وسوف جتد مكانا ً إضافيا ً يكلفك املزيد مما خططت له ولن‬ ‫تستفيد منه‪.‬‬ ‫إذا كانت املساحة صغيرة‪ ،‬وبخاص ٍة إذا كان مطعماً‪ ،‬سوف‬ ‫يكون كل شيء مجمعا ً ولن جتد شبرا ً للتحرك فيه‪.‬‬ ‫اآلن مبا أنك اخترت الشارع‪ ،‬أصبح مكانك ذو ناصيتني‪،‬‬ ‫ولكي تقارن بينهما عليك أن تفكر في أي منهما به رواج‬ ‫تسويقي أكثر‪ .‬كذلك‪ ،‬عليك أن تفكر في االزدحام املروري‬ ‫وحتسب أن هناك شيئا ً ما يدعى "منطق القرار ومعيار‬ ‫القرار‪".‬‬ ‫إن منطق القرار هو أن ترى املكان وتصل إليه وجتد له‬ ‫سعة في كل عقار ثم تبدأ في تقدير ذلك‪ .‬عندما تختار‬ ‫مكانا ً يجب أن يكون لديك شخص ما يعرف كيف يتعامل‬ ‫مع املناطق جيداً‪ ،‬لذا عليك أال تختار مكانا ً ثم تتركه‬ ‫مبستندات غير مكتملة‪ .‬ثانياً‪ ،‬تتحدث إلى مالك املكان‪ .‬إن‬ ‫أهم شيء يجب عليك هو أن تعرف معلومات قبل الشراء‬ ‫أو التأجير هي عدم القول باسم الشركة ألن "استراتيجية‬ ‫نيو يورك" التي تعني أن املالك إذا اكتشف أنك من شركة‬ ‫كبيرة سوف يرفع السعر‪.‬‬ ‫عندما تسأل نفسك "ملا أحتدث عن هذا املكان؟" هنا‬ ‫يأتي منطق القرار الذي يجعلك تقتنع بأخذ هذا املكان‪.‬‬ ‫ال تنسى في تقدير واعتبار هذا املكان والعيوب ونسبة‬ ‫السكان واالزدحام في هذه املنطقة وعدد الشركات أو‬

‫‪FEBRUARY 2013‬‬




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CONCRETE CONCRETEREPAIR REPAIR Responding Respondingtotothe theexpanding expandingconcrete concreterepair repair market, market,which whichisisestimated estimatedtotoaccount accountfor forover over 50% 50%ofofthe theannual annualEuropean Europeanconstruction constructionbudbudget, get, BASF’s BASF’s extensive extensive concrete concrete repair repair range range includes includescomposite compositestrengthening strengtheningsystems, systems,cacathodic thodicprotection, protection,structural structuraland andnon-structural non-structural repair repairmortars, mortars,sealants, sealants,coatings coatingsand andgrouts. grouts. Key Keysystems systemsfor forrefurbishment refurbishmentprojects projectsinclude include handhand-and andspray-applied spray-appliedmortars mortarsand andnew newEMAEMACO® CO®Nanocrete Nanocretemortars, mortars,which whichconform conformtotothe the rigorous rigorousdemands demandsofofBSBSEN EN1504 1504 BASF BASFConstruction ConstructionChemicals Chemicals(UK) (UK) TT(0161) (0161)485 4856222 6222 F F(0161) (0161)488 4885220 5220 E Econstructionproducts@basf.com constructionproducts@basf.com

BESPOKE CAST STONE DESIGNS Pennine has an extensive range of standard architectural components. Alternatively, by utilising the company’s state-of-the-art mould shop and production facilities, Pennine’s craftsmen can produce custom-made moulds, to individual specifications, in any quantity. Pennine’s experienced staff would be pleased to discuss your requirements in order to provide the complete cast stone supply solution. Pennine Stone T (01302) 729277 F (01302) 729288 E info@penninestone.co.uk



Door Kits manufactures door kits and offers the following services in doing so All doors and frames are machined for locks and hinges. Facing Options Laminates – Fire Doors: The fantastic range of colours, available make laminates an excellent choice for door facings. This type of door finish is very usable in commercial buildings offering extensive durability. Exposed lippings can be manufactured to match frames and architraves. Door Frames T 00353 9096 73020 F 00353 9096 73021 E sales@corell.ie

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94 94


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The new Sensorflow range offers every type of sensing brassware; basin or wall-mounted monoblocks, wall-mounted basin spouts with remote sensors, showers and urinal flush controls. With the option of mains or battery power, Sensorflow 21 electronic is essential in any modern washroom. The demand for hygiene and performance is met by a range of hands-free electronic taps. Remote sensors detect a users presence at the basin and control water flow to ensure that it is only released when required. Armitage Shanks T (01482) 346461 F (01482) 445886 E info@thebluebook.co.uk

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